2024-02-20 09:17:20 +02:00

1761 lines
61 KiB

** @file
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)>
** @date 3 11, 2016
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include "vpiece.h"
#include "../ifc/exception/vexceptioninvalidnotch.h"
#include "../ifc/exception/vexceptionobjecterror.h"
#include "../ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vabstractcurve.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vlayoutplacelabel.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vplacelabelitem.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h"
#include "../vmisc/compatibility.h"
#include "../vmisc/testpath.h"
#include "../vmisc/vabstractvalapplication.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/variables/vpiecearea.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/vpiecenode.h"
#include "vcontainer.h"
#include "vgeometrydef.h"
#include "vpassmark.h"
#include "vpiece_p.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
auto PieceMissingNodes(const QVector<quint32> &d1Nodes, const QVector<quint32> &d2Nodes) -> QVector<quint32>
if (d1Nodes.size() == d2Nodes.size()) //-V807
return QVector<quint32>();
QSet<quint32> set1;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < d1Nodes.size(); ++i)
QSet<quint32> set2;
for (qint32 j = 0; j < d2Nodes.size(); ++j)
const QList<quint32> set3 = set1.subtract(set2).values();
QVector<quint32> r;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < set3.size(); ++i)
return r;
auto IsPassmarksPossible(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path) -> bool
int countPointNodes = 0;
int countOthers = 0;
for (const auto &node : path)
if (node.IsExcluded())
continue; // skip node
node.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint ? ++countPointNodes : ++countOthers;
return countPointNodes >= 3 || (countPointNodes >= 1 && countOthers >= 1);
auto RotatePath(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype index) -> QVector<VPieceNode>
if (index < 0 || index >= path.size())
return path;
return path.mid(index) + path.mid(0, index);
} // anonymous namespace
: VAbstractPiece(),
d(new VPieceData(PiecePathType::PiecePath))
auto VPiece::operator=(const VPiece &piece) -> VPiece &
if (&piece == this)
return *this;
d = piece.d;
return *this;
VPiece::VPiece(VPiece &&piece) noexcept
: VAbstractPiece(std::move(piece)),
d(std::move(piece.d)) // NOLINT(bugprone-use-after-move)
auto VPiece::operator=(VPiece &&piece) noexcept -> VPiece &
std::swap(d, piece.d);
return *this;
VPiece::~VPiece() = default;
auto VPiece::GetPath() const -> VPiecePath
return d->m_path;
auto VPiece::GetPath() -> VPiecePath &
return d->m_path;
void VPiece::SetPath(const VPiecePath &path)
d->m_path = path;
auto VPiece::MainPathPoints(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
// DumpPiece(*this, data, QStringLiteral("input.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
VPiecePath mainPath = GetPath();
mainPath.SetName(QCoreApplication::translate("VPiece", "Main path of piece %1").arg(GetName()));
QVector<VLayoutPoint> points = mainPath.PathPoints(data);
points = CheckLoops(CorrectEquidistantPoints(points)); // A path can contains loops
// DumpVector(points, QStringLiteral("output.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
return points;
auto VPiece::FullMainPathPoints(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
// DumpPiece(*this, data, QStringLiteral("input.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
VPiecePath mainPath = GetPath();
mainPath.SetName(QCoreApplication::translate("VPiece", "Main path of piece %1").arg(GetName()));
QVector<VLayoutPoint> points = mainPath.PathPoints(data);
QLineF const mirrorLine = SeamMirrorLine(data);
if (!mirrorLine.isNull() && IsShowFullPiece())
points = VAbstractPiece::FullPath(points, mirrorLine);
points = CheckLoops(CorrectEquidistantPoints(points)); // A path can contains loops
// DumpVector(points, QStringLiteral("output.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
return points;
auto VPiece::UniteMainPathPoints(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
QVector<VLayoutPoint> points = VPiecePath::NodesToPoints(data, GetUnitedPath(data), GetName());
points = CheckLoops(CorrectEquidistantPoints(points)); // A path can contains loops
return points;
auto VPiece::MainPathNodePoints(const VContainer *data, bool showExcluded) const -> QVector<VPointF>
