import qbs.FileInfo
import qbs.Utilities

Module {
    property bool staticBuild: true
    property bool frameworksBuild: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") && !staticBuild

    property bool enableAddressSanitizer: false
    property bool enableUbSanitizer: false
    property bool enableThreadSanitizer: false

    // Use this property to disable building unit tests.
    property bool enableUnitTests: true

    // Use this property to disable the use of rpath. This can be used when packaging Valentina for distributions which
    // do not permit the use of rpath, such as Fedora.
    property bool enableRPath: true

    // Use this property to disable the use of precompiled headers. This can be used when packaging Valentina for
    // distributions which provides not enough space on build servers.
    property bool enablePCH: true

    property bool enableAppImage: false

    property bool enableMultiBundle: false

    property string valentina_copyright_year: { return new Date().getFullYear().toString(); }
    property string valentina_copyright_string: "(C) 2013-" + valentina_copyright_year + ", Valentina project"

    Depends { name: "ccache"; }

    // Use this property to disable the use of ccache.
    property bool enableCcache: true
    readonly property bool ccachePresent: ccache.ccachePresent
    readonly property bool ccachePCHSupport: ccache.pchSupport
    readonly property bool buildWithCcache: enableCcache && (enablePCH && ccachePresent && ccachePCHSupport || (!enablePCH && ccachePresent))

    property bool treatWarningsAsErrors: true

    readonly property bool useConanPackages : {
        if (Utilities.versionCompare(Qt.core.version, "6") < 0)
            return false;

        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("unix") && !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
            return project.enableConan;
        return true;

    property string libDirName: "lib"

    property string appTarget

    readonly property string installAppPath: {
        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
            return "Applications";
        else if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows"))
            return ".";
            return "bin";

    readonly property string installBinaryPath: {
        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
            return installAppPath + "/" + appTarget + ".app/Contents/MacOS"
            return installAppPath

    readonly property string installLibraryPath: {
        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
            return installAppPath + "/" + appTarget + ".app/Contents/Frameworks"
        else if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows"))
            return installAppPath
            return libDirName + "/" + appTarget

    readonly property string installPluginPath: {
        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
            return installAppPath + "/" + appTarget + ".app/Contents/Plugins"
            return installLibraryPath + "/plugins"

    readonly property string installDataPath: {
        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))
            return installAppPath + "/" + appTarget + ".app/Contents/Resources"
        else if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows"))
            return installAppPath
            return "share/" + appTarget

    Depends { name: "cpp" }
    Depends { name: "Qt.core"; versionAtLeast: project.minimumQtVersion }
    Depends { name: "vcs2"; }

    cpp.defines: {
        var defines = [
            // The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
            // any feature of Qt which has been marked as deprecated (the exact warnings
            // depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
            // deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.

            // You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
            // In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
            "QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000", // disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0

            // Since Qt 5.4.0 the source code location is recorded only in debug builds.
            // We need this information also in release builds. For this need define QT_MESSAGELOGCONTEXT.


        if (qbs.targetOS.contains("unix")) {
            defines.push('BINDIR="' + FileInfo.joinPaths(qbs.installPrefix, "bin") + '"');
            const dataDir = FileInfo.joinPaths(qbs.installPrefix, "share");
            defines.push('DATADIR="' + dataDir + '"');
            defines.push('PKGDATADIR="' + FileInfo.joinPaths(dataDir, "valentina") + '"');

        if (qbs.buildVariant !== "debug")

        if (enableAppImage && qbs.targetOS.contains("unix") && !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))

        if (enableMultiBundle)

        return defines;

    cpp.visibility: "minimal"

    Properties {
        condition: Qt.core.versionMajor >= 5 &&  Qt.core.versionMinor < 12
        cpp.cxxLanguageVersion: "c++11"
    // Since Qt 5.12 available support for C++17
    Properties {
        condition: Qt.core.versionMajor >= 5 &&  Qt.core.versionMinor >= 12
        cpp.cxxLanguageVersion: "c++17"

    readonly property string minimumMacosVersion: {
        if (project.minimumMacosVersion !== undefined)
            return project.minimumMacosVersion;

