AddDetAdd detailtambahkan detailadd detailAddPatternPieceAdd pattern piece %1Tambahkan Potongan Pola %1add pattern piece %1AddToCalcAdd objecttambahkan obyekadd objectAddUnionDetailsAdd union detailsTambah rincian himpunanadd union detailsCommunityPageServerServerServer name/IPNama Server/IPSecure connectionSambungan AmanProxy settingsSetingan ProxyUse ProxyGunakan ProxyProxy addressAlamat ProxyProxy portSaluran ProxyProxy userPengguna ProxyUser settingsPengaturan PenggunaUser NameNama PenggunaSave passwordSimpan sandiPasswordSandiServer name/IP:Proxy address:Proxy port:Proxy user:Proxy pass:User Name:Password:ConfigDialogApplyTerapkan&Cancel&Batalkan&Ok&OkConfig DialogDialog konfigurasiConfigurationKonfigurasiPatternPolaCommunityKomunitasPathsConfigurationPageSetup user interface language updated and will be used the next time startPengaturan bahasa antarmuka pengguna diperbarui dan akan digunakan waktu mulai berikutnyaDefault unit updated and will be used the next pattern creationUnit standar diperbarui dan akan digunakan pada pembuatan pola berikutnyaSaveSimpanAuto-save modified patternSimpan otomatis Pola yang telah dimodifikasiminminimalInterval:selang waktuLanguageBahasaGUI languageBahasa GUIDecimal separator partskomponen pemisah desimalWith OS options (%1)dengan pilihan OS (%1)Default unitUnit StandarCentimetersCentimeterMillimitersMilimeterInchesInchiLabel languagelabel bahasaSend crash reportsKirim laporan kerusakanSend crash reports (recommended)Kirim laporan kerusakan (disarankan)After each crash Valentina collect information that may help us fix a problem. We do not collect any personal information. Find more about what <a href="">kind of information</a> we collect.Setelah setiap kerusakan Valentina mengumpulkan informasi yang dapat membantu kami memperbaiki suatu masalah. Kami tidak mengumpulkan informasi pribadi apapun. Temukan lebih lanjut tentang apa <a href=""> jenis informasi </a> kami kumpulkan.Pattern EditingConfirm item deletionToolbarThe text appears under the icon. (recommended for beginners.)GUI language:Decimal separator parts:Default unit:Label language:DelToolDelete toolHapus alat bantudelete toolDeleteDetailDelete toolHapus alat bantudelete toolDeletePatternPieceDelete pattern piece %1Hapus bagian pola % 1delete pattern piece %1DialogAboutAppAbout ValentinaMengenai ValentinaValentina versionVersi ValentinaContributorspara kontributorBuilt on %3 at %4Dibuat pada %3 at %4Web site : %1Situs web : % 1WarningperingatanCannot open your default browserTidak dapat membuka peramban bawaan AndaBuild revision:DialogAboutTapeAbout TapeTape versionBuild revision:This program is part of Valentina project.Build revision: %1Built on %3 at %4Dibuat pada %3 at %4Web site : %1Situs web : % 1WarningperingatanCannot open your default browserTidak dapat membuka peramban bawaan AndaDialogAlongLineLengthpanjangInsert variable into the formulaMasukkan variabel ke dalam rumusValue of lengthNilai panjang<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan penuh perhitungan dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikFirst pointTitik pertamaFirst point of lineTitik pertama dari barisSecond pointtitik keduaSecond point of linetitik kedua dari barisType of lineJenis barisShow line from first point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik pertama ke titik iniInput datamasukkan dataSize and heightUkuran dan tinggiMeasurementspengukuranIncrementspenambahanLength of linesPanjang garisLength of arcsPanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSelect second point of linePilih titik kedua dari garisPoint at distance along lineEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationPoint label:First point:First point of the lineSecond point:Second point of the lineType of line:Line color:Unique labelChoose unique label.DialogArcArcbusurRadiusradius
Insert variable into the formulasisipkan variabel ke dalam formulaValue of radiusnilai radius<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan perhitungan penuh dalam kotak pesa</p></body></html>First anglesudut pertamaInsert variable into formulasisipkan variabel ke dalam formulaValue of first anglenilai dari sudut pertamaSecond anglesudut keduaInsert marked variable into formulasisipkan variabel yang ditandai ke dalam formulaValue of second anglenilai dari sudut keduaCenter pointtitik tengahSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurInput datamasukkan dataSize and heightukuran dan tinggiMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linespanjang garisLength of arcspanjang busurLength of curvespanjang kurvaAngle of linessudut garisHide empty measurementssembunyikan pengukuran yang kosongVariablesvariabelErrorRadius can't be negativeAngles equalEdit radiusEdit first angleEdit second angleRadius:Formula wizardValueCalulationFirst angle:CalculationSecond angle:Center point:Select center point of the arcColor:DialogArcWithLengthDialogRadiusradius
Value of radiusnilai radius<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>First anglesudut pertamaValue of first anglenilai dari sudut pertamaLengthpanjangCenter pointtitik tengahSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurEdit radiusEdit the first angleEdit the arc lengthErrorRadius can't be negativeLength can't be equal 0Radius:Formula wizardValueCalculationFirst angle:Length:Center point:Color:DialogBisectorLengthpanjangInsert marked variable into the formulasisipkan variabel yang ditandai ke dalam rumusValue of lengthnilai panjang<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan penuh perhitungan dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikFirst pointTitik pertamaFirst point of angleTitik pertama dari sudutSecond pointtitik keduaSecond point of angletitik kedua dari sudutThird pointtitik ketigaThird point of angletitik ketiga dari sudutType of lineJenis barisShow line from second point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik kedua ke titik iniInput datamasukan dataSize and heightukuran dan panjangMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linesPanjang garisLength of arcsPanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSelect second point of anglePilih titik kedua dari sudutSelect third point of anglePilih titik ketiga dari garisPoint along bisectorEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Second point:Third point:Type of line:Line color:DialogCurveIntersectAxisAnglesudutValue of anglenilai dari sudut<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan penuh perhitungan dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>Axis pointtitik sumbuCurvekurvaPoint labellabel titikType of lineJenis barisShow line from first