2125 lines
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2125 lines
76 KiB
** @file
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)gmail.com>
** @date 3 11, 2016
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
** <https://gitlab.com/smart-pattern/valentina> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "vabstractpiece.h"
#include "../ifc/exception/vexception.h"
#include "../vgeometry/varc.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vlayoutplacelabel.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h"
#include "../vmisc/compatibility.h"
#include "../vmisc/vabstractvalapplication.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/calculator.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/floatItemData/vgrainlinedata.h"
#include "../vpatterndb/vcontainer.h"
#include "../vwidgets/vpiecegrainline.h"
#include "vabstractpiece_p.h"
#include "vlayoutpiecepath.h"
#include "vrawsapoint.h"
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QLine>
#include <QLineF>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QSet>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include <QVector>
#include <QtMath>
using namespace Qt::Literals::StringLiterals;
const qreal maxL = 3.5;
inline auto IsSameDirection(QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF px) -> bool
return qAbs(QLineF(p1, p2).angle() - QLineF(p1, px).angle()) < 0.001;
// Do we create a point outside of a path?
inline auto IsOutsidePoint(QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF px) -> bool
QLineF seg1(p1, p2);
QLineF seg2(p1, px);
return IsSameDirection(p1, p2, px) && seg2.length() >= seg1.length();
Q_DECL_CONSTEXPR auto PointPosition(const QPointF &p, const QLineF &line) -> qreal
return (line.p2().x() - line.p1().x()) * (p.y() - line.p1().y()) -
(line.p2().y() - line.p1().y()) * (p.x() - line.p1().x());
auto AngleByLength(QVector<VRawSAPoint> points, QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3, const QLineF &bigLine1, QPointF sp2,
const QLineF &bigLine2, const VSAPoint &p, qreal width, bool *needRollback = nullptr)
-> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = false;
const QPointF sp1 = bigLine1.p1();
const QPointF sp3 = bigLine2.p2();
const qreal localWidth = p.MaxLocalSA(width);
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), sp2) && IsOutsidePoint(bigLine2.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), sp2))
QLineF line(p2, sp2);
const qreal length = line.length();
if (length > localWidth * maxL)
{ // Cutting too long acut angle
QLineF cutLine(line.p2(), sp2); // Cut line is a perpendicular
cutLine.setLength(length); // Decided to take this length
// We do not check intersection type because intersection must alwayse exist
QPointF px;
cutLine.setAngle(cutLine.angle() + 90);
QLineF::IntersectType type = QLineF(sp1, sp2).intersects(cutLine, &px);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
qDebug() << "Couldn't find intersection with cut line.";
VRawSAPoint sp(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint());
cutLine.setAngle(cutLine.angle() - 180);
type = QLineF(sp2, sp3).intersects(cutLine, &px);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
qDebug() << "Couldn't find intersection with cut line.";
sp = VRawSAPoint(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint());
{ // The point just fine
points.append(VRawSAPoint(sp2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 180 && p.GetAngleType() != PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve)
if (VGObject::IsPointOnLineSegment(sp2, bigLine2.p1(), bigLine2.p2()))
QLineF loop(bigLine1.p2(), sp2);
loop.setLength(loop.length() + accuracyPointOnLine * 2.);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(sp2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint(), true));
loop = QLineF(bigLine2.p2(), sp2);
loop.setLength(loop.length() + localWidth);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint(), true));
QLineF loop(sp2, bigLine1.p1());
loop.setLength(accuracyPointOnLine * 2.);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(sp2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
loop = QLineF(bigLine1.p1(), sp2);
loop.setLength(loop.length() + localWidth);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint(), true));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint(), true));
if (not IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), sp2))
if (p.GetAngleType() != PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve)
bool success = false;
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = points;
temp.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
temp = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(temp, bigLine2, &success);
if (success)
points = temp;
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = not success;
points.append(VRawSAPoint(sp2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
if (p.GetAngleType() != PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve)
// Need to create artificial loop
QLineF loop1(sp2, sp1);
loop1.setLength(loop1.length() * 0.2);
// Need for the main path rule
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
loop1.setAngle(loop1.angle() + 180);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(sp2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
return points;
auto AngleByIntersection(const QVector<VRawSAPoint> &points, QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3, const QLineF &bigLine1,
QPointF sp2, const QLineF &bigLine2, const VSAPoint &p, qreal width,
bool *needRollback = nullptr) -> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 180)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = false;
const qreal localWidth = p.MaxLocalSA(width);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> pointsIntr = points;
// First point
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
QPointF px;
QLineF::IntersectType type = edge2.intersects(bigLine1, &px);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), px))
if (QLineF(p2, px).length() > localWidth * maxL)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
{ // Because artificial loop can lead to wrong clipping we must rollback current seam allowance points
bool success = false;
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = pointsIntr;
temp.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
temp = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(temp, edge2, &success);
if (success)
pointsIntr = temp;
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = not success;
// Second point
QLineF edge1(p1, p2);
type = edge1.intersects(bigLine2, &px);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine2.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), px))
