/*************************************************************************************************** ** ** Original work Copyright (C) 2013 Ingo Berg ** Modified work Copyright 2014 Roman Telezhinsky ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this ** software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software ** without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, ** merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or ** substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ** NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, ** DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ** OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ** ******************************************************************************************************/ #include "qmuparserbase.h" #include "qmuparsertemplatemagic.h" //--- Standard includes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef QMUP_USE_OPENMP #include #endif using namespace std; /** \file \brief This file contains the basic implementation of the muparser engine. */ namespace qmu { std::locale QmuParserBase::s_locale = std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new change_dec_sep('.')); bool QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpCmdCode = false; bool QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpStack = false; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Identifiers for built in binary operators. When defining custom binary operators with #AddOprt(...) make sure not to choose names conflicting with these definitions. */ const char_type* QmuParserBase::c_DefaultOprt[] = { "<=", ">=", "!=", "==", "<", ">", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", "&&", "||", "=", "(", ")", "?", ":", 0 }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Constructor. \param a_szFormula the formula to interpret. \throw ParserException if a_szFormula is null. */ QmuParserBase::QmuParserBase() :m_pParseFormula(&QmuParserBase::ParseString) ,m_vRPN() ,m_vStringBuf() ,m_pTokenReader() ,m_FunDef() ,m_PostOprtDef() ,m_InfixOprtDef() ,m_OprtDef() ,m_ConstDef() ,m_StrVarDef() ,m_VarDef() ,m_bBuiltInOp(true) ,m_sNameChars() ,m_sOprtChars() ,m_sInfixOprtChars() ,m_nIfElseCounter(0) ,m_vStackBuffer() ,m_nFinalResultIdx(0) { InitTokenReader(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Copy constructor. Tha parser can be safely copy constructed but the bytecode is reset during copy construction. */ QmuParserBase::QmuParserBase(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser) :m_pParseFormula(&QmuParserBase::ParseString) ,m_vRPN() ,m_vStringBuf() ,m_pTokenReader() ,m_FunDef() ,m_PostOprtDef() ,m_InfixOprtDef() ,m_OprtDef() ,m_ConstDef() ,m_StrVarDef() ,m_VarDef() ,m_bBuiltInOp(true) ,m_sNameChars() ,m_sOprtChars() ,m_sInfixOprtChars() ,m_nIfElseCounter(0) { m_pTokenReader.reset(new token_reader_type(this)); Assign(a_Parser); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- QmuParserBase::~QmuParserBase() {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Assignement operator. Implemented by calling Assign(a_Parser). Self assignement is suppressed. \param a_Parser Object to copy to this. \return *this \throw nothrow */ QmuParserBase& QmuParserBase::operator=(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser) { Assign(a_Parser); return *this; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Copy state of a parser object to this. Clears Variables and Functions of this parser. Copies the states of all internal variables. Resets parse function to string parse mode. \param a_Parser the source object. */ void QmuParserBase::Assign(const QmuParserBase &a_Parser) { if (&a_Parser==this) return; // Don't copy bytecode instead cause the parser to create new bytecode // by resetting the parse function. ReInit(); m_ConstDef = a_Parser.m_ConstDef; // Copy user define constants m_VarDef = a_Parser.m_VarDef; // Copy user defined variables m_bBuiltInOp = a_Parser.m_bBuiltInOp; m_vStringBuf = a_Parser.m_vStringBuf; m_vStackBuffer = a_Parser.m_vStackBuffer; m_nFinalResultIdx = a_Parser.m_nFinalResultIdx; m_StrVarDef = a_Parser.m_StrVarDef; m_vStringVarBuf = a_Parser.m_vStringVarBuf; m_nIfElseCounter = a_Parser.m_nIfElseCounter; m_pTokenReader.reset(a_Parser.m_pTokenReader->Clone(this)); // Copy function and operator callbacks m_FunDef = a_Parser.m_FunDef; // Copy function definitions m_PostOprtDef = a_Parser.m_PostOprtDef; // post value unary operators m_InfixOprtDef = a_Parser.m_InfixOprtDef; // unary operators for infix notation m_OprtDef = a_Parser.m_OprtDef; // binary operators m_sNameChars = a_Parser.m_sNameChars; m_sOprtChars = a_Parser.m_sOprtChars; m_sInfixOprtChars = a_Parser.m_sInfixOprtChars; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Set the decimal separator. \param cDecSep Decimal separator as a character value. \sa SetThousandsSep By default muparser uses the "C" locale. The decimal separator of this locale is overwritten by the one provided here. */ void QmuParserBase::SetDecSep(char_type cDecSep) { char_type cThousandsSep = std::use_facet< change_dec_sep >(s_locale).thousands_sep(); s_locale = std::locale(std::locale("C"), new change_dec_sep(cDecSep, cThousandsSep)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Sets the thousands operator. \param cThousandsSep The thousands separator as a character \sa SetDecSep By default muparser uses the "C" locale. The thousands separator of this locale is overwritten by the one provided here. */ void QmuParserBase::SetThousandsSep(char_type cThousandsSep) { char_type cDecSep = std::use_facet< change_dec_sep >(s_locale).decimal_point(); s_locale = std::locale(std::locale("C"), new change_dec_sep(cDecSep, cThousandsSep)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Resets the locale. The default locale used "." as decimal separator, no thousands separator and "," as function argument separator. */ void QmuParserBase::ResetLocale() { s_locale = std::locale(std::locale("C"), new change_dec_sep('.')); SetArgSep(','); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Initialize the token reader. Create new token reader object and submit pointers to function, operator, constant and variable definitions. \post m_pTokenReader.get()!