point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik pertama ke titik iniInput datamasukan dataSize and heightukuran dan panjangMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linespanjang garisLength of arcspanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariablesvariabelSelect axis pointpilih titik sumbuPoint intersect curve and axisEdit angleAngle:Formula wizardValueCalculationAxis point:Curve:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Type of line:Line color:DialogCutArcLengthpanjangValue of lengthNilai panjang_-<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan perhitungan penuh dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>ArcbusurPoint labellabel titikInput datamasukan dataSize and heightukuran dan panjangMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linespanjang garisLength of arcspanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSegment an arcEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationArc:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Color:DialogCutSplineLengthpanjangValue of lengthNilai panjang__<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan perhitungan penuh dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>CurvekurvaSelected curvekurva yang telah dipilihPoint labellabel titikInput datamasukan dataSize and heightukuran dan panjangMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linespanjang garisLength of arcspanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSegmenting a simple curveEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationCurve:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Color:DialogCutSplinePathLengthpanjangValue of lengthNilai panjang__<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan perhitungan penuh dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>CurvekurvaSelected curve pathjalur kurva yang telah dipilihPoint labellabel titikInput datamasukan dataSize and heightukuran dan panjangMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linespanjang garisLength of arcspanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSegment a curved pathEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationCurve:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Color:DialogDetailDetailrincialcmcmOptionspilihanName of detailnama rincianSeam allowancekampuhWidthlebarClosedtertutupDeletehapusGot wrong scene object. Ignore.ReverseSeam allowance toolAll objects in path should follow in clockwise direction.Scroll down the listScroll up the listReady!You need more points!First point can not equal the last point!You have double points!You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Bias X:Bias Y:Name of detail:Width:DialogEditWrongFormulaEdit formulaedit rumusFormularumusInsert variable into formulasisipkan variabel ke dalam rumusValue of first anglenilai dari sudut pertama__<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Tampilkan perhitungan penuh dalam kotak pesan</p></body></html>Input datamasukan dataSize and heightukuran dan panjangMeasurementspengukuranIncrementstambahanLength of linespanjang garisLength of arcspanjang busurLength of curvesPanjang kurvaAngle of linesSudut garisHide empty measurementsSembunyikan pengukuran kosongVariablesvariabelDouble click for add to formulaLine lengthArc lengthCurve lengthLine AngleRadius of arcsAngles of arcsAngles of curvesArc radiusArc angleCurve angleFormula:ValueCalculationDialogEndLineLengthpanjang<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>AnglesudutValue of anglenilai dari sudutFirst point of lineTitik pertama dari barisPoint labellabel titikType of lineJenis barisShow line from first point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik pertama ke titik iniMeasurementspengukuranVariablesvariabelPoint at distance and angleEdit angleEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationAngle:Base point:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Type of line:Line color:DialogHeightPoint labellabel titikFirst point of lineTitik pertama dari barisSecond point of linetitik kedua dari barisType of lineJenis barisSelect first point of lineSelect second point of linePilih titik kedua dari garisPerpendicular point along linePoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Base point:First point of line:Second point of line:Type of line:Line color:DialogHistoryHistoryToolCan't create record.%1 - Base point%1_%2 - Line from point %1 to point %2%3 - Point along line %1_%2%1 - Point of shoulder%3 - normal to line %1_%2%4 - bisector of angle %1_%2_%3%5 - intersection of lines %1_%2 and %3_%4Curve %1_%2Arc with center in point %1Curve point %1%4 - point of contact of arc with the center in point %1 and line %2_%3Point of perpendicular from point %1 to line %2_%3Triangle: axis %1_%2, points %3 and %4%1 - point of intersection %2 and %3%1 - cut arc with center %2%1 - cut curve %2_%3%1 - cut curve path %2%1 - point of intersection line %2_%3 and axis through point %4%1 - point of intersection curve and axis through point %2Arc with center in point %1 and length %2%1 - point of arcs intersection%1 - point of circles intersection%1 - point from circle and tangent%1 - point from arc and tangentCorrection the dart %1_%2_%3DialogIncrementsIncrementsMeasurementspengukuranEmailSurelNameNamaThe calculated valueLinesLineLengthpanjangCurvekurvaArcbusurOpen fileBuka fileTables of VariablesLines anglesAnglesudutLengths curvesAngles curvesLengths arcsRadiuses arcsRadiusradius
Angles arcsFormularumusDetailsMove measurement upMove measurement downName:Calculated value:Formula:<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Description:ErrorEmpty field.Empty fieldValueParser error: %1Increment_%1Edit incrementUnique increment nameCalculationFormula wizardDialogIndividualMeasurementsPattern piece nameNama potongan polaCentimetersCentimeterMillimitersMilimeterInchesInchiDialogLayoutProgressCouldn't prepare data for creation layoutSeveral workpieces left not arranged, but none of them match for paperCreate a Layout<html><head/><body><p>Finding best position for worpieces. Please, wait.</p></body></html>Arranged workpieces: %1 from %2DialogLayoutSettingsTemplates:Width:Height:Rotate workpieceRotate bydegreeCreation optionsShift length:Principle of choosing the next workpieceThree groups: big, middle, smallTwo groups: big, smallDescending areaMillimitersMilimeterCentimetersCentimeterInchesInchiPixelsCreate a layoutAuto crop unused lengthUnite pages (if possible)Gap width:Save length of the sheetLetterLegalRoll 24inRoll 30inRoll 36inRoll 42inRoll 44inPaper formatFieldsLeft:Right:Top:Bottom:Ignore filedsCustomWrong fields.Fields go beyond printing.
Apply settings anyway?
