Code style.

This commit is contained in:
Roman Telezhynskyi 2022-05-20 17:08:32 +03:00
parent ca2fe5fff1
commit c9c46cc954
13 changed files with 474 additions and 466 deletions

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ VAbstractArc::VAbstractArc(const VAbstractArc &arc)
VAbstractArc &VAbstractArc::operator=(const VAbstractArc &arc)
auto VAbstractArc::operator=(const VAbstractArc &arc) -> VAbstractArc &
if ( &arc == this )
@ -81,11 +81,12 @@ VAbstractArc &VAbstractArc::operator=(const VAbstractArc &arc)
VAbstractArc::VAbstractArc(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
: VAbstractCurve(arc), d (arc.d)
: VAbstractCurve(std::move(arc)),
VAbstractArc &VAbstractArc::operator=(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
auto VAbstractArc::operator=(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VAbstractArc &
std::swap(d, arc.d);
@ -94,11 +95,11 @@ VAbstractArc &VAbstractArc::operator=(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
VAbstractArc::~VAbstractArc() // NOLINT(hicpp-use-equals-default, modernize-use-equals-default)
QString VAbstractArc::GetFormulaF1() const
auto VAbstractArc::GetFormulaF1() const -> QString
return d->formulaF1;
@ -111,13 +112,13 @@ void VAbstractArc::SetFormulaF1(const QString &formula, qreal value)
qreal VAbstractArc::GetStartAngle() const
auto VAbstractArc::GetStartAngle() const -> qreal
return d->f1;
QString VAbstractArc::GetFormulaF2() const
auto VAbstractArc::GetFormulaF2() const -> QString
return d->formulaF2;
@ -130,13 +131,13 @@ void VAbstractArc::SetFormulaF2(const QString &formula, qreal value)
qreal VAbstractArc::GetEndAngle() const
auto VAbstractArc::GetEndAngle() const -> qreal
return d->f2;
VPointF VAbstractArc::GetCenter() const
auto VAbstractArc::GetCenter() const -> VPointF
return d->center;
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ void VAbstractArc::SetCenter(const VPointF &point)
QString VAbstractArc::GetFormulaLength() const
auto VAbstractArc::GetFormulaLength() const -> QString
return d->formulaLength;
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ void VAbstractArc::setId(const quint32 &id)
QString VAbstractArc::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const
auto VAbstractArc::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const -> QString
QString name = toolName + QString(" %1").arg(GetCenter().name());
@ -193,13 +194,13 @@ QString VAbstractArc::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const
bool VAbstractArc::IsFlipped() const
auto VAbstractArc::IsFlipped() const -> bool
return d->isFlipped;
qreal VAbstractArc::AngleArc() const
auto VAbstractArc::AngleArc() const -> qreal
const qreal angleDiff = qAbs(GetStartAngle() - GetEndAngle());

View File

@ -48,42 +48,42 @@ class VAbstractArc : public VAbstractCurve
explicit VAbstractArc(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject = NULL_ID, const Draw &mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractArc (const GOType &type, const VPointF &center, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1, qreal f2,
VAbstractArc(const GOType &type, const VPointF &center, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1, qreal f2,
const QString &formulaF2, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractArc (const GOType &type, const VPointF &center, qreal f1, qreal f2, quint32 idObject = 0,
VAbstractArc(const GOType &type, const VPointF &center, qreal f1, qreal f2, quint32 idObject = 0,
Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractArc (const GOType &type, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF &center, qreal f1,
VAbstractArc(const GOType &type, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF &center, qreal f1,
const QString &formulaF1, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractArc (const GOType &type, const VPointF &center, qreal f1, quint32 idObject = 0,
VAbstractArc(const GOType &type, const VPointF &center, qreal f1, quint32 idObject = 0,
Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
explicit VAbstractArc(const VAbstractArc &arc);
virtual ~VAbstractArc();
VAbstractArc(const VAbstractArc &arc);
~VAbstractArc() override;
VAbstractArc& operator= (const VAbstractArc &arc);
auto operator= (const VAbstractArc &arc) -> VAbstractArc&;
VAbstractArc(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
VAbstractArc &operator=(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
auto operator=(VAbstractArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VAbstractArc &;
QString GetFormulaF1 () const;
auto GetFormulaF1 () const -> QString;
void SetFormulaF1 (const QString &formula, qreal value);
virtual qreal GetStartAngle () const override;
auto GetStartAngle () const -> qreal override;
QString GetFormulaF2 () const;
auto GetFormulaF2 () const -> QString;
void SetFormulaF2 (const QString &formula, qreal value);
virtual qreal GetEndAngle () const override;
auto GetEndAngle () const -> qreal override;
virtual VPointF GetCenter () const;
auto GetCenter () const -> VPointF;
void SetCenter (const VPointF &point);
QString GetFormulaLength () const;
auto GetFormulaLength () const -> QString;
void SetFormulaLength (const QString &formula, qreal value);
virtual void setId(const quint32 &id) override;
virtual QString NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const override;
void setId(const quint32 &id) override;
auto NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const -> QString override;
bool IsFlipped() const;
qreal AngleArc() const;
auto IsFlipped() const -> bool;
auto AngleArc() const -> qreal;
void SetFlipped(bool value);
virtual void FindF2(qreal length)=0;

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ namespace
* @param y2 у coordinate second point.
* @return squared length.
inline qreal CalcSqDistance(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2)
inline auto CalcSqDistance(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2) -> qreal
const qreal dx = x2 - x1;
const qreal dy = y2 - y1;
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ inline qreal CalcSqDistance(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2)
* @param points spline points coordinates.
* @param approximationScale curve approximation scale.
QVector<QPointF> PointBezier_r(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, qreal x3, qreal y3, qreal x4, qreal y4,
qint16 level, QVector<QPointF> points, qreal approximationScale)
auto PointBezier_r(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, qreal x3, qreal y3, qreal x4, qreal y4,
qint16 level, QVector<QPointF> points, qreal approximationScale) -> QVector<QPointF>
if (points.size() >= 2)
@ -373,17 +373,10 @@ QVector<QPointF> PointBezier_r(qreal x1, qreal y1, qreal x2, qreal y2, qreal x3,
VAbstractCubicBezier::VAbstractCubicBezier(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject, const Draw &mode)
: VAbstractBezier(type, idObject, mode)
VAbstractCubicBezier::VAbstractCubicBezier(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve)
: VAbstractBezier(curve)
VAbstractCubicBezier &VAbstractCubicBezier::operator=(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve)
auto VAbstractCubicBezier::operator=(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve) -> VAbstractCubicBezier &
if ( &curve == this )
@ -395,8 +388,7 @@ VAbstractCubicBezier &VAbstractCubicBezier::operator=(const VAbstractCubicBezier
@ -409,8 +401,8 @@ VAbstractCubicBezier::~VAbstractCubicBezier()
* @param pointName cutting point name.
* @return point of cutting. This point is forth point of first spline and first point of second spline.
QPointF VAbstractCubicBezier::CutSpline(qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2,
QPointF &spl2p3, const QString &pointName) const
auto VAbstractCubicBezier::CutSpline(qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2,
QPointF &spl2p3, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF
//Always need return two splines, so we must correct wrong length.
const qreal minLength = ToPixel(1, Unit::Mm);
@ -500,7 +492,7 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezier::CutSpline(qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &
QString VAbstractCubicBezier::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const
auto VAbstractCubicBezier::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const -> QString
QString name = toolName + QString(" %1_%2").arg(GetP1().name(), GetP4().name());
if (GetDuplicate() > 0)
@ -589,8 +581,8 @@ void VAbstractCubicBezier::CreateAlias()
* @param approximationScale curve approximation scale.
* @return list of points.
QVector<QPointF> VAbstractCubicBezier::GetCubicBezierPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3,
const QPointF &p4, qreal approximationScale)
auto VAbstractCubicBezier::GetCubicBezierPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3,
const QPointF &p4, qreal approximationScale) -> QVector<QPointF>
QVector<QPointF> pvector;
@ -610,14 +602,14 @@ QVector<QPointF> VAbstractCubicBezier::GetCubicBezierPoints(const QPointF &p1, c
* @param approximationScale curve approximation scale.
* @return length.
qreal VAbstractCubicBezier::LengthBezier(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4,
qreal approximationScale)
auto VAbstractCubicBezier::LengthBezier(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4,
qreal approximationScale) -> qreal
return PathLength(GetCubicBezierPoints(p1, p2, p3, p4, approximationScale));
qreal VAbstractCubicBezier::RealLengthByT(qreal t) const
auto VAbstractCubicBezier::RealLengthByT(qreal t) const -> qreal
if (t < 0 || t > 1)

