838 lines
38 KiB
838 lines
38 KiB
** @file vtranslatevars.cpp
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)gmail.com>
** @date 10 6, 2015
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2015 Valentina project
** <https://gitlab.com/smart-pattern/valentina> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "vtranslatevars.h"
#include <QList>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMessageLogger>
#include <QString>
#include <QtDebug>
#include "../ifc/ifcdef.h"
#include "../qmuparser/qmudef.h"
#include "../qmuparser/qmuparsererror.h"
#include "../qmuparser/qmutokenparser.h"
#include "../qmuparser/qmutranslation.h"
#include "../vmisc/compatibility.h"
#include "../vmisc/def.h"
#include "../vmisc/literals.h"
#include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/vtranslatevars.h"
using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
#define translate(context, source, disambiguation) qmu::QmuTranslation::translate((context), (source), (disambiguation))
void VTranslateVars::InitVariables()
variables.insert(measurement_, translate("VTranslateVars", "M_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(increment_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Increment_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(line_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Line_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angleLine_, translate("VTranslateVars", "AngleLine_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(arc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Arc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(elarc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "ElArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(spl_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Spl_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(splPath, translate("VTranslateVars", "SplPath", "Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name"));
variables.insert(radiusArc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "RadiusArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(radius1ElArc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Radius1ElArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(radius2ElArc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Radius2ElArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angle1Arc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle1Arc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angle2Arc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle2Arc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angle1ElArc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle1ElArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angle2ElArc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle2ElArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angle1Spl_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle1Spl_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(angle2Spl_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle2Spl_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle1SplPath", "Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "Angle2SplPath", "Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name"));
variables.insert(seg_, translate("VTranslateVars", "Seg_", "Segment. Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(currentLength, translate("VTranslateVars", "CurrentLength", "Do not add space between words"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "CurrentSeamAllowance", "Do not add space between words"));
variables.insert(c1LengthSpl_, translate("VTranslateVars", "C1LengthSpl_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(c2LengthSpl_, translate("VTranslateVars", "C2LengthSpl_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "C1LengthSplPath", "Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "C2LengthSplPath", "Do not add symbol _ to the end of the name"));
variables.insert(rotationElArc_, translate("VTranslateVars", "RotationElArc_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
variables.insert(pieceArea_, translate("VTranslateVars", "PieceArea_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "PieceSeamLineArea_", "Left symbol _ in the name"));
void VTranslateVars::InitFunctions()
const QString oneArgument = QStringLiteral("()");
const QString twoArguments = QStringLiteral("(;)");
const QString threeArguments = QStringLiteral("(;;)");
functions.insert(degTorad_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "degTorad", "converts degrees to radian"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "converts degrees to radian", "function degTorad"));
functionsArguments.insert(degTorad_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(radTodeg_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "radTodeg", "converts radian to degrees"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "converts radian to degrees", "function radTodeg"));
functionsArguments.insert(radTodeg_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(sin_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sin", "sine function working with radians"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "sine function working with radians", "function sin"));
functionsArguments.insert(sin_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(cos_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "cos", "cosine function working with radians"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "cosine function working with radians", "function cos"));
functionsArguments.insert(cos_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(tan_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "tan", "tangens function working with radians"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "tangens function working with radians", "function tan"));
functionsArguments.insert(tan_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(asin_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "asin", "arcus sine function working with radians"));
asin_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "arcus sine function working with radians", "function asin"));
functionsArguments.insert(asin_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(acos_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "acos", "arcus cosine function working with radians"));
acos_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "arcus cosine function working with radians", "function acos"));
functionsArguments.insert(acos_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(atan_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "atan", "arcus tangens function working with radians"));
atan_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "arcus tangens function working with radians", "function atan"));
functionsArguments.insert(atan_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(sinh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sinh", "hyperbolic sine function"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(sinh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "hyperbolic sine function", "function sinh"));
functionsArguments.insert(sinh_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(cosh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "cosh", "hyperbolic cosine"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(cosh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "hyperbolic cosine", "function cosh"));
functionsArguments.insert(sinh_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(tanh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "tanh", "hyperbolic tangens function"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(tanh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "hyperbolic tangens function", "function tanh"));
functionsArguments.insert(tanh_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(asinh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "asinh", "hyperbolic arcus sine function"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "hyperbolic arcus sine function", "function asinh"));
functionsArguments.insert(asinh_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(acosh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "acosh", "hyperbolic arcus cosine function"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "hyperbolic arcus cosine function", "function acosh"));
