#------------------------------------------------- # # Project created by QtCreator 2013-06-18T12:36:43 # #------------------------------------------------- # Use out-of-source builds (shadow builds) include(../../Valentina.pri) QT += core gui widgets xml svg printsupport xmlpatterns TEMPLATE = app TARGET = valentina CONFIG -= debug_and_release debug_and_release_target CONFIG += c++11 #DEFINES += ... # directory for executable file DESTDIR = bin # files created moc MOC_DIR = moc # objecs files OBJECTS_DIR = obj # files created rcc RCC_DIR = rcc # files created uic UI_DIR = uic include(container/container.pri) include(dialogs/dialogs.pri) include(exception/exception.pri) include(geometry/geometry.pri) include(tools/tools.pri) include(widgets/widgets.pri) include(xml/xml.pri) include(undocommands/undocommands.pri) SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ tablewindow.cpp \ stable.cpp \ version.cpp \ options.cpp HEADERS += \ mainwindow.h \ options.h \ tablewindow.h \ stable.h \ version.h FORMS += \ mainwindow.ui \ tablewindow.ui RESOURCES += \ share/resources/icon.qrc \ share/resources/cursor.qrc \ share/resources/theme.qrc \ share/resources/schema.qrc \ share/resources/measurements.qrc OTHER_FILES += \ share/resources/valentina.rc \ share/resources/valentina.manifest \ share/resources/icon/64x64/icon64x64.ico TRANSLATIONS += share/translations/valentina.ts \ share/translations/valentina_ru.ts \ share/translations/valentina_uk.ts \ share/translations/valentina_de.ts \ share/translations/valentina_cs.ts \ share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts \ share/translations/valentina_fr.ts \ share/translations/valentina_it.ts \ share/translations/valentina_nl.ts unix { *-g++{ QMAKE_CXX = ccache g++ } clang*{ QMAKE_CXX = ccache clang++ } } CONFIG += precompile_header # Precompiled headers (PCH) PRECOMPILED_HEADER = stable.h win32-msvc* { PRECOMPILED_SOURCE = stable.cpp } CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ # Debug unix { *-g++{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtWidgets" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtXml" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtGui" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtXmlPatterns" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtCore" \ -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${UI_DIR}" \ -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${MOC_DIR}" \ -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${RCC_DIR}" \ -O0 \ -Wall \ -Wextra \ -pedantic \ -Weffc++ \ -Woverloaded-virtual \ -Wctor-dtor-privacy \ -Wnon-virtual-dtor \ -Wold-style-cast \ -Wconversion \ -Winit-self \ -Wstack-protector \ -Wunreachable-code \ -Wcast-align \ -Wcast-qual \ -Wdisabled-optimization \ -Wfloat-equal \ -Wformat=2 \ -Wimport \ -Wmissing-include-dirs \ -Wpacked \ -Wredundant-decls \ -Winline \ -Winvalid-pch \ -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations \ -Wlong-long \ -Wmissing-format-attribute \ -Wswitch-default \ -Wuninitialized \ -Wvariadic-macros \ -Wlogical-op \ -Wnoexcept \ -Wmissing-noreturn \ -Wpointer-arith \ -Wstrict-null-sentinel \ -Wstrict-overflow=5 \ -Wundef \ -Wno-unused \ -gdwarf-3 \ -ftrapv } #Turn on Clang warnings clang*{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtWidgets" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtXml" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtGui" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtCore" \ -isystem "/usr/include/qt5/QtXmlPatterns" \ -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${UI_DIR}" \ -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${MOC_DIR}" \ -isystem "$${OUT_PWD}/$${RCC_DIR}" \ -O0 \ -fparse-all-comments \ -Wabi \ -Wabstract-final-class \ -Wabstract-vbase-init \ -Waddress \ -Waddress-of-array-temporary \ -Waddress-of-temporary \ -Waggregate-return \ -Wall \ -Wambiguous-macro \ -Wambiguous-member-template \ -Wanalyzer-incompatible-plugin \ -Wanonymous-pack-parens \ -Warc \ -Warc-abi \ -Warc-bridge-casts-disallowed-in-nonarc \ -Warc-maybe-repeated-use-of-weak \ -Warc-non-pod-memaccess \ -Warc-performSelector-leaks \ -Warc-repeated-use-of-weak \ -Warc-retain-cycles \ -Warc-unsafe-retained-assign \ -Warray-bounds \ -Warray-bounds-pointer-arithmetic \ -Wasm \ -Wasm-operand-widths \ -Wassign-enum \ -Watomic-properties \ -Watomic-property-with-user-defined-accessor \ -Wattributes \ -Wauto-import \ -Wauto-storage-class \ -Wauto-var-id \ -Wavailability \ -Wbackslash-newline-escape \ -Wbad-array-new-length \ -Wbad-function-cast \ -Wbind-to-temporary-copy \ -Wbitfield-constant-conversion \ -Wbitwise-op-parentheses \ -Wbool-conversion \ -Wbool-conversions \ -Wbuiltin-macro-redefined \ -Wbuiltin-requires-header \ -Wc++-compat \ -Wc++0x-compat \ -Wc++0x-extensions \ -Wc++0x-narrowing \ -Wc++11-compat \ -Wc++11-compat-pedantic \ -Wc++11-compat-reserved-user-defined-literal \ -Wc++11-extensions \ -Wc++11-extra-semi \ -Wc++11-long-long \ -Wc++11-narrowing \ -Wc11-extensions \ -Wcast-align \ -Wcast-of-sel-type \ -Wcast-qual \ -WCFString-literal \ -Wchar-align \ -Wchar-subscripts \ -Wcomment \ -Wcomments \ -Wcompare-distinct-pointer-types \ -Wcomplex-component-init \ -Wconditional-type-mismatch \ -Wconditional-uninitialized \ -Wconfig-macros \ -Wconstant-conversion \ -Wconstant-logical-operand \ -Wconstexpr-not-const \ -Wconversion \ -Wconversion-null \ -Wno-covered-switch-default \ -Wctor-dtor-privacy \ -Wcustom-atomic-properties \ -Wdangling-else \ -Wdangling-field \ -Wdangling-initializer-list \ -Wdeclaration-after-statement \ -Wdelegating-ctor-cycles \ -Wdelete-incomplete \ -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor \ -Wdeprecated \ -Wdeprecated-declarations \ -Wdeprecated-implementations \ -Wdeprecated-objc-isa-usage \ -Wdeprecated-objc-pointer-introspection \ -Wdeprecated-objc-pointer-introspection-performSelector \ -Wdeprecated-register \ -Wdeprecated-writable-strings \ -Wdirect-ivar-access \ -Wdisabled-macro-expansion \ -Wdisabled-optimization \ -Wdiscard-qual \ -Wdistributed-object-modifiers \ -Wdiv-by-zero \ -Wdivision-by-zero \ -Wdocumentation \ -Wdocumentation-deprecated-sync \ -Wdocumentation-html \ -Wdollar-in-identifier-extension \ -Wduplicate-decl-specifier \ -Wduplicate-enum \ -Wduplicate-method-arg \ -Wduplicate-method-match \ -Wdynamic-class-memaccess \ -Weffc++ \ -Wembedded-directive \ -Wempty-body \ -Wempty-translation-unit \ -Wendif-labels \ -Wenum-compare \ -Wenum-conversion \ -Wexplicit-ownership-type \ -Wextended-offsetof \ -Wextern-initializer \ -Wextra \ -Wextra-semi \ -Wextra-tokens \ -Wflexible-array-extensions \ -Wfloat-equal \ -Wformat \ -Wformat-extra-args \ -Wformat-invalid-specifier \ -Wformat-non-iso \ -Wformat-nonliteral \ -Wformat-security \ -Wformat-y2k \ -Wformat-zero-length \ -Wformat=2 \ -Wfour-char-constants \ -Wgcc-compat \ -Wgnu \ -Wgnu-array-member-paren-init \ -Wgnu-designator \ -Wgnu-static-float-init \ -Wheader-guard \ -Wheader-hygiene \ -Widiomatic-parentheses \ -Wignored-attributes \ -Wignored-qualifiers \ -Wimplicit \ -Wimplicit-atomic-properties \ -Wimplicit-conversion-floating-point-to-bool \ -Wimplicit-exception-spec-mismatch \ -Wimplicit-fallthrough \ -Wimplicit-fallthrough-per-function \ -Wimplicit-function-declaration \ -Wimplicit-int \ -Wimplicit-retain-self \ -Wimport \ -Wimport-preprocessor-directive-pedantic \ -Wincompatible-library-redeclaration \ -Wincompatible-pointer-types \ -Wincompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers \ -Wincomplete-implementation \ -Wincomplete-module \ -Wincomplete-umbrella \ -Winherited-variadic-ctor \ -Winit-self \ -Winitializer-overrides \ -Winline \ -Wint-conversion \ -Wint-conversions \ -Wint-to-pointer-cast \ -Wint-to-void-pointer-cast \ -Winteger-overflow \ -Winvalid-constexpr \ -Winvalid-iboutlet \ -Winvalid-noreturn \ -Winvalid-offsetof \ -Winvalid-pch \ -Winvalid-pp-token \ -Winvalid-source-encoding \ -Winvalid-token-paste \ -Wknr-promoted-parameter \ -Wlanguage-extension-token \ -Wlarge-by-value-copy \ -Wliteral-conversion \ -Wliteral-range \ -Wlocal-type-template-args \ -Wlogical-not-parentheses \ -Wlogical-op-parentheses \ -Wlong-long \ -Wloop-analysis \ -Wmain \ -Wmain-return-type \ -Wmalformed-warning-check \ -Wmethod-signatures \ -Wmicrosoft \ -Wmicrosoft-exists \ -Wmismatched-parameter-types \ -Wmismatched-return-types \ -Wmismatched-tags \ -Wmissing-braces \ -Wmissing-declarations \ -Wmissing-field-initializers \ -Wmissing-format-attribute \ -Wmissing-include-dirs \ -Wmissing-method-return-type \ -Wmissing-noreturn \ -Wmissing-prototypes \ -Wmissing-selector-name \ -Wmissing-sysroot \ -Wmissing-variable-declarations \ -Wmodule-conflict \ -Wmost \ -Wmultichar \ -Wnarrowing \ -Wnested-externs \ -Wnewline-eof \ -Wnon-gcc \ -Wnon-literal-null-conversion \ -Wnon-pod-varargs \ -Wnon-virtual-dtor \ -Wnonnull \ -Wnonportable-cfstrings \ -WNSObject-attribute \ -Wnull-arithmetic \ -Wnull-character \ -Wnull-conversion \ -Wnull-dereference \ -Wodr \ -Wold-style-cast \ -Wold-style-definition \ -Wout-of-line-declaration \ -Wover-aligned \ -Woverflow \ -Woverlength-strings \ -Woverloaded-shift-op-parentheses \ -Woverloaded-virtual \ -Woverriding-method-mismatch \ -Wpacked \ -Wparentheses \ -Wparentheses-equality \ -Wpedantic \ -Wpointer-arith \ -Wpointer-sign \ -Wpointer-to-int-cast \ -Wpointer-type-mismatch \ -Wpredefined-identifier-outside-function \ -Wprivate-extern \ -Wprotocol \ -Wprotocol-property-synthesis-ambiguity \ -Wreadonly-iboutlet-property \ -Wreceiver-expr \ -Wreceiver-forward-class \ -Wreceiver-is-weak \ -Wredundant-decls \ -Wreinterpret-base-class \ -Wreorder \ -Wrequires-super-attribute \ -Wreserved-user-defined-literal \ -Wreturn-stack-address \ -Wreturn-type \ -Wreturn-type-c-linkage \ -Wsection \ -Wselector \ -Wselector-type-mismatch \ -Wself-assign \ -Wself-assign-field \ -Wsemicolon-before-method-body \ -Wsentinel \ -Wsequence-point \ -Wserialized-diagnostics \ -Wshadow-ivar \ -Wshift-count-negative \ -Wshift-count-overflow \ -Wshift-op-parentheses \ -Wshift-overflow \ -Wshift-sign-overflow \ -Wshorten-64-to-32 \ -Wsign-compare \ -Wsign-conversion \ -Wsign-promo \ -Wsizeof-array-argument \ -Wsizeof-array-decay \ -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess \ -Wsometimes-uninitialized \ -Wsource-uses-openmp \ -Wstack-protector \ -Wstatic-float-init \ -Wstatic-in-inline \ -Wstatic-local-in-inline \ -Wstatic-self-init \ -Wstrict-aliasing \ -Wstrict-aliasing=0 \ -Wstrict-aliasing=1 \ -Wstrict-aliasing=2 \ -Wstrict-overflow \ -Wstrict-overflow=0 \ -Wstrict-overflow=1 \ -Wstrict-overflow=2 \ -Wstrict-overflow=3 \ -Wstrict-overflow=4 \ -Wstrict-overflow=5 \ -Wstrict-prototypes \ -Wstrict-selector-match \ -Wstring-compare \ -Wstring-conversion \ -Wstring-plus-int \ -Wstrlcpy-strlcat-size \ -Wstrncat-size \ -Wsuper-class-method-mismatch \ -Wswitch \ -Wswitch-default \ -Wswitch-enum \ -Wsynth \ -Wtautological-compare \ -Wtautological-constant-out-of-range-compare \ -Wtentative-definition-incomplete-type \ -Wthread-safety \ -Wthread-safety-analysis \ -Wthread-safety-attributes \ -Wthread-safety-beta \ -Wthread-safety-precise \ -Wtrigraphs \ -Wtype-limits \ -Wtype-safety \ -Wtypedef-redefinition \ -Wtypename-missing \ -Wundeclared-selector \ -Wundef \ -Wundefined-inline \ -Wundefined-internal \ -Wundefined-reinterpret-cast \ -Wunicode \ -Wunicode-whitespace \ -Wuninitialized \ -Wunknown-warning-option \ -Wunnamed-type-template-args \ -Wunneeded-internal-declaration \ -Wunneeded-member-function \ -Wunsequenced \ -Wunsupported-visibility \ -Wunused \ -Wunused-argument \ -Wunused-command-line-argument \ -Wunused-comparison \ -Wunused-exception-parameter \ -Wunused-function \ -Wunused-label \ -Wunused-member-function \ -Wunused-parameter \ -Wunused-private-field \ -Wunused-result \ -Wunused-sanitize-argument \ -Wunused-value \ -Wunused-variable \ -Wunused-volatile-lvalue \ -Wuser-defined-literals \ -Wvarargs \ -Wvariadic-macros \ -Wvector-conversion \ -Wvector-conversions \ -Wvexing-parse \ -Wvisibility \ -Wvla \ -Wvla-extension \ -Wvolatile-register-var \ -Wweak-template-vtables \ -Wweak-vtables \ -Wwrite-strings \ -Wzero-length-array } } else { *-g++{#Don't use additional GCC keys on Windows system. QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -O0 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic } } #Calculate revision number only in release mode. Change revision number each time need recompilation #precompiled headers file. DEFINES += LOCAL_REVISION=0 }else{ # Release *-g++{ QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -O2 } DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT #local revision number for using in version !system(hg) { DEFINES += LOCAL_REVISION=0 } else { DEFINES += LOCAL_REVISION=$$system(hg parents --template '{rev}') } } message(Qt version: $$[QT_VERSION]) message(Qt is installed in $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]) message(Qt resources can be found in the following locations:) message(Documentation: $$[QT_INSTALL_DOCS]) message(Header files: $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]) message(Libraries: $$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]) message(Binary files (executables): $$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]) message(Plugins: $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]) message(Data files: $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]) message(Translation files: $$[QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS]) message(Settings: $$[QT_INSTALL_SETTINGS]) message(Examples: $$[QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES]) win32:RC_FILE = share/resources/valentina.rc # Remove generated files at cleaning QMAKE_DISTCLEAN += $${DESTDIR}/* \ $${OBJECTS_DIR}/* \ $${UI_DIR}/* \ $${MOC_DIR}/* \ $${RCC_DIR}/* \ $$PWD/share/translations/valentina_*.qm INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS += \ share/translations/valentina_ru.qm \ share/translations/valentina_uk.qm \ share/translations/valentina_de.qm \ share/translations/valentina_cs.qm \ share/translations/valentina_he_IL.qm \ share/translations/valentina_fr.qm \ share/translations/valentina_it.qm \ share/translations/valentina_nl.qm INSTALL_STANDARD_MEASHUREMENTS += share/resources/tables/standard/GOST_man_ru.vst unix { #VARIABLES isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr } BINDIR = $$PREFIX/bin DATADIR =$$PREFIX/share DEFINES += DATADIR=\\\"$$DATADIR\\\" PKGDATADIR=\\\"$$PKGDATADIR\\\" #MAKE INSTALL target.path = $$BINDIR desktop.path = $$DATADIR/applications/ desktop.files += dist/$${TARGET}.desktop pixmaps.path = $$DATADIR/pixmaps/ pixmaps.files += dist/$${TARGET}.png translations.path = $$DATADIR/$${TARGET}/translations/ translations.files = $$INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS standard.path = $$DATADIR/$${TARGET}/tables/standard/ standard.files = $$INSTALL_STANDARD_MEASHUREMENTS INSTALLS += \ target \ desktop \ pixmaps \ translations \ standard } !isEmpty(TRANSLATIONS): { for(_translation_name, TRANSLATIONS) { _translation_name_qm = $$section(_translation_name,".", 0, 0).qm system($$shell_path($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease) $$shell_path($$PWD/$$_translation_name) -qm $$shell_path($$PWD/$$_translation_name_qm)) } } for(DIR, INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS) { #add these absolute paths to a variable which #ends up as 'mkcommands = path1 path2 path3 ...' tr_path += $$PWD/$$DIR } copyToDestdir($$tr_path, $$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/$$DESTDIR/translations)) for(DIR, INSTALL_STANDARD_MEASHUREMENTS) { #add these absolute paths to a variable which #ends up as 'mkcommands = path1 path2 path3 ...' st_path += $$PWD/$$DIR } copyToDestdir($$st_path, $$shell_path($$OUT_PWD/$$DESTDIR/tables/standard)) win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../libs/qmuparser/bin -lqmuparser2 else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../libs/qmuparser/bin -lqmuparser2 else:unix: LIBS += -L$$OUT_PWD/../libs/qmuparser/bin -lqmuparser INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../libs/qmuparser DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/../libs/qmuparser