Three groups: big, middle, small = 0;
Two groups: big, small = 1;
Descending area = 2DialogLineFirst pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaType of lineJenis barisShow line from first point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik pertama ke titik iniSelect second pointLine between pointsFirst point:Second point:Type of line:Line color:DialogLineIntersectPoint labellabel titikFirst lineFirst pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaSecond lineSelect second point of first lineSelect first point of second lineSelect second point of second linePoint at line intersectionPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Second point:DialogLineIntersectAxisAnglesudutValue of anglenilai dari sudut<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Axis pointtitik sumbuFirst point of lineTitik pertama dari barisPoint labellabel titikType of lineJenis barisShow line from first point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik pertama ke titik iniMeasurementspengukuranVariablesvariabelSelect second point of linePilih titik kedua dari garisSelect axis pointpilih titik sumbuPoint intersect line and axisAxis PointSecond point of linetitik kedua dari barisEdit angleAngle:Formula wizardValueCalculationAxis point:First line point:Second line point:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Type of line:Line color:DialogMDataBaseMeasurement data baseMeasurementspengukuranDirect HeightMeasurement sectionDirect WidthMeasurement sectionIndentationMeasurement sectionCircumference and ArcMeasurement sectionVerticalMeasurement sectionHorizontalMeasurement sectionBustMeasurement sectionBalanceMeasurement sectionArmMeasurement sectionLegMeasurement sectionCrotch and RiseMeasurement sectionHandMeasurement sectionFootMeasurement sectionHeadMeasurement sectionMen & TailoringMeasurement sectionHistorical & SpecialtyMeasurement sectionPatternmaking measurementsMeasurement sectionCollapse AllExpand AllCheck allUncheck allDialogMeasurementsMeasurementspengukuranDialogNewMeasurementsNew measurement fileMeasurement type:Unit:Base size:Base height:IndividualStandardCentimetersCentimeterMillimitersMilimeterInchesInchiDialogNewPatternIndividual measurementsPattern piece nameNama potongan polaUnits:CentimetersCentimeterMillimitersMilimeterInchesInchiPattern piece name:Unique pattern piece nameChoose unique pattern piece name.DialogNormalLengthpanjang<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikFirst pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaType of lineJenis barisShow line from first point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik pertama ke titik iniMeasurementspengukuranVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSelect second point of linePilih titik kedua dari garisPoint along perpendicularFirst point of lineTitik pertama dari barisSecond point of linetitik kedua dari barisEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Second point:Additional angle degrees:Type of line:Line color:DialogPatternPropertiesPattern propertiesDescriptionAuthor nameNama PembuatPattern descriptionKeterangan PolaFor technical notes.Untuk catatan teknisHeights and SizesAll heights (cm)All sizes (cm)Default height and sizeFrom standard measurementsCustomHeight:Size:DialogPatternXmlEditXML EditorValue :Name :<No selection>Type : Add attributeAdd sonRemove attributeRemove nodeSetCancelApply changesUndo lastImmediate applyBase selectionAll pattern piecesNo changesCannot delete previously created nodeNo changes leftCannot undo change<no value>UnchangedCannot delete previously created attributeNode NameName:Node Value (may be empty)Value:Attribute NameAttribute ValueNo selectionRoot nodeNodeAttributeDialogPointFromArcAndTangentPoint from arc and tangentPoint labellabel titikArcbusurSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurSelect an arcPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Tangent point:Arc:Take:DialogPointFromCircleAndTangentPoint from circle and tangentRadiusradius
<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurSelect a circle centerEdit radiusErrorRadius can't be negativeRadius:Formula wizardValueCalculationPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Center of the circle:Tangent point:Take:DialogPointOfContactRadiusradius
Value of radiusnilai radius<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurMeasurementspengukuranSelect second point of linePilih titik kedua dari garisPoint at intersection of arc and lineEdit radiusRadius:Formula wizardValueCalculationPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Center of arc:Top of the line:End of the line:DialogPointOfIntersectionPoint labellabel titikFirst point of angleTitik pertama dari sudutSecond point of angletitik kedua dari sudutPoint from X and Y of two other pointsSelect point for Y value (horizontal)Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.X: vertical point:Y: horizontal point:DialogPointOfIntersectionArcsDialogPoint labellabel titikSelect second an arcPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.First arc:Second arc:Take:DialogPointOfIntersectionCirclesDialog<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurSelect second circle centerEdit first circle radiusEdit second circle radiusErrorRadius can't be negativeRadius of the first circle:Formula wizardValueCalculationRadius of the second circle:Point label:Unique labelChoose unique label.Center of the first circle:Center of the second circle:Take:DialogSaveLAyoutSave LayoutFile name:Path:File format:Browse...TextLabelDestination folderPath to destination folder.Select path to destination folderFile base nameFile base name. DialogSaveLayoutName conflictFolder already contain file with name %1. Rewrite all conflict file names?Example:Select folderSvg files (*.svg)PDF files (*.pdf)Images (*.png)Wavefront OBJ (*.obj)PS files (*.ps)EPS files (*.eps)DXF files (*.dxf)Tried to use out of range format number.Selected not present format.The destination directory doesn't exists or is not readable.The base filename does not match a regular expression.DialogShoulderPointLengthpanjang<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Point labellabel titikFirst pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaThird pointtitik ketigaType of lineJenis barisMeasurementspengukuranVariables - Click twice to insert into formulaVariabel - Klik dua kali untuk menyisipkan ke dalam rumusSelect first point of lineSelect second point of linePilih titik kedua dari garisSpecial point on shoulderEdit lengthLength:Formula wizardValueCalculationPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point:Second point:Third point:Type of line:Line color:DialogSinglePointSingle pointCoordinates on the sheetCoordinatesY coordinateX coordinatePoint labellabel titikUnique labelChoose unique label.DialogSplineFirst pointTitik pertamaLength ratio of the first control pointThe angle of the first control pointSecond pointtitik keduaLength ratio of the second control pointThe angle of the second control pointSelect last point of curveSimple curveCoefficient of curvature of the curve:Color:DialogSplinePathCurved pathPoint of curveLength ratio of the first control pointThe angle of the first control pointLength ratio of the second control pointThe angle of the second control pointList of pointsSelect point of curve pathCoefficient of curvature of the curve:Color:DialogStandardMeasurementsPattern piece nameNama potongan polaDialogToolErrorEmpty fieldValue can't be 0ValueParser error: %1First pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaDialogTrianglePoint labellabel titikFirst point of lineTitik pertama dari barisFirst pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaSelect second point of axisSelect first pointSelect second pointTriangle toolSecond point of linetitik kedua dari barisPoint label:Unique labelChoose unique label.First point of axis:Second point of axis:First point:Second point:DialogTrueDartsTrue dartsFirst point of angleTitik pertama dari sudutSecond point of angletitik kedua dari sudutThird point of angletitik ketiga dari sudutShow line from second point to this pointTampilkan garis dari titik kedua ke titik iniSelect the second base pointSelect the first dart pointSelect the second dart pointSelect the third dart pointFirst base point:Second base point:First dart point:Second dart point:Third dart point:First new dart point:Unique labelChoose unique label.Second new dart point:DialogUndoBroken formulaError while calculation formula. You can try undo last operation or fix broken formula.