diff --git a/share/translations/valentina.ts b/share/translations/valentina.ts
index 0c8a25623..105914609 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina.ts
@@ -8508,7 +8508,7 @@ Apply settings anyway?
Forbid flipping
+ Ready!Ready!
@@ -8525,9 +8525,9 @@ Apply settings anyway?
Formula wizard
+ ValueValue
@@ -8540,8 +8540,9 @@ Apply settings anyway?
<html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Default
- Default
+ DefaultAngle:
@@ -8568,7 +8569,7 @@ Apply settings anyway?
Name of detail:
+ DetailDetail
@@ -8617,10 +8618,10 @@ Apply settings anyway?
Pattern label visible
+ GrainlineGrainline
@@ -8649,51 +8650,51 @@ Apply settings anyway?
on Fold
+ ReverseReverse
+ DeleteDelete
+ OptionsOptions
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined resultInfinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positiveLength should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Parser error: %1
@@ -8702,67 +8703,67 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!You have double points!
+ Empty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
@@ -8787,24 +8788,24 @@ Apply settings anyway?
Just rear
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
@@ -8813,66 +8814,66 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ ErrorError
+ Edit lengthEdit length
+ Edit angleEdit angle
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ PathsPaths
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -8882,299 +8883,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionHeight
+ SizedimensionSize
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -13090,37 +13091,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricFabric
+ LiningLining
+ InterfacingInterfacing
+ InterliningInterlining
+ CutCut
+ on foldon fold
@@ -13556,63 +13557,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceSeam allowance
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -13637,12 +13643,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMillimiters
+ InchesInches
@@ -13658,27 +13664,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -14224,22 +14230,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14341,14 +14347,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Wrong tag name '%1'.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterCan't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameterCan't convert toBool parameter
@@ -14359,7 +14365,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Got empty parameter
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14486,8 +14492,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -14530,7 +14536,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -14552,7 +14558,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14594,7 +14600,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14614,57 +14620,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14757,26 +14763,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Do you really want to delete?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16635,83 +16641,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Detail label visible
+ Width:Width:
+ Formula wizardFormula wizard
+ ValueValue
+ CalculationCalculation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:Height:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Angle:
+ Pattern label visiblePattern label visible
@@ -16784,7 +16790,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -19304,38 +19316,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsmeasurements
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -19727,7 +19739,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -20142,12 +20154,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -20163,37 +20175,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -21203,74 +21215,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error no unique id.
+ Error parsing file.Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailError creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single pointError creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineError creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along lineError creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderError creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normalError creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorError creating or updating point of bisector
@@ -21279,128 +21291,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of lineintersection
+ Error creating or updating point of contactError creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointError creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating heightError creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangleError creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionError creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointError creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointError creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointError creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating lineError creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curveError creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve pathError creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveError creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathError creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arcError creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcError creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union detailsError creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentError creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentError creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true dartsError creating or updating true darts
@@ -21412,100 +21424,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Wrong tag name '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesError creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineError creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathError creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveError creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveError creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationError creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineError creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisError creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingError creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -21515,34 +21527,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21840,6 +21852,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -23266,97 +23296,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece labelmove pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece labelresize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece labelrotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info labelmove pattern info label
+ resize pattern info labelresize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info labelrotate pattern info label
+ move grainlinemove grainline
+ resize grainlineresize grainline
+ rotate grainlinerotate grainline
+ OptionsOptions
+ In layoutIn layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteDelete
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingForbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts b/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts
index 855a4cab1..9e7b59048 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts
@@ -8412,227 +8412,232 @@ Přesto použít nastavení?
+ Ready!Připraven!
+ ValueHodnota
+ Default
+ Výchozí
+ DetailJednotlivost (díl střihu)
+ GrainlineDráha nitě
+ ReversePřevrátit
+ DeleteSmazat
+ OptionsVolby
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Chyba. Nelze uložit cestu dílu.
+ Infinite/undefined resultNekonečný/Nevymezený výsledek
+ Length should be positiveDélka má být kladná
+ Parser error: %1Chyba při zpracování: %1
+ Current seam allowanceNynější švová záložka
+ Edit seam allowance widthUpravit šířku švové záložky
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeUpravit šířku švové záložky před
+ Edit seam allowance width afterUpravit šířku švové záložky po
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Potřebujete více bodů!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Musíte vybrat body po směru otáčení hodinových ručiček!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!První bod nemůže být stejný s posledním bodem!
+ You have double points!Máte zdvojené body!
+ EmptyPrázdný
+ main pathHlavní cesta
+ custom seam allowanceVlastní švová záložka
+ PinsŠpendlíky
+ no pinŽádný špendlík
+ LabelsPopisy
+ ErrorChyba
+ Edit lengthUpravit délku
+ Edit angleUpravit úhel
+ Edit heightUpravit výšku
+ Edit widthUpravit šířku
+ PathsCesty
+ ExcludedVyloučeno
+ PassmarkZnačka sestavení
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Každý bod v cestě musí být jedinečný!
+ PassmarksZnačky sestavení
@@ -8642,299 +8647,299 @@ Přesto použít nastavení?
Nástroj Střihový díl
+ SegmentČást
+ RectangleObdélník
+ CrossKříž
+ T-shapedT-tvarovaný
+ DoubletreeDvojitý strom
+ CornerRoh
+ TriangleTrojúhelník
+ H-shapedH-tvarovaný
+ ButtonTlačítko
+ Place labelUmístit popis
+ Check uniquenessOvěřit jedinečnost
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.Pro otevření všech vlastností jednotlivosti (dílu střihu) dokončete vytvoření hlavní cesty. Stiskněte, prosím, OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!Tatáž křivka se opakuje dvakrát!
+ <Empty><prázdné>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creationVybrat hlavní cestu předmětů po směru hodinových ručiček (doprava), <b>%1</b> - obrátit směr křivky, <b>%2</b> - dokončit vytvoření
+ CircleKruh
+ Edit passmark lengthUpravit délku značky sestavení
+ The customer name from individual measurementsJméno zákazníka z jednotlivých měr
+ The customer email from individual measurementsAdresa elektronické pošty zákazníka z jednotlivých měr
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsDatum narození zákazníka z jednotlivých měr
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Uložit data popisu.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?Popisy byly změněny. Chcete je uložit, předtím než upravíte předlohu popisu?
+ HeightdimensionVýška
+ SizedimensionVelikost
+ HipdimensionKyčel
+ WaistdimensionPas
+ Height labeldimensionPopis výšky
+ Size labeldimensionPopis velikosti
+ Hip labeldimensionPopis kyčle
+ Waist labeldimensionPopis pasu
+ Measurement: %1Míry: %1
+ Invalid segment!Neplatná část!
+ Dimension XdimensionRozměr X
+ Dimension YdimensionRozměr Y
+ Dimension ZdimensionRozměr Z
+ Dimension WdimensionRozměr W
+ Dimension X labeldimensionPopisek rozměru X
+ Dimension Y labeldimensionPopisek rozměru Y
+ Dimension Z labeldimensionPopisek rozměru Z
+ Dimension W labeldimensionPopisek rozměru W
+ Turn point
@@ -12833,37 +12838,37 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
+ FabricLátka
+ LiningPodšívka
+ InterfacingVnitřní výztuha
+ InterliningVnitřní podšívka
+ CutStřih
+ on foldV záhybu
@@ -13263,63 +13268,68 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Písmo popisu:
+ Size:
+ Velikost:
+ Seam allowanceŠvová záložka
+ Default value:Výchozí hodnota:
+ Label data/time formatFormát data/času popisu
+ Date:Datum:
+ Edit formatsUpravit formáty
+ Time:Čas:
+ MaterialsMateriály
+ Known materials:Známé materiály:
+ Manage list of known materialsSpravovat seznam známých materiálů
+ ManageSpravovat
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listPři správě materiálů střihů je uložit do seznamu známých materiálů
+ Remeber pattern materialsZapamatovat si materiály střihu
@@ -13344,12 +13354,12 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Šířka čáry:
+ MillimitersMilimetry
+ InchesPalce
@@ -13366,27 +13376,27 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Použít vykreslování pomocí OpenGL
+ antialiasingVyhlazování
+ scene renderVykreslení scény
+ Background imageObrázek pozadí
+ Opacity:Neprůhlednost:
+ Opacity value by defaultVýchozí hodnota neprůhlednosti
@@ -13917,22 +13927,22 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Chyba kompatibility VLayoutPiecePathData: actualClassVersion = %1 a classVersion = %2
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Chyba v nesouladu předpony TextLine: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 a streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Chyba kompatibility TextLine: actualClassVersion = %1 a classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Chyba v nesouladu předpony VTextManager: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 a streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Chyba kompatibility VTextManager: actualClassVersion = %1 a classVersion = %2
@@ -14030,14 +14040,14 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Změny použity.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterNelze převést parametr toUInt
+ Can't convert toBool parameterNelze převést parametr toBool
@@ -14048,7 +14058,7 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Obdržen prázdný parametr
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14151,8 +14161,8 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Díl '%1' má neplatný přídavek na rozvržení. Prověřte, prosím, švovou záložku, a tak ověřte, jak se švová záložka chová.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Díl '%1'. Švová záložka není platná.
@@ -14195,7 +14205,7 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Značka sestavení '%1' není součástí dílu '%2'.
@@ -14217,7 +14227,7 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Neplatný vzorec '%1' pro nástroj s ID '%2'. %3.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14259,7 +14269,7 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Nelze připravit značku sestavení '%1' pro díl '%2'. Značka sestavení je prázdná.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.Nelze připravit vestavěnou značku sestavení '%1' pro díl '%2'. Základní čára značky sestavení je prázdná.
@@ -14279,57 +14289,57 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Nelze získat symboly ze vzorce '%1'. Chyba ve vzorci: %2.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.Nepodařilo se připravit zástupný symbol pro konečné měření. Chyba analyzátoru na řádku %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr výšky.
+ No data for the size dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr velikosti.
+ No data for the hip dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr kyčle.
+ No data for the waist dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr pasu.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.Díl '%1'. Dráha nitě není platná.
@@ -14422,26 +14432,26 @@ Tato volba se projeví po opětovném spuštění.
Opravdu chcete smazat?
+ No data for the X dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr X.
+ No data for the Y dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr Y.
+ No data for the Z dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr Z.
+ No data for the W dimension.Žádná data pro rozměr W.
@@ -16233,83 +16243,83 @@ Chcete uložit změny?
+ Width:Šířka:
+ Formula wizardPrůvodce vzorcem
+ ValueHodnota
+ CalculationVýpočet
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Ukázat celý výpočet v okně se zprávami</p></body></html>
+ Height:Výška:
+ Center pin:Středový špendlík:
+ Top left pin:Horní levý špendlík:
+ Bottom right pin:Dolní pravý špendlík:
+ Angle:Úhel:
+ Pattern label visiblePopis vzoru viditelný
@@ -16382,7 +16392,13 @@ Chcete uložit změny?
Volby pro ovládání polohy popisu jednotlivosti (dílu střihu). <b>Nedostupné, pokud je předloha jednotlivosti (dílu střihu) prázdná</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Volby pro ovládání polohy popisu střihu. <b>Nedostupné, pokud je předloha střihu prázdná</b>.
@@ -18780,38 +18796,38 @@ Chcete uložit změny?
+ measurementsMíry
+ individualIndividuální
+ multisizeVíce velikostí
+ templatesPředlohy
+ label templatesPředlohy popisu
+ patternsVzory
+ manual layoutsRuční rozvržení
@@ -19196,7 +19212,7 @@ Chcete uložit změny?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Díl %1 nemá tvar.
@@ -19603,12 +19619,12 @@ Chcete uložit změny?
+ Move toPřesunout do
+ Remove from SheetOdstranit z listu
@@ -19624,37 +19640,37 @@ Chcete uložit změny?
+ PieceDíl
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'Obdržena prázdná vlastnost '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.Chyba na řádku %1. Švová záložka je prázdná.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.Chyba v řádku %1. Tvar vnitřní cesty je prázdný.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2Neočekávaná značka %1 v řádku %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20606,74 +20622,74 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Chyba. Není jedinečný identifikátor.
+ Error parsing file.Chyba při zpracování souboru.
+ Error can't convert value.Chyba. Nelze převést hodnotu.
+ Error empty parameter.Chyba. Prázdný parametr.
+ Error wrong id.Chyba. Špatný identifikátor.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Chyba při zpracování souboru (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci záznamu typu "jednotlivost (díl střihu)"
+ Error creating or updating single pointChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci jediného bodu
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu na konci čáry
+ Error creating or updating point along lineChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu podél čáry
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu ramene
+ Error creating or updating point of normalChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu kolmice
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu osy úhlu
@@ -20682,128 +20698,128 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Chyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku čar
+ Error creating or updating point of contactChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu dotyku
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci modelovacího bodu
+ Error creating or updating heightChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci výšky
+ Error creating or updating triangleChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci trojúhelníku
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu vyjmutí hladké křivky (křivka spline)
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu cesty vyjmutí hladké křivky (křivka spline)
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu vyjmutí oblouku
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku čáry a osy
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku křivky a osy
+ Error creating or updating lineChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci čáry
+ Error creating or updating simple curveChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci jednoduché křivky
+ Error creating or updating curve pathChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci cesty křivky
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci jednoduché křivky, záznamu typu "podrobnost křivky"
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci cesty křivky, záznamu typu "podrobnost cesty"
+ Error creating or updating simple arcChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci jednoduchého oblouku
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci záznamu typu "podrobnost oblouku"
+ Error creating or updating union detailsChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci záznamu typu "spojení jednotlivostí (dílů střihu)"
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku oblouků
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku kruhů
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku kruhu a tangenty
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku oblouku a tangenty
+ Error creating or updating true dartsChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci vyrovnání délky záševku
@@ -20815,100 +20831,100 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Špatný název značky '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Neznámý typ bodu '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Neznámý typ hladké křivky (křivka spline) '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Neznámý typ oblouku '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Neznámý typ nástroje '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Chyba: nejedinečný identifikátor.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku křivek
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci jednoduché interaktivní hladké křivky (křivka spline)
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu interaktivní cesty hladké křivky (křivka spline)
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci kubické Bézierovy křivky
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci cesty kubické Bézierovy křivky
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci operace otočení
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Neznámý typ operace '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci operace přetočení podle čáry
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci operace přetočení podle osy
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci operace posunutí
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu průsečíku čáry
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci jednoduchého elipsovitého oblouku
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Neznámý typ elipsovitého oblouku '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci modelovacího elipsovitého oblouku
@@ -20918,34 +20934,34 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Jednotlivost (díl střihu)
+ Unnamed pathNepojmenovaná cesta
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci cesty dílu
+ Error creating or updating pin pointChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci bodu špendlíku
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodesCesta dílu neobsahuje uzly
+ Error creating or updating place labelChyba při vytváření nebo aktualizaci popisu umístění
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21248,6 +21264,24 @@ Chyba kompatibility formátu nezpracovaného rozvržení: ActualFileVersion = %1
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22667,97 +22701,97 @@ Chyba kompatibility formátu nezpracovaného rozvržení: ActualFileVersion = %1
Nynější švová záložka
+ move pattern piece labelPosunout popis dílu střihu
+ resize pattern piece labelZměnit velikost popisu dílu střihu
+ rotate pattern piece labelOtočit velikost popisu dílu střihu
+ move pattern info labelPosunout popis s údaji ke střihu
+ resize pattern info labelZměnit velikost popisu s údaji ke střihu
+ rotate pattern info labelOtočit popis s údaji ke střihu
+ move grainlinePosunout dráhu nitě
+ resize grainlineZměnit velikost dráhy nitě
+ rotate grainlineOtočit dráhu nitě
+ OptionsVolby
+ In layoutV rozvržení
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteSmazat
+ apply save detail optionsPoužít uložit volby pro jednotlivosti (díly střihu)
+ multi deletionVícenásobné smazání
+ Forbid flippingZakázat přetočení
+ Force flippingVynutit přetočení
+ This id (%1) is not unique.Tento identifikátor (%1) není jedinečný.
