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** @file vobjectproperty.h
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)>
** @date 28 8, 2014
** @brief
** @copyright
** All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
** are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
** (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** Lesser General Public License for more details.
#include "vproperty.h"
#include <QStringList>
class QComboBox;
namespace VPE{
class VPROPERTYEXPLORERSHARED_EXPORT VObjectProperty : public VProperty
//! Constructor
VObjectProperty(const QString& name);
//! Destructor
~VObjectProperty() {}
//! Get the data how it should be displayed
virtual QVariant data (int column = DPC_Name, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
//! Returns an editor widget, or NULL if it doesn't supply one
//! \param parent The widget to which the editor will be added as a child
//! \options Render options
//! \delegate A pointer to the QAbstractItemDelegate requesting the editor. This can be used to connect signals and slots.
virtual QWidget* createEditor(QWidget* parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& options, const QAbstractItemDelegate* delegate);
//! Sets the property's data to the editor (returns false, if the standard delegate should do that)
virtual bool setEditorData(QWidget* editor);
//! Gets the data from the widget
virtual QVariant getEditorData(QWidget* editor) const;
//! Sets the objects list
void setObjectsList(const QMap<QString, quint32> &objects);
//! Get the settings. This function has to be implemented in a subclass in order to have an effect
virtual QMap<QString, quint32> getObjects() const;
//! Sets the value of the property
virtual void setValue(const QVariant& value);
//! Returns a string containing the type of the property
virtual QString type() const;
//! Clones this property
//! \param include_children Indicates whether to also clone the children
//! \param container If a property is being passed here, no new VProperty is being created but instead it is tried to fill all the data into container. This can also be used when subclassing this function.
//! \return Returns the newly created property (or container, if it was not NULL)
virtual VProperty* clone(bool include_children = true, VProperty* container = nullptr) const;
public slots:
void currentIndexChanged(int index);
//! The list of possible objects
QMap<QString, quint32> objects;
void FillList(QComboBox *box, const QMap<QString, quint32> &list)const;
// No use of d-pointer in this case, because it is unlikely this will change. If it does, we can still add other members by reimplementing the VPropertyPrivate class without touching this header file.