functionsArguments.insert(acosh_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(atanh_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "atanh", "hyperbolic arcur tangens function"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "hyperbolic arcur tangens function", "function atanh"));
functionsArguments.insert(atanh_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(sinD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sinD", "sine function working with degrees"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "sine function working with degrees", "function sinD"));
functionsArguments.insert(sinD_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(cosD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "cosD", "cosine function working with degrees"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "cosine function working with degrees", "function cosD"));
functionsArguments.insert(cosD_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(tanD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "tanD", "tangens function working with degrees"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "tangens function working with degrees", "function tanD"));
functionsArguments.insert(tanD_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(asinD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "asinD", "arcus sine function working with degrees"));
asinD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "arcus sine function working with degrees", "function asinD"));
functionsArguments.insert(asinD_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(acosD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "acosD", "arcus cosine function working with degrees"));
acosD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "arcus cosine function working with degrees", "function acosD"));
functionsArguments.insert(acosD_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(atanD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "atanD", "arcus tangens function working with degrees"));
atanD_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "arcus tangens function working with degrees", "function atanD"));
functionsArguments.insert(atanD_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(log2_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "log2", "logarithm to the base 2"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(log2_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "logarithm to the base 2", "function log2"));
functionsArguments.insert(log2_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(log10_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "log10", "logarithm to the base 10"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(log10_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "logarithm to the base 10", "function log10"));
functionsArguments.insert(log10_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(log_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "log", "logarithm to the base 10"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(log_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "logarithm to the base 10", "function log"));
functionsArguments.insert(log_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(ln_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "ln", "logarithm to base e (2.71828...)"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(ln_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "logarithm to base e (2.71828...)", "function ln"));
functionsArguments.insert(ln_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(exp_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "exp", "e raised to the power of x"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(exp_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "e raised to the power of x", "function exp"));
functionsArguments.insert(exp_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(sqrt_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sqrt", "square root of a value"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(sqrt_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "square root of a value", "function sqrt"));
functionsArguments.insert(sqrt_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(sign_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sign", "sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0", "function sign"));
functionsArguments.insert(sign_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(rint_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "rint", "round to nearest integer"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(rint_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "round to nearest integer", "function rint"));
functionsArguments.insert(rint_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(r2cm_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "r2cm", "round to up to 1 decimal"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(r2cm_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "round to up to 1 decimal", "function r2cm"));
functionsArguments.insert(r2cm_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(csrCm_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "csrCm",
"cut, split and rotate modeling operation. Takes"
" cm units."));
functionsDescriptions.insert(csrCm_F, translate("VTranslateVars",
"cut, split and rotate modeling operation. Takes "
"cm units.",
"function csrCm"));
functionsArguments.insert(csrCm_F, threeArguments);
functions.insert(csrInch_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "csrInch",
"cut, split and rotate modeling operation. Takes"
" inch units."));
functionsDescriptions.insert(csrInch_F, translate("VTranslateVars",
"cut, split and rotate modeling operation. "
"Takes inch units.",
"function csrInch"));
functionsArguments.insert(csrInch_F, threeArguments);
functions.insert(abs_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "abs", "absolute value"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(abs_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "absolute value", "function abs"));
functionsArguments.insert(abs_F, oneArgument);
functions.insert(min_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "min", "min of all arguments"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(min_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "min of all arguments", "function min"));
functionsArguments.insert(min_F, twoArguments);
functions.insert(max_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "max", "max of all arguments"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(max_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "max of all arguments", "function max"));
functionsArguments.insert(max_F, twoArguments);
functions.insert(sum_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sum", "sum of all arguments"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(sum_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "sum of all arguments", "function sum"));
functionsArguments.insert(sum_F, threeArguments);
functions.insert(avg_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "avg", "mean value of all arguments"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(avg_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "mean value of all arguments", "function avg"));
functionsArguments.insert(avg_F, threeArguments);
functions.insert(fmod_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "fmod",
"Returns the floating-point remainder of numer/denom (rounded towards zero)"));
functionsDescriptions.insert(fmod_F, translate("VTranslateVars",
"Returns the floating-point remainder of "
"numer/denom (rounded towards zero)",
"function fmod"));
functionsArguments.insert(fmod_F, twoArguments);
functions.insert(warning_F, translate("VTranslateVars", "warning", "Calculation warning"));
translate("VTranslateVars", "Show a warning in calculations", "function warning"));
functionsArguments.insert(warning_F, twoArguments);
#undef translate
void VTranslateVars::PrepareFunctionTranslations()
QMap<QString, qmu::QmuTranslation>::const_iterator i = functions.constBegin();
while (i != functions.constEnd())
const QString translated = i.value().translate(VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetLocale());
if (i.key() != translated)
translatedFunctions.insert(translated, i.key());
* @brief CorrectionsPositions correct position tokens in expression after token translation.
