
#Check if Qt version >= 5.4.0
!minQtVersion(5, 4, 0) {
    message("Cannot build Valentina with Qt version $${QT_VERSION}.")
    error("Use at least Qt 5.4.0.")

#These checks need because we can quote all paths that contain space.
LIST = $$split(PWD,' ')
count(LIST, 1, >): error("The build will fail. Path '$${PWD}' contains space!!!")

LIST = $$split(OUT_PWD,' ')
count(LIST, 1, >): error("The build will fail. Path '$${OUT_PWD}' contains space!!!")

unix {
    *g++* {
        GCC_VERSION = $$system("g++ -dumpversion")
        contains(GCC_VERSION, ^9.*$) {
            message( "g++ version 9.x found" )
            CONFIG += g++9
        } else {
            GCC_VERSION = $$system("g++ -dumpversion")
            contains(GCC_VERSION, ^8.*$) {
                message( "g++ version 8.x found" )
                CONFIG += g++8
            } else {
                contains(GCC_VERSION, ^7.*$) {
                    message( "g++ version 7.x found" )
                    CONFIG += g++7
                } else {
                    contains(GCC_VERSION, ^6.*$) {
                        message( "g++ version 6.x found" )
                        CONFIG += g++6
                    } else {
                        contains(GCC_VERSION, ^5.*$) {
                            message( "g++ version 5.x found" )
                            CONFIG += g++5
                        } else {
                            contains(GCC_VERSION, ^4.*$) {
                                message( "g++ version 4.x found" )
                                CONFIG += g++4
                            } else {
                                message( "Unknown GCC configuration" )

TEMPLATE = subdirs
