AddDetadd detailDodajAddGroupadd groupAddItemToGroupAdd item to groupAddPatternPieceadd pattern piece %1dodaj formę %1AddPieceadd detailDodajAddToCalcadd objectDodaj obiektCommunityPageServerSerwerServer name/IPNazwa serwera/IPSecure connectionBezpieczne połączenieProxy settingsUstawienia proxyUse ProxyUżyj proxyProxy addressAdres proxyProxy portPort proxyProxy userUżytkownik proxyProxy passHasło proxyUser settingsUstawienia użytkownikaUser NameNazwa użytkownikaSave passwordZapisz hasłoPasswordHasło
Server name/IP:Nazwa serwera/IPProxy address:Adres proxyProxy port:Port proxyProxy user:Uzytkownik proxyProxy pass:Hasło proxyUser Name:Nazwa użytkownikaPassword:HasłoConfigDialogApplyZastosuj&Cancel&Anuluj&Ok&OkConfig DialogUstawienia programuConfigurationOgólnePatternWykrójCommunitySpołecznośćPathsŚcieżkiConfigurationPageSetup user interface language updated and will be used the next time startUstaw/Zaktualizuj język użytkownika, zostanie użyty przy kolejnym uruchomieniu.SaveZapiszAuto-save modified patternZapisuj automatyczniemin minInterval:co:LanguageJęzykGUI languageJęzyk interfejsu Decimal separator partsSeparator części dziesiętnychWith OS options (%1)ustawiania systemowe (%1)Default unitDomyślna jednostkaCentimetersCentymetryMillimitersMilimetryInchesCaleLabel languageJęzyk etykietSend crash reportsWysyłanie raportów o błędachSend crash reports (recommended)Wysyłaj raporty o błędach (zalecane)After each crash Valentina collect information that may help us fix a problem. We do not collect any personal information. Find more about what <a href="">kind of information</a> we collect.Po każdej awarii, Valentina zbiera informacje, które moga pomóc nam w naprawieniu zaistniałego problemu. Nie gromadzimy żadnych informacji osobistych. Dowiedź się więcej o <a href="">rodzaju informacji</a>, które są przez nas zbierane.Pattern EditingEdytowanie wykrojuConfirm item deletionPotwierdzaj usunięcie elementuToolbarPasek narzędziThe text appears under the icon. (recommended for beginners.)Wyświetl napisy pod ikonkami (zalecane dla początkujących).GUI language:Język interfejsu:Decimal separator parts:Separator części dziesiętnychDefault unit:Domyślna jednostkaLabel language:Język etykiet:Pattern making systemSystem tworzenia wykrojówPattern making system:System tworzenia wykrojów:Author:Autor:Book:KsiążkaThe Default unit has been updated and will be used as the default for the next pattern you create.Domyślna jednostka miary została zaktualizowana i będzie użyta podczas tworzenia następnego wykroju. After each crash Valentina collects information that may help us fix the problem. We do not collect any personal information. Find more about what <a href="">kind of information</a> we collect.Po każdej awarii, Valentina zbiera informacje, które moga pomóc nam w naprawieniu zaistniałego problemu. Nie gromadzimy żadnych informacji osobistych. Dowiedź się więcej o <a href="">rodzaju informacji</a>, które są przez nas zbierane.The text appears under the icon (recommended for beginners).Wyświetl napisy pod ikonkami (zalecane dla początkujących).After each crash Valentina collects information that may help us fix the problem. We do not collect any personal information. Find more about what %1kind of information%2 we collect.Po każdej awarii, Valentina zbiera informacje, które moga pomóc nam w naprawieniu zaistniałego problemu. Nie gromadzimy żadnych informacji osobistych. Dowiedź się więcej o %1rodzaju zbieranych przez nas informacji%2.DelGroupdelete groupusuń grupęDelTooldelete toolusuń narzędzieDeleteDetaildelete toolusuń narzędzieDeletePatternPiecedelete pattern piece %1usuń formę %1DeletePiecedelete toolusuń narzędzieDetailFabricTkaninaLiningPodszewkaInterfacingflizelinaInterliningOcieplinaDialogAboutAppAbout ValentinaO programieValentina versionWersja programuContributorsWeb site : %1Cannot open your default browserBuild revision:Built on %1 at %2Check For UpdatesSprawdź aktualizacjeDialogAboutTapeAbout TapeO TapeTape versionBuild revision:This program is part of Valentina project.Ten program jest częścią projektu Valentina.Build revision: %1Web site : %1Cannot open your default browserBuilt on %1 at %2Check For UpdatesSprawdź aktualizacjeDialogAlongLineLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuFirst pointPierwszy punktFirst point of linePierwszy punkt liniiSecond pointDrugi punktSecond point of lineDrugi punkt liniiType of lineTyp liniiShow line from first point to this pointPokaż linię od pierwszego do tego punktuSelect second point of linePoint at distance along lineDodaj punkt na liniiLine colorKolor liniiEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaPoint label:Etykieta punktu:First point:Pierwszy punkt:First point of the linePierwszy punkt liniiSecond point:Drugi punkt:Second point of the lineDrugi punkt liniiType of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:Unique labelChoose unique label.DialogArcArcŁukRadiusPromieńValue of radiusWielkość promienia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>First anglePierwszy kątValue of first angleWartość pierwszego kątaSecond angleDrugi kątCenter pointPunkt środkowySelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuErrorBłądRadius can't be negativePromień nie może być wartością ujemnąColorKolorEdit radiusEdytuj promieńEdit first angleEdytuj pierszy kątEdit second angleEdytuj drugi kątRadius:Promień:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalulationObliczeniaFirst angle:Pierwszy kąt:CalculationObliczeniaSecond angle:Drugi kąt:Center point:Punkt centralny:Select center point of the arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuColor:Kolor:Pen style:Approximation scale:Set approximation scale for this curve, 0 - use global valueDialogArcWithLengthDialogWartość pierwszego kątaRadiusPromieńValue of radiusWielkośc promienia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>First anglePierwszy kątValue of first angleWartość pierwszego kątaLengthDługośćArc lengthDługość łukuCenter pointPunkt środkowySelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuColorKolorEdit radiusEdytuj promieńEdit the first angleEdytuj pierwszy kątEdit the arc lengthEdytuj długość łukuErrorBłądRadius can't be negativePromień nie może być wartością ujemnąLength can't be equal 0Długość nie może być równa 0Radius:Promień:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaFirst angle:Pierwszy kąt:Length:Długość:Center point:Punkt centralny:Color:Kolor:Pen style:Approximation scale:Set approximation scale for this curve, 0 - use global valueDialogBisectorLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuFirst pointPierwszy punktFirst point of anglePierwszy punkt kątaSecond pointDrugi punktSecond point of angleDrugi punkt kątaThird pointTrzeci punktThird point of angleTrzeci punkt kątaType of lineTyp liniiSelect second point of angleSelect third point of anglePoint along bisectorDodaj punkt na dwusiecznejLine colorKolor liniiEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:Third point:Trzeci punkt:Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogCubicBezierColor:Kolor:Name:First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:Third point:Trzeci punkt:Fourth point:Czwarty punkt:Select the second point of curveZaznacz drugi punkt krzywejSelect the third point of curveWybierz trzeci punkt krzywejSelect the fourth point of curveWybierz czwarty punkt krzywejInvalid splineTool cubic bezierPen Style:Approximation Scale:Set approximation scale for this curve, 0 - use global valueDialogCubicBezierPathPoint:Punkt:List of pointsColor:Kolor:Name:Invalid spline pathTool cubic bezier pathPen style:Approximation scale:Set approximation scale for this curve, 0 - use global valueDialogCurveIntersectAxis<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>CurveKrzywaPoint labelEtykieta punktuType of lineTyp liniiShow line from first point to this pointPokaż linię od pierwszego do tego punktuSelect axis pointPoint intersect curve and axisLine colorKolor liniiEdit angleAngle:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaAxis point:Curve:Krzywa:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogCutArcLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>ArcŁukPoint labelEtykieta punktuSegment an arcColorKolorEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaArc:Łuk:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Color:Kolor:DialogCutSplineLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>CurveKrzywaSelected curveZaznaczona krzywaPoint labelEtykieta punktuSegmenting a simple curveColorKolorEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaCurve:Krzywa:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Color:Kolor:DialogCutSplinePathLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>CurveKrzywaPoint labelEtykieta punktuSegment a curved pathColorKolorEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaCurve:Krzywa:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Color:Kolor:DialogDateTimeFormatsLabel date time editorFormat:Insert a format<empty>DialogDetailDetailDetalcmcmOptionsOpcjeSeam allowanceDodatek na szewSeam allowance toolStwórz nowy szablon......Ready!Gotowe!Width:Szerokość:AddDodajCancelAnulujFabricTkaninaLiningPodszewkaInterfacingflizelinaInterliningOcieplinaFormula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Length:Długość:DialogDuplicateDetailDialog duplicate detailClick to place duplicateDialogEditLabelEdit label templateClear current and begin new labelImport from label templateExport label as templateEditEdytujBoldFont formatingItalicFont formatingAligns with the left edgeCenters horizontally in the available spaceAligns with the right edgeAdditional font size. Use to make a line bigger.Text:Line of textInsert placeholdersPreview<empty>Create new templateCreating new template will overwrite the current, do you want to continue?Label templateExport label templatetemplateCould not save fileNie można zapisać plikuImport templateImport template will overwrite the current, do you want to continue?File error.DateTimePattern namePattern numberCompany name or designer nameCustomer namePattern extensionPattern file nameMeasurments file nameSizeHeightMeasurments extensionPiece letterPiece annotationPiece orientationPiece rotationPiece tiltPiece fold positionPiece nameQuantityMaterial: FabricFabricTkaninaMaterial: LiningLiningPodszewkaMaterial: InterfacingInterfacingflizelinaMaterial: InterliningInterliningOcieplinaWord: CutCutWord: on foldon foldUser materialInsert…Move on topMove upMove downMove on bottomDialogEditWrongFormulaEdit formulaFormulaFormułaInsert variable into formulaWstaw zmienną do formułyValue of first angleWartość pierwszego kąta<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Input dataMeasurementsWymiaryIncrementsLength of linesLength of curvesAngle of linesHide empty measurementsUkryj puste wymiaryLine lengthArc lengthDługość łukuCurve lengthLine AngleRadius of arcsAngles of curvesArc radiusCurve angleFormula:ValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaNameFull nameFunctionsLengths to control pointsFilter list by keywordPreview calculationsDialogEllipticalArcRadius1:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalulationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Radius2:First angle:Pierwszy kąt:CalculationObliczeniaSecond angle:Drugi kąt:Rotation angle:Center point:Punkt centralny:Select center point of the arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuColor:Kolor:ErrorBłądRadius can't be negativePromień nie może być wartością ujemnąEdit radius1Edit radius2Edit first angleEdytuj pierszy kątEdit second angleEdytuj drugi kątEdit rotation angleElliptical arcPen style:DialogEndLineLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Base pointPunkt bazowyFirst point of linePierwszy punkt liniiPoint labelEtykieta punktuType of lineTyp liniiShow line from first point to this pointPokaż linię od pierwszego do tego punktuPoint at distance and angleDodaj punkt wg zadanej odległości i kątaLine colorKolor liniiEdit angleEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaAngle:Base point:Punkt bazowy:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogExportToCSVWith headerCodec:SeparatorTabCommaSemicolonSpaceOptionsOpcjePreviewGlobalOptionsDialogFinalMeasurementsFinal measurementsFind:SearchNameThe calculated valueFormulaFormułaDetailsDetaleName:Calculated value:Formula:CalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Formula wizardKreator formułyDescription:Move measurement upPrzesuń wymiar wyżejMove measurement downPrzesuń wymiar niżejmeasurementErrorBłądEmpty field.Edit measurementEdytuj pomiarEmpty fieldInvalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations.ValueWartośćParser error: %1DialogFlippingByAxisDialogWartość pierwszego kątaOrigin point:Suffix:Axis type:Select origin pointSelect origin point that is not part of the list of objectsVertical axisHorizontal axisFlipping by axisDialogFlippingByLineDialogWartość pierwszego kątaFirst line point:Suffix:Second line point:Select first line pointSelect first line point that is not part of the list of objectsSelect second line pointSelect second line point that is not part of the list of objectsFlipping by lineDialogGroupGroupGroup name:Unique pattern piece nameChoose group nameNew groupNowa grupaDialogHeightPoint labelEtykieta punktuBase pointPunkt bazowyFirst point of linePierwszy punkt liniiSecond point of lineDrugi punkt liniiType of lineTyp liniiSelect first point of lineSelect second point of linePerpendicular point along lineLine colorKolor liniiPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Base point:Punkt bazowy:First point of line:Second point of line:Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogHistoryHistoryHistoriaToolCan't create record.%1 - Base point%1 - Punkt bazowy%1_%2 - Line from point %1 to point %2%3 - Point along line %1_%2%1 - Point of shoulder%3 - normal to line %1_%2%4 - bisector of angle %1_%2_%3%5 - intersection of lines %1_%2 and %3_%4%4 - point of contact of arc with the center in point %1 and line %2_%3Point of perpendicular from point %1 to line %2_%3Triangle: axis %1_%2, points %3 and %4%1 - point of intersection %2 and %3%1 - point of intersection line %2_%3 and axis through point %4%1 - point of intersection curve and axis through point %2%1 - point of arcs intersection%1 - point of circles intersection%1 - point from circle and tangent%1 - point from arc and tangentCorrection the dart %1_%2_%3%1 - point of curves intersectionCurveKrzywaCubic bezier curveArcŁuk%1 with length %2Spline pathCubic bezier curve path%1 - cut %2arccurvecurve pathElliptical arcDialogIncrementsIncrementsNameThe calculated valueLinesLineLengthDługośćCurveKrzywaArcŁukTables of VariablesLines anglesAngleLengths curvesAngles curvesRadiuses arcsRadiusPromieńFormulaFormułaDetailsDetaleMove measurement upPrzesuń wymiar wyżejMove measurement downPrzesuń wymiar niżejName:Calculated value:Formula:<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Description:ErrorBłądEmpty field.Empty fieldValueWartośćParser error: %1Edit incrementUnique increment nameCalculationObliczeniaFormula wizardKreator formułyFind:SearchCurves control point lengthsInvalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations.Refresh a pattern with all changes you madeRefreshPreview calculationsUnique variable nameDialogInsertNodeInsert nodeItem:Piece:UknownDialogKnownMaterialsKnown materialsMaterial:Name of materialUser materialDialogLayoutProgressCouldn't prepare data for creation layoutCreate a LayoutArranged workpieces: %1 from %2<html><head/><body><p>Finding best position for workpieces. Please, wait.</p></body></html>One or more pattern pieces are bigger than the paper format you selected. Please, select a bigger paper format.DialogLayoutSettingsTemplates:Width:Szerokość:Height:Rotate workpieceRotate bydegreeThree groups: big, middle, smallTwo groups: big, smallDescending areaMillimitersMilimetryCentimetersCentymetryInchesCalePixelsCreate a layoutAuto crop unused lengthUnite pages (if possible)Gap width:Save length of the sheetRoll 24inRolka 24 caleRoll 30inRolka 30 caliRoll 36inRolka 36 caliRoll 42inRolka 42 caleRoll 44inRolka 44 calePaper formatFormat papieruLeft:Lewy:Right:Prawy:Top:Bottom:Wrong fields.
Three groups: big, middle, small = 0;
Two groups: big, small = 1;
Descending area = 2Layout optionsShift/Offset length:Rule for choosing the next workpieceDivide into stripsMultiplierSet multiplier for length of the biggest workpiece in layout.Enabling for sheets that have big height will speed up creating.Printer:NonePrinterTextText will be converted to pathsExport text as pathsMarginsIgnore marginsMargins go beyond printing.
Apply settings anyway?DialogLineFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktType of lineTyp liniiShow line from first point to this pointPokaż linię od pierwszego do tego punktuSelect second pointLine between pointsLine colorKolor liniiFirst point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogLineIntersectPoint labelEtykieta punktuFirst linePierwsza liniaFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktSecond lineDruga liniaSelect second point of first lineZaznacz drugi punkt pierwszej liniiSelect first point of second lineZaznacz pierwszy punkt drugiej liniiSelect second point of second lineZaznacz drugi punkt drugiej liniiPoint at line intersectionPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:DialogLineIntersectAxis<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>First point of linePierwszy punkt liniiPoint labelEtykieta punktuType of lineTyp liniiShow line from first point to this pointPokaż linię od pierwszego do tego punktuSelect second point of lineSelect axis pointPoint intersect line and axisAxis PointSecond point of lineDrugi punkt liniiLine colorKolor liniiEdit angleAngle:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaAxis point:First line point:Second line point:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogMDataBaseMeasurement data baseBaza danych pomiarowychMeasurementsWymiaryDirect HeightMeasurement sectionDirect WidthMeasurement sectionIndentationMeasurement sectionCircumference and ArcMeasurement sectionVerticalMeasurement sectionHorizontalMeasurement sectionBustMeasurement sectionBalanceMeasurement sectionArmMeasurement sectionLegMeasurement sectionCrotch and RiseMeasurement sectionHandMeasurement sectionFootMeasurement sectionHeadMeasurement sectionMen & TailoringMeasurement sectionHistorical & SpecialtyMeasurement sectionPatternmaking measurementsMeasurement sectionPomiary wzorcoweCollapse AllExpand AllCheck allZaznacz wszystkoUncheck allOdznacz wszystkieSearch:SearchSelect measurementDialogMoveDialogWartość pierwszego kątaAngle:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartość<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Length:Długość:Suffix:Edit angleEdit lengthEdytuj długośćCalculationObliczeniaMoveRotation angle:Edit rotation angleRotation origin point:Center pointPunkt środkowyDialogNewMeasurementsNew measurement fileNowy plik pomiarowyMeasurement type:Typ pomiarów:Unit:Jednostka:Base size:Rozmiar podstawowy:Base height:Wysokość podstawowa:IndividualIndywidualneCentimetersCentymetryMillimitersMilimetryInchesCaleMultisizeDialogNewPatternIndividual measurementsIndywidualne wymiaryPattern piece nameNazwa formyUnits:Jednostki:CentimetersCentymetryMillimitersMilimetryInchesCalePattern piece name:Nazwa formy:Unique pattern piece nameChoose unique pattern piece name.New patternNowy wykrój 1DialogNormalLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktType of lineTyp liniiShow line from first point to this pointPokaż linię od pierwszego do tego punktuSelect second point of linePoint along perpendicularDodaj punkt prostopadłyFirst point of linePierwszy punkt liniiSecond point of lineDrugi punkt liniiLine colorKolor liniiEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:Additional angle degrees:Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogPatternMaterialsDialogWartość pierwszego kątaPlaceholderValueWartośćDialogPatternPropertiesPattern propertiesWłaściwości wykrojuPattern descriptionOpis wykrojuHeights and SizesAll heights (cm)All sizes (cm)Default height and sizeDomyślna wysokość i rozmiarFrom standard measurementsZ standardowych pomiarówCustomHeight:Size:SecurityOpen only for readCall context menu for editNo imageDelete imageChange imageSave image to fileShow imageImage for patternImagesSave FileZapisz plikuntitledbez nazwyPath:Ścieżka:Show in ExplorerPokaż w przeglądarce<Empty>File was not saved yet.Show in FinderPattern name:Pattern number:Company/Designer name:Customer name:Nazwa klienta:Show measurementsPokaż wymiaryShow measurements filePokaż plik z wymiaramoFrom multisize measurementsPatternWykrójFor technical notesLabel dataLabel template:Edit pattern labelEdit templateDate format:Time format:Save label data.Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?MaterialsPattern materials:Manage list of pattern materialsManageThe customer name from individual measurementsDialogPatternXmlEditCancelAnulujAll pattern piecesWszystkie formyCannot undo changeNie można cofnąć zmianType:Typ:DialogPiecePathPiece path toolPathŚcieżkaName:Unnamed pathNienazwana ścieżkaCreate name for your pathType:Typ:Piece:Type of pen:Ready!Gotowe!Seam allowanceDodatek na szewWidth:Szerokość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>NodesNode:Before:Return to default widthDefaultDomyślnyAfter:Angle:Select main path objects, <b>Shift</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationReverseDeleteCurrent seam aloowanceEdit seam allowance widthEdit seam allowance width beforeEdit seam allowance width afterInternal pathCustom seam allowanceYou need more points!First point of <b>custom seam allowance</b> cannot be equal to the last point!You have double points!PassmarksPassmark:One lineTwo linesThree linesAngleStraightforwardBisectorPassmarkMarksT markV markPlease, select a detail to insert into!List of details is empty!Select if need designate the corner point as a passmarkIntersectionEach point in the <b>custom seam allowance</b> path must be unique!The path is a cut contourCut on fabricSelect if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only left passmark.Intersection (only left)Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only right passmark.Intersection (only right)ControlVisibleCreate a formula that regulates visibility. Values different from "0" make a path visible.1Control visibilityIntersection 2Intersection 2 (only left)Intersection 2 (only right)Check uniquenessMove on topMove upMove downMove on bottomDialogPinPin toolPoint:Punkt:Piece:PinDialogPlaceLabelDialogWartość pierwszego kątaWidth:Szerokość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Height:Angle:0Point:Punkt:Piece:Type:Typ:Edit rectangle widthEdit angleSegmentRectangleCrossT-shapedDoubletreeCornerTriangleH-shapedButtonDialogPointFromArcAndTangentPoint from arc and tangentPoint labelEtykieta punktuArcŁukSelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuSelect an arcPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Tangent point:Arc:Łuk:Take:DialogPointFromCircleAndTangentPoint from circle and tangentRadiusPromień<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuSelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuSelect a circle centerEdit radiusEdytuj promieńErrorBłądRadius can't be negativePromień nie może być wartością ujemnąRadius:Promień:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Center of the circle:Tangent point:Take:DialogPointOfContactRadiusPromieńValue of radiusWielkośc promienia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuSelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuSelect second point of linePoint at intersection of arc and lineEdit radiusEdytuj promieńRadius:Promień:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Center of arc:Top of the line:End of the line:DialogPointOfIntersectionPoint labelEtykieta punktuFirst point of anglePierwszy punkt kątaSecond point of angleDrugi punkt kątaPoint from X and Y of two other pointsDodaj punkt na przecięciu dwóch innych punktówSelect point for Y value (horizontal)Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.X: vertical point:Y: horizontal point:DialogPointOfIntersectionArcsDialogWartość pierwszego kątaPoint labelEtykieta punktuSelect second an arcPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.First arc:Second arc:Take:Tool point of intersetion arcsDialogPointOfIntersectionCirclesDialogWartość pierwszego kąta<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuSelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuSelect second circle centerEdit first circle radiusEdit second circle radiusErrorBłądRadius can't be negativePromień nie może być wartością ujemnąRadius of the first circle:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaRadius of the second circle:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Center of the first circle:Center of the second circle:Take:Tool point of intersection circlesDialogPointOfIntersectionCurvesTool point of intersection curvesFirst curve:Second curve:Point label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.Vertical correction:Horizontal correction:Select second curveDialogPreferencesPreferencesUstawieniaConfigurationPatternWykrójPathsŚcieżkiFollowed %n option(s) require restart to take effect: %1.DialogRotationRotationAngle:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalulationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Origin Point:Suffix:Edit angleSelect origin pointCalculationObliczeniaDialogSaveLAyoutSave LayoutFile name:Path:Ścieżka:File format:Destination folderSelect path to destination folderFile base namePath to destination folderBinary formText as pathsMarginsRight:Prawy:Left:Lewy:Top:Bottom:Paper formatFormat papieruBrowse…cmcmTemplates:Orientation:DialogSaveLayoutName conflictFolder already contain file with name %1. Rewrite all conflict file names?Example:Select folderPS files (*.ps)plik PS (*.ps)EPS files (*.eps)plik ESP (*.esp)DXF files (*.dxf)plik DXF (*.dxf)Tried to use out of range format number.Selected not present format.The destination directory doesn't exists or is not readable.The base filename does not match a regular expression.filespliki(flat) filesImage filesDialogSeamAllowanceReady!Gotowe!ValueWartośćDetailDetalGrainlineSelect main path objects clockwise, <b>Shift</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationReverseDeleteOptionsOpcjeError. Can't save piece path.Infinite/undefined resultLength should be positiveParser error: %1Current seam allowanceEdit seam allowance widthEdit seam allowance width beforeEdit seam allowance width afterYou need more points!You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!First point cannot be equal to the last point!You have double points!EmptyPustymain pathcustom seam allowanceBothJust frontJust rearPinsno pinLabelsErrorBłądEdit lengthEdytuj długośćEdit angleEdit heightEdit widthPathsŚcieżkiExcludedPassmarkEach point in the path must be unique!PassmarksTo open all detail's features complete creating the main path.Workpiece toolSegmentRectangleCrossT-shapedDoubletreeCornerTriangleH-shapedButtonPlace labelCheck uniquenessDialogShoulderPointLengthDługośćValue of lengthWartość długości<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Point labelEtykieta punktuFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktThird pointTrzeci punktType of lineTyp liniiSelect first point of lineSelect second point of lineSpecial point on shoulderLine colorKolor liniiEdit lengthEdytuj długośćLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczeniaPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:Third point:Trzeci punkt:Type of line:Typ linii:Line color:Kolor linii:DialogSinglePointSingle pointCoordinates on the sheetCoordinatesY coordinateX coordinatePoint labelEtykieta punktuUnique labelChoose unique label.DialogSplineFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktSelect last point of curveSimple curveColorKolorColor:Kolor:First point:Pierwszy punkt:Control pointAngle:Second point:Drugi punkt:Name:Invalid splineLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalulationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Edit first control point angleEdit second control point angleEdit first control point lengthEdit second control point lengthErrorBłądLength can't be negativeCalculationObliczeniaPen style:Approximation scale:Set approximation scale for this curve, 0 - use global valueDialogSplinePathCurved pathList of pointsSelect point of curve pathColorKolorColor:Kolor:Point:Punkt:First control pointAngle:Second control pointName:Invalid spline pathLength:Długość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalulationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Edit first control point angleEdit second control point angleEdit first control point lengthEdit second control point lengthErrorBłądLength can't be negativeNot usedCalculationObliczeniaPen style:Approximation scale:Set approximation scale for this curve, 0 - use global valueDialogTapePreferencesPreferencesUstawieniaConfigurationPathsŚcieżkiDialogToolErrorBłądEmpty fieldValue can't be 0ValueWartośćParser error: %1First pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktHighest pointLowest pointLeftmost pointRightmost pointby lengthby points intersetionsby first edge symmetryby second edge symmetryby first edge right angleby second edge right angleInvalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations.Value can't be less than 0DialogTrianglePoint labelEtykieta punktuFirst point of linePierwszy punkt liniiFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktSelect second point of axisSelect first pointSelect second pointTriangle toolSecond point of lineDrugi punkt liniiPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point of axis:Second point of axis:First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:DialogTrueDartsTrue dartsFirst base pointPierwszy punkt bazowyFirst point of anglePierwszy punkt kątaSecond base pointDrugi punkt bazowySecond point of angleDrugi punkt kątaThird point of angleTrzeci punkt kątaSelect the second base pointWybierz drugi punkt bazowySelect the first dart pointSelect the second dart pointSelect the third dart pointFirst base point:Pierwszy punkt bazowy:Second base point:Drugi punkt bazowy:First dart point:Second dart point:Third dart point:First new dart point:Unique labelChoose unique label.Second new dart point:DialogUndoBroken formulaError while calculation formula. You can try undo last operation or fix broken formula.Wystąpił błąd podczas przeliczania formuły. Możesz spróbować cofnąć ostatnią operację i naprawić niedziałający wzór. &Undo&Cofnij&Fix formula&Cancel&AnulujError while calculation formula. You can try to undo last operation or fix broken formula.DialogUnionDetailsUnion toolSelect a first pointWorkpiece should have at least two points and three objectsSelect a second pointSelect a unique pointSelect a detailSelect a point on edge<html><head/><body><p>Do you really want to unite details?