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF allowance(p2, px);
allowance.setLength(allowance.length() + localWidth * 3.);
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(allowance.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
return pointsIntr;
auto AngleByFirstSymmetry(const QVector<VRawSAPoint> &points, QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3,
const QLineF &bigLine1, QPointF sp2, const QLineF &bigLine2, const VSAPoint &p, qreal width,
bool *needRollback = nullptr) -> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 180)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = false;
const QLineF axis = QLineF(p1, p2);
QLineF sEdge(VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine2.p1()), VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine2.p2()));
QPointF px1;
QLineF::IntersectType type = sEdge.intersects(bigLine1, &px1);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
QPointF px2;
type = sEdge.intersects(bigLine2, &px2);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> pointsIntr = points;
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), px1))
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px1, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
{ // Because artificial loop can lead to wrong clipping we must rollback current seam allowance points
bool success = false;
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = pointsIntr;
temp.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
temp = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(temp, sEdge, &success);
if (success)
pointsIntr = temp;
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = not success;
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine2.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), px2))
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF allowance(px2, p2);
allowance.setAngle(allowance.angle() + 90);
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(allowance.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
return pointsIntr;
auto AngleBySecondSymmetry(const QVector<VRawSAPoint> &points, QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3,
const QLineF &bigLine1, QPointF sp2, const QLineF &bigLine2, const VSAPoint &p, qreal width,
bool *needRollback = nullptr) -> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 180)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = false;
const QLineF axis = QLineF(p3, p2);
QLineF sEdge(VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine1.p1()), VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine1.p2()));
QPointF px1;
QLineF::IntersectType type = sEdge.intersects(bigLine1, &px1);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
QPointF px2;
type = sEdge.intersects(bigLine2, &px2);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
const qreal localWidth = p.MaxLocalSA(width);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> pointsIntr = points;
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), px1))
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px1, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
{ // Because artificial loop can lead to wrong clipping we must rollback current seam allowance points
bool success = false;
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = pointsIntr;
temp.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
temp = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(temp, sEdge, &success);
if (success)
pointsIntr = temp;
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = not success;
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine2.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), px2))
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(px2, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF allowance(p2, px2);
allowance.setLength(p.GetSAAfter(width) * 0.98);
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(allowance.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
allowance.setLength(allowance.length() + localWidth * 3.);
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(allowance.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsIntr.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
return pointsIntr;
auto AngleByFirstRightAngle(const QVector<VRawSAPoint> &points, QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3,
const QLineF &bigLine1, QPointF sp2, const QLineF &bigLine2, const VSAPoint &p, qreal width,
bool *needRollback = nullptr) -> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 270)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
const qreal localWidth = p.MaxLocalSA(width);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> pointsRA = points;
QLineF edge(p1, p2);
QPointF px;
QLineF::IntersectType type = edge.intersects(bigLine2, &px);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
QLineF seam(px, p1);
seam.setAngle(seam.angle() - 90);
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine2.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), seam.p1()) && IsSameDirection(p1, p2, px))
if (QLineF(p2, px).length() > localWidth * maxL)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
pointsRA.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsRA.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p1(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 180)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
pointsRA.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF loopLine(px, sp2);
const qreal length = loopLine.length() * 0.98;
QLineF tmp(seam.p2(), seam.p1());
tmp.setLength(tmp.length() + length);
pointsRA.append(VRawSAPoint(tmp.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
pointsRA.append(VRawSAPoint(loopLine.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
return pointsRA;
auto AngleBySecondRightAngle(QVector<VRawSAPoint> points, QPointF p1, QPointF p2, QPointF p3, const QLineF &bigLine1,
QPointF sp2, const QLineF &bigLine2, const VSAPoint &p, qreal width,
bool *needRollback = nullptr) -> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 270)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = false;
const qreal localWidth = p.MaxLocalSA(width);
QLineF edge(p2, p3);
QPointF px;
QLineF::IntersectType type = edge.intersects(bigLine1, &px);
if (type == QLineF::NoIntersection)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), px) && IsSameDirection(p3, p2, px))
if (QLineF(p2, px).length() > localWidth * maxL)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF seam(px, p3);
seam.setAngle(seam.angle() + 90);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = true;
QLineF edge1(p2, p1);
QLineF edge2(p2, p3);
const qreal angle = edge1.angleTo(edge2);