+ Tool was used after deleting.Nástroj byl použit po smazání.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts b/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts
index 880e7d9f7..97727ae04 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts
@@ -8409,227 +8409,232 @@ Einstellungen trotzdem anwenden?
+ Ready!Fertig!
+ ValueWert
+ Default
+ Standard
+ DetailDetail
+ GrainlineFadenlauf
+ ReverseUmkehren
+ DeleteEntfernen
+ OptionsOptionen
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Fehler. Kann Pfad nicht speichern.
+ Infinite/undefined resultUnendliches/Undefiniertes Ergebnis
+ Length should be positiveLänge sollte positiv sein
+ Parser error: %1Parserfehler: %1
+ Current seam allowanceaktuelle Nahtzugabe
+ Edit seam allowance widthBreite der Nahtzugabe ändern
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeBearbeite Nahtzugabe vor
+ Edit seam allowance width afterBearbeite Nahtzugabe nach
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Sie brauchen mehr Punkte!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Sie müssen Punkte im Uhrzeigersinn auswählen!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!Der erste Punkt kann nicht gleich dem letzten Punkt sein!
+ You have double points!Sie haben doppelte Punkte!
+ EmptyLeer
+ main pathHauptpfad
+ custom seam allowanceBenutzerdefinierte Nahtzugabe
+ PinsPins
+ no pinKein Pin
+ LabelsBeschriftungen
+ ErrorFehler
+ Edit lengthLänge bearbeiten
+ Edit angleWinkel bearbeiten
+ Edit heightHöhe bearbeiten
+ Edit widthBreite bearbeiten
+ PathsPfade
+ ExcludedAusgeschlossen
+ PassmarkPassmarke
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Jeder Punkt in einem Pfad muss eindeutig sein!
+ PassmarksPassmarken
@@ -8639,299 +8644,299 @@ Einstellungen trotzdem anwenden?
+ SegmentAbschnitt
+ RectangleRechteck
+ CrossKreuz
+ T-shapedT-förmig
+ DoubletreeDublette
+ CornerEcke
+ TriangleDreieck
+ H-shapedH-förmig
+ ButtonKnopf
+ Place labelBeschriftung platzieren
+ Check uniquenessEindeutigkeit prüfen
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.Um die Eigenschaften des Details zu öffnen vervollständige den maßgeblichen Hauptpfad. Bitte drücke OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!Die selbe Kurve wiederholt sich zweimal!
+ <Empty><leer>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creationWähle die maßgeblichen Hauptpfad Objekte im Uhrzeigersinn, <b>%1</b> - umgekehrte Richtung der Kurve, <b>%2</b> - Erstellung beenden
+ CircleKreis
+ Edit passmark lengthÄndern der Passmarken Länge
+ The customer name from individual measurementsName des Kunden der individuellen Maße
+ The customer email from individual measurementsKunden-E-Mail der individuellen Maße
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsGeburtsdatum der individuellen Maße
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Bezeichnungsdaten speichern.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?Bezeichnungsdaten wurden angepasst. Möchten Sie diese Speichern bevor Sie die Bezeichnungsvorlage editieren?
+ HeightdimensionHöhe
+ SizedimensionGröße
+ HipdimensionHüfte
+ WaistdimensionTaille
+ Height labeldimensionKörpergröße-Beschriftung
+ Size labeldimensionGrößen-Beschriftung
+ Hip labeldimensionHüfte-Beschriftung
+ Waist labeldimensionTaille-Beschriftung
+ Measurement: %1Maß: %1
+ Invalid segment!Ungültiges Segment!
+ Dimension XdimensionMaß X
+ Dimension YdimensionMaß Y
+ Dimension ZdimensionMaß Z
+ Dimension WdimensionMaß W
+ Dimension X labeldimensionMaß X-Beschriftung
+ Dimension Y labeldimensionMaß Y-Beschriftung
+ Dimension Z labeldimensionMaß Z-Beschriftung
+ Dimension W labeldimensionMaß W-Beschriftung
+ Turn pointPunkt drehen
@@ -12829,37 +12834,37 @@ Sollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?
+ FabricStoff
+ LiningFutter
+ InterfacingEinlage
+ InterliningEinlagestoff
+ CutSchnitt
+ on foldim Bruch
@@ -13259,63 +13264,68 @@ Sollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?
Bezeichner Schriftart:
+ Size:
+ Größe:
+ Seam allowanceSchnittzugabe
+ Default value:Vorgabe Wert:
+ Label data/time formatBezeichner Datum/Zeit Format
+ Date:Datum:
+ Edit formatsFormat bearbeiten
+ Time:Zeit:
+ MaterialsMaterialien
+ Known materials:Bekannte Materialien:
+ Manage list of known materialsVerwaltung der Liste bekannter Materialien
+ ManageVerwalten
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listVerwaltung der Materialien eines Musters speichert diese in die Liste der bekannten Materialien
+ Remeber pattern materialsMaterialien des Musters behalten
@@ -13340,12 +13350,12 @@ Sollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?
+ MillimitersMillimeter
+ InchesZoll
@@ -13362,27 +13372,27 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
OpenGL Berechnung verwenden
+ antialiasingKantenglättung (Anti-Aliasing)
+ scene renderSzene berechnen
+ Background imageHintergrundbild
+ Opacity:Deckkraft:
+ Opacity value by defaultStandardwert für die Deckkraft
@@ -13913,22 +13923,22 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14026,14 +14036,14 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Änderungen angewendet.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterKonnte nicht in Parameter vom Typ 'positive Ganzzahl' umwandeln
+ Can't convert toBool parameterKonnte nicht in Parameter vom Typ 'Wahrheitswert' umwandeln
@@ -14044,7 +14054,7 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Leerer Parameter erhalten
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14147,8 +14157,8 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Schnittteil '%1' hat ungültige Zuschnittzugabe. Bitte die Nahtzugabe überprüfen, um zu prüfen wie sich die Nahtzugabe verhält.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Schnitteil '%1'. Nahtzugabe ist ungültig.
@@ -14191,7 +14201,7 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Passmarke '%1' ist nicht Teil von Schnittteil '%2'.
@@ -14213,7 +14223,7 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Ungültige Formel '%1' für Werkzeug mit der ID '%2'. %3.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14255,7 +14265,7 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Das eingebaute Passzeichen '%1' kann nicht für das Stück '%2' vorbereitet werden. Passzeichen ist leer.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.Das eingebaute Passzeichen '%1' kann nicht für das Stück '%2' vorbereitet werden. Die Passzeichen-Basiszeile ist leer.
@@ -14275,57 +14285,57 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Kann die Symbole aus Formel '%1' nicht lesen. Lese-Fehler: %2.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.Der Platzhalter für das finale Maß konnte nicht vorbereitet werden. Parser-Fehler in Zeile %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
- Der Platzhalter für den gesamten Teilebereich konnte nicht vorbereitet werden. %2. {1.?}
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
- Platzhalter für den Teile-Nahtlinienbereich konnte nicht vorbereitet werden. %2. {1.?}
+ No data for the height dimension.Keine Daten für das Höhenmaß.
+ No data for the size dimension.Keine Daten für das Größenmaß.
+ No data for the hip dimension.Keine Daten für das Hüftmaß.
+ No data for the waist dimension.Keine Daten für den Taillenumfang.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.Schnitteil '%1'. Fadenlauf ist ungültig.
@@ -14418,26 +14428,26 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
Möchten Sie wirklich löschen?
+ No data for the X dimension.Keine Daten für das X Maß.
+ No data for the Y dimension.Keine Daten für das Y Maß.
+ No data for the Z dimension.Keine Daten für das Z Maß.
+ No data for the W dimension.Keine Daten für das W Maß.
@@ -14499,14 +14509,6 @@ Diese Option wird nach einem Neustart aktiv.
piece areaUnbekannt
- Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %2.
- Der Platzhalter für den gesamten Teilebereich konnte nicht vorbereitet werden. %2.
- Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %2.
- Platzhalter für den Teile-Nahtlinienbereich konnte nicht vorbereitet werden. %2.
- QSaveFile
@@ -16236,83 +16238,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Breite:
+ Formula wizardFormel-Assistent
+ ValueWert
+ CalculationBerechnung
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Vollständige Berechnung im Meldungsfenster anzeigen</p></body></html>
+ Height:Höhe:
+ Center pin:Mittlerer Pin:
+ Top left pin:Oberer linker Pin:
+ Bottom right pin:Unterer rechter Pin:
+ Angle:Winkel:
+ Pattern label visibleMusterbeschriftung sichtbar
@@ -16385,7 +16387,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Optionen um die Position einer Detail Bezeichnung anzupassen. <b>Nicht verfügbar, wenn die Detail Bezeichnungsvorlage leer ist</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Optionen um die Position einer Schnittmuster Bezeichnung anzupassen. <b>Nicht verfügbar, wenn die Schnittmuster Bezeichnungsvorlage leer ist</b>.
@@ -18782,38 +18790,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsMaße
+ individualEigene Maße
+ multisizeMehrgrößen
+ templatesVorlagen
+ label templatesBeschriftungsvorlage
+ patternsSchnittteil
+ manual layoutsmanuelle Layouts
@@ -19197,7 +19205,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Stück %1 hat keine Form.
@@ -19604,12 +19612,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move toBewegen zu
+ Remove from SheetMove to
@@ -19625,37 +19633,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ PieceTeil
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'Leeres Attribut "%1" gefunden
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.Fehler in Zeile %1. Nahtzugabe ist leer.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.Fehler in Zeile %1. Interne Pfadform ist leer.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2Unerwarteter Tag %1 in Zeile %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2Stück %1 ungültig. %2
@@ -20607,74 +20615,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Fehler: uneindeutige ID.
+ Error parsing file.Fehler beim Auswerten der Datei.
+ Error can't convert value.Fehler: Wert kann nicht konvertiert werden.
+ Error empty parameter.Fehler: leerer Parameter.
+ Error wrong id.Fehler: falsche ID.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Fehler beim Auswerten der Datei (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Detail"
+ Error creating or updating single pointFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Punkt"
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Punkt mit Abstand und Winkel"
+ Error creating or updating point along lineFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Punkt auf einer Linie"
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Spezieller Punkt an der Schulter"
+ Error creating or updating point of normalFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Punkt auf einer Senkrechten"
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Winkelhalbierende"
@@ -20683,128 +20691,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Fehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Schnittpunkt zweier Linien"
+ Error creating or updating point of contactFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Schnittpunkt Kreis und Gerade"
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Punkt"
+ Error creating or updating heightFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Lotfußpunkt"
+ Error creating or updating triangleFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Dreieck"
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Laufender Schnittpunkt"
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Kurvensegment"
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Pfadsegment"
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Kreisbogen"
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Laufender Schnittpunkt auf Linie"
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Laufender Schnittpunkt auf Kurve"
+ Error creating or updating lineFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Linie"
+ Error creating or updating simple curveFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Kurve"
+ Error creating or updating curve pathFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Gekrümmter Pfad"
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Kurve Detail"
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Pfad Detail"
+ Error creating or updating simple arcFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Bogen"
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Bogen Detail"
+ Error creating or updating union detailsFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Details vereinigen"
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren des Bogen-Schnittpunktes
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren des Kreis-Schnittpunktes
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren eines Berührungpunktes
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren eines Punktes von Bogen und Tangente
+ Error creating or updating true dartsFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren des Abnäherausgleichs
@@ -20816,100 +20824,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Falscher Symbolname '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Unbekannter Punkt Typ '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Unbekannte Spline Type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Unbekannter Bogen Typ '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Unbekannter Werkzeug Typ '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Fehler: uneindeutige ID.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des Eintrags vom Typ "Kurvenschnittpunkt"
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren der einfachen interaktiven Spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathFehler beim Anlegen oder Aktualisieren des interaktiven Splinepfades
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren der kubischen Bezierkurve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren des Pfades der kubischen Bezierkurve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationFehler bei der Erstellung oder Aktualisierung des Rotationsvorgangs
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Unbekannter Vorgangstyp '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineFehler bei der Erstellung oder Aktualisierung beim Spiegel über eine Linie
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisFehler bei der Erstellung oder Aktualisierung beim Spiegel über die Achse
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren der Verschiebung
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionFehler bei der Erstellung oder Aktualisierung des Linienschnittpunkts
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcFehler bei der Erstellung oder Aktualisierung eines elliptischen Bogens
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Unbekannter elliptischer Bogentyp '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren des elliptischen Bogens
@@ -20919,34 +20927,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathUnbenannter Pfad
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren eines Schnittteil-Pfad
+ Error creating or updating pin pointFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren des Pin-Punktes
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodesDer Teilepfad enthält keine Knoten
+ Error creating or updating place labelFehler beim Erstellen oder Aktualisieren der Bezeichnung
+ Can't find increment '%1'Inkrement „%1“ kann nicht gefunden werden
@@ -21248,6 +21256,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22667,97 +22693,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
aktuelle Nahtzugabe
+ move pattern piece labelverschiebe Schnittmuster Beschriftung
+ resize pattern piece labelGröße der Beschriftung ändern
+ rotate pattern piece labelSchnittteil-Beschriftung drehen
+ move pattern info labelInformations-Beschriftung des Schnittteils drehen
+ resize pattern info labelGröße der Informations-Beschriftung des Schnittteils ändern
+ rotate pattern info labelSchnittteil-Beschriftung drehen
+ move grainlineverschiebe Fadenlauf
+ resize grainlineFadenlauf-Größe verändern
+ rotate grainlineFadenlauf drehen
+ OptionsOptionen
+ In layoutIm Layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteEntfernen
+ apply save detail optionsSpeichern von Detailoptionen anwenden
+ multi deletionmehrfaches Löschen
+ Forbid flippingUmdrehen verhindern
+ Force flippingSpiegeln erzwingen
+ This id (%1) is not unique.Diese ID (%1) ist nicht eindeutig.