</p></body></html>Retain original piecesFvUpdateWindowSoftware Update%1 %2 is now available - you have %3. Would you like to download it now?Skip This VersionRemind Me LaterGet Update%1 update is available!FvUpdaterCannot open your default browser.Feed download failed: %1.Feed parsing failed: %1 %2.No updates were found.Feed error: invalid "enclosure" with the download linkErrorBłądInformationInformacjeInternalStringsThe program is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.MApplicationError parsing file. Program will be terminated.Error bad id. Program will be terminated.Error can't convert value. Program will be terminated.Error empty parameter. Program will be terminated.Error wrong id. Program will be terminated.Something's wrong!!Parser error: %1. Program will be terminated.Exception thrown: %1. Program will be terminated.Valentina's measurements editor.Edytor wymiarów Valentiny.The measurement file.Plik pomiarowy.The base heightThe base sizeRozmiar podstawySet pattern file unit: cm, mm, inch.The pattern unitInvalid base size argument. Must be cm, mm or inch.Can't begin to listen for incoming connections on name '%1'Test mode doesn't support openning several files.Please, provide one input file.Open with the base size. Valid values: %1cm.Invalid base height argument. Must be %1cm.Invalid base size argument. Must be %1cm.Open with the base height. Valid values: %1cm.Use for unit testing. Run the program and open a file without showing the main window.Disable high dpi scaling. Call this option if has problem with scaling (by default scaling enabled). Alternatively you can use the %1 environment variable.MainWindowValentinaTools for creating points.PointPoint along perpendicularDodaj punkt prostopadłyPerpendicular point along linePoint along bisectorDodaj punkt na dwusiecznejPoint at distance and angleDodaj punkt wg zadanej odległości i kątaPoint at distance along lineDodaj punkt na liniiTools for creating lines.LineLine between pointsPoint at line intersectionTools for creating curves.CurveKrzywaTools for creating arcs.ArcŁukTools for creating details.DetailDetal&File&Plik&HelpPomoc&Pattern piece&WykrójMeasurementsWymiaryWindowOknoToolbar filesToolBar modesToolbar patternToolbar optionsToolbar toolsTool optionsOpcje narzędziaNewNowy&New&NowyCreate a new patternOpenOtwórz&Open&OtwórzOpen file with patternOtwórz plik z wykrojemSaveZapisz&Save&SaveSave patternZapisz wykrójSave &As...Zapisz &jako...Save not yet saved patternDrawRysujDetailsDetalePointer toolsNew pattern pieceNowa formaAdd new pattern pieceDodaj nowy wykrój / formęChange the label of pattern pieceZmień etykietę formyHistoryHistoriaAbout &QtO &Qt&About Valentina&O programie ValentinaE&xitExit the applicationZamknij aplikacjęPreferencesUstawieniaPattern propertiesWłaściwości wykrojuZoom inPrzybliżzoom inprzybliżZoom outOddalOriginal zoom Domyślny widokOriginal Zoom Domyślny widokZoom fit bestDopasuj przybliżenieReport bugPattern piece %1Forma %1Select pointSelect first pointSelect first point of lineSelect first point of angleSelect first point of first lineSelect first point curveSelect simple curveSelect point of center of arcWybierz punkt środkowy łukuSelect point of curve pathSelect curve pathSelect base pointWybierz punkt bazowySelect first point of axisSelect detailSelect arcSelect curveAbout QtO QtPattern Piece: Forma:Pattern files (*.val)Pliki wykroju (*.val)patternSave asZapisz jakoCould not save fileNie można zapisać plikuOpen fileOtwórz plikError parsing file.Error can't convert value.Error empty parameter.Error wrong id.Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Bad id.File savedPlik zapisanyuntitled.valbez_nazwy.valThe pattern has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Wykrój został zmodyfikowany. Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?&Undo&Cofnij&Redo&PonówPattern piece:Forma:Enter a new label for the pattern piece.Wpisz nazwę dla wybranej formy.This file already opened in another window.Plik ten otwarty jest w innym oknie.Wrong units.File error.Valentina didn't shut down correctly. Do you want reopen files (%1) you had open?Reopen files.Standard measurements (*.vst)Standardowe wymiary (*.vst)Individual measurements (*.vit)Indywidualne wymiary (*.vit)Special point on shoulderTriangle toolPoint from X and Y of two other pointsDodaj punkt na przecięciu dwóch innych punktówPoint intersect line and axisSimple curveCurved pathSegmenting a simple curveSegment a curved pathPoint intersect curve and axisSegment an arcPoint intersect arc and axisSeam allowance toolStwórz nowy szablonUnion toolLast ToolActivate last used tool againSelect point for X value (vertical)ModeTrybPointerWskaźnikConfig pattern pieceKonfiguracja formyLayoutUkładShow Curve DetailsShow/hide control points and curve directionPoint of intersection arcsPoint of intersection circlesPoint from circle and tangentPoint from arc and tangentArc with given lengthSettingsLayout pagesSave as PDFZapisz jako PDFPrintPrint tiled PDFSplit and print a layout into smaller pages (for regular printers)Print previewPrint preview original layoutExport original layoutSelect first an arcSelect point of the center of the arcSelect the first base line pointDetail modeLayout modeUnsaved changesLoad Individual ...Załaduj indywidualne ...Show measurementsPokaż wymiarySync measurementsSynchr. wymiaryMeasurements loadedYou can't export empty scene.Create new LayoutFailed to lock. This file already opened in another window.Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Expect collissions when run 2 copies of the program.Measurement file contains invalid known measurement(s).Measurement file has unknown format.Measurement file doesn't include all required measurements.Measurement files types have not match.Couldn't sync measurements.Couldn't update measurements.The measurements file '%1' could not be found.Loading measurements fileNot supported size value '%1' for this pattern file.Couldn't set size. File wasn't opened.The method %1 does nothing in GUI modeNot supported height value '%1' for this pattern file.Couldn't set height. File wasn't opened.Export error.Please, provide one input file.Print an original layoutPreview tiled PDFPrint preview tiled layout<html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with pattern pieces. These pattern pieces are base for going to the next stage "Details mode". Before you will be able to enable the "Details mode" need create at least one detail.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with details. Before you will be able to enable the "Details mode" need create at least one detail on the stage "Draw mode". Details created on this stage will be used for creating a layout. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Mode for creating a layout of details. This mode avaliable if was created at least one detail on the stage "Details mode". The layout can be exported to your prefered file format and saved to your harddirve.</p></body></html>Measurements unloadedCouldn't unload measurements. Some of them are used in the pattern.True dartsNew patternNowy wykrój 3Open patternCreate/Edit measurementsSave...Zapisz...Don't SaveLocking fileThis file already opened in another window. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption).The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption).Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption).The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions.Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file.Point intersection curvesSelect first curveCurve tool which uses point as control handleSelect first curve pointSelect point of cubic bezier pathOperationsCreate new groupRotate objectsClose patternTool pointerMidpoint between two pointsGroupContains all visibility groupsShow which details will go in layoutOriginal zoomDomyślny widokSelect first circle centerSelect point on tangentPattern Piece:Forma:Height:Size:The measurements file <br/><br/> <b>%1</b> <br/><br/> could not be found. Do you want to update the file location?Flipping objects by lineFlipping objects by axisMove objectsMeasurements were changed. Do you want to sync measurements now?Gradation doesn't support inchesMeasurements have been syncedTools for creating elliptical arcs.Elliptical ArcSelect point of center of elliptical arcSelect main path objects clockwise.Select path objects, <b>Shift</b> - reverse direction curveThe document has no write permissions.Cannot set permissions for %1 to writable.Could not save the file.Could not save the fileread onlyVariables TableContains information about increments and internal variablesLoad IndividualLoad Individual measurements fileLoad MultisizeLoad multisize measurements fileOpen TapeOtwórz TapeEdit CurrentEdit linked to the pattern measurementsSyncSynchronize linked to the pattern measurements after changeUnload CurrentUnload measurements if they were not used in a pattern fileIndividual measurementsIndywidualne wymiaryMultisize measurementsPattern filesPliki wykrojuPin toolSelect pin pointInsert node toolSelect an item to insertForumSelect one or more objects, hold <b>%1</b> - for multiple selection, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationSelect one or more objects, hold <b>%1</b> - for multiple selection, <b>Enter</b> - confirm selectionOpen Tape app for creating or editing measurements fileExport increments to CSVNameThe calculated valueFormulaFormułaYou can't use Detail mode yet. Please, create at least one workpiece.You can't use Layout mode yet. Please, create at least one workpiece.You can't use Layout mode yet. Please, include at least one detail in layout.You can't use Layout mode yet.Zoom fit best currentzoom fit best current pattern pieceExport details skiping the Layout stageApplication doesn't support multisize table with inches.You don't have enough details to export. Please, include at least one detail in layout.Export detailsCan't export details.Couldn't set size. Need a file with multisize measurements.Couldn't set height. Need a file with multisize measurements.Please, additionally provide: %1Label template editorWorkpiece toolInternal path toolSave &As…Report Bug…Export As…Save…Final measurementsExport Final Measurements to CSVYou can't export empty scene. Please, include at least one detail in layout.Export final measurements error.Destination path is empty.Next pattern pieceCtrl+PgDownPrevious pattern pieceCtrl+PgUpPoint from tangent circle and segmentPlace label toolDuplicate detail toolSelect placelabel center