if (angle > 180)
return AngleByLength(points, p1, p2, p3, bigLine1, sp2, bigLine2, p, width, needRollback);
// Because artificial loop can lead to wrong clipping we must rollback current seam allowance points
bool success = false;
const auto countBefore = points.size();
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = points;
temp.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
temp = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(temp, edge, &success);
if (success)
points = temp;
px = points.constLast().ToQPointF();
if (countBefore > 0)
QLineF seam(px, p3);
seam.setAngle(seam.angle() + 90);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
if (needRollback != nullptr)
*needRollback = not success;
else if (IsSameDirection(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), px))
points.append(VRawSAPoint(px, p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
QLineF seam(px, p3);
seam.setAngle(seam.angle() + 90);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p2(), p.CurvePoint(), p.TurnPoint()));
return points;
auto BisectorLine(const QPointF &p1, const QPointF &p2, const QPointF &p3) -> QLineF
QLineF line1(p2, p1);
QLineF line2(p2, p3);
QLineF bLine;
const qreal angle1 = line1.angleTo(line2);
const qreal angle2 = line2.angleTo(line1);
if (angle1 <= angle2)
bLine = line1;
bLine.setAngle(bLine.angle() + angle1 / 2.0);
bLine = line2;
bLine.setAngle(bLine.angle() + angle2 / 2.0);
return bLine;
auto AngleBetweenBisectors(const QLineF &b1, const QLineF &b2) -> qreal
const QLineF newB2 = b2.translated(-(b2.p1().x() - b1.p1().x()), -(b2.p1().y() - b1.p1().y()));
qreal angle1 = newB2.angleTo(b1);
if (VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(angle1, 360))
angle1 = 0;
qreal angle2 = b1.angleTo(newB2);
if (VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(angle2, 360))
angle2 = 0;
return qMin(angle1, angle2);
template <class T> auto CorrectPathDistortion(QVector<T> path) -> QVector<T>
if (path.size() < 3)
return path;
vsizetype prev = -1;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < path.size(); ++i)
if (prev == -1)
i == 0 ? prev = path.size() - 1 : prev = i - 1;
int next = i + 1;
if (i == path.size() - 1)
next = 0;
const QPointF &iPoint = path.at(i);
const QPointF &prevPoint = path.at(prev);
const QPointF &nextPoint = path.at(next);
if (VGObject::IsPointOnLineSegment(iPoint, prevPoint, nextPoint))
const QPointF p = VGObject::CorrectDistortion(iPoint, prevPoint, nextPoint);
return path;
auto Rollback(QVector<VRawSAPoint> &points, const QLineF &edge) -> bool
bool success = false;
if (not points.isEmpty())
points = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(points, edge, &success);
if (not points.isEmpty())
if (points.constLast().toPoint() != points.constFirst().toPoint())
points.append(points.constFirst()); // Should be always closed
return success;
void RollbackByLength(QVector<VRawSAPoint> &ekvPoints, const QVector<VSAPoint> &points, qreal width)
const QLineF bigLine1 = VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(0), width);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = ekvPoints;
temp.insert(ekvPoints.size() - 1, VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), points.at(0).CurvePoint(), points.at(0).TurnPoint()));
bool success = Rollback(temp, VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(0), points.at(1), width));
if (success)
ekvPoints = temp;
void RollbackBySecondEdgeSymmetry(QVector<VRawSAPoint> &ekvPoints, const QVector<VSAPoint> &points, qreal width)
const QLineF axis = QLineF(points.at(points.size() - 1), points.at(1));
const QLineF bigLine1 = VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(0), width);
QLineF sEdge(VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine1.p1()), VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine1.p2()));
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = ekvPoints;
temp.insert(ekvPoints.size() - 1, VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), points.at(0).CurvePoint(), points.at(0).TurnPoint()));
bool success = Rollback(temp, sEdge);
if (success)
ekvPoints = temp;
void RollbackByFirstEdgeSymmetry(QVector<VRawSAPoint> &ekvPoints, const QVector<VSAPoint> &points, qreal width)
const QLineF axis = QLineF(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(points.size() - 1));
const QLineF bigLine2 = VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(points.size() - 1), points.at(1), width);
QLineF sEdge(VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine2.p1()), VPointF::FlipPF(axis, bigLine2.p2()));
const QLineF bigLine1 = VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(0), width);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = ekvPoints;
temp.insert(ekvPoints.size() - 1, VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), points.at(0).CurvePoint(), points.at(0).TurnPoint()));
bool success = Rollback(temp, sEdge);
if (success)
ekvPoints = temp;
void RollbackByPointsIntersection(QVector<VRawSAPoint> &ekvPoints, const QVector<VSAPoint> &points, qreal width)
const QLineF bigLine1 = VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(0), width);
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = ekvPoints;
temp.insert(ekvPoints.size() - 1, VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), points.at(0).CurvePoint(), points.at(0).TurnPoint()));
bool success = Rollback(temp, QLineF(points.constLast(), points.at(1)));
if (success)
ekvPoints = temp;
if (ekvPoints.size() > 2)
{ // Fix for the rule of main path
ekvPoints.removeAt(ekvPoints.size() - 1);
ekvPoints.prepend(ekvPoints.at(ekvPoints.size() - 1));
void RollbackBySecondEdgeRightAngle(QVector<VRawSAPoint> &ekvPoints, const QVector<VSAPoint> &points, qreal width)
if (not ekvPoints.isEmpty())
const QLineF edge(points.constLast(), points.at(1));
const QLineF bigLine1 = VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(0), width);
QPointF px;
edge.intersects(bigLine1, &px);
if (IsOutsidePoint(bigLine1.p1(), bigLine1.p2(), px))
if (ekvPoints.size() > 3)
const QLineF edge1(ekvPoints.at(ekvPoints.size() - 2), ekvPoints.constLast());
const QLineF edge2(ekvPoints.at(0), ekvPoints.at(1));
QPointF crosPoint;
const QLineF::IntersectType type = edge1.intersects(edge2, &crosPoint);
if (type == QLineF::BoundedIntersection)
ekvPoints.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, ekvPoints.at(0).CurvePoint(), ekvPoints.at(0).TurnPoint()));
bool success = false;
QVector<VRawSAPoint> temp = ekvPoints;
temp.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), ekvPoints.at(0).CurvePoint(), ekvPoints.at(0).TurnPoint()));
temp = VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(temp, edge, &success);
if (success)
ekvPoints = temp;
px = ekvPoints.constLast().ToQPointF();
