DialogSpline 0 0 540 273 Simple curve :/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png:/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png First point Length ratio of the first control point true 0.010000000000000 1.000000000000000 The angle of the first control point true 360 Second point Length ratio of the second control point true 0.010000000000000 1.000000000000000 The angle of the second control point true 360 QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow 0 0 0 0 Coefficient of curvature of the curve: 0 0 72 0 0.010000000000000 1.000000000000000 Color: Name: true Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok comboBoxP1 doubleSpinBoxKasm1 spinBoxAngle1 comboBoxP4 doubleSpinBoxKasm2 spinBoxAngle2 buttonBox buttonBox accepted() DialogSpline accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() DialogSpline reject() 316 260 286 274