/************************************************************************ ** ** @file vtoolshoulderpoint.cpp ** @author Roman Telezhynskyi ** @date November 15, 2013 ** ** @brief ** @copyright ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing. ** Copyright (C) 2013 Valentina project ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with Valentina. If not, see . ** *************************************************************************/ #include "vtoolshoulderpoint.h" #include "../../container/calculator.h" #include "../../dialogs/tools/dialogshoulderpoint.h" #include "../../geometry/vpointf.h" const QString VToolShoulderPoint::ToolType = QStringLiteral("shoulder"); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief VToolShoulderPoint constructor. * @param doc dom document container. * @param data container with variables. * @param id object id in container. * @param typeLine line type. * @param formula string with formula length. * @param p1Line id first line point. * @param p2Line id second line point. * @param pShoulder id shoulder point. * @param typeCreation way we create this tool. * @param parent parent object. */ VToolShoulderPoint::VToolShoulderPoint(VPattern *doc, VContainer *data, const quint32 &id, const QString &typeLine, const QString &formula, const quint32 &p1Line, const quint32 &p2Line, const quint32 &pShoulder, const Source &typeCreation, QGraphicsItem * parent) :VToolLinePoint(doc, data, id, typeLine, formula, p1Line, 0, parent), p2Line(p2Line), pShoulder(pShoulder) { if (typeCreation == Source::FromGui) { AddToFile(); } else { RefreshDataInFile(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief setDialog set dialog when user want change tool option. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::setDialog() { SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr); DialogShoulderPoint *dialogTool = qobject_cast(dialog); SCASSERT(dialogTool != nullptr); const QSharedPointer p = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id); dialogTool->setTypeLine(typeLine); dialogTool->setFormula(formulaLength); dialogTool->setP1Line(basePointId); dialogTool->setP2Line(p2Line); dialogTool->setPShoulder(pShoulder); dialogTool->setPointName(p->name()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief FindPoint find point. * @param p1Line first line point. * @param p2Line second line point. * @param pShoulder shoulder point. * @param length length form shoulder point to our. * @return point. */ //TODO find better way calculate point. QPointF VToolShoulderPoint::FindPoint(const QPointF &p1Line, const QPointF &p2Line, const QPointF &pShoulder, const qreal &length) { QLineF line = QLineF(p1Line, p2Line); qreal toolLength = length; qreal dist = line.length(); if (dist>toolLength) { qDebug()<<"Correction of length in shoulder point tool. Parameter length too small."; toolLength = dist; } if (qFuzzyCompare(dist, toolLength)) { return line.p2(); } qreal step = 0.01; while (1) { line.setLength(line.length()+step); QLineF line2 = QLineF(pShoulder, line.p2()); if (line2.length()>=toolLength) { return line.p2(); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Create help create tool from GUI. * @param dialog dialog. * @param scene pointer to scene. * @param doc dom document container. * @param data container with variables. * @return the created tool */ VToolShoulderPoint* VToolShoulderPoint::Create(DialogTool *dialog, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VPattern *doc, VContainer *data) { SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr); DialogShoulderPoint *dialogTool = qobject_cast(dialog); SCASSERT(dialogTool); QString formula = dialogTool->getFormula(); const quint32 p1Line = dialogTool->getP1Line(); const quint32 p2Line = dialogTool->getP2Line(); const quint32 pShoulder = dialogTool->getPShoulder(); const QString typeLine = dialogTool->getTypeLine(); const QString pointName = dialogTool->getPointName(); VToolShoulderPoint * point = nullptr; point=Create(0, formula, p1Line, p2Line, pShoulder, typeLine, pointName, 5, 10, scene, doc, data, Document::FullParse, Source::FromGui); if (point != nullptr) { point->dialog=dialogTool; } return point; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief Create help create tool. * @param _id tool id, 0 if tool doesn't exist yet. * @param formula string with formula length. * @param p1Line id first line point. * @param p2Line id second line point. * @param pShoulder id shoulder point. * @param typeLine line type. * @param pointName point name. * @param mx label bias x axis. * @param my label bias y axis. * @param scene pointer to scene. * @param doc dom document container. * @param data container with variables. * @param parse parser file mode. * @param typeCreation way we create this tool. * @return the created tool */ VToolShoulderPoint* VToolShoulderPoint::Create(const quint32 _id, QString &formula, const quint32 &p1Line, const quint32 &p2Line, const quint32 &pShoulder, const QString &typeLine, const QString &pointName, const qreal &mx, const qreal &my, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VPattern *doc, VContainer *data, const Document &parse, const Source &typeCreation) { const QSharedPointer firstPoint = data->GeometricObject(p1Line); const QSharedPointer secondPoint = data->GeometricObject(p2Line); const QSharedPointer shoulderPoint = data->GeometricObject(pShoulder); const qreal result = CheckFormula(_id, formula, data); QPointF fPoint = VToolShoulderPoint::FindPoint(firstPoint->toQPointF(), secondPoint->toQPointF(), shoulderPoint->toQPointF(), qApp->toPixel(result)); quint32 id = _id; if (typeCreation == Source::FromGui) { id = data->AddGObject(new VPointF(fPoint, pointName, mx, my)); data->AddLine(p1Line, id); data->AddLine(p2Line, id); } else { data->UpdateGObject(id, new VPointF(fPoint, pointName, mx, my)); data->AddLine(p1Line, id); data->AddLine(p2Line, id); if (parse != Document::FullParse) { doc->UpdateToolData(id, data); } } VDrawTool::AddRecord(id, Tool::ShoulderPoint, doc); if (parse == Document::FullParse) { VToolShoulderPoint *point = new VToolShoulderPoint(doc, data, id, typeLine, formula, p1Line, p2Line, pShoulder, typeCreation); scene->addItem(point); connect(point, &VToolShoulderPoint::ChoosedTool, scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::ChoosedItem); connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::NewFactor, point, &VToolShoulderPoint::SetFactor); connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::DisableItem, point, &VToolPoint::Disable); doc->AddTool(id, point); doc->IncrementReferens(p1Line); doc->IncrementReferens(p2Line); doc->IncrementReferens(pShoulder); return point; } return nullptr; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief FullUpdateFromFile update tool data form file. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::FullUpdateFromFile() { QDomElement domElement = doc->elementById(QString().setNum(id)); if (domElement.isElement()) { typeLine = domElement.attribute(AttrTypeLine, ""); formulaLength = domElement.attribute(AttrLength, ""); basePointId = domElement.attribute(AttrP1Line, "").toUInt(); p2Line = domElement.attribute(AttrP2Line, "").toUInt(); pShoulder = domElement.attribute(AttrPShoulder, "").toUInt(); } RefreshGeometry(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief SetFactor set current scale factor of scene. * @param factor scene scale factor. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::SetFactor(qreal factor) { VDrawTool::SetFactor(factor); RefreshGeometry(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief ShowContextMenu show context menu. * @param event context menu event. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::ShowContextMenu(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) { ContextMenu(this, event); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief contextMenuEvent handle context menu events. * @param event context menu event. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event) { ContextMenu(this, event); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief RemoveReferens decrement value of reference. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::RemoveReferens() { doc->DecrementReferens(p2Line); doc->DecrementReferens(pShoulder); VToolLinePoint::RemoveReferens(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @brief SaveDialog save options into file after change in dialog. */ void VToolShoulderPoint::SaveDialog(QDomElement &domElement) { SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr); DialogShoulderPoint *dialogTool = qobject_cast(dialog); SCASSERT(dialogTool != nullptr); doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrName, dialogTool->getPointName()); doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrTypeLine, dialogTool->getTypeLine()); doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrLength, dialogTool->getFormula()); doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrP1Line, QString().setNum(dialogTool->getP1Line())); doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrP2Line, QString().setNum(dialogTool->getP2Line())); doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrPShoulder, QString().setNum(dialogTool->getPShoulder())); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void VToolShoulderPoint::SaveOptions(QDomElement &tag, QSharedPointer &obj) { QSharedPointer point = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj); SCASSERT(point.isNull() == false); doc->SetAttribute(tag, VDomDocument::AttrId, id); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrType, ToolType); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrName, point->name()); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrMx, qApp->fromPixel(point->mx())); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrMy, qApp->fromPixel(point->my())); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrTypeLine, typeLine); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrLength, formulaLength); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrP1Line, basePointId); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrP2Line, p2Line); doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrPShoulder, pShoulder); }