dismine 8d1146c1af Documentation for dialogs.
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2013-11-19 22:56:49 +02:00

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** @file dialogtool.h
** @author Roman Telezhinsky <>
** @date November 15, 2013
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2013 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include <QDialog>
#include "../container/vcontainer.h"
* @brief The DialogTool class parent for all dialog of tools.
class DialogTool : public QDialog
* @brief DialogTool create dialog
* @param data container with data
* @param mode mode of creation tool
* @param parent parent widget
DialogTool(const VContainer *data, Draw::Draws mode = Draw::Calculation, QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual ~DialogTool() {}
* @brief getIdDetail return id detail
* @return id
inline qint64 getIdDetail() const {return idDetail;}
* @brief setIdDetail set id detail
* @param value id
inline void setIdDetail(const qint64 &value) {idDetail = value;}
* @brief DialogClosed signal dialog closed
* @param result keep result
void DialogClosed(int result);
* @brief ToolTip emit tooltipe for tool
* @param toolTip text tooltipe
void ToolTip(const QString &toolTip);
public slots:
* @brief ChoosedObject gets id and type of selected object. Save right data and ignore wrong.
* @param id id of point or detail
* @param type type of object
virtual void ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type);
* @brief NamePointChanged check name of point
void NamePointChanged();
* @brief DialogAccepted save data and emit signal about closed dialog.
virtual void DialogAccepted();
* @brief DialogRejected emit signal dialog rejected
virtual void DialogRejected();
* @brief formula check formula
void FormulaChanged();
* @brief ArrowUp set angle value 90 degree
void ArrowUp();
* @brief ArrowDown set angle value 270 degree
void ArrowDown();
* @brief ArrowLeft set angle value 180 degree
void ArrowLeft();
* @brief ArrowRight set angle value 0 degree
void ArrowRight();
* @brief ArrowLeftUp set angle value 135 degree
void ArrowLeftUp();
* @brief ArrowLeftDown set angle value 225 degree
void ArrowLeftDown();
* @brief ArrowRightUp set angle value 45 degree
void ArrowRightUp();
* @brief ArrowRightDown set angle value 315 degree
void ArrowRightDown();
* @brief EvalFormula evaluate formula
void EvalFormula();
* @brief SizeGrowth show in list base variables
void SizeGrowth();
* @brief StandartTable show in list standart table variables
void StandartTable();
* @brief LengthLines show in list lengths of lines variables
void LengthLines();
* @brief LengthArcs show in list lengths of arcs variables
void LengthArcs();
* @brief LengthCurves show in list lengths of curves variables
void LengthCurves();
* @brief Increments show in list increment variables
void Increments();
* @brief PutHere put variable into edit
void PutHere();
* @brief PutVal put variable into edit
* @param item chosen item of list widget
void PutVal(QListWidgetItem * item);
* @brief ValChenged show description when current variable changed
* @param row number of row
virtual void ValChenged(int row);
* @brief UpdateList update lists of variables
void UpdateList();
* @brief data container with data
const VContainer *data;
* @brief isInitialized true if window is initialized
bool isInitialized;
* @brief flagName true if name is correct
bool flagName;
* @brief flagFormula true if formula correct
bool flagFormula;
* @brief timerFormula timer for check formula
QTimer *timerFormula;
* @brief bOk button ok
QPushButton *bOk;
* @brief spinBoxAngle spinbox for angle
QDoubleSpinBox *spinBoxAngle;
* @brief lineEditFormula linEdit for formula
QLineEdit *lineEditFormula;
* @brief listWidget listWidget with variables
QListWidget *listWidget;
* @brief labelResultCalculation label with result of calculation
QLabel *labelResultCalculation;
* @brief labelDescription description of variable
QLabel *labelDescription;
* @brief labelEditNamePoint label used when need show wrong name of point
QLabel *labelEditNamePoint;
* @brief labelEditFormula label used when need show wrong formula
QLabel *labelEditFormula;
* @brief radioButtonSizeGrowth radio button for base variables
QRadioButton *radioButtonSizeGrowth;
* @brief radioButtonStandartTable radio button for standart table variables
QRadioButton *radioButtonStandartTable;
* @brief radioButtonIncrements radio button for increments variables
QRadioButton *radioButtonIncrements;
* @brief radioButtonLengthLine radio button for lengths od lines variables
QRadioButton *radioButtonLengthLine;
* @brief radioButtonLengthArc radio button for lengths of arcs variables
QRadioButton *radioButtonLengthArc;
* @brief radioButtonLengthCurve radio button for lengths of curves variables
QRadioButton *radioButtonLengthCurve;
* @brief idDetail id detail
qint64 idDetail;
* @brief mode mode
Draw::Draws mode;
* @brief CheckObject check if object belongs to detail
* @param id id of object (point, arc, spline, spline path)
* @return true - belons, false - don't
bool CheckObject(const qint64 &id);
* @brief closeEvent handle when dialog cloded
* @param event event
virtual void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event );
* @brief showEvent handle when window show
* @param event event
virtual void showEvent( QShowEvent *event );
* @brief FillComboBoxPoints fill comboBox list of points
* @param box comboBox
* @param id don't show this id in list
void FillComboBoxPoints(QComboBox *box, const qint64 &id = 0)const;
* @brief FillComboBoxTypeLine fill comboBox list of type lines
* @param box comboBox
void FillComboBoxTypeLine(QComboBox *box) const;
* @brief CheckState enable, when all is correct, or disable, when something wrong, button ok
virtual void CheckState();
* @brief getTypeLine return type of line
* @param box combobox
* @return type
QString GetTypeLine(const QComboBox *box)const;
template <class key, class val>
* @brief ShowVariable show variables in list
* @param var container with variables
void ShowVariable(const QHash<key, val> *var);
* @brief SetupTypeLine setupe type of line
* @param box combobox
* @param value string from pattern file
void SetupTypeLine(QComboBox *box, const QString &value);
* @brief ChangeCurrentText select item in combobox by name
* @param box combobox
* @param value name of item
void ChangeCurrentText(QComboBox *box, const QString &value);
* @brief ChangeCurrentData select item in combobox by id
* @param box combobox
* @param value id of item
void ChangeCurrentData(QComboBox *box, const qint64 &value) const;
* @brief PutValHere put variable into line edit from list
* @param lineEdit lineEdit
* @param listWidget listWidget
void PutValHere(QLineEdit *lineEdit, QListWidget *listWidget);
* @brief ValFormulaChanged handle change formula
* @param flag flag state of formula
* @param edit LineEdit
* @param timer timer of formula
void ValFormulaChanged(bool &flag, QLineEdit *edit, QTimer * timer);
* @brief Eval evaluate formula and show result
* @param edit lineEdit of formula
* @param flag flag state of formula
* @param timer timer of formula
* @param label label for signal error
void Eval(QLineEdit *edit, bool &flag, QTimer *timer, QLabel *label);
* @brief setCurrentPointId set current point id in combobox
* @param box combobox
* @param pointId save current point id
* @param value point id
* @param id don't show this id in list
void setCurrentPointId(QComboBox *box, qint64 &pointId, const qint64 &value, const qint64 &id) const;
* @brief getCurrentPointId return current point id in combobox
* @param box combobox
* @return id or -1 if combobox is empty
qint64 getCurrentPointId(QComboBox *box) const;
#endif // DIALOGTOOL_H