&Undo&Fix formula&Cancel&BatalkanDialogUnionDetails<html><head/><body><p>Do you really want union details?</p></body></html>Union toolSelect a first pointWorkpiece should have at least two points and three objectsSelect a second pointSelect a unique pointSelect a detailSelect a point on edgeFunctionsminmin of all argumentsminimalInternalStringsThe program is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.MApplicationError parsing file. Program will be terminated.Error bad id. Program will be terminated.Error can't convert value. Program will be terminated.Error empty parameter. Program will be terminated.Error wrong id. Program will be terminated.Something's wrong!!Parser error: %1. Program will be terminated.Exception thrown: %1. Program will be terminated.Valentina's measurements editor.The measurement file.The base heightThe base sizeSet pattern file unit: cm, mm, inch.The pattern unitInvalid base size argument. Must be cm, mm or inch.Can't begin to listen for incoming connections on name '%1'Test mode doesn't support openning several files.Please, provide one input file.Open with the base size. Valid values: %1cm.Invalid base height argument. Must be %1cm.Invalid base size argument. Must be %1cm.Open with the base height. Valid values: %1cm.Use for unit testing. Run the program and open a file without showing the main window.MainWindowValentinaTools for creating points.PointPoint along perpendicularPerpendicular point along linePoint along bisectorPoint at distance and anglePoint at distance along lineTools for creating lines.LineLine between pointsPoint at line intersectionTools for creating curves.CurvekurvaTools for creating arcs.ArcbusurTools for creating details.Detailrincial&File&Help&Pattern pieceMeasurementspengukuranWindowToolbar filesToolBar modesToolbar patternToolbar optionsToolbar toolsTool optionsNew&NewCreate a new patternOpen&OpenOpen file with patternSaveSimpan&SaveSave patternSave &As...Save not yet saved patternDrawDetailsPointer toolsNew pattern pieceAdd new pattern pieceChange the label of pattern pieceTable of variablesTables of variablesHistoryAbout &Qt&About ValentinaE&xitExit the applicationPreferencesPattern propertiesZoom inzoom inZoom outEdit pattern XML codeOriginal zoom Original Zoom Zoom fit bestStopStop using toolRepot Bug...Report bugClose windowOnline helpShow online helpPattern piece %1Select pointSelect first pointSelect first point of lineSelect first point of angleSelect first point of first lineSelect first point curveSelect simple curveSelect point of center of arcpilih titik tengah dari busurSelect point of curve pathSelect curve pathSelect points, arcs, curves clockwise.Select base pointSelect first point of axisSelect detailSelect arcSelect curveAbout QtHeight: Size: Pattern Piece: Pattern files (*.val)pattern/pattern.val/Pola.valSave asCould not save fileOpen fileBuka FileError parsing file.Error can't convert value.Error empty parameter.Error wrong id.Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Bad id.File savedFile telah disimpanuntitled.valtanpajudul.valUnsaved changePerubahan belum disimpanThe pattern has been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Pola telah dimodiikasi
Apakah anda ingin menyimpan perubahan anda?&Undo&RedoPattern piece:Enter a new label for the pattern piece.This file already opened in another window.Wrong units.Application doesn't support standard table with inches.File error.File loadedValentina didn't shut down correctly. Do you want reopen files (%1) you had open?Reopen files.Standard measurements (*.vst)Individual measurements (*.vit)Special point on shoulderTriangle toolPoint at intersection of arc and linePoint from X and Y of two other pointsPoint intersect line and axisSimple curveCurved pathSegmenting a simple curveSegment a curved pathPoint intersect curve and axisSegment an arcPoint intersect arc and axisSeam allowance toolUnion tooltoolBarLast ToolActivate last used tool againSelect point for X value (vertical)ModePointerConfig pattern pieceLayoutShow Curve DetailsShow/hide control points and curve directionToolsPoint of intersection arcsPoint of intersection circlesPoint from circle and tangentPoint from arc and tangentArc with given lengthSettingsLayout pagesSave as PDFSave original layoutSave as tiled PDFSplit and save a layout into smaller pagesPrintPrint tiledSplit and print a layout into smaller pages (for regular printers)Print previewPrint preview original layoutExport As...Export original layoutSelect first an arcSelect first circle center Select point on tangent Select point of the center of the arcSelect the first base line pointDetail modeYou can't use now the Detail mode. Please, create at least one workpiece.Layout modeYou can't use now the Layout mode. Please, create at least one workpiece.Unsaved changesLoad Individual ...Load Standard ...Show ...Show measurementsSync measurementsIndividual measurements (*.vit);;Standard measurements (*.vst)Measurements loadedStandard measurements (*.vst);;Individual measurements (*.vit)You can't export empty scene.Create new LayoutCreate/EditCreate/edit measurements%1, %2 (%3)Coords in status line: "X, Y (units)"Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window.Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Expect collissions when run 2 copies of the program.Measurement file contains invalid known measurement(s).Measurement file has unknown format.Measurement file doesn't include all required measurements.Please, additionaly provide: %1Measurement files types have not match.Measurements was syncedCouldn't sync measurements.Couldn't update measurements.The measurements file '%1' could not be found.The measurements file <br/><br/> <b>%1</b> <br/><br/> could not be found. Do you want to update the file locationLoading measurements fileNot supported size value '%1' for this pattern file.Couldn't set size. Need a file with standard measurements.Couldn't set size. File wasn't opened.The method %1 does nothing in GUI modeNot supported height value '%1' for this pattern file.Couldn't set height. Need a file with standard measurements.Couldn't set height. File wasn't opened.Export error.Please, provide one input file.Print an original layoutPrint preview tiledPrint preview tiled layout<html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with pattern pieces. These pattern pieces are base for going to the next stage "Details mode". Before you will be able to enable the "Details mode" need create at least one detail.