=0 \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::InitTokenReader() { m_pTokenReader.reset(new token_reader_type(this)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Reset parser to string parsing mode and clear internal buffers. Clear bytecode, reset the token reader. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::ReInit() const { m_pParseFormula = &QmuParserBase::ParseString; m_vStringBuf.clear(); m_vRPN.clear(); m_pTokenReader->ReInit(); m_nIfElseCounter = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmuParserBase::OnDetectVar(string_type * /*pExpr*/, int & /*nStart*/, int & /*nEnd*/) {} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Returns the version of muparser. \param eInfo A flag indicating whether the full version info should be returned or not. Format is as follows: "MAJOR.MINOR (COMPILER_FLAGS)" The COMPILER_FLAGS are returned only if eInfo==pviFULL. */ string_type QmuParserBase::GetVersion(EParserVersionInfo eInfo) const { string_type sCompileTimeSettings; stringstream_type ss; ss << MUP_VERSION; if (eInfo==pviFULL) { ss << " (" << MUP_VERSION_DATE; ss << std::dec << "; " << sizeof(void*)*8 << "BIT"; #ifdef _DEBUG ss << "; DEBUG"; #else ss << "; RELEASE"; #endif #ifdef _UNICODE ss << "; UNICODE"; #else #ifdef _MBCS ss << "; MBCS"; #else ss << "; ASCII"; #endif #endif #ifdef QMUP_USE_OPENMP ss << "; OPENMP"; //#else // ss << "; NO_OPENMP"; #endif #if defined(MUP_MATH_EXCEPTIONS) ss << "; MATHEXC"; //#else // ss << "; NO_MATHEXC"; #endif ss << ")"; } return ss.str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a value parsing function. When parsing an expression muParser tries to detect values in the expression string using different valident callbacks. Thuis it's possible to parse for hex values, binary values and floating point values. */ void QmuParserBase::AddValIdent(identfun_type a_pCallback) { m_pTokenReader->AddValIdent(a_pCallback); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Set a function that can create variable pointer for unknown expression variables. \param a_pFactory A pointer to the variable factory. \param pUserData A user defined context pointer. */ void QmuParserBase::SetVarFactory(facfun_type a_pFactory, void *pUserData) { m_pTokenReader->SetVarCreator(a_pFactory, pUserData); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a function or operator callback to the parser. */ void QmuParserBase::AddCallback(const string_type &a_strName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback, funmap_type &a_Storage, const char_type *a_szCharSet ) { if (a_Callback.GetAddr()==0) Error(ecINVALID_FUN_PTR); const funmap_type *pFunMap = &a_Storage; // Check for conflicting operator or function names if ( pFunMap!=&m_FunDef && m_FunDef.find(a_strName)!=m_FunDef.end() ) Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName); if ( pFunMap!=&m_PostOprtDef && m_PostOprtDef.find(a_strName)!=m_PostOprtDef.end() ) Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName); if ( pFunMap!=&m_InfixOprtDef && pFunMap!=&m_OprtDef && m_InfixOprtDef.find(a_strName)!=m_InfixOprtDef.end() ) Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName); if ( pFunMap!=&m_InfixOprtDef && pFunMap!=&m_OprtDef && m_OprtDef.find(a_strName)!=m_OprtDef.end() ) Error(ecNAME_CONFLICT, -1, a_strName); CheckOprt(a_strName, a_Callback, a_szCharSet); a_Storage[a_strName] = a_Callback; ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Check if a name contains invalid characters. \throw ParserException if the name contains invalid charakters. */ void QmuParserBase::CheckOprt(const string_type &a_sName, const QmuParserCallback &a_Callback, const string_type &a_szCharSet) const { if ( !a_sName.length() || (a_sName.find_first_not_of(a_szCharSet)!=string_type::npos) || (a_sName[0]>='0' && a_sName[0]<='9')) { switch(a_Callback.GetCode()) { case cmOPRT_POSTFIX: Error(ecINVALID_POSTFIX_IDENT, -1, a_sName); case cmOPRT_INFIX: Error(ecINVALID_INFIX_IDENT, -1, a_sName); default: Error(ecINVALID_NAME, -1, a_sName); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Check if a name contains invalid characters. \throw ParserException if the name contains invalid charakters. */ void QmuParserBase::CheckName(const string_type &a_sName, const string_type &a_szCharSet) const { if ( !a_sName.length() || (a_sName.find_first_not_of(a_szCharSet)!