Roman Telezhynskyi acac092ff3 Fix path to AppImage root folder.
Valentina relies on absolute paths to find path to components. In case of AppImage path will be mimicked, but root must be corrected to take into account tmp folder AppImage mounts data.
2020-07-13 16:28:59 +03:00

816 lines
30 KiB

** @file def.cpp
** @author Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine(at)>
** @date 11 6, 2015
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentina project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2015 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
#include "def.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QChar>
#include <QColor>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QCursor>
#include <QDir>
#include <QDirIterator>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QImage>
#include <QLatin1Char>
#include <QList>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMessageLogger>
#include <QObject>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QPrinterInfo>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QRgb>
#include <QStaticStringData>
#include <QStringData>
#include <QStringDataPtr>
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QPixmapCache>
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QGlobalStatic>
#include <QDesktopServices>
#include <QUrl>
#include "vabstractapplication.h"
# include "vdatastreamenum.h"
#include "../ifc/exception/vexception.h"
const qreal defCurveApproximationScale = 0.5;
const qreal minCurveApproximationScale = 0.2;
const qreal maxCurveApproximationScale = 10.0;
const int minLabelFontSize = 5;
const int maxLabelFontSize = 100;
const QString degTorad_F = QStringLiteral("degTorad");
const QString radTodeg_F = QStringLiteral("radTodeg");
const QString sin_F = QStringLiteral("sin");
const QString cos_F = QStringLiteral("cos");
const QString tan_F = QStringLiteral("tan");
const QString asin_F = QStringLiteral("asin");
const QString acos_F = QStringLiteral("acos");
const QString atan_F = QStringLiteral("atan");
const QString sinh_F = QStringLiteral("sinh");
const QString cosh_F = QStringLiteral("cosh");
const QString tanh_F = QStringLiteral("tanh");
const QString asinh_F = QStringLiteral("asinh");
const QString acosh_F = QStringLiteral("acosh");
const QString atanh_F = QStringLiteral("atanh");
const QString sinD_F = QStringLiteral("sinD");
const QString cosD_F = QStringLiteral("cosD");
const QString tanD_F = QStringLiteral("tanD");
const QString asinD_F = QStringLiteral("asinD");
const QString acosD_F = QStringLiteral("acosD");
const QString atanD_F = QStringLiteral("atanD");
const QString log2_F = QStringLiteral("log2");
const QString log10_F = QStringLiteral("log10");
const QString log_F = QStringLiteral("log");
const QString ln_F = QStringLiteral("ln");
const QString exp_F = QStringLiteral("exp");
const QString sqrt_F = QStringLiteral("sqrt");
const QString sign_F = QStringLiteral("sign");
const QString rint_F = QStringLiteral("rint");
const QString r2cm_F = QStringLiteral("r2cm");
const QString csrCm_F = QStringLiteral("csrCm");
const QString csrInch_F = QStringLiteral("csrInch");
const QString abs_F = QStringLiteral("abs");
const QString min_F = QStringLiteral("min");
const QString max_F = QStringLiteral("max");
const QString sum_F = QStringLiteral("sum");
const QString avg_F = QStringLiteral("avg");
const QString fmod_F = QStringLiteral("fmod");
const QStringList builInFunctions = QStringList() << degTorad_F