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Mode for working with details. Before you will be able to enable the "Details mode" need create at least one detail on the stage "Draw mode". Details created on this stage will be used for creating a layout. </p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Mode for creating a layout of details. This mode avaliable if was created at least one detail on the stage "Details mode". The layout can be exported to your prefered file format and saved to your harddirve.</p></body></html>Unload measurementsUnload measurements if they was not used in a pattern file.Measurements unloadedCouldn't unload measurements. Some of them are used in the pattern.True dartsNew patternOpen patternCreate/Edit measurementsSave...Don't SaveMainWindowsNoGUIFor saving multypage document all sheet should have the same size. Use export function instead.For previewing multypage document all sheet should have the same size.For printing multypages document all sheet should have the same size.Creating file '%1' failed! %2Critical error!Print to pdfPDF file (*.pdf)Print errorCannot proceed because there are no available printers in your system.unnamedThe layout is stale.The layout was not updated since last pattern modification. Do you want to continue?Couldn't prepare data for creation layoutSeveral workpieces left not arranged, but none of them match for paperCan't open printer %1Export error.Measurementshead_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar Kepalamid_neck_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Setengah Lingkar Leherneck_base_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar Leher Bawahhead_and_neck_lengthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Panjang Leher dan Kepalashoulder_lengthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Panjang Bahuside_waist_lengthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Panjang Sisi Pinggangtrunk_lengthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Panjang Badanshoulder_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar Bahuupper_chest_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar data atasbust_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar dada/payudaraunder_bust_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!lingkar bawah payudarawaist_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar Pingganghigh_hip_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Tinggi Lingkar Pinggulhip_girthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lingkar Pinggulupper_front_chest_widthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lebar dada depan atasfront_chest_widthShort measurement name. Don't use math symbols in name!!!!Lebar dada depanMoveDoubleLabelmove the first dart labelmove the second dart labelMoveLabelmove point labelMoveSPointmove single pointMoveSplinemove splineMoveSplinePathmove spline pathPathPageOpen DirectoryPath that use ValentinaDefaultEditTypePathIndividual measurementsPatternsStandard measurementsLayoutTemplatesPatternPageUserGraphical outputUse antialiasingUndoUser name:Count steps (0 - no limit):PostfixOperatorscmcentimetercmQCommandLineParserDisplays version information.Displays this help.Unknown option '%1'.Unknown options: %1.Missing value after '%1'.Unexpected value after '%1'.[options]Usage: %1Options:Arguments:QCoreApplicationBased on Qt %1 (%2, %3 bit)QObjectCreate new pattern piece to start working.mmcmcminchPropertyThe text that appears in the first column headerValueThe text that appears in the second column headerpxadd nodemove detailQmuParsertoo few arguments for function sum.parser error messagetoo few arguments for function min.parser error messageQmuParserErrorMsgUnexpected token "$TOK$" found at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Internal errorMath parser error messages.Invalid function-, variable- or constant name: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid binary operator identifier: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid infix operator identifier: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid postfix operator identifier: "$TOK$".Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Invalid pointer to callback function.Math parser error messages.Expression is empty.Math parser error messages.Invalid pointer to variable.Math parser error messages.Unexpected operator "$TOK$" found at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected end of expression at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Unexpected argument separator at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Unexpected parenthesis "$TOK$" at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected function "$TOK$" at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected value "$TOK$" found at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Unexpected variable "$TOK$" found at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Function arguments used without a function (position: $POS$)Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Missing parenthesisMath parser error messages.Too many parameters for function "$TOK$" at expression position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Too few parameters for function "$TOK$" at expression position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Divide by zeroMath parser error messages.Domain errorMath parser error messages.Name conflictMath parser error messages.Invalid value for operator priority (must be greater or equal to zero).Math parser error messages.user defined binary operator "$TOK$" conflicts with a built in operator.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"Unexpected string token found at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$Unterminated string starting at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$String function called with a non string type of argument.Math parser error messages.String value used where a numerical argument is expected.Math parser error messages.No suitable overload for operator "$TOK$" at position $POS$.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$" and $POS$Function result is a string.Math parser error messages.Parser error.Math parser error messages.Decimal separator is identic to function argument separator.Math parser error messages.The "$TOK$" operator must be preceeded by a closing bracket.Math parser error messages. Left untouched "$TOK$"If-then-else operator is missing an else clauseMath parser error messages. Do not translate operator name.Misplaced colon at position $POS$Math parser error messages. Left untouched $POS$RenamePPrename pattern pieceSaveDetailOptionssave detail optionSaveToolOptionssave tool optionTMainWindow<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:18pt;">Select New for creation measurement file.</span></p></body></html>NameNamaCalculated valueFormularumusBase valueIn sizesIn heightsDetailsName:Formula:<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>Base value:In sizes:In heights:Description:Move measurement upMove measurement downCalculated value:Full name:InformationType:Measurement typePath:Show in ExplorerBase size:Base size valueBase height:Base height valueGiven name:Family name:Birth date:yyyy-MM-ddEmail:Notes:FileWindowHelpMeasurementspengukuranMenuGradationOpen individual ...SaveSimpanSave As ...QuitAbout &QtAbout TapeNewAdd knownAdd customRead onlyOpen standard ...Open templateDatabaseShow information about all known measurementPreferencesuntitled %1This file already opened in another window.File error.Could not save filemeasurementsIndividual measurements (*.vit)Standard measurements (*.vst)Save as&New WindowEdit measurementM_%1ErrorEmpty field.Parser error: %1Standard measurementsHeight: Size: Individual measurementsuntitled<Empty>Unsaved changesMeasurements have been modified.