=string_type::npos) || (a_sName[0]>='0' && a_sName[0]<='9')) { Error(ecINVALID_NAME); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Set the formula. \param a_strFormula Formula as string_type \throw ParserException in case of syntax errors. Triggers first time calculation thus the creation of the bytecode and scanning of used variables. */ void QmuParserBase::SetExpr(const string_type &a_sExpr) { // Check locale compatibility std::locale loc; if (m_pTokenReader->GetArgSep()==std::use_facet >(loc).decimal_point()) { Error(ecLOCALE); } // 20060222: Bugfix for Borland-Kylix: // adding a space to the expression will keep Borlands KYLIX from going wild // when calling tellg on a stringstream created from the expression after // reading a value at the end of an expression. (mu::Parser::IsVal function) // (tellg returns -1 otherwise causing the parser to ignore the value) string_type sBuf(a_sExpr + " " ); m_pTokenReader->SetFormula(sBuf); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Get the default symbols used for the built in operators. \sa c_DefaultOprt */ const char_type** QmuParserBase::GetOprtDef() const { return (const char_type **)(&c_DefaultOprt[0]); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of functions, variables, constants. */ void QmuParserBase::DefineNameChars(const char_type *a_szCharset) { m_sNameChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of binary operators and postfix operators. */ void QmuParserBase::DefineOprtChars(const char_type *a_szCharset) { m_sOprtChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define the set of valid characters to be used in names of infix operators. */ void QmuParserBase::DefineInfixOprtChars(const char_type *a_szCharset) { m_sInfixOprtChars = a_szCharset; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in name identifiers. \sa #ValidOprtChars, #ValidPrefixOprtChars */ const char_type* QmuParserBase::ValidNameChars() const { assert(m_sNameChars.size()); return m_sNameChars.c_str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in operator definitions. \sa #ValidNameChars, #ValidPrefixOprtChars */ const char_type* QmuParserBase::ValidOprtChars() const { assert(m_sOprtChars.size()); return m_sOprtChars.c_str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Virtual function that defines the characters allowed in infix operator definitions. \sa #ValidNameChars, #ValidOprtChars */ const char_type* QmuParserBase::ValidInfixOprtChars() const { assert(m_sInfixOprtChars.size()); return m_sInfixOprtChars.c_str(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a user defined operator. \post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode. */ void QmuParserBase::DefinePostfixOprt(const string_type &a_sName, fun_type1 a_pFun, bool a_bAllowOpt) { AddCallback(a_sName, QmuParserCallback(a_pFun, a_bAllowOpt, prPOSTFIX, cmOPRT_POSTFIX), m_PostOprtDef, ValidOprtChars() ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Initialize user defined functions. Calls the virtual functions InitFun(), InitConst() and InitOprt(). */ void QmuParserBase::Init() { InitCharSets(); InitFun(); InitConst(); InitOprt(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Add a user defined operator. \post Will reset the Parser to string parsing mode. \param [in] a_sName operator Identifier \param [in] a_pFun Operator callback function \param [in] a_iPrec Operator Precedence (default=prSIGN) \param [in] a_bAllowOpt True if operator is volatile (default=false) \sa EPrec */ void QmuParserBase::DefineInfixOprt(const string_type &a_sName, fun_type1 a_pFun, int a_iPrec, bool a_bAllowOpt) { AddCallback(a_sName, QmuParserCallback(a_pFun, a_bAllowOpt, a_iPrec, cmOPRT_INFIX), m_InfixOprtDef, ValidInfixOprtChars() ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Define a binary operator. \param [in] a_sName The identifier of the operator. \param [in] a_pFun Pointer to the callback function. \param [in] a_iPrec Precedence of the operator. \param [in] a_eAssociativity The associativity of the operator. \param [in] a_bAllowOpt If this is true the operator may be optimized away. Adds a new Binary operator the the parser instance. */ void QmuParserBase::DefineOprt( const string_type &a_sName, fun_type2 a_pFun, unsigned a_iPrec, EOprtAssociativity a_eAssociativity, bool a_bAllowOpt ) { // Check for conflicts with built in operator names for (int i=0; m_bBuiltInOp && iIgnoreUndefVar(true); CreateRPN(); // try to create bytecode, but don't use it for any further calculations since it // may contain references to nonexisting variables. m_pParseFormula = &QmuParserBase::ParseString; m_pTokenReader->IgnoreUndefVar(false); } catch(exception_type &e) { // Make sure to stay in string parse mode, dont call ReInit() // because it deletes the array with the used variables m_pParseFormula = &QmuParserBase::ParseString; m_pTokenReader->IgnoreUndefVar(false); throw e; } return m_pTokenReader->GetUsedVar(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return a map containing the used variables only. */ const varmap_type& QmuParserBase::GetVar() const { return m_VarDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return a map containing all parser constants. */ const valmap_type& QmuParserBase::GetConst() const { return m_ConstDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return prototypes of all parser functions. \return #m_FunDef \sa FunProt \throw nothrow The return type is a map of the public type #funmap_type containing the prototype definitions for all numerical parser functions. String functions are not part of this map. The Prototype definition is encapsulated in objects of the class FunProt one per parser function each associated with function names via a map construct. */ const funmap_type& QmuParserBase::GetFunDef() const { return m_FunDef; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Retrieve the formula. */ const string_type& QmuParserBase::GetExpr() const { return m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Execute a function that takes a single string argument. \param a_FunTok Function token. \throw exception_type If the function token is not a string function */ QmuParserBase::token_type QmuParserBase::ApplyStrFunc(const token_type &a_FunTok, const std::vector &a_vArg) const { if (a_vArg.back().GetCode()!