        // Check which minimal OSX version supports current Qt version
        if (Qt.core.versionMajor >= 6) {
            // For Qt 6.5
            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 5) // Qt 6.5
                return "11.0";

            // See page
            // According to the documentation minimal version must be 10.14. But for some reason it requires 10.15 to
            // build.
            return "10.15"; // Qt 6.4 and above

        if (Qt.core.versionMajor >= 5) {
            // See page
            // For qt 5.14
            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 14) // Qt 5.14
                return "10.13";

            // For Qt 5.13
            // For Qt 5.12
            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 12) // Qt 5.12
                return "10.12";

            // For older versions
            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 10) // Qt 5.11 and Qt 5.10
                return "10.11";

            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 9) // Qt 5.9
                return "10.10";

            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 8) // Qt 5.8
                return "10.9";

            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 7) // Qt 5.7
                return "10.8";

            if (Qt.core.versionMinor >= 4) // Qt 5.4
                return "10.7";

            return "10.6";

        return undefined;

    cpp.separateDebugInformation: true

    Properties {
        condition: qbs.buildVariant === "debug"
        cpp.warningLevel: "all"
        cpp.treatWarningsAsErrors: treatWarningsAsErrors

    property stringList debugFlags: {
        var debugFlags = [];
        if (qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")) {
            if (qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")) {
//                    "-Wbad-array-new-length",
//                   "-Wdisabled-macro-expansion", Disabled
//                    "-Winline",
//                    "-Wlong-long", // We have been using C++11
//                    "-Wstack-protector",
//                    "-Wweak-vtables",
                    "-fms-extensions" // Need for pragma message

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "14") < 0) {

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "13") >= 0) {

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "15") >= 0) {

                if (qbs.targetOS.contains("macos")) {
                    // Cannot suppress warnings from Qt headers

                if (qbs.buildVariant === "release") {

                if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")) {
                    // Don't use additional keys on Windows system.
                    // Can't find a way to ignore Qt header on there.
                        "-fms-extensions # Need for pragma message"
            } else if (!qbs.toolchain.contains("clang")) {
//                    "-Wstack-protector",
//                    "-Wmissing-include-dirs",
//                    "-Winline",
//                    "-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations",
//                    "-Wlong-long", // We have been using C++11

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "5") >= 0) {
//                        "-Wsuggest-final-types",
//                        "-Wsuggest-final-methods",

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "6") >= 0) {
//                        "-Wnull-dereference",

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "7") >= 0) {
                        "-Wno-stringop-overflow" // cannot suppress warning in Qt headers

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "8") >= 0) {

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "10") >= 0) {

                if (Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "11") >= 0) {

                if (qbs.targetOS.contains("unix") && !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") &&
                        Utilities.versionCompare(cpp.compilerVersion, "10") >= 0) {
                        "-Wno-mismatched-tags" // bugged in gcc

                if (qbs.targetOS.contains("windows")) {
                    // Don't use additional keys on Windows system.
                    // Can't find a way to ignore Qt header on there.