+ Tool was used after deleting.Werkzeug wurde nach dem Löschen verwendet.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts b/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts
index ddaa697c6..a49b7f108 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts
@@ -8321,227 +8321,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Έτοιμο!
+ ValueΤιμή
+ Default
+ Προεπιλογή
+ DetailΛεπτομέρεια
+ GrainlineΓραμμή ισιάδας
+ ReverseΑντιστροφή
+ DeleteΔιαγραφή
+ OptionsΕπιλογές
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined resultΑπεριόριστο/απροσδιόριστο αποτέλεσμα
+ Length should be positiveΤο μήκος θα πρέπει να έχει θετική τιμή
+ Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowanceΤρέχων περιθώριο ραφής
+ Edit seam allowance widthΕπεξεργασία πλάτους περιθωρίου ραφής
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeΕπεξεργασία πλάτους περιθωρίου ραφής πριν
+ Edit seam allowance width afterΕπεξεργασία πλάτους περιθωρίου ραφής μετά
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Χρειάζονται περισσότερα σημεία!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Πρέπει να επιλέξετε σημεία δεξιόστροφα!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!Το πρώτο σημείο δεν μπορεί να ισούται με το τελευταίο σημείο!
+ You have double points!Έχετε διπλά σημεία!
+ EmptyΚενό
+ main pathκύριο μονοπάτι
+ custom seam allowanceπροσαρμοσμένο περιθώριο ραφής
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ LabelsΕτικέτες
+ ErrorΣφάλμα
+ Edit lengthΕπεξεργασία μήκους
+ Edit angleΕπεξεργασία γωνίας
+ Edit heightΕπεξεργασία ύψους
+ Edit widthΕπεξεργασία πλάτους
+ PathsΜονοπάτια
+ ExcludedΕξαιρούμενο
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Κάθε σημείο στο μονοπάτι πρέπει να είναι μοναδικό!
+ Passmarks
@@ -8551,299 +8556,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionΎψος
+ SizedimensionΜέγεθος
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12609,37 +12614,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricΎφασμα
+ LiningΦόδρα
+ InterfacingΎφασμα ενίσχυσης
+ InterliningΎφασμα επένδυσης
+ Cut
+ on foldστη δίπλωση
@@ -13039,63 +13044,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Γραμματοσειρά ετικέτας:
+ Size:
+ Μέγεθος:
+ Seam allowanceΠεριθώριο ραφής
+ Default value:Προεπιλεγμένη τιμή:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -13120,12 +13130,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersΧιλιοστά
+ InchesΊντσες
@@ -13141,27 +13151,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13668,22 +13678,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -13781,14 +13791,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Οι αλλαγές εφαρμόστηκαν.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -13799,7 +13809,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -13902,8 +13912,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -13946,7 +13956,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -13968,7 +13978,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14010,7 +14020,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14030,57 +14040,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14173,26 +14183,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Θέλετε σίγουρα να κάνετε διαγραφή;
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -15922,83 +15932,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Φάρδος:
+ Formula wizardΒοηθός φόρμουλας
+ ValueΤιμή
+ CalculationΥπολογισμός
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Εμφάνιση πλήρους υπολογισμού σε πλαίσιο μηνύματος</p></body></html>
+ Height:Ύψος:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Γωνία:
+ Pattern label visibleΕμφάνιση ετικέτας πατρόν
@@ -16071,7 +16081,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -18312,38 +18328,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsμετρήσεις
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -18685,7 +18701,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -19092,12 +19108,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19113,37 +19129,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20094,74 +20110,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Σφάλμα λόγω μη μοναδικής ταυτότητας.
+ Error parsing file.Σφάλμα κατά την ανάλυση του αρχείου.
+ Error can't convert value.Σφάλμα λόγω αδυναμίας μετατροπής της τιμής.
+ Error empty parameter.Σφάλμα κενής παραμέτρου.
+ Error wrong id.Σφάλμα λόγω λάθους ταυτότητας.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση λεπτομέρειας
+ Error creating or updating single pointΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση ενός σημείου
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου στο τέλος γραμμής
+ Error creating or updating point along lineΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου κατα μήκος τηςγραμμής
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου του σημείου ώμου
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου του σημείου της διχοτόμου
@@ -20170,128 +20186,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Σφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση του σημείου της τομής με γραμμή
+ Error creating or updating point of contactΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση του σημείου επαφής
+ Error creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating heightΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου του ύψους
+ Error creating or updating triangleΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου τριγώνου
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου διχοτόμου
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating lineΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση γραμμής
+ Error creating or updating simple curveΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση απλής καμπύλης
+ Error creating or updating curve pathΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση μονοπατιού καμπύλης
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arcΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση απλού τόξου
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση του σημείου τομής τόξων
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση του σημείου τομής κύκλων
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου απο κύκλο και εφαπτομένη
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentΣφάλμα κατα τη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση σημείου απο τόξο και εφαπτομένη
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -20303,100 +20319,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Σφάλμα λόγω μη μοναδικής ταυτότητας.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveΣφάλμα στη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση της κυβικής καμπύλης Bezier
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveΣφάλμα στη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση της
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationΣφάλμα στη δημιουργία ή ενημέρωση της λειτουργίας περιστροφής
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -20406,34 +20422,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathΑνώνυμο μονοπάτι
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -20731,6 +20747,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22130,97 +22164,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Τρέχων περιθώριο ραφής
+ move pattern piece labelμετακίνηση ετικέτας κομματιού πατρόν
+ resize pattern piece labelαλλαγή διαστάσεων ετικέτας κομματιού πατρόν
+ rotate pattern piece labelπεριστροφή ετικέτας κομματιού πατρόν
+ move pattern info labelμετακίνηση ετικέτας πληροφοριών πατρόν
+ resize pattern info labelαλλαγή διαστάσεων ετικέτας πληροφοριών πατρόν
+ rotate pattern info labelπεριστροφή ετικέτας πληροφοριών πατρόν
+ move grainlineμετακίνηση γραμμής ίσιου
+ resize grainlineαλλαγή διάστασης γραμμής ίσιου
+ rotate grainlineπεριστροφή γραμμής ίσιου
+ OptionsΕπιλογές
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteΔιαγραφή
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingΑποτροπή αντιστροφής
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts b/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts
index 25af68975..778442435 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts
@@ -8408,227 +8408,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Ready!
+ ValueValue
+ Default
+ Default
+ DetailDetail
+ GrainlineGrainline
+ ReverseReverse
+ DeleteDelete
+ OptionsOptions
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined resultInfinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positiveLength should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowanceCurrent seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance widthEdit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeEdit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width afterEdit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!You have double points!
+ EmptyEmpty
+ main pathmain path
+ custom seam allowancecustom seam allowance
+ PinsPins
+ no pinno pin
+ LabelsLabels
+ ErrorError
+ Edit lengthEdit length
+ Edit angleEdit angle
+ Edit heightEdit height
+ Edit widthEdit width
+ PathsPaths
+ ExcludedExcluded
+ PassmarkPassmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Each point in the path must be unique!
+ PassmarksPassmarks
@@ -8638,299 +8643,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionHeight
+ SizedimensionSize
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12828,37 +12833,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricFabric
+ LiningLining
+ InterfacingInterfacing
+ InterliningInterlining
+ CutCut
+ on foldon fold
@@ -13258,63 +13263,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceSeam allowance
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -13339,12 +13349,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMillimiters
+ InchesInches
@@ -13360,27 +13370,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13910,22 +13920,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14023,14 +14033,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Changes applied.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterCan't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameterCan't convert toBool parameter
@@ -14041,7 +14051,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Got empty parameter
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14144,8 +14154,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -14188,7 +14198,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -14210,7 +14220,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14252,7 +14262,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14272,57 +14282,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14415,26 +14425,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Do you really want to delete?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16226,83 +16236,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Width:
+ Formula wizardFormula wizard
+ ValueValue
+ CalculationCalculation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:Height:
+ Center pin:Center pin:
+ Top left pin:Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Angle:
+ Pattern label visiblePattern label visible
@@ -16375,7 +16385,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -18773,38 +18789,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsmeasurements
+ individualindividual
+ multisizemultisize
+ templatestemplates
+ label templates
+ patternspatterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -19189,7 +19205,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -19596,12 +19612,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19617,37 +19633,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20598,74 +20614,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error no unique id.
+ Error parsing file.Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailError creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single pointError creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineError creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along lineError creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderError creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normalError creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorError creating or updating point of bisector
@@ -20674,128 +20690,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of lineintersection
+ Error creating or updating point of contactError creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointError creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating heightError creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangleError creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionError creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointError creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointError creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointError creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating lineError creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curveError creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve pathError creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveError creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathError creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arcError creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcError creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union detailsError creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentError creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentError creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true dartsError creating or updating true darts
@@ -20807,100 +20823,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Wrong tag name '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesError creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineError creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathError creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveError creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveError creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationError creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineError creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisError creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingError creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcError creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcError creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -20910,34 +20926,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathUnnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathError creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin pointError creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21235,6 +21251,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22654,97 +22688,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Current seam allowance
+ move pattern piece labelmove pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece labelresize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece labelrotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info labelmove pattern info label
+ resize pattern info labelresize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info labelrotate pattern info label
+ move grainlinemove grainline
+ resize grainlineresize grainline
+ rotate grainlinerotate grainline
+ OptionsOptions
+ In layoutIn layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteDelete
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingForbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts b/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts
index 3c7219751..d4464d9c0 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts
@@ -8408,227 +8408,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Ready!
+ ValueValue
+ Default
+ Default
+ DetailDetail
+ GrainlineGrainline
+ ReverseReverse
+ DeleteDelete
+ OptionsOptions
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined resultInfinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positiveLength should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowanceCurrent seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance widthEdit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeEdit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width afterEdit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!You have double points!
+ EmptyEmpty
+ main pathmain path
+ custom seam allowancecustom seam allowance
+ PinsPins
+ no pinno pin
+ LabelsLabels
+ ErrorError
+ Edit lengthEdit length
+ Edit angleEdit angle
+ Edit heightEdit height
+ Edit widthEdit width
+ PathsPaths
+ ExcludedExcluded
+ PassmarkPassmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Each point in the path must be unique!
+ PassmarksPassmarks
@@ -8638,299 +8643,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionHeight
+ SizedimensionSize
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12828,37 +12833,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricFabric
+ LiningLining
+ InterfacingInterfacing
+ InterliningInterlining
+ CutCut
+ on foldon fold
@@ -13258,63 +13263,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceSeam allowance
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -13339,12 +13349,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMillimiters
+ InchesInches
@@ -13360,27 +13370,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13910,22 +13920,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14023,14 +14033,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Changes applied.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterCan't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameterCan't convert toBool parameter
@@ -14041,7 +14051,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Got empty parameter
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14144,8 +14154,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -14188,7 +14198,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -14210,7 +14220,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14252,7 +14262,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14272,57 +14282,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14415,26 +14425,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Do you really want to delete?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16226,83 +16236,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Width:
+ Formula wizardFormula wizard
+ ValueValue
+ CalculationCalculation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:Height:
+ Center pin:Center pin:
+ Top left pin:Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Angle:
+ Pattern label visiblePattern label visible
@@ -16375,7 +16385,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -18773,38 +18789,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsmeasurements
+ individualindividual
+ multisizemultisize
+ templatestemplates
+ label templates
+ patternspatterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -19189,7 +19205,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -19596,12 +19612,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19617,37 +19633,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20598,74 +20614,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error no unique id.
+ Error parsing file.Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailError creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single pointError creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineError creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along lineError creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderError creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normalError creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorError creating or updating point of bisector
@@ -20674,128 +20690,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of lineintersection
+ Error creating or updating point of contactError creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointError creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating heightError creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangleError creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionError creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointError creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointError creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointError creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating lineError creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curveError creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve pathError creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveError creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathError creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arcError creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcError creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union detailsError creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentError creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentError creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true dartsError creating or updating true darts
@@ -20807,100 +20823,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Wrong tag name '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesError creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineError creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathError creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveError creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveError creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationError creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineError creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisError creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingError creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcError creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcError creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -20910,34 +20926,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathUnnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathError creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin pointError creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21235,6 +21251,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22654,97 +22688,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Current seam allowance
+ move pattern piece labelmove pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece labelresize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece labelrotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info labelmove pattern info label
+ resize pattern info labelresize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info labelrotate pattern info label
+ move grainlinemove grainline
+ resize grainlineresize grainline
+ rotate grainlinerotate grainline
+ OptionsOptions
+ In layoutIn layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteDelete
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingForbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts b/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts
index 0135ce623..811751683 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts
@@ -8408,227 +8408,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Ready!
+ ValueValue
+ Default
+ Default
+ DetailDetail
+ GrainlineGrainline
+ ReverseReverse
+ DeleteDelete
+ OptionsOptions
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined resultInfinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positiveLength should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowanceCurrent seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance widthEdit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeEdit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width afterEdit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!You have double points!