=cmSTRING) Error(ecSTRING_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), a_FunTok.GetAsString()); token_type valTok; generic_fun_type pFunc = a_FunTok.GetFuncAddr(); assert(pFunc); try { // Check function arguments; write dummy value into valtok to represent the result switch(a_FunTok.GetArgCount()) { case 0: valTok.SetVal(1); a_vArg[0].GetAsString(); break; case 1: valTok.SetVal(1); a_vArg[1].GetAsString(); a_vArg[0].GetVal(); break; case 2: valTok.SetVal(1); a_vArg[2].GetAsString(); a_vArg[1].GetVal(); a_vArg[0].GetVal(); break; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR); } } catch(QmuParserError& ) { Error(ecVAL_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), a_FunTok.GetAsString()); } // string functions won't be optimized m_vRPN.AddStrFun(pFunc, a_FunTok.GetArgCount(), a_vArg.back().GetIdx()); // Push dummy value representing the function result to the stack return valTok; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Apply a function token. \param iArgCount Number of Arguments actually gathered used only for multiarg functions. \post The result is pushed to the value stack \post The function token is removed from the stack \throw exception_type if Argument count does not mach function requirements. */ void QmuParserBase::ApplyFunc( QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal, int a_iArgCount) const { assert(m_pTokenReader.get()); // Operator stack empty or does not contain tokens with callback functions if (a_stOpt.empty() || a_stOpt.top().GetFuncAddr()==0 ) return; token_type funTok = a_stOpt.pop(); assert(funTok.GetFuncAddr()); // Binary operators must rely on their internal operator number // since counting of operators relies on commas for function arguments // binary operators do not have commas in their expression int iArgCount = (funTok.GetCode()==cmOPRT_BIN) ? funTok.GetArgCount() : a_iArgCount; // determine how many parameters the function needs. To remember iArgCount includes the // string parameter whilst GetArgCount() counts only numeric parameters. int iArgRequired = funTok.GetArgCount() + ((funTok.GetType()==tpSTR) ? 1 : 0); // Thats the number of numerical parameters int iArgNumerical = iArgCount - ((funTok.GetType()==tpSTR) ? 1 : 0); if (funTok.GetCode()==cmFUNC_STR && iArgCount-iArgNumerical>1) Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR); if (funTok.GetArgCount()>=0 && iArgCount>iArgRequired) Error(ecTOO_MANY_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-1, funTok.GetAsString()); if (funTok.GetCode()!=cmOPRT_BIN && iArgCountGetPos()-1, funTok.GetAsString()); if (funTok.GetCode()==cmFUNC_STR && iArgCount>iArgRequired ) Error(ecTOO_MANY_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()-1, funTok.GetAsString()); // Collect the numeric function arguments from the value stack and store them // in a vector std::vector stArg; for (int i=0; iGetPos(), funTok.GetAsString()); } switch(funTok.GetCode()) { case cmFUNC_STR: stArg.push_back(a_stVal.pop()); if ( stArg.back().GetType()==tpSTR && funTok.GetType()!=tpSTR ) Error(ecVAL_EXPECTED, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), funTok.GetAsString()); ApplyStrFunc(funTok, stArg); break; case cmFUNC_BULK: m_vRPN.AddBulkFun(funTok.GetFuncAddr(), (int)stArg.size()); break; case cmOPRT_BIN: case cmOPRT_POSTFIX: case cmOPRT_INFIX: case cmFUNC: if (funTok.GetArgCount()==-1 && iArgCount==0) Error(ecTOO_FEW_PARAMS, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), funTok.GetAsString()); m_vRPN.AddFun(funTok.GetFuncAddr(), (funTok.GetArgCount()==-1) ? -iArgNumerical : iArgNumerical); break; } // Push dummy value representing the function result to the stack token_type token; token.SetVal(1); a_stVal.push(token); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmuParserBase::ApplyIfElse(QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal) const { // Check if there is an if Else clause to be calculated while (a_stOpt.size() && a_stOpt.top().GetCode()==cmELSE) { token_type opElse = a_stOpt.pop(); Q_ASSERT(a_stOpt.size()>0); // Take the value associated with the else branch from the value stack token_type vVal2 = a_stVal.pop(); Q_ASSERT(a_stOpt.size()>0); Q_ASSERT(a_stVal.size()>=2); // it then else is a ternary operator Pop all three values from the value s // tack and just return the right value token_type vVal1 = a_stVal.pop(); token_type vExpr = a_stVal.pop(); a_stVal.push( (vExpr.GetVal()!=0) ? vVal1 : vVal2); token_type opIf = a_stOpt.pop(); Q_ASSERT(opElse.GetCode()==cmELSE); Q_ASSERT(opIf.GetCode()==cmIF); m_vRPN.AddIfElse(cmENDIF); } // while pending if-else-clause found } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Performs the necessary steps to write code for the execution of binary operators into the bytecode. */ void QmuParserBase::ApplyBinOprt(QStack &a_stOpt, QStack &a_stVal) const { // is it a user defined binary operator? if (a_stOpt.top().GetCode()==cmOPRT_BIN) { ApplyFunc(a_stOpt, a_stVal, 2); } else { Q_ASSERT(a_stVal.size()>=2); token_type valTok1 = a_stVal.pop(), valTok2 = a_stVal.pop(), optTok = a_stOpt.pop(), resTok; if ( valTok1.GetType()!=valTok2.GetType() || (valTok1.GetType()==tpSTR && valTok2.GetType()==tpSTR) ) Error(ecOPRT_TYPE_CONFLICT, m_pTokenReader->GetPos(), optTok.GetAsString()); if (optTok.GetCode()==cmASSIGN) { if (valTok2.GetCode()!