/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vpropertyset.cpp ** @author hedgeware ** @date ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials ** are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ** (LGPL) version 2.1 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html ** ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** Lesser General Public License for more details. ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vpropertyset.h" using namespace VPE; #include "vpropertyset_p.h" VPropertySet::VPropertySet() : d_ptr(new VPropertySetPrivate()) { } VPropertySet::~VPropertySet() { // Delete all the properties clear(true); delete d_ptr; } bool VPropertySet::addProperty(VProperty *property, const QString &id, const QString &parentid) { // Check if the property to add is not a null pointer if(!property) return false; VProperty* tmpParent = parentid.isEmpty() ? NULL : getProperty(parentid); return addProperty(property, id, tmpParent); } bool VPropertySet::addProperty(VProperty *property, const QString &id, VProperty *parent_property) { // Check if the property to add is not a null pointer if(!property) return false; QString tmpOldID = getPropertyID(property); if(!tmpOldID.isEmpty()) d_ptr->Properties.remove(tmpOldID); if(parent_property) parent_property->addChild(property); else { d_ptr->RootProperties.append(property); if(property->getParent()) property->getParent()->removeChild(property); } if(!id.isEmpty()) d_ptr->Properties.insert(id, property); return true; } bool VPropertySet::hasProperty(VProperty *property) const { if(!property) return false; return hasProperty(property, NULL); } VProperty *VPropertySet::getProperty(const QString &id) const { return d_ptr->Properties.value(id, NULL); } VProperty *VPropertySet::takeProperty(const QString &id) { VProperty* tmpProp = getProperty(id); removeProperty(tmpProp, false); // Return the property return tmpProp; } void VPropertySet::removeProperty(const QString &id) { VProperty* tmpProp = takeProperty(id); if(tmpProp) delete tmpProp; } void VPropertySet::removeProperty(VProperty* prop, bool delete_property) { // Remove all the children removePropertyFromSet(prop); // Remove from parent and optionally delete if(prop) { prop->setParent(NULL); if(delete_property) delete prop; } } int VPropertySet::count() const { return d_ptr->Properties.count(); } void VPropertySet::clear(bool delete_properties) { d_ptr->Properties.clear(); while(!d_ptr->RootProperties.isEmpty()) { VProperty* tmpProp = d_ptr->RootProperties.takeLast(); if(tmpProp != nullptr && delete_properties) { delete tmpProp; } } } QString VPropertySet::getPropertyID(const VProperty *prop, bool look_for_parent_id) const { QString tmpResult; const VProperty* tmpCurrentProp = prop; while(tmpCurrentProp && (look_for_parent_id || prop == tmpCurrentProp) && tmpResult.isEmpty()) { // todo: The following code doesn't work, because .key() doesn't accept a const VProperty* pointer ... //tmpResult = d_ptr->Properties.key(tmpCurrentProp, QString()); // ... which is why we need the code below for (QMap::const_iterator i = d_ptr->Properties.constBegin(); i != d_ptr->Properties.constEnd(); ++i) { if(tmpCurrentProp == (*i)) return i.key(); } tmpCurrentProp = tmpCurrentProp->getParent(); } return tmpResult; } const QMap &VPropertySet::getPropertiesMap() const { return d_ptr->Properties; } const QList &VPropertySet::getRootProperties() const { return d_ptr->RootProperties; } VProperty *VPropertySet::getRootProperty(int row) const { return d_ptr->RootProperties.value(row, NULL); } int VPropertySet::getRootPropertyCount() const { return d_ptr->RootProperties.count(); } VPropertySet* VPropertySet::clone() const { VPropertySet* tmpResult = new VPropertySet(); foreach(VProperty* tmpProperty, d_ptr->RootProperties) cloneProperty(tmpProperty, NULL, tmpResult); return tmpResult; } bool VPropertySet::hasProperty(VProperty *property, VProperty *parent) const { if(!property) return false; const QList& tmpChildrenList = (parent != NULL ? parent->getChildren() : d_ptr->RootProperties); foreach(VProperty* tmpProp, tmpChildrenList) { if(!tmpProp) continue; else if(tmpProp == property || hasProperty(property, tmpProp)) return true; } return false; } void VPropertySet::cloneProperty(VProperty* property_to_clone, VProperty *parent_property, VPropertySet *output_set) const { if(!output_set || !property_to_clone || !hasProperty(property_to_clone)) return; QString tmpID = getPropertyID(property_to_clone, false); VProperty* tmpNewProperty = property_to_clone->clone(false); // We want to clone the children ourselves (because of the IDs) output_set->addProperty(tmpNewProperty, tmpID, parent_property); for(int i = 0; i < property_to_clone->getRowCount(); ++i) cloneProperty(property_to_clone->getChild(i), tmpNewProperty, output_set); } void VPropertySet::removePropertyFromSet(VProperty *prop) { // Remove all the children foreach(VProperty* tmpChild, prop->getChildren()) removeProperty(tmpChild); QList tmpKeys = d_ptr->Properties.keys(prop); foreach(const QString& tmpID, tmpKeys) d_ptr->Properties.remove(tmpID); // Remove from list d_ptr->RootProperties.removeAll(prop); }