pointThe measurements file '%1' could not be found or provides not enough information.Use these tools to create a patternScale:Create new pattern piece to start working.Stwórz nowy wykrój, aby zacząć pracę.Changes applied.MainWindowsNoGUICreating file '%1' failed! %2Critical error!Print errorCannot proceed because there are no available printers in your system.unnamedThe layout is stale.The layout was not updated since last pattern modification. Do you want to continue?Couldn't prepare data for creation layoutCan't open printer %1For previewing multipage document all sheet should have the same size.For printing multipages document all sheet should have the same size.Pages will be cropped because they do not fit printer paper size.Cannot set printer marginsCan't create a pathPatternWykrójNameValueWartośćExport final measurements error.Value in line %1 is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations.Parser error at line %1: %2.File error %1.One or more pattern pieces are bigger than the paper format you selected. Please, select a bigger paper format.DescriptionMoveDoubleLabelmove the first dart labelmove the second dart labelMoveLabelmove point labelMoveSPointmove single pointMoveSplinemove splineMoveSplinePathmove spline pathOperationMoveLabelmove point labelOperationShowLabeltoggle labelPathPageOpen DirectoryOtwórz katalogPath that use ValentinaŚcieżki używane w programieDefaultDomyślnyEditEdytujTypeTypPathŚcieżkaIndividual measurementsIndywidualne wymiaryPatternsWykrojeStandard measurementsStandardowe wymiaryLayoutUkładPatternPageUserUżytkownikUser nameNazwa użytkownikaGraphical outputUstawienia grafikiUse antialiasingWłącz wygładzanieUndoCofnijCount steps (0 - no limit)Liczba kroków (0 - brak limitu)User name:Nazwa użytkownika:Count steps (0 - no limit):Liczba kroków (0 - brak limitu):PreferencesConfigurationPageSaveZapiszAuto-save modified patternZapisuj automatycznieInterval:co:minminLanguageJęzykGUI language:Język interfejsu:Decimal separator parts:Separator części dziesiętnychDefault unit:Domyślna jednostkaLabel language:Język etykiet:Pattern making systemSystem tworzenia wykrojówPattern making system:System tworzenia wykrojów:Author:Autor:Book:KsiążkaPattern editingReset warningsToolbarPasek narzędziThe text appears under the icon (recommended for beginners).Wyświetl napisy pod ikonkami (zalecane dla początkujących).With OS optionsZ opcjami systemu operacyjnegoCentimetersCentymetryMillimitersMilimetryInchesCaleUpdate a pattern only after a curve releaseFree curve modedefault unitPreferencesPathPagePaths that Valentina usesTypeTypPathŚcieżkaDefaultDomyślnyEditEdytujOpen DirectoryOtwórz katalogMy Individual MeasurementsMoje osobiste wymiaryMy Multisize MeasurementsMy PatternsMy LayoutsMy TemplatesMy label templatesPreferencesPatternPageGraphical outputUstawienia grafikiUse antialiasingWłącz wygładzanieUndoCofnijCount steps (0 - no limit):Liczba kroków (0 - brak limitu):WorkpieceForbid flippingShow a passmark both in the seam allowance and on the seam line.Show second passmark on seam lineBy default forbid flipping for all new created workpiecesBy default hide the main path if the seam allowance was enabledHide main pathLabel font:Seam allowanceDodatek na szewDefault value:Label data/time formatDate:Edit formatsTime:MaterialsKnown materials:Manage list of known materialsManageWhen manage pattern materials save them to known materials listRemeber pattern materialsCurve approximation:Set default curve approximation scaleBold line widthLine width:MillimitersMilimetryInchesCaleUse OpenGL to render a scene.
This option will take an affect after restart.Use OpenGL renderantialiasingscene renderQCommandLineParserDisplays version information.Pokaż informacje o wersji.QCoreApplicationBased on Qt %1 (%2, %3 bit)QObjectCreate new pattern piece to start working.Stwórz nowy wykrój, aby zacząć pracę.mmcmcminchPropertyThe text that appears in the first column headerValueThe text that appears in the second column headerWartośćpxmove detailWrong tag name '%1'.Can't convert toUInt parameterCan't convert toBool parameterGot empty parameterCan't convert toDouble parameterGot wrong parameter id. Need only id > 0.United detailFabricTkaninaLiningPodszewkaInterfacingflizelinaInterliningOcieplinaCuton foldPiece '%1' may broke a layout. Please, check seam allowance to check how seam allowance behave.Visibility trigger contains error and will be ignoredQmuParsertoo few arguments for function sum.parser error messagetoo few arguments for function min.parser error messageQmuParserErrorMsgUnexpected token "$TOK$" found at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Internal errorMath parser error messages.Invalid function-, variable- or constant name: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid binary operator identifier: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid infix operator identifier: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid postfix operator identifier: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid pointer to callback function.Math parser error messages.Expression is empty.Math parser error messages.Invalid pointer to variable.Math parser error messages.Unexpected operator "$TOK$" found at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected end of expression at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Unexpected argument separator at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Unexpected parenthesis "$TOK$" at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected function "$TOK$" at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected value "$TOK$" found at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected variable "$TOK$" found at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Function arguments used without a function (position: $POS$)Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Missing parenthesisMath parser error messages.Too many parameters for function "$TOK$" at expression position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Too few parameters for function "$TOK$" at expression position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Divide by zeroMath parser error messages.Domain errorMath parser error messages.Name conflictMath parser error messages.Invalid value for operator priority (must be greater or equal to zero).Math parser error messages.user defined binary operator "$TOK$" conflicts with a built in operator.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Unexpected string token found at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Unterminated string starting at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$String function called with a non string type of argument.Math parser error messages.String value used where a numerical argument is expected.Math parser error messages.No suitable overload for operator "$TOK$" at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Function result is a string.Math parser error messages.Parser error.Math parser error messages.Decimal separator is identic to function argument separator.Math parser error messages.The "$TOK$" operator must be preceeded by a closing bracket.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"If-then-else operator is missing an else clauseMath parser error messages. Do not translate operator name.Misplaced colon at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$RemoveItemFromGroupRemove item from groupRenamePPrename pattern piecezmień nazwę formySavePieceOptionssave detail optionsSavePiecePathOptionssave path optionsSavePlaceLabelOptionssave place label optionsSaveToolOptionssave tool optionShowDoubleLabeltoggle the first dart labeltogggle the second dart labelShowLabeltoggle labelTMainWindow<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:18pt;">Select New for creation measurement file.</span></p></body></html>NameCalculated valueFormulaFormułaBase valueIn sizesIn heightsDetailsDetaleName:Formula:<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Base value:Wartość podstawowa:In sizes:In heights:Description:Move measurement upPrzesuń wymiar wyżejMove measurement downPrzesuń wymiar niżejCalculated value:Full name:InformationInformacjeType:Typ:Measurement typeTyp pomiaruPath:Ścieżka:Show in ExplorerPokaż w przeglądarceBase size:Rozmiar podstawowy:Base size valueWartość rozmiar podstawowegoBase height:Wysokość podstawowa:Base height valueGiven name:Imię:Family name:Nazwisko:Birth date:Data urodzenia:Email:Notes:Notatki:FilePlikWindowOknoHelpPomocMeasurementsWymiaryMenuGradationOpen individual ...Otwórz indywidualny ...SaveZapiszQuitAbout &QtO &QtAbout TapeO TapeNewNowyAdd knownDodaj znanyAdd customDodaj dowolnyRead onlyOpen standard ...Otwórz standardowy ...Open templateDatabaseBaza danych pomiarowychShow information about all known measurementPokaż informacje o wszystkich znanych pomiarachPreferencesUstawieniauntitled %1bez nazwy %1This file already opened in another window.Plik ten otwarty jest w innym oknie.File error.Could not save fileNie można zapisać plikumeasurementswymiaryIndividual measurements (*.vit)Indywidualne wymiary (*.vit)Standard measurements (*.vst)Standardowe wymiary (*.vst)Save asZapisz jako&New Window&Nowe oknoEdit measurementEdytuj pomiarErrorBłądEmpty field.Parser error: %1Standard measurementsStandardowe wymiaryIndividual measurementsIndywidualne wymiaryuntitledbez nazwyUnsaved changesMeasurements have been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Empty fieldValueWartośćOpen fileOtwórz plikImport from a patternImportuj z wykrojuPattern files (*.val)Pliki wykroju (*.val)Pattern unit:Jednostka projektu:Find:Find PreviousCtrl+Shift+GFind NextCtrl+GMeasurements (*.vst *.vit);;All files (*.*)plik wymiarów (*.vst, *.vit);;Wszystkie pliki (*.*)Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window.Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Expect collissions when run 2 copies of the program.File contains invalid known measurement(s).File has unknown format.Plik ma nieznany format.Full nameFile '%1' doesn't exist!Plik '%1' nie istnieje!The name of known measurement forbidden to change.Can't find measurement '%1'.The full name of known measurement forbidden to change.Function WizardMove measurement topPrzesuń wymiar na góręMove measurement bottomPrzesuń wymiar na spódDelete measurementKasuj wymiarunknowngendermalegenderfemalegenderGender:Płeć:PM system:Create from existing ...Twórz z istniejącego ...Create from existing fileTwórz z istniejącego plikuSelect fileMeasurement diagramSchemat pomiarowy<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align=\"center\">Unknown measurement</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align="center">Unknown measurement</p></body></html>About QtO QtFile was not saved yet.SearchMeasurement's name in a formulaMeasurement's name in a formula.Measurement's human-readable name.Customer's name.Imię klienta.Customer's family name.Nazwisko klienta.Customer's email address.Adres email klienta.Save...Zapisz...Don't SaveLocking fileThis file already opened in another window. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption).The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption).Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file. Ignore if you want to continue (not recommended, can cause a data corruption).The lock file could not be created, for lack of permissions.Unknown error happened, for instance a full partition prevented writing out the lock file.Export to CSVShow in FinderComma-Separated ValuesCustomer's nameImię klientaCustomer's family nameNazwisko klientaCustomer's email addressAdres email klientaHeight:Size:All filesThe measurements document has no write permissions.Cannot set permissions for %1 to writable.Could not save the file.Could not save the fileread onlyMultisize measurementsInvalid result. Value is infinite or NaN. Please, check your calculations.EmptyPustyExport from multisize measurements is not supported.Customer name:Nazwa klienta:Open individual …Save As …Open multisize …Create from existing …Save…Import from CSVMeasurement name in is empty.Merasurement '%1' doesn't match regex pattern.Merasurement '%1' already used in file.Measurement '%1' is not one of known measurements.Individual measurements require at least 2 columns.Error in row %1.Multisize measurements require at least 4 columns.Cannot convert base size value to double in column 2.Cannot convert height increase value to double in column 3.Cannot convert size increase value to double in column 4.Imported file must not contain the same name twice.Error in row %1. Measurement name is empty.TabGrainlineGrainline visibleRotation:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Length:Długość:Center pin:Top pin:Bottom pin:Arrows:TabLabelsPiece label dataLetter:Letter of pattern piecePlacement:LabelsDetail label visibleWidth:Szerokość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>Height:Center pin:Top left pin:Bottom right pin:Angle:Pattern label visibleLabel template:Edit templateLabel dataQuantity:on foldAnnotation:A text field to add comments inOrientation:Rotation:Tilt:Fold position:Edit piece label templateOptions to control position a detail label. <b>Not available if a detail label template is empty</b>.Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.TabPassmarksPassmark:One lineTwo linesThree linesT markV markAngleStraightforwardBisectorMarksSelect if need designate the corner point as a passmarkIntersectionShow the second passmark on seam lineThis option has effect only if the second passmark on seam line enabled in global preferences. The option helps disable the second passmark for this passmark only.Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only left passmark.Intersection (only left)Select if need designate the corner point as a passmark. Show only right passmark.Intersection (only right)Intersection 2Intersection 2 (only left)Intersection 2 (only right)TabPathsMain pathAll objects in path should follow in clockwise direction.Forbid piece be mirrored in a layout.Forbid flippingReady!Gotowe!Seam allowanceDodatek na szewAutomaticWidth:Szerokość:Formula wizardKreator formułyValueWartośćCalculationObliczenia<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>NodesNode:Before:Return to default widthDefaultDomyślnyAfter:Angle:CustomStart point:Punkt początkowy:End point:Punkt końcowy:Include as:Internal pathsŚcieżki wewnętrzneThe seam allowance is part of main pathBuilt inHide the main path if the seam allowance is enabledHide main pathName of detail:DetailDetalName can't be emptyForce piece to be always flipped in a layout.Force flippingMove on topMove upMove downMove on bottomTabPlaceLabelsDialogWartość pierwszego kątaTapeConfigDialogApplyZastosuj&Cancel&Anuluj&Ok&OkConfig DialogUstawienia programuConfigurationKonfiguracjaPathsŚcieżkiTapeConfigurationPageLanguageJęzykGUI languageJęzyk interfejsu Pattern making systemSystem tworzenia wykrojówAuthor:Autor:Book:KsiążkaDecimal separator partsSeparator części dziesiętnychWith OS options (%1)ustawiania systemowe (%1)GUI language:Język interfejsu:Decimal separator parts:Separator części dziesiętnychPattern making system:System tworzenia wykrojów:Default height and sizeDomyślna wysokość i rozmiarDefault height:Domyślna wysokość:Default size:Domyślny rozmiar:TapePathPageOpen DirectoryOtwórz katalogPath that use ValentinaŚcieżki używane w programieDefaultDomyślnyEditEdytujTypeTypPathŚcieżkaIndividual measurementsIndywidualne wymiaryStandard measurementsStandardowe wymiaryTapePreferencesConfigurationPageLanguageJęzykGUI language:Język interfejsu:Decimal separator parts:Separator części dziesiętnychPattern making systemSystem tworzenia wykrojówPattern making system:System tworzenia wykrojów:Author:Autor:Book:KsiążkaMeasurements editingReset warningsToolbarPasek narzędziThe text appears under the icon (recommended for beginners).Wyświetl napisy pod ikonkami (zalecane dla początkujących).Default height and sizeDomyślna wysokość i rozmiarDefault height:Domyślna wysokość:Default size:Domyślny rozmiar:With OS optionsZ opcjami systemu operacyjnegoTapePreferencesPathPagePaths that Valentina usesTypeTypPathŚcieżkaDefaultDomyślnyEditEdytujOpen DirectoryOtwórz katalogMy Individual MeasurementsMoje osobiste wymiaryMy Multisize MeasurementsMy TemplatesTogglePieceForbidFlippingforbid flippingTogglePieceForceFlippingforce flippingTogglePieceInLayoutdetail in layout listUtils::CheckableMessageBoxDo not ask againNie pytaj ponownieDo not &ask againNie &pytaj ponownieDo not &show againNie &pokazuj ponownieVAbstractConverterCouldn't get version information.Too many tags <%1> in file.Za dużo tagów w pliku <%1>.Version "%1" invalid.Niewłaściwa wersja "%1".Version "0.0.0" invalid.Wersja "0.0.0" jest nieprawidłowa.Invalid version. Minimum supported version is %1Nieprawidłowa wersja. Minimalna wspierana wersja to %1Invalid version. Maximum supported version is %1Nieprawidłowa wersja. Maksymalna wspierana wersja to %1Error no unique id.Could not change version.Error creating a reserv copy: %1.Unexpected version "%1".Error openning a temp file: %1.Invalid version. Minimum supported format version is %1Invalid version. Maximum supported format version is %1VAbstractCubicBezierPathCan't cut this splineVAbstractLayoutDialogLetterLegalRoll 24inRolka 24 caleRoll 30inRolka 30 caliRoll 36inRolka 36 caliRoll 42inRolka 42 caleRoll 44inRolka 44 caleCustomRoll 48inRolka 44 cale {48i?}Roll 62inRolka 44 cale {62i?}Roll 72inRolka 44 cale {72i?}VAbstractOperationLabelLengthDługośćVAbstractPatternCan't find tool in table.Error creating or updating groupNew groupNowa grupameasurementVAbstractPieceDataDetailDetalVAbstractSplineLengthDługośćLabelVAbstractToolblackczarnygreenzielonyblueniebieskidark redciemny czerwonydark greenciemny zielonydark blueciemny niebieskiyellowżółtyConfirm deletionDo you really want to delete?light salmonorangepomarańczowydeep pinkvioletdark violetmedium sea greenlimedeep sky bluecorn flower blueEdit wrong formulagoldenrodVApplicationError parsing file. Program will be terminated.Error bad id. Program will be terminated.Error can't convert value. Program will be terminated.Error empty parameter. Program will be terminated.Error wrong id. Program will be terminated.Something's wrong!!Parser error: %1. Program will be terminated.Exception thrown: %1. Program will be terminated.VComboBoxDelegateSelect materialVCommandLinePath to custom measure file (export mode).The measure fileFormat numberTemplate numberThe page widthThe measure unitAngleAuto crop unused length (export mode).Layout units (as paper's one except px, export mode).The unitThe gap widthGrouping typePage height, width, units must be used all 3 at once.Invalid rotation value. That must be one of predefined values.Unknown page templated selected.Unsupported paper units.Unsupported layout units.Export options can be used with single input file only.Test option can be used with single input file only.The base filename of exported layout files. Use it to enable console export mode.The base filename of layout filesThe destination folderThe size valueThe height valuePage width in current units like 12.0 (cannot be used with "%1", export mode).Page height in current units like 12.0 (cannot be used with "%1", export mode).Invalid gradation size value.Invalid gradation height value.Pattern making program.Program do tworzenia wykrojów.Pattern file.Plik wykroju.Page left margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found.Page right margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found.Page top margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found.Page bottom margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found.Gap width must be used together with shift units.Left margin must be used together with page units.Right margin must be used together with page units.Top margin must be used together with page units.Bottom margin must be used together with page units.The path to output destination folder. By default the directory at which the application was started.Rotation in degrees (one of predefined, export mode). Default value is 180. 