Documentation for class VContainer.
--HG-- branch : feature
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public:
* @brief eval calculate formula.
* @param prog string of formula.
* @param errorMsg keep error message.
* @return value of formula.
qreal eval(QString prog, QString *errorMsg);
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ qint64 VContainer::_id = 0;
:base(QHash<QString, qint32>()), points(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()),
modelingPoints(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()),
pointsModeling(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()),
standartTable(QHash<QString, VStandartTableCell>()), incrementTable(QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow>()),
lengthLines(QHash<QString, qreal>()), lineAngles(QHash<QString, qreal>()), splines(QHash<qint64, VSpline>()),
modelingSplines(QHash<qint64, VSpline>()),
lengthSplines(QHash<QString, qreal>()), arcs(QHash<qint64, VArc>()), modelingArcs(QHash<qint64, VArc>()),
splinesModeling(QHash<qint64, VSpline>()),
lengthSplines(QHash<QString, qreal>()), arcs(QHash<qint64, VArc>()), arcsModeling(QHash<qint64, VArc>()),
lengthArcs(QHash<QString, qreal>()),
splinePaths(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()), modelingSplinePaths(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()),
splinePaths(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()), splinePathsModeling(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()),
details(QHash<qint64, VDetail>())
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ VContainer &VContainer::operator =(const VContainer &data)
VContainer::VContainer(const VContainer &data)
:base(QHash<QString, qint32>()), points(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()),
modelingPoints(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()),
pointsModeling(QHash<qint64, VPointF>()),
standartTable(QHash<QString, VStandartTableCell>()), incrementTable(QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow>()),
lengthLines(QHash<QString, qreal>()), lineAngles(QHash<QString, qreal>()), splines(QHash<qint64, VSpline>()),
modelingSplines(QHash<qint64, VSpline>()),
lengthSplines(QHash<QString, qreal>()), arcs(QHash<qint64, VArc>()), modelingArcs(QHash<qint64, VArc>()),
splinesModeling(QHash<qint64, VSpline>()),
lengthSplines(QHash<QString, qreal>()), arcs(QHash<qint64, VArc>()), arcsModeling(QHash<qint64, VArc>()),
lengthArcs(QHash<QString, qreal>()),
splinePaths(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()), modelingSplinePaths(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()),
splinePaths(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()), splinePathsModeling(QHash<qint64, VSplinePath>()),
details(QHash<qint64, VDetail>())
@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ void VContainer::setData(const VContainer &data)
base = *data.DataBase();
points = *data.DataPoints();
modelingPoints = *data.DataModelingPoints();
pointsModeling = *data.DataPointsModeling();
standartTable = *data.DataStandartTable();
incrementTable = *data.DataIncrementTable();
lengthLines = *data.DataLengthLines();
lineAngles = *data.DataLineAngles();
splines = *data.DataSplines();
modelingSplines = *data.DataModelingSplines();
splinesModeling = *data.DataSplinesModeling();
lengthSplines = *data.DataLengthSplines();
arcs = *data.DataArcs();
modelingArcs = *data.DataModelingArcs();
arcsModeling = *data.DataArcsModeling();
lengthArcs = *data.DataLengthArcs();
splinePaths = *data.DataSplinePaths();
modelingSplinePaths = *data.DataModelingSplinePaths();
splinePathsModeling = *data.DataSplinePathsModeling();
details = *data.DataDetails();
@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ VPointF VContainer::GetPoint(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(points, id);
VPointF VContainer::GetModelingPoint(qint64 id) const
VPointF VContainer::GetPointModeling(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(modelingPoints, id);
return GetObject(pointsModeling, id);
template <typename key, typename val>
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ VSpline VContainer::GetSpline(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(splines, id);
VSpline VContainer::GetModelingSpline(qint64 id) const
VSpline VContainer::GetSplineModeling(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(modelingSplines, id);
return GetObject(splinesModeling, id);
VArc VContainer::GetArc(qint64 id) const
@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ VArc VContainer::GetArc(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(arcs, id);
VArc VContainer::GetModelingArc(qint64 id) const
VArc VContainer::GetArcModeling(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(modelingArcs, id);
return GetObject(arcsModeling, id);
VSplinePath VContainer::GetSplinePath(qint64 id) const
@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ VSplinePath VContainer::GetSplinePath(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(splinePaths, id);
VSplinePath VContainer::GetModelingSplinePath(qint64 id) const
VSplinePath VContainer::GetSplinePathModeling(qint64 id) const
return GetObject(modelingSplinePaths, id);
return GetObject(splinePathsModeling, id);
VDetail VContainer::GetDetail(qint64 id) const
@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ qint64 VContainer::AddPoint(const VPointF &point)
return AddObject(points, point);
qint64 VContainer::AddModelingPoint(const VPointF &point)
qint64 VContainer::AddPointModeling(const VPointF &point)
return AddObject(modelingPoints, point);
return AddObject(pointsModeling, point);
qint64 VContainer::AddDetail(const VDetail &detail)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
case (Tool::NodePoint):
VPointF point = GetModelingPoint(detail[i].getId());
VPointF point = GetPointModeling(detail[i].getId());
if (detail.getSupplement() == true)
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
case (Tool::NodeArc):
VArc arc = GetModelingArc(detail[i].getId());
VArc arc = GetArcModeling(detail[i].getId());
qreal len1 = GetLengthContour(points, arc.GetPoints());
qreal lenReverse = GetLengthContour(points, GetReversePoint(arc.GetPoints()));
if (len1 <= lenReverse)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
case (Tool::NodeSpline):
VSpline spline = GetModelingSpline(detail[i].getId());
VSpline spline = GetSplineModeling(detail[i].getId());
qreal len1 = GetLengthContour(points, spline.GetPoints());
qreal lenReverse = GetLengthContour(points, GetReversePoint(spline.GetPoints()));
if (len1 <= lenReverse)
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const
case (Tool::NodeSplinePath):
VSplinePath splinePath = GetModelingSplinePath(detail[i].getId());
VSplinePath splinePath = GetSplinePathModeling(detail[i].getId());
qreal len1 = GetLengthContour(points, splinePath.GetPathPoints());
qreal lenReverse = GetLengthContour(points, GetReversePoint(splinePath.GetPathPoints()));
if (len1 <= lenReverse)
