#include "vcontainer.h" #include #include "options.h" qint64 VContainer::_id = 0; VContainer::VContainer():base(QMap()), points(QMap()), modelingPoints(QMap()), standartTable(QMap()), incrementTable(QMap()), lengthLines(QMap()), lineAngles(QMap()), splines(QMap()), modelingSplines(QMap()), lengthSplines(QMap()), arcs(QMap()), modelingArcs(QMap()), lengthArcs(QMap()), splinePaths(QMap()), modelingSplinePaths(QMap()), details(QMap()){ SetSize(500); SetGrowth(1760); CreateManTableIGroup (); } VContainer &VContainer::operator =(const VContainer &data){ setData(data); return *this; } VContainer::VContainer(const VContainer &data):base(QMap()), points(QMap()), modelingPoints(QMap()), standartTable(QMap()), incrementTable(QMap()), lengthLines(QMap()), lineAngles(QMap()), splines(QMap()), modelingSplines(QMap()), lengthSplines(QMap()), arcs(QMap()), modelingArcs(QMap()), lengthArcs(QMap()), splinePaths(QMap()), modelingSplinePaths(QMap()), details(QMap()){ setData(data); } void VContainer::setData(const VContainer &data){ base = *data.DataBase(); points = *data.DataPoints(); modelingPoints = *data.DataModelingPoints(); standartTable = *data.DataStandartTable(); incrementTable = *data.DataIncrementTable(); lengthLines = *data.DataLengthLines(); lineAngles = *data.DataLengthArcs(); splines = *data.DataSplines(); modelingSplines = *data.DataModelingSplines(); lengthSplines = *data.DataLengthSplines(); arcs = *data.DataArcs(); modelingArcs = *data.DataModelingArcs(); lengthArcs = *data.DataLengthArcs(); splinePaths = *data.DataSplinePaths(); modelingSplinePaths = *data.DataModelingSplinePaths(); details = *data.DataDetails(); } template val VContainer::GetObject(const QMap &obj, key id){ if(obj.contains(id)){ return obj.value(id); } else { qCritical()<<"Не можу знайти key = "<_id++; return _id; } void VContainer::UpdateId(qint64 newId){ if(newId > this->_id){ this->_id = newId; } } void VContainer::IncrementReferens(qint64 id, Scene::Type obj, Draw::Mode mode){ switch( obj ){ case(Scene::Line): break; case(Scene::Point):{ VPointF point; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ point = GetPoint(id); } else { point = GetModelingPoint(id); } point.incrementReferens(); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ UpdatePoint(id, point); } else { UpdateModelingPoint(id, point); } } break; case(Scene::Arc):{ VArc arc; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ arc = GetArc(id); } else { arc = GetModelingArc(id); } arc.incrementReferens(); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ UpdateArc(id, arc); } else { UpdateModelingArc(id, arc); } } break; case(Scene::Spline):{ VSpline spl; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ spl = GetSpline(id); } else { spl = GetModelingSpline(id); } spl.incrementReferens(); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ UpdateSpline(id, spl); } else { UpdateModelingSpline(id, spl); } } break; case(Scene::SplinePath):{ VSplinePath splPath; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ splPath = GetSplinePath(id); } else { splPath = GetModelingSplinePath(id); } splPath.incrementReferens(); if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ UpdateSplinePath(id, splPath); } else { UpdateModelingSplinePath(id, splPath); } } break; } } QPainterPath VContainer::ContourPath(qint64 idDetail) const{ VDetail detail = GetDetail(idDetail); QVector points; for(qint32 i = 0; i< detail.CountNode(); ++i){ switch(detail[i].getTypeTool()){ case(Tools::NodePoint):{ VPointF point = GetModelingPoint(detail[i].getId()); points.append(point.toQPointF()); } break; case(Tools::NodeArc):{ VArc arc = GetModelingArc(detail[i].getId()); qreal len1 = GetLengthContour(points, arc.GetPoints()); qreal lenReverse = GetLengthContour(points, GetReversePoint(arc.GetPoints())); if(len1 <= lenReverse){ points << arc.GetPoints(); } else { points << GetReversePoint(arc.GetPoints()); } } break; case(Tools::NodeSpline):{ VSpline spline = GetModelingSpline(detail[i].getId()); qreal len1 = GetLengthContour(points, spline.GetPoints()); qreal lenReverse = GetLengthContour(points, GetReversePoint(spline.GetPoints())); if(len1 <= lenReverse){ points << spline.GetPoints(); } else { points << GetReversePoint(spline.GetPoints()); } } break; case(Tools::NodeSplinePath):{ VSplinePath splinePath = GetModelingSplinePath(detail[i].getId()); qreal len1 = GetLengthContour(points, splinePath.GetPathPoints()); qreal lenReverse = GetLengthContour(points, GetReversePoint(splinePath.GetPathPoints())); if(len1 <= lenReverse){ points << splinePath.GetPathPoints(); } else { points << GetReversePoint(splinePath.GetPathPoints()); } } break; } } QPainterPath ekv = Equidistant(points, Detail::CloseEquidistant, toPixel(10)); QPainterPath path; path.moveTo(points[0]); for (qint32 i = 1; i < points.count(); ++i){ path.lineTo(points[i]); } path.lineTo(points[0]); path.addPath(ekv); return path; } QPainterPath VContainer::Equidistant(QVector points, const Detail::Equidistant &eqv, const qreal &width) const{ QPainterPath ekv; QVector ekvPoints; if ( points.size() < 3 ){ qDebug()<<"Not enough points for build equidistant.\n"; return ekv; } for (qint32 i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i ){ if(i != points.size()-1){ if(points[i] == points[i+1]){ points.remove(i+1); } } else { if(points[i] == points[0]){ points.remove(i); } } } if(eqv == Detail::CloseEquidistant){ points.append(points.at(0)); } for (qint32 i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i ){ if ( i == 0 && eqv == Detail::CloseEquidistant){//перша точка, ламана замкнена ekvPoints< 0); QLineF paralel = QLineF (SingleParallelPoint(line, 90, width), SingleParallelPoint(QLineF(line.p2(), line.p1()), -90, width)); return paralel; } QPointF VContainer::SingleParallelPoint(const QLineF &line, const qreal &angle, const qreal &width){ Q_ASSERT(width > 0); QLineF l = line; l.setAngle( l.angle() + angle ); l.setLength( width ); return l.p2(); } QVector VContainer::EkvPoint(const QLineF &line1, const QLineF &line2, const qreal &width) const{ Q_ASSERT(width > 0); QVector points; if(line1.p2() != line2.p2()){ qWarning()<<"Last point of two lines must be equal."; } QPointF CrosPoint; QLineF bigLine1 = ParallelLine(line1, width ); QLineF bigLine2 = ParallelLine(QLineF(line2.p2(), line2.p1()), width ); QLineF::IntersectType type = bigLine1.intersect( bigLine2, &CrosPoint ); switch(type){ case(QLineF::BoundedIntersection): points.append(CrosPoint); return points; break; case(QLineF::UnboundedIntersection):{ QLineF line( line1.p2(), CrosPoint ); if(line.length() > width + toPixel(3)){ points.append(bigLine1.p2()); line.setLength( width ); points.append(line.p2() ); points.append(bigLine2.p1()); } else { points.append(CrosPoint); return points; } break; } case(QLineF::NoIntersection): /*If we have correct lines this means lines lie on a line.*/ points.append(bigLine1.p2()); return points; break; } return points; } void VContainer::PrepareDetails(QVector &list) const{ QMapIterator iDetail(details); while (iDetail.hasNext()) { iDetail.next(); list.append(new VItem(ContourPath(iDetail.key()), list.size())); } } void VContainer::RemoveIncrementTableRow(const QString& name){ incrementTable.remove(name); } template void VContainer::UpdateObject(QMap &obj, const qint64 &id, const val& point){ Q_ASSERT_X(id > 0, Q_FUNC_INFO, "id <= 0"); obj[id] = point; UpdateId(id); } void VContainer::UpdatePoint(qint64 id, const VPointF& point){ UpdateObject(points, id, point); } void VContainer::UpdateModelingPoint(qint64 id, const VPointF &point){ UpdateObject(modelingPoints, id, point); } void VContainer::UpdateDetail(qint64 id, const VDetail &detail){ UpdateObject(details, id, detail); } void VContainer::UpdateSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline &spl){ UpdateObject(splines, id, spl); } void VContainer::UpdateModelingSpline(qint64 id, const VSpline &spl){ UpdateObject(modelingSplines, id, spl); } void VContainer::UpdateSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath &splPath){ UpdateObject(splinePaths, id, splPath); } void VContainer::UpdateModelingSplinePath(qint64 id, const VSplinePath &splPath){ UpdateObject(modelingSplinePaths, id, splPath); } void VContainer::UpdateArc(qint64 id, const VArc &arc){ UpdateObject(arcs, id, arc); } void VContainer::UpdateModelingArc(qint64 id, const VArc &arc){ UpdateObject(modelingArcs, id, arc); } void VContainer::UpdateStandartTableCell(const QString& name, const VStandartTableCell& cell){ standartTable[name] = cell; } void VContainer::UpdateIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, const VIncrementTableRow& cell){ incrementTable[name] = cell; } void VContainer::AddLengthSpline(const QString &name, const qreal &value){ Q_ASSERT(!name.isEmpty()); lengthSplines[name] = value; } void VContainer::AddLengthArc(const qint64 ¢er, const qint64 &id){ AddLengthArc(GetNameArc(center, id), GetArc(id).GetLength()); } void VContainer::AddLengthArc(const QString &name, const qreal &value){ Q_ASSERT(!name.isEmpty()); lengthArcs[name] = value; } void VContainer::AddLineAngle(const QString &name, const qreal &value){ Q_ASSERT(!name.isEmpty()); lineAngles[name] = value; } qreal VContainer::GetValueStandartTableCell(const QString& name) const{ VStandartTableCell cell = GetStandartTableCell(name); qreal k_size = ( static_cast (size()/10.0) - 50.0 ) / 2.0; qreal k_growth = ( static_cast (growth()/10.0) - 176.0 ) / 6.0; qreal value = cell.GetBase() + k_size*cell.GetKsize() + k_growth*cell.GetKgrowth(); return value; } qreal VContainer::GetValueIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const{ VIncrementTableRow cell = GetIncrementTableRow(name); qreal k_size = ( static_cast (size()/10.0) - 50.0 ) / 2.0; qreal k_growth = ( static_cast (growth()/10.0) - 176.0 ) / 6.0; qreal value = cell.getBase() + k_size*cell.getKsize() + k_growth*cell.getKgrowth(); return value; } void VContainer::Clear(){ _id = 0; standartTable.clear(); incrementTable.clear(); lengthLines.clear(); lengthArcs.clear(); lineAngles.clear(); details.clear(); modelingArcs.clear(); modelingPoints.clear(); modelingSplinePaths.clear(); modelingSplines.clear(); ClearObject(); CreateManTableIGroup (); } void VContainer::ClearObject(){ points.clear(); splines.clear(); arcs.clear(); splinePaths.clear(); } void VContainer::ClearIncrementTable(){ incrementTable.clear(); } void VContainer::ClearLengthLines(){ lengthLines.clear(); } void VContainer::ClearLengthSplines(){ lengthSplines.clear(); } void VContainer::ClearLengthArcs(){ lengthArcs.clear(); } void VContainer::ClearLineAngles(){ lineAngles.clear(); } void VContainer::SetSize(qint32 size){ base["Сг"] = size; } void VContainer::SetGrowth(qint32 growth){ base["Р"] = growth; } qint32 VContainer::size() const{ return base.value("Сг"); } qint32 VContainer::growth() const{ return base.value("Р"); } bool VContainer::IncrementTableContains(const QString& name){ return incrementTable.contains(name); } qreal VContainer::FindVar(const QString &name, bool *ok)const{ if(base.contains(name)){ *ok = true; return base.value(name); } if(standartTable.contains(name)){ *ok = true; return GetValueStandartTableCell(name); } if(incrementTable.contains(name)){ *ok = true; return GetValueIncrementTableRow(name); } if(lengthLines.contains(name)){ *ok = true; return lengthLines.value(name); } if(lengthArcs.contains(name)){ *ok = true; return lengthArcs.value(name); } if(lineAngles.contains(name)){ *ok = true; return lineAngles.value(name); } *ok = false; return 0; } const QMap *VContainer::DataPoints() const{ return &points; } const QMap *VContainer::DataModelingPoints() const{ return &modelingPoints; } const QMap *VContainer::DataSplines() const{ return &splines; } const QMap *VContainer::DataModelingSplines() const{ return &modelingSplines; } const QMap *VContainer::DataArcs() const{ return &arcs; } const QMap *VContainer::DataModelingArcs() const{ return &modelingArcs; } const QMap *VContainer::DataBase() const{ return &base; } const QMap *VContainer::DataStandartTable() const{ return &standartTable; } const QMap *VContainer::DataIncrementTable() const{ return &incrementTable; } const QMap *VContainer::DataLengthLines() const{ return &lengthLines; } const QMap *VContainer::DataLengthSplines() const{ return &lengthSplines; } const QMap *VContainer::DataLengthArcs() const{ return &lengthArcs; } const QMap *VContainer::DataLineAngles() const{ return &lineAngles; } const QMap *VContainer::DataSplinePaths() const{ return &splinePaths; } const QMap *VContainer::DataModelingSplinePaths() const{ return &modelingSplinePaths; } const QMap *VContainer::DataDetails() const{ return &details; } void VContainer::AddLine(const qint64 &firstPointId, const qint64 &secondPointId, Draw::Mode mode){ QString nameLine = GetNameLine(firstPointId, secondPointId, mode); VPointF first; VPointF second; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ first = GetPoint(firstPointId); second = GetPoint(secondPointId); } else { first = GetModelingPoint(firstPointId); second = GetModelingPoint(secondPointId); } AddLengthLine(nameLine, QLineF(first.toQPointF(), second.toQPointF()).length()/PrintDPI*25.4); nameLine = GetNameLineAngle(firstPointId, secondPointId, mode); AddLineAngle(nameLine, QLineF(first.toQPointF(), second.toQPointF()).angle()); } template qint64 VContainer::AddObject(QMap &obj, const val& value){ qint64 id = getNextId(); obj[id] = value; return id; } qint64 VContainer::AddPoint(const VPointF& point){ return AddObject(points, point); } qint64 VContainer::AddModelingPoint(const VPointF &point){ return AddObject(modelingPoints, point); } qint64 VContainer::AddDetail(const VDetail &detail){ return AddObject(details, detail); } qint64 VContainer::AddSpline(const VSpline &spl){ return AddObject(splines, spl); } qint64 VContainer::AddModelingSpline(const VSpline &spl){ return AddObject(modelingSplines, spl); } qint64 VContainer::AddSplinePath(const VSplinePath &splPath){ return AddObject(splinePaths, splPath); } qint64 VContainer::AddModelingSplinePath(const VSplinePath &splPath){ return AddObject(modelingSplinePaths, splPath); } qint64 VContainer::AddArc(const VArc &arc){ return AddObject(arcs, arc); } qint64 VContainer::AddModelingArc(const VArc &arc){ return AddObject(modelingArcs, arc); } QString VContainer::GetNameLine(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint, Draw::Mode mode) const{ VPointF first; VPointF second; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ first = GetPoint(firstPoint); second = GetPoint(secondPoint); } else { first = GetModelingPoint(firstPoint); second = GetModelingPoint(secondPoint); } return QString("Line_%1_%2").arg(first.name(), second.name()); } QString VContainer::GetNameLineAngle(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint, Draw::Mode mode) const{ VPointF first; VPointF second; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ first = GetPoint(firstPoint); second = GetPoint(secondPoint); } else { first = GetModelingPoint(firstPoint); second = GetModelingPoint(secondPoint); } return QString("AngleLine_%1_%2").arg(first.name(), second.name()); } QString VContainer::GetNameSpline(const qint64 &firstPoint, const qint64 &secondPoint, Draw::Mode mode) const{ VPointF first; VPointF second; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ first = GetPoint(firstPoint); second = GetPoint(secondPoint); } else { first = GetModelingPoint(firstPoint); second = GetModelingPoint(secondPoint); } return QString("Spl_%1_%2").arg(first.name(), second.name()); } QString VContainer::GetNameSplinePath(const VSplinePath &path, Draw::Mode mode) const{ if(path.Count() == 0){ return QString(); } QString name("SplPath"); for(qint32 i = 1; i <= path.Count(); ++i){ VSpline spl = path.GetSpline(i); VPointF first; VPointF second; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ first = GetPoint(spl.GetP1()); second = GetPoint(spl.GetP4()); } else { first = GetModelingPoint(spl.GetP1()); second = GetModelingPoint(spl.GetP4()); } QString splName = QString("_%1_%2").arg(first.name(), second.name()); name.append(splName); } return name; } QString VContainer::GetNameArc(const qint64 ¢er, const qint64 &id, Draw::Mode mode) const{ VPointF centerPoint; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ centerPoint = GetPoint(center); } else { centerPoint = GetModelingPoint(center); } return QString ("Arc(%1)%2").arg(centerPoint.name()).arg(id); } void VContainer::AddLengthLine(const QString &name, const qreal &value){ Q_ASSERT(!name.isEmpty()); lengthLines[name] = value; } void VContainer::AddLengthSpline(const qint64 &firstPointId, const qint64 &secondPointId, Draw::Mode mode){ QString nameLine = GetNameSpline(firstPointId, secondPointId, mode); VPointF first; VPointF second; if(mode == Draw::Calculation){ first = GetPoint(firstPointId); second = GetPoint(secondPointId); } else { first = GetModelingPoint(firstPointId); second = GetModelingPoint(secondPointId); } AddLengthSpline(nameLine, QLineF(first.toQPointF(), second.toQPointF()).length()); } void VContainer::CreateManTableIGroup (){ AddStandartTableCell("Pkor", VStandartTableCell(84, 0, 3)); AddStandartTableCell("Pkor", VStandartTableCell(84, 0, 3)); AddStandartTableCell("Vtos", VStandartTableCell(1450, 2, 51)); AddStandartTableCell("Vtosh", VStandartTableCell(1506, 2, 54)); AddStandartTableCell("Vpt", VStandartTableCell(1438, 3, 52)); AddStandartTableCell("Vst", VStandartTableCell(1257, -1, 49)); AddStandartTableCell("Vlt", VStandartTableCell(1102, 0, 43)); AddStandartTableCell("Vk", VStandartTableCell(503, 0, 22)); AddStandartTableCell("Vsht", VStandartTableCell(1522, 2, 54)); AddStandartTableCell("Vzy", VStandartTableCell(1328, 0, 49)); AddStandartTableCell("Vlop", VStandartTableCell(1320, 0, 49)); AddStandartTableCell("Vps", VStandartTableCell(811, -1, 36)); AddStandartTableCell("Osh", VStandartTableCell(404,8, 2)); AddStandartTableCell("OgI", VStandartTableCell(1034, 36, 4)); AddStandartTableCell("OgII", VStandartTableCell(1044, 38, 2)); AddStandartTableCell("OgIII", VStandartTableCell(1000, 40, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("Ot", VStandartTableCell(780, 40, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("Ob", VStandartTableCell(984, 30, 10)); AddStandartTableCell("ObI", VStandartTableCell(964, 24, 12)); AddStandartTableCell("Obed", VStandartTableCell(566, 18, 6)); AddStandartTableCell("Ok", VStandartTableCell(386, 8, 8)); AddStandartTableCell("Oi", VStandartTableCell(380, 8, 6)); AddStandartTableCell("Osch", VStandartTableCell(234, 4, 4)); AddStandartTableCell("Os", VStandartTableCell(350, 2, 8)); AddStandartTableCell("Dsb", VStandartTableCell(1120, 0, 44)); AddStandartTableCell("Dsp", VStandartTableCell(1110, 0, 43)); AddStandartTableCell("Dn", VStandartTableCell(826, -3, 37)); AddStandartTableCell("Dps", VStandartTableCell(316, 4, 7)); AddStandartTableCell("Dpob", VStandartTableCell(783, 14, 15)); AddStandartTableCell("Ds", VStandartTableCell(260, 1, 6)); AddStandartTableCell("Op", VStandartTableCell(316, 12, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("Ozap", VStandartTableCell(180, 4, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("Pkis", VStandartTableCell(250, 4, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("SHp", VStandartTableCell(160, 1, 4)); AddStandartTableCell("Dlych", VStandartTableCell(500, 2, 15)); AddStandartTableCell("Dzap", VStandartTableCell(768, 2, 24)); AddStandartTableCell("DIIIp", VStandartTableCell(970, 2, 29)); AddStandartTableCell("Vprp", VStandartTableCell(214, 3, 3)); AddStandartTableCell("Vg", VStandartTableCell(262, 8, 3)); AddStandartTableCell("Dtp", VStandartTableCell(460, 7, 9)); AddStandartTableCell("Dp", VStandartTableCell(355, 5, 5)); AddStandartTableCell("Vprz", VStandartTableCell(208, 3, 5)); AddStandartTableCell("Dts", VStandartTableCell(438, 2, 10)); AddStandartTableCell("DtsI", VStandartTableCell(469, 2, 10)); AddStandartTableCell("Dvcht", VStandartTableCell(929, 9, 19)); AddStandartTableCell("SHg", VStandartTableCell(370, 14, 4)); AddStandartTableCell("Cg", VStandartTableCell(224, 6, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("SHs", VStandartTableCell(416, 10, 2)); AddStandartTableCell("dpzr", VStandartTableCell(121, 6, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("Ogol", VStandartTableCell(576, 4, 4)); AddStandartTableCell("Ssh1", VStandartTableCell(205, 5, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("St", VStandartTableCell(410, 20, 0)); AddStandartTableCell("Drzap", VStandartTableCell(594, 3, 19)); AddStandartTableCell("DbII", VStandartTableCell(1020, 0, 44)); AddStandartTableCell("Sb", VStandartTableCell(504, 15, 4)); } QVector VContainer::GetReversePoint(const QVector &points) const{ Q_ASSERT(points.size() > 0); QVector reversePoints; for (qint32 i = points.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { reversePoints.append(points.at(i)); } return reversePoints; } qreal VContainer::GetLengthContour(const QVector &contour, const QVector &newPoints) const{ qreal length = 0; QVector points; points << contour << newPoints; for (qint32 i = 0; i < points.size()-1; ++i) { QLineF line(points.at(i), points.at(i+1)); length += line.length(); } return length; }