Do you want to save your changes?Empty fieldValueOpen fileImport from a patternPattern files (*.val)Pattern unit:Find:Find PreviousCtrl+Shift+GFind NextCtrl+GIndividual measurements (*.vit);;Standard measurements (*.vst);;All files (*.*)Standard measurements (*.vst);;Individual measurements (*.vit);;All files (*.*)Measurements (*.vst *.vit);;All files (*.*)Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window.Failed to lock. This file already opened in another window. Expect collissions when run 2 copies of the program.File contains invalid known measurement(s).File has unknown format.Full nameFile '%1' doesn't exist!The name of known measurement forbidden to change.Can't find measurement '%1'.The full name of known measurement forbidden to change.Function WizardMove measurement topMove measurement bottomDelete measurementunknowngendermalegenderfemalegenderGender:PM system:Create from existing ...Create from existing fileSelect fileExport standard measurements not supported.Measurement diagram<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align=\"center\">Unknown measurement</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:340pt;">?</span></p><p align="center">Unknown measurement</p></body></html>About QtFile was not saved yet.SearchMeasurement's name in a formulaMeasurement's name in a formula.Measurement's human-readable name.Customer's name.Customer's family name.Customer's email address.Save...Don't SaveTableWindowSaveSimpanTapeConfigDialogApplyTerapkan&Cancel&Batalkan&Ok&OkConfig DialogDialog konfigurasiConfigurationKonfigurasiPathsTapeConfigurationPageLanguageBahasaGUI languageBahasa GUIPattern making systemAuthor:Book:Decimal separator partskomponen pemisah desimalWith OS options (%1)dengan pilihan OS (%1)GUI language:Decimal separator parts:Pattern making system:Default height and sizeDefault height:Default size:TapePathPageOpen DirectoryPath that use ValentinaDefaultEditTypePathIndividual measurementsStandard measurementsTemplatesUtils::CheckableMessageBoxDo not ask againDo not &ask againDo not &show againVAbstractConverterCouldn't get version information.Too many tags <%1> in file.Version "%1" invalid.Version "0.0.0" invalid.Invalid version. Minimum supported version is %1Invalid version. Maximum supported version is %1Error no unique id.Could not change version.Error creating a backup file: %1.Error creating a reserv copy: %1.VAbstractPatternCan't find tool in table.VAbstractToolblackgreenbluedark reddark greendark blueyellowConfirm deletionDo you really want to delete?VApplicationError parsing file. Program will be terminated.Error bad id. Program will be terminated.Error can't convert value. Program will be terminated.Error empty parameter. Program will be terminated.Error wrong id. Program will be terminated.Something's wrong!!Parser error: %1. Program will be terminated.Exception thrown: %1. Program will be terminated.VCommandLinePath to custom measure file (export mode).The measure fileNumber corresponding to output format (default = 0, export mode): Format numberNumber corresponding to page template (default = 0, export mode): Template numberThe page widthThe measure unitAnglesudutAuto crop unused length (export mode).Layout units (as paper's one except px, export mode).The unitShift lengthThe gap widthGrouping typeCannot use pageformat and page explicit size/units together.Page height, width, units must be used all 3 at once.Invalid rotation value. That must be one of predefined values.Unknown page templated selected.Unsupported paper units.Unsupported layout units.Export options can be used with single input file only.Test option can be used with single input file only.The base filename of exported layout files. Use it to enable console export mode.The base filename of layout filesThe destination folderSet size value a pattern file, that was opened with standard measurements (export mode). Valid values: %1cm.The size valueSet height value a pattern file, that was opened with standard measurements (export mode). Valid values: %1cm.The height valuePage width in current units like 12.0 (cannot be used with "%1", export mode).Page height in current units like 12.0 (cannot be used with "%1", export mode).Invalid gradation size value.Invalid gradation height value.Pattern making program.program pembuat polaPattern file.Berkas pola.Shift length must be used together with shift units.Gap width must be used together with shift units.Left margin must be used together with page units.Right margin must be used together with page units.Top margin must be used together with page units.Bottom margin must be used together with page units.The path to output destination folder. By default the directory at which the application was started.Page height/width measure units (cannot be used with "%1", export mode). Valid values: %2.Ignore margins printing (export mode). Disable value keys: "%1", "%2", "%3", "%4". Set all margins to 0.Page left margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used.Page right margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used.Page top margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used.Page bottom margin in current units like 3.0 (export mode). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found. Value will be ignored if key "%1" is used.Rotation in degrees (one of predefined, export mode). Default value is 180. 0 is no-rotate. Valid values: %1. Each value show how many times details will be rotated. For example 180 mean two times (360/180=2) by 180 degree.Unite pages if possible (export mode). Maximum value limited by QImage that supports only a maximum of 32768x32768 px images.Save length of the sheet if set (export mode). The option tells the program to use as much as possible width of sheet. Quality of a layout can be worse when this option was used.Shift layout length measured in layout units (export mode). The option show how many points along edge will be used in creating a layout.The layout gap width x2, measured in layout units (export mode). Set distance between details and a detail and a sheet.Sets layout groupping cases (export mode): %1.Run the program in a test mode. The program in this mode loads a single pattern file and silently quit without showing the main window. The key have priority before key '%1'.VContainerCan't find objectCan't cast objectCan't find object. Type mismatch.VDomDocumentCan't convert toUInt parameterCan't convert toBool parameterGot empty parameterCan't convert toDouble parameterCan't open file %1:
%2.Can't open schema file %1:
%2.Validation error file %3 in line %1 column %2Parsing error file %3 in line %1 column %2Couldn't get nodeGot wrong parameter id. Need only id > 0.This id is not unique.Could not copy temp file to document fileCould not remove document fileCould not load schema file '%1'.VDrawToolEdit wrong formulaOptionspilihanDeletehapusVFormulaErrorVFormulaPropertyValueFormularumusVMeasurementsCan't find measurement '%1'The measurement name is empty!VPE::VBoolPropertyTrueFalseVPE::VFileEditWidgetDirectoryOpen FileVPatternError no unique id.Error parsing file.Error can't convert value.Error empty parameter.Error wrong id.Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error creating or updating detailError creating or updating single pointError creating or updating point of end lineError creating or updating point along lineError creating or updating point of shoulderError creating or updating point of normalError creating or updating point of bisectorError creating or updating point of lineintersectionError creating or updating point of contactError creating or updating modeling pointError creating or updating heightError creating or updating triangleError creating or updating point of intersectionError creating or updating cut spline pointError creating or updating cut spline path pointError creating or updating cut arc pointError creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creating or updating lineError creating or updating simple curveError creating or updating curve pathError creating or updating modeling simple curveError creating or updating modeling curve pathError creating or updating simple arcError creating or updating modeling arcError creating or updating union detailsError creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creating or updating point from circle and tangentError creating or updating point from arc and tangentError creating or updating true dartsWrong tag name '%1'.Unknown point type '%1'.Unknown spline type '%1'.Unknown arc type '%1'.Unknown tools type '%1'.VPatternConverterUnexpected version "%1".Error restoring backup file: %1.VSplinePathNot enough points to create the spline.This spline does not exist.Can't cut spline path with one pointVToolDetailOptionspilihanDeletehapusVToolOptionsPropertyBrowserBase pointPoint labellabel titikPositionPoint at distance and angleLine typeLengthpanjangAnglesudutPoint at distance along lineArcbusurRadiusradius
First anglesudut pertamaSecond anglesudut keduaPoint along bisectorCut arc toolTool for segmenting a curveTool segment a pathed curvePerpendicular point along lineLine between pointsPoint at line intersectionPoint along perpendicularAdditional angle degreesPoint at intersection of arc and lineTool to make point from x & y of two other pointsSpecial point on shoulderCurve toolCurve factorTool for path curveTool trianglePoint intersection line and axisLine colorColorPoint intersection curve and axisFirst pointTitik pertamaSecond pointtitik keduaArc with given lengthTrue dartsPoint 1 labelPoint 2 labelTool to make point from intersection two arcsTakeTool to make point from intersection two circlesFirst circle radiusSecond circle radiusTool to make point from circle and tangentCircle radiusTool to make point from arc and tangentVTranslateVarsBunkaSystem nameBunka Fashion CollegeAuthor nameFundamentals of Garment DesignBook nameBarnfield and RichardSystem nameJo Barnfield and Andrew RichardsAuthor namePattern Making PrimerBook nameFriendship/WomenSystem nameElizabeth FriendshipAuthor nameCreating Historical Clothes - Pattern Cutting from the 16th to the 19th CenturiesBook nameMorris, K.System nameKaren MorrisAuthor nameSewing Lingerie that FitsBook nameCastroSystem nameLucia Mors de CastroAuthor namePatternmaking in PracticBook nameKim & UhSystem nameInjoo Kim and Mykyung UhAuthor nameApparel Making in Fashion DesignBook nameWaughSystem nameNorah WaughAuthor nameCorsets and CrinolinesBook nameGrimbleSystem nameFrances GrimbleAuthor nameFashions of the Gilded AgeBook nameThornton's International SystemSystem nameed. R. L. ShepAuthor nameThe Great War: Styles and Patterns of the 1910sBook nameHillhouse & MansfieldSystem nameMarion S. Hillhouse and Evelyn A. MansfieldAuthor nameDress Design: Draping and Flat Pattern MakingBook namePivnickSystem nameEsther Kaplan PivnickAuthor nameHow to Design Beautiful Clothes: Designing and Pattern MakingBook nameMinister & SonSystem nameEdward Minister & Son, ed. R. L. ShepAuthor nameThe Complete Guide to Practical Cutting (1853)Book nameStricklandSystem nameGertrude StricklandAuthor nameA Tailoring ManualBook nameLoh & LewisSystem nameMay Loh and Diehl LewisAuthor namePatternless Fashion DesignBook nameMorris, F. R.System nameF. R. MorrisAuthor nameLadies Garment Cutting and MakingBook nameMasonSystem nameGertrude MasonAuthor nameGertrude Mason's Patternmaking BookBook nameKimataSystem nameK. KimataAuthor nameK.Kimata's Simplified Drafting Book for DressmakingBook nameMaster DesignerSystem nameThe Master Designer (Chicago, IL)Author nameMaster Designer's System of Designing, Cutting and GradingBook nameKoppSystem nameErnestine Kopp, Vittorina Rolfo, Beatrice