+ EmptyEmpty
+ main pathmain path
+ custom seam allowancecustom seam allowance
+ PinsPins
+ no pinno pin
+ LabelsLabels
+ ErrorError
+ Edit lengthEdit length
+ Edit angleEdit angle
+ Edit heightEdit height
+ Edit widthEdit width
+ PathsPaths
+ ExcludedExcluded
+ PassmarkPassmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Each point in the path must be unique!
+ PassmarksPassmarks
@@ -8638,299 +8643,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionHeight
+ SizedimensionSize
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12828,37 +12833,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricFabric
+ LiningLining
+ InterfacingInterfacing
+ InterliningInterlining
+ CutCut
+ on foldon fold
@@ -13258,63 +13263,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceSeam allowance
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -13339,12 +13349,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMillimiters
+ InchesInches
@@ -13360,27 +13370,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13910,22 +13920,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14023,14 +14033,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Changes applied.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterCan't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameterCan't convert toBool parameter
@@ -14041,7 +14051,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Got empty parameter
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14144,8 +14154,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -14188,7 +14198,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -14210,7 +14220,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14252,7 +14262,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14272,57 +14282,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14415,26 +14425,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Do you really want to delete?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16226,83 +16236,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Width:
+ Formula wizardFormula wizard
+ ValueValue
+ CalculationCalculation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:Height:
+ Center pin:Center pin:
+ Top left pin:Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Angle:
+ Pattern label visiblePattern label visible
@@ -16375,7 +16385,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -18773,38 +18789,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsmeasurements
+ individualindividual
+ multisizemultisize
+ templatestemplates
+ label templates
+ patternspatterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -19189,7 +19205,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -19596,12 +19612,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19617,37 +19633,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20598,74 +20614,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error no unique id.
+ Error parsing file.Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailError creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single pointError creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineError creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along lineError creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderError creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normalError creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorError creating or updating point of bisector
@@ -20674,128 +20690,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of lineintersection
+ Error creating or updating point of contactError creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointError creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating heightError creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangleError creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionError creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointError creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointError creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointError creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating lineError creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curveError creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve pathError creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveError creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathError creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arcError creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcError creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union detailsError creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentError creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentError creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true dartsError creating or updating true darts
@@ -20807,100 +20823,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Wrong tag name '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesError creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineError creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathError creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveError creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveError creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationError creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineError creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisError creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingError creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcError creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcError creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -20910,34 +20926,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathUnnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathError creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin pointError creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21235,6 +21251,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22654,97 +22688,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Current seam allowance
+ move pattern piece labelmove pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece labelresize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece labelrotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info labelmove pattern info label
+ resize pattern info labelresize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info labelrotate pattern info label
+ move grainlinemove grainline
+ resize grainlineresize grainline
+ rotate grainlinerotate grainline
+ OptionsOptions
+ In layoutIn layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteDelete
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingForbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts
index 714b49180..283231073 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts
@@ -8409,227 +8409,232 @@ Aplicar características de todos modos?
+ Ready!¡Listo!
+ ValueValor
+ Default
+ DetailDetalle
+ GrainlineLínea hilo de tela
+ ReverseRevés
+ DeleteBorrar
+ OptionsOpciones
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Error. No se puede guardar la sección del trayecto.
+ Infinite/undefined resultResultado infinito/indefinido
+ Length should be positiveLa longitud debería de ser positiva
+ Parser error: %1Error en análisis: %1
+ Current seam allowanceMargen de costura actual
+ Edit seam allowance widthEditar el ancho del margen de costura
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeEditar el ancho del margen de costura antes
+ Edit seam allowance width afterEditar el ancho del margen de costura después
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!¡Necesitas más puntos!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!¡Tiene que elegir los puntos en una dirección en sentido del reloj!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!¡El primer punto no puede ser igual al último punto!
+ You have double points!¡Tiene puntos dobles!
+ EmptyVacío
+ main pathRuta principal
+ custom seam allowancePersonalizar el margen de costura
+ PinsAnclajes
+ no pinSin anclaje
+ LabelsEtiquetas
+ ErrorError
+ Edit lengthEditar largo
+ Edit angleEditar ángulo
+ Edit heightEditar altura
+ Edit widthEditar ancho
+ PathsRutas
+ ExcludedExcluido
+ PassmarkPique
+ Each point in the path must be unique!¡Cada punto en la ruta debe ser único!
+ PassmarksPiques
@@ -8639,299 +8644,299 @@ Aplicar características de todos modos?
Herramienta Pieza de trabajo
+ SegmentSegmento
+ RectangleRectangulo
+ CrossCruz
+ T-shapedForma de T
+ DoubletreeDoble T
+ CornerEsquina
+ TriangleTriangulo
+ H-shapedForma H
+ ButtonBoton
+ Place labelMarcas del patrón
+ Check uniquenessChequear singularidad
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.Para abrir todas las características de detalles complete creando la ruta principal, Por favor, presione OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!¡La misma curva se repite dos veces!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creationSeleccione los objetos de ruta principal en el sentido de las agujas del reloj,<b>%1</b> -curva sentido inverso, <b>%2</b> - finalizar creacion
+ CircleCirculo
+ Edit passmark lengthEditar largo del pique
+ The customer name from individual measurementsEl nombre del cliente desde las medidas individuales
+ The customer email from individual measurementsEl correo electrónico del cliente a partir de medidas individuales
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsLa fecha de nacimiento del cliente a partir de medidas individuales
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Guardar etiqueta de datos.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?La etiqueta de datos fueron modificados. ¿Quiere guardarlos antes de editar la etiqueta de plantilla?
+ HeightdimensionAltura
+ SizedimensionTalla
+ HipdimensionCadera
+ WaistdimensionCintura
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1Medida: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12830,37 +12835,37 @@ el patrón.
+ FabricTela
+ LiningForro
+ InterfacingEntretela
+ InterliningEntreforro
+ CutCortar
+ on folden pliegue
@@ -13260,63 +13265,68 @@ el patrón.
Fuente de la etiqueta:
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceMargen de costura
+ Default value:Valor predeterminado:
+ Label data/time formatEtiqueta de datos/formato hora
+ Date:Fecha:
+ Edit formatsEditar formatos
+ Time:Hora:
+ MaterialsMateriales
+ Known materials:Materiales conocidos:
+ Manage list of known materialsAdministrar lista de materiales conocidos
+ ManageAdministrar
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listCuando administre los materiales del patron guardelos en la lista de materiales conocidos
+ Remeber pattern materialsRecordar materiales de patron
@@ -13341,12 +13351,12 @@ el patrón.
Ancho línea:
+ MillimitersMilímetros
+ InchesPulgadas
@@ -13363,27 +13373,27 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
Use OpenGL para retratar
+ antialiasingantialiasing
+ scene renderretratar una escena
+ Background imageImagen de fondo
+ Opacity:Opacidad:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13914,22 +13924,22 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
Error de compatibilidad en datos de ruta en pieza de diseño V: Version de clase actual = %1 y version de clase = %2
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Error de discordancia de prefijo de línea de texto: encabezado actual de secuencia = 0x%1 y encabezado de secuencia = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Error de compatibilidad en línea de texto: Version de clase actual = %1 y version de clase = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Error de discordancia de prefijo de administrador de texto V:encabezado actual de secuencia = 0x%1 y encabezado de secuencia = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Error de compatibilidad en administrador de texto V: Version de clase actual = %1 y version de clase = %2
@@ -14027,14 +14037,14 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
Cambios aplicados.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterNo se puede convertir a parámetro UInt
+ Can't convert toBool parameterNo se puede convertir a parámetro Bool
@@ -14045,7 +14055,7 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
Parámetro vacío obtenido
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14148,8 +14158,8 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
La pieza '%1' tiene un margen de costura del diseño no válida. Por favor revise el margen de costura para comprobar la forma que se comporta.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Pieza '%1'. El margen de costura no es válido.
@@ -14192,7 +14202,7 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Pique '%1' no es parte de la pieza '%2'.
@@ -14214,7 +14224,7 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
Formula inválida '%1' para herramienta con id '%2'. %3.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14256,7 +14266,7 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14276,57 +14286,57 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.Pieza '%1'. Hilo de la tela no es valido.
@@ -14419,26 +14429,26 @@ Esta opción surtirá efecto después de reiniciar.
Realmente quiere borrarlo?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16230,83 +16240,83 @@ Quieres guardar los cambios?
+ Width:Ancho:
+ Formula wizardAsistente de fórmula
+ ValueValor
+ CalculationCalculos
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Muestra el calculo completo en cuadro de mensaje</p></body></html>
+ Height:Altura:
+ Center pin:Anclaje centro:
+ Top left pin:Anclaje superior izquierdo:
+ Bottom right pin:Anclaje inferior derecho:
+ Angle:Angulo:
+ Pattern label visibleEtiqueta del patrón visible
@@ -16379,7 +16389,13 @@ Quieres guardar los cambios?
Opciones a la posición de control de etiqueta de detalle. <b>No esta disponible si la plantilla de etiqueta de detalle esta vacía</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Opciones de control de posición de etiqueta de patrón. <b>No esta disponible si la plantilla de etiqueta del patrón esta vacia</b>.
@@ -18777,38 +18793,38 @@ Quieres guardar los cambios?
+ measurementsmedidas
+ individualindividual
+ multisizemultitalla
+ templatesplantillas
+ label templatesplantillas etiquetas
+ patternspatrones
+ manual layoutsDiseños manuales
@@ -19193,7 +19209,7 @@ Quieres guardar los cambios?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Pieza %1 no tiene forma.
@@ -19600,12 +19616,12 @@ Quieres guardar los cambios?
+ Move to
+ Remove from SheetRemover de la Hoja
@@ -19621,37 +19637,37 @@ Quieres guardar los cambios?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20603,74 +20619,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error identificador no único.
+ Error parsing file.Error analizando archivo.
+ Error can't convert value.Error no se puede convertir valor.
+ Error empty parameter.Error parámetro vacío.
+ Error wrong id.Error en la identificación.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Error analizando archivo (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailError creando o actualizando detalle
+ Error creating or updating single pointError creando o actualizando punto sencillo
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineError creando o actualizando punto de final de línea
+ Error creating or updating point along lineError al crear o actualizar el punto largo de la línea
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderError al crear o actualizar punto del hombro
+ Error creating or updating point of normalError al crear o actualizar punto de normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorError al crear o actualizar punto del bisector
@@ -20679,128 +20695,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creando o actualizando punto de intersección de línea
+ Error creating or updating point of contactError creando o actualizando punto de contacto
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointError creando o actualizando punto de modelado
+ Error creating or updating heightError creando o actualizando altura
+ Error creating or updating triangleError creando o actualizando triángulo
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionError creando o actualizando punto de intersección
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointError creando o actualizando punto de corte de spline
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointError creando o actualizando punto de corte de spline de corte
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointError creando o actualizando punto de corte de arco
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisError creando o actualizando punto de intersección de línea y eje
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisError creando o actualizando punto de intersección de curva y eje
+ Error creating or updating lineError creando o actualizando línea
+ Error creating or updating simple curveError creando o actualizando curva simple
+ Error creating or updating curve pathError creando o actualizando trazado curvo
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveError al crear o actualizar el modelado de curva simple
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathError creando o actualizando el modelado de trazado curvo
+ Error creating or updating simple arcError creando o actualizando arco simple
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcError al crear o actualizar arco de modelado
+ Error creating or updating union detailsError creando o actualizando detalle de la unión
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsError creando o actualizando punto de intersección de arcos
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesError creando o actualizando punto de intersección de circulos
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentError al crear o actualizar punto desde un círculo y tangente
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentError al crear o actualizar punto desde un arco y tangente
+ Error creating or updating true dartsError creando o actualizando pinzas verdaderas
@@ -20812,100 +20828,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Nombre de etiqueta incorrecto '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Tipo de punto desconocido '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Tipo de spline desconocido '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Tipo de arco desconocido '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Tipo de herramienta desconocido '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Error identificador no único.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesError al crear o actualizar punto de curvas de intersección
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineError al crear o actualizar una tira interactiva simple
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathError al crear o actualizar camino de tira interactiva
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveError al crear o actualizar curva bezier cúbica
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveError al crear o actualizar camino de curva bezier cúbica
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationError al crear o actualizar operación de rotación
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Tipo de operación desconocida '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineError al crear o actualizar la operación de voltear por línea
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisError al crear o actualizar la operación de voltear por eje
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingError al crear o actualizar la oparación de mover
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError al crear o actualizar intersección de punto de línea
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcError al crear o actualizar el arco elíptico simple
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Tipo de arco elíptico '%1' desconocido.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcError al crear o actualizar el modelado del arco elíptico
@@ -20915,34 +20931,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathRuta sin nombre
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathError creando o actualizando la ruta de la pieza
+ Error creating or updating pin pointError creando o actualizando punto anclaje
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodesLa ruta de acceso de la pieza no contiene nodos
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21244,6 +21260,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22663,97 +22697,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Margen de costura actual
+ move pattern piece labelmover etiqueta de pieza de patrón
+ resize pattern piece labelredimensionar etiqueta de pieza del patrón
+ rotate pattern piece labelrotar etiqueta de pieza del patrón
+ move pattern info labelmover etiqueta de información del patrón
+ resize pattern info labelredimensionar etiqueta de información del patrón
+ rotate pattern info labelrotar etiqueta de información del patrón
+ move grainlinemover línea hilo de tela
+ resize grainlineredimensionar línea hilo de tela
+ rotate grainlinerotar línea hilo de tela
+ OptionsOpciones
+ In layoutEn diseño
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteBorrar
+ apply save detail optionsaplicar guardar opciones de detalle
+ multi deletionborrado multiple
+ Forbid flippingProhibir girar
+ Force flippingForzar voltear
+ This id (%1) is not unique.Este id (%1) no es único.
+ Tool was used after deleting.La herramienta se utilizo después de eliminar.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts b/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts
index 100309d02..8402c51b0 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts
@@ -7701,227 +7701,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!
+ ValueArvo
+ Default
+ Oletus
+ DetailYksityiskohta
+ Grainline
+ ReverseKäännä päinvastoin
+ DeletePoista
+ OptionsAsetukset
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Jäsentämis virhe: %1
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!
+ Empty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
+ ErrorVirhe
+ Edit length
+ Edit angle
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ PathsPolut
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -7931,299 +7936,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionPituus
+ SizedimensionKoko
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -11684,37 +11689,37 @@ Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?
