/*************************************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2013 Ingo Berg ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this ** software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software ** without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, ** merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or ** substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ** NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, ** DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ** OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** ******************************************************************************************************/ #ifndef QMUQPARSERBASE_H #define QMUQPARSERBASE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "qmuparser_global.h" #include "qmuparserbytecode.h" #include "qmuparsercallback.h" #include "qmuparserdef.h" #include "qmuparsererror.h" #include "qmuparsertoken.h" #include "qmuparsertokenreader.h" namespace qmu { /** * @file * @brief This file contains the class definition of the qmuparser engine. */ QT_WARNING_PUSH QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wsuggest-final-types") QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wsuggest-final-methods") /** * @brief Mathematical expressions parser (base parser engine). * @author (C) 2013 Ingo Berg * * This is the implementation of a bytecode based mathematical expressions parser. * The formula will be parsed from string and converted into a bytecode. * Future calculations will be done with the bytecode instead the formula string * resulting in a significant performance increase. * Complementary to a set of internally implemented functions the parser is able to handle * user defined functions and variables. */ class QMUPARSERSHARED_EXPORT QmuParserBase { friend class QmuParserTokenReader; public: QmuParserBase(); explicit QmuParserBase(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser); auto operator=(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser) -> QmuParserBase &; virtual ~QmuParserBase(); static void EnableDebugDump(bool bDumpCmd, bool bDumpStack); auto Eval() const -> qreal; auto Eval(int &nStackSize) const -> qreal *; void Eval(qreal *results, int nBulkSize) const; auto GetNumResults() const -> int; void SetExpr(const QString &a_sExpr); void SetVarFactory(facfun_type a_pFactory, void *pUserData = nullptr); void ResetLocale(); void EnableOptimizer(bool a_bIsOn = true); void EnableBuiltInOprt(bool a_bIsOn = true); auto HasBuiltInOprt() const -> bool; void AddValIdent(identfun_type a_pCallback); void DefineOprt(const QString &a_sName, fun_type2 a_pFun, unsigned a_iPrec = 0, EOprtAssociativity a_eAssociativity = oaLEFT, bool a_bAllowOpt = false); void DefineConst(const QString &a_sName, qreal a_fVal); void DefineStrConst(const QString &a_strName, const QString &a_strVal); void DefineVar(const QString &a_sName, qreal *a_pVar); void DefinePostfixOprt(const QString &a_sFun, fun_type1 a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt = true); void DefineInfixOprt(const QString &a_sName, fun_type1 a_pFun, int a_iPrec = prINFIX, bool a_bAllowOpt = true); // Clear user defined variables, constants or functions void ClearVar(); void ClearFun(); void ClearConst(); void ClearInfixOprt(); void ClearPostfixOprt(); void ClearOprt(); void RemoveVar(const QString &a_strVarName); auto GetUsedVar() const -> const varmap_type &; auto GetVar() const -> const varmap_type &; auto GetConst() const -> const valmap_type &; auto GetExpr() const -> const QString &; auto GetFunDef() const -> const funmap_type &; static auto GetVersion(EParserVersionInfo eInfo = pviFULL) -> QString; static auto GetOprtDef() -> const QStringList &; auto GetTokens() const -> QMap; auto GetNumbers() const -> QMap; void DefineNameChars(const QString &a_szCharset); void DefineOprtChars(const QString &a_szCharset); void DefineInfixOprtChars(const QString &a_szCharset); auto ValidNameChars() const -> const QString &; auto ValidOprtChars() const -> const QString &; auto ValidInfixOprtChars() const -> const QString &; void SetArgSep(char_type cArgSep); auto GetArgSep() const -> QChar; Q_NORETURN void Error(EErrorCodes a_iErrc, qmusizetype a_iPos = -1, const QString &a_sTok = QString()) const; template void DefineFun(const QString &a_strName, T a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt = true); void setAllowSubexpressions(bool value); auto getLocale() const -> QLocale; void setLocale(const QLocale &value); auto getDecimalPoint() const -> QChar; void setDecimalPoint(const QChar &c); auto getThousandsSeparator() const -> QChar; void setThousandsSeparator(const QChar &c); auto getCNumbers() const -> bool; void setCNumbers(bool cNumbers); protected: /** * @brief Typedef for the token reader. */ typedef QmuParserTokenReader token_reader_type; QLocale m_locale; ///< The locale used by the parser QChar m_decimalPoint; QChar m_thousandsSeparator; bool m_cNumbers{false}; ///< Search numbers in c locale funmap_type m_FunDef; ///< Map of function