return GetPath().PathNodePoints(data, showExcluded);
auto VPiece::SeamAllowancePoints(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
return SeamAllowancePointsWithRotation(data, -1);
auto VPiece::FullSeamAllowancePoints(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
QVector<VLayoutPoint> points = SeamAllowancePointsWithRotation(data, -1);
QLineF const mirrorLine = SeamAllowanceMirrorLine(data);
if (!mirrorLine.isNull() && IsShowFullPiece())
points = VAbstractPiece::FullPath(points, mirrorLine);
points = CheckLoops(CorrectEquidistantPoints(points)); // A path can contains loops
return points;
auto VPiece::CuttingPathPoints(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<QPointF>
QVector<QPointF> points;
if (IsSeamAllowance() && not IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn())
CastTo(SeamAllowancePoints(data), points);
return points;
CastTo(MainPathPoints(data), points);
return points;
auto VPiece::PassmarksLines(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<QLineF>
QVector<VPassmark> const passmarks = Passmarks(data);
QVector<QLineF> lines;
for (const auto &passmark : passmarks)
if (not passmark.IsNull())
lines += passmark.FullPassmark(*this, data);
return lines;
auto VPiece::Passmarks(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VPassmark>
const QVector<VPieceNode> unitedPath = GetUnitedPath(data);
if (not IsSeamAllowance() || not IsPassmarksPossible(unitedPath))
return {};
QVector<VPassmark> passmarks;
for (int i = 0; i < unitedPath.size(); ++i)
const VPieceNode &node =;
if (node.IsExcluded() || not node.IsPassmark())
continue; // skip node
const vsizetype previousIndex = VPiecePath::FindInLoopNotExcludedUp(i, unitedPath);
const vsizetype nextIndex = VPiecePath::FindInLoopNotExcludedDown(i, unitedPath);
passmarks += CreatePassmark(unitedPath, previousIndex, i, nextIndex, data);
return passmarks;
auto VPiece::CurvesPainterPath(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<QPainterPath>
return GetPath().CurvesPainterPath(data);
auto VPiece::MainPathPath(const VContainer *data) const -> QPainterPath
QVector<QPointF> points;
CastTo(MainPathPoints(data), points);
return VPiece::MainPathPath(points);
auto VPiece::FullMainPathPath(const VContainer *data) const -> QPainterPath
QVector<QPointF> points;
CastTo(FullMainPathPoints(data), points);
return VPiece::MainPathPath(points);
auto VPiece::MainPathPath(const QVector<QPointF> &points) -> QPainterPath
QPainterPath path;
if (not points.isEmpty())
for (qint32 i = 1; i < points.count(); ++i)
return path;
auto VPiece::SeamAllowancePath(const VContainer *data) const -> QPainterPath
return SeamAllowancePath(SeamAllowancePoints(data));
auto VPiece::FullSeamAllowancePath(const VContainer *data) const -> QPainterPath
return SeamAllowancePath(FullSeamAllowancePoints(data));
auto VPiece::PassmarksPath(const VContainer *data) const -> QPainterPath
const QVector<QLineF> passmarks = PassmarksLines(data);
QPainterPath path;
// seam allowence
if (IsSeamAllowance())
if (not passmarks.isEmpty())
for (qint32 i = 0; i < passmarks.count(); ++i)
return path;
auto VPiece::PlaceLabelPath(const VContainer *data) const -> QPainterPath
QPainterPath path;
for (auto placeLabel : d->m_placeLabels)
const auto label = data->GeometricObject<VPlaceLabelItem>(placeLabel);
if (label->IsVisible())
VLayoutPlaceLabel const layoutLabel(*label);
const QLineF mirrorLine = SeamMirrorLine(data);
if (!label->IsNotMirrored() && IsShowFullPiece() && !mirrorLine.isNull())
PlaceLabelImg shape = VAbstractPiece::PlaceLabelShape(layoutLabel);
const QTransform matrix = VGObject::FlippingMatrix(mirrorLine);
for (auto &points : shape)
std::transform(points.begin(), points.end(), points.begin(),
[matrix](const VLayoutPoint &point) { return MapPoint(point, matrix); });
catch (const VExceptionBadId &e)
qWarning() << e.ErrorMessage();
return path;
auto VPiece::IsSeamAllowanceValid(const VContainer *data) const -> bool
if (IsSeamAllowance() && not IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn())
QVector<QPointF> mainPathPoints;
CastTo<QPointF>(UniteMainPathPoints(data), mainPathPoints);
QVector<QPointF> seamAllowancePoints;
CastTo<QPointF>(SeamAllowancePoints(data), seamAllowancePoints);
return VAbstractPiece::IsAllowanceValid(mainPathPoints, seamAllowancePoints);
return true;
auto VPiece::IsInLayout() const -> bool
return d->m_inLayout;