0 is no-rotate. Valid values: %1. Each value show how many times details will be rotated. For example 180 mean two times (360/180=2) by 180 degree.Unite pages if possible (export mode). Maximum value limited by QImage that supports only a maximum of 32768x32768 px images.Save length of the sheet if set (export mode). The option tells the program to use as much as possible width of sheet. Quality of a layout can be worse when this option was used.The layout gap width x2, measured in layout units (export mode). Set distance between details and a detail and a sheet.Sets layout groupping cases (export mode): %1.Run the program in a test mode. The program in this mode loads a single pattern file and silently quit without showing the main window. The key have priority before key '%1'.Shift/Offset layout length measured in layout units (export mode). The option show how many points along edge will be used in creating a layout.Shift/Offset lengthShift/Offset length must be used together with shift units.Number corresponding to output format (default = 0, export mode):Disable high dpi scaling. Call this option if has problem with scaling (by default scaling enabled). Alternatively you can use the %1 environment variable.Export dxf in binary form.Export text as paths.Export only details. Export details as they positioned in the details mode. Any layout related options will be ignored.Export only details that match a piece name regex.The name regexExport to csv with header. By default disabled.Specify codec that will be used to save data. List of supported codecs provided by Qt. Default value depend from system. On Windows, the codec will be based on a system locale. On Unix systems, the codec will might fall back to using the iconv library if no builtin codec for the locale can be found. Valid values for this installation:Codec nameSpecify csv separator character. Default value is '%1'. Valid characters:Separator characterCalling this command enable exporting final measurements. Specify path to csv file with final measurements. The path must contain path to directory and name of file. It can be absolute or relatetive. In case of relative path will be used current working directory to calc a destination path.Path to csv fileNumber corresponding to layout page template (default = 0, export mode):Ignore printer margins (export mode). Use if need full paper space. In case of later printing you must account for the margins himself.Number corresponding to tiled pdf page template (default = 0, export mode with tiled pdf format):Tiled page left margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used default value 1 cm.The left marginTiled page right margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used default value 1 cm.The right marginTiled page top margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value default value 1 cm.The top marginTiled page bottom margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value default value 1 cm.The bottom marginSet tiled page orienatation to landscape (export mode). Default value if not set portrait.Cannot use pageformat and page explicit size together.Tiled left margin must be used together with page units.Tiled right margin must be used together with page units.Tiled top margin must be used together with page units.Tiled bottom margin must be used together with page units.Page measure units (export mode). Valid values: %1.Set size value for pattern file, that was opened with multisize measurements (export mode). Valid values: %1cm.Set height value for pattern file, that was opened with multisize measurements (export mode). Valid values: %1cm.VCommonSettingsmeasurementswymiaryindividualmultisizetemplateslabel templatesVContainerCan't find objectCan't cast objectCan't find object. Type mismatch.Number of free id exhausted.Can't create a curve with type '%1'Can't cast object.VCubicBezierPathNot enough points to create the spline.This spline does not exist.VDomDocumentCan't open file %1:
%2.Can't open schema file %1:
%2.Validation error file %3 in line %1 column %2Parsing error file %3 in line %1 column %2Couldn't get nodeCould not load schema file '%1'.Fail to write Canonical XML.<empty>VDrawToolOptionsOpcjeDeleteShow labelAdd to groupRemove from groupVExceptionException: %1VFormulaErrorBłądVFormulaPropertyValueWartośćFormulaFormułaVLayoutPiecePiece %1 doesn't have shape.VMeasurementsCan't find measurement '%1'The measurement name is empty!VNodePointOptionsOpcjeIn layoutShow labelExcludeDeleteForbid flippingForce flippingVPE::VBoolPropertyTruePrawdaFalseFałszVPE::VFileEditWidgetDirectoryOpen FileOtwórz plikVPatternError parsing file.Error can't convert value.Error empty parameter.Error wrong id.Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error creating or updating detailError creating or updating single pointError creating or updating point of end lineError creating or updating point along lineError creating or updating point of shoulderError creating or updating point of normalError creating or updating point of bisectorError creating or updating point of contactError creating or updating modeling pointError creating or updating heightError creating or updating triangleError creating or updating point of intersectionError creating or updating cut spline pointError creating or updating cut spline path pointError creating or updating cut arc pointError creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creating or updating lineError creating or updating simple curveError creating or updating curve pathError creating or updating modeling simple curveError creating or updating modeling curve pathError creating or updating simple arcError creating or updating modeling arcError creating or updating union detailsError creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creating or updating point from circle and tangentError creating or updating point from arc and tangentError creating or updating true dartsWrong tag name '%1'.Unknown point type '%1'.Unknown spline type '%1'.Unknown arc type '%1'.Unknown tools type '%1'.Error not unique id.Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesError creating or updating simple interactive splineError creating or updating interactive spline pathError creating or updating cubic bezier curveError creating or updating cubic bezier path curveError creating or updating operation of rotationUnknown operation type '%1'.Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineError creating or updating operation of flipping by axisError creating or updating operation of movingError creating or updating point of line intersectionError creating or updating simple elliptical arcUnknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcDetailDetalUnnamed pathNienazwana ścieżkaError creating or updating a piece pathError creating or updating pin pointError creating or updating place lavelVPosterGrid ( %1 , %2 )Page %1 of %2Sheet %1 of %2VSettingspatternswykrojelayoutsVSplinePathNot enough points to create the spline.This spline does not exist.VToolAlongLineLengthDługośćAngleLabelVToolArcLengthDługośćRadiusPromieńStart angleEnd angleLabelVToolArcWithLengthLengthDługośćRadiusPromieńStart angleEnd angleLabelVToolBasePointLabelVToolCutArcArcŁuklengthstart angleend angleradiuslabelVToolCutSplineCurveKrzywalengthlabelVToolCutSplinePathCurveKrzywalengthlabelVToolDetailOptionsOpcjemove pattern piece labelprzesuń etykietę formyresize pattern piece labelzmień rozmiar etykiety formyrotate pattern piece labelobróć etykietę formyVToolDoublePointLabelVToolEllipticalArcLengthDługośćRadiusPromieńStart angleEnd angleLabelRotationVToolFlippingByAxisOrigin pointVToolFlippingByLineFirst line pointSecond line pointVToolHeightLengthDługośćAngleLabelVToolLineLengthDługośćAngleVToolLineIntersectLabelVToolLineIntersectAxisLengthDługośćAngleLabelVToolLinePointLengthDługośćAngleLabelVToolMoveRotation angleLengthDługośćCenter pointPunkt środkowyAngleRotation origin pointVToolOptionsPropertyBrowserBase pointPunkt bazowyPoint labelEtykieta punktuPoint at distance and angleDodaj punkt wg zadanej odległości i kątaLengthDługośćPoint at distance along lineDodaj punkt na liniiArcŁukRadiusPromieńFirst anglePierwszy kątSecond angleDrugi kątPoint along bisectorDodaj punkt na dwusiecznejCut arc toolTool for segmenting a curveTool segment a pathed curvePerpendicular point along lineLine between pointsPoint at line intersectionPoint along perpendicularDodaj punkt prostopadłyPoint at intersection of arc and lineTool to make point from x & y of two other pointsSpecial point on shoulderCurve toolTool for path curveTool trianglePoint intersection line and axisLine colorKolor liniiColorKolorPoint intersection curve and axisFirst pointPierwszy punktSecond pointDrugi punktArc with given lengthTrue dartsTool to make point from intersection two arcsTool to make point from intersection two circlesTool to make point from circle and tangentTool to make point from arc and tangentHighest pointLowest pointLeftmost pointRightmost pointTool to make point from intersection two curvesCubic bezier curveTool cubic bezier curveTool rotationVertical axisHorizontal axisTool moveTool flipping by lineTool flipping by axisElliptical arcPoint label:Etykieta punktu:Position:Base point:Punkt bazowy:Line type:Line color:Kolor linii:Length:Długość:Angle:First point:Pierwszy punkt:Second point:Drugi punkt:Center point:Punkt centralny:Radius:Promień:First angle:Pierwszy kąt:Second angle:Drugi kąt:Color:Kolor:Third point:Trzeci punkt:Point 1 label:Point 2 label:First base point:Pierwszy punkt bazowy:Second base point:Drugi punkt bazowy:First dart point:Arc:Łuk:Curve:Krzywa:First line point:Second line point:First line (first point):First line (second point):Second line (first point):Second line (second point):Additional angle degrees:Center of arc:Top of the line:End of the line:X: vertical point:Y: horizontal point:First arc:Second arc:Take:Center of the first circle:Center of the second circle:First circle radius:Second circle radius:First curve:Second curve:Vertical correction:Horizontal correction:Center of the circle:Tangent point:Circle radius:Name:C1: angle:C1: length:C2: angle:C2: length:First point of axis:Second point of axis:Axis point:Suffix:Origin point:Axis type:Rotation angle:Fourth point:Czwarty punkt:Pen style:Approximation scale:Rotation origin point:VToolPointOfContactLengthDługośćAngleLabelVToolRotationOrigin pointRotation angleVToolSeamAllowanceCurrent seam allowancemove pattern piece labelprzesuń etykietę formyresize pattern piece labelzmień rozmiar etykiety formyrotate pattern piece labelobróć etykietę formymove pattern info labelresize pattern info labelrotate pattern info labelmove grainlineresize grainlinerotate grainlineOptionsOpcjeIn layoutDeleteapply save detail optionsmulti deletionForbid flippingForce flippingVToolShoulderPointLengthDługośćAngleLabelVToolUnionDetailsunion detailsVTranslateVarsBunkaSystem nameBunka Fashion CollegeAuthor nameFundamentals of Garment DesignBook nameBarnfield and RichardSystem nameJo Barnfield and Andrew RichardsAuthor namePattern Making PrimerBook