/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Valentina project All Rights Reserved. ** ** This file is part of Valentina. ** ** Tox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Tox is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "vsplinepath.h" #include "exception/vexception.h" VSplinePath::VSplinePath(): path(QVector<VSplinePoint>()), kCurve(1), mode(Draw::Calculation), points(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()), idObject(0){ } VSplinePath::VSplinePath(const QHash<qint64, VPointF> *points, qreal kCurve, Draw::Draws mode, qint64 idObject): path(QVector<VSplinePoint>()), kCurve(kCurve), mode(mode), points(*points), idObject(idObject){ } VSplinePath::VSplinePath(const VSplinePath &splPath): path(*splPath.GetPoint()), kCurve(splPath.getKCurve()), mode(splPath.getMode()), points(splPath.GetDataPoints()), idObject(splPath.getIdObject()){ } Draw::Draws VSplinePath::getMode() const{ return mode; } void VSplinePath::setMode(const Draw::Draws &value){ mode = value; } void VSplinePath::append(VSplinePoint point){ path.append(point); } qint32 VSplinePath::Count() const{ if(path.size() == 0){ return 0; } else { return path.size() - 1; } } qint32 VSplinePath::CountPoint() const{ return path.size(); } VSpline VSplinePath::GetSpline(qint32 index) const{ if(Count()<1){ throw VException(tr("Not enough points to create the spline.")); } if(index < 1 || index > Count()){ throw VException(tr("This spline is not exist.")); } VSpline spl(&points, path[index-1].P(), path[index].P(), path[index-1].Angle2(), path[index].Angle1(), path[index-1].KAsm2(), path[index].KAsm1(), this->kCurve); return spl; } QPainterPath VSplinePath::GetPath() const{ QPainterPath painterPath; for(qint32 i = 1; i <= Count(); ++i){ VSpline spl(&points, path[i-1].P(), path[i].P(), path[i-1].Angle2(), path[i].Angle1(), path[i-1].KAsm2(), path[i].KAsm1(), this->kCurve); painterPath.addPath(spl.GetPath()); } return painterPath; } QVector<QPointF> VSplinePath::GetPathPoints() const{ QVector<QPointF> pathPoints; for(qint32 i = 1; i <= Count(); ++i){ VSpline spl(&points, path[i-1].P(), path[i].P(), path[i-1].Angle2(), path[i].Angle1(), path[i-1].KAsm2(), path[i].KAsm1(), this->kCurve); QVector<QPointF> splP = spl.GetPoints(); for(qint32 j = 0; j < splP.size(); ++j){ pathPoints.append(splP[j]); } } return pathPoints; } QVector<VSplinePoint> VSplinePath::GetSplinePath() const{ return path; } qreal VSplinePath::GetLength() const{ qreal length = 0; for(qint32 i = 1; i <= Count(); ++i){ VSpline spl(&points, path[i-1].P(), path[i].P(), path[i-1].Angle2(), path[i].Angle1(), path[i-1].KAsm2(), path[i].KAsm1(), kCurve); length += spl.GetLength(); } return length; } QHash<qint64, VPointF> VSplinePath::GetDataPoints() const{ return points; } void VSplinePath::UpdatePoint(qint32 indexSpline, SplinePoint::Position pos, VSplinePoint point){ if(indexSpline < 1 || indexSpline > Count()){ throw VException(tr("This spline is not exist.")); } if(pos == SplinePoint::FirstPoint){ path[indexSpline-1] = point; } else { path[indexSpline] = point; } } VSplinePoint VSplinePath::GetSplinePoint(qint32 indexSpline, SplinePoint::Position pos) const{ if(indexSpline < 1 || indexSpline > Count()){ throw VException(tr("This spline is not exist.")); } if(pos == SplinePoint::FirstPoint){ return path.at(indexSpline-1); } else { return path.at(indexSpline); } } void VSplinePath::Clear(){ path.clear(); } qreal VSplinePath::getKCurve() const{ return kCurve; } void VSplinePath::setKCurve(const qreal &value){ kCurve = value; } const QVector<VSplinePoint> *VSplinePath::GetPoint() const{ return &path; } VSplinePath &VSplinePath::operator =(const VSplinePath &path){ this->path = path.GetSplinePath(); this->kCurve = path.getKCurve(); this->mode = path.getMode(); this->points = path.GetDataPoints(); this->idObject = path.getIdObject(); return *this; } VSplinePoint & VSplinePath::operator[](int indx){ return path[indx]; } qint64 VSplinePath::getIdObject() const{ return idObject; } void VSplinePath::setIdObject(const qint64 &value){ idObject = value; }