QLineF seam(px, points.at(1));
seam.setAngle(seam.angle() + 90);
ekvPoints.append(VRawSAPoint(seam.p2(), ekvPoints.at(0).CurvePoint(), ekvPoints.at(0).TurnPoint()));
if (not ekvPoints.isEmpty())
if (not ekvPoints.isEmpty())
if (ekvPoints.constLast().toPoint() != ekvPoints.constFirst().toPoint())
ekvPoints.append(ekvPoints.constFirst()); // Should be always closed
} // namespace
// Friend functions
auto operator<<(QDataStream &dataStream, const VAbstractPiece &piece) -> QDataStream &
dataStream << *piece.d;
return dataStream;
auto operator>>(QDataStream &dataStream, VAbstractPiece &piece) -> QDataStream &
dataStream >> *piece.d;
return dataStream;
: d(new VAbstractPieceData)
auto VAbstractPiece::operator=(const VAbstractPiece &piece) -> VAbstractPiece &
if (&piece == this)
return *this;
d = piece.d;
return *this;
VAbstractPiece::VAbstractPiece(VAbstractPiece &&piece) noexcept
: d(std::move(piece.d))
auto VAbstractPiece::operator=(VAbstractPiece &&piece) noexcept -> VAbstractPiece &
std::swap(d, piece.d);
return *this;
VAbstractPiece::~VAbstractPiece() = default;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetName() const -> QString
return d->m_name;
void VAbstractPiece::SetName(const QString &value)
d->m_name = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsForbidFlipping() const -> bool
return d->m_forbidFlipping;
void VAbstractPiece::SetForbidFlipping(bool value)
d->m_forbidFlipping = value;
if (value)
d->m_forceFlipping = not value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsForceFlipping() const -> bool
return d->m_forceFlipping;
void VAbstractPiece::SetForceFlipping(bool value)
d->m_forceFlipping = value;
if (value)
d->m_forbidFlipping = not value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsFollowGrainline() const -> bool
return d->m_followGrainline;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFollowGrainline(bool value)
d->m_followGrainline = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowance() const -> bool
return d->m_seamAllowance;
void VAbstractPiece::SetSeamAllowance(bool value)
d->m_seamAllowance = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsSeamAllowanceBuiltIn() const -> bool
return d->m_seamAllowanceBuiltIn;
void VAbstractPiece::SetSeamAllowanceBuiltIn(bool value)
d->m_seamAllowanceBuiltIn = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsHideMainPath() const -> bool
return d->m_hideMainPath;
void VAbstractPiece::SetHideMainPath(bool value)
d->m_hideMainPath = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsSewLineOnDrawing() const -> bool
return d->m_onDrawing;
void VAbstractPiece::SetSewLineOnDrawing(bool value)
d->m_onDrawing = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsShowFullPiece() const -> bool
return d->m_showFullPiece;
void VAbstractPiece::SetShowFullPiece(bool value)
d->m_showFullPiece = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetSAWidth() const -> qreal
return d->m_width;
void VAbstractPiece::SetSAWidth(qreal value)
value >= 0 ? d->m_width = value : d->m_width = 0;
auto VAbstractPiece::Equidistant(QVector<VSAPoint> points, qreal width, const QString &name) -> QVector<VLayoutPoint>
if (width < 0)
qDebug() << "Width < 0.";
return {};
width = qMax(width, VSAPoint::minSAWidth);
// DumpVector(points, QStringLiteral("input.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
// Fix distorsion. Must be done before the correction
points = CorrectPathDistortion(points);
points = CorrectEquidistantPoints(points);
if (points.size() < 3)
const QString errorMsg =
QCoreApplication::translate("VAbstractPiece", "Piece '%1'. Not enough points to build seam allowance.")
? throw VException(errorMsg)
: qWarning() << VAbstractValApplication::warningMessageSignature + errorMsg;
return {};
if (points.constLast().toPoint() != points.constFirst().toPoint())
points.append(points.at(0)); // Should be always closed
bool needRollback = false; // no need for rollback
QVector<VRawSAPoint> ekvPoints;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
if (i == 0)
{ // first point
ekvPoints = EkvPoint(ekvPoints, points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(points.size() - 1), points.at(1),
points.at(0), width, &needRollback);
if (i == points.size() - 1)
{ // last point
if (not ekvPoints.isEmpty())
// points in the middle of polyline
ekvPoints = EkvPoint(ekvPoints, points.at(i - 1), points.at(i), points.at(i + 1), points.at(i), width);
if (needRollback)
// This check helps to find missed angle types in the switch
Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast<int>(PieceNodeAngle::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 7, "Not all types were handled.");
switch (points.constLast().GetAngleType())
case PieceNodeAngle::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE:
case PieceNodeAngle::ByFirstEdgeRightAngle:
case PieceNodeAngle::ByLength:
case PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve:
RollbackByLength(ekvPoints, points, width);
case PieceNodeAngle::ByFirstEdgeSymmetry:
RollbackByFirstEdgeSymmetry(ekvPoints, points, width);
case PieceNodeAngle::BySecondEdgeSymmetry:
RollbackBySecondEdgeSymmetry(ekvPoints, points, width);
case PieceNodeAngle::ByPointsIntersection:
RollbackByPointsIntersection(ekvPoints, points, width);
case PieceNodeAngle::BySecondEdgeRightAngle:
RollbackBySecondEdgeRightAngle(ekvPoints, points, width);
QVector<VLayoutPoint> cleaned;
// Uncomment for debug
// CastTo(ekvPoints, cleaned);
const bool removeFirstAndLast = false;
ekvPoints = RemoveDublicates(ekvPoints, removeFirstAndLast);
ekvPoints = CheckLoops(ekvPoints);
CastTo(ekvPoints, cleaned); // Result path can contain loops
cleaned = CorrectEquidistantPoints(cleaned, removeFirstAndLast);
cleaned = CorrectPathDistortion(cleaned);
// QVector<QPointF> dump;
// CastTo(cleaned, dump);
// DumpVector(dump, QStringLiteral("output.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
return cleaned;
auto VAbstractPiece::SumTrapezoids(const QVector<QPointF> &points) -> qreal
// Calculation a polygon area through the sum of the areas of trapezoids
qreal s, res = 0;
const auto n = points.size();
if (n > 2)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (i == 0)
// if i == 0, then y[i-1] replace on y[n-1]
s = points.at(i).x() * (points.at(n - 1).y() - points.at(i + 1).y());
res += s;
if (i == n - 1)
// if i == n-1, then y[i+1] replace on y[0]
s = points.at(i).x() * (points.at(i - 1).y() - points.at(0).y());
res += s;
s = points.at(i).x() * (points.at(i - 1).y() - points.at(i + 1).y());
res += s;
return res;
* @brief EkvPoint return seam aloowance points in place of intersection two edges. Last points of two edges should be
* equal.
* @param width global seam allowance width.
* @return seam aloowance points.
