Roman Telezhynskyi 79e1bf0f8d Follow BugSplat convention for naming sym files.
BugSplat's Breakpad processor is very particular about upload conventions. To resolve this issue modify sym file such that the file name is Valentina.sym and the module name (first line of the sym file) as Valentina.
2024-05-09 11:23:05 +03:00

183 lines
6.5 KiB

import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import glob
import zipfile
import requests
import shutil
import re
database = "valentina"
def debug_extension():
platform = sys.platform
if platform == "darwin":
debug_ext = ".dSYM"
elif platform == "win32":
debug_ext = ".pdb"
elif platform == "linux":
debug_ext = ".debug"
print(f"Unsupported platform {platform}")
return "uknown"
return debug_ext
def generate_sym_files(install_root):
sym_files = []
platform = sys.platform
debug_ext = debug_extension()
debug_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(install_root, "**", "*" + debug_ext), recursive=True)
if not debug_files:
print("No debug files found.")
for debug_file in debug_files:
corrected_debug_name = os.path.basename(debug_file)
debug_dir = os.path.dirname(debug_file)
if sys.platform == "darwin":
# Remove ".app" if present
corrected_debug_name = corrected_debug_name.replace(".app", "")
# Remove ".framework" if present
corrected_debug_name = corrected_debug_name.replace(".framework", "")
elif platform == "linux":
# Remove .so + version numbers if present (e.g., .so.1.0.0 or .so.2.7.0)
corrected_debug_name = re.sub(r'\.so\.\d+(\.\d+)*', '', corrected_debug_name)
# Convert to lowercase
corrected_debug_name = corrected_debug_name.lower()
print(f"Generating symbols for: {corrected_debug_name}")
# Copy debug file with corrected name
corrected_debug_path = os.path.join(debug_dir, corrected_debug_name)
shutil.copy(debug_file, corrected_debug_path)
sym_file = os.path.splitext(corrected_debug_name)[0] + ".sym"
dump_syms_cmd = ["dump_syms", '-o', sym_file, '--inlines', corrected_debug_path], check=True)
# Remove temporary debug file
sym_files.append((debug_file, sym_file))
return sym_files
def generate_version_string(val_version, commit_hash, qt_version, multibundle):
# Determine the platform
platform = sys.platform
multibundle_str = ""
if platform == "win32":
platform_str = "windows"
elif platform == "darwin":
platform_str = "macos"
if multibundle:
multibundle_str = "-multibundle"
elif platform == "linux":
platform_str = "linux"
platform_str = "unknown"
# Generate the version string
version_string = f"{val_version}-{commit_hash}-Qt_{qt_version}-{platform_str}{multibundle_str}"
return version_string
def get_app_name(sym_file):
# Get the base name of the symbol file without extension
base_name = os.path.basename(sym_file).split(".sym")[0].lower()
# Determine the platform
platform = sys.platform
if platform == "linux":
if base_name.startswith("lib"):
base_name = base_name[3:]
return base_name.split(".so")[0]
elif platform == "darwin":
if base_name.endswith(".framework"):
return base_name.split(".framework")[0]
elif base_name.endswith(".app"):
return base_name.split(".app")[0]
return base_name
def upload_symbols(install_root, val_version, commit_hash, qt_version, clean=False, multibundle=False):
# Platform-specific commands for generating and uploading symbol files
platform = sys.platform
sym_files = generate_sym_files(install_root)
if not sym_files:
print("No symbol files found. Exiting upload process.")
app_version = generate_version_string(val_version, commit_hash, qt_version, multibundle)
print(f"Uploading symbols for version {app_version}")
for _, sym_file in sym_files:
app_name = get_app_name(sym_file)
print(f"Uploading symbols for application {app_name}")
sym_file_name = os.path.basename(sym_file)
url = f"https://{database}{app_name}&appVer={app_version}&code_file={sym_file_name}"
with open(sym_file, 'rb') as symbol_file:
files = {'symbol_file': (f'{sym_file_name}', symbol_file)}
response =, files=files)
if response.status_code == 200:
print(f"Symbol file '{sym_file}' uploaded successfully.")
print("Request failed with status code:", response.status_code)
print("Server response:")
# Cleanup if requested
if clean:
debug_ext = debug_extension()
for debug_file, sym_file in sym_files:
print(f"Symbol file '{sym_file}' removed.")
except PermissionError as e:
print(f"PermissionError removing '{sym_file}': {e}")
if sys.platform == "darwin":
print(f"Debug file '{debug_file}' removed.")
except PermissionError as e:
print(f"PermissionError removing '{debug_file}': {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Command-line usage: python /path/to/install_root/folder 0_7_52 abcdef123456 6_6 --clean
# - First argument: Path to the install root folder
# - Second argument: Valentina version
# - Third argument: Commit git hash
# - Fourth argument: Qt version
# - Optional argument: --clean (Clean up after upload)
# - Optional argument: --multibundle (Mark multibundle version. Has effect only on macos)
# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Upload symbols to BugSplat.")
parser.add_argument("install_root", type=str, help="Path to the installation folder")
parser.add_argument("val_version", type=str, help="Valentina version")
parser.add_argument("hash", type=str, help="Commit git hash")
parser.add_argument("qt_version", type=str, help="Qt version")
parser.add_argument("--clean", action="store_true", help="Clean up after upload")
parser.add_argument("--multibundle", type=str, default="false", choices=["true", "false"], help="Mark multibundle version. Has effect only on Macos")
args = parser.parse_args()
multibundle = (args.multibundle == "true")
# Call install_package function with provided arguments
upload_symbols(args.install_root, args.val_version, args.hash, args.qt_version, args.clean, multibundle)