void VPiece::SetInLayout(bool inLayout)
d->m_inLayout = inLayout;
auto VPiece::IsUnited() const -> bool
return d->m_united;
void VPiece::SetUnited(bool united)
d->m_united = united;
auto VPiece::GetShortName() const -> QString
return d->m_shortName;
void VPiece::SetShortName(const QString &value)
d->m_shortName = value;
auto VPiece::GetFormulaSAWidth() const -> QString
return d->m_formulaWidth;
void VPiece::SetFormulaSAWidth(const QString &formula, qreal value)
const qreal width = GetSAWidth();
width >= 0 ? d->m_formulaWidth = formula : d->m_formulaWidth = '0'_L1;
auto VPiece::GetInternalPaths() const -> QVector<quint32>
return d->m_internalPaths;
auto VPiece::GetInternalPaths() -> QVector<quint32> &
return d->m_internalPaths;
void VPiece::SetInternalPaths(const QVector<quint32> &iPaths)
d->m_internalPaths = iPaths;
auto VPiece::GetCustomSARecords() const -> QVector<CustomSARecord>
return d->m_customSARecords;
auto VPiece::GetCustomSARecords() -> QVector<CustomSARecord> &
return d->m_customSARecords;
void VPiece::SetCustomSARecords(const QVector<CustomSARecord> &records)
d->m_customSARecords = records;
auto VPiece::GetPins() const -> QVector<quint32>
return d->m_pins;
auto VPiece::GetPins() -> QVector<quint32> &
return d->m_pins;
void VPiece::SetPins(const QVector<quint32> &pins)
d->m_pins = pins;
auto VPiece::GetPlaceLabels() const -> QVector<quint32>
return d->m_placeLabels;
auto VPiece::GetPlaceLabels() -> QVector<quint32> &
return d->m_placeLabels;
void VPiece::SetPlaceLabels(const QVector<quint32> &labels)
d->m_placeLabels = labels;
auto VPiece::Dependencies() const -> QList<quint32>
QList<quint32> list = d->m_path.Dependencies();
list.reserve(list.size() + d->m_customSARecords.size() + d->m_internalPaths.size() + d->m_pins.size() +
for (const auto &record : d->m_customSARecords)
for (const auto &value : d->m_internalPaths)
for (const auto &value : d->m_pins)
for (const auto &value : d->m_placeLabels)
return list;
* @brief MissingNodes find missing nodes in detail. When we deleted object in detail and return this detail need
* understand, what nodes need make invisible.
* @param det changed detail.
* @return list with missing nodes.
auto VPiece::MissingNodes(const VPiece &det) const -> QVector<quint32>
return d->m_path.MissingNodes(det.GetPath());
auto VPiece::MissingCSAPath(const VPiece &det) const -> QVector<quint32>
QVector<quint32> oldCSARecords;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < d->m_customSARecords.size(); ++i)
QVector<quint32> newCSARecords;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < det.GetCustomSARecords().size(); ++i)
return PieceMissingNodes(oldCSARecords, newCSARecords);
auto VPiece::MissingInternalPaths(const VPiece &det) const -> QVector<quint32>
return PieceMissingNodes(d->m_internalPaths, det.GetInternalPaths());
auto VPiece::MissingPins(const VPiece &det) const -> QVector<quint32>
return PieceMissingNodes(d->m_pins, det.GetPins());
auto VPiece::MissingPlaceLabels(const VPiece &det) const -> QVector<quint32>
return PieceMissingNodes(d->m_placeLabels, det.GetPlaceLabels());
void VPiece::SetPieceLabelData(const VPieceLabelData &data)
d->m_ppData = data;
* @brief Returns full access to the pattern piece data object
* @return pattern piece data object
auto VPiece::GetPieceLabelData() -> VPieceLabelData &
return d->m_ppData;
* @brief Returns the read only reference to the pattern piece data object
* @return pattern piece data object
auto VPiece::GetPieceLabelData() const -> const VPieceLabelData &
return d->m_ppData;
void VPiece::SetPatternLabelData(const VPatternLabelData &info)
d->m_piPatternInfo = info;
* @brief Returns full access to the pattern info geometry object
* @return pattern info geometry object
auto VPiece::GetPatternLabelData() -> VPatternLabelData &
return d->m_piPatternInfo;
* @brief Returns the read only reference to the pattern info geometry object
* @return pattern info geometry object
auto VPiece::GetPatternLabelData() const -> const VPatternLabelData &
return d->m_piPatternInfo;
void VPiece::SetGrainlineGeometry(const VGrainlineData &data)
d->m_glGrainline = data;
* @brief VDetail::GetGrainlineGeometry full access to the grainline geometry object
* @return reference to grainline geometry object
auto VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry() -> VGrainlineData &
return d->m_glGrainline;
