DialogEndLine 0 0 539 559 Point in the end of a line :/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png:/icon/64x64/icon64x64.png 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 159 158 158 Length 0 0 Formula for calculation of length of line Calculate value ... :/icon/24x24/equal.png:/icon/24x24/equal.png 24 24 0 0 87 0 Value of length _ 0 0 Base point First point of line ... :/icon/24x24/putHere.png:/icon/24x24/putHere.png 24 24 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 159 158 158 Point label 0 0 0 0 Angle degree QLayout::SetMinimumSize 29 6 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowRightUp.png:/icon/24x24/arrowRightUp.png 32 32 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowLeftUp.png:/icon/24x24/arrowLeftUp.png 32 32 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowLeft.png:/icon/24x24/arrowLeft.png 32 32 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowRight.png:/icon/24x24/arrowRight.png 32 32 0 0 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowUp.png:/icon/24x24/arrowUp.png 32 32 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowDown.png:/icon/24x24/arrowDown.png 32 32 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowLeftDown.png:/icon/24x24/arrowLeftDown.png 32 32 ... :/icon/24x24/arrowRightDown.png:/icon/24x24/arrowRightDown.png 32 32 0 0 57 0 Angle of line 360.000000000000000 Type of line Show line from first point to this point Input data Size and growth true Standard table Increments true Length of lines true Length of arcs true Length of curves Variables - Click twice to insert in formula Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok lineEditFormula comboBoxBasePoint lineEditNamePoint doubleSpinBoxAngle toolButtonArrowRight toolButtonArrowRightUp toolButtonArrowUp toolButtonArrowLeftUp toolButtonArrowLeft toolButtonArrowLeftDown toolButtonArrowDown toolButtonArrowRightDown comboBoxLineType radioButtonSizeGrowth radioButtonStandartTable radioButtonIncrements radioButtonLengthLine radioButtonLengthArc radioButtonLengthSpline listWidget toolButtonPutHere toolButtonEqual buttonBox buttonBox accepted() DialogEndLine accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() DialogEndLine reject() 316 260 286 274