@ -609,10 +609,10 @@ void VContainer::Clear()
CreateManTableIGroup ();
@ -679,8 +679,8 @@ void VContainer::AddLine(const qint64 &firstPointId, const qint64 &secondPointId
first = GetModelingPoint(firstPointId);
second = GetModelingPoint(secondPointId);
first = GetPointModeling(firstPointId);
second = GetPointModeling(secondPointId);
AddLengthLine(nameLine, toMM(QLineF(first.toQPointF(), second.toQPointF()).length()));
nameLine = GetNameLineAngle(firstPointId, secondPointId, mode);
@ -692,9 +692,9 @@ qint64 VContainer::AddSpline(const VSpline &spl)
return AddObject(splines, spl);
qint64 VContainer::AddModelingSpline(const VSpline &spl)
qint64 VContainer::AddSplineModeling(const VSpline &spl)
return AddObject(modelingSplines, spl);
return AddObject(splinesModeling, spl);
qint64 VContainer::AddSplinePath(const VSplinePath &splPath)
@ -702,9 +702,9 @@ qint64 VContainer::AddSplinePath(const VSplinePath &splPath)
return AddObject(splinePaths, splPath);
qint64 VContainer::AddModelingSplinePath(const VSplinePath &splPath)
qint64 VContainer::AddSplinePathModeling(const VSplinePath &splPath)
return AddObject(modelingSplinePaths, splPath);
return AddObject(splinePathsModeling, splPath);
qint64 VContainer::AddArc(const VArc &arc)
@ -712,9 +712,9 @@ qint64 VContainer::AddArc(const VArc &arc)
return AddObject(arcs, arc);
qint64 VContainer::AddModelingArc(const VArc &arc)
qint64 VContainer::AddArcModeling(const VArc &arc)
return AddObject(modelingArcs, arc);
return AddObject(arcsModeling, arc);
template <typename key, typename val>
@ -736,8 +736,8 @@ QString VContainer::GetNameLine(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPo
first = GetModelingPoint(firstPoint);
second = GetModelingPoint(secondPoint);
first = GetPointModeling(firstPoint);
second = GetPointModeling(secondPoint);
return QString("Line_%1_%2").arg(,;
@ -753,8 +753,8 @@ QString VContainer::GetNameLineAngle(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &sec
first = GetModelingPoint(firstPoint);
second = GetModelingPoint(secondPoint);
first = GetPointModeling(firstPoint);
second = GetPointModeling(secondPoint);
return QString("AngleLine_%1_%2").arg(,;
@ -764,9 +764,9 @@ void VContainer::UpdatePoint(qint64 id, const VPointF &point)
UpdateObject(points, id, point);
void VContainer::UpdateModelingPoint(qint64 id, const VPointF &point)
void VContainer::UpdatePointModeling(qint64 id, const VPointF &point)
UpdateObject(modelingPoints, id, point);
UpdateObject(pointsModeling, id, point);
void VContainer::UpdateDetail(qint64 id, const VDetail &detail)
@ -779,9 +779,9 @@ void VContainer::UpdateSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline &spl)
UpdateObject(splines, id, spl);
void VContainer::UpdateModelingSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline &spl)
void VContainer::UpdateSplineModeling(qint64 id, const VSpline &spl)
UpdateObject(modelingSplines, id, spl);
UpdateObject(splinesModeling, id, spl);
void VContainer::UpdateSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath &splPath)
@ -789,9 +789,9 @@ void VContainer::UpdateSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath &splPath)
UpdateObject(splinePaths, id, splPath);
void VContainer::UpdateModelingSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath &splPath)
void VContainer::UpdateSplinePathModeling(qint64 id, const VSplinePath &splPath)
UpdateObject(modelingSplinePaths, id, splPath);
UpdateObject(splinePathsModeling, id, splPath);
void VContainer::UpdateArc(qint64 id, const VArc &arc)
@ -799,9 +799,9 @@ void VContainer::UpdateArc(qint64 id, const VArc &arc)
UpdateObject(arcs, id, arc);
void VContainer::UpdateModelingArc(qint64 id, const VArc &arc)
void VContainer::UpdateArcModeling(qint64 id, const VArc &arc)
UpdateObject(modelingArcs, id, arc);
UpdateObject(arcsModeling, id, arc);
void VContainer::AddLengthLine(const QString &name, const qreal &value)
@ -70,133 +70,619 @@ public:
VPointF GetPoint(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetModelingPoint return a modeling point by id
* @param id id of modeling point
* @return modeling point
* @brief GetPointModeling return a point modeling by id
* @param id id of point modeling
* @return point modeling
VPointF GetModelingPoint(qint64 id) const;
VPointF GetPointModeling(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetStandartTableCell
* @param name
* @return
* @brief GetStandartTableCell return standart table row by name
* @param name name of standart table row
* @return row of standart table
VStandartTableCell GetStandartTableCell(const QString& name) const;
* @brief GetIncrementTableRow return increment table row by name
* @param name name of increment table row
* @return row of increment table
VIncrementTableRow GetIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const;
* @brief GetLine return length of line by name
* @param name name of line
* @return length of line in mm
qreal GetLine(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetLengthArc return length of arc by name
* @param name name of arc
* @return length of arc in mm
qreal GetLengthArc(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetLengthSpline return length of spline by name
* @param name name of spline
* @return length of spline in mm
qreal GetLengthSpline(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetLineAngle return angle of line
* @param name name of line angle
* @return angle in degree
qreal GetLineAngle(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetSpline return spline by id
* @param id id of spline
* @return spline
VSpline GetSpline(qint64 id) const;
VSpline GetModelingSpline(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetSplineModeling return spline modeling by id
* @param id id of spline modeling
* @return spline modeling
VSpline GetSplineModeling(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetArc return arc by id
* @param id id of arc
* @return arc
VArc GetArc(qint64 id) const;
VArc GetModelingArc(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetArcModeling return arc modeling by id
* @param id id of arc modeling
* @return arc modeling
VArc GetArcModeling(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetSplinePath return spline path by id
* @param id id of spline path
* @return spline path
VSplinePath GetSplinePath(qint64 id) const;
VSplinePath GetModelingSplinePath(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetSplinePathModeling return spline path modeling by id
* @param id id of spline modeling path
* @return spline modeling path
VSplinePath GetSplinePathModeling(qint64 id) const;
* @brief GetDetail return detail by id
* @param id id of detail
* @return detail
VDetail GetDetail(qint64 id) const;
* @brief getId return current id
* @return current id
static qint64 getId() {return _id;}
* @brief AddPoint add new point to container
* @param point new point
* @return return id of new point in container
qint64 AddPoint(const VPointF& point);
qint64 AddModelingPoint(const VPointF& point);