* @brief VDetail::GetGrainlineGeometry returns the read-only reference to the grainline geometry object
* @return reference to grainline geometry object
auto VPiece::GetGrainlineGeometry() const -> const VGrainlineData &
return d->m_glGrainline;
void VPiece::SetMirrorLineStartPoint(quint32 id)
d->m_mirrorLineStartPoint = id;
auto VPiece::GetMirrorLineStartPoint() const -> quint32
return d->m_mirrorLineStartPoint;
void VPiece::SetMirrorLineEndPoint(quint32 id)
d->m_mirrorLineEndPoint = id;
auto VPiece::GetMirrorLineEndPoint() const -> quint32
return d->m_mirrorLineEndPoint;
auto VPiece::SeamAllowancePointsWithRotation(const VContainer *data, vsizetype makeFirst) const -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
SCASSERT(data != nullptr);
if (not IsSeamAllowance() || IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn())
return {};
const QVector<CustomSARecord> records = FilterRecords(GetValidRecords());
int recordIndex = -1;
bool insertingCSA = false;
const qreal width = ToPixel(GetSAWidth(), *data->GetPatternUnit());
const QVector<VPieceNode> unitedPath =
makeFirst > 0 ? RotatePath(GetUnitedPath(data), makeFirst) : GetUnitedPath(data);
const QLineF mirrorLine = SeamMirrorLine(data);
const bool showMirrorLine = !mirrorLine.isNull();
QVector<VSAPoint> pointsEkv;
for (int i = 0; i < unitedPath.size(); ++i)
const VPieceNode &node =;
if (node.IsExcluded())
continue; // skip excluded node
switch (node.GetTypeTool())
case (Tool::NodePoint):
if (not insertingCSA)
VSAPoint ekvPoint = VPiecePath::PreparePointEkv(node, data);
if (showMirrorLine)
if (VFuzzyComparePoints(ekvPoint, mirrorLine.p1()))
else if (VFuzzyComparePoints(ekvPoint, mirrorLine.p2()))
recordIndex = IsCSAStart(records, node.GetId());
if (recordIndex != -1 && == PiecePathIncludeType::AsCustomSA)
insertingCSA = true;
const VPiecePath path = data->GetPiecePath(;
QVector<VSAPoint> r = path.SeamAllowancePoints(data, width,;
for (auto &j : r)
pointsEkv += r;
if ( == node.GetId())
insertingCSA = false;
recordIndex = -1;
pointsEkv.append(VPiecePath::PreparePointEkv(node, data));
case (Tool::NodeArc):
case (Tool::NodeElArc):
case (Tool::NodeSpline):
case (Tool::NodeSplinePath):
if (not insertingCSA)
const QSharedPointer<VAbstractCurve> curve = data->GeometricObject<VAbstractCurve>(node.GetId());
pointsEkv += VPiecePath::CurveSeamAllowanceSegment(data, unitedPath, curve, i, node.GetReverse(),
width, mirrorLine, GetName());
qDebug() << "Get wrong tool type. Ignore." << static_cast<char>(node.GetTypeTool());
return Equidistant(pointsEkv, width, GetName());
void VPiece::SetGradationLabel(const QString &label)
d->m_gradationLabel = label;
auto VPiece::GetGradationLabel() const -> QString
return d->m_gradationLabel;
auto VPiece::IsManualFoldHeight() const -> bool
return d->m_manualFoldHeight;
void VPiece::SetManualFoldHeight(bool value)
d->m_manualFoldHeight = value;
auto VPiece::IsManualFoldWidth() const -> bool
return d->m_manualFoldWidth;
void VPiece::SetManualFoldWidth(bool value)
d->m_manualFoldWidth = value;
auto VPiece::IsManualFoldCenter() const -> bool
return d->m_manualFoldCenter;
void VPiece::SetManualFoldCenter(bool value)
d->m_manualFoldCenter = value;
auto VPiece::GetFormulaFoldHeight() const -> QString
return d->m_formulaFoldHeight;
void VPiece::SetFormulaFoldHeight(const QString &value)
d->m_formulaFoldHeight = value;
auto VPiece::GetFormulaFoldWidth() const -> QString
return d->m_formulaFoldWidth;
void VPiece::SetFormulaFoldWidth(const QString &value)
d->m_formulaFoldWidth = value;
auto VPiece::GetFormulaFoldCenter() const -> QString
return d->m_formulaFoldCenter;
void VPiece::SetFormulaFoldCenter(const QString &value)
d->m_formulaFoldCenter = value;
auto VPiece::GetUnitedPath(const VContainer *data) const -> QVector<VPieceNode>
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
QVector<VPieceNode> united = d->m_path.GetNodes();
if (IsSeamAllowance() && IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn())
return united;
const QVector<CustomSARecord> records = FilterRecords(GetValidRecords());
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i)
if ( == PiecePathIncludeType::AsMainPath)
const int indexStartPoint = VPiecePath::indexOfNode(united,;
const int indexEndPoint = VPiecePath::indexOfNode(united,;
if (indexStartPoint == -1 || indexEndPoint == -1)
QVector<VPieceNode> midBefore;
QVector<VPieceNode> midAfter;
if (indexStartPoint <= indexEndPoint)