auto VAbstractPiece::EkvPoint(QVector<VRawSAPoint> points, const VSAPoint &p1Line1, const VSAPoint &p2Line1,
const VSAPoint &p1Line2, const VSAPoint &p2Line2, qreal width, bool *needRollback)
-> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
if (width < 0)
{ // width can't be < 0
return {};
width = qMax(width, VSAPoint::minSAWidth);
if (p2Line1 != p2Line2)
qDebug() << "Last points of two lines must be equal.";
return {}; // Wrong edges
const QLineF bigLine1 = ParallelLine(p1Line1, p2Line1, width);
const QLineF bigLine2 = ParallelLine(p2Line2, p1Line2, width);
if (VFuzzyComparePoints(bigLine1.p2(), bigLine2.p1()))
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
QLineF edge1(p2Line2, p1Line2);
QLineF edge2(p2Line1, p1Line1);
qreal a = edge2.angleTo(edge1);
if (a >= 175 && a <= 185 && not VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(p2Line1.GetSABefore(width), p2Line1.GetSAAfter(width)))
QLineF ray = edge2;
ray.setAngle(ray.angle() - a / 2);
ray.setLength(width * 2);
QPointF crosPoint;
QLineF::IntersectType type = ray.intersects(bigLine1, &crosPoint);
if (type != QLineF::NoIntersection)
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
type = ray.intersects(bigLine2, &crosPoint);
if (type != QLineF::NoIntersection)
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
QPointF crosPoint;
const QLineF::IntersectType type = bigLine1.intersects(bigLine2, &crosPoint);
switch (type)
{ // There are at least three big cases
case (QLineF::BoundedIntersection):
// The easiest, real intersection
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
case (QLineF::UnboundedIntersection):
{ // Most common case
/* Case when a path has point on line (both segments lie on the same line) and seam allowance creates
* prong. */
auto IsOnLine = [](const QPointF &base, const QPointF &sp1, const QPointF &sp2, qreal accuracy)
if (not VFuzzyComparePoints(base, sp1))
return VGObject::IsPointOnLineviaPDP(sp2, base, sp1, accuracy);
if (not VFuzzyComparePoints(base, sp2))
return VGObject::IsPointOnLineviaPDP(sp1, base, sp2, accuracy);
return true;
if (VGObject::IsPointOnLineSegment(p2Line1, p1Line1, p1Line2, ToPixel(0.5, Unit::Mm)) &&
IsOnLine(p2Line1, bigLine1.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), ToPixel(0.5, Unit::Mm)) &&
p2Line1.GetAngleType() == PieceNodeAngle::ByLength)
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
const qreal localWidth = p2Line1.MaxLocalSA(width);
QLineF line(p2Line1, crosPoint);
// Checking two subcases
const QLineF b1 = BisectorLine(p1Line1, p2Line1, p1Line2);
const QLineF b2 = BisectorLine(bigLine1.p1(), crosPoint, bigLine2.p2());
const qreal angle = AngleBetweenBisectors(b1, b2);
// Comparison bisector angles helps to find direction
if (angle < 135 || VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(angle, 135.0)) // Go in a same direction
{ // Regular equdistant case
// This check helps to find missed angle types in the switch
Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast<int>(PieceNodeAngle::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 7,
"Not all types were handled.");
switch (p2Line1.GetAngleType())
case PieceNodeAngle::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE:
case PieceNodeAngle::ByLength:
case PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve:
return AngleByLength(points, p1Line1.ToQPointF(), p2Line1.ToQPointF(), p1Line2.ToQPointF(),
bigLine1, crosPoint, bigLine2, p2Line1, width, needRollback);
case PieceNodeAngle::ByPointsIntersection:
return AngleByIntersection(points, p1Line1.ToQPointF(), p2Line1.ToQPointF(),
p1Line2.ToQPointF(), bigLine1, crosPoint, bigLine2, p2Line1, width,
case PieceNodeAngle::ByFirstEdgeSymmetry:
return AngleByFirstSymmetry(points, p1Line1.ToQPointF(), p2Line1.ToQPointF(),
p1Line2.ToQPointF(), bigLine1, crosPoint, bigLine2, p2Line1, width,
case PieceNodeAngle::BySecondEdgeSymmetry:
return AngleBySecondSymmetry(points, p1Line1.ToQPointF(), p2Line1.ToQPointF(),
p1Line2.ToQPointF(), bigLine1, crosPoint, bigLine2, p2Line1, width,
case PieceNodeAngle::ByFirstEdgeRightAngle:
return AngleByFirstRightAngle(points, p1Line1.ToQPointF(), p2Line1.ToQPointF(),
p1Line2.ToQPointF(), bigLine1, crosPoint, bigLine2, p2Line1,
width, needRollback);
case PieceNodeAngle::BySecondEdgeRightAngle:
return AngleBySecondRightAngle(points, p1Line1.ToQPointF(), p2Line1.ToQPointF(),
p1Line2.ToQPointF(), bigLine1, crosPoint, bigLine2, p2Line1,
width, needRollback);
{ // Different directions
QLineF bisector(p2Line1, p1Line1);
const qreal result1 = PointPosition(bisector.p2(), QLineF(p1Line1, p2Line1));
const qreal result2 = PointPosition(bisector.p2(), QLineF(p2Line2, p1Line2));
if ((result1 < 0 || qFuzzyIsNull(result1)) && (result2 < 0 || qFuzzyIsNull(result2)))
{ // Dart case. A bisector watches outside.
QLineF edge1(p1Line1, p2Line1);
QLineF edge2(p1Line2, p2Line2);
if (qAbs(edge1.length() - edge2.length()) <= qMax(edge1.length(), edge2.length()) * 0.2)
// Classic dart must be symmetrical.
// In some cases a point still valid, but ignore if going outside of an equdistant.
const QLineF bigEdge = ParallelLine(p1Line1, p1Line2, localWidth);
QPointF px;
const QLineF::IntersectType type = bigEdge.intersects(line, &px);
if (type != QLineF::BoundedIntersection && line.length() < QLineF(p2Line1, px).length())
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
{ // Just an acute angle with big seam allowance
if (IsSameDirection(bigLine2.p1(), bigLine2.p2(), crosPoint))
QLineF loop(crosPoint, bigLine1.p1());
loop.setAngle(loop.angle() + 180);
loop.setLength(accuracyPointOnLine * 2.);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
loop = QLineF(crosPoint, bigLine1.p1());
loop.setLength(loop.length() + localWidth * 2.);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(loop.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint(), true));
return points;
{ // New subcase. This is not a dart. An angle is acute and bisector watch inside.
