2016-08-26 12:28:30 +03:00

410 lines
13 KiB

** @file vpatternpiecedata.cpp
** @author Bojan Kverh
** @date July 19, 2016
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include <QDate>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QLatin1String>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <QApplication>
#include "../ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/vpatternpiecedata.h"
#include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h"
#include "vtextmanager.h"
* @brief TextLine::TextLine default constructor
:m_qsText(), m_iFontSize(MIN_FONT_SIZE), m_eFontWeight(QFont::Normal), m_eStyle(QFont::StyleNormal),
m_eAlign(Qt::AlignCenter), m_iHeight(0)
* @brief VTextManager::VTextManager constructor
:m_font(), m_liLines(), m_liOutput()
* @brief VTextManager::~VTextManager destructor
* @brief VTextManager::GetSpacing returns the vertical spacing between the lines
* @return
int VTextManager::GetSpacing() const
return 2;
* @brief VTextManager::SetFont set the text base font
* @param font text base font
void VTextManager::SetFont(const QFont& font)
m_font = font;
* @brief VTextManager::GetFont returns the text base font
* @return text base font
const QFont& VTextManager::GetFont() const
return m_font;
* @brief VTextManager::SetFontSize sets the font size
* @param iFS font size in pixels
void VTextManager::SetFontSize(int iFS)
* @brief VTextManager::AddLine add new text line to the list
* @param tl text line object to be added
void VTextManager::AddLine(const TextLine& tl)
m_liLines << tl;
* @brief VTextManager::Clear deletes the list of texts
void VTextManager::Clear()
* @brief VTextManager::GetCount returns the number of output text lines
* @return number of output text lines
int VTextManager::GetCount() const
return m_liOutput.count();
* @brief VTextManager::GetSourceLineCount returns the number of input text lines
* @return number of text lines that were added to the list by calling AddLine
int VTextManager::GetSourceLineCount() const
return m_liLines.count();
* @brief VTextManager::GetLine returns the i-th output text line
* @param i index of the output text line
* @return i-th output text line
const TextLine& VTextManager::GetLine(int i) const
return m_liOutput[i];
* @brief VTextManager::IsBigEnough Checks if rectangle of size (fW, fH) is big enough to hold the text with base font
* size iFontSize
* @param fW rectangle width
* @param fH rectangle height
* @param iFontSize base font size
* @return true, if rectangle of size (fW, fH)
bool VTextManager::IsBigEnough(qreal fW, qreal fH, int iFontSize)
QFont fnt = m_font;
int iY = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_liLines.count(); ++i)
const TextLine& tl =;
TextLine tlOut = tl;
fnt.setPixelSize(iFontSize + tl.m_iFontSize);
QFontMetrics fm(fnt);
int iHorSp = fm.width(" ");
tlOut.m_iHeight = fm.height();
QStringList qslLines = SplitString(tlOut.m_qsText, fW, fm);
for (int iL = 0; iL < qslLines.count(); ++iL)
// check if every line fits within the label width
if (fm.width(qslLines[iL]) + iHorSp > fW)
return false;
tlOut.m_qsText = qslLines[iL];
m_liOutput << tlOut;
iY += tlOut.m_iHeight + GetSpacing();
return iY < fH;
* @brief VTextManager::FitFontSize sets the font size just big enough, so that the text fits into rectangle of
* size (fW, fH)
* @param fW rectangle width
* @param fH rectangle height
void VTextManager::FitFontSize(qreal fW, qreal fH)
int iFontSize = GetFont().pixelSize();
while (IsBigEnough(fW, fH, iFontSize) == true && iFontSize <= MAX_FONT_SIZE)
while (IsBigEnough(fW, fH, iFontSize) == false && iFontSize >= MIN_FONT_SIZE)
* @brief VTextManager::Update updates the text lines with detail data
* @param qsName detail name
* @param data reference to the detail data
void VTextManager::Update(const QString& qsName, const VPatternPieceData& data)
TextLine tl;
// all text must be centered and normal style!