* @brief AddPointModeling add new point modeling to container
* @param point new point modeling
* @return return id of new point modeling in container
qint64 AddPointModeling(const VPointF& point);
* @brief AddDetail add new detail to container
* @param detail new detail
* @return return id of new detail in container
qint64 AddDetail(const VDetail& detail);
* @brief AddStandartTableCell add new row of standart table
* @param name name of row of standart table
* @param cell row of standart table
inline void AddStandartTableCell(const QString& name, const VStandartTableCell& cell)
{standartTable[name] = cell;}
inline void AddIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, const VIncrementTableRow &cell)
{incrementTable[name] = cell;}
* @brief AddIncrementTableRow add new row of increment table
* @param name name of new row of increment table
* @param row new row of increment table
inline void AddIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, const VIncrementTableRow &row)
{incrementTable[name] = row;}
* @brief AddLengthLine add length of line to container
* @param name name of line
* @param value length of line
void AddLengthLine(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLengthSpline add length of spline to container
* @param name name of spline
* @param value length of spline
void AddLengthSpline(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLengthArc add length of arc to container
* @param id id of arc
void AddLengthArc(const qint64 &id);
* @brief AddLengthArc add length of arc
* @param name name of arc
* @param value length of arc
void AddLengthArc(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLineAngle add angle of line to container
* @param name name of line angle
* @param value angle in degree
void AddLineAngle(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLine add line to container
* @param firstPointId id of first point of line
* @param secondPointId id of second point of line
* @param mode mode of line
void AddLine(const qint64 &firstPointId, const qint64 &secondPointId,
const Draw::Draws &mode = Draw::Calculation);
* @brief AddSpline add spline to container
* @param spl new spline
* @return id of spline in container
qint64 AddSpline(const VSpline& spl);
qint64 AddModelingSpline(const VSpline& spl);
* @brief AddSplineModeling add spline modeling to container
* @param spl new spline modeling
* @return id of spline modeling in container
qint64 AddSplineModeling(const VSpline& spl);
* @brief AddSplinePath add spline path to container
* @param splPath new spline path
* @return id of spline path in container
qint64 AddSplinePath(const VSplinePath& splPath);
qint64 AddModelingSplinePath(const VSplinePath& splPath);
* @brief AddSplinePathModeling add spline path modeling to container
* @param splPath new spline path
* @return id of spline path in container
qint64 AddSplinePathModeling(const VSplinePath& splPath);
* @brief AddArc add arc to container
* @param arc new arc
* @return id of arc in container in container
qint64 AddArc(const VArc& arc);
qint64 AddModelingArc(const VArc& arc);
* @brief AddArcModeling add arc modeling to container
* @param arc new arc modeling
* @return id of new arc modeling in container
qint64 AddArcModeling(const VArc& arc);
* @brief GetNameLine return name of line
* @param firstPoint id of first point of line
* @param secondPoint id of second point of line
* @param mode mode of line
* @return name of line
QString GetNameLine(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint,
const Draw::Draws &mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
* @brief GetNameLineAngle return name of line angle
* @param firstPoint id of first point of line
* @param secondPoint id of second point of line
* @param mode mode of line
* @return name of angle of line
QString GetNameLineAngle(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint,
const Draw::Draws &mode = Draw::Calculation) const;
* @brief UpdatePoint update point by id
* @param id id of existing point
* @param point point
void UpdatePoint(qint64 id, const VPointF& point);
void UpdateModelingPoint(qint64 id, const VPointF& point);
* @brief UpdatePointModeling update point modeling by id
* @param id id of existing point modeling
* @param point point modeling
void UpdatePointModeling(qint64 id, const VPointF& point);
* @brief UpdateDetail update detail by id
* @param id id of existing detail
* @param detail detail
void UpdateDetail(qint64 id, const VDetail& detail);
* @brief UpdateSpline update spline by id
* @param id if of existing spline
* @param spl spline
void UpdateSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline& spl);
void UpdateModelingSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline& spl);
* @brief UpdateSplineModeling update spline modeling by id
* @param id id of existing spline modeling
* @param spl spline modeling
void UpdateSplineModeling(qint64 id, const VSpline& spl);
* @brief UpdateSplinePath update spline path by id
* @param id id of existing spline path
* @param splPath spline path
void UpdateSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath& splPath);
void UpdateModelingSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath& splPath);
* @brief UpdateSplinePathModeling update spline path modeling by id
* @param id id of existing spline path modeling
* @param splPath spline path modeling
void UpdateSplinePathModeling(qint64 id, const VSplinePath& splPath);
* @brief UpdateArc update arc by id
* @param id id of existing arc
* @param arc arc
void UpdateArc(qint64 id, const VArc& arc);
void UpdateModelingArc(qint64 id, const VArc& arc);
* @brief UpdateArcModeling update arc modeling by id
* @param id id of existing arc modeling
* @param arc arc modeling
void UpdateArcModeling(qint64 id, const VArc& arc);
* @brief UpdateStandartTableCell update standart table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @param cell row of standart table
inline void UpdateStandartTableCell(const QString& name, const VStandartTableCell& cell)
{standartTable[name] = cell;}
inline void UpdateIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, const VIncrementTableRow& cell)
{incrementTable[name] = cell;}
* @brief UpdateIncrementTableRow update increment table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @param row row
inline void UpdateIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, const VIncrementTableRow& row)
{incrementTable[name] = row;}
* @brief GetValueStandartTableCell return value of standart table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @return value in mm
qreal GetValueStandartTableCell(const QString& name) const;
* @brief GetValueIncrementTableRow return value of increment table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @return value of row in mm
qreal GetValueIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const;
* @brief Clear clear data in container. Id will be 0.
void Clear();
* @brief ClearObject points, splines, arcs, spline paths will be cleared.