midBefore = united.mid(0, indexStartPoint + 1);
midAfter = united.mid(indexEndPoint, united.size() - midBefore.size());
midBefore = united.mid(indexEndPoint, indexStartPoint + 1);
QVector<VPieceNode> customNodes = data->GetPiecePath(;
if (
customNodes = Reverse(customNodes);
for (int j = 0; j < customNodes.size(); ++j)
// Additionally reverse all curves
if (
// don't make a check because node point will ignore the change
// If seam allowance is built in main path user will not see a passmark provided by piece path
if (IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn())
united = midBefore + customNodes + midAfter;
return united;
auto VPiece::GetValidRecords() const -> QVector<CustomSARecord>
QVector<CustomSARecord> records;
for (const auto &record : d->m_customSARecords)
const int indexStartPoint = d->m_path.indexOfNode(record.startPoint);
const int indexEndPoint = d->m_path.indexOfNode(record.endPoint);
if (record.startPoint > NULL_ID && record.path > NULL_ID && record.endPoint > NULL_ID &&
indexStartPoint != -1 && not d-> && indexEndPoint != -1 &&
not d->
return records;
auto VPiece::FilterRecords(QVector<CustomSARecord> records) const -> QVector<CustomSARecord>
if (records.size() < 2)
return records;
QVector<VPieceNode> path = d->m_path.GetNodes();
QVector<CustomSARecord> filteredRecords;
for (auto record : qAsConst(records))
const int indexStartPoint = VPiecePath::indexOfNode(path, record.startPoint);
const int indexEndPoint = VPiecePath::indexOfNode(path, record.endPoint);
if (indexStartPoint == -1 || indexEndPoint == -1)
QVector<VPieceNode> midBefore;
QVector<VPieceNode> midAfter;
if (indexStartPoint <= indexEndPoint)
midBefore = path.mid(0, indexStartPoint + 1);
midAfter = path.mid(indexEndPoint, path.size() - midBefore.size());
midBefore = path.mid(indexEndPoint, indexStartPoint + 1);
path = midBefore + midAfter;
return filteredRecords;
auto VPiece::GetNodeSAPoints(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype index, const VContainer *data) const
-> QVector<VSAPoint>
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
if (index < 0 || index >= path.size())
return {};
const VPieceNode &node =;
QVector<VSAPoint> points;
if (node.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint)
points.append(VPiecePath::PreparePointEkv(node, data));
const QSharedPointer<VAbstractCurve> curve = data->GeometricObject<VAbstractCurve>(node.GetId());
const qreal width = ToPixel(GetSAWidth(), *data->GetPatternUnit());
points += VPiecePath::CurveSeamAllowanceSegment(data, path, curve, index, node.GetReverse(), width, QLineF(),
return points;
auto VPiece::GetPassmarkSAPoint(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype index, const VContainer *data,
VSAPoint &point) const -> bool
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
const QVector<VSAPoint> points = GetNodeSAPoints(path, index, data);
if (points.isEmpty() || points.size() > 1)
return false;
point = points.constFirst();
return true;
auto VPiece::GetPassmarkPreviousSAPoints(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype index,
const VSAPoint &passmarkSAPoint, const VContainer *data, VSAPoint &point,
vsizetype passmarkIndex) const -> bool
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
const QVector<VSAPoint> points = GetNodeSAPoints(path, index, data);
if (points.isEmpty())
const QString errorMsg = tr("Cannot calculate a notch for point '%1' in piece '%2'.")
.arg(VPiecePath::NodeName(path, passmarkIndex, data), GetName());
? throw VExceptionInvalidNotch(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
return false; // Something wrong
bool found = false;
auto nodeIndex = points.size() - 1;
const VSAPoint previous =;
QLineF const line(passmarkSAPoint, previous);
if (line.length() > accuracyPointOnLine)
point = previous;
found = true;
} while (nodeIndex >= 0 && not found);
if (not found)
// No warning here because of valid case of passmark collapse
return false; // Something wrong
return true;
auto VPiece::GetPassmarkNextSAPoints(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype index, const VSAPoint &passmarkSAPoint,
const VContainer *data, VSAPoint &point, vsizetype passmarkIndex) const -> bool
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
const QVector<VSAPoint> points = GetNodeSAPoints(path, index, data);
if (points.isEmpty())
const QString errorMsg = tr("Cannot calculate a notch for point '%1' in piece '%2'.")