const qreal result1 = PointPosition(crosPoint, QLineF(p1Line1, p2Line1));
const qreal result2 = PointPosition(crosPoint, QLineF(p2Line2, p1Line2));
if ((result1 < 0 || qFuzzyIsNull(result1)) && (result2 < 0 || qFuzzyIsNull(result2)))
{ // The cross point is still outside of a piece
if (line.length() >= localWidth)
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
// but not enough far, fix it
points.append(VRawSAPoint(line.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
// Wrong cross point, probably inside of a piece. Manually creating correct seam allowance
const QLineF bigEdge = SimpleParallelLine(bigLine1.p2(), bigLine2.p1(), localWidth);
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigEdge.p1(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigEdge.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
case (QLineF::NoIntersection):
/*If we have correct lines this means lines lie on a line or parallel.*/
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine1.p2(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
// Second point for parallel line
points.append(VRawSAPoint(bigLine2.p1(), p2Line1.CurvePoint(), p2Line1.TurnPoint()));
return points;
return points;
auto VAbstractPiece::ParallelLine(const VSAPoint &p1, const VSAPoint &p2, qreal width) -> QLineF
return {SingleParallelPoint(p1, p2, 90, p1.GetSAAfter(width)),
SingleParallelPoint(p2, p1, -90, p2.GetSABefore(width))};
auto VAbstractPiece::IsAllowanceValid(const QVector<QPointF> &base, const QVector<QPointF> &allowance) -> bool
if (base.size() < 3 || allowance.size() < 3)
return false; // Not enough data
// DumpVector(base, QStringLiteral("base.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
// DumpVector(allowance, QStringLiteral("allowance.json.XXXXXX")); // Uncomment for dumping test data
// First check direction
const qreal baseDirection = VPiece::SumTrapezoids(base);
const qreal allowanceDirection = VPiece::SumTrapezoids(allowance);
if (baseDirection >= 0 || allowanceDirection >= 0)
return false; // Wrong direction
return IsInsidePolygon(base, allowance);
auto VAbstractPiece::IsEkvPointOnLine(const QPointF &iPoint, const QPointF &prevPoint, const QPointF &nextPoint) -> bool
return VGObject::IsPointOnLineviaPDP(iPoint, prevPoint, nextPoint, accuracyPointOnLine / 4.);
auto VAbstractPiece::IsEkvPointOnLine(const VSAPoint &iPoint, const VSAPoint &prevPoint, const VSAPoint &nextPoint)
-> bool
// See bug #671
const qreal tmpWidth = 10;
const QLineF bigLine1 = ParallelLine(prevPoint, iPoint, tmpWidth);
const QLineF bigLine2 = ParallelLine(iPoint, nextPoint, tmpWidth);
bool seamOnLine = VGObject::IsPointOnLineviaPDP(iPoint, prevPoint, nextPoint);
bool sa1OnLine = VGObject::IsPointOnLineviaPDP(bigLine1.p2(), bigLine1.p1(), bigLine2.p2());
bool sa2OnLine = VGObject::IsPointOnLineviaPDP(bigLine2.p1(), bigLine1.p1(), bigLine2.p2());
bool saDiff = qAbs(prevPoint.GetSAAfter(tmpWidth) - nextPoint.GetSABefore(tmpWidth)) < accuracyPointOnLine;
// left point that splits a curve
bool curve = (prevPoint.GetAngleType() == PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve &&
iPoint.GetAngleType() == PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve) ||
(nextPoint.GetAngleType() == PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve &&
iPoint.GetAngleType() == PieceNodeAngle::ByLengthCurve);
return seamOnLine && sa1OnLine && sa2OnLine && saDiff && not curve;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetMx() const -> qreal
return d->m_mx;
void VAbstractPiece::SetMx(qreal value)
d->m_mx = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetMy() const -> qreal
return d->m_my;
void VAbstractPiece::SetMy(qreal value)
d->m_my = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetPriority() const -> uint
return d->m_priority;
void VAbstractPiece::SetPriority(uint value)
d->m_priority = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetFoldLineType() const -> FoldLineType
return d->m_foldLineType;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFoldLineType(FoldLineType lineType)
d->m_foldLineType = lineType;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetFoldLineSvgFontSize() const -> unsigned int
return d->m_foldLineSvgFontSize;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFoldLineSvgFontSize(unsigned int size)
d->m_foldLineSvgFontSize = size;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsFoldLineLabelFontItalic() const -> bool
return d->m_foldLineLabelFontItalic;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFoldLineLabelFontItalic(bool value)
d->m_foldLineLabelFontItalic = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsFoldLineLabelFontBold() const -> bool
return d->m_foldLineLabelFontBold;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFoldLineLabelFontBold(bool value)
d->m_foldLineLabelFontBold = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetFoldLineLabel() const -> QString
