.\" Manpage for puzzle .\" Contact dismine@gmail.com to correct errors. .TH puzzle 1 "10 April, 2023" "puzzle man page" .SH NAME Puzzle \- Valentina's manual layout .SH SYNOPSIS puzzle [options] file .SH DESCRIPTION .B Valentina Puzzle is the name of the new application to create manual layouts. Similar to "Tape", it is an application that is separated from Valentina and work on it's own, but is a part of the Valentina package and work closely together with Valentina. .B Puzzle is a part of Valentina. And used for creating and editing manual layouts. .IP "-h, --help" Displays this help. .IP "-v, --version" Displays version information. .IP "-r, --rawLayout <The raw layout data file>" Load pattern pieces form the raw layout data file. .IP "--no-scaling" Disable high dpi scaling. Call this option if has problem with scaling (by default scaling enabled). Alternatively you can use the QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 environment variable. .IP Arguments: .I filename \- the manual layout file. .SH AUTHOR .RI "This manual page was written by Roman Telezhynskyi <" dismine@gmail.com ">" .BR valentina (1)