.arg(VPiecePath::NodeName(path, passmarkIndex, data), GetName());
? throw VExceptionInvalidNotch(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
return false; // Something wrong
bool found = false;
int nodeIndex = 0;
const VSAPoint next =;
QLineF const line(passmarkSAPoint, next);
if (line.length() >= ToPixel(1, Unit::Mm))
point = next;
found = true;
} while (nodeIndex < points.size() && not found);
if (not found)
// No warning here because of valid case of passmark collapse
return false; // Something wrong
return true;
auto VPiece::IsPassmarkVisible(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype passmarkIndex) const -> bool
if (passmarkIndex < 0 || passmarkIndex >= path.size())
return false;
const VPieceNode &node =;
if (node.GetTypeTool() != Tool::NodePoint || not node.IsPassmark() || node.IsExcluded())
return false;
if (IsSeamAllowance() && IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn())
return true;
const QVector<CustomSARecord> records = FilterRecords(GetValidRecords());
if (records.isEmpty())
return true;
for (const auto &record : records)
if (record.includeType == PiecePathIncludeType::AsCustomSA)
const int indexStartPoint = VPiecePath::indexOfNode(path, record.startPoint);
const int indexEndPoint = VPiecePath::indexOfNode(path, record.endPoint);
if (passmarkIndex > indexStartPoint && passmarkIndex < indexEndPoint)
return false;
return true;
auto VPiece::CreatePassmark(const QVector<VPieceNode> &path, vsizetype previousIndex, vsizetype passmarkIndex,
vsizetype nextIndex, const VContainer *data) const -> VPassmark
SCASSERT(data != nullptr);
if (not IsPassmarkVisible(path, passmarkIndex))
return {};
VSAPoint passmarkSAPoint;
if (not GetPassmarkSAPoint(path, passmarkIndex, data, passmarkSAPoint))
const QString errorMsg = tr("Cannot calculate a notch for point '%1' in piece '%2'.")
.arg(VPiecePath::NodeName(path, passmarkIndex, data), GetName());
? throw VExceptionInvalidNotch(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
return {};
VSAPoint previousSAPoint;
if (not GetPassmarkPreviousSAPoints(path, previousIndex, passmarkSAPoint, data, previousSAPoint, passmarkIndex))
// No check here because it will cover valid cases
return {}; // Something wrong
VSAPoint nextSAPoint;
if (not GetPassmarkNextSAPoints(path, nextIndex, passmarkSAPoint, data, nextSAPoint, passmarkIndex))
// No check here because it will cover valid cases
return {}; // Something wrong
if (passmarkSAPoint.IsManualPasskmarkLength() && passmarkSAPoint.GetPasskmarkLength() <= 0)
return {};
if (passmarkSAPoint.IsManualPasskmarkLength() && passmarkSAPoint.GetPasskmarkLength() <= accuracyPointOnLine)
const QString infoMsg = tr("Notch for point '%1' in piece '%2' will be disabled. Manual length is less than "
"allowed value.")
.arg(VPiecePath::NodeName(path, passmarkIndex, data), GetName());
qInfo() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + infoMsg;
return {};
VPiecePassmarkData passmarkData;
passmarkData.previousSAPoint = previousSAPoint;
passmarkData.passmarkSAPoint = passmarkSAPoint;
passmarkData.nextSAPoint = nextSAPoint;
passmarkData.saWidth = ToPixel(GetSAWidth(), *data->GetPatternUnit());
passmarkData.nodeName = VPiecePath::NodeName(path, passmarkIndex, data);
passmarkData.pieceName = GetName();
passmarkData.passmarkLineType =;
passmarkData.passmarkAngleType =;
passmarkData.isMainPathNode =;
passmarkData.isShowSecondPassmark =;
passmarkData.passmarkIndex = passmarkIndex; =;
passmarkData.globalPassmarkLength = ToPixel(GlobalPassmarkLength(data), *data->GetPatternUnit());
passmarkData.globalPassmarkWidth = ToPixel(GlobalPassmarkWidth(data), *data->GetPatternUnit());
// cppcheck-suppress unknownMacro
return VPassmark(passmarkData);
auto VPiece::IsCSAStart(const QVector<CustomSARecord> &records, quint32 id) -> int
for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i)
if ( == id)
return i;
return -1;
auto VPiece::Area(const QVector<QPointF> &shape, const VContainer *data) const -> qreal
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
const qreal mainArea = qAbs(VAbstractPiece::SumTrapezoids(shape)) / 2.0;
qreal internalPathArea = 0;
const QVector<quint32> pathsId = GetInternalPaths();
for (auto id : pathsId)
const VPiecePath path = data->GetPiecePath(id);
if (path.GetType() != PiecePathType::InternalPath || not path.IsVisible(data->DataVariables()) ||
not path.IsCutPath())
QVector<QPointF> points;
CastTo(path.PathPoints(data, shape), points);
if (points.isEmpty() || not VFuzzyComparePoints(points.constFirst(), points.constLast()))
internalPathArea += qAbs(VAbstractPiece::SumTrapezoids(points)) / 2.0;
return mainArea - internalPathArea;
auto VPiece::GlobalPassmarkLength(const VContainer *data) const -> qreal
QString const passmarkLengthVariable =
if (passmarkLengthVariable.isEmpty())
return 0;
qreal length = 0;
QSharedPointer<VInternalVariable> const var = data->GetVariable<VInternalVariable>(passmarkLengthVariable);
length = *var->GetValue();
if (VAbstractValApplication::VApp()->toPixel(length) <= accuracyPointOnLine)
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Invalid global value for a passmark length. Piece '%1'. Length is "
"less than minimal allowed.")