<< radTodeg_F
<< sin_F
<< cos_F
<< tan_F
<< asin_F
<< acos_F
<< atan_F
<< sinh_F
<< cosh_F
<< tanh_F
<< asinh_F
<< acosh_F
<< atanh_F
<< sinD_F
<< cosD_F
<< tanD_F
<< asinD_F
<< acosD_F
<< atanD_F
<< log2_F
<< log10_F
<< log_F
<< ln_F
<< exp_F
<< sqrt_F
<< sign_F
<< rint_F
<< r2cm_F
<< csrCm_F
<< csrInch_F
<< abs_F
<< min_F
<< max_F
<< sum_F
<< avg_F
<< fmod_F;
const QString pl_size = QStringLiteral("size");
const QString pl_height = QStringLiteral("height");
const QString pl_date = QStringLiteral("date");
const QString pl_time = QStringLiteral("time");
const QString pl_patternName = QStringLiteral("patternName");
const QString pl_patternNumber = QStringLiteral("patternNumber");
const QString pl_author = QStringLiteral("author");
const QString pl_customer = QStringLiteral("customer");
const QString pl_userMaterial = QStringLiteral("userMaterial");
const QString pl_pExt = QStringLiteral("pExt");
const QString pl_pFileName = QStringLiteral("pFileName");
const QString pl_mFileName = QStringLiteral("mFileName");
const QString pl_mExt = QStringLiteral("mExt");
const QString pl_pLetter = QStringLiteral("pLetter");
const QString pl_pAnnotation = QStringLiteral("pAnnotation");
const QString pl_pOrientation = QStringLiteral("pOrientation");
const QString pl_pRotation = QStringLiteral("pRotation");
const QString pl_pTilt = QStringLiteral("pTilt");
const QString pl_pFoldPosition = QStringLiteral("pFoldPosition");
const QString pl_pName = QStringLiteral("pName");
const QString pl_pQuantity = QStringLiteral("pQuantity");
const QString pl_mFabric = QStringLiteral("mFabric");
const QString pl_mLining = QStringLiteral("mLining");
const QString pl_mInterfacing = QStringLiteral("mInterfacing");
const QString pl_mInterlining = QStringLiteral("mInterlining");
const QString pl_wCut = QStringLiteral("wCut");
const QString pl_wOnFold = QStringLiteral("wOnFold");
const QStringList labelTemplatePlaceholders = QStringList() << pl_size
<< pl_height
<< pl_date
<< pl_time
<< pl_patternName
<< pl_patternNumber
<< pl_author
<< pl_customer
<< pl_userMaterial
<< pl_pExt
<< pl_pFileName
<< pl_mFileName
<< pl_mExt
<< pl_pLetter
<< pl_pAnnotation
<< pl_pOrientation
<< pl_pRotation
<< pl_pTilt
<< pl_pFoldPosition
<< pl_pName
<< pl_pQuantity
<< pl_mFabric
<< pl_mLining
<< pl_mInterfacing
<< pl_mInterlining
<< pl_wCut
<< pl_wOnFold;
const QString cursorArrowOpenHand = QStringLiteral("://cursor/cursor-arrow-openhand.png");
const QString cursorArrowCloseHand = QStringLiteral("://cursor/cursor-arrow-closehand.png");
const QString unitMM = QStringLiteral("mm");
const QString unitCM = QStringLiteral("cm");
const QString unitINCH = QStringLiteral("inch");
const QString unitPX = QStringLiteral("px");
const QString valentinaNamespace = QStringLiteral("valentina");
QPixmap QPixmapFromCache(const QString &pixmapPath)
QPixmap pixmap;
if (not QPixmapCache::find(pixmapPath, &pixmap))
pixmap = QPixmap(pixmapPath);
QPixmapCache::insert(pixmapPath, pixmap);
return pixmap;
void SetItemOverrideCursor(QGraphicsItem *item, const QString &pixmapPath, int hotX, int hotY)
#ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR
SCASSERT(item != nullptr)
item->setCursor(QCursor(QPixmapFromCache(pixmapPath), hotX, hotY));
QStringList SupportedLocales()
return QStringList
* @brief strippedName the function call around curFile to exclude the path to the file.
* @param fullFileName full path to the file.
* @return file name.
