Roman Telezhynskyi bc8d2af626 Separate folder for valentina binary code.
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2015-07-10 12:24:47 +03:00

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** @file dialogpatternxmledit.h
** @author Patrick Proy <patrick(at)>
** @date 14 5, 2014
** @brief Include file for the XML editor dialog
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include <QDialog>
#include <QStandardItemModel>
#include "../xml/vpattern.h"
* @brief The vXMLTreeElement class : node/attribute of xml pattern. Used by vXMLTreeView
#define BACKGROUND_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE QBrush(Qt::GlobalColor::cyan)
#define BACKGROUND_COLOR_INACTIVE_NODE QBrush(Qt::GlobalColor::gray)
class VXMLTreeElement : public QStandardItem
* @brief vXMLTreeElement
* @param name : display name
* @param nodetype : node type (node, attribute, root)
* @param source : the source dom node
explicit VXMLTreeElement (QString name, short int nodetype, QDomNode source, bool editor);
explicit VXMLTreeElement (QString name, int nodetype);
~VXMLTreeElement ();
static const short int TypeNode;
static const short int TypeAttr;
static const short int TypeRoot;
* @brief setNodeValue : set value of node (content or attribute)
* @param value : the value
void SetTreeNodeValue(QString value);
* @brief displayText : text to display
* @return text to display
QString DisplayText();
* @brief getDocNode
* @return current document node
QDomNode GetDocNode();
* @brief SetDocNode set tree element DomNode
inline void SetDocNode(QDomNode node)
inline void SetAddedNode(bool state) {this->addedNode=state;}
inline bool GetAddedNode() {return this->addedNode;}
QString GettreeNodeName();
QString GettreeNodeValue();
* @brief GettreeNodeValueSet check if value has been set
* @return true if value is set
bool GettreeNodeValueSet();
void SetTreeNodeName(QString value);
* @brief getelementType
* @return elementType value
short int GetelementType();
bool IsSelectable();
void SetSetlectable(bool value);
inline void SetFatherElement(VXMLTreeElement* parent)
inline VXMLTreeElement* GetFatherElement()
return this->parentnode;
* @brief DocNode : link to current document node
QDomNode DocNode;
* @brief parentnode parent node of this element. If null then the DocNode must be valid
VXMLTreeElement* parentnode;
* @brief addedNode : true if node is added by editor (implies empty DocNode)
bool addedNode;
* @brief type : element type (node, attribute, text value of node)
short int elementType;
* @brief nodeValue : Attribute or node value
QString treeNodeValue;
* @brief treeNodeValueSet : true if value has been set
bool treeNodeValueSet;
* @brief nodeValue : Attribute or node value
QString treeNodeName;
* @brief selectable : can item be selected to be changed (ex : false if father deleted).
bool selectable;
inline bool VXMLTreeElement::IsSelectable()
return this->selectable;
inline void VXMLTreeElement::SetSetlectable(bool value)
inline short int VXMLTreeElement::GetelementType()
return this->elementType;
inline QDomNode VXMLTreeElement::GetDocNode()
return this->DocNode;
inline QString VXMLTreeElement::GettreeNodeName()
return this->treeNodeName;
inline bool VXMLTreeElement::GettreeNodeValueSet()
return this->treeNodeValueSet;
* @brief The vXMLTreeView class : container to display/edit xml pattern
class VXMLTreeView : public QStandardItemModel
explicit VXMLTreeView (QObject *parent = 0);
void appendchain(VXMLTreeElement* elmt);
* @brief The TreeElement struct : chained list of vXMLTreeElement
typedef struct TreeElementchain
VXMLTreeElement* elmt;
TreeElementchain* next;
} TreeElementchain;
TreeElementchain * getCurrent();
void SetCurrent(TreeElementchain * value);
TreeElementchain * GetLast();
TreeElementchain * GetItems();
* @brief clearTree : clear tree elements and listed items.
void ClearTree();
~VXMLTreeView ();
* @brief items : root of chained list of vXMLTreeElement
TreeElementchain * items;
* @brief current : used to parse in iteration.
TreeElementchain * current;
* @brief last : used to parse in iteration.
