.\" Manpage for valentina.
.\" Contact dismine@gmail.com.in to correct errors.
.TH man 1 "8 September 2015" "valentina man page"
valentina \- Pattern making program.
valentina [options] file
Valentina is a cross-platform patternmaking program which allows designers 
to create and model patterns of clothing. This software allows pattern 
creation, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of 
measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create 
a unique pattern making tool.
  -h, --help                                Displays this help.
  -v, --version                             Displays version information.
  -o, --outfile <The exported layout file>  Path to output exported layout
                                            file. Use it to enable console
                                            export mode.
  -m, --mfile <The measure file>            Path to custom measure file (export
  -f, --format <Format number>              Number corresponding to output
                                            format (default = 0, export mode): 
                                            Svg files (*.svg) = 0
                                            PDF files (*.pdf) = 1
                                            Images (*.png) = 2
                                            Wavefront OBJ (*.obj) = 3
                                            PS files (*.ps) = 4
                                            EPS files (*.eps) = 5
                                            DXF files (*.dxf) = 6

  -p, --pageformat <Template number>        Number corresponding to page
                                            template (default = 0, export mode):
                                            A0 = 0
                                            A1 = 1
                                            A2 = 2
                                            A3 = 3
                                            A4 = 4
                                            Letter = 5
                                            Legal = 6
                                            Roll 24in = 7
                                            Roll 30in = 8
                                            Roll 36in = 9
                                            Roll 42in = 10
                                            Roll 44in = 11

  -W, --pagew <The page width>              Page width in current units like
                                            12.0 (cannot be used with
                                            "pageformat", export mode).
  -H, --pageh <The page height>             Page height in current units like
                                            12.0 (cannot be used with
                                            "pageformat", export mode).
  -U, --pageunits <The measure unit>        Page height/width measure units
                                            (cannot be used with "pageformat",
                                            export mode): mm, cm, inch, px
  -r, --rotate <Angle>                      Rotation in degrees (one of
                                            predefined). Default (or 0) is
                                            no-rotate (export mode).
  -c, --crop                                Auto crop unused length (export
  -u, --unite                               Unite pages if possible (export
  -S, --savelen                             Save length of the sheet if set.
                                            (export mode).
  -l, --layounits <The unit>                Layout units (as paper's one except
                                            px, export mode).
  -s, --shiftlen <Shift length>             Shift layout length measured in
                                            layout units (export mode).
  -G, --gapwidth <The gap width>            Gap width x2, measured in layout
                                            units. (export mode).
  -g, --groups <Grouping type>              Sets layout groupping (export
                                            Three groups: big, middle, small = 0
                                            Two groups: big, small = 1
                                            Descending area = 2
  -L, --locale <Locale>                     Sets language locale (export mode).
		                                    Default is system locale. Supported
		                                    locales: ru_RU, uk_UA, de_DE, cs_CZ,
		                                    he_IL, fr_FR, it_IT, nl_NL, id_ID,
		                                    es_ES, fi_FI, en_US

  filename                                  Pattern file.
This  manual  page  was  written  by Roman Telezhynskyi <dismine@gmail.com>