void ClearObject();
* @brief ClearIncrementTable clear increment table
inline void ClearIncrementTable() {incrementTable.clear();}
* @brief ClearLengthLines clear length lines
inline void ClearLengthLines() {lengthLines.clear();}
* @brief ClearLengthSplines clear length splines
inline void ClearLengthSplines() {lengthSplines.clear();}
* @brief ClearLengthArcs clear length arcs
inline void ClearLengthArcs() {lengthArcs.clear();}
* @brief ClearLineAngles clear angles of lines
inline void ClearLineAngles() {lineAngles.clear();}
* @brief SetSize set value of size
* @param size value of size in mm
inline void SetSize(qint32 size) {base["Сг"] = size;}
* @brief SetGrowth set value of growth
* @param growth value of growth in mm
inline void SetGrowth(qint32 growth) {base["Р"] = growth;}
* @brief size return size
* @return size in mm
inline qint32 size() const {return base.value("Сг");}
* @brief growth return growth
* @return growth in mm
inline qint32 growth() const {return base.value("Р");}
* @brief FindVar return value of variable by name
* @param name name of variable
* @param ok false if can't find variable
* @return value of variable
qreal FindVar(const QString& name, bool *ok)const;
* @brief IncrementTableContains check if increment table contains name
* @param name name of row
* @return true if contains
inline bool IncrementTableContains(const QString& name) {return incrementTable.contains(name);}
* @brief getNextId generate next unique id
* @return next unique id
static qint64 getNextId();
* @brief RemoveIncrementTableRow remove row by name from increment table
* @param name name of existing row
inline void RemoveIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) {incrementTable.remove(name);}
* @brief DataPoints return container of points
* @return pointer on container of points
inline const QHash<qint64, VPointF> *DataPoints() const {return &points;}
inline const QHash<qint64, VPointF> *DataModelingPoints() const {return &modelingPoints;}
* @brief DataPointsModeling return container of points modeling
* @return pointer on container of points modeling
inline const QHash<qint64, VPointF> *DataPointsModeling() const {return &pointsModeling;}
* @brief DataSplines return container of splines
* @return pointer on container of splines
inline const QHash<qint64, VSpline> *DataSplines() const {return &splines;}
inline const QHash<qint64, VSpline> *DataModelingSplines() const {return &modelingSplines;}
* @brief DataSplinesModeling return container of splines modeling
* @return pointer on container of splines modeling
inline const QHash<qint64, VSpline> *DataSplinesModeling() const {return &splinesModeling;}
* @brief DataArcs return container of arcs
* @return pointer on container of arcs
inline const QHash<qint64, VArc> *DataArcs() const {return &arcs;}
inline const QHash<qint64, VArc> *DataModelingArcs() const {return &modelingArcs;}
* @brief DataArcsModeling return container of arcs modeling
* @return pointer on container of arcs modeling
inline const QHash<qint64, VArc> *DataArcsModeling() const {return &arcsModeling;}
* @brief DataBase return container of data
* @return pointer on container of base data
inline const QHash<QString, qint32> *DataBase() const {return &base;}
* @brief DataStandartTable return container of standart table
* @return pointer on container of standart table
inline const QHash<QString, VStandartTableCell> *DataStandartTable() const {return &standartTable;}
* @brief DataIncrementTable return container of increment table
* @return pointer on container of increment table
inline const QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> *DataIncrementTable() const {return &incrementTable;}
* @brief DataLengthLines return container of lines lengths
* @return pointer on container of lines lengths
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthLines() const {return &lengthLines;}
* @brief DataLengthSplines return container of splines lengths
* @return pointer on container of splines lengths
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthSplines() const {return &lengthSplines;}
* @brief DataLengthArcs return container of arcs length
* @return pointer on container of arcs length
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthArcs() const {return &lengthArcs;}
* @brief DataLineAngles return container of angles of line
* @return pointer on container of angles of line
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLineAngles() const {return &lineAngles;}
* @brief DataSplinePaths return container of spline paths
* @return pointer on container of spline paths
inline const QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> *DataSplinePaths() const {return &splinePaths;}
inline const QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> *DataModelingSplinePaths() const {return &modelingSplinePaths;}
* @brief DataSplinePathsModeling return container of spline paths modeling
* @return pointer on container of spline paths modeling
inline const QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> *DataSplinePathsModeling() const {return &splinePathsModeling;}
* @brief DataDetails return container of details
* @return pointer on container of details
inline const QHash<qint64, VDetail> *DataDetails() const {return &details;}
* @brief UpdateId update id. If new id bigger when current save new like current.
* @param newId id
static void UpdateId(qint64 newId);
* @brief ContourPath create painter path for detail
* @param idDetail id of detail
* @return return painter path of contour detail
QPainterPath ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const;
* @brief biasPoints bias point
* @param points vector of points
* @param mx offset respect to x
* @param my offset respect to y
* @return new vector biased points
QVector<QPointF> biasPoints(const QVector<QPointF> &points, const qreal &mx, const qreal &my) const;
* @brief Equidistant create equidistant painter path for detail
* @param points vector of points
* @param eqv type of equidistant
* @param width width of equidistant
* @return return painter path of equidistant
QPainterPath Equidistant(QVector<QPointF> points, const Detail::Equidistant &eqv, const qreal &width)const;
* @brief ParallelLine create parallel line
* @param line starting line
* @param width width to parallel line
* @return parallel line
static QLineF ParallelLine(const QLineF &line, qreal width );
* @brief SingleParallelPoint return point of parallel line
* @param line starting line
* @param angle angle in degree
* @param width width to parallel line
* @return point of parallel line
static QPointF SingleParallelPoint(const QLineF &line, const qreal &angle, const qreal &width);
* @brief EkvPoint return vector of points of equidistant two lines. Last point of two lines must be equal.
* @param line1 first line
* @param line2 second line
* @param width width of equidistant
* @return vector of points
QVector<QPointF> EkvPoint(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2, const qreal &width)const;
* @brief CheckLoops seek and delete loops in equidistant
* @param points vector of points of equidistant
* @return vector of points of equidistant
QVector<QPointF> CheckLoops(const QVector<QPointF> &points) const;
* @brief PrepareDetails prepare detail for creation layout
* @param list list of details
void PrepareDetails(QVector<VItem *> & list) const;
* @brief _id current id. New object will have value +1. For full class equal 0.