tl.m_eAlign = Qt::AlignCenter;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
// letter
tl.m_qsText = data.GetLetter();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Bold;
tl.m_iFontSize = 6;
// name
tl.m_qsText = qsName;
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::DemiBold;
tl.m_iFontSize = 2;
// MCP
QStringList qslMaterials;
qslMaterials << QApplication::translate("Detail", "Fabric", 0)
<< QApplication::translate("Detail", "Lining", 0)
<< QApplication::translate("Detail", "Interfacing", 0)
<< QApplication::translate("Detail", "Interlining", 0);
QString qsText = QLatin1String("%1, ") + tr("cut") + QLatin1String(" %2%3");
QStringList qslPlace;
qslPlace << "" << QLatin1String(" ") + tr("on fold");
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.GetMCPCount(); ++i)
MaterialCutPlacement mcp = data.GetMCP(i);
if (mcp.m_iCutNumber > 0)//Not gonna happen because min value is 1 now, but decided to left
QString qsMat;
if (mcp.m_eMaterial == MaterialType::mtUserDefined)
qsMat = mcp.m_qsMaterialUserDef;
qsMat = qslMaterials[int(mcp.m_eMaterial)];
tl.m_qsText = qsText.arg(qsMat).arg(mcp.m_iCutNumber).
* @brief VTextManager::Update updates the text lines with pattern info
* @param pDoc pointer to the abstract pattern object
void VTextManager::Update(const VAbstractPattern *pDoc, qreal dSize, qreal dHeight)
TextLine tl;
// all information must be centered
tl.m_eAlign = Qt::AlignCenter;
// Company name
tl.m_qsText = pDoc->GetCompanyName();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::DemiBold;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 4;
// Pattern name
tl.m_qsText = pDoc->GetPatternName();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 2;
// Pattern number
tl.m_qsText = pDoc->GetPatternNumber();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 0;
// Customer name
tl.m_qsText = pDoc->GetCustomerName();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleItalic;
tl.m_iFontSize = 0;
// Size
tl.m_qsText = pDoc->GetPatternSize();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false)
// Such describing placeholders will help avoid mistake of localization.
// Translators very often remove '%'.
QString placeholder = QLatin1String("%") + qApp->TrVars()->PlaceholderToUser(pl_size) + QLatin1String("%");
tl.m_qsText.replace(placeholder, QString::number(dSize));
placeholder = QLatin1String("%") + qApp->TrVars()->PlaceholderToUser(pl_height) + QLatin1String("%");
tl.m_qsText.replace(placeholder, QString::number(dHeight));
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 0;
// Measurements
tl.m_qsText = QFileInfo(pDoc->MPath()).fileName();
if (tl.m_qsText.isEmpty() == false && pDoc->IsMeasurementsVisible() == true)
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 0;
// Date
QDate date;
if (pDoc->IsDateVisible() == true)
date = QDate::currentDate();
if (date.isValid() == true)
tl.m_qsText = date.toString("dd MMMM yyyy");
tl.m_eFontWeight = QFont::Normal;
tl.m_eStyle = QFont::StyleNormal;
tl.m_iFontSize = 0;
* @brief VTextManager::SplitString splits the string into several lines, which all fit into width fW
* @param qs string to split
* @param fW required width of every output string
* @param fm font metrics of the font used
* @return list of strings, each of which is not wider than fW using the font metrics fm
QStringList VTextManager::SplitString(const QString &qs, qreal fW, const QFontMetrics &fm)
QRegularExpression reg("\\s+");
// split the string into words
QStringList qslWords = qs.split(reg);
QStringList qslLines;
QString qsCurrent;
for (int i = 0; i < qslWords.count(); ++i)
if (qsCurrent.length() > 0)
qsCurrent += QLatin1String(" ");
// check if another word can be added into current line
if (fm.width(qsCurrent + qslWords[i]) > fW)
// if not, add the current line into the list of text lines
if (qsCurrent.isEmpty() == false)
qslLines << qsCurrent;
// and set the current line to contain the current word
qsCurrent = qslWords[i];
qsCurrent += qslWords[i];
qslLines << qsCurrent;
return qslLines;