return d->m_foldLineLabel;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFoldLineLabel(const QString &value)
d->m_foldLineLabel = value;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetFoldLineLabelAlignment() const -> int
return d->m_foldLineLabelAlignment;
void VAbstractPiece::SetFoldLineLabelAlignment(int alignment)
d->m_foldLineLabelAlignment = alignment;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetUUID() const -> QUuid
return d->m_uuid;
void VAbstractPiece::SetUUID(const QUuid &uuid)
d->m_uuid = uuid;
void VAbstractPiece::SetUUID(const QString &uuid)
const QUuid temp = QUuid(uuid);
d->m_uuid = temp.isNull() ? QUuid::createUuid() : temp;
auto VAbstractPiece::GetUniqueID() const -> QString
return d->m_uuid.toString();
auto VSAPoint::toJson() const -> QJsonObject
QJsonObject pointObject = VLayoutPoint::toJson();
pointObject["type"_L1] = "VSAPoint";
if (not VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(m_before, -1))
pointObject["saBefore"_L1] = m_before;
if (not VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(m_after, -1))
pointObject["saAfter"_L1] = m_after;
if (m_angle != PieceNodeAngle::ByLength)
pointObject["angle"_L1] = static_cast<int>(m_angle);
if (m_manualPassmarkLength)
pointObject["manualPassmarkLength"_L1] = m_manualPassmarkLength;
pointObject["passmarkLength"_L1] = m_passmarkLength;
if (m_manualPassmarkWidth)
pointObject["manualPassmarkWidth"_L1] = m_manualPassmarkWidth;
pointObject["passmarkWidth"_L1] = m_passmarkWidth;
pointObject["passmarkClockwiseOpening"_L1] = m_passmarkClockwiseOpening;
if (m_manualPassmarkAngle)
pointObject["manualPassmarkAngle"_L1] = m_manualPassmarkAngle;
pointObject["passmarkAngle"_L1] = m_passmarkAngle;
return pointObject;
// Because artificial loop can lead to wrong clipping we must rollback current seam allowance points
auto VAbstractPiece::RollbackSeamAllowance(QVector<VRawSAPoint> points, const QLineF &cuttingEdge, bool *success)
-> QVector<VRawSAPoint>
*success = false;
QVector<VRawSAPoint> clipped;
clipped.reserve(points.count() + 1);
for (auto i = points.count() - 1; i > 0; --i)
QLineF segment(points.at(i), points.at(i - 1));
QPointF crosPoint;
const QLineF::IntersectType type = cuttingEdge.intersects(segment, &crosPoint);
if (type != QLineF::NoIntersection && VGObject::IsPointOnLineSegment(crosPoint, segment.p1(), segment.p2()) &&
IsSameDirection(cuttingEdge.p2(), cuttingEdge.p1(), crosPoint))
clipped.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, points.at(i).CurvePoint(), points.at(i).TurnPoint()));
for (auto j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j)
points = Reverse(clipped);
*success = true;
if (not *success && points.size() > 1)
QPointF crosPoint;
QLineF secondLast(points.at(points.size() - 2), points.at(points.size() - 1));
QLineF::IntersectType type = secondLast.intersects(cuttingEdge, &crosPoint);
if (type != QLineF::NoIntersection && IsOutsidePoint(secondLast.p1(), secondLast.p2(), crosPoint))
points.append(VRawSAPoint(crosPoint, points.at(points.size() - 1).CurvePoint(),
points.at(points.size() - 1).TurnPoint()));
*success = true;
return points;
auto VAbstractPiece::IsItemContained(const QRectF &parentBoundingRect, const QVector<QPointF> &shape, qreal &dX,
qreal &dY) -> bool
dX = 0;
dY = 0;
// single point differences
bool bInside = true;
for (auto p : shape)
qreal dPtX = 0;
qreal dPtY = 0;
if (not parentBoundingRect.contains(p))
if (p.x() < parentBoundingRect.left())
dPtX = parentBoundingRect.left() - p.x();
else if (p.x() > parentBoundingRect.right())
dPtX = parentBoundingRect.right() - p.x();
if (p.y() < parentBoundingRect.top())
dPtY = parentBoundingRect.top() - p.y();
else if (p.y() > parentBoundingRect.bottom())
dPtY = parentBoundingRect.bottom() - p.y();
if (qAbs(dPtX) > qAbs(dX))
dX = dPtX;
if (qAbs(dPtY) > qAbs(dY))
dY = dPtY;
bInside = false;
return bInside;
auto VAbstractPiece::CorrectPosition(const QRectF &parentBoundingRect, QVector<QPointF> points) -> QVector<QPointF>
qreal dX = 0;
qreal dY = 0;
if (not IsItemContained(parentBoundingRect, points, dX, dY))
for (auto &point : points)
point = QPointF(point.x() + dX, point.y() + dY);
return points;
auto VAbstractPiece::FindGrainlineGeometry(const VGrainlineData &geom, const VContainer *pattern, qreal &length,
qreal &rotationAngle, QPointF &pos) -> bool
SCASSERT(pattern != nullptr)
const quint32 topPin = geom.TopPin();
const quint32 bottomPin = geom.BottomPin();
if (topPin != NULL_ID && bottomPin != NULL_ID)
const auto topPinPoint = pattern->GeometricObject<VPointF>(topPin);
const auto bottomPinPoint = pattern->GeometricObject<VPointF>(bottomPin);
QLineF grainline(static_cast<QPointF>(*bottomPinPoint), static_cast<QPointF>(*topPinPoint));
length = grainline.length();
rotationAngle = grainline.angle();
if (not VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(rotationAngle, 0))
pos = grainline.p1();
rotationAngle = qDegreesToRadians(rotationAngle);
return true;
catch (const VExceptionBadId &)
// do nothing.