+ Fabric
+ Lining
+ Interfacing
+ Interlining
+ Cut
+ on fold
@@ -12114,63 +12119,68 @@ Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceSaumavara
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -12195,12 +12205,12 @@ Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?
+ MillimitersMillimetriä
+ InchesTuumaa
@@ -12216,27 +12226,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -12712,22 +12722,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -12817,14 +12827,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterEi voi muuntaa toUInt parametriä
+ Can't convert toBool parameterEi voi muuntaa toBool parametriä
@@ -12835,7 +12845,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Tyhjä parametri
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -12938,8 +12948,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -12982,7 +12992,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -13004,7 +13014,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -13046,7 +13056,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -13066,57 +13076,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -13209,26 +13219,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Haluatko todella poistaa?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -14798,83 +14808,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Leveys:
+ Formula wizard
+ ValueArvo
+ Calculation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Näytä koko laskenta ikkunassa</p></body></html>
+ Height:Korkeus:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:
+ Pattern label visible
@@ -14947,7 +14957,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -17146,38 +17162,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurements
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -17558,7 +17574,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -17965,12 +17981,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -17986,37 +18002,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -18967,74 +18983,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Virhe: id ei ole yksikäsitteinen.
+ Error parsing file.Virhe tiedoston jäsennyksessä.
+ Error can't convert value.Virhe: arvoa ei voi muuntaa.
+ Error empty parameter.Virhe: tyhjä parametri.
+ Error wrong id.Virhe: väärä id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Virhe tiedoston (std::bad_alloc) jäsennyksessä.
+ Error creating or updating detailVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä yksityiskohtaa
+ Error creating or updating single pointVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä yksi piste
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä päätepiste
+ Error creating or updating point along lineVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä piste viivalla
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä olkapääpiste
+ Error creating or updating point of normalVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä normaalipiste
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä jakopiste
@@ -19043,128 +19059,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Virhe luodessa tai päivittäessä viivojen leikkaus
+ Error creating or updating point of contactVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä kontaktipiste
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä mallinnuspiste
+ Error creating or updating heightVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä pituus
+ Error creating or updating triangleVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä kolmio
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä leikkauspiste
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä leikatessa splinipiste
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä leikatessa polun piste
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä kaaren leikkauspiste
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä akselin ja viivan leikkauspiste
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä akselin ja käyrän leikkauspiste
+ Error creating or updating lineVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä viivaa
+ Error creating or updating simple curveVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä yksinkertaista viivaa
+ Error creating or updating curve pathVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä käyräpolku
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä yksinkertaista mallinnus käyrää
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä mallinnus käyrää
+ Error creating or updating simple arcVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä yksinkertaista kaarta
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä mallinnuskaarta
+ Error creating or updating union detailsVirhe luodessa tai päivittäessä unioni yksityiskohtaa
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -19176,100 +19192,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -19279,34 +19295,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -19604,6 +19620,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -20896,97 +20930,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info label
+ resize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info label
+ move grainline
+ resize grainline
+ rotate grainline
+ OptionsAsetukset
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeletePoista
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts
index 0782140dd..e0ade4a3c 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts
@@ -8410,227 +8410,232 @@ Appliquer quand même les réglages ?
+ Ready!Prêt!
+ ValueValeur
+ Default
+ DetailPièce
+ GrainlineDroit-fil
+ ReverseInverser
+ DeleteEffacer
+ OptionsOptions
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Erreur : le chemin d'accès de la pièce ne peut pas être sauvegardé.
+ Infinite/undefined resultRésultat infini ou non défini
+ Length should be positiveLa longueur indiquée doit être positive
+ Parser error: %1Erreur de l'interpréteur : %1
+ Current seam allowanceMarge de couture actuelle
+ Edit seam allowance widthEditer la largeur de la marge de couture
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeEditer la largeur de la marge de couture avant
+ Edit seam allowance width afterEditer la largeur de la marge de couture après
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Vous avez besoin de plus de points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Vous devez choisir les points dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!Le premier point ne peut être identique au dernier!
+ You have double points!Vous avez des points en double!
+ EmptyVide
+ main pathContour principal
+ custom seam allowancePersonnaliser la marge de couture
+ PinsEpingles
+ no pinpas d'épingle
+ LabelsEtiquettes
+ ErrorErreur
+ Edit lengthÉditer longueur
+ Edit angleÉditer l'angle
+ Edit heightEditer la stature
+ Edit widthEditer la largeur
+ PathsChemins
+ ExcludedExclus
+ PassmarkCran d'assemblage
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Chaque point du contour doit être unique !
+ PassmarksCrans d'assemblage
@@ -8640,299 +8645,299 @@ Appliquer quand même les réglages ?
Extraction de contour principal
+ SegmentSegment
+ RectangleRectangle
+ CrossCroix
+ T-shapedEn forme de T
+ DoubletreeCroix 2
+ CornerCoin
+ TriangleTriangle
+ H-shapedEn forme de H
+ ButtonBouton
+ Place labelPlacer l'étiquette
+ Check uniquenessVérifier la spécificité
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.Pour avoir accès à toutes les options de la pièces, merci de finir la création du contour du contour principal. Cliquez sur OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!La même courbe a été sélectionnée 2 fois !
+ <Empty><vide>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creationSélectionner les objets du chemin principal dans le sens horaire, <b>%1</b> - inverser le sens de la courbe, <b>%2</b> - finir la création
+ CircleCercle
+ Edit passmark lengthEditer la longueur du cran d'assemblage
+ The customer name from individual measurementsLe nom du ou de la client.e depuis les mesures individuelles
+ The customer email from individual measurementsL'Email du client lu depuis les mesures individuelles
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsLa date de naissance du client d'après les mesures individuelles
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Sauvegarder les données de l'étiquette.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?Les données de l'étiquette ont été modifiées. Souhaitez-vous les enregistrer avant de poursuivre ?
+ HeightdimensionHauteur
+ SizedimensionTaille
+ HipdimensionHanche
+ WaistdimensionTaille
+ Height labeldimensionEtiquette de hauteur
+ Size labeldimensionEtiquette de taille
+ Hip labeldimensionEtiquette de hanche
+ Waist labeldimensionEtiquette de taille
+ Measurement: %1Mensuration : %1
+ Invalid segment!Segment invalide !
+ Dimension XdimensionMesure X (stature)
+ Dimension YdimensionMesure Y (taille commerciale)
+ Dimension ZdimensionMesure Z (tour de taille)
+ Dimension WdimensionMesure W en .vst (tour de hanches)
+ Dimension X labeldimensionEtiquette de dimension X
+ Dimension Y labeldimensionEtiquette de dimension Y
+ Dimension Z labeldimensionEtiquette de dimension Z
+ Dimension W labeldimensionEtiquette de dimension W
+ Turn point
@@ -12830,37 +12835,37 @@ Voulez-vous sauvegarder vos modifications ?
+ FabricTissu
+ LiningDoublure
+ InterfacingEntoilage
+ InterliningTriplure
+ CutCouper
+ on foldau pli
@@ -13260,63 +13265,68 @@ Voulez-vous sauvegarder vos modifications ?
Police de caractères d'étiquette:
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceMarge de couture
+ Default value:Valeur par défaut:
+ Label data/time formatEtiquette de format de date et d'heure
+ Date:Date :
+ Edit formatsEditer les formats
+ Time:Heure :
+ MaterialsMatières
+ Known materials:Matériaux employés :
+ Manage list of known materialsGérer la liste des matériaux utilisés dans le patron
+ ManageGérer
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listQuand vous utilisez une nouvelle matière dans ce patron, enregistrez-la dans la liste des matériaux utilisés pour la réutiliser dans un autre patron
+ Remeber pattern materialsMémoriser les matériaux du patron
@@ -13341,12 +13351,12 @@ Voulez-vous sauvegarder vos modifications ?
Largeur de la ligne :
+ MillimitersMillimètres
+ InchesPouces
@@ -13362,27 +13372,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Utiliser le rendu OpenGL
+ antialiasingantialiasing
+ scene renderRendu de scène
+ Background imageImage en arrière-plan
+ Opacity:Opacité :
+ Opacity value by defaultOpacité par défaut
@@ -13912,22 +13922,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Erreur de compatibilité VLayoutPiecePathData : actualClassVersion = %1 et classVersion = %2
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Erreur de correspondance de préfixe TextLine : actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 et streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Erreur de compatibilité TextLine : actualClassVersion = %1 et classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Erreur de correspondance de préfixe VTextManager : actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 et streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Erreur de compatibilité VTextManager : actualClassVersion = %1 et classVersion = %2
@@ -14025,14 +14035,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Changements appliqués.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterImpossible de convertir vers un paramètre de type entier
+ Can't convert toBool parameterImpossible de convertir vers un paramètre de type Booléen
@@ -14043,7 +14053,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Paramètre vide
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14146,8 +14156,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
La pièce '%1' a une valeur de marge de plan de coupe invalide. Merci de vérifier la marge de couture pour vérifier son comportement.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Pièce '%1'. La marge de couture est invalide.
@@ -14190,7 +14200,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Le cran d'assemblage '%1' ne fait pas partie de la pièce '%2'.
@@ -14212,7 +14222,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Formule invalide '%1' pour cet outil avec l'identifiant '%2'. %3.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14254,7 +14264,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Impossible de configurer le cran d'assemblage '%1' dans la pièce '%2'. Le cran d'assemblage est absent.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.Impossible de configurer le cran d'assemblage '%1' dans la pièce '%2'. La ligne de base du cran d'assemblage est absente.
@@ -14274,57 +14284,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Les champs saisis dans la formule '%1' sont erronés. Erreur de formule : %2.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.Champ de mesure finale invalide. Erreur d'analyse ligne %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.Absence de données pour la dimension stature.
+ No data for the size dimension.Absence de données pour la dimension taille commerciale.
+ No data for the hip dimension.Absence de données pour la dimension tour de hanches.
+ No data for the waist dimension.Absence de données pour la dimension tour de taille.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.Piece '%1'. Droit fil non valide.
@@ -14417,26 +14427,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Voulez vous vraiment supprimer?
+ No data for the X dimension.Pas de données pour la dimension X.
+ No data for the Y dimension.Pas de données pour la dimension Y.
+ No data for the Z dimension.Pas de données pour la dimension Z.
+ No data for the W dimension.Pas de données pour la dimension W.
@@ -16228,83 +16238,83 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer vos changements ?
+ Width:Largeur :
+ Formula wizardAssistant de composition de formule
+ ValueValeur
+ CalculationFormule
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Montrer le calcul complet dans une boite de dialogue </p></body></html>
+ Height:Hauteur:
+ Center pin:Point central :
+ Top left pin:Épingle supérieure gauche :
+ Bottom right pin:Épingle inférieure droite :
+ Angle:Angle:
+ Pattern label visibleEtiquette de patron visible
@@ -16377,7 +16387,13 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer vos changements ?
Options de réglage de la position d'une étiquette de pièce. <b>Non réglables si le modèle d'étiquette des mentions de la pièce est vide</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Options de réglages de la position de l'étiquette de patron. <b>Non réglables si le modèle d'étiquette des mentions du patron est vide</b>.
@@ -18774,38 +18790,38 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer vos changements ?
+ measurementsmesures
+ individualIndividuel
+ multisizemulti-tailles
+ templatesmodèles
+ label templatesmodèles d'étiquettes
+ patternspatrons
+ manual layoutsplans de coupe manuels
@@ -19189,7 +19205,7 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer vos changements ?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.La pièce %1 n'a pas de forme.
@@ -19596,12 +19612,12 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer vos changements ?
+ Move toDéplacer vers
+ Remove from SheetSupprimer de la feuille
@@ -19617,37 +19633,37 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer vos changements ?
+ PiecePièce
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'Attribut '%1' manquant
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.Erreur ligne %1. La marge de couture est manquante.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.Erreur dans la ligne %1. Le chemin interne est vide.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2Tag %1 inattendu à ligne %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20599,74 +20615,74 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?
Erreur : id non unique.
+ Error parsing file.Erreur d'interprétation de fichier.
+ Error can't convert value.Erreur : valeur non convertissable.
+ Error empty parameter.Erreur : paramètre vide.
+ Error wrong id.Erreur : id erroné.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Erreur d'interprétation de fichier. (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la pièce de patron
+ Error creating or updating single pointErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour d'un point seul
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour d'un point de fin de ligne
+ Error creating or updating point along lineErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour d'un point de la ligne
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point d'épaule
+ Error creating or updating point of normalErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour d'un point de la normale
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point de bisection
@@ -20675,128 +20691,128 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?
Impossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection de 2 lignes
+ Error creating or updating point of contactErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point de contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point de modélisation
+ Error creating or updating heightErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour de la taille
+ Error creating or updating triangleErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour d'un triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point d'intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point de découpe de crannelure
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour de la trajectoire de la spline
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour d'un point de découpe d'arc
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour du point d'intersection ligne/axe
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection entre courbe et axe
+ Error creating or updating lineErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la ligne
+ Error creating or updating simple curveErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la courbe
+ Error creating or updating curve pathErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour du chemin de la courbe
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la courbe
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la trajectoire de la courbe
+ Error creating or updating simple arcErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour d'un arc simple
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour d'un arc modelé
+ Error creating or updating union detailsErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la fusion de pièces de patron
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection des arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesImpossible de créer ou de mettre à jour le point d'intersection des cercles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection entre cercle et tangente
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection entre arc et tangente
+ Error creating or updating true dartsImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour une pince automatique
@@ -20808,100 +20824,100 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?
Mauvais nom de tag '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Point de type inconnu '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Spline inconnue de type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Courbe inconnue de type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Outil inconnu de type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Erreur, Id. non unique.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection de courbes
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la spline interactive simple
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour du point de découpe de la trajectoire de la spline interactive
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la courbe cubique de bezier
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveErreur lors de la création ou de la mise à jour de la trajectoire de la courbe de bezier
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationErreur lors de la création ou mise à jour de l'opération de rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Opération inconnue de type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineErreur lors de la création ou la mise à jour de l'opération de reproduction d'objets en miroir par rapport à une ligne
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisErreur de création ou de mise à jour de l'opération de reproduction d'objets en miroir par rapport à un axe
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingErreur de création ou de mise à jour de l'opération de déplacement
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionImpossible de créer ou mettre à jour le point d'intersection de 2 lignes
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcErreur de création ou de mise à jour d'arc de cercle elliptique simple
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Type d'arc de cercle elliptique inconnu '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcErreur de création ou de mise à jour d'arc élliptique
@@ -20911,34 +20927,34 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?
