import qbs.FileInfo import qbs.File import qbs.Utilities VApp { Depends { name: "freedesktop2" } Depends { name: "windeployqt"; condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") } Depends { name: "i18nconfig"; } Depends { name: "i18n"; } Depends { name: "ib"; condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") } version: buildconfig.projectVersion install: true installDir: buildconfig.installBinaryPath installDebugInformation: qbs.buildVariant !== "release" || buildconfig.useConanPackages && buildconfig.conanCrashReportingEnabled consoleApplication: false property bool primaryApp: false Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") // Breakpoints do not work if debug the app inside of bundle. In debug mode we turn off creating a bundle. // Probably it will breake some dependencies. Version for Mac designed to work inside an app bundle. bundle.isBundle: qbs.buildVariant === "release" bundle.identifierPrefix: '' bundle.infoPlist:({ "NSHumanReadableCopyright": buildconfig.valentina_copyright_string }) } Properties { condition: buildconfig.enableAppImage && qbs.targetOS.contains("unix") && !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") cpp.dynamicLibraries: ["icudata", "icui18n", "icuuc"] } Properties { condition: buildconfig.useConanPackages && buildconfig.conanCrashReportingEnabled qbs.debugInformation: true } Group { name: "Translations" condition: product.primaryApp || (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && (!bundle.isBundle || (bundle.isBundle && buildconfig.enableMultiBundle))) prefix: project.sourceDirectory + "/share/translations/" files: { var files = []; var locales = i18nconfig.translationLocales; for (var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { files.push("valentina_" + locales[i] + ".ts"); } return files; } } Group { condition: product.primaryApp || (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && (!bundle.isBundle || (bundle.isBundle && buildconfig.enableMultiBundle))) fileTagsFilter: "qm" qbs.install: true qbs.installDir: buildconfig.installDataPath + "/translations" } Rule { multiplex: true condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && bundle.isBundle && (buildconfig.enableMultiBundle || primaryApp) inputs: ["qm"] outputFileTags: ["bundle.qm", "bundle.content"] outputArtifacts: { var locales = product.i18nconfig.translationLocales; var artifactNames = []; for (var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { const lprojDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, product.bundle.bundleName, "Contents", "Resources", "translations", locales[i] + product.bundle.localizedResourcesFolderSuffix); var qmRex = new RegExp('.*_' + locales[i] + '\.qm$', 'g'); artifactNames = artifactNames.concat((inputs["qm"] || []).filter(function(file){ return qmRex.exec(file.fileName); }).map(function(file){ return FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, file.fileName); })); artifactNames.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, "Localizable.strings")); const qtTranslationsMask = [ "qt_", "qtbase_", "qtxmlpatterns_" ]; qtTranslationsMask.forEach(function(mask) { var qmFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.i18n.qtTranslationsPath, mask + locales[i] + ".qm"); if (File.exists(qmFile)) { artifactNames.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, mask + locales[i] + ".qm")); } else { const lang = locales[i].split('_')[0]; qmFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.i18n.qtTranslationsPath, mask + lang + ".qm"); if (File.exists(qmFile)) artifactNames.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, mask + lang + ".qm")); } }); } var artifacts ={ var a = { filePath: art, fileTags: ["bundle.qm", "bundle.content"] } return a; }); return artifacts; } prepare: { var cmd = new JavaScriptCommand(); cmd.description = "Preparing Valentina translations"; cmd.highlight = "filegen"; var data = []; const locales = product.i18nconfig.translationLocales; for (var i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { const qmRex = new RegExp('.*_' + locales[i] + '.qm$', 'g'); const src = (inputs["qm"] || []).filter(function(file){ return qmRex.exec(file.fileName); }); const lprojDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, product.bundle.bundleName, "Contents", "Resources", "translations", locales[i] + product.bundle.localizedResourcesFolderSuffix); for (var j = 0; j < src.length; j++) { data.push({ "source" : src[j].filePath, "destination": FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, src[j].fileName) }); } data.push({ "source" : FileInfo.joinPaths(project.sourceDirectory, "share", "translations", "Localizable.strings"), "destination": FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, "Localizable.strings") }); const qtTranslationsMask = [ "qt_", "qtbase_", "qtxmlpatterns_" ]; qtTranslationsMask.forEach(function(mask) { var qmFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.i18n.qtTranslationsPath, mask + locales[i] + ".qm"); if (File.exists(qmFile)) { data.push({ "source" : qmFile, "destination": FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, mask + locales[i] + ".qm") }); } else { const lang = locales[i].split('_')[0]; qmFile = FileInfo.joinPaths(product.i18n.qtTranslationsPath, mask + lang + ".qm"); if (File.exists(qmFile)) { data.push({ "source" : qmFile, "destination": FileInfo.joinPaths(lprojDir, mask + lang + ".qm") }); } } }); } = data; cmd.sourceCode = function() { data.forEach(function(copyData) { File.copy(copyData.source, copyData.destination); }); }; return [cmd]; } } Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") && Utilities.versionCompare(Qt.core.version, "6.5") < 0 windeployqt.noVirtualkeyboard: true } Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") ib.appIconName: targetName } Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") && i18nconfig.limitDeploymentOfQtTranslations windeployqt.languages: i18nconfig.qtTranslationLocales.join(',') } Group { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && bundle.isBundle fileTagsFilter: "bundle.content" qbs.install: true qbs.installDir: buildconfig.installAppPath qbs.installSourceBase: destinationDirectory } }