static qint64 _id;
* @brief base container of base data (size and growth)
QHash<QString, qint32> base;
* @brief points container of points
QHash<qint64, VPointF> points;
QHash<qint64, VPointF> modelingPoints;
* @brief pointsModeling container of points modeling
QHash<qint64, VPointF> pointsModeling;
* @brief standartTable container of standart table rows
QHash<QString, VStandartTableCell> standartTable;
* @brief incrementTable
QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> incrementTable;
* @brief lengthLines container of lines lengths
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthLines;
* @brief lineAngles container of angles of lines
QHash<QString, qreal> lineAngles;
* @brief splines container of splines
QHash<qint64, VSpline> splines;
QHash<qint64, VSpline> modelingSplines;
* @brief splinesModeling container of splines modeling
QHash<qint64, VSpline> splinesModeling;
* @brief lengthSplines container of splines length
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthSplines;
* @brief arcs container of arcs
QHash<qint64, VArc> arcs;
QHash<qint64, VArc> modelingArcs;
* @brief arcsModeling container of arcs modeling
QHash<qint64, VArc> arcsModeling;
* @brief lengthArcs container of arcs length
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthArcs;
* @brief splinePaths container of spline paths
QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> splinePaths;
QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> modelingSplinePaths;
* @brief splinePathsModeling container of spline paths modeling
QHash<qint64, VSplinePath> splinePathsModeling;
* @brief details container of details
QHash<qint64, VDetail> details;
* @brief CreateManTableIGroup generate man standart table of measurements
void CreateManTableIGroup ();
* @brief GetReversePoint return revers container of points
* @param points container with points
* @return reverced points
QVector<QPointF> GetReversePoint(const QVector<QPointF> &points)const;
* @brief GetLengthContour return length of contour
* @param contour container with points of contour
* @param newPoints point whos we try to add to contour
* @return length length of contour
qreal GetLengthContour(const QVector<QPointF> &contour, const QVector<QPointF> &newPoints)const;
template <typename key, typename val> static val GetObject(const QHash<key, val> &obj, key id);
template <typename val> static void UpdateObject(QHash<qint64, val> &obj, const qint64 &id, const val& point);
template <typename key, typename val> static qint64 AddObject(QHash<key, val> &obj, const val& value);
template <typename key, typename val>
* @brief GetObject return object from container
* @param obj container
* @param id id of object
* @return Object
static val GetObject(const QHash<key, val> &obj, key id);
template <typename val>
* @brief UpdateObject update object in container
* @param obj container
* @param id id of existing object
* @param point object
static void UpdateObject(QHash<qint64, val> &obj, const qint64 &id, const val& point);
template <typename key, typename val>
* @brief AddObject add object to container
* @param obj container
* @param value object
* @return id of object in container
static qint64 AddObject(QHash<key, val> &obj, const val& value);
#endif // VCONTAINER_H
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void DialogAlongLine::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ void DialogArc::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
emit ToolTip("");
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void DialogBisector::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void DialogDetail::NewItem(qint64 id, const Tool::Tools &typeTool, const Draw::D
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
name =;
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void DialogDetail::NewItem(qint64 id, const Tool::Tools &typeTool, const Draw::D
arc = data->GetModelingArc(id);
arc = data->GetArcModeling(id);
name =;
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void DialogDetail::NewItem(qint64 id, const Tool::Tools &typeTool, const Draw::D
spl = data->GetModelingSpline(id);
spl = data->GetSplineModeling(id);
name = spl.GetName();
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ void DialogDetail::NewItem(qint64 id, const Tool::Tools &typeTool, const Draw::D
splPath = data->GetModelingSplinePath(id);
splPath = data->GetSplinePathModeling(id);
name =;
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void DialogEndLine::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
emit ToolTip("");
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void DialogHeight::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
switch (number)
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ void DialogLine::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void DialogLineIntersect::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ void DialogNormal::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ void DialogPointOfContact::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void DialogPointOfIntersection::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &ty
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void DialogShoulderPoint::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void DialogSpline::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
if (number == 0)
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ void DialogSpline::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
p1 = data->GetModelingPoint(p1Id).toQPointF();
p4 = data->GetModelingPoint(id).toQPointF();
p1 = data->GetPointModeling(p1Id).toQPointF();
p4 = data->GetPointModeling(id).toQPointF();
ui->spinBoxAngle1->setValue(static_cast<qint32>(QLineF(p1, p4).angle()));
ui->spinBoxAngle2->setValue(static_cast<qint32>(QLineF(p4, p1).angle()));
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ void DialogSplinePath::NewItem(qint64 id, qreal kAsm1, qreal angle, qreal kAsm2)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(;
item->setFont(QFont("Times", 12, QFont::Bold));
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void DialogTool::FillComboBoxPoints(QComboBox *box, const qint64 &id) const
if (det[i].getId() != id)
VPointF point = data->GetModelingPoint(det[i].getId());
VPointF point = data->GetPointModeling(det[i].getId());
box->addItem(, det[i].getId());
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ void DialogTriangle::ChoosedObject(qint64 id, const Scene::Scenes &type)
point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
switch (number)
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ void VModelingAlongLine::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
void VModelingAlongLine::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void VModelingAlongLine::RemoveReferens()
void VModelingAlongLine::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogAlongLine.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
dialogAlongLine->setFirstPointId(basePointId, id);
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ VModelingAlongLine *VModelingAlongLine::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingAlongLine *point = 0;
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(firstPointId);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(secondPointId);
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetPointModeling(firstPointId);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetPointModeling(secondPointId);
QLineF line = QLineF(firstPoint.toQPointF(), secondPoint.toQPointF());
Calculator cal(data);
QString errorMsg;
@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ VModelingAlongLine *VModelingAlongLine::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ VModelingArc::VModelingArc(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id, const
void VModelingArc::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogArc.isNull() == false);
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingArc(id);
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetArcModeling(id);
@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ VModelingArc* VModelingArc::Create(const qint64 _id, const qint64 ¢er, const
calcF2 = result;
VArc arc = VArc(data->DataModelingPoints(), center, calcRadius, radius, calcF1, f1, calcF2, f2 );
VArc arc = VArc(data->DataPointsModeling(), center, calcRadius, radius, calcF1, f1, calcF2, f2 );
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingArc(arc);
id = data->AddArcModeling(arc);
data->UpdateModelingArc(id, arc);
data->UpdateArcModeling(id, arc);
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ void VModelingArc::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
void VModelingArc::AddToFile()
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingArc(id);