? throw VException(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
catch (const VExceptionBadId &)
length = 0;
return length;
qreal VPiece::GlobalPassmarkWidth(const VContainer *data) const
QString const passmarkWidthVariable =
if (passmarkWidthVariable.isEmpty())
return 0;
qreal width = 0;
QSharedPointer<VInternalVariable> const var = data->GetVariable<VInternalVariable>(passmarkWidthVariable);
width = *var->GetValue();
if (VAbstractValApplication::VApp()->toPixel(width) <= accuracyPointOnLine)
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Invalid global value for a passmark width. Piece '%1'. Width is "
"less than minimal allowed.")
? throw VException(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
catch (const VExceptionBadId &)
width = 0;
return width;
#if !defined(V_NO_ASSERT)
// Use for writing tests
auto VPiece::MainPathToJson() const -> QJsonObject
QJsonObject pieceObject{
{"seamAllowance", IsSeamAllowance()},
{"saWidth", GetSAWidth()},
QJsonArray nodesArray;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < d->m_path.CountNodes(); ++i)
QJsonObject const nodeObject{
{"id", static_cast<qint64>(d->},
{"type", static_cast<int>(d->},
{"reverse", d->},
pieceObject["nodes"_L1] = nodesArray;
return pieceObject;
auto VPiece::DBToJson(const VContainer *data) const -> QJsonObject
QJsonArray itemsArray;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < d->m_path.CountNodes(); ++i)
QJsonObject dbObject{{"items", itemsArray}};
return dbObject;
void VPiece::DumpPiece(const VPiece &piece, const VContainer *data, const QString &templateName)
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
QTemporaryFile temp; // Go to tmp folder to find dump
temp.setAutoRemove(false); // Remove dump manually
if (not templateName.isEmpty())
temp.setFileTemplate(QDir::tempPath() + QDir::separator() + templateName);
if (
#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
// On Linux, QTemporaryFile will attempt to create unnamed temporary
// files. If that succeeds, open() will return true but exists() will be
// false. If you call fileName() or any function that calls it,
// QTemporaryFile will give the file a name, so most applications will
// not see a difference.
temp.fileName(); // call to create a file on disk
QJsonObject testCase{
{"bd", piece.DBToJson(data)},
{"piece", piece.MainPathToJson()},
QJsonObject const json{
{"testCase", testCase},
QJsonDocument const document(json);
QTextStream out(&temp);
out << document.toJson();
#endif // !defined(V_NO_ASSERT)
void VPiece::TestInternalPathCuttingPathIntersection(const VContainer *data) const
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
const QVector<QPointF> cuttingPoints = CuttingPathPoints(data);
const QPainterPath contourPath = VGObject::PainterPath(cuttingPoints);
// Internal path for cutting must not intersect cutting contour and be inside of it.
const QVector<quint32> pathsId = GetInternalPaths();
for (auto id : pathsId)
const VPiecePath path = data->GetPiecePath(id);
if (path.GetType() != PiecePathType::InternalPath || not path.IsVisible(data->DataVariables()) ||
not path.IsCutPath())
QVector<QPointF> points;
CastTo(path.PathPoints(data, cuttingPoints), points);
if (points.isEmpty() || not VFuzzyComparePoints(points.constFirst(), points.constLast()))
const QPainterPath internalPath = VGObject::PainterPath(points);
if (internalPath.intersects(contourPath))
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Piece '%1'. Internal path '%2' intersects with cutting "
.arg(GetName(), path.GetName());
? throw VExceptionObjectError(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
if (not contourPath.contains(internalPath))
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Piece '%1'. Internal path '%2' not inside of cutting "
.arg(GetName(), path.GetName());
? throw VExceptionObjectError(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
void VPiece::TestInternalPathsIntersections(const VContainer *data) const
SCASSERT(data != nullptr)
const QVector<quint32> pathsId = GetInternalPaths();
if (pathsId.isEmpty())
const QVector<QPointF> cuttingPoints = CuttingPathPoints(data);
// Internal pieces for cutting must not intersect
QSet<QPair<int, int>> pairs;
for (int k = 0; k < pathsId.size(); ++k)
const VPiecePath path1 = data->GetPiecePath(;
