/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vabstractconverter.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date 10 12, 2014 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vabstractconverter.h" #include "exception/vexception.h" #include "exception/vexceptionwrongid.h" #include #include #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAbstractConverter::VAbstractConverter(const QString &fileName) :VDomDocument(), ver(0x0), fileName(fileName) { this->setXMLContent(fileName); const QString version = GetVersionStr(); ver = GetVersion(version); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VAbstractConverter::~VAbstractConverter() {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::Convert() { if (ver == MaxVer()) { return; } QString error; const QString backupFileName = fileName + QLatin1Literal(".backup"); if (SafeCopy(fileName, backupFileName, error) == false) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Error creating a backup file: %1.").arg(error)); throw VException(errorMsg); } ReserveFile(); if (ver <= MaxVer()) { ApplyPatches(); } else { DowngradeToCurrentMaxVersion(); } QFile file(backupFileName); file.remove(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QString VAbstractConverter::GetVersionStr() const { const QDomNodeList nodeList = this->elementsByTagName(TagVersion); if (nodeList.isEmpty()) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Couldn't get version information.")); throw VException(errorMsg); } if (nodeList.count() > 1) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Too many tags <%1> in file.").arg(TagVersion)); throw VException(errorMsg); } const QDomNode domNode = nodeList.at(0); if (domNode.isNull() == false && domNode.isElement()) { const QDomElement domElement = domNode.toElement(); if (domElement.isNull() == false) { return domElement.text(); } } return QString(QStringLiteral("0.0.0")); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int VAbstractConverter::GetVersion(const QString &version) const { ValidateVersion(version); const QStringList ver = version.split("."); bool ok = false; const int major = ver.at(0).toInt(&ok); if (not ok) { return 0x0; } ok = false; const int minor = ver.at(1).toInt(&ok); if (not ok) { return 0x0; } ok = false; const int patch = ver.at(2).toInt(&ok); if (not ok) { return 0x0; } return (major<<16)|(minor<<8)|(patch); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::ValidateVersion(const QString &version) const { const QRegExp rx(QStringLiteral("^(0|([1-9][0-9]*)).(0|([1-9][0-9]*)).(0|([1-9][0-9]*))$")); if (rx.exactMatch(version) == false) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Version \"%1\" invalid.").arg(version)); throw VException(errorMsg); } if (version == QLatin1String("0.0.0")) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Version \"0.0.0\" invalid.")); throw VException(errorMsg); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::ReserveFile() const { //It's not possible in all cases make conversion without lose data. //For such cases we will store old version in a reserve file. QString error; QFileInfo info(fileName); const QString reserveFileName = QString("%1/%2(v%3).%4") .arg(info.absoluteDir().absolutePath()) .arg(info.baseName()) .arg(GetVersionStr()) .arg(info.completeSuffix()); if (not SafeCopy(fileName, reserveFileName, error)) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Error creating a reserv copy: %1.").arg(error)); throw VException(errorMsg); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::Replace(QString &formula, const QString &newName, int position, const QString &token, int &bias) const { formula.replace(position, token.length(), newName); bias = token.length() - newName.length(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::CorrectionsPositions(int position, int bias, QMap &tokens) const { if (bias == 0) { return;// Nothing to correct; } BiasTokens(position, bias, tokens); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::BiasTokens(int position, int bias, QMap &tokens) { QMap newTokens; QMap::const_iterator i = tokens.constBegin(); while (i != tokens.constEnd()) { if (i.key()<= position) { // Tokens before position "position" did not change his positions. newTokens.insert(i.key(), i.value()); } else { newTokens.insert(i.key()-bias, i.value()); } ++i; } tokens = newTokens; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q_NORETURN void VAbstractConverter::InvalidVersion(int ver) const { if (ver < MinVer()) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Invalid version. Minimum supported version is %1").arg(MinVerStr())); throw VException(errorMsg); } if (ver > MaxVer()) { const QString errorMsg(tr("Invalid version. Maximum supported version is %1").arg(MaxVerStr())); throw VException(errorMsg); } const QString errorMsg(tr("Unexpected version \"%1\".").arg(ver, 0, 16)); throw VException(errorMsg); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool VAbstractConverter::SaveDocument(const QString &fileName, QString &error) const { try { TestUniqueId(); } catch (const VExceptionWrongId &e) { Q_UNUSED(e) error = tr("Error no unique id."); return false; } return VDomDocument::SaveDocument(fileName, error); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::ValidateInputFile(const QString ¤tSchema) const { QString schema; try { schema = XSDSchema(ver); } catch(const VException &e) { if (ver < MinVer()) { // Version less than minimally supported version. Can't do anything. throw e; } else if (ver > MaxVer()) { // Version bigger than maximum supported version. We still have a chance to open the file. try { // Try to open like the current version. ValidateXML(currentSchema, fileName); } catch(const VException &exp) { // Nope, we can't. Q_UNUSED(exp); throw e; } } else { // Unexpected version. Most time mean that we do not catch all versions between min and max. throw e; } return; // All is fine and we can try to convert to current max version. } ValidateXML(schema, fileName); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::Save() const { QString error; if (SaveDocument(fileName, error) == false) { VException e(error); throw e; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VAbstractConverter::SetVersion(const QString &version) { ValidateVersion(version); if (setTagText(TagVersion, version) == false) { VException e(tr("Could not change version.")); throw e; } }