341 lines
10 KiB
341 lines
10 KiB
import qbs.FileInfo
import qbs.File
import qbs.Utilities
VToolApp {
Depends { name: "buildconfig" }
Depends { name: "ib"; condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") }
Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["core", "widgets", "svg"] }
Depends { name: "VMiscLib" }
Depends { name: "VLayoutLib" }
Depends { name: "IFCLib" }
Depends { name: "VFormatLib" }
Depends { name: "VWidgetsLib" }
Depends { name: "FervorLib" }
Depends { name: "multibundle"; }
Depends { name: "VGAnalyticsLib" }
// Explicitly link to libcrypto and libssl to avoid error: Failed to load libssl/libcrypto.
// Use moduleProviders.qbspkgconfig.extraPaths to define the missing dependency.
// Explicit linking will help macdeployqt undertsand that we want to see them inside the bundle.
Depends {
name: "libcrypto"
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && Utilities.versionCompare(Qt.core.version, "6") >= 0
Depends {
name: "libssl"
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && Utilities.versionCompare(Qt.core.version, "6") >= 0
name: "Puzzle"
buildconfig.appTarget: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") ? "Puzzle" : "puzzle"
targetName: buildconfig.appTarget
multibundle.targetApps: ["Valentina"]
type: base.concat("install_root_svg_fonts")
Properties {
condition: buildconfig.useConanPackages && qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && buildconfig.enableMultiBundle
conan.XercesC.libInstallDir: qbs.installPrefix + "/" + buildconfig.installLibraryPath
conan.XercesC.installLib: true
files: [
Group {
name: "dialogs"
prefix: "dialogs/"
files: [
Group {
name: "undocommands"
prefix: "undocommands/"
files: [
Group {
name: "xml"
prefix: "xml/"
files: [
Group {
name: "layout"
prefix: "layout/"
files: [
Group {
name: "carousel"
prefix: "carousel/"
files: [
Group {
name: "scene"
prefix: "scene/"
files: [
Group {
name: "Resources"
prefix: "share/resources/"
files: [
"puzzlecursor.qrc", // Tools cursor icons
cpp.includePaths: [product.sourceDirectory]
Export {
Depends { name: "cpp" }
cpp.defines: {
var defines = [];
// TODO: If minimal qbs version is 1.23 replace with FileInfo.executableSuffix()
var extension = qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") ? ".exe" : "";
defines.push('PUZZLE_BUILDDIR="' + FileInfo.joinPaths(exportingProduct.buildDirectory, exportingProduct.targetName + extension) +'"');
return defines;
Group {
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") && (qbs.architecture.contains("x86_64") || qbs.architecture.contains("x86"))
name: "pdftops Windows"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/dist/win/"
files: ["pdftops.exe"]
fileTags: ["pdftops_dist_win"]
qbs.install: true
qbs.installDir: buildconfig.installBinaryPath
Group {
name: "48x48/apps"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/48x48/apps/"
files: "puzzle.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.48x48AppsIcons"
Group {
name: "64x64/apps"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/64x64/apps/"
files: "puzzle.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.64x64AppsIcons"
Group {
name: "128x128/apps"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/128x128/apps/"
files: "puzzle.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.128x128AppsIcons"
Group {
name: "256x256/apps"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/256x256/apps/"
files: "puzzle.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.256x256AppsIcons"
Group {
name: "512x512/apps"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/512x512/apps/"
files: "puzzle.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.512x512AppsIcons"
Group {
name: "apps48x48/mimetypes"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/48x48/mimetypes/"
files: "application-x-valentina-layout.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.48x48MimetypesIcons"
Group {
name: "apps64x64/mimetypes"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/64x64/mimetypes/"
files: "application-x-valentina-layout.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.64x64MimetypesIcons"
Group {
name: "apps128x128/mimetypes"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/128x128/mimetypes/"
files: "application-x-valentina-layout.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.128x128MimetypesIcons"
Group {
name: "apps256x256/mimetypes"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/256x256/mimetypes/"
files: "application-x-valentina-layout.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.256x256MimetypesIcons"
Group {
name: "apps512x512/mimetypes"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/icons/512x512/mimetypes/"
files: "application-x-valentina-layout.png"
fileTags: "freedesktop.512x512MimetypesIcons"
Group {
name: "Puzzle RC"
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
prefix: product.sourceDirectory + "/share/resources/"
files: "puzzle.rc"
Group {
name: "win deploy"
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/dist/win/"
files: [
qbs.install: true
qbs.installDir: buildconfig.installAppPath
Group {
name: "MacOS assets"
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && buildconfig.enableMultiBundle
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/dist/macx/puzzle/"
files: [
Group {
name: "ICNS"
condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && buildconfig.enableMultiBundle
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/dist/macx/valentina-project.xcassets/"
files: "layout.iconset"
Group {
name: "SVG Fonts"
prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/src/app/share/svgfonts/"
files: [
Rule {
condition: product.qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && product.buildconfig.enableMultiBundle
inputs: ["svg_fonts"]
Artifact {
filePath: {
var dstDir = product.qbs.installRoot + product.qbs.installPrefix + "/" +
product.buildconfig.installDataPath + "/svgfonts";
return dstDir + "/" + input.filePath.split("src/app/share/svgfonts/")[1];
fileTags: ["install_root_svg_fonts"]
prepare: {
var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand();
cmd.description = "Installing " + input.fileName;
cmd.highlight = "codegen";
cmd.sourceCode = function() {
File.copy(input.filePath, output.filePath);
return [cmd];