QString StrippedName(const QString &fullFileName)
return QFileInfo(fullFileName).fileName();
QString RelativeMPath(const QString &patternPath, const QString &absoluteMPath)
if (patternPath.isEmpty() || absoluteMPath.isEmpty())
return absoluteMPath;
if (QFileInfo(absoluteMPath).isRelative())
return absoluteMPath;
return QFileInfo(patternPath).absoluteDir().relativeFilePath(absoluteMPath);
QString AbsoluteMPath(const QString &patternPath, const QString &relativeMPath)
if (patternPath.isEmpty() || relativeMPath.isEmpty())
return relativeMPath;
if (QFileInfo(relativeMPath).isAbsolute())
return relativeMPath;
return QFileInfo(QFileInfo(patternPath).absoluteDir(), relativeMPath).absoluteFilePath();
QSharedPointer<QPrinter> PreparePrinter(const QPrinterInfo &info, QPrinter::PrinterMode mode)
QPrinterInfo tmpInfo = info;
if(tmpInfo.isNull() || tmpInfo.printerName().isEmpty())
const QStringList list = QPrinterInfo::availablePrinterNames();
return QSharedPointer<QPrinter>();
tmpInfo = QPrinterInfo::printerInfo(list.first());
auto printer = QSharedPointer<QPrinter>(new QPrinter(tmpInfo, mode));
return printer;
QMarginsF GetMinPrinterFields(const QSharedPointer<QPrinter> &printer)
QPageLayout layout = printer->pageLayout();
const QMarginsF minMargins = layout.minimumMargins();
QMarginsF min;
min.setLeft(UnitConvertor(minMargins.left(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
min.setRight(UnitConvertor(minMargins.right(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
min.setTop(UnitConvertor(, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
min.setBottom(UnitConvertor(minMargins.bottom(), Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
return min;
QMarginsF GetPrinterFields(const QSharedPointer<QPrinter> &printer)
if (printer.isNull())
return QMarginsF();
qreal left = 0;
qreal top = 0;
qreal right = 0;
qreal bottom = 0;
printer->getPageMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom, QPrinter::Millimeter);
// We can't use Unit::Px because our dpi in most cases is different
QMarginsF def;
def.setLeft(UnitConvertor(left, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
def.setRight(UnitConvertor(right, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
def.setTop(UnitConvertor(top, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
def.setBottom(UnitConvertor(bottom, Unit::Mm, Unit::Px));
return def;
QPixmap darkenPixmap(const QPixmap &pixmap)
QImage img = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
const int imgh = img.height();
const int imgw = img.width();
for (int y = 0; y < imgh; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < imgw; ++x)
int h, s, v;
QRgb pixel = img.pixel(x, y);
const int a = qAlpha(pixel);
QColor hsvColor(pixel);
hsvColor.getHsv(&h, &s, &v);
s = qMin(100, s * 2);
v = v / 2;
hsvColor.setHsv(h, s, v);
pixel = hsvColor.rgb();
img.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(qRed(pixel), qGreen(pixel), qBlue(pixel), a));
return QPixmap::fromImage(img);
void ShowInGraphicalShell(const QString &filePath)
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
QStringList args{
"-e", "tell application \"Finder\"",
"-e", "activate",
"-e", "select POSIX file \""+filePath+"\"",
"-e", "end tell"
QProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("osascript"), args);
#elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
QProcess::startDetached(QStringLiteral("explorer"), QStringList{"/select", QDir::toNativeSeparators(filePath)});
// we cannot select a file here, because no file browser really supports it...
bool IsOptionSet(int argc, char *argv[], const char *option)
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
if (!qstrcmp(argv[i], option))
return true;
return false;
// See issue #624.
