wombat ====== wombat is a static site generator that combines the concepts of ordinary pages, blogs and image galleries. It compiles html pages from html fragments and markdown files according to a template. The fragments are assumed to be in 'stage0', results will appear in 'stage2'. Pages need a description header: ``` --- title: Foobar description: This describes foobar --- ``` Blog posts (located in stage0/blog/) have a similar header with values for title, date and categories. Normal pages are created via "wombat newpage", new blog posts via "wombat newpost". Check "wombat help" for other commands. build ===== You'll need go1.11+ with module support. Check out the repository and run 'go build wombat.go'. quick start =========== Put the executable somewhere in your path. Create a folder for your website, then... ``` > cd YOUR_FOLDER > wombat init Initializing YOUR_FOLDER > wombat gen Serving stage2 at ... Use Ctrl+C to exit (This is not a production web server, don't get any funny ideas) ``` ... and visit in your browser. stages ====== Image galleries were added as a sort of pre-stage - place your jpg files outside of the stage0 - stage2 folders in the corresponding gallery folder (default but not necessarily only folder: photos). wombat generates web-suitable and thumbnail versions of them and places them inside stage0. stage0 is where you edit your ordinary pages or formerly created blog pages (default but not necessarily only folder: blog). stage1 is created for internal reasons only, stage2 contains the files you upload to a suitable server, possibly via rsync to keep traffic low. customization ============= To customize the look and feel or the top navigation, edit the files 'style.css' and 'template', the latter being a Go template that is executed on every html or markdown fragment to create a web page. final note ========== If you want to buy me a beer, just send inconspicuous envelopes.