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetArcModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -184,13 +184,13 @@ void VModelingArc::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VModelingArc::RemoveReferens()
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingArc(id);
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetArcModeling(id);
void VModelingArc::RefreshGeometry()
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingArc(id);
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetArcModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ VModelingBisector::VModelingBisector(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, const
void VModelingBisector::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogBisector.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
dialogBisector->setFirstPointId(firstPointId, id);
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ VModelingBisector *VModelingBisector::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &fo
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingBisector *point = 0;
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(firstPointId);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(secondPointId);
VPointF thirdPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(thirdPointId);
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetPointModeling(firstPointId);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetPointModeling(secondPointId);
VPointF thirdPoint = data->GetPointModeling(thirdPointId);
Calculator cal(data);
QString errorMsg;
@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ VModelingBisector *VModelingBisector::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &fo
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ void VModelingBisector::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
void VModelingBisector::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ VModelingEndLine::VModelingEndLine(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, const qi
void VModelingEndLine::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogEndLine.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ VModelingEndLine *VModelingEndLine::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &poin
const Document::Documents &parse, const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingEndLine *point = 0;
VPointF basePoint = data->GetModelingPoint(basePointId);
VPointF basePoint = data->GetPointModeling(basePointId);
QLineF line = QLineF(basePoint.toQPointF(), QPointF(basePoint.x()+100, basePoint.y()));
Calculator cal(data);
QString errorMsg;
@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ VModelingEndLine *VModelingEndLine::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &poin
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ void VModelingEndLine::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
void VModelingEndLine::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ VModelingHeight::VModelingHeight(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, const qint
void VModelingHeight::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogHeight.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
dialogHeight->setBasePointId(basePointId, id);
dialogHeight->setP1LineId(p1LineId, id);
@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ VModelingHeight *VModelingHeight::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &pointN
const Document::Documents &parse, const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingHeight *point = 0;
VPointF basePoint = data->GetModelingPoint(basePointId);
VPointF p1Line = data->GetModelingPoint(p1LineId);
VPointF p2Line = data->GetModelingPoint(p2LineId);
VPointF basePoint = data->GetPointModeling(basePointId);
VPointF p1Line = data->GetPointModeling(p1LineId);
VPointF p2Line = data->GetPointModeling(p2LineId);
QPointF pHeight = VToolHeight::FindPoint(QLineF(p1Line.toQPointF(), p2Line.toQPointF()),
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ VModelingHeight *VModelingHeight::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &pointN
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(line.p2().x(), line.p2().y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ void VModelingHeight::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
void VModelingHeight::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ VModelingLine::VModelingLine(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id, qin
ignoreFullUpdate = true;
VPointF first = data->GetModelingPoint(firstPoint);
VPointF second = data->GetModelingPoint(secondPoint);
VPointF first = data->GetPointModeling(firstPoint);
VPointF second = data->GetPointModeling(secondPoint);
this->setLine(QLineF(first.toQPointF(), second.toQPointF()));
this->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, true);
this->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ void VModelingLine::FullUpdateFromFile()
firstPoint = domElement.attribute(AttrFirstPoint, "").toLongLong();
secondPoint = domElement.attribute(AttrSecondPoint, "").toLongLong();
VPointF first = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(firstPoint);
VPointF second = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(secondPoint);
VPointF first = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(firstPoint);
VPointF second = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(secondPoint);
this->setLine(QLineF(first.toQPointF(), second.toQPointF()));
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ VModelingLineIntersect::VModelingLineIntersect(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *da
void VModelingLineIntersect::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogLineIntersect.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
@ -74,10 +74,10 @@ VModelingLineIntersect *VModelingLineIntersect::Create(const qint64 _id, const q
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingLineIntersect *point = 0;
VPointF p1Line1 = data->GetModelingPoint(p1Line1Id);
VPointF p2Line1 = data->GetModelingPoint(p2Line1Id);
VPointF p1Line2 = data->GetModelingPoint(p1Line2Id);
VPointF p2Line2 = data->GetModelingPoint(p2Line2Id);
VPointF p1Line1 = data->GetPointModeling(p1Line1Id);
VPointF p2Line1 = data->GetPointModeling(p2Line1Id);
VPointF p1Line2 = data->GetPointModeling(p1Line2Id);
VPointF p2Line2 = data->GetPointModeling(p2Line2Id);
QLineF line1(p1Line1.toQPointF(), p2Line1.toQPointF());
QLineF line2(p1Line2.toQPointF(), p2Line2.toQPointF());
@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ VModelingLineIntersect *VModelingLineIntersect::Create(const qint64 _id, const q
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ void VModelingLineIntersect::FullUpdateFromFile()
p1Line2 = domElement.attribute(AttrP1Line2, "").toLongLong();
p2Line2 = domElement.attribute(AttrP2Line2, "").toLongLong();
void VModelingLineIntersect::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void VModelingLineIntersect::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *ev
void VModelingLineIntersect::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ VModelingLinePoint::VModelingLinePoint(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, cons
basePointId(basePointId), mainLine(0)
//Лінія, що з'єднує дві точки
QPointF point1 = data->GetModelingPoint(basePointId).toQPointF();
QPointF point2 = data->GetModelingPoint(id).toQPointF();
QPointF point1 = data->GetPointModeling(basePointId).toQPointF();
QPointF point2 = data->GetPointModeling(id).toQPointF();
mainLine = new QGraphicsLineItem(QLineF(point1 - point2, QPointF()), this);
mainLine->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, widthHairLine));
mainLine->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, true);
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ VModelingLinePoint::VModelingLinePoint(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, cons
void VModelingLinePoint::RefreshGeometry()
QPointF point = VModelingTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id).toQPointF();
QPointF basePoint = VModelingTool::data.GetModelingPoint(basePointId).toQPointF();
QPointF point = VModelingTool::data.GetPointModeling(id).toQPointF();
QPointF basePoint = VModelingTool::data.GetPointModeling(basePointId).toQPointF();
mainLine->setLine(QLineF(basePoint - point, QPointF()));
if (typeLine == TypeLineNone)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ VModelingNormal::VModelingNormal(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, const qint
void VModelingNormal::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogNormal.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ VModelingNormal *VModelingNormal::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &formul
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingNormal *point = 0;