View File

@ -47,35 +47,36 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wsuggest-final-types")
class VAbstractCubicBezier : public VAbstractBezier
VAbstractCubicBezier(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject = NULL_ID, const Draw &mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractCubicBezier(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve);
VAbstractCubicBezier& operator= (const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve);
virtual ~VAbstractCubicBezier();
explicit VAbstractCubicBezier(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject = NULL_ID,
const Draw &mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractCubicBezier(const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve) = default;
auto operator= (const VAbstractCubicBezier &curve) -> VAbstractCubicBezier&;
~VAbstractCubicBezier() override;
virtual VPointF GetP1 () const =0;
virtual VPointF GetP2 () const =0;
virtual VPointF GetP3 () const =0;
virtual VPointF GetP4 () const =0;
virtual auto GetP1 () const -> VPointF =0;
virtual auto GetP2 () const -> VPointF =0;
virtual auto GetP3 () const -> VPointF =0;
virtual auto GetP4 () const -> VPointF =0;
QPointF CutSpline (qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2, QPointF &spl2p3,
const QString &pointName) const;
auto CutSpline(qreal length, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2, QPointF &spl2p3,
const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
virtual QString NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const override;
auto NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const -> QString override;
qreal GetParmT(qreal length) const;
qreal RealLengthByT(qreal t) const;
auto GetParmT(qreal length) const -> qreal;
auto RealLengthByT(qreal t) const -> qreal;
virtual void CreateName() override;
virtual void CreateAlias() override;
void CreateName() override;
void CreateAlias() override;
static QVector<QPointF> GetCubicBezierPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3,
const QPointF &p4, qreal approximationScale);
static qreal LengthBezier(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4,
qreal approximationScale);
static auto GetCubicBezierPoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3,
const QPointF &p4, qreal approximationScale) -> QVector<QPointF>;
static auto LengthBezier(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const QPointF &p4,
qreal approximationScale) -> qreal;
virtual QPointF GetControlPoint1() const =0;
virtual QPointF GetControlPoint2() const =0;
virtual auto GetControlPoint1() const -> QPointF =0;
virtual auto GetControlPoint2() const -> QPointF =0;
virtual auto GetRealLength() const -> qreal =0;

View File

@ -46,13 +46,7 @@ VAbstractCubicBezierPath::VAbstractCubicBezierPath(const GOType &type, const qui
VAbstractCubicBezierPath::VAbstractCubicBezierPath(const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve)
: VAbstractBezier(curve)
VAbstractCubicBezierPath &VAbstractCubicBezierPath::operator=(const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve)
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::operator=(const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve) -> VAbstractCubicBezierPath &
if ( &curve == this )
@ -72,7 +66,7 @@ VAbstractCubicBezierPath::~VAbstractCubicBezierPath()
* @brief GetPath return QPainterPath which reprezent spline path.
* @return path.
QPainterPath VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetPath() const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetPath() const -> QPainterPath
QPainterPath painterPath;
for (qint32 i = 1; i <= CountSubSpl(); ++i)
@ -87,7 +81,7 @@ QPainterPath VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetPath() const
* @brief GetPathPoints return list of points what located on path.
* @return list.
QVector<QPointF> VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetPoints() const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF>
QVector<QPointF> pathPoints;
for (qint32 i = 1; i <= CountSubSpl(); ++i)
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ QVector<QPointF> VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetPoints() const
* @brief GetLength return length of spline path.
* @return length.
qreal VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetLength() const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetLength() const -> qreal
qreal length = 0;
for (qint32 i = 1; i <= CountSubSpl(); ++i)
@ -118,7 +112,7 @@ qreal VAbstractCubicBezierPath::GetLength() const
QVector<DirectionArrow> VAbstractCubicBezierPath::DirectionArrows() const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::DirectionArrows() const -> QVector<DirectionArrow>
QVector<DirectionArrow> arrows;
for (qint32 i = 1; i <= CountSubSpl(); ++i)
@ -129,7 +123,7 @@ QVector<DirectionArrow> VAbstractCubicBezierPath::DirectionArrows() const
int VAbstractCubicBezierPath::Segment(const QPointF &p) const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::Segment(const QPointF &p) const -> int
int index = -1;
for (qint32 i = 1; i <= CountSubSpl(); ++i)
@ -167,8 +161,9 @@ int VAbstractCubicBezierPath::Segment(const QPointF &p) const
* @param pointName cutting point name.
* @return cutting point.
QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32 &p2, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3,
QPointF &spl2p2, QPointF &spl2p3, const QString &pointName) const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32 &p2, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3,
QPointF &spl2p2, QPointF &spl2p3,
const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF
if (CountSubSpl() < 1)
@ -184,7 +179,7 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
p1 = p2 = -1;
spl1p2 = spl1p3 = spl2p2 = spl2p3 = QPointF();
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Unable to cut curve '%1'. The curve is too short.").arg(name());
const QString errorMsg = tr("Unable to cut curve '%1'. The curve is too short.").arg(name());
VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) :
qWarning() << VAbstractApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
@ -200,12 +195,12 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
QString errorMsg;
if (not pointName.isEmpty())
errorMsg = QObject::tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment (%2) is too small. Optimize it to minimal "
"value.").arg(name(), pointName);
errorMsg = tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment (%2) is too small. Optimize it to minimal value.")
.arg(name(), pointName);
errorMsg = QObject::tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment is too small. Optimize it to minimal value.")
errorMsg = tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment is too small. Optimize it to minimal value.")
VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) :
@ -218,12 +213,12 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
QString errorMsg;
if (not pointName.isEmpty())
errorMsg = QObject::tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment (%2) is too big. Optimize it to maximal value.")
errorMsg = tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment (%2) is too big. Optimize it to maximal value.")
.arg(name(), pointName);
errorMsg = QObject::tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment is too big. Optimize it to maximal value.")
errorMsg = tr("Curve '%1'. Length of a cut segment is too big. Optimize it to maximal value.")
VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) :
@ -247,7 +242,7 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
if (p1 > 0)
const VSplinePoint splP1 =;
const VSplinePoint &splP1 =;
QLineF line(splP1.P().toQPointF(), spl1p2);
if (qFuzzyIsNull(line.length()))
@ -261,7 +256,7 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
if (p2 < points.size() - 1)
const VSplinePoint splP2 =;
const VSplinePoint &splP2 =;
QLineF line(splP2.P().toQPointF(), spl2p3);
if (qFuzzyIsNull(line.length()))
@ -277,7 +272,7 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
p1 = p2 = -1;
spl1p2 = spl1p3 = spl2p2 = spl2p3 = QPointF();
return QPointF();
return {};
@ -286,7 +281,7 @@ QPointF VAbstractCubicBezierPath::CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32
* @param toolName first part of name. Like 'Spline path' or 'Cubic Bezier path'.
* @return name of curve for history records.
QString VAbstractCubicBezierPath::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const
auto VAbstractCubicBezierPath::NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const -> QString
QString name = toolName;
if (CountPoints() > 0)