                    if (Qt.core.versionMajor === 5  &&  Qt.core.versionMinor === 6) {
                            "-Wno-array-bounds" // annoying warning
        else if (qbs.toolchain.contains("msvc")) {
                "-wd4061", // enum value is not *explicitly* handled in switch
                "-wd4099", // first seen using 'struct' now seen using 'class'
                "-wd4127", // conditional expression is constant
                "-wd4217", // member template isn't copy constructor
                "-wd4250", // inherits (implements) some member via dominance
                "-wd4251", // needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients
                "-wd4275", // exported class derived from non-exported class
                "-wd4347", // "behavior change", function called instead of template
                "-wd4355", // "'this': used in member initializer list
                "-wd4505", // unreferenced function has been removed
                "-wd4510", // default constructor could not be generated
                "-wd4511", // copy constructor could not be generated
                "-wd4512", // assignment operator could not be generated
                "-wd4513", // destructor could not be generated
                "-wd4514", // 'function' : unreferenced inline function has been removed
                "-wd4610", // can never be instantiated user defined constructor required
                "-wd4623", // default constructor could not be generated
                "-wd4624", // destructor could not be generated
                "-wd4625", // copy constructor could not be generated
                "-wd4626", // assignment operator could not be generated
                "-wd4640", // a local static object is not thread-safe
                "-wd4661", // a member of the template class is not defined.
                "-wd4670", // a base class of an exception class is inaccessible for catch
                "-wd4672", // a base class of an exception class is ambiguous for catch
                "-wd4673", // a base class of an exception class is inaccessible for catch
                "-wd4675", // resolved overload was found by argument-dependent lookup
                "-wd4702", // unreachable code, e.g. in <list> header.
                "-wd4710", // call was not inlined
                "-wd4711", // call was inlined
                "-wd4820", // some padding was added
                "-wd4917", // a GUID can only be associated with a class, interface or namespace
                "-wd4351", // elements of array 'array' will be default initialized
                           // The following are real warnings but are generated by almost all MS headers, including
                           // standard library headers, so it's impractical to leave them on.
                "-wd4619", // there is no warning number 'XXXX'
                "-wd4668", // XXX is not defined as a preprocessor macro
                "-wd5045", // Compiler will insert Spectre mitigation for memory load if /Qspectre switch specified
                           // Because Microsoft doesn't provide a way to suppress warnings in headers we will suppress
                           // all warnings we meet in headers globally
                "-wd4868", // compiler may not enforce left-to-right evaluation order in braced initializer list
                "-wd4866", // compiler may not enforce left-to-right evaluation order for call to 'C++17 operator'
                "-wd4571", // catch(...) semantics changed since Visual C++ 7.1; structured exceptions (SEH) are no longer caught
                "-wd5026", // move constructor was implicitly defined as deleted
                "-wd5027", // move assignment operator was implicitly defined as deleted
                "-wd5039", // pointer or reference to potentially throwing function passed to extern C function under -EHc.
                "-wd4774", // format string expected in argument 3 is not a string literal
                "-wd5204", // class has virtual functions, but its trivial destructor is not virtual; instances of objects derived
                           // from this class may not be destructed correctly
                "-wd5219", // implicit conversion from '<type>' to '<type>', possible loss of data
                "-wd5243"  // 'type-name': using incomplete class 'class-name' can cause potential one definition rule violation due
                           // to ABI limitation
        return debugFlags;

    cpp.cxxFlags: {
        var flags = debugFlags;
        if (qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc") && enableAddressSanitizer) {
        return flags;

    Properties {
        cpp.systemIncludePaths: {
            var paths = [FileInfo.joinPaths(product.buildDirectory, "qt.headers")];

            if (Utilities.versionCompare(qbs.version, "1.22") < 0) {
                var qtLibs = [

                if (!qbs.targetOS.contains("macos"))

                    for (var i = 0; i < qtLibs.length; i++) {
                        paths.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(Qt.core.incPath, qtLibs[i]));

                } else {
                    for (var i = 0; i < qtLibs.length; i++) {
                                                      qtLibs[i] + ".framework/Versions/" + Qt.core.versionMajor +
                        paths.push(FileInfo.joinPaths(Qt.core.incPath, qtLibs[i] + ".framework/Headers"));

            return paths;

    Properties {
        condition: qbs.toolchain.contains("gcc")
        cpp.driverFlags: {
            var flags = [];
            if (enableAddressSanitizer)
            if (enableUbSanitizer)
            if (enableThreadSanitizer)
            return flags;

    vcs2.headerFileName: "vcsRepoState.h"