=cmVAR) Error(ecUNEXPECTED_OPERATOR, -1, "="); m_vRPN.AddAssignOp(valTok2.GetVar()); } else m_vRPN.AddOp(optTok.GetCode()); resTok.SetVal(1); a_stVal.push(resTok); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Apply a binary operator. \param a_stOpt The operator stack \param a_stVal The value stack */ void QmuParserBase::ApplyRemainingOprt(QStack &stOpt, QStack &stVal) const { while (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top().GetCode() != cmBO && stOpt.top().GetCode() != cmIF) { token_type tok = stOpt.top(); switch (tok.GetCode()) { case cmOPRT_INFIX: case cmOPRT_BIN: case cmLE: case cmGE: case cmNEQ: case cmEQ: case cmLT: case cmGT: case cmADD: case cmSUB: case cmMUL: case cmDIV: case cmPOW: case cmLAND: case cmLOR: case cmASSIGN: if (stOpt.top().GetCode()==cmOPRT_INFIX) ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, 1); else ApplyBinOprt(stOpt, stVal); break; case cmELSE: ApplyIfElse(stOpt, stVal); break; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Parse the command code. \sa ParseString(...) Command code contains precalculated stack positions of the values and the associated operators. The Stack is filled beginning from index one the value at index zero is not used at all. */ qreal QmuParserBase::ParseCmdCode() const { return ParseCmdCodeBulk(0, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Evaluate the RPN. \param nOffset The offset added to variable addresses (for bulk mode) \param nThreadID OpenMP Thread id of the calling thread */ qreal QmuParserBase::ParseCmdCodeBulk(int nOffset, int nThreadID) const { assert(nThreadID<=s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads); // Note: The check for nOffset==0 and nThreadID here is not necessary but // brings a minor performance gain when not in bulk mode. qreal *Stack = ((nOffset==0) && (nThreadID==0)) ? &m_vStackBuffer[0] : &m_vStackBuffer[nThreadID * (m_vStackBuffer.size() / s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads)]; qreal buf; int sidx(0); for (const SToken *pTok = m_vRPN.GetBase(); pTok->Cmd!=cmEND ; ++pTok) { switch (pTok->Cmd) { // built in binary operators case cmLE: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] <= Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmGE: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] >= Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmNEQ: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] != Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmEQ: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] == Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmLT: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] < Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmGT: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] > Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmADD: --sidx; Stack[sidx] += Stack[1+sidx]; continue; case cmSUB: --sidx; Stack[sidx] -= Stack[1+sidx]; continue; case cmMUL: --sidx; Stack[sidx] *= Stack[1+sidx]; continue; case cmDIV: --sidx; #if defined(MUP_MATH_EXCEPTIONS) if (Stack[1+sidx]==0) Error(ecDIV_BY_ZERO); #endif Stack[sidx] /= Stack[1+sidx]; continue; case cmPOW: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = MathImpl::Pow(Stack[sidx], Stack[1+sidx]); continue; case cmLAND: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] && Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmLOR: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = Stack[sidx] || Stack[sidx+1]; continue; case cmASSIGN: --sidx; Stack[sidx] = *pTok->Oprt.ptr = Stack[sidx+1]; continue; //case cmBO: // unused, listed for compiler optimization purposes //case cmBC: // Q_ASSERT(INVALID_CODE_IN_BYTECODE); // continue; case cmIF: if (Stack[sidx--]==0) pTok += pTok->Oprt.offset; continue; case cmELSE: pTok += pTok->Oprt.offset; continue; case cmENDIF: continue; //case cmARG_SEP: // Q_ASSERT(INVALID_CODE_IN_BYTECODE); // continue; // value and variable tokens case cmVAR: Stack[++sidx] = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset); continue; case cmVAL: Stack[++sidx] = pTok->Val.data2; continue; case cmVARPOW2: buf = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset); Stack[++sidx] = buf*buf; continue; case cmVARPOW3: buf = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset); Stack[++sidx] = buf*buf*buf; continue; case cmVARPOW4: buf = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset); Stack[++sidx] = buf*buf*buf*buf; continue; case cmVARMUL: Stack[++sidx] = *(pTok->Val.ptr + nOffset) * pTok->Val.data + pTok->Val.data2; continue; // Next is treatment of numeric functions case cmFUNC: { int iArgCount = pTok->Fun.argc; // switch according to argument count switch(iArgCount) { case 0: sidx += 1; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type0)pTok->Fun.ptr)(); continue; case 1: Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type1)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx]); continue; case 2: sidx -= 1; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type2)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]); continue; case 3: sidx -= 2; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type3)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2]); continue; case 4: sidx -= 3; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type4)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3]); continue; case 5: sidx -= 4; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type5)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4]); continue; case 6: sidx -= 5; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type6)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5]); continue; case 7: sidx -= 6; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type7)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6]); continue; case 8: sidx -= 7; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type8)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7]); continue; case 9: sidx -= 8; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type9)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8]); continue; case 10:sidx -= 9; Stack[sidx] = (*(fun_type10)pTok->Fun.ptr)(Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8], Stack[sidx+9]); continue; default: if (iArgCount>0) // function with variable arguments store the number as a negative value Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 1); sidx -= -iArgCount - 1; Stack[sidx] =(*(multfun_type)pTok->Fun.ptr)(&Stack[sidx], -iArgCount); continue; } } // Next is treatment of string functions case cmFUNC_STR: { sidx -= pTok->Fun.argc -1; // The index of the string argument in the string table int iIdxStack = pTok->Fun.idx; Q_ASSERT( iIdxStack>=0 && iIdxStack<(int)m_vStringBuf.size() ); switch(pTok->Fun.argc) // switch according to argument count { case 0: Stack[sidx] = (*(strfun_type1)pTok->Fun.ptr)(m_vStringBuf[iIdxStack].c_str()); continue; case 1: Stack[sidx] = (*(strfun_type2)pTok->Fun.ptr)(m_vStringBuf[iIdxStack].c_str(), Stack[sidx]); continue; case 2: Stack[sidx] = (*(strfun_type3)pTok->Fun.ptr)(m_vStringBuf[iIdxStack].c_str(), Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]); continue; } continue; } case cmFUNC_BULK: { int iArgCount = pTok->Fun.argc; // switch according to argument count switch(iArgCount) { case 0: sidx += 1; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type0 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID); continue; case 1: Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type1 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx]); continue; case 2: sidx -= 1; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type2 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1]); continue; case 3: sidx -= 2; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type3 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2]); continue; case 4: sidx -= 3; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type4 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3]); continue; case 5: sidx -= 4; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type5 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4]); continue; case 6: sidx -= 5; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type6 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5]); continue; case 7: sidx -= 6; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type7 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6]); continue; case 8: sidx -= 7; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type8 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7]); continue; case 9: sidx -= 8; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type9 )pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8]); continue; case 10:sidx -= 9; Stack[sidx] = (*(bulkfun_type10)pTok->Fun.ptr)(nOffset, nThreadID, Stack[sidx], Stack[sidx+1], Stack[sidx+2], Stack[sidx+3], Stack[sidx+4], Stack[sidx+5], Stack[sidx+6], Stack[sidx+7], Stack[sidx+8], Stack[sidx+9]); continue; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 2); continue; } } //case cmSTRING: //case cmOPRT_BIN: //case cmOPRT_POSTFIX: //case cmOPRT_INFIX: // Q_ASSERT(INVALID_CODE_IN_BYTECODE); // continue; //case cmEND: // return Stack[m_nFinalResultIdx]; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 3); return 0; } // switch CmdCode } // for all bytecode tokens return Stack[m_nFinalResultIdx]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmuParserBase::CreateRPN() const { if (!m_pTokenReader->GetExpr().length()) Error(ecUNEXPECTED_EOF, 0); QStack stOpt, stVal; QStack stArgCount; token_type opta, opt; // for storing operators token_type val, tval; // for storing value string_type strBuf; // buffer for string function arguments ReInit(); // The outermost counter counts the number of seperated items // such as in "a=10,b=20,c=c+a" stArgCount.push(1); for(;;) { opt = m_pTokenReader->ReadNextToken(); switch (opt.GetCode()) { // // Next three are different kind of value entries // case cmSTRING: opt.SetIdx((int)m_vStringBuf.size()); // Assign buffer index to token stVal.push(opt); m_vStringBuf.push_back(opt.GetAsString()); // Store string in internal buffer break; case cmVAR: stVal.push(opt); m_vRPN.AddVar( static_cast(opt.GetVar()) ); break; case cmVAL: stVal.push(opt); m_vRPN.AddVal( opt.GetVal() ); break; case cmELSE: m_nIfElseCounter--; if (m_nIfElseCounter<0) Error(ecMISPLACED_COLON, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()); ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt, stVal); m_vRPN.AddIfElse(cmELSE); stOpt.push(opt); break; case cmARG_SEP: if (stArgCount.empty()) Error(ecUNEXPECTED_ARG_SEP, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()); ++stArgCount.top(); // fallthrough intentional (no break!) case cmEND: ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt, stVal); break; case cmBC: { // The argument count for parameterless functions is zero // by default an opening bracket sets parameter count to 1 // in preparation of arguments to come. If the last token // was an opening bracket we know better... if (opta.GetCode()==cmBO) --stArgCount.top(); ApplyRemainingOprt(stOpt, stVal); // Check if the bracket content has been evaluated completely if (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top().GetCode()==cmBO) { // if opt is ")" and opta is "(" the bracket has been evaluated, now its time to check // if there is either a function or a sign pending // neither the opening nor the closing bracket will be pushed back to // the operator stack // Check if a function is standing in front of the opening bracket, // if yes evaluate it afterwards check for infix operators assert(stArgCount.size()); int iArgCount = stArgCount.pop(); stOpt.pop(); // Take opening bracket from stack if (iArgCount>1 && ( stOpt.size()==0 || (stOpt.top().GetCode()!=cmFUNC && stOpt.top().GetCode()!=cmFUNC_BULK && stOpt.top().GetCode()!=cmFUNC_STR) ) ) Error(ecUNEXPECTED_ARG, m_pTokenReader->GetPos()); // The opening bracket was popped from the stack now check if there // was a function before this bracket if (stOpt.size() && stOpt.top().GetCode()!