View File

@ -49,39 +49,39 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wsuggest-final-methods")
class VAbstractCubicBezierPath : public VAbstractBezier
VAbstractCubicBezierPath(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject = NULL_ID,
explicit VAbstractCubicBezierPath(const GOType &type, const quint32 &idObject = NULL_ID,
const Draw &mode = Draw::Calculation);
VAbstractCubicBezierPath(const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve);
VAbstractCubicBezierPath& operator= (const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve);
virtual ~VAbstractCubicBezierPath();
VAbstractCubicBezierPath(const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve) = default;
auto operator= (const VAbstractCubicBezierPath &curve) -> VAbstractCubicBezierPath&;
~VAbstractCubicBezierPath() override;
virtual qint32 CountSubSpl() const =0;
virtual qint32 CountPoints() const =0;
virtual auto CountSubSpl() const -> qint32 =0;
virtual auto CountPoints() const -> qint32 =0;
virtual void Clear() =0;
virtual VSpline GetSpline(qint32 index) const =0;
virtual QVector<VSplinePoint> GetSplinePath() const =0;
virtual auto GetSpline(qint32 index) const -> VSpline =0;
virtual auto GetSplinePath() const -> QVector<VSplinePoint> =0;
virtual QPainterPath GetPath() const override;
virtual QVector<QPointF> GetPoints() const override;
virtual qreal GetLength() const override;
auto GetPath() const -> QPainterPath override;
auto GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF> override;
auto GetLength() const -> qreal override;
virtual QVector<DirectionArrow> DirectionArrows() const override;
auto DirectionArrows() const -> QVector<DirectionArrow> override;
int Segment(const QPointF &p) const;
auto Segment(const QPointF &p) const -> int;
QPointF CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32 &p2, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2,
QPointF &spl2p3, const QString &pointName) const;
auto CutSplinePath(qreal length, qint32 &p1, qint32 &p2, QPointF &spl1p2, QPointF &spl1p3, QPointF &spl2p2,
QPointF &spl2p3, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
virtual QString NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const override;
auto NameForHistory(const QString &toolName) const -> QString override;
virtual void CreateName() override;
virtual void CreateAlias() override;
void CreateName() override;
void CreateAlias() override;
virtual VPointF FirstPoint() const =0;
virtual VPointF LastPoint() const =0;
virtual auto FirstPoint() const -> VPointF =0;
virtual auto LastPoint() const -> VPointF =0;

