1 Transifex guide for Valentina GUI translators
cath77100 edited this page 2024-03-01 17:20:55 +01:00


https://www.transifex.com/[Transifex] is a web platform allowing collaborative translation work.

The translation project of the Valentina GUI interface is hosted https://app.transifex.com/valentina/valentina-project/dashboard/[here].

English(en) is the langue source, 32 other languages are supported in the project, see https://app.transifex.com/valentina/valentina-project/languages/[the list].

Thus prerequisites are: you speak both English and another or several of the 32 supported languages, and you understand Valentina interface enough to translate strings.

All functions available in Transifex won't be explored here, please refer for complete and further information to the documentation guides https://help.transifex.com/en/[here], it provides https://help.transifex.com/en/collections/3441044-starting-with-the-basics[many ressources to begin as a translator].

Joining the translation team.

Joining the Valentina translation team is very simple: you just have to register in Transifex and ask to join the team.

Creating an account in Transifex.

Sign up https://www.transifex.com/signup/[here], and follow instructions:

  • You'll be required to activate the account with the link provided in the email confirmation
  • you'll have to choose your job role: "translator".

=== Joining the translation team. ===

Unless you were directly invited by the translation team by email, you'll have to ask to join the project during the registration step:

  • clik on "Join an existing project", search for "valentina" in the explore page, ask to join and choose in which language you will translate.
  • you'll have to be approved before joining the team, please wait for the confirmation email.


== Configuring your account and preferences.

You can set up some specific preferences in the main dashboard as well as in the user settings page of your personal account:

The GUI language (Transifex interface) is provided in your language by default.

Click on the ? icon at the bottom of the left sidebar to change the Transifex interface language.

You can then switch to another language :


Click on the project icon at the bottom of the left sidebar to acess to your profile, there you can set up:

  • personal credentials,
  • notification settings, if you don't want to be notified absolutely every project or translation change,
  • sign in settings,
  • etc.

== Staff status in the team.

There are 4 main status in the project's translation teams:

  • admin = Roman Telezhinkyi, id @dismine
  • coordinators: 23 presently, they manage a translation team in a specific language, they have the specific permissions for accepting and excluding members from the project, plus they are translators and reviewers at the same time,
  • reviewers: can translate non translated strings and also review translated ones,
  • translators: can only translate non translated strings.

Thus, if you have the translator status, don't try to review strings, please:

  • Translate what has not been translated yet
  • Comment reviewed strings if you identified some issue, 'Comment' tab, tag in your comment @dismine for admin or @your_coordinator_id, so they can be notified your comment.


== Translating.

=== Accessing to the groups of ressources.

On the project dashboard, click on "Translate" (the button is provided in the language you set up for Transifex interface).

In the translate board, select your language:

You get access to a page displaying all groups of ressources.

All groups of ressources are provided without any filter :

  • first, the group "valentina.ts" for Valentina last 0.7 version,
  • then the group "valentina_0.6.x.ts" for Valentina 0.6 version.

Information is also displayed about the number of strings which are not translated / reviewed yet.


Let's choose by default to translate "valentina.ts".

=== Filtering.

Using filters is very important, otherwise translation of strings will be soon discouraging.

The page we have accessed to displays all strings of the group of ressources, you can switch to 'non translated' or 'non reviewed' pages in the top menu.


Let's go to the 'non translated' strings page.

You can see that a first condition has appeared in the filters bar: "translated:no".


You could have accessed to all non translated strings by entering manually "translated:no" in the filters bar, or by selecting "status - translated - no" in the filters menu:


If you watch the list of strings you obtain now, this is still a mess of unsorted words and expressions without any apparent logics.

So let's filter further.

At this step, launch Valentina and set the interface language in English in the Preferences settings.

In the Transifex page, click on the first non-translated string (at your convenience).

I have clicked on the string 'Passmark length:'


Rather than translating right away, let's look at the Context field provided in the center panel. The context is here DialogPatternProperties.

This provides us 2 important pieces of information:

  • the string is extracted from the pattern properties dialog box in Valentina,
  • we can translate all strings of this dialog box at the same time by filtering in context.

=== Translating.

Let's now enter in the filters bar in order to translate in context: context:DialogPatternProperties translated:no.

Enter the translation and save.


When translated, a turquoise circle must appear in front of the string.

=== Syntax and punctuation.

Please keep in mind that some characters and punctuation are very important to keep when translating.

For example, in such a string:


First copy and paste source strings by clicking on 'Copy source string' in the translation panel:


Such pre-formatted blocks must be kept as they are:


Punctuation must not be erased either changed (don't add neither delete spaces):


Here is how the translation must look:


=== Issues.

If you encounter a specific issue with your permissions in the team or with the interface, please contact the admin in English (click on your avatar - Messages - Compose).

If you are not sure how to translate a specific string, while being placed in this string, add an issue in English (in the right panel), you will be answered at the same place (and notified you received an answer according to your personal notification settings).

=== Comments.

You can as well comment your translation (in the right panel too).

WARNING: Please don't use 'comments' to report an issue, but only to ask advice to your coordinator or explain to the team why you choose some terms, for example.

== Reviewing (for reviewers only).

Let's now enter in the filters bar: context:DialogPatternProperties reviewed:no. (don't keep the translated:no filter).

I obtain about 40 non reviewed strings, the first one is 'Pattern properties'.


The center and right panels provide many information:

  • who translated and when,
  • previous suggestions for translation,
  • history of translation for this string,
  • a glossary if previously provided.

WARNING: If the author of the translation is TM, the translation is a mere suggestion made by the Translation Memory and inserted by the team while waiting for further reviewing. In this case, be careful not to grant the reviewed status to such a string without really checking in the Valentina interface that the suggestion is allright.

If the translation fits, click on 'Review', then a blue 'ok' icon appears on the reviewed string.


If the translation does not fit, enter the new text in the translation panel and click on 'save changes'.

If you are confident in the translation, review at the same time.

A reviewed string can be modified by clicking on 'Unreview', enter new translation, save changes, and 'Review' again.


That's it ! You have translated and/or reviewed you first group of strings in context.

Thanks a lot for your contribution to the Valentina project !