void InitHighDpiScaling(int argc, char *argv[])
/* For more info see: */
if (IsOptionSet(argc, argv, qPrintable(QLatin1String("--") + LONG_OPTION_NO_HDPI_SCALING)))
qputenv("QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO", QByteArray("1"));
QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling); // DPI support
qputenv("QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR", QByteArray("1"));
const QString strOne = QStringLiteral("one");
const QString strTwo = QStringLiteral("two");
const QString strThree = QStringLiteral("three");
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strTMark, (QLatin1String("tMark")))
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strVMark, (QLatin1String("vMark")))
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strVMark2, (QLatin1String("vMark2")))
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strUMark, (QLatin1String("uMark")))
Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS(const QString, strBoxMark, (QLatin1String("boxMark")))
QString PassmarkLineTypeToString(PassmarkLineType type)
case PassmarkLineType::OneLine:
return strOne;
case PassmarkLineType::TwoLines:
return strTwo;
case PassmarkLineType::ThreeLines:
return strThree;
case PassmarkLineType::TMark:
return *strTMark;
case PassmarkLineType::VMark:
return *strVMark;
case PassmarkLineType::VMark2:
return *strVMark2;
case PassmarkLineType::UMark:
return *strUMark;
case PassmarkLineType::BoxMark:
return *strBoxMark;
return strOne;
PassmarkLineType StringToPassmarkLineType(const QString &value)
const QStringList values{strOne, strTwo, strThree, *strTMark, *strVMark, *strVMark2, *strUMark, *strBoxMark};
case 0: // strOne
return PassmarkLineType::OneLine;
case 1: // strTwo
return PassmarkLineType::TwoLines;
case 2: // strThree
return PassmarkLineType::ThreeLines;
case 3: // strTMark
return PassmarkLineType::TMark;
case 4: // strVMark
return PassmarkLineType::VMark;
case 5: // strVMark2
return PassmarkLineType::VMark2;
case 6: // strUMark
return PassmarkLineType::UMark;
case 7: // strBoxMark
return PassmarkLineType::BoxMark;
return PassmarkLineType::OneLine;
const QString strStraightforward = QStringLiteral("straightforward");
const QString strBisector = QStringLiteral("bisector");
const QString strIntersection = QStringLiteral("intersection");
const QString strIntersectionOnlyLeft = QStringLiteral("intersectionLeft");
const QString strIntersectionOnlyRight = QStringLiteral("intersectionRight");
const QString strIntersection2 = QStringLiteral("intersection2");
const QString strIntersection2OnlyLeft = QStringLiteral("intersection2Left");
const QString strIntersection2OnlyRight = QStringLiteral("intersection2Right");
const QString strTypeIncrement = QStringLiteral("increment");
const QString strTypeSeparator = QStringLiteral("separator");
QString PassmarkAngleTypeToString(PassmarkAngleType type)
case PassmarkAngleType::Straightforward:
return strStraightforward;
case PassmarkAngleType::Bisector:
return strBisector;
case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection:
return strIntersection;
case PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyLeft:
return strIntersectionOnlyLeft;
case PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyRight:
return strIntersectionOnlyRight;
case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2:
return strIntersection2;
case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyLeft:
return strIntersection2OnlyLeft;
case PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyRight:
return strIntersection2OnlyRight;
return strStraightforward;
PassmarkAngleType StringToPassmarkAngleType(const QString &value)
const QStringList values = QStringList() << strStraightforward
<< strBisector
<< strIntersection
<< strIntersectionOnlyLeft
<< strIntersectionOnlyRight
<< strIntersection2
<< strIntersection2OnlyLeft
<< strIntersection2OnlyRight;
case 0:
return PassmarkAngleType::Straightforward;
case 1:
return PassmarkAngleType::Bisector;
case 2:
return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection;
case 3:
return PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyLeft;
case 4:
return PassmarkAngleType::IntersectionOnlyRight;
case 5:
return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2;
case 6:
return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyLeft;
case 7:
return PassmarkAngleType::Intersection2OnlyRight;
return PassmarkAngleType::Straightforward;
Unit StrToUnits(const QString &unit)
const QStringList units = QStringList() << unitMM << unitCM << unitINCH << unitPX;
Unit result = Unit::Cm;
switch (units.indexOf(unit))
case 0:// mm
result = Unit::Mm;
case 2:// inch
result = Unit::Inch;
case 3:// px
result = Unit::Px;
case 1:// cm
result = Unit::Cm;
return result;
* @brief UnitsToStr translate unit to string.
* This method used when need write unit in xml file and for showing unit in dialogs.
* @param unit curent unit
* @param translate true if need show translated name. Default value false.