* Because translated string can have different length compare to original need make correction after each translation.
* If bias = 0 correction will not happens.
* @param position position currecnt token in expression
* @param bias difference between original token length and translated
* @param tokens all tokens
* @param numbers all numbers
void VTranslateVars::CorrectionsPositions(vsizetype position, vsizetype bias, QMap<vsizetype, QString> &tokens,
QMap<vsizetype, QString> &numbers)
if (bias == 0)
return; // Nothing to correct;
BiasTokens(position, bias, tokens);
BiasTokens(position, bias, numbers);
void VTranslateVars::TranslateVarsFromUser(QString &newFormula, QMap<vsizetype, QString> &tokens,
QMap<vsizetype, QString> &numbers) const
QList<vsizetype> tKeys = tokens.keys(); // Take all tokens positions
QList<QString> tValues = tokens.values();
for (vsizetype i = 0; i < tKeys.size(); ++i)
vsizetype bias = 0;
if (VariablesFromUser(newFormula, tKeys.at(i), tValues.at(i), bias))
if (bias != 0)
{ // Translated token has different length than original. Position of next tokens need to be corrected.
CorrectionsPositions(tKeys.at(i), bias, tokens, numbers);
tKeys = tokens.keys();
tValues = tokens.values();
if (FunctionsFromUser(newFormula, tKeys.at(i), tValues.at(i), bias))
if (bias != 0)
{ // Translated token has different length than original. Position of next tokens need to be corrected.
CorrectionsPositions(tKeys.at(i), bias, tokens, numbers);
tKeys = tokens.keys();
tValues = tokens.values();
if (tValues.at(i) == LocaleNegativeSign(QLocale()))
{ // unary minus
newFormula.replace(tKeys.at(i), 1, '-');
void VTranslateVars::TranslateNumbersFromUser(QString &newFormula, QMap<vsizetype, QString> &tokens,
QMap<vsizetype, QString> &numbers, bool osSeparator)
QLocale loc = QLocale(); // User locale
if (loc != QLocale::c() && osSeparator)
{ // User want use Os separator
QList<vsizetype> nKeys = numbers.keys(); // Positions for all numbers in expression
QList<QString> nValues = numbers.values();
for (int i = 0; i < nKeys.size(); ++i)
loc = QLocale(); // From system locale
bool ok = false;
const qreal d = loc.toDouble(nValues.at(i), &ok);
if (not ok)
qDebug() << "Can't convert to double token" << nValues.at(i);
continue; // Leave with out translation
loc = QLocale::c(); // To internal locale
const QString dStr = loc.toString(d); // Internal look for number
newFormula.replace(nKeys.at(i), nValues.at(i).length(), dStr);
const auto bias = nValues.at(i).length() - dStr.length();
if (bias != 0)
{ // Translated number has different length than original. Position next tokens need to be corrected.
CorrectionsPositions(nKeys.at(i), bias, tokens, numbers);
nKeys = numbers.keys();
nValues = numbers.values();
void VTranslateVars::TranslateVarsToUser(QString &newFormula, QMap<vsizetype, QString> &tokens,
QMap<vsizetype, QString> &numbers) const
QList<vsizetype> tKeys = tokens.keys();
QList<QString> tValues = tokens.values();
for (vsizetype i = 0; i < tKeys.size(); ++i)
if (functions.contains(tValues.at(i)))
tKeys.at(i), tValues.at(i).length(),
auto bias = tValues.at(i).length() - functions.value(tValues.at(i))
if (bias != 0)
{ // Translated token has different length than original. Position next tokens need to be corrected.
CorrectionsPositions(tKeys.at(i), bias, tokens, numbers);
tKeys = tokens.keys();
tValues = tokens.values();
vsizetype bias = 0;
if (VariablesToUser(newFormula, tKeys.at(i), tValues.at(i), bias))
if (bias != 0)
{ // Translated token has different length than original. Position next tokens need to be corrected.