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(firstPointId);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(secondPointId);
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetPointModeling(firstPointId);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetPointModeling(secondPointId);
Calculator cal(data);
QString errorMsg;
qreal result = cal.eval(formula, &errorMsg);
@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ VModelingNormal *VModelingNormal::Create(const qint64 _id, const QString &formul
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ void VModelingNormal::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
void VModelingNormal::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ VModelingPoint::VModelingPoint(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id, Q
this->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);
void VModelingPoint::NameChangePosition(const QPointF &pos)
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QPointF p = pos - this->pos();
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ VModelingPointOfContact::VModelingPointOfContact(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *
void VModelingPointOfContact::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogPointOfContact.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
dialogPointOfContact->setCenter(center, id);
dialogPointOfContact->setFirstPoint(firstPointId, id);
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ VModelingPointOfContact *VModelingPointOfContact::Create(const qint64 _id, const
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingPointOfContact *point = 0;
VPointF centerP = data->GetModelingPoint(center);
VPointF firstP = data->GetModelingPoint(firstPointId);
VPointF secondP = data->GetModelingPoint(secondPointId);
VPointF centerP = data->GetPointModeling(center);
VPointF firstP = data->GetPointModeling(firstPointId);
VPointF secondP = data->GetPointModeling(secondPointId);
Calculator cal(data);
QString errorMsg;
@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ VModelingPointOfContact *VModelingPointOfContact::Create(const qint64 _id, const
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ void VModelingPointOfContact::FullUpdateFromFile()
firstPointId = domElement.attribute(AttrFirstPoint, "").toLongLong();
secondPointId = domElement.attribute(AttrSecondPoint, "").toLongLong();
void VModelingPointOfContact::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void VModelingPointOfContact::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *e
void VModelingPointOfContact::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ VModelingShoulderPoint::VModelingShoulderPoint(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *da
void VModelingShoulderPoint::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogShoulderPoint.isNull() == false);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF p = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
dialogShoulderPoint->setP1Line(basePointId, id);
@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ VModelingShoulderPoint *VModelingShoulderPoint::Create(const qint64 _id, const Q
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingShoulderPoint *point = 0;
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(p1Line);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(p2Line);
VPointF shoulderPoint = data->GetModelingPoint(pShoulder);
VPointF firstPoint = data->GetPointModeling(p1Line);
VPointF secondPoint = data->GetPointModeling(p2Line);
VPointF shoulderPoint = data->GetPointModeling(pShoulder);
Calculator cal(data);
QString errorMsg;
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ VModelingShoulderPoint *VModelingShoulderPoint::Create(const qint64 _id, const Q
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingPoint(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
id = data->AddPointModeling(VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(fPoint.x(), fPoint.y(), pointName, mx, my));
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void VModelingShoulderPoint::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *ev
void VModelingShoulderPoint::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ VModelingSpline::VModelingSpline(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id,
dialogSpline(QSharedPointer<DialogSpline>()), controlPoints(QVector<VControlPointSpline *>())
ignoreFullUpdate = true;
VSpline spl = data->GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = data->GetSplineModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ VModelingSpline::VModelingSpline(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id,
void VModelingSpline::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogSpline.isNull() == false);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplineModeling(id);
@ -102,15 +102,15 @@ VModelingSpline *VModelingSpline::Create(const qint64 _id, const qint64 &p1, con
const Tool::Sources &typeCreation)
VModelingSpline *spl = 0;
VSpline spline = VSpline(data->DataModelingPoints(), p1, p4, angle1, angle2, kAsm1, kAsm2, kCurve);
VSpline spline = VSpline(data->DataPointsModeling(), p1, p4, angle1, angle2, kAsm1, kAsm2, kCurve);
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingSpline(spline);
id = data->AddSplineModeling(spline);
data->UpdateModelingSpline(id, spline);
data->UpdateSplineModeling(id, spline);
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void VModelingSpline::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
if (result == QDialog::Accepted)
VSpline spl = VSpline (VAbstractTool::data.DataModelingPoints(), dialogSpline->getP1(),
VSpline spl = VSpline (VAbstractTool::data.DataPointsModeling(), dialogSpline->getP1(),
dialogSpline->getP4(), dialogSpline->getAngle1(), dialogSpline->getAngle2(),
dialogSpline->getKAsm1(), dialogSpline->getKAsm2(), dialogSpline->getKCurve());
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ void VModelingSpline::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
connect(controlPoints[1], &VControlPointSpline::ControlPointChangePosition, this,
spl = VSpline (VAbstractTool::data.DataModelingPoints(), dialogSpline->getP1(),
spl = VSpline (VAbstractTool::data.DataPointsModeling(), dialogSpline->getP1(),
controlPoints[0]->pos(), controlPoints[1]->pos(), dialogSpline->getP4(),
QDomElement domElement = doc->elementById(QString().setNum(id));
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void VModelingSpline::ControlPointChangePosition(const qint32 &indexSpline, Spli
const QPointF &pos)
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplineModeling(id);
if (position == SplinePoint::FirstPoint)
spl.ModifiSpl (spl.GetP1(), pos, spl.GetP3(), spl.GetP4(), spl.GetKcurve());
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ void VModelingSpline::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
void VModelingSpline::AddToFile()
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplineModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -241,22 +241,22 @@ void VModelingSpline::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VModelingSpline::RemoveReferens()
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplineModeling(id);
void VModelingSpline::RefreshGeometry()
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplineModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
QPointF splinePoint = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(spl.GetP1()).toQPointF();
QPointF splinePoint = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(spl.GetP1()).toQPointF();
QPointF controlPoint = spl.GetP2();
emit RefreshLine(1, SplinePoint::FirstPoint, controlPoint, splinePoint);
splinePoint = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(spl.GetP4()).toQPointF();
splinePoint = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(spl.GetP4()).toQPointF();
controlPoint = spl.GetP3();
emit RefreshLine(1, SplinePoint::LastPoint, controlPoint, splinePoint);
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ VModelingSplinePath::VModelingSplinePath(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qi
controlPoints(QVector<VControlPointSpline *>())
ignoreFullUpdate = true;
VSplinePath splPath = data->GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = data->GetSplinePathModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ VModelingSplinePath::VModelingSplinePath(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qi
void VModelingSplinePath::setDialog()
Q_ASSERT(dialogSplinePath.isNull() == false);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplinePathModeling(id);
@ -97,11 +97,11 @@ VModelingSplinePath * VModelingSplinePath::Create(const qint64 _id, const VSplin
qint64 id = _id;
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