names and pointers. std::unique_ptr m_pTokenReader; ///< Managed pointer to the token reader object. static bool g_DbgDumpCmdCode; static bool g_DbgDumpStack; void AddCallback(const QString &a_strName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback, funmap_type &a_Storage, const QString &a_szCharSet); void Init(); virtual void InitCharSets() = 0; virtual void InitFun() = 0; virtual void InitConst() = 0; virtual void InitOprt() = 0; virtual void OnDetectVar(const QString &pExpr, qmusizetype &nStart, qmusizetype &nEnd); /** * @brief A facet class used to change decimal and thousands separator. */ template class change_dec_sep : public std::numpunct { public: explicit change_dec_sep(char_type cDecSep, char_type cThousandsSep = 0, int nGroup = 3) : std::numpunct(), m_nGroup(nGroup), m_cDecPoint(cDecSep), m_cThousandsSep(cThousandsSep) { } protected: virtual auto do_decimal_point() const -> char_type override { return m_cDecPoint; } virtual auto do_thousands_sep() const -> char_type override { return m_cThousandsSep; } virtual auto do_grouping() const -> std::string override { // fix for issue 4: https://code.google.com/p/muparser/issues/detail?id=4 // courtesy of Jens Bartsch // original code: // return std::string(1, (char)m_nGroup); // new code: return std::string(1, static_cast(m_cThousandsSep > 0 ? m_nGroup : CHAR_MAX)); } private: int m_nGroup; char_type m_cDecPoint; char_type m_cThousandsSep; }; private: /** * @brief Typedef for the parse functions. * * The parse function do the actual work. The parser exchanges * the function pointer to the parser function depending on * which state it is in. (i.e. bytecode parser vs. string parser) */ typedef qreal (QmuParserBase::*ParseFunction)() const; /** * @brief Type used for storing an array of values. */ typedef QVector valbuf_type; /** * @brief Type for a vector of strings. */ typedef QVector stringbuf_type; /** * @brief Type used for parser tokens. */ typedef QmuParserToken token_type; /** * @brief Maximum number of threads spawned by OpenMP when using the bulk mode. */ static const int s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads = 4; /** * @brief Pointer to the parser function. * * Eval() calls the function whose address is stored there. */ mutable ParseFunction m_pParseFormula; mutable QmuParserByteCode m_vRPN; ///< The Bytecode class. mutable stringbuf_type m_vStringBuf; ///< String buffer, used for storing string function arguments stringbuf_type m_vStringVarBuf; funmap_type m_PostOprtDef; ///< Postfix operator callbacks funmap_type m_InfixOprtDef; ///< unary infix operator. funmap_type m_OprtDef; ///< Binary operator callbacks valmap_type m_ConstDef; ///< user constants. strmap_type m_StrVarDef; ///< user defined string constants varmap_type m_VarDef; ///< user defind variables. bool m_bBuiltInOp; ///< Flag that can be used for switching built in operators on and off QString m_sNameChars; ///< Charset for names QString m_sOprtChars; ///< Charset for postfix/ binary operator tokens QString m_sInfixOprtChars; ///< Charset for infix operator tokens mutable int m_nIfElseCounter; ///< Internal counter for keeping track of nested if-then-else clauses // items merely used for caching state information mutable valbuf_type m_vStackBuffer; ///< This is merely a buffer used for the stack in the cmd parsing routine mutable int m_nFinalResultIdx; mutable QMap m_Tokens; ///< Keep all tokens that we can translate mutable QMap m_Numbers; ///< Keep all numbers what exist in formula bool allowSubexpressions; void Assign(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser); void InitTokenReader(); void ReInit() const; void ApplyRemainingOprt(QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal) const; void ApplyBinOprt(QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal) const; void ApplyIfElse(QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal) const; void ApplyFunc(QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal, int iArgCount) const; auto ApplyStrFunc(const token_type &a_FunTok, const QVector &a_vArg) const -> token_type; auto GetOprtPrecedence(const token_type &a_Tok) const -> int; auto GetOprtAssociativity(const token_type &a_Tok) const -> EOprtAssociativity; void CreateRPN() const; auto ParseString() const -> qreal; auto ParseCmdCode() const -> qreal; auto ParseCmdCodeBulk(int nOffset, int nThreadID) const -> qreal; // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic void CheckName(const QString &a_sName, const QString &a_szCharSet) const; // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic void CheckOprt(const QString &a_sName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback, const QString &a_szCharSet) const; void StackDump(const QStack &a_stVal, const QStack &a_stOprt) const; }; // cppcheck-suppress unknownMacro QT_WARNING_POP //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @fn void qmu::QmuParserBase::DefineFun(const string_type &a_strName, fun_type0 a_pFun, * bool a_bAllowOpt = true) * @brief Define a parser function without arguments. * @param a_strName Name of the function * @param a_pFun Pointer to the callback function * @param a_bAllowOpt A flag indicating this function may be optimized */ template inline void QmuParserBase::DefineFun(const QString &a_strName, T a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt) { AddCallback(a_strName, QmuParserCallback(a_pFun, a_bAllowOpt), m_FunDef, ValidNameChars()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Initialize the token reader. * * Create new token reader object and submit pointers to function, operator, constant and variable definitions. * * @post m_pTokenReader.get()!