# Notes: # - Minimal appveyor.yml file is an empty file. All sections are optional. # - Indent each level of configuration with 2 spaces. Do not use tabs! # - All section names are case-sensitive. # - Section names should be unique on each level. #---------------------------------# # general configuration # #---------------------------------# # version format version: '{build}-{branch}' # branches to build branches: # whitelist only: - develop - release - default # Do not build on tags (GitHub and BitBucket) skip_tags: true #---------------------------------# # environment configuration # #---------------------------------# # clone directory clone_folder: c:\projects\valentina # set clone depth clone_depth: 1 # clone entire repository history if not defined # fetch repository as zip archive shallow_clone: false # default is "false" environment: matrix: - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.14\mingw73_32 QT_VERSION: Qt5.14 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_32\bin PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: true - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.6\mingw49_32 QT_VERSION: Qt5.6 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\bin PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: true - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.14\mingw73_64 QT_VERSION: Qt5.14 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.14\msvc2017_64 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 15 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.13\mingw73_64 QT_VERSION: Qt5.13 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.13\msvc2017_64 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 15 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.12\mingw73_64 QT_VERSION: Qt5.12 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw730_64\bin PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 QT5: Qt\5.12\msvc2017_64 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 15 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.11\mingw53_32 QT_VERSION: Qt5.11 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015 QT5: Qt\5.11\msvc2015_64 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 14 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.10\mingw53_32 QT_VERSION: Qt5.10 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.10\msvc2017_64 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 15 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.9\mingw53_32 QT_VERSION: Qt5.9 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.9\msvc2017_64 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 15 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015 QT5: Qt\5.7\mingw53_32 QT_VERSION: Qt5.7 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "MinGW Makefiles" MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2015 QT5: Qt\5.7\msvc2015_32 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 14 PLATFORM: x86 DEPLOY: false - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 QT5: Qt\5.6\msvc2015_64 QT_VERSION: Qt5.6 QMAKE_GENERATOR: "NMake Makefiles JOM" VSVER: 14 PLATFORM: x64 DEPLOY: false # scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning init: # Uncomment if need access through RDP # - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) # Path before - path - set QTDIR=C:\%QT5% - set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%QTDIR%\include;C:\Tools\PsTools;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Mercurial\ - if NOT "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" echo "Using Visual Studio %VSVER%.0" - if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" echo "Using MinGW" # Set VC variables for the platform - IF "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "NMake Makefiles JOM" IF "%PLATFORM%" == "x86" IF "%VSVER%" == "15" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" -arch=x86 -host_arch=x64 - IF "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "NMake Makefiles JOM" IF "%PLATFORM%" == "x64" IF "%VSVER%" == "15" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\vsdevcmd.bat" -arch=x64 -host_arch=x64 - IF "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "NMake Makefiles JOM" IF "%PLATFORM%" == "x86" IF "%VSVER%" == "14" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat" - IF "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "NMake Makefiles JOM" IF "%PLATFORM%" == "x64" IF "%VSVER%" == "14" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\x86_amd64\vcvarsx86_amd64.bat" - if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" set PATH=%MINGW_PATH%;%PATH% - if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "NMake Makefiles JOM" set PATH=C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator\bin;%PATH% - set PATH=C:\projects\valentina\build\src\libs\vpropertyexplorer\bin;C:\projects\valentina\build\src\libs\qmuparser\bin;%PATH% # Path after - path - qmake -v #---------------------------------# # build configuration # #---------------------------------# before_build: - cd c:\projects\valentina - md build # to run your custom scripts instead of automatic MSBuild build_script: - cd build - if "%DEPLOY%" == "true" (qmake ..\Valentina.pro -r CONFIG+=no_ccache CONFIG+=checkWarnings CONFIG+=noDebugSymbols CONFIG+=noWindowsInstaller) else (qmake ..\Valentina.pro -r CONFIG+=noDebugSymbols CONFIG+=no_ccache CONFIG+=checkWarnings) - if not "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" (nmake -s) else (mingw32-make -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%) # to run your custom scripts instead of automatic tests test_script: - if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" (mingw32-make -s check TESTARGS="-silent") # to disable automatic tests #test: off matrix: fast_finish: false #---------------------------------# # notifications # #---------------------------------# notifications: # Email - provider: Email to: - dismine@gmail.com on_build_success: false on_build_failure: true on_build_status_changed: true #---------------------------------# # deployment # #---------------------------------# # prepare to deploy after_test: - if "%DEPLOY%" == "true" (mingw32-make install) artifacts: - path: build/package/valentina name: valentina-win-$(QT_VERSION)-$(APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH)-$(APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT) deploy: - provider: BinTray username: dismine api_key: secure: dlVBgPG66AfYTbgi9EQFaK4lZeF77H6/aiuKlmCWP02/i85HLtCMnlOkyWJR5XCu subject: dismine repo: Valentina package: valentina-win_auto-upload publish: true override: true version: 0.7.0a on: DEPLOY: true artifact: valentina-win-$(QT_VERSION)-$(APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH)-$(APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT)