import argparse import os import subprocess import sys import glob import zipfile database = "valentina" def debug_extension(): platform = sys.platform if platform == "darwin": debug_ext = ".dSYM" elif platform == "win32": debug_ext = ".pdb" elif platform == "linux": debug_ext = ".debug" else: print(f"Unsupported platform {platform}") return "uknown" return debug_ext def check_binary(binary): # Check if binary file exists if not os.path.exists(binary): # If binary file doesn't exist, it may be part of a framework framework_binary = os.path.basename(binary.replace(".framework", "")) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(binary): for file in files: if file == framework_binary: return os.path.join(root, file) return binary def zip_sym(sym_file): zip_sym_file = sym_file + ".zip" with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_sym_file, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zipf: zipf.write(sym_file, os.path.basename(sym_file)) return zip_sym_file def generate_sym_files(install_root): sym_files = [] platform = sys.platform debug_ext = debug_extension() debug_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(install_root, "**", "*" + debug_ext), recursive=True) for debug_file in debug_files: print(f"Generating symbols for: {os.path.basename(debug_file)}") if platform == "win32": # For Windows, return the executable file sym_file = os.path.splitext(debug_file)[0] + ".exe" else: sym_file = os.path.splitext(debug_file)[0] + ".sym" if platform == "darwin": binary = check_binary(os.path.splitext(debug_file)[0]) dump_syms_cmd = ["dump_syms", "-g", debug_file, binary] elif platform == "linux": dump_syms_cmd = ["dump_syms", debug_file] with open(sym_file, "w") as f:, check=True, stdout=f) if platform == "linux": # When symbols are dumped from a debug file Crashpad creates an incorrect module name. sed_cmd = ["sed", "-i", "1s/.debug//", sym_file], check=True) sym_files.append((debug_file, zip_sym(sym_file))) return sym_files def generate_version_string(val_version, commit_hash, qt_version): # Determine the platform platform = sys.platform if platform == "win32": platform_str = "windows" elif platform == "darwin": platform_str = "macos" elif platform == "linux": platform_str = "linux" else: platform_str = "unknown" # Generate the version string version_string = f"{val_version}-{commit_hash}-Qt_{qt_version}-{platform_str}" return version_string def get_app_name(sym_file): # Get the base name of the symbol file without extension base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sym_file))[0].lower() # Determine the platform platform = sys.platform if platform == "linux": if base_name.startswith("lib"): base_name = base_name[3:] return base_name.split(".so")[0] elif platform == "darwin": if base_name.endswith(".framework"): return base_name.split(".framework")[0] return base_name def upload_symbols(install_root, val_version, commit_hash, qt_version, clean=False): # Platform-specific commands for generating and uploading symbol files platform = sys.platform sym_files = generate_sym_files(install_root) app_version = generate_version_string(val_version, commit_hash, qt_version) print(f"Uploading symbols for version {app_version}") for _, sym_file in sym_files: app_name = get_app_name(sym_file) print(f"Uploading symbols for application {app_name}") if platform == "linux": upload_cmd = ["sym_upload", sym_file, f"https://{database}{app_name}&appVer={app_version}"] elif platform == "darwin": upload_cmd = ["symupload", sym_file, f"https://{database}{app_name}&appVer={app_version}"] elif platform == "win32": upload_cmd = ["symupload.exe", "--product", app_name, sym_file, f"https://{database}{app_name}&appVer={app_version}"] try:, check=True) print(f"Symbol file '{sym_file}' uploaded successfully.") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") # Cleanup if requested if clean: debug_ext = debug_extension() for debug_file, sym_file in sym_files: os.remove(sym_file) print(f"Symbol file '{sym_file}' removed.") os.remove(debug_file) print(f"Debug file '{debug_file}' removed.") if __name__ == "__main__": # Command-line usage: python /path/to/install_root/folder 0_7_52 abcdef123456 6_6 --clean # - First argument: Path to the install root folder # - Second argument: Valentina version # - Third argument: Commit git hash # - Fourth argument: Qt version # - Optional argument: --clean (Clean up after upload) # Parse command-line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Upload symbols to BugSplat.") parser.add_argument("install_root", type=str, help="Path to the installation folder") parser.add_argument("val_version", type=str, help="Valentina version") parser.add_argument("hash", type=str, help="Commit git hash") parser.add_argument("qt_version", type=str, help="Qt version") parser.add_argument("--clean", action="store_true", help="Clean up after upload") args = parser.parse_args() # Call install_package function with provided arguments upload_symbols(args.install_root, args.val_version, args.hash, args.qt_version, args.clean)