/************************************************************************ ** ** @file ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 22 11, 2016 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vpiecepath.h" #include "vpiecepath_p.h" #include "vcontainer.h" #include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h" #include "../vlayout/vabstractpiece.h" #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPiecePath::VPiecePath() : d(new VPiecePathData) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPiecePath::VPiecePath(PiecePathType type) : d(new VPiecePathData(type)) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPiecePath::VPiecePath(const VPiecePath &path) : d (path.d) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPiecePath &VPiecePath::operator=(const VPiecePath &path) { if ( &path == this ) { return *this; } d = path.d; return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPiecePath::~VPiecePath() {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPiecePath::Append(const VPieceNode &node) { d->m_nodes.append(node); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPiecePath::Clear() { d->m_nodes.clear(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- qint32 VPiecePath::CountNodes() const { return d->m_nodes.size(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VPieceNode &VPiecePath::operator[](int indx) { return d->m_nodes[indx]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const VPieceNode &VPiecePath::at(int indx) const { return d->m_nodes.at(indx); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QVector VPiecePath::GetNodes() const { return d->m_nodes; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPiecePath::SetNodes(const QVector &nodes) { d->m_nodes = nodes; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PiecePathType VPiecePath::GetType() const { return d->m_type; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPiecePath::SetType(PiecePathType type) { d->m_type = type; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString VPiecePath::GetName() const { return d->m_name; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VPiecePath::SetName(const QString &name) { d->m_name = name; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QVector VPiecePath::PathPoints(const VContainer *data) const { QVector points; for (int i = 0; i < CountNodes(); ++i) { switch (at(i).GetTypeTool()) { case (Tool::NodePoint): { const QSharedPointer point = data->GeometricObject(at(i).GetId()); points.append(*point); } break; case (Tool::NodeArc): case (Tool::NodeSpline): case (Tool::NodeSplinePath): { const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(at(i).GetId()); const QPointF begin = StartSegment(data, i, at(i).GetReverse()); const QPointF end = EndSegment(data, i, at(i).GetReverse()); points << curve->GetSegmentPoints(begin, end, at(i).GetReverse()); } break; default: qDebug()<<"Get wrong tool type. Ignore."<< static_cast(at(i).GetTypeTool()); break; } } return points; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QVector VPiecePath::PathNodePoints(const VContainer *data) const { QVector points; for (int i = 0; i < CountNodes(); ++i) { switch (at(i).GetTypeTool()) { case Tool::NodePoint: { const QSharedPointer point = data->GeometricObject(at(i).GetId()); points.append(*point); } break; case Tool::NodeArc: case Tool::NodeSpline: case Tool::NodeSplinePath: default: break; } } return points; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QVector VPiecePath::SeamAllowancePoints(const VContainer *data, qreal width, bool reverse) const { SCASSERT(data != nullptr); QVector pointsEkv; for (int i = 0; i< d->m_nodes.size(); ++i) { const VPieceNode &node = d->m_nodes.at(i); switch (node.GetTypeTool()) { case (Tool::NodePoint): { pointsEkv.append(PreparePointEkv(node, data)); } break; case (Tool::NodeArc): case (Tool::NodeSpline): case (Tool::NodeSplinePath): { const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); pointsEkv += CurveSeamAllowanceSegment(data, d->m_nodes, curve, i, node.GetReverse(), width); } break; default: qDebug()<<"Get wrong tool type. Ignore."<< static_cast(node.GetTypeTool()); break; } } if (reverse) { pointsEkv = VGObject::GetReversePoints(pointsEkv); } return pointsEkv; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPainterPath VPiecePath::PainterPath(const VContainer *data) const { const QVector points = PathPoints(data); QPainterPath path; if (not points.isEmpty()) { path.moveTo(points[0]); for (qint32 i = 1; i < points.count(); ++i) { path.lineTo(points.at(i)); } path.setFillRule(Qt::WindingFill); } return path; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPoint VPiecePath::StartSegment(const VContainer *data, const QVector &nodes, int i, bool reverse) { if (i < 0 || i > nodes.size()-1) { return VSAPoint(); } const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(nodes.at(i).GetId()); QVector points = curve->GetPoints(); if (reverse) { points = VGObject::GetReversePoints(points); } VSAPoint begin = VSAPoint(points.first()); if (nodes.size() > 1) { int index = 0; i == 0 ? index = nodes.size()-1 : index = i-1; begin = CurvePoint(begin, data, nodes.at(index), curve); } return begin; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPoint VPiecePath::EndSegment(const VContainer *data, const QVector &nodes, int i, bool reverse) { if (i < 0 || i > nodes.size()-1) { return VSAPoint(); } const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(nodes.at(i).GetId()); QVector points = curve->GetPoints(); if (reverse) { points = VGObject::GetReversePoints(points); } VSAPoint end = VSAPoint(points.last()); if (nodes.size() > 2) { int index = 0; i == nodes.size() - 1 ? index = 0 : index = i+1; end = CurvePoint(end, data, nodes.at(index), curve); } return end; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QVector VPiecePath::MissingNodes(const VPiecePath &path) const { if (d->m_nodes.size() == path.CountNodes()) //-V807 { return QVector(); } QSet set1; for (qint32 i = 0; i < d->m_nodes.size(); ++i) { set1.insert(d->m_nodes.at(i).GetId()); } QSet set2; for (qint32 j = 0; j < path.CountNodes(); ++j) { set2.insert(path.at(j).GetId()); } const QList set3 = set1.subtract(set2).toList(); QVector nodes; for (qint32 i = 0; i < set3.size(); ++i) { const int index = indexOfNode(set3.at(i)); if (index != -1) { nodes.append(d->m_nodes.at(index).GetId()); } } return nodes; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int VPiecePath::indexOfNode(quint32 id) const { for (int i = 0; i < d->m_nodes.size(); ++i) { if (d->m_nodes.at(i).GetId() == id) { return i; } } qDebug()<<"Can't find node."; return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPoint VPiecePath::StartSegment(const VContainer *data, int i, bool reverse) const { return StartSegment(data, d->m_nodes, i, reverse); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPoint VPiecePath::EndSegment(const VContainer *data, int i, bool reverse) const { return EndSegment(data, d->m_nodes, i, reverse); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPointF VPiecePath::NodePreviousPoint(const VContainer *data, int i) const { if (i < 0 || i > d->m_nodes.size()-1) { return QPointF(); } if (d->m_nodes.size() > 1) { int index = 0; if (i == 0) { index = d->m_nodes.size()-1; } else { index = i-1; } const VPieceNode &node = d->m_nodes.at(index); switch (node.GetTypeTool()) { case (Tool::NodePoint): return *data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); case (Tool::NodeArc): case (Tool::NodeSpline): case (Tool::NodeSplinePath): { const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); const VSAPoint begin = StartSegment(data, d->m_nodes, i, node.GetReverse()); const VSAPoint end = EndSegment(data, d->m_nodes, i, node.GetReverse()); const QVector points = curve->GetSegmentPoints(begin, end, node.GetReverse()); if (points.size() > 1) { return points.at(points.size()-2); } } break; default: qDebug()<<"Get wrong tool type. Ignore."<< static_cast(node.GetTypeTool()); break; } } return QPointF(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QPointF VPiecePath::NodeNextPoint(const VContainer *data, int i) const { QPointF point; if (i < 0 || i > d->m_nodes.size()-1) { return point; } if (d->m_nodes.size() > 1) { int index = 0; if (i == d->m_nodes.size() - 1) { index = 0; } else { index = i+1; } const VPieceNode &node = d->m_nodes.at(index); switch (node.GetTypeTool()) { case (Tool::NodePoint): return *data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); case (Tool::NodeArc): case (Tool::NodeSpline): case (Tool::NodeSplinePath): { const QSharedPointer curve = data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); const VSAPoint begin = StartSegment(data, d->m_nodes, i, node.GetReverse()); const VSAPoint end = EndSegment(data, d->m_nodes, i, node.GetReverse()); const QVector points = curve->GetSegmentPoints(begin, end, node.GetReverse()); if (points.size() > 1) { return points.at(1); } } break; default: qDebug()<<"Get wrong tool type. Ignore."<< static_cast(node.GetTypeTool()); break; } } return point; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPoint VPiecePath::PreparePointEkv(const VPieceNode &node, const VContainer *data) { const QSharedPointer point = data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); VSAPoint p(point->toQPointF()); p.SetSAAfter(node.GetSAAfter(*data->GetPatternUnit())); p.SetSABefore(node.GetSABefore(*data->GetPatternUnit())); p.SetAngleType(node.GetAngleType()); return p; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QVector VPiecePath::CurveSeamAllowanceSegment(const VContainer *data, const QVector &nodes, const QSharedPointer &curve, int i, bool reverse, qreal width) { QVector pointsEkv; const VSAPoint begin = StartSegment(data, nodes, i, reverse); const VSAPoint end = EndSegment(data, nodes, i, reverse); const QVector points = curve->GetSegmentPoints(begin, end, reverse); if (points.isEmpty()) { return pointsEkv; } qreal w1 = begin.GetSAAfter(); qreal w2 = end.GetSABefore(); if (w1 < 0 && w2 < 0) {// no local widths for(int i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { VSAPoint p(points.at(i)); if (i == 0) { // first point p.SetSAAfter(begin.GetSAAfter()); p.SetSABefore(begin.GetSABefore()); p.SetAngleType(begin.GetAngleType()); } else if (i == points.size() - 1) { // last point p.SetSAAfter(end.GetSAAfter()); p.SetSABefore(end.GetSABefore()); p.SetAngleType(end.GetAngleType()); } pointsEkv.append(p); } } else { if (w1 < 0) { w1 = width; } if (w2 < 0) { w2 = width; } const qreal wDiff = w2 - w1;// Difference between to local widths const qreal fullLength = VAbstractCurve::PathLength(points); VSAPoint p(points.at(0));//First point in the list p.SetSAAfter(begin.GetSAAfter()); p.SetSABefore(begin.GetSABefore()); p.SetAngleType(begin.GetAngleType()); pointsEkv.append(p); qreal length = 0; // how much we handle for(int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) { p = VSAPoint(points.at(i)); if (i == points.size() - 1) {// last point p.SetSAAfter(end.GetSAAfter()); p.SetSABefore(end.GetSABefore()); p.SetAngleType(end.GetAngleType()); } else { length += QLineF(points.at(i-1), points.at(i)).length(); const qreal localWidth = w1 + wDiff*(length/fullLength); p.SetSAAfter(localWidth); p.SetSABefore(localWidth); // curve points have angle type by default } pointsEkv.append(p); } } return pointsEkv; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VSAPoint VPiecePath::CurvePoint(const VSAPoint &candidate, const VContainer *data, const VPieceNode &node, const QSharedPointer &curve) { VSAPoint point = candidate; if (node.GetTypeTool() == Tool::NodePoint) { const QPointF p = *data->GeometricObject(node.GetId()); if (curve->IsPointOnCurve(p)) { point = VSAPoint(p); point.SetSAAfter(node.GetSAAfter(*data->GetPatternUnit())); point.SetSABefore(node.GetSABefore(*data->GetPatternUnit())); point.SetAngleType(node.GetAngleType()); } } return point; }