Pièce de patron
+ Unnamed pathChemin sans nom
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathErreur de création ou de mise à jour de chemin de pièce de patron
+ Error creating or updating pin pointErreur de création ou de mise à jour de point d'épingle
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodesLe chemin de la pièce ne contient pas de nœuds
+ Error creating or updating place labelErreur de création ou de mise à jour de repère d'assemblage
+ Can't find increment '%1'Impossible de trouver l'incrément '%1'
@@ -21241,6 +21257,24 @@ Erreur de compatibilité du format .rld: actualFileVersion = %1 alors que fileVe
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22660,97 +22694,97 @@ Erreur de compatibilité du format .rld: actualFileVersion = %1 alors que fileVe
Marge de couture actuelle
+ move pattern piece labelDéplacer l'étiquette de l'élément de patron
+ resize pattern piece labelRedimensionner l'étiquette de l'élément de patron
+ rotate pattern piece labelPivoter l'étiquette de l'élément de patron
+ move pattern info labelDéplacer l'étiquette d'information du patron
+ resize pattern info labelRedimensionner l'étiquette d'information du patron
+ rotate pattern info labelPivoter l'étiquette d'information du patron
+ move grainlinedéplacer le droit-fil
+ resize grainlineredimensionner le droit-fil
+ rotate grainlinePivoter le droit fil
+ OptionsOptions
+ In layoutDans isolation
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteEffacer
+ apply save detail optionsAppliquer les modifications
+ multi deletionSuppression multiple
+ Forbid flippingInterdire la reproduction en miroir des objets
+ Force flippingForcer la reproduction en miroir des objets
+ This id (%1) is not unique.Cet identifiant (%1) n'est pas unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.L'outil a été utilisé après suppression.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts b/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts
index 963f0f3a7..1cc988561 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts
@@ -7482,227 +7482,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!מוכן!
+ Valueערך
+ Default
+ Detailפרט
+ Grainlineקו ישר
+ Reverseהפוך
+ Deleteלמחוק
+ Optionsאפשרויות
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined resultתוצאה אינסופית\ בלתי מוגדרת
+ Length should be positiveעל האורך להיות חיובי
+ Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!אתה צריך נקודות נוספות!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!עליך לבחור נקודות בכיוון השעון!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!יש לך נקודות כפולות!
+ Empty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
+ Errorטעות
+ Edit lengthערוך אורך
+ Edit angle
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ Paths
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -7712,299 +7717,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ Heightdimension
+ Sizedimension
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -11240,37 +11245,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Fabricבד
+ Liningבטנה
+ Interfacing
+ Interlining
+ Cut
+ on fold
@@ -11670,63 +11675,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceתוספת תפר
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -11751,12 +11761,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Millimitersמילימטר
+ Inchesאינצ'ים
@@ -11772,27 +11782,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background imageתמונת רקע
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -12268,22 +12278,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -12369,14 +12379,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -12387,7 +12397,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -12490,8 +12500,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -12534,7 +12544,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -12556,7 +12566,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -12598,7 +12608,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -12618,57 +12628,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -12761,26 +12771,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -14314,83 +14324,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:רוחב:
+ Formula wizardאשף הפורמולות
+ Valueערך
+ Calculationחישובים
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:
+ Pattern label visibleתווית גזרה נראית
@@ -14463,7 +14473,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -16576,38 +16592,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurements
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -16937,7 +16953,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -17333,12 +17349,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -17354,37 +17370,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -18331,200 +18347,200 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.שגיאה חסר פרמטר.
+ Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisector
+ Error creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -18536,100 +18552,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -18639,34 +18655,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -18952,6 +18968,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -20235,97 +20269,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info label
+ resize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info label
+ move grainline
+ resize grainline
+ rotate grainline
+ Optionsאפשרויות
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ Deleteלמחוק
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingאסור היפוך
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts b/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts
index 89b5f22cd..4eef289c2 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts
@@ -7272,227 +7272,227 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!
+ Value
+ Detailrincial
+ Grainline
+ Reverse
+ Deletehapus
+ Optionspilihan
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positive
+ Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!
+ Empty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
+ Error
+ Edit length
+ Edit angle
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ Paths
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -7502,299 +7502,304 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Default
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ Heightdimension
+ Sizedimension
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -10960,37 +10965,37 @@ Apakah anda ingin menyimpan perubahan anda?
+ Fabric
+ Lining
+ Interfacing
+ Interlining
+ Cut
+ on fold
@@ -11390,63 +11395,68 @@ Apakah anda ingin menyimpan perubahan anda?
+ Size:
+ Seam allowancekampuh
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -11471,12 +11481,12 @@ Apakah anda ingin menyimpan perubahan anda?
+ MillimitersMilimeter
+ InchesInchi
@@ -11492,27 +11502,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -11988,22 +11998,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -12089,14 +12099,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -12107,7 +12117,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -12210,8 +12220,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -12254,7 +12264,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -12276,7 +12286,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -12318,7 +12328,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -12338,57 +12348,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -12481,26 +12491,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -14022,83 +14032,89 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Width:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Calculation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:
+ Pattern label visible
@@ -14171,7 +14187,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -16293,38 +16309,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurements
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -16650,7 +16666,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -17046,12 +17062,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -17067,37 +17083,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -18056,200 +18072,200 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisector
+ Error creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -18261,100 +18277,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -18364,34 +18380,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -18677,6 +18693,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -19941,97 +19975,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info label
+ resize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info label
+ move grainline
+ resize grainline
+ rotate grainline
+ Optionspilihan
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ Deletehapus
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts b/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts
index 2cc999b94..16b4c03db 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts
@@ -8402,227 +8402,232 @@ Applicare la configurazione comunque?
+ Ready!Pronto!
+ ValueValore
+ Default
+ Default
+ DetailDettaglio
+ GrainlineDrittofilo
+ ReverseInvertire
+ DeleteElimina
+ OptionsOpzioni
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Errore. Impossibile salvare tracciato.
+ Infinite/undefined resultRisultato infinito/indefinito
+ Length should be positiveLa lunghezza deve essere positiva
+ Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowanceMargine di cucitura corrente
+ Edit seam allowance widthModifica la larghezza dei margini di cucitura
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeModifica il margine di cucitura prima del punto
+ Edit seam allowance width afterModifica il margine di cucitura dopo il punto
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Hai bisogno di più punti!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Devi scegliere i punti in senso orario!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!il primo punto non può essere uguale all'ultimo!
+ You have double points!Hai doppi punti!
+ EmptyVuoto
+ main pathTracciato principale
+ custom seam allowancemargine di cucitura personalizzato
+ PinsSpilli
+ no pinNessuno spillo
+ LabelsEtichetta
+ ErrorErrore
+ Edit lengthModifica lunghezza
+ Edit angleModifica angolo
+ Edit heightModifica altezza
+ Edit widthModifica larghezza
+ PathsPercorsi
+ ExcludedEscluse
+ PassmarkTacca
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Ogni punto del tracciato deve essere unico!
+ PassmarksTacche
@@ -8632,299 +8637,299 @@ Applicare la configurazione comunque?
Strumento crea dettaglio
+ SegmentSegmento
+ RectangleRettangolo
+ CrossCroce
+ T-shapedForma a T
+ Doubletree
+ CornerAngolo
+ TriangleTriangolo
+ H-shapedForma ad H
+ ButtonBottone
+ Place labelPiazza etichetta
+ Check uniquenessControlla unicità
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Salva i dati di etichetta.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?I dati dell'etichetta sono stati modificati. Vuoi salvarli prima di modificare il formato dell'etichetta?
+ HeightdimensionAltezza
+ SizedimensionTaglia
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12818,37 +12823,37 @@ Vuoi salvare i cambiamenti?
+ FabricTessuto
+ LiningFodera
+ InterfacingTeletta
+ InterliningControfodera
+ CutTaglia
+ on foldsulla piega
@@ -13248,63 +13253,68 @@ Vuoi salvare i cambiamenti?
Carattere etichetta:
+ Size:
+ Taglia:
+ Seam allowanceMargine di cucitura
+ Default value:Valore di default:
+ Label data/time formatFormato data/ora etichetta
+ Date:Data:
+ Edit formatsModifica formati
+ Time:Ora:
+ MaterialsMateriali
+ Known materials:Materiali conosciuti:
+ Manage list of known materialsGestisci la lista dei materiali conosciuti
+ ManageGestisci
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listNel maneggiare la lista dei materiali del modello salvala come lista dei materiali conosciuti
+ Remeber pattern materialsRicorda materiali del modello
@@ -13329,12 +13339,12 @@ Vuoi salvare i cambiamenti?
Spessore linea:
+ MillimitersMillimetri
+ InchesPollici
@@ -13351,27 +13361,27 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
Usa il render OpenGL
+ antialiasingAntialising
+ scene renderRender di scena
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13902,22 +13912,22 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14015,14 +14025,14 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
Modifiche applicate.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -14033,7 +14043,7 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
Hai un parametro vuoto
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14136,8 +14146,8 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -14180,7 +14190,7 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -14202,7 +14212,7 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14244,7 +14254,7 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14264,57 +14274,57 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14407,26 +14417,26 @@ Questa opzione sarà effettiva dopo il riavvio del programma.
Vuoi veramente cancellare?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16218,83 +16228,83 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
+ Width:Larghezza:
+ Formula wizardFormula magica
+ ValueValore
+ CalculationCalcolo
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Mostra calcolo intero nella finestra di dialogo</p></body></html>
+ Height:Altezza:
+ Center pin:Punto centrale:
+ Top left pin:Punto in alto a sinistra:
+ Bottom right pin:Punto in basso a destra:
+ Angle:Angolo:
+ Pattern label visibleAttiva/Disattiva Etichetta del Modello
@@ -16367,7 +16377,13 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
Opzione per regolare la visibilità e posizione dell'etichetta. <b>Non disponibile se il modello etichetta non è stato caricato</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Opzione per regolare la visibilità e posizione dell'etichetta. <b>Non disponibile se il modello etichetta non è stato caricato</b>.
@@ -18728,38 +18744,38 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
+ measurementsMisure
+ individualindividuale
+ multisizemultitaglia
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patternsmodelli
+ manual layouts
@@ -19106,7 +19122,7 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Il pezzo %1 non ha una forma.
@@ -19513,12 +19529,12 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19534,37 +19550,37 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20515,74 +20531,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Errore id non unico.
+ Error parsing file.Errore di analisi del file.
+ Error can't convert value.Errore impossibile convertire il valore.
+ Error empty parameter.Errore parametro vuoto.
+ Error wrong id.Errore id sbagliato.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Errore di analisi del file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailErrore creando o modificando dettagli
+ Error creating or updating single pointErrore creando o modificando un singolo punto
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineErrore creando o aggiornando il punto alla fine della linea
+ Error creating or updating point along lineErrore creando o aggiornando punti lungo la linea
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderErrore creando o aggiornando punti della spalla
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorErrore creando o aggiornando punti della bisettrice
@@ -20591,128 +20607,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Errore creando o aggiornando punti della linea di intersezione
+ Error creating or updating point of contactErrore creando o aggiornando punti di contatto
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointErrore creando o aggiornando punti di modellazione
+ Error creating or updating heightErrore creando o aggiornando altezza
+ Error creating or updating triangleErrore creando o aggiornando tringolo
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionErrore creando o aggiornando punto di intersezione
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointErrore creando o aggiornando punti di un arco tagliato
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisErrore creando o aggiornando punti di intersezione tra linea e asse
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisErrore creando o aggiornando punti di intersezione tra curva e asse
+ Error creating or updating lineErrore creando o aggiornando linee
+ Error creating or updating simple curveErrore creando o aggiornando curve semplici
+ Error creating or updating curve pathErrore creando o aggiornando tracciati curvi
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arcErrore creando o aggiornando arco semplice
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsErrore creando o aggiornando punto di intersezione di archi
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesErrore creando o aggiornando punti di intersezione di cerchi
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentErrore creando o aggiornando il punto di intersezione tra cerchio e tangente
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentErrore creando o aggiornando il punto tra arco e tangente
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -20724,100 +20740,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Nome di etichetta errato '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Errore nome non unico.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesErrore creando o aggiornando punti di intersezione tra curve
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationErrore creando o aggiornando operazioni di rotazione
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineErrore creando o aggiornando operazioni di rotazione attraverso una linea
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisErrore creando o aggiornando operazione di rotazione attraverso un'asse
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingErrore creando o aggiornando operazioni di movimento
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionErrore creando o aggiornando punti della linea di intersezione
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcErrore creando o aggiornando un arco ellittico semplice
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -20827,34 +20843,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathTracciato senza nome
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21148,6 +21164,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22559,97 +22593,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Margine di cucitura corrente
+ move pattern piece labelSposta l'etichetta pezzo del modello
+ resize pattern piece labelRidimensiona l'etichetta pezzo del modello
+ rotate pattern piece labelRuota l'etichetta pezzo del modello
+ move pattern info labelSposta l'etichetta info del modello
+ resize pattern info labelRidimensiona l'etichetta info del modello
+ rotate pattern info labelRuota l'etichetta info del modello
+ move grainlineMuovi drittofilo
+ resize grainlineRidimensiona drittofilo
+ rotate grainlineRuota drittofilo
+ OptionsOpzioni
+ In layoutIn layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteElimina
+ apply save detail optionsSalva opzioni dettaglio
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flippingVieta la rotazione
+ Force flippingForza la rotazione
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts b/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts
index 3305f3406..27bb998e5 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts
@@ -8410,227 +8410,232 @@ Toch de instellingen aanpassen?
+ Ready!Klaar!
+ ValueWaarde
+ Default
+ DetailDetail
+ GrainlineRecht-van-draad
+ ReverseKeer om
+ DeleteVerwijder
+ OptionsOpties
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Fout. Kan het deelpad niet opslaan.
+ Infinite/undefined resultOngeldige uitkomst
+ Length should be positiveLengte moet positief zijn
+ Parser error: %1Fout bij opsplitsen: %1
+ Current seam allowanceHuidige naadtoeslag
+ Edit seam allowance widthBewerk naadtoeslag
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeBewerk naadtoeslag voor
+ Edit seam allowance width afterBewerk naadtoeslag achter
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Je hebt meer punten nodig!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Je moet de punten met de klok mee kiezen!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!Het eerste punt mag niet gelijk zijn aan het laatste punt!