id = data->AddModelingSplinePath(path);
id = data->AddSplinePathModeling(path);
data->UpdateModelingSplinePath(id, path);
data->UpdateSplinePathModeling(id, path);
if (parse != Document::FullParse)
doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ void VModelingSplinePath::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
connect(controlPoints[j-1], &VControlPointSpline::ControlPointChangePosition, this,
spl = VSpline (VAbstractTool::data.DataModelingPoints(), spl.GetP1(), controlPoints[j-2]->pos(),
spl = VSpline (VAbstractTool::data.DataPointsModeling(), spl.GetP1(), controlPoints[j-2]->pos(),
controlPoints[j-1]->pos(), spl.GetP4(), splPath.getKCurve());
CorectControlPoints(spl, splPath, i);
CorectControlPoints(spl, splPath, i);
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void VModelingSplinePath::FullUpdateFromGui(int result)
void VModelingSplinePath::ControlPointChangePosition(const qint32 &indexSpline, SplinePoint::Position position,
const QPointF &pos)
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplinePathModeling(id);
VSpline spl = splPath.GetSpline(indexSpline);
if (position == SplinePoint::FirstPoint)
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ void VModelingSplinePath::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event
void VModelingSplinePath::AddToFile()
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplinePathModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ void VModelingSplinePath::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VModelingSplinePath::RemoveReferens()
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplinePathModeling(id);
for (qint32 i = 0; i < splPath.Count(); ++i)
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ void VModelingSplinePath::RemoveReferens()
void VModelingSplinePath::RefreshGeometry()
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplinePathModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void VNodeArc::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VNodeArc::RefreshGeometry()
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingArc(id);
VArc arc = VAbstractTool::data.GetArcModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ VNodePoint::VNodePoint(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id, qint64 id
this->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsSelectable, true);
if (typeCreation == Tool::FromGui)
@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ void VNodePoint::Create(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id, qint64 i
void VNodePoint::FullUpdateFromFile()
void VNodePoint::AddToFile()
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QDomElement domElement = doc->createElement(TagName);
AddAttribute(domElement, AttrId, id);
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void VNodePoint::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VNodePoint::NameChangePosition(const QPointF &pos)
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = VAbstractTool::data.GetPointModeling(id);
QPointF p = pos - this->pos();
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ void VNodeSpline::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VNodeSpline::RefreshGeometry()
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplineModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void VNodeSplinePath::Create(VDomDocument *doc, VContainer *data, qint64 id, qin
VNodeSplinePath *splPath = new VNodeSplinePath(doc, data, id, idSpline, typeobject, typeCreation);
Q_ASSERT(splPath != 0);
doc->AddTool(id, splPath);
VSplinePath path = data->GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath path = data->GetSplinePathModeling(id);
const QVector<VSplinePoint> *points = path.GetPoint();
for (qint32 i = 0; i<points->size(); ++i)
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ void VNodeSplinePath::hoverLeaveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event)
void VNodeSplinePath::RefreshGeometry()
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = VAbstractTool::data.GetSplinePathModeling(id);
QPainterPath path;
path.setFillRule( Qt::WindingFill );
@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ void VToolDetail::Create(QSharedPointer<DialogDetail> &dialog, VMainGraphicsScen
point = data->GetModelingPoint(detail[i].getId());
point = data->GetPointModeling(detail[i].getId());
id = data->AddModelingPoint(point);
id = data->AddPointModeling(point);
VNodePoint::Create(doc, data, id, detail[i].getId(), detail[i].getMode(),
Document::FullParse, Tool::FromGui);
@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ void VToolDetail::Create(QSharedPointer<DialogDetail> &dialog, VMainGraphicsScen
arc = data->GetModelingArc(detail[i].getId());
arc = data->GetArcModeling(detail[i].getId());
id = data->AddModelingArc(arc);
id = data->AddArcModeling(arc);
VNodeArc::Create(doc, data, id, detail[i].getId(), detail[i].getMode(),
Document::FullParse, Tool::FromGui);
@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ void VToolDetail::Create(QSharedPointer<DialogDetail> &dialog, VMainGraphicsScen
spline = data->GetModelingSpline(detail[i].getId());
spline = data->GetSplineModeling(detail[i].getId());
id = data->AddModelingSpline(spline);
id = data->AddSplineModeling(spline);
VNodeSpline::Create(doc, data, id, detail[i].getId(), detail[i].getMode(),
Document::FullParse, Tool::FromGui);
@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ void VToolDetail::Create(QSharedPointer<DialogDetail> &dialog, VMainGraphicsScen
splinePath = data->GetModelingSplinePath(detail[i].getId());
splinePath = data->GetSplinePathModeling(detail[i].getId());
id = data->AddModelingSplinePath(splinePath);
id = data->AddSplinePathModeling(splinePath);
VNodeSplinePath::Create(doc, data, id, detail[i].getId(), detail[i].getMode(),
Document::FullParse, Tool::FromGui);
@ -591,28 +591,28 @@ void VDomDocument::ParseDetailElement(VMainGraphicsScene *sceneDetail, const QDo
if (t == "NodePoint")
tool = Tool::NodePoint;
VPointF point = data->GetModelingPoint(id);
VPointF point = data->GetPointModeling(id);
mode = point.getMode();
oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(point.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour));
else if (t == "NodeArc")
tool = Tool::NodeArc;
VArc arc = data->GetModelingArc(id);
VArc arc = data->GetArcModeling(id);
mode = arc.getMode();
oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(arc.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour));
else if (t == "NodeSpline")
tool = Tool::NodeSpline;
VSpline spl = data->GetModelingSpline(id);
VSpline spl = data->GetSplineModeling(id);
mode = spl.getMode();
oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(spl.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour));
else if (t == "NodeSplinePath")
tool = Tool::NodeSplinePath;
VSplinePath splPath = data->GetModelingSplinePath(id);
VSplinePath splPath = data->GetSplinePathModeling(id);
mode = splPath.getMode();
oldDetail.append(VNodeDetail(splPath.getIdObject(), tool, mode, NodeDetail::Contour));
@ -993,11 +993,11 @@ void VDomDocument::ParsePointElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElemen
typeObject = Draw::Modeling;
point = data->GetModelingPoint(idObject);
point = data->GetPointModeling(idObject);
qreal mx = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "mx"));
qreal my = toPixel(GetParametrDouble(domElement, "my"));
data->UpdateModelingPoint(id, VPointF(point.x(), point.y(),, mx, my, typeObject,
data->UpdatePointModeling(id, VPointF(point.x(), point.y(),, mx, my, typeObject,
idObject ));
VNodePoint::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile);
@ -1236,11 +1236,11 @@ void VDomDocument::ParseSplineElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomEleme
typeObject = Draw::Modeling;
spl = data->GetModelingSpline(idObject);
spl = data->GetSplineModeling(idObject);
data->UpdateModelingSpline(id, spl);
data->UpdateSplineModeling(id, spl);
VNodeSpline::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile);
@ -1268,11 +1268,11 @@ void VDomDocument::ParseSplineElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomEleme
typeObject = Draw::Modeling;
path = data->GetModelingSplinePath(idObject);
path = data->GetSplinePathModeling(idObject);
data->UpdateModelingSplinePath(id, path);
data->UpdateSplinePathModeling(id, path);
VNodeSplinePath::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile);
@ -1336,11 +1336,11 @@ void VDomDocument::ParseArcElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElement
typeObject = Draw::Modeling;
arc = data->GetModelingArc(idObject);
arc = data->GetArcModeling(idObject);
data->UpdateModelingArc(id, arc);
data->UpdateArcModeling(id, arc);
VNodeArc::Create(this, data, id, idObject, mode, parse, Tool::FromFile);
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