View File

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ VArc::VArc(const VArc &arc)
* @param arc arc
* @return arc
VArc &VArc::operator =(const VArc &arc)
auto VArc::operator =(const VArc &arc) -> VArc &
if ( &arc == this )
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ VArc::VArc(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
VArc &VArc::operator=(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
auto VArc::operator=(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VArc &
std::swap(d, arc.d);
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ VArc &VArc::operator=(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
VArc VArc::Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix) const
auto VArc::Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix) const -> VArc
const VPointF center = GetCenter().Rotate(originPoint, degrees);
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ VArc VArc::Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &pref
VArc VArc::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const
auto VArc::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const -> VArc
const VPointF center = GetCenter().Flip(axis);
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ VArc VArc::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const
VArc VArc::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const
auto VArc::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const -> VArc
const VPointF center = GetCenter().Move(length, angle);
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ VArc VArc::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const
VArc::~VArc() // NOLINT(hicpp-use-equals-default, modernize-use-equals-default)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ VArc::~VArc()
* @brief GetLength return arc length.
* @return length.
qreal VArc::GetLength() const
auto VArc::GetLength() const -> qreal
qreal length = d->radius * qDegreesToRadians(AngleArc());
if (IsFlipped())
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ qreal VArc::GetLength() const
* @brief GetP1 return point associated with start angle.
* @return point.
QPointF VArc::GetP1() const
auto VArc::GetP1() const -> QPointF
QPointF p1 ( GetCenter().x () + d->radius, GetCenter().y () );
QLineF centerP1(static_cast<QPointF>(GetCenter()), p1);
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ QPointF VArc::GetP1() const
* @brief GetP2 return point associated with end angle.
* @return точку point.
QPointF VArc::GetP2 () const
auto VArc::GetP2 () const -> QPointF
QPointF p2 ( GetCenter().x () + d->radius, GetCenter().y () );
QLineF centerP2(static_cast<QPointF>(GetCenter()), p2);
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ QPointF VArc::GetP2 () const
* @brief GetPoints return list of points needed for drawing arc.
* @return list of points
QVector<QPointF> VArc::GetPoints() const
auto VArc::GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF>
if (qFuzzyIsNull(GetRadius()))
@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ QVector<QPointF> VArc::GetPoints() const
const qreal angleInterpolation = 45; //degree
const int sections = qFloor(angle / angleInterpolation);
for (int i = 0; i < sections; ++i)
@ -355,17 +356,105 @@ auto VArc::CutArc(qreal length, VArc &arc1, VArc &arc2, const QString &pointName
arc1 = VArc();
arc2 = VArc();
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Unable to cut curve '%1'. The curve is too short.").arg(name());
const QString errorMsg = tr("Unable to cut curve '%1'. The curve is too short.").arg(name());
VAbstractApplication::VApp()->IsPedantic() ? throw VException(errorMsg) :
qWarning() << VAbstractApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
return {};
QLineF line(static_cast<QPointF>(GetCenter()), GetP1());
QLineF line = not IsFlipped() ? CutPoint(length, fullLength, pointName)
: CutPointFlipped(length, fullLength, pointName);
if (not IsFlipped())
arc1 = VArc(GetCenter(), d->radius, d->formulaRadius, GetStartAngle(), GetFormulaF1(), line.angle(),
QString().setNum(line.angle()), getIdObject(), getMode());
arc2 = VArc(GetCenter(), d->radius, d->formulaRadius, line.angle(), QString().setNum(line.angle()), GetEndAngle(),
GetFormulaF2(), getIdObject(), getMode());
return line.p2();
auto VArc::CutArc(qreal length, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF
VArc arc1;
VArc arc2;
return this->CutArc(length, arc1, arc2, pointName);
void VArc::CreateName()
QString name = ARC_ + this->GetCenter().name();
const QString nameStr = QStringLiteral("_%1");
if (getMode() == Draw::Modeling && getIdObject() != NULL_ID)
name += nameStr.arg(getIdObject());
else if (VAbstractCurve::id() != NULL_ID)
name += nameStr.arg(VAbstractCurve::id());
if (GetDuplicate() > 0)
name += nameStr.arg(GetDuplicate());
void VArc::CreateAlias()
const QString aliasSuffix = GetAliasSuffix();
if (aliasSuffix.isEmpty())
SetAlias(ARC_ + aliasSuffix);
void VArc::FindF2(qreal length)
SetFlipped(length < 0);
if (length >= MaxLength())
length = MaxLength();
qreal arcAngle = qAbs(qRadiansToDegrees(length/d->radius));
if (IsFlipped())
arcAngle = arcAngle * -1;
QLineF startAngle(0, 0, 100, 0);
startAngle.setAngle(GetStartAngle() + arcAngle);// We use QLineF just because it is easy way correct angle value
SetFormulaF2(QString::number(startAngle.angle()), startAngle.angle());
auto VArc::MaxLength() const -> qreal
return M_2PI*d->radius;
auto VArc::CutPoint(qreal length, qreal fullLength, const QString &pointName) const -> QLineF
if (length < 0)
length = fullLength + length;
@ -410,10 +499,14 @@ auto VArc::CutArc(qreal length, VArc &arc1, VArc &arc2, const QString &pointName
length = qBound(minLength, length, maxLength);
QLineF line(static_cast<QPointF>(GetCenter()), GetP1());
line.setAngle(line.angle() + qRadiansToDegrees(length/d->radius));
return line;
auto VArc::CutPointFlipped(qreal length, qreal fullLength, const QString &pointName) const -> QLineF
if (length > 0)
length = fullLength + length;
@ -457,92 +550,9 @@ auto VArc::CutArc(qreal length, VArc &arc1, VArc &arc2, const QString &pointName
length = qBound(minLength, length, maxLength);
QLineF line(static_cast<QPointF>(GetCenter()), GetP1());
line.setAngle(line.angle() - qRadiansToDegrees(qAbs(length)/d->radius));
arc1 = VArc (GetCenter(), d->radius, d->formulaRadius, GetStartAngle(), GetFormulaF1(), line.angle(),
QString().setNum(line.angle()), getIdObject(), getMode());
arc2 = VArc (GetCenter(), d->radius, d->formulaRadius, line.angle(), QString().setNum(line.angle()), GetEndAngle(),
GetFormulaF2(), getIdObject(), getMode());
return line.p2();
QPointF VArc::CutArc(qreal length, const QString &pointName) const
VArc arc1;
VArc arc2;
return this->CutArc(length, arc1, arc2, pointName);
void VArc::CreateName()
QString name = ARC_ + this->GetCenter().name();
if (getMode() == Draw::Modeling && getIdObject() != NULL_ID)
name += QString("_%1").arg(getIdObject());
else if (VAbstractCurve::id() != NULL_ID)
name += QString("_%1").arg(VAbstractCurve::id());
if (GetDuplicate() > 0)
name += QString("_%1").arg(GetDuplicate());
void VArc::CreateAlias()
const QString aliasSuffix = GetAliasSuffix();
if (aliasSuffix.isEmpty())
SetAlias(ARC_ + aliasSuffix);
void VArc::FindF2(qreal length)
SetFlipped(length < 0);
if (length >= MaxLength())
length = MaxLength();
qreal arcAngle = qAbs(qRadiansToDegrees(length/d->radius));
if (IsFlipped())
arcAngle = arcAngle * -1;
QLineF startAngle(0, 0, 100, 0);
startAngle.setAngle(GetStartAngle() + arcAngle);// We use QLineF just because it is easy way correct angle value
SetFormulaF2(QString().number(startAngle.angle()), startAngle.angle());
qreal VArc::MaxLength() const
return M_2PI*d->radius;
return line;
@ -550,7 +560,7 @@ qreal VArc::MaxLength() const
* @brief GetRadius return arc radius.
* @return radius.
QString VArc::GetFormulaRadius() const
auto VArc::GetFormulaRadius() const -> QString
return d->formulaRadius;
@ -567,7 +577,7 @@ void VArc::SetFormulaRadius(const QString &formula, qreal value)
* @brief GetRadius return formula for radius.
* @return string with formula.
qreal VArc::GetRadius() const
auto VArc::GetRadius() const -> qreal
return d->radius;

View File

@ -49,48 +49,51 @@ class VArcData;
class VArc final : public VAbstractArc
VArc ();
VArc (const VPointF &center, qreal radius, const QString &formulaRadius, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1,
VArc(const VPointF &center, qreal radius, const QString &formulaRadius, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1,
qreal f2, const QString &formulaF2, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VArc (const VPointF &center, qreal radius, qreal f1, qreal f2);
VArc (qreal length, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF &center, qreal radius, const QString &formulaRadius,
VArc(const VPointF &center, qreal radius, qreal f1, qreal f2);
VArc(qreal length, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF &center, qreal radius, const QString &formulaRadius,
qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VArc (qreal length, const VPointF &center, qreal radius, qreal f1);
VArc(qreal length, const VPointF &center, qreal radius, qreal f1);
VArc(const VArc &arc);
VArc Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
VArc Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
VArc Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
virtual ~VArc() override;
auto Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VArc;
auto Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VArc;
auto Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VArc;
~VArc() override;
VArc& operator= (const VArc &arc);
auto operator= (const VArc &arc) -> VArc&;
VArc(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
VArc &operator=(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
auto operator=(VArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VArc &;
QString GetFormulaRadius () const;
void SetFormulaRadius (const QString &formula, qreal value);
qreal GetRadius () const;
auto GetFormulaRadius() const -> QString;
void SetFormulaRadius(const QString &formula, qreal value);
auto GetRadius() const -> qreal;
virtual qreal GetLength () const override;
auto GetLength() const -> qreal override;
QPointF GetP1() const;
QPointF GetP2 () const;
auto GetP1() const -> QPointF;
auto GetP2() const -> QPointF;
virtual QVector<QPointF> GetPoints () const override;
auto GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF> override;
QPointF CutArc (qreal length, VArc &arc1, VArc &arc2, const QString &pointName) const;
QPointF CutArc (qreal length, const QString &pointName) const;
auto CutArc(qreal length, VArc &arc1, VArc &arc2, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
auto CutArc(qreal length, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
virtual void CreateName() override;
virtual void CreateAlias() override;
virtual void FindF2(qreal length) override;
void CreateName() override;
void CreateAlias() override;
void FindF2(qreal length) override;
QSharedDataPointer<VArcData> d;
qreal MaxLength() const;
auto MaxLength() const -> qreal;
auto CutPoint(qreal length, qreal fullLength, const QString &pointName) const -> QLineF;
auto CutPointFlipped(qreal length, qreal fullLength, const QString &pointName) const -> QLineF;