+ You have double points!Je hebt punten dubbel!
+ EmptyLeeg
+ main pathhoofdpad
+ custom seam allowanceaangepaste naadtoeslag
+ PinsPins
+ no pingeen pin
+ LabelsLabels
+ ErrorFout
+ Edit lengthBewerk lengte
+ Edit angleBewerk hoek
+ Edit heightBewerk hoogte
+ Edit widthBewerk breedte
+ PathsPaden
+ ExcludedUitgezonderd
+ PassmarkPasmarkering
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Elk punt in het pad moet uniek zijn!
+ PassmarksPasmarkeringen
@@ -8640,299 +8645,299 @@ Toch de instellingen aanpassen?
Werkstuk gereedschap
+ SegmentSegment
+ RectangleRechthoek
+ CrossKruis
+ T-shapedT-vorm
+ DoubletreeDoubletree
+ CornerHoek
+ TriangleDriehoek
+ H-shapedH-vorm
+ ButtonKnop
+ Place labelPlaats label
+ Check uniquenessController op uniek zijn
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.Om alle detailfuncties te openen maak het hoofdpad volledig af. Gelieve op OK te drukken.
+ The same curve repeats twice!Dezelfde kromme komt tweemaal voor!
+ <Empty><Leeg>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creationSelecteer hoofdpad-objecten met de klok mee,<b>%1</b> - draai richting kromming om, <b>%2</b> - beëindig creatie
+ CircleCirkel
+ Edit passmark lengthPas lengte markeerpunt aan
+ The customer name from individual measurementsDe naam van de klant van individuele maten
+ The customer email from individual measurementsE-mail klant uit persoonlijke maten
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsGeboortedatum klant uit persoonlijke maten
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Sla gegevens label op.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?Gegevens label is veranderd. Wil je deze eerst opslaan voordat u het sjabloon label veranderd?
+ HeightdimensionHoogte
+ SizedimensionMaat
+ HipdimensionHeup
+ WaistdimensionTaille
+ Height labeldimensionHoogte label
+ Size labeldimensionGrootte label
+ Hip labeldimensionHeup label
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1Maat: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12829,37 +12834,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricStof
+ LiningVoering
+ InterfacingVlieseline
+ InterliningTussenvoering
+ CutKnippen
+ on foldop vouw
@@ -13259,63 +13264,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Label lettertype:
+ Size:
+ Maat:
+ Seam allowanceNaadtoeslag
+ Default value:Standaard waarde:
+ Label data/time formatLabel datum/tijd indeling
+ Date:Datum:
+ Edit formatsVerander indelingen
+ Time:Tijd:
+ MaterialsMaterialen
+ Known materials:Bekende materialen:
+ Manage list of known materialsBeheren van bekende materialen llijst
+ ManageBeheren
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listWanneer beheren van patroon materialen sla deze op bij bekende materialen lijst
+ Remeber pattern materialsHerinner patroon materialen
@@ -13340,12 +13350,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMillimeters
+ InchesInches
@@ -13362,27 +13372,27 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Gebruik OpenGL weergever
+ antialiasingantialiasing
+ scene renderscene weergeven
+ Background image
+ Opacity:Doorzichtigheid:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13913,22 +13923,22 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
VLayoutPiecePathData compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14026,14 +14036,14 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Wijzigingen zijn toegepast.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterKan parameter toUlnt niet converteren
+ Can't convert toBool parameterKan de parameter toBool niet converteren
@@ -14044,7 +14054,7 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Kreeg een lege parameter
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14147,8 +14157,8 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Patroondeel '%1' heeft een ongeldige opmaak naadtoeslag. Gelieve de naadtoeslag na te gaan om te zien hoe ze zich gedraagt.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Naadtoslag van patroondeel '%1' is niet geldig.
@@ -14191,7 +14201,7 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Pasmarkering '%1' maakt geen deel uit van patroondeel '%2'.
@@ -14213,7 +14223,7 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Ongeldige formule '%1' voor gereedschap met id '%2'. %3.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14255,7 +14265,7 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Kan de ingebouwde pasmarkering '%1' voor werkstuk '%2' niet voorbereiden. Pasmarkering is leeg.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.Kan de ingebouwde pasmarkering '%1' voor werkstuk '%2' niet voorbereiden. Basislijn pasmarkering is leeg.
@@ -14275,57 +14285,57 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Kan geen teken van de formule '%1' verkrijgen. Formule fout: %2.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.Geen gegevens voor de lengte.
+ No data for the size dimension.Geen gegevens voor de grootte.
+ No data for the hip dimension.Geen gegevens voor de heup omvang.
+ No data for the waist dimension.Geen gegevens voor de taille.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -14418,26 +14428,26 @@ Deze optie wordt actief na een herstart..
Wil je dit echt verwijderen?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16229,83 +16239,83 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
+ Width:Breedte:
+ Formula wizardFormule assistent
+ ValueWaarde
+ CalculationBerekening
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Toon volledige berekening in berichten box </p></body></html>
+ Height:Hoogte:
+ Center pin:Middelste punt:
+ Top left pin:Pin linksboven:
+ Bottom right pin:Pin rechtsonder:
+ Angle:Hoek:
+ Pattern label visiblePatroonlabel zichtbaar
@@ -16378,7 +16388,13 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
Opties om de positie van een detail label te controleren. <b>Niet beschikbaar als een detail label leeg is</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Opties om de positie van een patroon label te controleren. <b>Niet beschikbaar als een patroon label sjabloon leeg is.</b>.
@@ -18776,38 +18792,38 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
+ measurementsmaten
+ individualindividueel
+ multisizemultimaten
+ templatessjablonen
+ label templatesLabel sjablonen
+ patternspatronen
+ manual layouts
@@ -19192,7 +19208,7 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Deel %1 heeft geen vorm.
@@ -19599,12 +19615,12 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19620,37 +19636,37 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20601,74 +20617,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Fout geen unieke ID.
+ Error parsing file.Fout bij opsplitsen bestand.
+ Error can't convert value.Fout kan waarde niet omzetten.
+ Error empty parameter.Fout lege parameter.
+ Error wrong id.Fout verkeerde ID.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Fout bij opsplitsen bestand (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailFout bij het maken of bijwerken van detail
+ Error creating or updating single pointFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een enkele punt
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineFout bij het maken of bijwerken van eindpunt van een lijn
+ Error creating or updating point along lineFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een punt langs een lijn
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderFout bij het maken of bijwerken van schouderpunt
+ Error creating or updating point of normalFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een normaal punt
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorFout bij het maken of bijwerken van punt van bisector
@@ -20677,128 +20693,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Fout bij het maken of bijwerken van het punt van kruising van lijnen
+ Error creating or updating point of contactFout bij het maken of bijwerken van punt van contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointFout bij het maken of bijwerken van vormgevend punt
+ Error creating or updating heightFout bij het maken of bijwerken van hoogte
+ Error creating or updating triangleFout bij het maken of bijwerken van driehoek
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionFout bij het maken of bijwerken van het punt van een kruising
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointFout bij het maken of bijwerken van geknipte vrijevormkrommings punt
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointFout bij het maken of bijwerken van geknipte vrijevormkrommings pad punt
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointFout bij het maken of bijwerken van geknipte boog punt
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisFout bij het maken of bijwerken van het kruispunt tussen lijn en aslijn
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisFout bij het maken of bijwerken van het kruispunt tussen kromming en aslijn
+ Error creating or updating lineFout bij het maken of bijwerken van lijnen
+ Error creating or updating simple curveFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een simpele kromming
+ Error creating or updating curve pathFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een krommingspad
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveFout bij het maken of bijwerken van modelleren van simpele kromming
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathFout bij het maken of bijwerken van vormgeven van krommingspad
+ Error creating or updating simple arcFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een simpele boog
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcFout bij het maken of bijwerken van vormgeven van een boog
+ Error creating or updating union detailsFout bij het maken of bijwerken van samengevoegde details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsFout bij het maken of bewerken van de kruising van bogen
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een kruising van cirkels
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentFout bij het maken of bijwerken van punt van cirkel en raaklijn
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentFout bij het maken of bijwerken van het punt boog en raaklijn
+ Error creating or updating true dartsFout bij het maken of bijwerken van coupenaden
@@ -20810,100 +20826,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Verkeerde etiket naam '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Onbekende punt type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Onbekend vrijvormkromming type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Onbekende boog type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Onbekende gereedschap type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Fout geen unieke ID.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesFout bij het maken of bijwerken van kruispunt van krommingen
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineFout bij het maken of bijwerken van simpele interactieve vrijvormkromming
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathFout bij het maken of bijwerken van interactieve vrijevormkrommings pad
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveFout bij het maken of bijwerken van kubusachtige bezier kromming
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveFout bij het maken of bijwerken van kubusachtige bezier pad kromming
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationFout bij het maken van of bijwerken van actie van draaiing
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Onbekende bewerkingstype '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineFout bij het maken of bijwerken van de bewerking van kantelen via een lijn
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisFout bij het maken of bijwerken van de bewerking van kantelen via een aslijn
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingFout bij het maken of bijwerken van de bewerking van een verplaatsing
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een kruispunt van een lijn
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een simpele ellipsvormige boog
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Onbekende ellipsvormige boog type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcFot bij het maken of bijwerken van vormgeven van een ellipsvormige boog
@@ -20913,34 +20929,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathOnbenoemd pad
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een pad deel
+ Error creating or updating pin pointFout bij het maken of bijwerken van een pin punt
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodesPatroondeel pad bevat geen knooppunten
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21242,6 +21258,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22661,97 +22695,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Huidige naadtoeslag
+ move pattern piece labelverplaats patroondeel label
+ resize pattern piece labelwijzig grootte van patroondeel label
+ rotate pattern piece labeldraai patroondeel label
+ move pattern info labelverplaats patroon informatie label
+ resize pattern info label wijzig grootte patroon informatie label
+ rotate pattern info labeldraai patroon informatie label
+ move grainlineverplaats recht-van-draad
+ resize grainlinewijzig grootte recht-van-draad
+ rotate grainlinedraai de recht-van-draad
+ OptionsOpties
+ In layoutIn opmaak
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteVerwijder
+ apply save detail optionsVoer Opslaan Detail Opties door
+ multi deletionmeerdere verwijderingen
+ Forbid flippingKantelen niet toegestaan
+ Force flippingForceer kantelen
+ This id (%1) is not unique.De id (%1) is niet uniek.
+ Tool was used after deleting.Gereedschap werd gebruikt na verwijdering.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_pl_PL.ts b/share/translations/valentina_pl_PL.ts
index 086739825..fe009bd22 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_pl_PL.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_pl_PL.ts
@@ -7887,227 +7887,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Gotowe!
+ ValueWartość
+ Default
+ Domyślny
+ DetailDetal
+ GrainlineLinia osnowy
+ Reverse
+ DeleteUsuń
+ OptionsOpcje
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Błąd składni: %1
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Potrzebujesz więcej punktów!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!
+ EmptyPusty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
+ ErrorBłąd
+ Edit lengthEdytuj długość
+ Edit angleEdytuj kąt
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ PathsŚcieżki
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -8117,299 +8122,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ RectangleProstokąt
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ TriangleTrójkąt
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty><pusty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionWysokość
+ SizedimensionRozmiar
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -11846,37 +11851,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricTkanina
+ LiningPodszewka
+ InterfacingFlizelina
+ InterliningOcieplina
+ CutWytnj
+ on fold
@@ -12276,63 +12281,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Rozmiar:
+ Seam allowanceDodatek na szew
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -12357,12 +12367,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMilimetry
+ InchesCale
@@ -12378,27 +12388,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:Przezroczystość:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -12892,22 +12902,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -12997,14 +13007,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -13015,7 +13025,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -13118,8 +13128,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -13162,7 +13172,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -13184,7 +13194,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -13226,7 +13236,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -13246,57 +13256,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -13389,26 +13399,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -15062,83 +15072,83 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ Width:Szerokość:
+ Formula wizardKreator formuły
+ ValueWartość
+ CalculationObliczenia
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Pokaż pełną kalkulację w oknie wiadomości</p></body></html>
+ Height:Wysokość:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Kąt:
+ Pattern label visible
@@ -15211,7 +15221,13 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -17432,38 +17448,38 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ measurementswymiary
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patternswykroje
+ manual layouts
@@ -17793,7 +17809,7 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -18200,12 +18216,12 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -18221,37 +18237,37 @@ Czy chcesz zapisać zmiany?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -19198,200 +19214,200 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisector
+ Error creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -19403,100 +19419,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -19506,34 +19522,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathNienazwana ścieżka
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -19827,6 +19843,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -21122,97 +21156,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece labelprzesuń etykietę formy
+ resize pattern piece labelzmień rozmiar etykiety formy
+ rotate pattern piece labelobróć etykietę formy
+ move pattern info label
+ resize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info label
+ move grainline
+ resize grainline
+ rotate grainline
+ OptionsOpcje
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteUsuń
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts b/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts
index 825c86b89..3a896169e 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts
@@ -8406,227 +8406,232 @@ Aplicar configurações de qualquer forma?
+ Ready!Pronto!
+ ValueValor
+ Default
+ Padrão
+ DetailDetalhe
+ GrainlineFio
+ ReverseInverter
+ DeleteExcluir
+ OptionsOpções
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Erro. Não é possível salvar o caminho da peça.
+ Infinite/undefined resultResultado infinito ou indefinido
+ Length should be positiveComprimento deve ser positivo
+ Parser error: %1Erro de análise: %1
+ Current seam allowanceMargem de costura atual
+ Edit seam allowance widthEditar tamanho da margem de costura
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeEditar a largura da margem de costura antes
+ Edit seam allowance width afterEditar a largura da margem de costura depois
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!São necessários mais pontos!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Os pontos devem ser selecionados no sentido horário!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!O ponto inicial não pode ser o mesmo que o último!
+ You have double points!Existem pontos duplicados!
+ EmptyVazio
+ main pathcaminho principal
+ custom seam allowancemargem de costura personalizada
+ PinsPinos
+ no pinnenhum pino
+ LabelsRótulos
+ ErrorErro
+ Edit lengthEditar comprimento
+ Edit angleEditar ângulo
+ Edit heightEditar altura
+ Edit widthEditar largura
+ PathsCaminhos
+ ExcludedExcluído
+ PassmarkPique
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Cada ponto no caminho deverá ser único!
+ PassmarksPiques
@@ -8636,299 +8641,299 @@ Aplicar configurações de qualquer forma?