CorrectionsPositions(tKeys.at(i), bias, tokens, numbers);
tKeys = tokens.keys();
tValues = tokens.values();
if (tValues.at(i) == '-'_L1)
{ // unary minus
newFormula.replace(tKeys.at(i), 1, LocaleNegativeSign(QLocale()));
void VTranslateVars::TranslateNumbersToUser(QString &newFormula, QMap<vsizetype, QString> &tokens,
QMap<vsizetype, QString> &numbers, bool osSeparator)
QLocale loc = QLocale(); // User locale
if (loc != QLocale::C && osSeparator)
{ // User want use Os separator
QList<vsizetype> nKeys = numbers.keys(); // Positions for all numbers in expression
QList<QString> nValues = numbers.values();
for (int i = 0; i < nKeys.size(); ++i)
loc = QLocale::c(); // From pattern locale
bool ok = false;
const qreal d = loc.toDouble(nValues.at(i), &ok);
if (not ok)
qDebug() << "Can't convert to double token" << nValues.at(i);
continue; // Leave with out translation
loc = QLocale(); // To user locale
QString dStr = loc.toString(d); // Number string in user locale
if (LocaleGroupSeparator(loc).isSpace())
dStr.replace(LocaleGroupSeparator(loc), QString());
newFormula.replace(nKeys.at(i), nValues.at(i).length(), dStr);
const auto bias = nValues.at(i).length() - dStr.length();
if (bias != 0)
{ // Translated number has different length than original. Position next tokens need to be corrected.
CorrectionsPositions(nKeys.at(i), bias, tokens, numbers);
nKeys = numbers.keys();
nValues = numbers.values();
* @brief BiasTokens change position for each token that have position more then "position".
* @param position token position
* @param bias difference between original token length and translated
* @param tokens all tokens
void VTranslateVars::BiasTokens(vsizetype position, vsizetype bias, QMap<vsizetype, QString> &tokens)
QMap<vsizetype, QString> newTokens;
QMap<vsizetype, QString>::const_iterator i = tokens.constBegin();
while (i != tokens.constEnd())
if (i.key() <= position)
{ // Tokens before position "position" did not change his positions.
newTokens.insert(i.key(), i.value());
newTokens.insert(i.key() - bias, i.value());
tokens = newTokens;
* @brief VariablesFromUser translate variable to internal look.
* @param newFormula [in|out] expression to translate
* @param position token position
* @param token token to translate
* @param bias hold change of length between translated and origin token string
* @return true if was found variable with same name.
auto VTranslateVars::VariablesFromUser(QString &newFormula, vsizetype position, const QString &token,
vsizetype &bias) const -> bool
const QString currentLengthTr =
const QString currentSeamAllowanceTr =
QMap<QString, qmu::QmuTranslation>::const_iterator i = variables.constBegin();
while (i != variables.constEnd())
const qmu::QmuTranslation &var = i.value();
const QString varTr = var.translate(VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetLocale());
if (token.indexOf(varTr) == 0)
if ((varTr == currentLengthTr || varTr == currentSeamAllowanceTr) && token != varTr)
newFormula.replace(position, varTr.length(), i.key());
QString newToken = token;
newToken.replace(0, varTr.length(), i.key());
bias = token.length() - newToken.length();
return true;
return false;
* @brief FunctionsFromUser translate function name to internal look.
* @param newFormula [in|out] expression to translate
* @param position token position
* @param token token to translate
* @param bias hold change of length between translated and origin token string
* @return true if was found function with same name.
auto VTranslateVars::FunctionsFromUser(QString &newFormula, vsizetype position, const QString &token,
vsizetype &bias) const -> bool
QMap<QString, qmu::QmuTranslation>::const_iterator i = functions.constBegin();
while (i != functions.constEnd())
if (token == i.value().translate(VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetLocale()))
newFormula.replace(position, token.length(), i.key());
bias = token.length() - i.key().length();
return true;
return false;
* @brief VariablesToUser translate variable name to user.
* @param newFormula [in|out] expression to translate
* @param position token position
* @param token token to translate
* @param bias hold change of length between translated and origin token string
* @return true if was found variable with same name.