View File

@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc(const VEllipticalArc &arc)
* @param arc arc
* @return arc
VEllipticalArc &VEllipticalArc::operator =(const VEllipticalArc &arc)
auto VEllipticalArc::operator =(const VEllipticalArc &arc) -> VEllipticalArc &
if ( &arc == this )
@ -129,12 +129,13 @@ VEllipticalArc &VEllipticalArc::operator =(const VEllipticalArc &arc)
VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc(const VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
: VAbstractArc(arc), d (arc.d)
VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
: VAbstractArc(std::move(arc)),
VEllipticalArc &VEllipticalArc::operator=(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
auto VEllipticalArc::operator=(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VEllipticalArc &
std::swap(d, arc.d);
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ VEllipticalArc &VEllipticalArc::operator=(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
VEllipticalArc VEllipticalArc::Rotate(QPointF originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix) const
auto VEllipticalArc::Rotate(QPointF originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix) const -> VEllipticalArc
originPoint = d->m_transform.inverted().map(originPoint);
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ VEllipticalArc VEllipticalArc::Rotate(QPointF originPoint, qreal degrees, const
VEllipticalArc VEllipticalArc::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const
auto VEllipticalArc::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const -> VEllipticalArc
VEllipticalArc elArc(VAbstractArc::GetCenter(), GetRadius1(), GetRadius2(), VAbstractArc::GetStartAngle(),
VAbstractArc::GetEndAngle(), GetRotationAngle());
@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ VEllipticalArc VEllipticalArc::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) c
VEllipticalArc VEllipticalArc::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const
auto VEllipticalArc::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const -> VEllipticalArc
const VPointF oldCenter = VAbstractArc::GetCenter();
const VPointF center = oldCenter.Move(length, angle);
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ VEllipticalArc VEllipticalArc::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &pr
VEllipticalArc::~VEllipticalArc() // NOLINT(hicpp-use-equals-default, modernize-use-equals-default)
@ -224,7 +225,7 @@ VEllipticalArc::~VEllipticalArc()
* @brief GetLength return arc length.
* @return length.
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetLength() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetLength() const -> qreal
qreal length = PathLength(GetPoints());
@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::GetLength() const
* @brief GetP1 return point associated with start angle.
* @return point.
QPointF VEllipticalArc::GetP1() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetP1() const -> QPointF
return GetTransform().map(GetP(VAbstractArc::GetStartAngle()));
@ -251,13 +252,13 @@ QPointF VEllipticalArc::GetP1() const
* @brief GetP2 return point associated with end angle.
* @return point.
QPointF VEllipticalArc::GetP2 () const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetP2 () const -> QPointF
return GetTransform().map(GetP(VAbstractArc::GetEndAngle()));
QTransform VEllipticalArc::GetTransform() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetTransform() const -> QTransform
return d->m_transform;
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ void VEllipticalArc::SetTransform(const QTransform &matrix, bool combine)
VPointF VEllipticalArc::GetCenter() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetCenter() const -> VPointF
VPointF center = VAbstractArc::GetCenter();
const QPointF p = d->;
@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ VPointF VEllipticalArc::GetCenter() const
* @brief GetPoints return list of points needed for drawing arc.
* @return list of points
QVector<QPointF> VEllipticalArc::GetPoints() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF>
const QPointF center = VAbstractArc::GetCenter().toQPointF();
QRectF box(center.x() - d->radius1, center.y() - d->radius2, d->radius1*2, d->radius2*2);
@ -328,13 +329,13 @@ QVector<QPointF> VEllipticalArc::GetPoints() const
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetStartAngle() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetStartAngle() const -> qreal
return QLineF(GetCenter().toQPointF(), GetP1()).angle() - GetRotationAngle();
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetEndAngle() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetEndAngle() const -> qreal
return QLineF(GetCenter().toQPointF(), GetP2()).angle() - GetRotationAngle();
@ -347,8 +348,8 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::GetEndAngle() const
* @param arc2 second arc.
* @return point cutting
QPointF VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, VEllipticalArc &arc1, VEllipticalArc &arc2,
const QString &pointName) const
auto VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, VEllipticalArc &arc1, VEllipticalArc &arc2,
const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF
//Always need return two arcs, so we must correct wrong length.
qreal len = 0;
@ -424,7 +425,7 @@ QPointF VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, VEllipticalArc &arc1, VEllip
QPointF VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, const QString &pointName) const
auto VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF
VEllipticalArc arc1;
VEllipticalArc arc2;
@ -435,19 +436,20 @@ QPointF VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, const QString &pointName) co
void VEllipticalArc::CreateName()
QString name = ELARC_ + QString("%1").arg(this->GetCenter().name());
const QString nameStr = QStringLiteral("_%1");
if (getMode() == Draw::Modeling && getIdObject() != NULL_ID)
name += QString("_%1").arg(getIdObject());
name += nameStr.arg(getIdObject());
else if (VAbstractCurve::id() != NULL_ID)
name += QString("_%1").arg(VAbstractCurve::id());
name += nameStr.arg(VAbstractCurve::id());
if (GetDuplicate() > 0)
name += QString("_%1").arg(GetDuplicate());
name += nameStr.arg(GetDuplicate());
@ -519,7 +521,7 @@ void VEllipticalArc::FindF2(qreal length)
qreal VEllipticalArc::MaxLength() const
auto VEllipticalArc::MaxLength() const -> qreal
const qreal h = qPow(d->radius1 - d->radius2, 2) / qPow(d->radius1 + d->radius2, 2);
const qreal ellipseLength = M_PI * (d->radius1 + d->radius2) * (1+3*h/(10+qSqrt(4-3*h)));
@ -527,7 +529,7 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::MaxLength() const
QPointF VEllipticalArc::GetP(qreal angle) const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetP(qreal angle) const -> QPointF
if (qFuzzyIsNull(GetRadius1()) && qFuzzyIsNull(GetRadius2()))
@ -556,7 +558,7 @@ QPointF VEllipticalArc::GetP(qreal angle) const
qreal VEllipticalArc::RealEndAngle() const
auto VEllipticalArc::RealEndAngle() const -> qreal
qreal endAngle = VEllipticalArc::OptimizeAngle(VAbstractArc::GetEndAngle());
@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::RealEndAngle() const
* @brief GetFormulaRadius1 return formula for major radius.
* @return radius.
QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius1() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius1() const -> QString
return d->formulaRadius1;
@ -590,7 +592,7 @@ QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius1() const
* @brief GetFormulaRadius2 return formula for minor radius.
* @return radius.
QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius2() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius2() const -> QString
return d->formulaRadius2;
@ -600,7 +602,7 @@ QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius2() const
* @brief GetFormulaRotationAngle return formula for rotation angle.
* @return rotationAngle.
QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRotationAngle() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRotationAngle() const -> QString
return d->formulaRotationAngle;
@ -652,7 +654,7 @@ void VEllipticalArc::SetRotationAngle(qreal value)
* @brief GetRadius1 return elliptical arc major radius.
* @return string with formula.
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius1() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetRadius1() const -> qreal
return d->radius1;
@ -662,7 +664,7 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius1() const
* @brief GetRadius2 return elliptical arc minor radius.
* @return string with formula.
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius2() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetRadius2() const -> qreal
return d->radius2;
@ -672,7 +674,7 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius2() const
* @brief GetRotationAngle return rotation angle.
* @return rotationAngle.
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRotationAngle() const
auto VEllipticalArc::GetRotationAngle() const -> qreal
return d->rotationAngle;

