--HG-- branch : feature
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** Copyright (C) 2013 Valentina project All Rights Reserved.
** This file is part of Valentina.
** Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QTableWidget>
#include "vstandarttablecell.h"
#include "vincrementtablerow.h"
#include "geometry/varc.h"
#include "geometry/vsplinepath.h"
#include "geometry/vdetail.h"
#include "widgets/vitem.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
* @brief The VContainer class container of all variables.
class VContainer{
* @brief VContainer create empty container
* @brief operator = copy constructor
* @param data container
* @return copy container
VContainer &operator=(const VContainer &data);
* @brief VContainer create container from another container
* @param data container
VContainer(const VContainer &data);
* @brief setData copy data from container
* @param data container
void setData(const VContainer &data);
* @brief GetPoint returns a point by id
* @param id id of point
* @return point
VPointF GetPoint(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetModelingPoint return a modeling point by id
* @param id id of modeling point
* @return modeling point
VPointF GetModelingPoint(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetStandartTableCell
* @param name
* @return
VStandartTableCell GetStandartTableCell(const QString& name) const;
VIncrementTableRow GetIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const;
qreal GetLine(const QString &name) const;
qreal GetLineArc(const QString &name) const;
VSpline GetSpline(qint64 id) const;
VSpline GetModelingSpline(qint64 id) const;
VArc GetArc(qint64 id) const;
VArc GetModelingArc(qint64 id) const;
VSplinePath GetSplinePath(qint64 id) const;
VSplinePath GetModelingSplinePath(qint64 id) const;
VDetail GetDetail(qint64 id) const;
static qint64 getId();
qint64 AddPoint(const VPointF& point);
qint64 AddModelingPoint(const VPointF& point);
qint64 AddDetail(const VDetail& detail);
void AddStandartTableCell(const QString& name,
const VStandartTableCell& cell);
void AddIncrementTableRow(const QString& name,
const VIncrementTableRow &cell);
void AddLengthLine(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
void AddLengthSpline(const qint64 &firstPointId,
const qint64 &secondPointId,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation);
void AddLengthSpline(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
void AddLengthArc(const qint64 ¢er, const qint64 &id);
void AddLengthArc(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
void AddLineAngle(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
void AddLine(const qint64 &firstPointId, const qint64 &secondPointId,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation);
qint64 AddSpline(const VSpline& spl);
qint64 AddModelingSpline(const VSpline& spl);
qint64 AddSplinePath(const VSplinePath& splPath);
qint64 AddModelingSplinePath(const VSplinePath& splPath);
qint64 AddArc(const VArc& arc);
qint64 AddModelingArc(const VArc& arc);
QString GetNameLine(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
QString GetNameLineAngle(const qint64 &firstPoint,
const qint64 &secondPoint,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
QString GetNameSpline(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
QString GetNameSplinePath(const VSplinePath &path,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
QString GetNameArc(const qint64 ¢er, const qint64 &id,
Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
void UpdatePoint(qint64 id, const VPointF& point);
void UpdateModelingPoint(qint64 id, const VPointF& point);
void UpdateDetail(qint64 id, const VDetail& detail);
void UpdateSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline& spl);
void UpdateModelingSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline& spl);
void UpdateSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath& splPath);
void UpdateModelingSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath& splPath);
void UpdateArc(qint64 id, const VArc& arc);
void UpdateModelingArc(qint64 id, const VArc& arc);
void UpdateStandartTableCell(const QString& name,
const VStandartTableCell& cell);
void UpdateIncrementTableRow(const QString& name,
const VIncrementTableRow& cell);
qreal GetValueStandartTableCell(const QString& name) const;
qreal GetValueIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const;
void Clear();
void ClearObject();
void ClearIncrementTable();
void ClearLengthLines();
void ClearLengthSplines();
void ClearLengthArcs();
void ClearLineAngles();
void SetSize(qint32 size);
void SetGrowth(qint32 growth);
qint32 size() const;
qint32 growth() const;
qreal FindVar(const QString& name, bool *ok)const;
bool IncrementTableContains(const QString& name);
static qint64 getNextId();
void RemoveIncrementTableRow(const QString& name);
const QHash<qint64, VPointF> *DataPoints() const;
const QHash<qint64, VPointF> *DataModelingPoints() const;
const QHash<qint64, VSpline> *DataSplines() const;
const QHash<qint64, VSpline> *DataModelingSplines() const;
const QHash<qint64, VArc> *DataArcs() const;
const QHash<qint64, VArc> *DataModelingArcs() const;
const QHash<QString, qint32> *DataBase() const;
const QHash<QString, VStandartTableCell> *DataStandartTable() const;
const QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> *DataIncrementTable() const;
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthLines() const;
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthSplines() const;
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthArcs() const;
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLineAngles() const;
const QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> *DataSplinePaths() const;
const QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> *DataModelingSplinePaths() const;
const QHash<qint64, VDetail> *DataDetails() const;
static void UpdateId(qint64 newId);
QPainterPath ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const;
QPainterPath Equidistant(QVector<QPointF> points,
const Detail::Equidistant &eqv,
const qreal &width)const;
static QLineF ParallelLine(const QLineF &line, qreal width );
static QPointF SingleParallelPoint(const QLineF &line, const qreal &angle,
const qreal &width);
QVector<QPointF> EkvPoint(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2,
const qreal &width)const;
QVector<QPointF> CheckLoops(const QVector<QPointF> &points) const;
void PrepareDetails(QVector<VItem*> & list)const;
static qint64 _id;
QHash<QString, qint32> base;
QHash<qint64, VPointF> points;
QHash<qint64, VPointF> modelingPoints;
QHash<QString, VStandartTableCell> standartTable;
QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> incrementTable;
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthLines;
QHash<QString, qreal> lineAngles;
QHash<qint64, VSpline> splines;
QHash<qint64, VSpline> modelingSplines;
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthSplines;
QHash<qint64, VArc> arcs;
QHash<qint64, VArc> modelingArcs;
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthArcs;
QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> splinePaths;
QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> modelingSplinePaths;
QHash<qint64, VDetail> details;
template <typename key, typename val> static val GetObject(const QHash<key,val> &obj, key id);
template <typename val> static void UpdateObject(QHash<qint64, val> &obj, const qint64 &id,
const val& point);
template <typename key, typename val> static qint64 AddObject(QHash<key, val> &obj,
const val& value);
void CreateManTableIGroup ();
QVector<QPointF> GetReversePoint(const QVector<QPointF> &points)const;
qreal GetLengthContour(const QVector<QPointF> &contour,
const QVector<QPointF> &newPoints)const;
#endif // VCONTAINER_H