Calculator cal1;
rotationAngle = cal1.EvalFormula(pattern->DataVariables(), geom.GetRotation());
rotationAngle = qDegreesToRadians(rotationAngle);
Calculator cal2;
length = cal2.EvalFormula(pattern->DataVariables(), geom.GetLength());
length = ToPixel(length, *pattern->GetPatternUnit());
catch (qmu::QmuParserError &e)
return false;
const quint32 centerPin = geom.CenterPin();
if (centerPin != NULL_ID)
const auto centerPinPoint = pattern->GeometricObject<VPointF>(centerPin);
QLineF grainline(centerPinPoint->x(), centerPinPoint->y(), centerPinPoint->x() + length / 2.0,
grainline = QLineF(grainline.p2(), grainline.p1());
pos = grainline.p2();
catch (const VExceptionBadId &)
pos = geom.GetPos();
pos = geom.GetPos();
return true;
auto VAbstractPiece::GrainlineMainLine(const VGrainlineData &geom, const VContainer *pattern,
const QRectF &boundingRect) -> QLineF
SCASSERT(pattern != nullptr)
QPointF pt1;
qreal dLen = 0;
qreal dAng = 0;
if (not FindGrainlineGeometry(geom, pattern, dLen, dAng, pt1))
return {};
QPointF pt2(pt1.x() + dLen * qCos(dAng), pt1.y() - dLen * qSin(dAng));
VPieceGrainline grainline(QLineF(pt1, pt2), geom.GetArrowType());
QVector<QPointF> v;
if (grainline.IsFourWays())
QLineF mainLine = grainline.GetMainLine();
QLineF secondaryLine = grainline.SecondaryLine();
v = {mainLine.p1(), mainLine.p2(), secondaryLine.p1(), secondaryLine.p2()};
QLineF mainLine = grainline.GetMainLine();
v = {mainLine.p1(), mainLine.p2()};
qreal dX = 0;
qreal dY = 0;
if (not IsItemContained(boundingRect, v, dX, dY))
pt1.rx() += dX;
pt1.ry() += dY;
pt2.rx() += dX;
pt2.ry() += dY;
return {pt1, pt2};
auto VAbstractPiece::PlaceLabelShape(const VLayoutPlaceLabel &label) -> PlaceLabelImg
auto LayoutPoint = [label](QPointF p, bool turnPoint = false, bool curvePoint = false)
VLayoutPoint point(label.RotationMatrix().map(p));
return point;
const QPointF pos = label.Center();
const QRectF box = label.Box();
auto SegmentShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() - box.height() / 2.0), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape};
auto RectangleShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QRectF rect(QPointF(pos.x() - box.width() / 2.0, pos.y() - box.height() / 2.0),
QPointF(pos.x() + box.width() / 2.0, pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0));
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape{LayoutPoint(rect.topLeft(), true), LayoutPoint(rect.topRight(), true),
LayoutPoint(rect.bottomRight(), true), LayoutPoint(rect.bottomLeft(), true),
LayoutPoint(rect.topLeft(), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape};
auto CrossShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape1{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() - box.height() / 2.0), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0), true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape2{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x() - box.width() / 2.0, pos.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x() + box.width() / 2.0, pos.y()), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape1, shape2};
auto TshapedShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QPointF center2(pos.x(), pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0);
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape1{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y()), true), LayoutPoint(center2, true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape2{LayoutPoint(QPointF(center2.x() - box.width() / 2.0, center2.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(center2.x() + box.width() / 2.0, center2.y()), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape1, shape2};
auto DoubletreeShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QRectF rect(QPointF(pos.x() - box.width() / 2.0, pos.y() - box.height() / 2.0),
QPointF(pos.x() + box.width() / 2.0, pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0));
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape1{LayoutPoint(rect.topLeft(), true), LayoutPoint(rect.bottomRight(), true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape2{LayoutPoint(rect.topRight(), true), LayoutPoint(rect.bottomLeft(), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape1, shape2};
auto CornerShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape1{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0), true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape2{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x() - box.width() / 2.0, pos.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y()), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape1, shape2};
auto TriangleShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
QRectF rect(QPointF(pos.x() - box.width() / 2.0, pos.y() - box.height() / 2.0),
QPointF(pos.x() + box.width() / 2.0, pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0));
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape{LayoutPoint(rect.topLeft(), true), LayoutPoint(rect.topRight(), true),
LayoutPoint(rect.bottomRight(), true), LayoutPoint(rect.topLeft(), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape};
auto HshapedShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
const QPointF center1(pos.x(), pos.y() - box.height() / 2.0);
const QPointF center2(pos.x(), pos.y() + box.height() / 2.0);
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape1{LayoutPoint(center1, true), LayoutPoint(center2, true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape2{LayoutPoint(QPointF(center1.x() - box.width() / 2.0, center1.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(center1.x() + box.width() / 2.0, center1.y()), true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape3{LayoutPoint(QPointF(center2.x() - box.width() / 2.0, center2.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(center2.x() + box.width() / 2.0, center2.y()), true)};
return PlaceLabelImg{shape1, shape2, shape3};
auto ButtonShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
const qreal radius = qMin(box.width() / 2.0, box.height() / 2.0);
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape1{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() - radius), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x(), pos.y() + radius), true)};
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape2{LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x() - radius, pos.y()), true),
LayoutPoint(QPointF(pos.x() + radius, pos.y()), true)};
const qreal circleSize = 0.85;
VArc arc(VPointF(pos), radius * circleSize, 0, 360);
QVector<QPointF> points = arc.GetPoints();
if (not points.isEmpty() && points.constFirst() != points.constLast())
QVector<VLayoutPoint> shape3;
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
bool turnPoint = false;
if (i == 0 || i == points.size() - 1)
turnPoint = true;
shape3.append(LayoutPoint(points.at(i), turnPoint, true));
return PlaceLabelImg{shape1, shape2, shape3};
auto CircleShape = [pos, box, LayoutPoint]()
const qreal radius = qMin(box.width() / 2.0, box.height() / 2.0);
VArc arc(VPointF(pos), radius, 0, 360);
QVector<QPointF> points = arc.GetPoints();
if (not points.isEmpty() && points.constFirst() != points.constLast())
QVector<VLayoutPoint> circle;
for (int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i)
bool turnPoint = false;
if (i == 0 || i == points.size() - 1)
turnPoint = true;
circle.append(LayoutPoint(points.at(i), turnPoint, true));
return PlaceLabelImg{circle};
switch (label.Type())
case PlaceLabelType::Segment:
return SegmentShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Rectangle:
return RectangleShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Cross:
return CrossShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Tshaped:
return TshapedShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Doubletree:
return DoubletreeShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Corner:
return CornerShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Triangle:
return TriangleShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Hshaped:
return HshapedShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Button:
return ButtonShape();
case PlaceLabelType::Circle:
return CircleShape();
return {};
return {};
auto VAbstractPiece::LabelShapePath(const VLayoutPlaceLabel &label) -> QPainterPath
return LabelShapePath(PlaceLabelShape(label));
auto VAbstractPiece::LabelShapePath(const PlaceLabelImg &shape) -> QPainterPath
QPainterPath path;
for (const auto &p : shape)
if (not p.isEmpty())
QVector<QPointF> polygon;
CastTo(p, polygon);
return path;