--HG-- branch : feature
487 lines
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487 lines
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** @file vabstractpattern.h
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)gmail.com>
** @date 15 6, 2015
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2015 Valentina project
** <https://bitbucket.org/dismine/valentina> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <qcompilerdetection.h>
#include <QHash>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMetaObject>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPair>
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QVector>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include "../vmisc/def.h"
#include "vdomdocument.h"
#include "vtoolrecord.h"
class QDomElement;
class VPiecePath;
class VPieceNode;
enum class Document : char { LiteParse, LitePPParse, FullParse };
enum class LabelType : char {NewPatternPiece, NewLabel};
// Don't touch values!!!. Same values stored in xml.
enum class CrossCirclesPoint : char {FirstPoint = 1, SecondPoint = 2};
enum class VCrossCurvesPoint : char {HighestPoint = 1, LowestPoint = 2};
enum class HCrossCurvesPoint : char {LeftmostPoint = 1, RightmostPoint = 2};
enum class AxisType : char {VerticalAxis = 1, HorizontalAxis = 2};
class VContainer;
class VDataTool;
struct VFormulaField
QString expression;
QDomElement element;
QString attribute;
struct VFinalMeasurement
QString name;
QString formula;
QString description;
class VAbstractPattern : public VDomDocument
explicit VAbstractPattern(QObject *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~VAbstractPattern() Q_DECL_EQ_DEFAULT;
QStringList ListMeasurements() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListIncrementExpressions() const;
virtual void CreateEmptyFile()=0;
void ChangeActivPP(const QString& name, const Document &parse = Document::FullParse);
QString GetNameActivPP() const;
bool CheckExistNamePP(const QString& name) const;
int CountPP() const;
QDomElement GetPPElement(const QString &name);
bool ChangeNamePP(const QString& oldName, const QString &newName);
bool appendPP(const QString& name);
bool GetActivNodeElement(const QString& name, QDomElement& element) const;
quint32 getCursor() const;
void setCursor(const quint32 &value);
virtual void IncrementReferens(quint32 id) const=0;
virtual void DecrementReferens(quint32 id) const=0;
virtual QString GenerateLabel(const LabelType &type, const QString &reservedName = QString())const=0;
virtual QString GenerateSuffix() const=0;
virtual void UpdateToolData(const quint32 &id, VContainer *data)=0;
static VDataTool* getTool(quint32 id);
static void AddTool(quint32 id, VDataTool *tool);
static void RemoveTool(quint32 id);
static VPiecePath ParsePieceNodes(const QDomElement &domElement);
static QVector<CustomSARecord> ParsePieceCSARecords(const QDomElement &domElement);
static QVector<quint32> ParsePieceInternalPaths(const QDomElement &domElement);
static QVector<quint32> ParsePiecePointRecords(const QDomElement &domElement);
void AddToolOnRemove(VDataTool *tool);
QVector<VToolRecord> *getHistory();
QVector<VToolRecord> getLocalHistory() const;
QString MPath() const;
void SetMPath(const QString &path);
quint32 SiblingNodeId(const quint32 &nodeId) const;
QStringList getPatternPieces() const;
QMap<GHeights, bool> GetGradationHeights() const;
void SetGradationHeights(const QMap<GHeights, bool> &options);
QMap<GSizes, bool> GetGradationSizes() const;
void SetGradationSizes(const QMap<GSizes, bool> &options);
QString GetDescription() const;
void SetDescription(const QString &text);
QString GetNotes() const;
void SetNotes(const QString &text);
QString GetPatternName() const;
void SetPatternName(const QString& qsName);
QString GetCompanyName() const;
void SetCompanyName(const QString& qsName);
QString GetPatternNumber() const;
void SetPatternNumber(const QString &qsNum);
QString GetCustomerName() const;
void SetCustomerName(const QString& qsName);
QString GetLabelDateFormat() const;
void SetLabelDateFormat(const QString &format);
QString GetLabelTimeFormat() const;
void SetLabelTimeFormat(const QString &format);
void SetPatternLabelTemplate(const QVector<VLabelTemplateLine> &lines);
QVector<VLabelTemplateLine> GetPatternLabelTemplate() const;
void SetPatternMaterials(const QMap<int, QString> &materials);
QMap<int, QString> GetPatternMaterials() const;
QVector<VFinalMeasurement> GetFinalMeasurements() const;
void SetFinalMeasurements(const QVector<VFinalMeasurement> &measurements);
void SetPatternWasChanged(bool changed);
bool GetPatternWasChanged() const;
QString GetImage() const;
QString GetImageExtension() const;
void SetImage(const QString &text, const QString &extension);
void DeleteImage();
QString GetVersion() const;
void SetVersion();
bool IsModified() const;
void SetModified(bool modified);
QDomElement GetDraw(const QString &name) const;
void ParseGroups(const QDomElement &domElement);
QDomElement CreateGroups();
QDomElement CreateGroup(quint32 id, const QString &name, const QMap<quint32, quint32> &groupData);
QString GetGroupName(quint32 id);