if (path1.GetType() != PiecePathType::InternalPath || not path1.IsVisible(data->DataVariables()) ||
not path1.IsCutPath())
QVector<QPointF> pointsPath1;
CastTo(path1.PathPoints(data, cuttingPoints), pointsPath1);
if (pointsPath1.isEmpty() || not VFuzzyComparePoints(pointsPath1.constFirst(), pointsPath1.constLast()))
const QPainterPath painterPath1 = VGObject::PainterPath(pointsPath1);
for (int i = 0; i < pathsId.size(); ++i)
if (k == i || pairs.contains(qMakePair(k, i)) || pairs.contains(qMakePair(i, k)))
const VPiecePath path2 = data->GetPiecePath(;
if (path2.GetType() != PiecePathType::InternalPath || not path2.IsVisible(data->DataVariables()) ||
not path2.IsCutPath())
QVector<QPointF> pointsPath2;
CastTo(path2.PathPoints(data, cuttingPoints), pointsPath2);
if (pointsPath2.isEmpty() || not VFuzzyComparePoints(pointsPath2.constFirst(), pointsPath2.constLast()))
const QPainterPath painterPath2 = VGObject::PainterPath(pointsPath2);
pairs.insert(qMakePair(k, i));
pairs.insert(qMakePair(i, k));
if (painterPath1.intersects(painterPath2))
const QString errorMsg = QObject::tr("Piece '%1'. Internal path '%2' intersects with internal path "
.arg(GetName(), path1.GetName(), path2.GetName());
? throw VExceptionObjectError(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
void VPiece::TestInternalPaths(const VContainer *data) const
auto VPiece::ExternalArea(const VContainer *data) const -> qreal
return Area(CuttingPathPoints(data), data);
auto VPiece::SeamLineArea(const VContainer *data) const -> qreal
QVector<QPointF> shape;
CastTo(MainPathPoints(data), shape);
return Area(shape, data);
auto VPiece::SeamMirrorLine(const VContainer *data) const -> QLineF
if (d->m_mirrorLineStartPoint == d->m_mirrorLineEndPoint || d->m_mirrorLineStartPoint == NULL_ID ||
d->m_mirrorLineEndPoint == NULL_ID)
return {};
const QSharedPointer<VPointF> startPoint = data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(d->m_mirrorLineStartPoint);
const QSharedPointer<VPointF> endPoint = data->GeometricObject<VPointF>(d->m_mirrorLineEndPoint);
return {startPoint->toQPointF(), endPoint->toQPointF()};
catch (const VExceptionBadId &)
return {};
auto VPiece::SeamAllowanceMirrorLine(const VContainer *data) const -> QLineF
QLineF seamMirrorLine = SeamMirrorLine(data);
if (!IsSeamAllowance() || (IsSeamAllowance() && IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn()))
return seamMirrorLine;
QRectF rec = QRectF(0, 0, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
rec.translate(-INT_MAX / 2.0, -INT_MAX / 2.0);
QLineF axis =
QLineF(, VGObject::BuildRay(, seamMirrorLine.angle() + 180, rec));
QVector<QPointF> points;
CastTo(SeamAllowancePoints(data), points);
QVector<QPointF> intersections = VAbstractCurve::CurveIntersectLine(points, axis);
if (intersections.isEmpty())
return {};
const QPointF startPoint = intersections.constFirst();
std::reverse(points.begin(), points.end());
axis = QLineF(, VGObject::BuildRay(, seamMirrorLine.angle(), rec));
intersections = VAbstractCurve::CurveIntersectLine(points, axis);
if (intersections.isEmpty())
return {};
return {startPoint, intersections.constFirst()};
auto VPiece::ShortNameRegExp() -> QString
static QString regex;
if (regex.isEmpty())
const QList<QLocale> allLocales =
QLocale::matchingLocales(QLocale::AnyLanguage, QLocale::AnyScript, QLocale::AnyCountry);
QString positiveSigns;
QString negativeSigns;
QString decimalPoints;
QString groupSeparators;
for (const auto &locale : allLocales)
if (not positiveSigns.contains(LocalePositiveSign(locale)))
if (not negativeSigns.contains(LocaleNegativeSign(locale)))
if (not decimalPoints.contains(LocaleDecimalPoint(locale)))
if (not groupSeparators.contains(LocaleGroupSeparator(locale)))
negativeSigns.replace('-'_L1, "\\-"_L1);
// Same regexp in pattern.xsd shema file. Don't forget to synchronize.
// \p{Zs} - \p{Space_Separator}
// Here we use permanent start of string and end of string anchors \A and \z to match whole pattern as one
// string. In some cases, a user may pass multiline or line that ends with a new line. To cover case with a new
// line at the end of string use /z anchor.
regex = QStringLiteral("\\A([^\\p{Zs}*\\/&|!<>^\\n\\()%1%2%3%4=?:;\"]){0,}\\z")
.arg(negativeSigns, positiveSigns, decimalPoints, groupSeparators);
return regex;