=cmOPRT_INFIX && stOpt.top().GetCode()!=cmOPRT_BIN && stOpt.top().GetFuncAddr()!=0) { ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, iArgCount); } } } // if bracket content is evaluated break; // // Next are the binary operator entries // //case cmAND: // built in binary operators //case cmOR: //case cmXOR: case cmIF: m_nIfElseCounter++; // fallthrough intentional (no break!) case cmLAND: case cmLOR: case cmLT: case cmGT: case cmLE: case cmGE: case cmNEQ: case cmEQ: case cmADD: case cmSUB: case cmMUL: case cmDIV: case cmPOW: case cmASSIGN: case cmOPRT_BIN: // A binary operator (user defined or built in) has been found. while ( stOpt.size() && stOpt.top().GetCode() != cmBO && stOpt.top().GetCode() != cmELSE && stOpt.top().GetCode() != cmIF) { int nPrec1 = GetOprtPrecedence(stOpt.top()), nPrec2 = GetOprtPrecedence(opt); if (stOpt.top().GetCode()==opt.GetCode()) { // Deal with operator associativity EOprtAssociativity eOprtAsct = GetOprtAssociativity(opt); if ( (eOprtAsct==oaRIGHT && (nPrec1 <= nPrec2)) || (eOprtAsct==oaLEFT && (nPrec1 < nPrec2)) ) { break; } } else if (nPrec1 < nPrec2) { // In case the operators are not equal the precedence decides alone... break; } if (stOpt.top().GetCode()==cmOPRT_INFIX) ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, 1); else ApplyBinOprt(stOpt, stVal); } // while ( ... ) if (opt.GetCode()==cmIF) m_vRPN.AddIfElse(opt.GetCode()); // The operator can't be evaluated right now, push back to the operator stack stOpt.push(opt); break; // // Last section contains functions and operators implicitely mapped to functions // case cmBO: stArgCount.push(1); stOpt.push(opt); break; case cmOPRT_INFIX: case cmFUNC: case cmFUNC_BULK: case cmFUNC_STR: stOpt.push(opt); break; case cmOPRT_POSTFIX: stOpt.push(opt); ApplyFunc(stOpt, stVal, 1); // this is the postfix operator break; default: Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 3); } // end of switch operator-token opta = opt; if ( opt.GetCode() == cmEND ) { m_vRPN.Finalize(); break; } if (QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpStack) { StackDump(stVal, stOpt); m_vRPN.AsciiDump(); } } // while (true) if (QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpCmdCode) m_vRPN.AsciiDump(); if (m_nIfElseCounter>0) Error(ecMISSING_ELSE_CLAUSE); // get the last value (= final result) from the stack Q_ASSERT(stArgCount.size()==1); m_nFinalResultIdx = stArgCount.top(); if (m_nFinalResultIdx==0) Error(ecINTERNAL_ERROR, 9); if (stVal.size()==0) Error(ecEMPTY_EXPRESSION); if (stVal.top().GetType()!=tpDBL) Error(ecSTR_RESULT); m_vStackBuffer.resize(m_vRPN.GetMaxStackSize() * s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief One of the two main parse functions. \sa ParseCmdCode(...) Parse expression from input string. Perform syntax checking and create bytecode. After parsing the string and creating the bytecode the function pointer #m_pParseFormula will be changed to the second parse routine the uses bytecode instead of string parsing. */ qreal QmuParserBase::ParseString() const { try { CreateRPN(); m_pParseFormula = &QmuParserBase::ParseCmdCode; return (this->*m_pParseFormula)(); } catch(QmuParserError &exc) { exc.SetFormula(m_pTokenReader->GetExpr()); throw; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Create an error containing the parse error position. This function will create an Parser Exception object containing the error text and its position. \param a_iErrc [in] The error code of type #EErrorCodes. \param a_iPos [in] The position where the error was detected. \param a_strTok [in] The token string representation associated with the error. \throw ParserException always throws thats the only purpose of this function. */ void QmuParserBase::Error(EErrorCodes a_iErrc, int a_iPos, const string_type &a_sTok) const { throw exception_type(a_iErrc, a_sTok, m_pTokenReader->GetExpr(), a_iPos); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined variables. \throw nothrow Resets the parser to string parsing mode by calling #ReInit. */ void QmuParserBase::ClearVar() { m_VarDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Remove a variable from internal storage. \throw nothrow Removes a variable if it exists. If the Variable does not exist nothing will be done. */ void QmuParserBase::RemoveVar(const string_type &a_strVarName) { varmap_type::iterator item = m_VarDef.find(a_strVarName); if (item!=m_VarDef.end()) { m_VarDef.erase(item); ReInit(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all functions. \post Resets the parser to string parsing mode. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::ClearFun() { m_FunDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined constants. Both numeric and string constants will be removed from the internal storage. \post Resets the parser to string parsing mode. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::ClearConst() { m_ConstDef.clear(); m_StrVarDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined postfix operators. \post Resets the parser to string parsing mode. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::ClearPostfixOprt() { m_PostOprtDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear all user defined binary operators. \post Resets the parser to string parsing mode. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::ClearOprt() { m_OprtDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Clear the user defined Prefix operators. \post Resets the parser to string parser mode. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::ClearInfixOprt() { m_InfixOprtDef.clear(); ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Enable or disable the formula optimization feature. \post Resets the parser to string parser mode. \throw nothrow */ void QmuParserBase::EnableOptimizer(bool a_bIsOn) { m_vRPN.EnableOptimizer(a_bIsOn); ReInit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Enable the dumping of bytecode amd stack content on the console. \param bDumpCmd Flag to enable dumping of the current bytecode to the console. \param bDumpStack Flag to enable dumping of the stack content is written to the console. This function is for debug purposes only! */ void QmuParserBase::EnableDebugDump(bool bDumpCmd, bool bDumpStack) { QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpCmdCode = bDumpCmd; QmuParserBase::g_DbgDumpStack = bDumpStack; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Enable or disable the built in binary operators. \throw nothrow \sa m_bBuiltInOp, ReInit() If you disable the built in binary operators there will be no binary operators defined. Thus you must add them manually one by one. It is not possible to disable built in operators selectively. This function will Reinitialize the parser by calling ReInit(). */ void QmuParserBase::EnableBuiltInOprt(bool a_bIsOn) { m_bBuiltInOp = a_bIsOn; ReInit(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Query status of built in variables. \return #m_bBuiltInOp; true if built in operators are enabled. \throw nothrow */ bool QmuParserBase::HasBuiltInOprt() const { return m_bBuiltInOp; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Get the argument separator character. */ char_type QmuParserBase::GetArgSep() const { return m_pTokenReader->GetArgSep(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Set argument separator. \param cArgSep the argument separator character. */ void QmuParserBase::SetArgSep(char_type cArgSep) { m_pTokenReader->SetArgSep(cArgSep); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Dump stack content. This function is used for debugging only. */ void QmuParserBase::StackDump(const QStack &a_stVal, const QStack &a_stOprt) const { QStack stOprt(a_stOprt), stVal(a_stVal); mu::console() << "\nValue stack:\n"; while ( !stVal.empty() ) { token_type val = stVal.pop(); if (val.GetType()==tpSTR) mu::console() << " \"" << val.GetAsString() << "\" "; else mu::console() << " " << val.GetVal() << " "; } mu::console() << "\nOperator stack:\n"; while ( !stOprt.empty() ) { if (stOprt.top().GetCode()<=cmASSIGN) { mu::console() << "OPRT_INTRNL \"" << QmuParserBase::c_DefaultOprt[stOprt.top().GetCode()] << "\" \n"; } else { switch(stOprt.top().GetCode()) { case cmVAR: mu::console() << "VAR\n"; break; case cmVAL: mu::console() << "VAL\n"; break; case cmFUNC: mu::console() << "FUNC \"" << stOprt.top().GetAsString() << "\"\n"; break; case cmFUNC_BULK: mu::console() << "FUNC_BULK \"" << stOprt.top().GetAsString() << "\"\n"; break; case cmOPRT_INFIX: mu::console() << "OPRT_INFIX \"" << stOprt.top().GetAsString() << "\"\n"; break; case cmOPRT_BIN: mu::console() << "OPRT_BIN \"" << stOprt.top().GetAsString() << "\"\n"; break; case cmFUNC_STR: mu::console() << "FUNC_STR\n"; break; case cmEND: mu::console() << "END\n"; break; case cmUNKNOWN: mu::console() << "UNKNOWN\n"; break; case cmBO: mu::console() << "BRACKET \"(\"\n"; break; case cmBC: mu::console() << "BRACKET \")\"\n"; break; case cmIF: mu::console() << "IF\n"; break; case cmELSE: mu::console() << "ELSE\n"; break; case cmENDIF: mu::console() << "ENDIF\n"; break; default: mu::console() << stOprt.top().GetCode() << " "; break; } } stOprt.pop(); } mu::console() << dec << endl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** \brief Evaluate an expression containing comma seperated subexpressions \param [out] nStackSize The total number of results available \return Pointer to the array containing all expression results This member function can be used to retriev all results of an expression made up of multiple comma seperated subexpressions (i.e. "x+y,sin(x),cos(y)") */ qreal* QmuParserBase::Eval(int &nStackSize) const { (this->*m_pParseFormula)(); nStackSize = m_nFinalResultIdx; // (for historic reasons the stack starts at position 1) return &m_vStackBuffer[1]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Return the number of results on the calculation stack. If the expression contains comma seperated subexpressions (i.e. "sin(y), x+y"). There mey be more than one return value. This function returns the number of available results. */ int QmuParserBase::GetNumResults() const { return m_nFinalResultIdx; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Calculate the result. A note on const correctness: I consider it important that Calc is a const function. Due to caching operations Calc changes only the state of internal variables with one exception m_UsedVar this is reset during string parsing and accessible from the outside. Instead of making Calc non const GetUsedVar is non const because it explicitely calls Eval() forcing this update. \pre A formula must be set. \pre Variables must have been set (if needed) \sa #m_pParseFormula \return The evaluation result \throw ParseException if no Formula is set or in case of any other error related to the formula. */ qreal QmuParserBase::Eval() const { return (this->*m_pParseFormula)(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void QmuParserBase::Eval(qreal *results, int nBulkSize) { CreateRPN(); int i = 0; #ifdef MUP_USE_OPENMP //#define DEBUG_OMP_STUFF #ifdef DEBUG_OMP_STUFF int *pThread = new int[nBulkSize]; int *pIdx = new int[nBulkSize]; #endif int nMaxThreads = std::min(omp_get_max_threads(), s_MaxNumOpenMPThreads); int nThreadID, ct=0; omp_set_num_threads(nMaxThreads); #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, nBulkSize/nMaxThreads) private(nThreadID) for (i=0; i