TreeElementchain * last;
inline VXMLTreeView::TreeElementchain * VXMLTreeView::getCurrent()
return this->current;
inline void VXMLTreeView::SetCurrent(VXMLTreeView::TreeElementchain * value)
inline VXMLTreeView::TreeElementchain * VXMLTreeView::GetLast()
return this->last;
inline VXMLTreeView::TreeElementchain * VXMLTreeView::GetItems()
return this->items;
namespace Ui
class DialogPatternXmlEdit;
* @brief The DialogPatternXmlEdit class : ui dialog for XML editing of pattern
class DialogPatternXmlEdit : public QDialog
explicit DialogPatternXmlEdit(QWidget *parent = 0, VPattern *xmldoc = 0);
* @brief clear_edit_data : clear input boxes and disables buttons.
void ClearEditData();
void NameTextEdited(QString newtext);
void ValueTextEdited(QString newtext);
void ButtonSetClicked();
void ButtonCancelClicked();
void ButtonDeleteAttributeClicked();
void ButtonAddSonClicked();
void ButtonAddAttributeClicked();
void ButtonApplyChangesClicked();
void ButtonUndoLastChange();
void ButtonDeleteNode();
// Stack of changes definition
typedef struct ChangesStackElement
short int type;
VXMLTreeElement *element;
QString *newText;
QString *oldText;
bool changedText;
QString *newValue;
QString *oldValue;
bool changedValue;
ChangesStackElement* next;
} ChangesStackElement;
// Change stack functions
ChangesStackElement* CreateStackElement(short int typechange);
void RemoveChangeStackElement(ChangesStackElement* elmt);
void ClearStack();
bool treeChange;
VXMLTreeElement* currentNodeEdited;
short int currentNodeEditedStatus;
ChangesStackElement* currentNodeEditedStack;
* @brief UndoChange : undo change in change stack element
* @param current : change to undo
* @return true if undo has been done, false on error
bool UndoChange(ChangesStackElement* current);
* @brief DeleteNodeAndSons : delete node and all it's attribute and sons below
* @param currentNode : node to delete
* @param onlydeactivate : if true, dont delete just deactivate sons and attributes
* @return false if changes couldn't be done
bool DeleteNodeAndSons(VXMLTreeElement *currentNode, bool onlydeactivate);
* @brief ApplyAttributeChange change or add attribute for node
* @param domElement : node containing attribute
* @return true on success
bool ApplyAttributeChange(QDomNode domElement, QString name, QString value);
* @brief ApplyNodeChange Change name or text content of node
* @param domElement node
* @param value text content of node
* @return true on success
bool ApplyNodeChange(QDomNode domElement, QString name, QString value);
* @brief ApplyNodeAdd add node as child of domElement and set DocNode of treeElement
* @param treeElement the XMLTreeElement of added node
* @return true on success
bool ApplyNodeAdd(QDomNode domElement, VXMLTreeElement* treeElement, QString name, QString value);
* @brief ApplyAttributeDelete delete attribute for node
* @param name attribute name
* @return true on success
bool ApplyAttributeDelete(QDomNode domElement, QString name);
* @brief ApplyNodeDelete delete node domElement
* @return true on success
bool ApplyNodeDelete(QDomNode domElement);
* @brief CheckChanges Check if changes made are OK
* @param message error message returned if false
* @param testRoot root of DOM to test
* @return true if validated, false otherwise
bool CheckChanges(QString &message, QDomNode testRoot);
private slots:
void BaseSelectionChanged(int value);
void ElementClicked ( const QModelIndex & index );
Ui::DialogPatternXmlEdit *ui;
VPattern *doc;
QDomElement root;
QStandardItem *rootNode;
//typedef struct rootbases { vXMLTreeElement * root; QString name; } rootbases;
VXMLTreeElement ** rootBases;
qint16 rootBasesNum;
void ReadNodes(QDomNode dNode, VXMLTreeElement* root, VXMLTreeView *xmlmodel, bool refresh);
VXMLTreeView* xmlmodel;
// Stack of changes
static const short int ChangeTypeDelete;
static const short int ChangeTypeAdd;
static const short int ChangeTypeModify;
// Stack of changes
ChangesStackElement* changeStackRoot;
ChangesStackElement* changeStackLast;