Zelin, Lee GrossAuthor nameHow to Draft Basic PatternsBook nameEkernSystem nameDoris EkernAuthor nameSlacks Cut-to-Fit for Your FigureBook nameDoyleSystem nameSarah J. DoyleAuthor nameSarah's Key to Pattern DraftingBook nameSheltonSystem nameKarla J. SheltonAuthor nameDesign and Sew JeansBook nameLady BoutiqueSystem nameLady BoutiqueAuthor nameLady Boutique magazine (Japan)Book nameRohrSystem nameM. RohrAuthor namePattern Drafting and Grading: Women's nd Misses' Garment DesignBook nameMooreSystem nameDorothy MooreAuthor nameDorothy Moore's Pattern Drafting and DressmakingBook nameAblingSystem nameBina AblingAuthor nameIntegrating Draping, Drafting and DrawingBook nameFukomotoSystem nameSue S. FukomotoAuthor nameScientific Pattern Drafting as taught at Style Center School of Costume Design, Dressmaking and MillineryBook nameDressmaking InternationalSystem nameDressmaking InternationalAuthor nameDressmaking International magazine (Japan)Book nameErwinSystem nameMabel D. ErwinAuthor namePractical Dress DesignBook nameGoughSystem nameE. L. G. GoughAuthor namePrinciples of Garment CuttingBook nameAllemongSystem nameElizabeth M. AllemongAuthor nameEuropean CutBook nameMcCunnSystem nameDonald H. McCunnAuthor nameHow to Make Your Own Sewing PatternsBook nameZarapkarSystem nameShri K. R. Zarapkar and Shri Arvind K. ZarapkarAuthor nameZarapkar System of CuttingBook nameKunickSystem namePhilip KunickAuthor nameSizing, Pattern Construction and Grading for Women's and Children's GarmentsBook nameHandfordSystem nameJack HandfordAuthor nameProfessional Patternmaking for Designers: Women's Wear, Men's Casual WearBook nameDavisSystem nameR. I. DavisAuthor nameMen's 17th & 18th Century Costume, Cut & FashionBook nameMacLochlainnSystem nameJason MacLochlainnAuthor nameThe Victorian Tailor: An Introduction to Period TailoringBook nameJoseph-ArmstrongSystem nameHelen Joseph-ArmstrongAuthor namePatternmaking for Fashion DesignBook nameSupreme SystemSystem nameFrederick T. CroonbergAuthor nameThe Blue Book of Men's Tailoring, Grand Edition of Supreme System for Producing Mens Garments (1907)Book nameSuginoSystem nameDressmakingAuthor namePattern Drafting Vols. I, II, III (Japan)Book nameCentre Point SystemSystem nameLouis DevereAuthor nameThe Handbook of Practical Cutting on the Centre Point SystemBook nameAldrich/MenSystem nameWinifred AldrichAuthor nameMetric Pattern Cutting for MenswearBook nameAldrich/WomenSystem nameMetric Pattern Cutting for Women's WearBook nameKershawSystem nameGareth KershawAuthor namePatternmaking for MenswearBook nameGilewskaSystem nameTeresa GilewskaAuthor namePattern-Drafting for Fashion: The BasicsBook nameLoSystem nameDennic Chunman LoAuthor namePattern CuttingBook nameBraySystem nameNatalie BrayAuthor nameDress Pattern Designing: The Basic Principles of Cut and FitBook nameKnowles/MenSystem nameLori A. KnowlesAuthor nameThe Practical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers: MenswearBook nameFriendship/MenSystem namePattern Cutting for Men's CostumeBook nameBrownSystem nameP. Clement BrownAuthor nameArt in DressBook nameMitchellSystem nameJno. J. MitchellAuthor name"Standard" Work on Cutting (Men's Garments) 1886: The Art and Science of Garment CuttingBook nameGOST 17917-86System nameMinistry of consumer industry of the USSRAuthor nameStandard figure boysBook nameEddySystem nameJosephine F. Eddy and Elizabeth C. B. WileyAuthor namePattern and Dress DesignBook nameKnowles/WomenSystem namePractical Guide to Patternmaking for Fashion Designers: Juniors, Misses, and WomenBook nameAmerican Garment CutterSystem nameNoneSystem nameValentina teamAuthor nameValentina's internal standardBook nameLine_Left symbol _ in nameAngleLine_Left symbol _ in nameArc_Left symbol _ in nameSpl_Left symbol _ in nameSplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of nameRadiusArc_Left symbol _ in nameAngle1Arc_Left symbol _ in nameAngle2Arc_Left symbol _ in nameAngle1Spl_Left symbol _ in nameAngle2Spl_Left symbol _ in nameAngle1SplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of nameAngle2SplPathDo not add symbol _ to the end of namesinsine functioncoscosine functiontantangens functionasinarcus sine functionacosarcus cosine functionatanarcus tangens functionsinhhyperbolic sine functioncoshhyperbolic cosinetanhhyperbolic tangens functionasinhhyperbolic arcus sine functionacoshhyperbolic arcus tangens functionatanhhyperbolic arcur tangens functionlog2logarithm to the base 2log10logarithm to the base 10loglogarithm to the base 10lnlogarithm to base e (2.71828...)expe raised to the power of xsqrtsquare root of a valuesignsign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0rintround to nearest integerabsabsolute valueminmin of all argumentsminimalmaxmax of all argumentssumsum of all argumentsavgmean value of all argumentsfmodReturns the floating-point remainder of numer/denom (rounded towards zero)cmcentimetercmmmmillimeterininchVVITConverterUnexpected version "%1".Error restoring backup file: %1.VVSTConverterUnexpected version "%1".Error restoring backup file: %1.VisToolCurveIntersectAxis<b>Intersection curve and axis</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationVisToolEndLine<b>Point at distance and angle</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationVisToolLineIntersectAxis<b>Intersection line and axis</b>: angle = %1°; <b>Shift</b> - sticking angle, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationVisToolSplinePath<b>Curved path</b>: select three or more points<b>Curved path</b>: select three or more points, <b>Enter</b> - finish creationmNoisyHandlerDEBUG:WARNING:CRITICAL:FATAL:INFO:Warning.Critical error.Fatal error.Information.mainPattern making program.program pembuat polaPattern file.Berkas pola.vNoisyHandlerDEBUG:WARNING:CRITICAL:FATAL:INFO:Warning.Critical error.Fatal error.Information.