* @return string reprezantation for unit.
QString UnitsToStr(const Unit &unit, const bool translate)
QString result;
switch (unit)
case Unit::Mm:
translate ? result = QObject::tr("mm") : result = unitMM;
case Unit::Inch:
translate ? result = QObject::tr("inch") : result = unitINCH;
case Unit::Px:
translate ? result = QObject::tr("px") : result = unitPX;
case Unit::Cm:
translate ? result = QObject::tr("cm") : result = unitCM;
return result;
void InitLanguages(QComboBox *combobox)
SCASSERT(combobox != nullptr)
QStringList fileNames;
QDirIterator it(qApp->translationsPath(), QStringList("valentina_*.qm"), QDir::Files, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
while (it.hasNext())
bool englishUS = false;
const QString en_US = QStringLiteral("en_US");
for (auto locale : fileNames)
// get locale extracted by filename "valentina_de_De.qm"
locale.truncate(locale.lastIndexOf('.')); // "valentina_de_De"
locale.remove(0, locale.indexOf('_') + 1); // "de_De"
if (not englishUS)
englishUS = (en_US == locale);
QLocale loc = QLocale(locale);
QString lang = loc.nativeLanguageName();
QIcon ico(QString("%1/%2.png").arg("://flags", QLocale::countryToString(;
combobox->addItem(ico, lang, locale);
if (combobox->count() == 0 || not englishUS)
// English language is internal and doens't have own *.qm file.
QIcon ico(QString("%1/%2.png").arg("://flags", QLocale::countryToString(QLocale::UnitedStates)));
QString lang = QLocale(en_US).nativeLanguageName();
combobox->addItem(ico, lang, en_US);
// set default translators and language checked
qint32 index = combobox->findData(qApp->Settings()->GetLocale());
if (index != -1)
const quint32 CustomSARecord::streamHeader = 0xEBFF7586; // CRC-32Q string "CustomSARecord"
const quint16 CustomSARecord::classVersion = 1;
// Friend functions
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const CustomSARecord &record)
out << CustomSARecord::streamHeader << CustomSARecord::classVersion;
// Added in classVersion = 1
out << record.startPoint;
out << record.path;
out << record.endPoint;
out << record.reverse;
out << record.includeType;
// Added in classVersion = 2
return out;
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, CustomSARecord &record)
quint32 actualStreamHeader = 0;
in >> actualStreamHeader;
if (actualStreamHeader != CustomSARecord::streamHeader)
QString message = QCoreApplication::tr("CustomSARecord prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 "
"and streamHeader = 0x%2")
.arg(actualStreamHeader, 8, 0x10, QChar('0'))
.arg(CustomSARecord::streamHeader, 8, 0x10, QChar('0'));
throw VException(message);
quint16 actualClassVersion = 0;
in >> actualClassVersion;
if (actualClassVersion > CustomSARecord::classVersion)
QString message = QCoreApplication::tr("CustomSARecord compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and "
"classVersion = %2")
throw VException(message);
in >> record.startPoint;
in >> record.path;
in >> record.endPoint;
in >> record.reverse;
in >> record.includeType;
// if (actualClassVersion >= 2)
// {
// }
return in;
QString IncrementTypeToString(IncrementType type)
case IncrementType::Increment:
return strTypeIncrement;
case IncrementType::Separator:
return strTypeSeparator;
return strTypeIncrement;
IncrementType StringToIncrementType(const QString &value)
const QStringList values { strTypeIncrement, strTypeSeparator };
case 0:
return IncrementType::Increment;
case 1:
return IncrementType::Separator;
return IncrementType::Increment;
QStringList SplitFilePaths(const QString &path)
QStringList result;
QString subPath = QDir::cleanPath(path);
QString lastFileName;
QFileInfo fileInfo(subPath);
lastFileName = fileInfo.fileName();
if (not lastFileName.isEmpty())
subPath = fileInfo.path();
while(not lastFileName.isEmpty());
return result;