auto VTranslateVars::VariablesToUser(QString &newFormula, vsizetype position, const QString &token,
vsizetype &bias) const -> bool
QMap<QString, qmu::QmuTranslation>::const_iterator i = variables.constBegin();
while (i != variables.constEnd())
if (token.indexOf(i.key()) == 0)
if ((i.key() == currentLength || i.key() == currentSeamAllowance) && token != i.key())
newFormula.replace(position, i.key().length(),
QString newToken = token;
newToken.replace(0, i.key().length(),
bias = token.length() - newToken.length();
return true;
return false;
auto VTranslateVars::InternalVarToUser(const QString &var) const -> QString
VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings();
if (!settings->IsTranslateFormula())
return var;
QString newVar = var;
vsizetype bias = 0;
if (VariablesToUser(newVar, 0, var, bias))
return newVar;
return var;
auto VTranslateVars::VarToUser(const QString &var) const -> QString
const QString locale = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetLocale();
if (locale == QStringLiteral("zh_CN") || locale == QStringLiteral("he_IL"))
return var; // We do not support translation of variables for these locales
VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings();
if (!settings->IsTranslateFormula())
return var;
if (functions.contains(var))
return functions.value(var).translate(VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetLocale());
return InternalVarToUser(var);
auto VTranslateVars::VarFromUser(const QString &var) const -> QString
const QString locale = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings()->GetLocale();
if (locale == QStringLiteral("zh_CN") || locale == QStringLiteral("he_IL"))
return var; // We do not support translation of variables for Chinese
VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings();
if (!settings->IsTranslateFormula())
return var;
QString newVar = var;
vsizetype bias = 0;
if (VariablesFromUser(newVar, 0, var, bias))
return newVar;
if (FunctionsFromUser(newVar, 0, var, bias))
return newVar;
return var;
* @brief FormulaFromUser replace all known tokens in formula to internal look. Also change decimal
* separator in numbers.
* @param formula expression that need translate
* @throw qmu::QmuParserError in case of a wrong expression
* @return translated expression
auto VTranslateVars::FormulaFromUser(const QString &formula, bool osSeparator) const -> QString
if (formula.isEmpty())
return formula;
// Eval formula
QScopedPointer<qmu::QmuTokenParser> cal(
new qmu::QmuTokenParser(formula, osSeparator, true, GetTranslatedFunctions()));
QMap<vsizetype, QString> tokens = cal->GetTokens(); // Tokens (variables, measurements)
QMap<vsizetype, QString> numbers = cal->GetNumbers(); // All numbers in expression for changing decimal separator
QString newFormula = formula; // Local copy for making changes
VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings();
if (settings->IsTranslateFormula())
TranslateVarsFromUser(newFormula, tokens, numbers);
TranslateNumbersFromUser(newFormula, tokens, numbers, osSeparator);
return newFormula;
auto VTranslateVars::TryFormulaFromUser(const QString &formula, bool osSeparator) -> QString
SCASSERT(VAbstractApplication::VApp()->TrVars() != nullptr)
return VAbstractApplication::VApp()->TrVars()->FormulaFromUser(formula, osSeparator);
catch (qmu::QmuParserError &e) // In case something bad will happen
return formula;
* @brief FormulaToUser replace all known tokens in formula to user look. Also change decimal
* separator in numbers.
* @param formula expression that need translate
* @return translated expression
auto VTranslateVars::FormulaToUser(const QString &formula, bool osSeparator) const -> QString
if (formula.isEmpty())
return formula;
QString newFormula = formula; // Local copy for making changes
QMap<vsizetype, QString> tokens;
QMap<vsizetype, QString> numbers;
QScopedPointer<qmu::QmuTokenParser> const cal(new qmu::QmuTokenParser(formula, false, false)); // Eval formula
tokens = cal->GetTokens(); // Tokens (variables, measurements)
numbers = cal->GetNumbers(); // All numbers in expression for changing decimal separator
catch (qmu::QmuParserError &e)
qDebug() << "\nMath parser error:\n"
<< "--------------------------------------\n"
<< "Message: " << e.GetMsg() << "\n"
<< "Expression: " << e.GetExpr() << "\n"
<< "--------------------------------------";
return newFormula;
VCommonSettings *settings = VAbstractApplication::VApp()->Settings();
if (settings->IsTranslateFormula())
TranslateVarsToUser(newFormula, tokens, numbers);
TranslateNumbersToUser(newFormula, tokens, numbers, osSeparator);
return newFormula;
auto VTranslateVars::TryFormulaToUser(const QString &formula, bool osSeparator) -> QString
return VAbstractApplication::VApp()->TrVars()->FormulaToUser(formula, osSeparator);
catch (qmu::QmuParserError &e) // In case something bad will happen
return formula;
void VTranslateVars::Retranslate()
auto VTranslateVars::GetTranslatedFunctions() const -> QMap<QString, QString>
return translatedFunctions;
auto VTranslateVars::GetFunctions() const -> QMap<QString, qmu::QmuTranslation>
return functions;
auto VTranslateVars::GetFunctionsDescriptions() const -> QMap<QString, qmu::QmuTranslation>
return functionsDescriptions;
auto VTranslateVars::GetFunctionsArguments() const -> QMap<QString, QString>
return functionsArguments;