/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vtextgraphicsitem.h ** @author Bojan Kverh ** @date June 16, 2016 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../vmisc/def.h" #include "vtextgraphicsitem.h" #define RESIZE_SQUARE 30 #define ROTATE_CIRCLE 20 #define ROTATE_RECT 60 #define ROTATE_ARC 50 #define MIN_W 120 #define MIN_H 60 #define MIN_FONT_SIZE 12 #define MAX_FONT_SIZE 128 #define SPACING 2 #define TOP_Z 2 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextLine::TextLine() :m_qsText(), m_iFontSize(MIN_FONT_SIZE), m_eFontWeight(QFont::Normal), m_eStyle(QFont::StyleNormal), m_eAlign(Qt::AlignCenter), m_iHeight(0) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VTextGraphicsItem::VTextGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem* pParent) :QGraphicsObject(pParent), m_eMode(VTextGraphicsItem::mNormal), m_bReleased(false), m_ptStartPos(), m_ptStart(), m_ptRotCenter(), m_szStart(), m_dRotation(0), m_dAngle(0), m_rectResize(), m_iMinH(MIN_H), m_rectBoundingBox(), m_font(), m_liLines(), m_liOutput() { m_rectBoundingBox.setTopLeft(QPointF(0, 0)); SetSize(MIN_W, m_iMinH); setZValue(TOP_Z); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VTextGraphicsItem::~VTextGraphicsItem() {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::SetFont(const QFont& fnt) { m_font = fnt; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(widget); painter->fillRect(option->rect, QColor(251, 251, 175)); painter->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); // draw text lines int iY = 0; int iH = 0; painter->setPen(Qt::black); QFont fnt = m_font; for (int i = 0; i < m_liOutput.count(); ++i) { const TextLine& tl = m_liOutput.at(i); iH = tl.m_iHeight; fnt.setPixelSize(m_font.pixelSize() + tl.m_iFontSize); fnt.setWeight(tl.m_eFontWeight); fnt.setStyle(tl.m_eStyle); painter->setFont(fnt); painter->drawText(0, iY, qRound(boundingRect().width()), iH, tl.m_eAlign, tl.m_qsText); iY += iH + SPACING; } if (m_eMode != mNormal) { painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 2, Qt::DashLine)); painter->drawRect(boundingRect().adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1)); if (m_eMode != mRotate) { painter->setPen(Qt::black); painter->setBrush(Qt::black); painter->drawRect(m_rectResize); if (m_eMode == mResize) { painter->drawLine(0, 0, qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.width()), qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.height())); painter->drawLine(0, qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.height()), qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.width()), 0); } } else { painter->setPen(Qt::black); painter->setBrush(Qt::black); painter->drawEllipse( QPointF(m_rectBoundingBox.width()/2, m_rectBoundingBox.height()/2), ROTATE_CIRCLE, ROTATE_CIRCLE ); painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 3)); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); int iTop = ROTATE_RECT - ROTATE_ARC; int iLeft = ROTATE_RECT - ROTATE_ARC; int iRight = qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.width()) - ROTATE_RECT; int iBottom = qRound(m_rectBoundingBox.height()) - ROTATE_RECT; painter->drawArc(iLeft, iTop, ROTATE_ARC, ROTATE_ARC, 180*16, -90*16); painter->drawArc(iRight, iTop, ROTATE_ARC, ROTATE_ARC, 90*16, -90*16); painter->drawArc(iLeft, iBottom, ROTATE_ARC, ROTATE_ARC, 270*16, -90*16); painter->drawArc(iRight, iBottom, ROTATE_ARC, ROTATE_ARC, 0*16, -90*16); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::Reset() { m_eMode = mNormal; m_bReleased = false; Update(); setZValue(TOP_Z); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::AddLine(const TextLine& tl) { m_liLines << tl; while (IsBigEnough(MIN_W, m_iMinH, MIN_FONT_SIZE) == false) { m_iMinH += 5; } if (m_rectBoundingBox.height() < m_iMinH) { SetSize(m_rectBoundingBox.width(), m_iMinH); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::Clear() { m_liLines.clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::SetSize(qreal fW, qreal fH) { // don't allow resize under specific size if (fW < MIN_W || fH < m_iMinH) return; m_rectBoundingBox.setTopLeft(QPointF(0, 0)); m_rectBoundingBox.setWidth(fW); m_rectBoundingBox.setHeight(fH); m_rectResize.setTopLeft(QPointF(fW - RESIZE_SQUARE, fH - RESIZE_SQUARE)); m_rectResize.setWidth(RESIZE_SQUARE); m_rectResize.setHeight(RESIZE_SQUARE); setTransformOriginPoint(m_rectBoundingBox.center()); prepareGeometryChange(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::Update() { UpdateFont(); UpdateBox(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VTextGraphicsItem::IsContained(QRectF rectBB, qreal dRot, qreal &dX, qreal &dY) const { QRectF rectParent = parentItem()->boundingRect(); rectBB = GetBoundingRect(rectBB, dRot); dX = 0; dY = 0; if (rectParent.contains(rectBB) == false) { if (rectParent.left() - rectBB.left() > fabs(dX)) { dX = rectParent.left() - rectBB.left(); } else if (rectBB.right() - rectParent.right() > fabs(dX)) { dX = rectParent.right() - rectBB.right(); } if (rectParent.top() - rectBB.top() > fabs(dY)) { dY = rectParent.top() - rectBB.top(); } else if (rectBB.bottom() - rectParent.bottom() > fabs(dY)) { dY = rectParent.bottom() - rectBB.bottom(); } return false; } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int VTextGraphicsItem::GetFontSize() const { return m_font.pixelSize(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QRectF VTextGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const { return m_rectBoundingBox; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *pME) { if (pME->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { m_ptStartPos = pos(); m_ptStart = pME->scenePos(); m_szStart = m_rectBoundingBox.size(); m_ptRotCenter = mapToScene(m_rectBoundingBox.center()); m_dAngle = GetAngle(pME->scenePos()); m_dRotation = rotation(); if (m_eMode != mRotate) { if (m_rectResize.contains(pME->pos()) == true) { m_eMode = mResize; SetOverrideCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); } else { m_eMode = mMove; SetOverrideCursor(cursorArrowCloseHand, 1, 1); } } setZValue(TOP_Z + 1); UpdateBox(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* pME) { qreal dX; qreal dY; QRectF rectBB; QPointF ptDiff = pME->scenePos() - m_ptStart; if (m_eMode == mMove) { QPointF pt = m_ptStartPos + ptDiff; rectBB.setTopLeft(pt); rectBB.setWidth(m_rectBoundingBox.width()); rectBB.setHeight(m_rectBoundingBox.height()); if (IsContained(rectBB, rotation(), dX, dY) == false) { pt.setX(pt.x() + dX); pt.setY(pt.y() + dY); } setPos(pt); UpdateBox(); } else if (m_eMode == mResize) { QPointF pt = m_ptStartPos; rectBB.setTopLeft(pt); QSize sz(m_szStart.width() + ptDiff.x(), m_szStart.height() + ptDiff.y()); rectBB.setSize(sz); if (IsContained(rectBB, rotation(), dX, dY) == false) { sz.setWidth(sz.width() + dX); sz.setHeight(sz.height() + dY); } SetSize(sz.width(), sz.height()); Update(); emit SignalShrink(); } else if (m_eMode == mRotate) { if (fabs(m_dAngle) < 0.01) { m_dAngle = GetAngle(pME->scenePos()); return; } double dAng = 180*(GetAngle(pME->scenePos()) - m_dAngle)/M_PI; rectBB.setTopLeft(m_ptStartPos); rectBB.setWidth(m_rectBoundingBox.width()); rectBB.setHeight(m_rectBoundingBox.height()); if (IsContained(rectBB, m_dRotation + dAng, dX, dY) == true) { setRotation(m_dRotation + dAng); Update(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* pME) { if (pME->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { if (m_eMode == mMove) { RestoreOverrideCursor(cursorArrowCloseHand); } else if (m_eMode == mResize) { RestoreOverrideCursor(Qt::SizeFDiagCursor); } double dDist = fabs(pME->scenePos().x() - m_ptStart.x()) + fabs(pME->scenePos().y() - m_ptStart.y()); bool bShort = (dDist < 2); if (m_eMode == mMove || m_eMode == mResize) { // when released in mMove or mResize mode if (bShort == true) { if (m_bReleased == true) { m_eMode = mRotate; UpdateBox(); } } else if (m_eMode == mMove) { emit SignalMoved(pos()); UpdateBox(); } else { emit SignalResized(m_rectBoundingBox.width(), m_font.pixelSize()); Update(); } } else { // when released in mRotate mode if (bShort == true) { m_eMode = mMove; UpdateBox(); } else { emit SignalRotated(rotation()); UpdateBox(); } } m_bReleased = true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateBox() { update(m_rectBoundingBox); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VTextGraphicsItem::UpdateFont() { int iFS = m_font.pixelSize(); // increase the font size until the bounding rect is not big enough while (iFS < MAX_FONT_SIZE && IsBigEnough(m_rectBoundingBox.width(), m_rectBoundingBox.height(), iFS) == true) { ++iFS; } // decrease the font size until the bounding rect is big enough while (iFS >= MIN_FONT_SIZE && IsBigEnough(m_rectBoundingBox.width(), m_rectBoundingBox.height(), iFS) == false) { --iFS; } m_font.setPixelSize(iFS); UpdateBox(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VTextGraphicsItem::IsBigEnough(qreal fW, qreal fH, int iFontSize) { m_liOutput.clear(); QFont fnt = m_font; int iY = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_liLines.count(); ++i) { const TextLine& tl = m_liLines.at(i); TextLine tlOut = tl; fnt.setPixelSize(iFontSize + tl.m_iFontSize); QFontMetrics fm(fnt); tlOut.m_iHeight = fm.height(); QStringList qslLines = SplitString(tlOut.m_qsText, fW, fm); for (int iL = 0; iL < qslLines.count(); ++iL) { tlOut.m_qsText = qslLines[iL]; m_liOutput << tlOut; iY += tlOut.m_iHeight + SPACING; } } return iY < fH; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QStringList VTextGraphicsItem::SplitString(const QString &qs, qreal fW, const QFontMetrics &fm) { QRegExp reg("\\s+"); QStringList qslWords = qs.split(reg); QStringList qslLines; QString qsCurrent; for (int i = 0; i < qslWords.count(); ++i) { if (qsCurrent.length() > 0) { qsCurrent += " "; } if (fm.width(qsCurrent + qslWords[i]) > fW) { qslLines << qsCurrent; qsCurrent = qslWords[i]; } else { qsCurrent += qslWords[i]; } } qslLines << qsCurrent; return qslLines; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- double VTextGraphicsItem::GetAngle(QPointF pt) const { double dX = pt.x() - m_ptRotCenter.x(); double dY = pt.y() - m_ptRotCenter.y(); if (fabs(dX) < 1 && fabs(dY) < 1) return 0; else return atan2(dY, dX); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QRectF VTextGraphicsItem::GetBoundingRect(QRectF rectBB, qreal dRot) const { QPointF apt[4] = { rectBB.topLeft(), rectBB.topRight(), rectBB.bottomLeft(), rectBB.bottomRight() }; QPointF ptCenter = rectBB.center(); qreal dX1 = 0; qreal dX2 = 0; qreal dY1 = 0; qreal dY2 = 0; double dAng = M_PI*dRot/180; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { QPointF pt = apt[i] - ptCenter; qreal dX = pt.x()*cos(dAng) + pt.y()*sin(dAng); qreal dY = -pt.x()*sin(dAng) + pt.y()*cos(dAng); if (i == 0) { dX1 = dX2 = dX; dY1 = dY2 = dY; } else { if (dX < dX1) { dX1 = dX; } else if (dX > dX2) { dX2 = dX; } if (dY < dY1) { dY1 = dY; } else if (dY > dY2) { dY2 = dY; } } } QRectF rect; rect.setTopLeft(ptCenter + QPointF(dX1, dY1)); rect.setWidth(dX2 - dX1); rect.setHeight(dY2 - dY1); return rect; }