View File

@ -46,84 +46,85 @@ class VEllipticalArcData;
class VEllipticalArc final : public VAbstractArc
VEllipticalArc (const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1,
VEllipticalArc(const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1,
const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1, qreal f2,
const QString &formulaF2, qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle,
quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VEllipticalArc (const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal f1, qreal f2, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArc (qreal length, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2,
VEllipticalArc(const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal f1, qreal f2, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArc(qreal length, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2,
const QString &formulaRadius1, const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1,
qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle, quint32 idObject = 0,
Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VEllipticalArc (qreal length, const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal f1, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArc(qreal length, const VPointF &center, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal f1, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArc(const VEllipticalArc &arc);
VEllipticalArc Rotate(QPointF originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
VEllipticalArc Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
VEllipticalArc Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
auto Rotate(QPointF originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VEllipticalArc;
auto Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VEllipticalArc;
auto Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VEllipticalArc;
virtual ~VEllipticalArc() override;
~VEllipticalArc() override;
VEllipticalArc& operator= (const VEllipticalArc &arc);
auto operator= (const VEllipticalArc &arc) -> VEllipticalArc&;
VEllipticalArc(const VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
VEllipticalArc &operator=(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
VEllipticalArc(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
auto operator=(VEllipticalArc &&arc) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VEllipticalArc &;
QString GetFormulaRotationAngle () const;
void SetFormulaRotationAngle (const QString &formula, qreal value);
auto GetFormulaRotationAngle() const -> QString;
void SetFormulaRotationAngle(const QString &formula, qreal value);
void SetRotationAngle(qreal value);
qreal GetRotationAngle() const;
auto GetRotationAngle() const -> qreal;
QString GetFormulaRadius1 () const;
void SetFormulaRadius1 (const QString &formula, qreal value);
void SetRadius1 (qreal value);
qreal GetRadius1 () const;
auto GetFormulaRadius1() const -> QString;
void SetFormulaRadius1(const QString &formula, qreal value);
void SetRadius1(qreal value);
auto GetRadius1() const -> qreal;
QString GetFormulaRadius2 () const;
void SetFormulaRadius2 (const QString &formula, qreal value);
void SetRadius2 (qreal value);
qreal GetRadius2 () const;
auto GetFormulaRadius2() const -> QString;
void SetFormulaRadius2(const QString &formula, qreal value);
void SetRadius2(qreal value);
auto GetRadius2() const -> qreal;
virtual qreal GetLength () const override;
auto GetLength() const -> qreal override;
QPointF GetP1() const;
QPointF GetP2() const;
auto GetP1() const -> QPointF;
auto GetP2() const -> QPointF;
QTransform GetTransform() const;
auto GetTransform() const -> QTransform;
void SetTransform(const QTransform &matrix, bool combine = false);
virtual VPointF GetCenter () const override;
virtual QVector<QPointF> GetPoints () const override;
virtual qreal GetStartAngle () const override;
virtual qreal GetEndAngle () const override;
auto GetCenter() const -> VPointF;
auto GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF> override;
auto GetStartAngle() const -> qreal override;
auto GetEndAngle() const -> qreal override;
QPointF CutArc (const qreal &length, VEllipticalArc &arc1, VEllipticalArc &arc2, const QString &pointName) const;
QPointF CutArc (const qreal &length, const QString &pointName) const;
auto CutArc (const qreal &length, VEllipticalArc &arc1, VEllipticalArc &arc2,
const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
auto CutArc (const qreal &length, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
static qreal OptimizeAngle(qreal angle);
static auto OptimizeAngle(qreal angle) -> qreal;
virtual void CreateName() override;
virtual void CreateAlias() override;
virtual void FindF2(qreal length) override;
void CreateName() override;
void CreateAlias() override;
void FindF2(qreal length) override;
QSharedDataPointer<VEllipticalArcData> d;
qreal MaxLength() const;
auto MaxLength() const -> qreal;
QPointF GetP(qreal angle) const;
auto GetP(qreal angle) const -> QPointF;
qreal RealEndAngle() const;
auto RealEndAngle() const -> qreal;
inline qreal VEllipticalArc::OptimizeAngle(qreal angle)
inline auto VEllipticalArc::OptimizeAngle(qreal angle) -> qreal
return angle - 360.*qFloor(angle/360.);

View File

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
* @brief VSpline default constructor
:VAbstractCubicBezier(GOType::Spline), d(new VSplineData)
: VAbstractCubicBezier(GOType::Spline),
d(new VSplineData)
@ -48,8 +49,9 @@ VSpline::VSpline()
* @brief VSpline constructor.
* @param spline spline from which the copy.
VSpline::VSpline ( const VSpline & spline )
:VAbstractCubicBezier(spline), d(spline.d)
VSpline::VSpline(const VSpline &spline)
: VAbstractCubicBezier(spline),
@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ VSpline::VSpline(const VPointF &p1, const VPointF &p4, qreal angle1, const QStri
VSpline VSpline::Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix) const
auto VSpline::Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix) const -> VSpline
const VPointF p1 = GetP1().Rotate(originPoint, degrees);
const VPointF p4 = GetP4().Rotate(originPoint, degrees);
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ VSpline VSpline::Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString
VSpline VSpline::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const
auto VSpline::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const -> VSpline
const VPointF p1 = GetP1().Flip(axis);
const VPointF p4 = GetP4().Flip(axis);
@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ VSpline VSpline::Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix) const
VSpline VSpline::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const
auto VSpline::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const -> VSpline
const VPointF p1 = GetP1().Move(length, angle);
const VPointF p4 = GetP4().Move(length, angle);
@ -181,7 +183,7 @@ VSpline VSpline::Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix) const
VSpline::~VSpline() // NOLINT(hicpp-use-equals-default, modernize-use-equals-default)
@ -189,14 +191,14 @@ VSpline::~VSpline()
* @brief GetLength return length of spline.
* @return length.
qreal VSpline::GetLength () const
auto VSpline::GetLength () const -> qreal
return LengthBezier ( static_cast<QPointF>(GetP1()), static_cast<QPointF>(GetP2()), static_cast<QPointF>(GetP3()),
static_cast<QPointF>(GetP4()), GetApproximationScale());
QPointF VSpline::CutSpline(qreal length, VSpline &spl1, VSpline &spl2, const QString &pointName) const
auto VSpline::CutSpline(qreal length, VSpline &spl1, VSpline &spl2, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF
QPointF spl1p2;
QPointF spl1p3;
@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ QPointF VSpline::CutSpline(qreal length, VSpline &spl1, VSpline &spl2, const QSt
* @brief GetPoints return list with spline points.
* @return list of points.
QVector<QPointF> VSpline::GetPoints () const
auto VSpline::GetPoints () const -> QVector<QPointF>
return GetCubicBezierPoints(static_cast<QPointF>(GetP1()), static_cast<QPointF>(GetP2()),
static_cast<QPointF>(GetP3()), static_cast<QPointF>(GetP4()), GetApproximationScale());
@ -236,8 +238,8 @@ QVector<QPointF> VSpline::GetPoints () const
* @return list with spline points.
// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
QVector<QPointF> VSpline::SplinePoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1,
qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve, qreal approximationScale)
auto VSpline::SplinePoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1,
qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve, qreal approximationScale) -> QVector<QPointF>
QLineF p1pX(p1.x(), p1.y(), p1.x() + 100, p1.y());
p1pX.setAngle( angle1 );
@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ QVector<QPointF> VSpline::SplinePoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p4, qre
VSpline &VSpline::operator =(const VSpline &spline)
auto VSpline::operator =(const VSpline &spline) -> VSpline &
if ( &spline == this )
@ -267,12 +269,13 @@ VSpline &VSpline::operator =(const VSpline &spline)
VSpline::VSpline(const VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
:VAbstractCubicBezier(spline), d(spline.d)
VSpline::VSpline(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
: VAbstractCubicBezier(spline),
VSpline &VSpline::operator=(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
auto VSpline::operator=(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VSpline &
std::swap(d, spline.d);
@ -285,7 +288,7 @@ VSpline &VSpline::operator=(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
* @brief GetP1 return first spline point.
* @return first point.
VPointF VSpline::GetP1() const
auto VSpline::GetP1() const -> VPointF
return d->p1;
@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ void VSpline::SetP1(const VPointF &p)
* @brief GetP2 return first control point.
* @return first control point.
VPointF VSpline::GetP2() const
auto VSpline::GetP2() const -> VPointF
QLineF p1p2(d->p1.x(), d->p1.y(), d->p1.x() + d->c1Length, d->p1.y());
@ -313,7 +316,7 @@ VPointF VSpline::GetP2() const
* @brief GetP3 return second control point.
* @return second control point.
VPointF VSpline::GetP3() const
auto VSpline::GetP3() const -> VPointF
QLineF p4p3(d->p4.x(), d->p4.y(), d->p4.x() + d->c2Length, d->p4.y());
@ -325,7 +328,7 @@ VPointF VSpline::GetP3() const
* @brief GetP4 return last spline point.
* @return остання точка сплайну.
VPointF VSpline::GetP4() const
auto VSpline::GetP4() const -> VPointF
return d->p4;
@ -341,7 +344,7 @@ void VSpline::SetP4(const VPointF &p)
* @brief GetAngle1 return first angle control line.
* @return angle.
qreal VSpline::GetStartAngle() const
auto VSpline::GetStartAngle() const -> qreal
return d->angle1;
@ -351,19 +354,19 @@ qreal VSpline::GetStartAngle() const
* @brief GetAngle2 return second angle control line.
* @return angle.
qreal VSpline::GetEndAngle() const
auto VSpline::GetEndAngle() const -> qreal
return d->angle2;
QString VSpline::GetStartAngleFormula() const
auto VSpline::GetStartAngleFormula() const -> QString
return d->angle1F;
QString VSpline::GetEndAngleFormula() const
auto VSpline::GetEndAngleFormula() const -> QString
return d->angle2F;
@ -383,25 +386,25 @@ void VSpline::SetEndAngle(qreal angle, const QString &formula)
qreal VSpline::GetC1Length() const
auto VSpline::GetC1Length() const -> qreal
return d->c1Length;
qreal VSpline::GetC2Length() const
auto VSpline::GetC2Length() const -> qreal
return d->c2Length;
QString VSpline::GetC1LengthFormula() const
auto VSpline::GetC1LengthFormula() const -> QString
return d->c1LengthF;
QString VSpline::GetC2LengthFormula() const
auto VSpline::GetC2LengthFormula() const -> QString
return d->c2LengthF;
@ -425,7 +428,7 @@ void VSpline::SetC2Length(qreal length, const QString &formula)
* @brief GetKasm1 return coefficient of length first control line.
* @return coefficient.
qreal VSpline::GetKasm1() const
auto VSpline::GetKasm1() const -> qreal
return QLineF(static_cast<QPointF>(d->p1), static_cast<QPointF>(GetP2())).length() /
VSplineData::GetL(static_cast<QPointF>(d->p1), static_cast<QPointF>(d->p4), d->kCurve);
@ -436,7 +439,7 @@ qreal VSpline::GetKasm1() const
* @brief GetKasm2 return coefficient of length second control line.
* @return coefficient.
qreal VSpline::GetKasm2() const
auto VSpline::GetKasm2() const -> qreal
return QLineF(static_cast<QPointF>(d->p4), static_cast<QPointF>(GetP3())).length() /
VSplineData::GetL(static_cast<QPointF>(d->p1), static_cast<QPointF>(d->p4), d->kCurve);
@ -447,13 +450,13 @@ qreal VSpline::GetKasm2() const
* @brief GetKcurve return coefficient of curvature spline.
* @return coefficient
qreal VSpline::GetKcurve() const
auto VSpline::GetKcurve() const -> qreal
return d->kCurve;
int VSpline::Sign(long double ld)
auto VSpline::Sign(long double ld) -> int
if (qAbs(ld)<0.00000000001)
@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ int VSpline::Sign(long double ld)
* 1 - 1 real root + 2 complex;
* 2 - 1 real root + complex roots imaginary part is zero (i.e. 2 real roots).
qint32 VSpline::Cubic(QVector<qreal> &x, qreal a, qreal b, qreal c)
auto VSpline::Cubic(QVector<qreal> &x, qreal a, qreal b, qreal c) -> qint32
//To find cubic equation roots in the case of real coefficients, calculated at the beginning
const qreal q = (pow(a, 2) - 3*b)/9.;
@ -494,8 +497,8 @@ qint32 VSpline::Cubic(QVector<qreal> &x, qreal a, qreal b, qreal c)
x.insert(2, -2.*sqrt(q)*cos(t - (2*M_2PI/3.)) - a/3.);
{ // 1 real root + 2 complex
// 1 real root + 2 complex
//Formula Cardano
const qreal aa = -Sign(r)*pow(fabs(r)+sqrt(pow(r, 2)-pow(q, 3)), 1./3.);
const qreal bb = Sign(aa) == 0 ? 0 : q/aa;
@ -508,12 +511,11 @@ qint32 VSpline::Cubic(QVector<qreal> &x, qreal a, qreal b, qreal c)
QVector<qreal> VSpline::CalcT (qreal curveCoord1, qreal curveCoord2, qreal curveCoord3,
qreal curveCoord4, qreal pointCoord) const
auto VSpline::CalcT(qreal curveCoord1, qreal curveCoord2, qreal curveCoord3, qreal curveCoord4,
qreal pointCoord) -> QVector<qreal>
const qreal a = -curveCoord1 + 3*curveCoord2 - 3*curveCoord3 + curveCoord4;
const qreal b = 3*curveCoord1 - 6*curveCoord2 + 3*curveCoord3;
@ -524,11 +526,12 @@ QVector<qreal> VSpline::CalcT (qreal curveCoord1, qreal curveCoord2, qreal curve
Cubic(t, b/a, c/a, d/a);
QVector<qreal> retT;
for (int i=0; i < t.size(); ++i)
for (auto i : qAsConst(t))
if ( >= 0 && <= 1 )
if (i >= 0 && i <= 1 )
@ -544,7 +547,7 @@ QVector<qreal> VSpline::CalcT (qreal curveCoord1, qreal curveCoord2, qreal curve
* @param pBt point on curve
* @return t coeffient that reprezent this point on curve. Return -1 if point doesn't belongs to curve.
qreal VSpline::ParamT (const QPointF &pBt) const
auto VSpline::ParamT (const QPointF &pBt) const -> qreal
QVector<qreal> ts;
// Calculate t coefficient for each axis
@ -583,7 +586,7 @@ qreal VSpline::ParamT (const QPointF &pBt) const
QJsonObject VSpline::ToJson() const
auto VSpline::ToJson() const -> QJsonObject
QJsonObject object = VAbstractCubicBezier::ToJson();
object[QLatin1String("aScale")] = GetApproximationScale();
@ -601,13 +604,13 @@ QJsonObject VSpline::ToJson() const
QPointF VSpline::GetControlPoint1() const
auto VSpline::GetControlPoint1() const -> QPointF
return static_cast<QPointF>(GetP2 ());
QPointF VSpline::GetControlPoint2() const
auto VSpline::GetControlPoint2() const -> QPointF
return static_cast<QPointF>(GetP3 ());