void SetGroupName(quint32 id, const QString &name);
QMap<quint32, QPair<QString, bool> > GetGroups();
QMap<quint32, QString> GetGroupsContainingItem(quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, bool containItem);
QDomElement AddItemToGroup(quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, quint32 groupId);
QDomElement RemoveItemFromGroup(quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId, quint32 groupId);
bool GroupIsEmpty(quint32 id);
bool GetGroupVisivility(quint32 id);
void SetGroupVisivility(quint32 id, bool visible);
QString PieceDrawName(quint32 id);
static const QString TagPattern;
static const QString TagCalculation;
static const QString TagModeling;
static const QString TagDetails;
static const QString TagDetail;
static const QString TagDescription;
static const QString TagImage;
static const QString TagNotes;
static const QString TagMeasurements;
static const QString TagIncrements;
static const QString TagPreviewCalculations;
static const QString TagIncrement;
static const QString TagDraw;
static const QString TagGroups;
static const QString TagGroup;
static const QString TagGroupItem;
static const QString TagPoint;
static const QString TagSpline;
static const QString TagArc;
static const QString TagElArc;
static const QString TagTools;
static const QString TagOperation;
static const QString TagGradation;
static const QString TagHeights;
static const QString TagSizes;
static const QString TagData;
static const QString TagPatternInfo;
static const QString TagPatternName;
static const QString TagPatternNum;
static const QString TagCompanyName;
static const QString TagCustomerName;
static const QString TagPatternLabel;
static const QString TagPatternMaterials;
static const QString TagFinalMeasurements;
static const QString TagMaterial;
static const QString TagFMeasurement;
static const QString TagGrainline;
static const QString TagPath;
static const QString TagNodes;
static const QString TagNode;
static const QString AttrName;
static const QString AttrVisible;
static const QString AttrObject;
static const QString AttrTool;
static const QString AttrType;
static const QString AttrLetter;
static const QString AttrAnnotation;
static const QString AttrOrientation;
static const QString AttrRotationWay;
static const QString AttrTilt;
static const QString AttrFoldPosition;
static const QString AttrQuantity;
static const QString AttrOnFold;
static const QString AttrDateFormat;
static const QString AttrTimeFormat;
static const QString AttrArrows;
static const QString AttrNodeReverse;
static const QString AttrNodeExcluded;
static const QString AttrNodePassmark;
static const QString AttrNodePassmarkLine;
static const QString AttrNodePassmarkAngle;
static const QString AttrNodeShowSecondPassmark;
static const QString AttrSABefore;
static const QString AttrSAAfter;
static const QString AttrStart;
static const QString AttrPath;
static const QString AttrEnd;
static const QString AttrIncludeAs;
static const QString AttrRotation;
static const QString AttrNumber;
static const QString AttrCheckUniqueness;
static const QString AttrAll;
static const QString AttrH50;
static const QString AttrH56;
static const QString AttrH62;
static const QString AttrH68;
static const QString AttrH74;
static const QString AttrH80;
static const QString AttrH86;
static const QString AttrH92;
static const QString AttrH98;
static const QString AttrH104;
static const QString AttrH110;
static const QString AttrH116;
static const QString AttrH122;
static const QString AttrH128;
static const QString AttrH134;
static const QString AttrH140;
static const QString AttrH146;
static const QString AttrH152;
static const QString AttrH158;
static const QString AttrH164;
static const QString AttrH170;
static const QString AttrH176;
static const QString AttrH182;
static const QString AttrH188;
static const QString AttrH194;
static const QString AttrH200;
static const QString AttrS22;
static const QString AttrS24;
static const QString AttrS26;
static const QString AttrS28;
static const QString AttrS30;
static const QString AttrS32;
static const QString AttrS34;
static const QString AttrS36;
static const QString AttrS38;
static const QString AttrS40;
static const QString AttrS42;
static const QString AttrS44;
static const QString AttrS46;
static const QString AttrS48;
static const QString AttrS50;
static const QString AttrS52;
static const QString AttrS54;
static const QString AttrS56;
static const QString AttrS58;
static const QString AttrS60;
static const QString AttrS62;
static const QString AttrS64;
static const QString AttrS66;
static const QString AttrS68;
static const QString AttrS70;
static const QString AttrS72;
static const QString AttrCustom;
static const QString AttrDefHeight;
static const QString AttrDefSize;
static const QString AttrExtension;
static const QString AttrFormula;
static const QString AttrDescription;
static const QString NodeArc;
static const QString NodeElArc;
static const QString NodePoint;
static const QString NodeSpline;
static const QString NodeSplinePath;
* @brief ChangedActivPP change active pattern peace.
* @param newName new pattern peace name.
void ChangedActivPP(const QString &newName);
* @brief ChangedCursor change cursor position.
* @param id tool id.
void ChangedCursor(quint32 id);
* @brief ChangedNameDraw save new name pattern peace.
* @param oldName old name.
* @param newName new name.
void ChangedNameDraw(const QString &oldName, const QString &newName);
* @brief FullUpdateFromFile update tool data form file.
void FullUpdateFromFile();
* @brief patternChanged emit if we have unsaved change.
void patternChanged(bool saved);
void UpdatePatternLabel();
* @brief ShowTool highlight tool.
* @param id tool id.
* @param enable enable or disable highlight.
void ShowTool(quint32 id, bool enable);
void ClearMainWindow();
void UndoCommand();
void SetEnabledGUI(bool enabled);
void CheckLayout();
void UpdateInLayoutList();
void ShowDetail(quint32 id);
void SetCurrentPP(const QString &patterPiece);
void MadeProgress();
* @brief UpdateGroups emit if the groups have been updated
void UpdateGroups();
public slots:
virtual void LiteParseTree(const Document &parse)=0;
void haveLiteChange();
void NeedFullParsing();
void ClearScene();
void CheckInLayoutList();
void SelectedDetail(quint32 id);
/** @brief nameActivDraw name current pattern peace. */
QString nameActivPP;
/** @brief cursor cursor keep id tool after which we will add new tool in file. */
quint32 cursor;
QVector<VDataTool*> toolsOnRemove;
/** @brief history history records. */
QVector<VToolRecord> history;
/** @brief patternPieces list of patern pieces names for combobox*/
QStringList patternPieces;
/** @brief modified keep state of the document for cases that do not cover QUndoStack*/
mutable bool modified;
/** @brief tools list with pointer on tools. */
static QHash<quint32, VDataTool*> tools;
/** @brief patternLabelLines list to speed up reading a template by many pieces. */
static QVector<VLabelTemplateLine> patternLabelLines;
/** @brief patternMaterials list to speed up reading materials by many pieces. */
static QMap<int, QString> patternMaterials;
static bool patternLabelWasChanged;
static void ToolExists(const quint32 &id);
static VPiecePath ParsePathNodes(const QDomElement &domElement);
static VPieceNode ParseSANode(const QDomElement &domElement);
void SetActivPP(const QString& name);
QDomElement CheckTagExists(const QString &tag);
void InsertTag(const QStringList &tags, const QDomElement &element);
void SetChildTag(const QString& qsParent, const QString& qsChild, const QString& qsValue);
int GetIndexActivPP() const;
bool GetActivDrawElement(QDomElement &element) const;
QVector<VToolRecord> getLocalHistory(const QString &draw) const;
bool GroupHasItem(const QDomElement &domElement, quint32 toolId, quint32 objectId);
QStringList ListIncrements() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListPointExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListArcExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListElArcExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListSplineExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListPathPointExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListOperationExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListNodesExpressions(const QDomElement &nodes) const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListPathExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListGrainlineExpressions(const QDomElement &element) const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListPieceExpressions() const;
QVector<VFormulaField> ListFinalMeasurementsExpressions() const;
bool IsVariable(const QString& token) const;
bool IsFunction(const QString& token) const;
QPair<bool, QMap<quint32, quint32> > ParseItemElement(const QDomElement &domElement);
QMap<int, QString> GetMaterials(const QDomElement &element) const;
void SetMaterials(QDomElement &element, const QMap<int, QString> &materials);
QVector<VFinalMeasurement> GetFMeasurements(const QDomElement &element) const;
void SetFMeasurements(QDomElement &element, const QVector<VFinalMeasurement> &measurements);
* @brief GetNameActivPP return current pattern piece name.
* @return pattern piece name.
inline QString VAbstractPattern::GetNameActivPP() const
return nameActivPP;