=0 */ inline void QmuParserBase::InitTokenReader() { m_pTokenReader.reset(new token_reader_type(this)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Add a value parsing function. * * When parsing an expression muParser tries to detect values in the expression string using different valident * callbacks. Thuis it's possible to parse for hex values, binary values and floating point values. */ inline void QmuParserBase::AddValIdent(identfun_type a_pCallback) { m_pTokenReader->AddValIdent(a_pCallback); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Get the default symbols used for the built in operators. * @sa c_DefaultOprt */ inline auto QmuParserBase::GetOprtDef() -> const QStringList & { /** * @brief Identifiers for built in binary operators. * * When defining custom binary operators with #AddOprt(...) make sure not to choose * names conflicting with these definitions. */ const static QStringList c_DefaultOprt = {"<=", ">=", "!=", "==", QChar('<'), QChar('>'), QChar('+'), QChar('-'), QChar('*'), QChar('/'), QChar('^'), "&&", "||", QChar('='), QChar('('), QChar(')'), QChar('?'), QChar(':')}; return c_DefaultOprt; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline auto QmuParserBase::GetTokens() const -> QMap { return m_Tokens; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline auto QmuParserBase::GetNumbers() const -> QMap { return m_Numbers; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of functions, variables, constants. */ inline void QmuParserBase::DefineNameChars(const QString &a_szCharset) { m_sNameChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of binary operators and postfix operators. */ inline void QmuParserBase::DefineOprtChars(const QString &a_szCharset) { m_sOprtChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of infix operators. */ inline void QmuParserBase::DefineInfixOprtChars(const QString &a_szCharset) { m_sInfixOprtChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Return a map containing the used variables only. */ inline auto QmuParserBase::GetVar() const -> const varmap_type & { return m_VarDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Return a map containing all parser constants. */ inline auto QmuParserBase::GetConst() const -> const valmap_type & { return m_ConstDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Return prototypes of all parser functions. * @return #m_FunDef * @sa FunProt * @throw nothrow * * The return type is a map of the public type #funmap_type containing the prototype definitions for all numerical * parser functions. String functions are not part of this map. The Prototype definition is encapsulated in objects * of the class FunProt one per parser function each associated with function names via a map construct. */ inline auto QmuParserBase::GetFunDef() const -> const funmap_type & { return m_FunDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Retrieve the formula. */ inline auto QmuParserBase::GetExpr() const -> const QString & { return m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Query status of built in variables. * @return #m_bBuiltInOp; true if built in operators are enabled. * @throw nothrow */ inline auto QmuParserBase::HasBuiltInOprt() const -> bool { return m_bBuiltInOp; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Return the number of results on the calculation stack. * * If the expression contains comma seperated subexpressions (i.e. "sin(y), x+y"). There mey be more than one return * value. This function returns the number of available results. */ // cppcheck-suppress unusedFunction inline auto QmuParserBase::GetNumResults() const -> int { return m_nFinalResultIdx; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Calculate the result. * * A note on const correctness: * I consider it important that Calc is a const function. * Due to caching operations Calc changes only the state of internal variables with one exception * m_UsedVar this is reset during string parsing and accessible from the outside. Instead of making * Calc non const GetUsedVar is non const because it explicitely calls Eval() forcing this update. * * @pre A formula must be set. * @pre Variables must have been set (if needed) * * @sa #m_pParseFormula * @return The evaluation result * @throw ParseException if no Formula is set or in case of any other error related to the formula. */ inline auto QmuParserBase::Eval() const -> qreal { return (this->*m_pParseFormula)(); } } // namespace qmu #endif