View File

@ -52,81 +52,81 @@ class VSpline final :public VAbstractCubicBezier
VSpline (const VSpline &spline );
VSpline (const VPointF &p1, const VPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1, qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve,
VSpline(const VSpline &spline );
VSpline(const VPointF &p1, const VPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1, qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve,
quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VSpline (const VPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const VPointF &p4, quint32 idObject = 0,
VSpline(const VPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3, const VPointF &p4, quint32 idObject = 0,
Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VSpline (const VPointF &p1, const VPointF &p4, qreal angle1, const QString &angle1Formula, qreal angle2,
VSpline(const VPointF &p1, const VPointF &p4, qreal angle1, const QString &angle1Formula, qreal angle2,
const QString &angle2Formula, qreal c1Length, const QString &c1LengthFormula, qreal c2Length,
const QString &c2LengthFormula, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VSpline Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
VSpline Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
VSpline Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix = QString()) const;
virtual ~VSpline();
auto Rotate(const QPointF &originPoint, qreal degrees, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VSpline;
auto Flip(const QLineF &axis, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VSpline;
auto Move(qreal length, qreal angle, const QString &prefix = QString()) const -> VSpline;
~VSpline() override;
VSpline &operator=(const VSpline &spline);
auto operator=(const VSpline &spline) -> VSpline &;
VSpline(const VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
VSpline &operator=(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
VSpline(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
auto operator=(VSpline &&spline) Q_DECL_NOTHROW -> VSpline &;
virtual VPointF GetP1 () const override;
void SetP1 (const VPointF &p);
auto GetP1() const -> VPointF override;
void SetP1(const VPointF &p);
virtual VPointF GetP2 () const override;
virtual VPointF GetP3 () const override;
auto GetP2() const -> VPointF override;
auto GetP3() const -> VPointF override;
virtual VPointF GetP4 () const override;
void SetP4 (const VPointF &p);
auto GetP4() const -> VPointF override;
void SetP4(const VPointF &p);
virtual qreal GetStartAngle () const override;
virtual qreal GetEndAngle() const override;
auto GetStartAngle() const -> qreal override;
auto GetEndAngle() const -> qreal override;
QString GetStartAngleFormula () const;
QString GetEndAngleFormula() const;
auto GetStartAngleFormula () const -> QString;
auto GetEndAngleFormula() const -> QString;
void SetStartAngle(qreal angle, const QString &formula);
void SetEndAngle(qreal angle, const QString &formula);
virtual qreal GetC1Length() const override;
virtual qreal GetC2Length() const override;
auto GetC1Length() const -> qreal override;
auto GetC2Length() const -> qreal override;
QString GetC1LengthFormula() const;
QString GetC2LengthFormula() const;
auto GetC1LengthFormula() const -> QString;
auto GetC2LengthFormula() const -> QString;
void SetC1Length(qreal length, const QString &formula);
void SetC2Length(qreal length, const QString &formula);
virtual qreal GetLength () const override;
qreal GetKasm1() const;
qreal GetKasm2() const;
qreal GetKcurve() const;
auto GetLength() const -> qreal override;
auto GetKasm1() const -> qreal;
auto GetKasm2() const -> qreal;
auto GetKcurve() const -> qreal;
using VAbstractCubicBezier::CutSpline;
QPointF CutSpline(qreal length, VSpline &spl1, VSpline &spl2, const QString &pointName) const;
auto CutSpline(qreal length, VSpline &spl1, VSpline &spl2, const QString &pointName) const -> QPointF;
virtual QVector<QPointF> GetPoints () const override;
auto GetPoints() const -> QVector<QPointF> override;
// cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction
static QVector<QPointF> SplinePoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1,
qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve, qreal approximationScale);
qreal ParamT(const QPointF &pBt) const;
static auto SplinePoints(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p4, qreal angle1, qreal angle2, qreal kAsm1,
qreal kAsm2, qreal kCurve, qreal approximationScale) -> QVector<QPointF>;
auto ParamT(const QPointF &pBt) const -> qreal;
virtual QJsonObject ToJson() const override;
auto ToJson() const -> QJsonObject override;
virtual QPointF GetControlPoint1() const override;
virtual QPointF GetControlPoint2() const override;
auto GetRealLength () const -> qreal override;
auto GetControlPoint1() const -> QPointF override;
auto GetControlPoint2() const -> QPointF override;
auto GetRealLength() const -> qreal override;
QSharedDataPointer<VSplineData> d;
QVector<qreal> CalcT(qreal curveCoord1, qreal curveCoord2, qreal curveCoord3, qreal curveCoord4,
qreal pointCoord) const;
static qint32 Cubic(QVector<qreal> &x, qreal a, qreal b, qreal c);
static int Sign(long double ld);
static auto CalcT(qreal curveCoord1, qreal curveCoord2, qreal curveCoord3, qreal curveCoord4,
qreal pointCoord) -> QVector<qreal>;
static auto Cubic(QVector<qreal> &x, qreal a, qreal b, qreal c) -> qint32;
static auto Sign(long double ld) -> int;
#endif // VSPLINE_H

View File

@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ void VToolCutSpline::SetVisualization()
QString VToolCutSpline::MakeToolTip() const
auto VToolCutSpline::MakeToolTip() const -> QString
const auto spl = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject<VAbstractCubicBezier>(baseCurveId);