nameFriendship/WomenSystem nameElizabeth FriendshipAuthor nameCreating Historical Clothes - Pattern Cutting from the 16th to the 19th CenturiesBook nameMorris, K.System nameKaren MorrisAuthor nameSewing Lingerie that FitsBook nameCastroSystem nameLucia Mors de CastroAuthor namePatternmaking in PracticBook nameKim & UhSystem nameInjoo Kim and Mykyung UhAuthor nameApparel Making in Fashion DesignBook nameWaughSystem nameNorah WaughAuthor nameCorsets and CrinolinesBook nameGrimbleSystem nameFrances GrimbleAuthor nameFashions of the Gilded AgeBook nameThornton's International SystemSystem nameed. R. L. ShepAuthor nameThe Great War: Styles and Patterns of the 1910sBook nameHillhouse & MansfieldSystem nameMarion S. Hillhouse and Evelyn A. MansfieldAuthor nameDress Design: Draping and Flat Pattern MakingBook namePivnickSystem nameEsther Kaplan PivnickAuthor nameHow to Design Beautiful Clothes: Designing and Pattern MakingBook nameMinister & SonSystem nameEdward Minister & Son, ed. R. L. ShepAuthor nameThe Complete Guide to Practical Cutting (1853)Book nameStricklandSystem nameGertrude StricklandAuthor nameA Tailoring ManualBook nameLoh & LewisSystem nameMay Loh and Diehl LewisAuthor namePatternless Fashion DesignBook nameMorris, F. R.System nameF. R. MorrisAuthor nameLadies Garment Cutting and MakingBook nameMasonSystem nameGertrude MasonAuthor nameGertrude Mason's Patternmaking BookBook nameKimataSystem nameK. KimataAuthor nameK.Kimata's Simplified Drafting Book for DressmakingBook nameMaster DesignerSystem nameThe Master Designer (Chicago, IL)Author nameMaster Designer's System of Designing, Cutting and GradingBook nameKoppSystem nameErnestine Kopp, Vittorina Rolfo, Beatrice Zelin, Lee GrossAuthor nameHow to Draft Basic PatternsBook nameEkernSystem nameDoris EkernAuthor nameSlacks Cut-to-Fit for Your FigureBook nameDoyleSystem nameSarah J. DoyleAuthor nameSarah's Key to Pattern DraftingBook nameSheltonSystem nameKarla J. SheltonAuthor nameDesign and Sew JeansBook nameLady BoutiqueSystem nameLady BoutiqueAuthor nameLady Boutique magazine (Japan)Book nameRohrSystem nameM. RohrAuthor namePattern Drafting and Grading: Women's nd Misses' Garment DesignBook nameMooreSystem nameDorothy MooreAuthor nameDorothy Moore's Pattern Drafting and DressmakingBook nameAblingSystem nameBina AblingAuthor nameIntegrating Draping, Drafting and DrawingBook nameFukomotoSystem nameSue S. FukomotoAuthor nameScientific Pattern Drafting as taught at Style Center School of Costume Design, Dressmaking and MillineryBook nameDressmaking InternationalSystem nameDressmaking InternationalAuthor nameDressmaking International magazine (Japan)Book nameErwinSystem nameMabel D. ErwinAuthor namePractical Dress DesignBook nameGoughSystem nameE. L. G. GoughAuthor namePrinciples of Garment CuttingBook nameAllemongSystem nameElizabeth M. AllemongAuthor nameEuropean CutBook nameMcCunnSystem nameDonald H. McCunnAuthor nameHow to Make Your Own Sewing PatternsBook nameZarapkarSystem nameShri K. R. Zarapkar and Shri Arvind K. ZarapkarAuthor nameZarapkar System of CuttingBook nameKunickSystem namePhilip KunickAuthor nameSizing, Pattern Construction and Grading for Women's and Children's GarmentsBook nameHandfordSystem nameJack HandfordAuthor nameProfessional Patternmaking for Designers: Women's Wear, Men's Casual WearBook nameDavisSystem nameR. I. DavisAuthor nameMen's 17th & 18th Century Costume, Cut & FashionBook nameMacLochlainnSystem nameJason MacLochlainnAuthor nameThe Victorian Tailor: An Introduction to Period TailoringBook nameJoseph-ArmstrongSystem nameHelen Joseph-ArmstrongAuthor namePatternmaking for Fashion DesignBook nameSupreme SystemSystem nameFrederick T. CroonbergAuthor nameThe Blue Book of Men's Tailoring, Grand Edition of Supreme System for Producing Mens Garments (1907)Book nameSuginoSystem nameDressmakingAuthor namePattern Drafting Vols. I, II, III (Japan)Book nameCentre Point SystemSystem nameLouis DevereAuthor nameThe Handbook of Practical Cutting on the Centre Point SystemBook nameAldrich/MenSystem nameWinifred AldrichAuthor nameMetric Pattern Cutting for MenswearBook nameAldrich/WomenSystem nameMetric Pattern Cutting for Women's WearBook nameKershawSystem nameGareth KershawAuthor namePatternmaking for MenswearBook nameGilewskaSystem nameTeresa GilewskaAuthor namePattern-Drafting for Fashion: The BasicsBook nameLoSystem nameDennic Chunman LoAuthor namePattern CuttingBook nameBraySystem nameNatalie BrayAuthor nameDress Pattern Designing: The Basic Principles of Cut and FitBook nameKnowles/MenSystem nameLori A. KnowlesAuthor nameThe Practical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers: MenswearBook nameFriendship/MenSystem namePattern Cutting for Men's CostumeBook nameBrownSystem nameP. Clement BrownAuthor nameArt in DressBook nameMitchellSystem nameJno. J. MitchellAuthor name"Standard" Work on Cutting (Men's Garments) 1886: The Art and Science of Garment CuttingBook nameGOST 17917-86System nameMinistry of consumer industry of the USSRAuthor nameStandard figure boysBook nameEddySystem nameJosephine F. Eddy and Elizabeth C. B. WileyAuthor namePattern and Dress DesignBook nameKnowles/WomenSystem namePractical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers: Juniors, Misses, and WomenBook nameAmerican Garment CutterSystem nameNoneSystem nameValentina teamAuthor nameValentina's internal standardBook namesinsine functionsincoscosine functioncostantangens functiontanasinarcus sine functionasinacosarcus cosine functionacosatanarcus tangens functionatansinhhyperbolic sine functioncoshhyperbolic cosinetanhhyperbolic tangens functionasinhhyperbolic arcus sine functionatanhhyperbolic arcur tangens functionlog2logarithm to the base 2log10logarithm to the base 10loglogarithm to the base 10lnlogarithm to base e (2.71828...)expe raised to the power of xsqrtsquare root of a valuesignsign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0rintround to nearest integerabsabsolute valueminmin of all argumentsminmaxmax of all argumentssumsum of all argumentsavgmean value of all argumentsfmodReturns the floating-point remainder of numer/denom (rounded towards zero)cmcentimetercmLine_Left symbol _ in the nameAngleLine_Left symbol _ in the nameArc_Left symbol _ in the nameSpl_Left symbol _ in the nameSplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of the nameRadiusArc_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle1Arc_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle2Arc_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle1Spl_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle2Spl_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle1SplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of the nameAngle2SplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of the nameSeg_Segment. Left symbol _ in the nameCurrentLengthDo not add space between wordsacoshhyperbolic arcus cosine functionsizeplaceholderheightplaceholderC1LengthSpl_Left symbol _ in the nameC2LengthSpl_Left symbol _ in the nameC1LengthSplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of the nameC2LengthSplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of the nameCurrentSeamAllowanceDo not add space between wordsdegToradconverts degrees to radiandegToradradTodegconverts radian to degreesradTodegsinsine function working with radianssincoscosine function working with radianscostantangens function working with radianstanasinarcus sine function working with radiansasinacosarcus cosine function working with radiansacosatanarcus tangens function working with radiansatansinDsine function working with degreessinDcosDcosine function working with degreescosDtanDtangens function working with degreestanDasinDarcus sine function working with degreesasinDacosDarcus cosine function working with degreesacosDatanDarcus tangens function working with degreesatanDM_Left symbol _ in the nameIncrement_Left symbol _ in the nameElArc_Left symbol _ in the nameRadius1ElArc_Left symbol _ in the nameRadius2ElArc_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle1ElArc_Left symbol _ in the nameAngle2ElArc_Left symbol _ in the namedateplaceholdertimeplaceholderpatternNameplaceholderpatternNumberplaceholderauthorplaceholdercustomerplaceholderpExtplaceholderpFileNameplaceholdermFileNameplaceholdermExtplaceholderpLetterplaceholderpAnnotationplaceholderpOrientationplaceholderpRotationplaceholderpTiltplaceholderpFoldPositionplaceholderpNameplaceholderpQuantityplaceholdermFabricplaceholdermLiningplaceholdermInterfacingplaceholdermInterliningplaceholderwCutplaceholderwOnFoldplaceholderuserMaterialplaceholderr2cmround to up to 1 decimalcsrCmcut, split and rotate modeling operation. Takes cm units.csrInchcut, split and rotate modeling operation. Takes inch units.RotationElArc_Left symbol _ in the nameVWidgetDetailsFormUnnamedSelect allSelect noneselect all detailsselect none detailsInvert selectioninvert selectionVWidgetGroupsRenameDeleteVisToolCubicBezierPath<b>Curved path</b>: select seven or more points<b>Curved path</b>: select seven or more points, <b>Enter</b> - finish creation<b>Curved path</b>: select more points for complete segmentVisToolCurveIntersectAxis<b>Intersection curve and axis</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationVisToolEndLine<b>Point at distance and angle</b>: angle = %1°, length = %2%3; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationVisToolLineIntersectAxis<b>Intersection line and axis</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationVisToolMoveLength = %1%2, angle = %3°, <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Mouse click</b> - finish selecting a positionLength = %1%2, angle = %3°, rotation angle = %4°, <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Ctrl</b> - change rotation origin point, <b>Mouse click</b> - finish creatingVisToolRotationRotating angle = %1°, <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Mouse click</b> - finish creationVisToolSplineUse <b>Shift</b> for sticking angle!VisToolSplinePath<b>Curved path</b>: select three or more points<b>Curved path</b>: select three or more points, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationUse <b>Shift</b> for sticking angle!mNoisyHandlerDEBUG:WARNING:CRITICAL:FATAL:INFO:Information.Informacje.WarningCritical errorFatal errorInformationInformacjevNoisyHandlerDEBUG:WARNING:CRITICAL:FATAL:INFO:Warning.Critical error.Fatal error.Information.Informacje.