Ferramenta de peça de trabalho
+ SegmentSegmento
+ RectangleRetângulo
+ CrossCruzamento
+ T-shapedEm forma de T
+ DoubletreeÁrvore dupla
+ CornerCanto
+ TriangleTriângulo
+ H-shapedEm formato de H
+ ButtonBotão
+ Place labelColocar rótulo
+ Check uniquenessVerificar a singularidade
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!A mesma curva repete duas vezes!
+ <Empty><Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ CircleCírculo
+ Edit passmark lengthEditar tamanho do pique
+ The customer name from individual measurementsO nome do cliente das medidas individuais
+ The customer email from individual measurementsO email do cliente das medidas individuais
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsData de nascimento do cliente das medidas individuais
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Salvar dados do rótulo.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?Os dados do rótulo foram alterados. Deseja salvá-los antes de editar o modelo de rótulo?
+ HeightdimensionAltura
+ SizedimensionTamanho
+ HipdimensionQuadril
+ WaistdimensionCintura
+ Height labeldimensionrótulo Altura
+ Size labeldimensionrótulo Tamanho
+ Hip labeldimensionrótulo Quadril
+ Waist labeldimensionrótulo Cintura
+ Measurement: %1Medida: %1
+ Invalid segment!Segmento inválido!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -12826,37 +12831,37 @@ Você quer salvar suas mudanças?
+ FabricTecido
+ LiningForro
+ InterfacingEntretela
+ InterliningEntretela
+ CutCortar
+ on foldna dobra
@@ -13256,63 +13261,68 @@ Você quer salvar suas mudanças?
Fonte do Rótulo:
+ Size:
+ Tamanho:
+ Seam allowanceMargem de costura
+ Default value:Valor padrão:
+ Label data/time formatFormato de data/hora do rótulo
+ Date:Data:
+ Edit formatsEditar formatos
+ Time:Tempo:
+ MaterialsMateriais
+ Known materials:Materiais conhecidos:
+ Manage list of known materialsGerenciar lista de materiais conhecidos
+ ManageGerenciar
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listQuando administrar materiais do molde, salve-os na lista de materiais conhecidos
+ Remeber pattern materialsLembre-se de materiais do molde
@@ -13337,12 +13347,12 @@ Você quer salvar suas mudanças?
Espessura da linha:
+ MillimitersMilímetros
+ InchesPolegadas
@@ -13359,27 +13369,27 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
Usar renderização OpenGL
+ antialiasingantisserrilhamento
+ scene rendercena renderizada
+ Background image
+ Opacity:Opacidade:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -13910,22 +13920,22 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14023,14 +14033,14 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
Mudanças aplicadas.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterImpossível converter o parâmetro toUInt
+ Can't convert toBool parameterImpossível converter o parâmetro toBool
@@ -14041,7 +14051,7 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
Obteve parâmetro vazio
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14144,8 +14154,8 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Peça '%1'. Margem de costura inválida.
@@ -14188,7 +14198,7 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Pique '%1' não é parte da peça '%2'.
@@ -14210,7 +14220,7 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14252,7 +14262,7 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -14272,57 +14282,57 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.Sem dados para dimensão altura.
+ No data for the size dimension.Sem dados para dimensão tamanho.
+ No data for the hip dimension.Sem dados para dimensão quadril.
+ No data for the waist dimension.Sem dados para dimensão cintura.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.Peça '%1'. Sentido do fio é inválido.
@@ -14415,26 +14425,26 @@ Esta opção terá um efeito após o reinício.
Você realmente deseja excluir?
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -16226,83 +16236,83 @@ Deseja salvar suas mudanças?
+ Width:Largura:
+ Formula wizardAssistente de fórmulas
+ ValueValor
+ CalculationCálculo
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Mostrar cálculo completo na caixa de mensagem</p></body></html>
+ Height:Altura:
+ Center pin:Pino central:
+ Top left pin:Pino superior esquerdo:
+ Bottom right pin:Pino inferior direito:
+ Angle:Ângulo:
+ Pattern label visibleRótulo do padrão visível
@@ -16375,7 +16385,13 @@ Deseja salvar suas mudanças?
Opções para controlar a posição de etiqueta do detalhe. <b>Não disponível se o modelo de etiqueta do detalhe estiver vazio</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Opções para controlar a posição de etiqueta do molde. <b>Não disponível se o modelo de etiqueta do molde estiver vazio</b>.
@@ -18737,38 +18753,38 @@ Deseja salvar suas mudanças?
+ measurementsmedidas
+ individualindividual
+ multisizemulti-tamanhos
+ templatesmodelos
+ label templatesmodelos de rótulo
+ patternsmoldes
+ manual layouts
@@ -19141,7 +19157,7 @@ Deseja salvar suas mudanças?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -19548,12 +19564,12 @@ Deseja salvar suas mudanças?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -19569,37 +19585,37 @@ Deseja salvar suas mudanças?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -20551,74 +20567,74 @@ Você quer salvar as alterações?
Erro sem identificação única.
+ Error parsing file.Erro ao analisar o arquivo.
+ Error can't convert value.Erro impossível converter o valor.
+ Error empty parameter.Erro de parâmetro vazio.
+ Error wrong id.Erro identificação incorreta.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Erro ao analisar o arquivo (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailErro ao criar ou atualizar detalhe
+ Error creating or updating single pointErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto único
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto final da linha
+ Error creating or updating point along lineErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto ao longo da linha
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de ombro
+ Error creating or updating point of normalErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de bissetriz
@@ -20627,128 +20643,128 @@ Você quer salvar as alterações?
Erro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção de linha
+ Error creating or updating point of contactErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de contato
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de modelagem
+ Error creating or updating heightErro ao criar ou atualizar altura
+ Error creating or updating triangleErro ao criar ou atualizar triângulo
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de corte de spline
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de corte do caminho da spline
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de corte do arco
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção entre linha e eixo
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção entre curva e eixo
+ Error creating or updating lineErro ao criar ou atualizar linha
+ Error creating or updating simple curveErro ao criar ou atualizar curva simples
+ Error creating or updating curve pathErro ao criar ou atualizar caminho de curva
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveErro ao criar ou atualizar curva simples de modelagem
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathErro ao criar ou atualizar caminho de curva de modelagem
+ Error creating or updating simple arcErro ao criar ou atualizar arco simples
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcErro ao criar ou atualizar arco de modelagem
+ Error creating or updating union detailsErro ao criar ou atualizar união de detalhes
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção de arcos
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção de círculos
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de círculo e tangente
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de arco e tangente
+ Error creating or updating true dartsErro ao criar ou atualizar pences verdadeiras
@@ -20760,100 +20776,100 @@ Você quer salvar as alterações?
Nome da etiqueta errada '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Tipo de ponto desconhecido '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Tipo de spline desconhecido '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Tipo de arco desconhecido '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Tipo de ferramentas desconhecidos '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Erro sem identificação única.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção de curvas
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineErro ao criar ou atualizar spline interativa simples
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathErro ao criar ou atualizar caminho spline interativa
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveErro ao criar ou atualizar a curva do bezier cúbico
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveErro ao criar ou atualizar caminho da curva de bezier cúbico
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationErro ao criar ou atualizar a operação de rotação
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Tipo de operação desconhecida '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineErro ao criar ou atualizar operação de espelhar através de linha
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisErro ao criar ou atualizar operação de espelar através de eixo
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingErro ao criar ou atualizar operação de mover
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de interseção da linha
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcErro ao criar ou atualizar arco elíptico simples
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Tipo de arco elíptico desconhecido '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcErro ao criar ou atualizar arco elíptico de modelagem
@@ -20863,34 +20879,34 @@ Você quer salvar as alterações?
+ Unnamed pathCaminho sem nome
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathErro ao criar ou atualizar o caminho da peça
+ Error creating or updating pin pointErro ao criar ou atualizar ponto de pino
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -21192,6 +21208,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22611,97 +22645,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Margem de costura atual
+ move pattern piece labelmover rótulo da peça de modelagem
+ resize pattern piece labelredimensionar o rótulo da peça de modelagem
+ rotate pattern piece labelrotacionar o rótulo da peça de modelagem
+ move pattern info labelmover o rótulo de informações do molde
+ resize pattern info labelredimensionar o rótulo de informações do molde
+ rotate pattern info labelrotacionar o rótulo de informações do molde
+ move grainlinemover fio
+ resize grainlineredimensionar fio
+ rotate grainlinerotacionar fio
+ OptionsOpções
+ In layoutNo layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteExcluir
+ apply save detail optionsaplicar salvar opções de detalhes
+ multi deletionexclusão múltipla
+ Forbid flippingProibido girar
+ Force flippingForçar giro
+ This id (%1) is not unique.Esta id (%1) não é única.
+ Tool was used after deleting.Ferramenta foi utilizada após apagar.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts b/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts
index 3e2afb789..7c9f57d35 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts
@@ -7756,227 +7756,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Gata!
+ ValueValoare
+ Default
+ DetailDetalii
+ Grainline
+ ReverseÎnapoi
+ DeleteȘterge
+ OptionsOpțiuni
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positive
+ Parser error: %1Eroare Parser: %1
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!Ai nevoie de mai multe puncte!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Trebuie să alegi punctele în sensul acelor de ceasornic!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!Primul punct nu poate fi la fel cu ultimul punct!
+ You have double points!Ai puncte duble!
+ Empty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
+ ErrorEroare
+ Edit length
+ Edit angle
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ PathsCăi
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -7986,299 +7991,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ HeightdimensionÎnălțime
+ SizedimensionDimensiune
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -11644,37 +11649,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Fabric
+ Lining
+ Interfacing
+ Interlining
+ Cut
+ on fold
@@ -12074,63 +12079,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Seam allowanceAdaos cusatură
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -12155,12 +12165,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ MillimitersMilimetrii
+ InchesInci
@@ -12176,27 +12186,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -12672,22 +12682,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -12773,14 +12783,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -12791,7 +12801,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -12894,8 +12904,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -12938,7 +12948,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -12960,7 +12970,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -13002,7 +13012,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -13022,57 +13032,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -13165,26 +13175,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -14754,83 +14764,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Lățime:
+ Formula wizardAsistent Formulă
+ ValueValoare
+ CalculationCalcul
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p> Arată calcul complet în message box </p></body></html>
+ Height:Înălțime:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:Unghi:
+ Pattern label visible
@@ -14903,7 +14913,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -17060,38 +17076,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurements
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -17421,7 +17437,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -17817,12 +17833,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -17838,37 +17854,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -18815,200 +18831,200 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisector
+ Error creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -19020,100 +19036,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -19123,34 +19139,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -19436,6 +19452,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -20712,97 +20746,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info label
+ resize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info label
+ move grainline
+ resize grainline
+ rotate grainline
+ OptionsOpțiuni
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ DeleteȘterge
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts b/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts
index a9e4d8680..a44f2ad54 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts
@@ -8412,227 +8412,232 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!Готовий!
+ ValueЗначення
+ Default
+ По замовчуванню
+ DetailДеталь
+ GrainlineНитка основи
+ ReverseПротилежний напрямок
+ DeleteВидалити
+ OptionsПараметри
+ Error. Can't save piece path.Помилка. Не вдалося зберегти контур деталі.
+ Infinite/undefined resultНескінченний/не визначений результат
+ Length should be positiveДовжина повинна мати додатне значення
+ Parser error: %1Помилка синтаксичного аналізу: %1
+ Current seam allowanceПоточна прибавка на шви
+ Edit seam allowance widthРедагувати ширину прибавки на шви
+ Edit seam allowance width beforeРедагувати ширину прибавки на шви перед
+ Edit seam allowance width afterРедагувати ширину прибавки на шви після
+ Edit passmark widthРедагувати довжину надсічки
+ Edit passmark angleРедагувати кут надсічки
+ You need more points!Потрібно більше точок!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!Точки потрібно обирати за годинниковою стрілкою!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!Перша точка не може збігатися з останньою точкою!
+ You have double points!Одна точка не може бути використана два рази підряд!
+ EmptyПорожньо
+ main pathголовний контур
+ custom seam allowanceкористувацька прибавка на шви
+ PinsШпильки
+ no pinбез шпильки
+ LabelsМітки
+ ErrorПомилка
+ Edit lengthРедагувати довжину
+ Edit angleРедагувати кут
+ Edit heightРедагувати висоту
+ Edit widthРедагувати ширину
+ PathsШляхи
+ ExcludedВиключений
+ PassmarkНадсічка
+ Each point in the path must be unique!Кожна точка в контурі повинна бути унікальною!
+ PassmarksНадсічки
@@ -8642,299 +8647,299 @@ Apply settings anyway?
Інструмент деталь
+ SegmentСегмент
+ RectangleПрямокутник
+ CrossХрест
+ T-shapedТ-подібний
+ DoubletreeЯлинка
+ CornerКуток
+ TriangleТрикутник
+ H-shapedH-подібний
+ ButtonҐудзик
+ Place labelМітка місця
+ Check uniquenessПеревірте унікальність
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.Щоб відкрити всі можливості деталі, завершіть створення головного шляху. Натисніть OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!Одна і та ж крива повторюється двічі!
+ <Empty><Пусто>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creationВиберіть об'єкти основного контуру за годинниковою стрілкою, <b>%1</b> - обернути напрямок кривої, <b>%2</b> - закінчити створення
+ CircleКоло
+ Edit passmark lengthРедагувати довжину надсічки
+ The customer name from individual measurementsІм'я замовника з індивідуальних мірок
+ The customer email from individual measurementsЕлектронна пошта замовника з індивідуальних мірок
+ The customer birth date from individual measurementsДата народження замовника з індивідуальних мірок
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Save label data.Зберегти дані мітки.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?Дані мітки змінено. Зберегти їх перед редагуванням шаблону мітки?
+ HeightdimensionЗріст
+ SizedimensionРозмір
+ HipdimensionСтегна
+ WaistdimensionТалія
+ Height labeldimensionМітка зросту
+ Size labeldimensionМітка розміру
+ Hip labeldimensionМітка стегон
+ Waist labeldimensionМітка талії
+ Measurement: %1Мірка: %1
+ Invalid segment!Недійсний сегмент!
+ Dimension XdimensionВимір X
+ Dimension YdimensionВимір Y
+ Dimension ZdimensionВимір Z
+ Dimension WdimensionВимір W
+ Dimension X labeldimensionМітка виміру X
+ Dimension Y labeldimensionМітка виміру Y
+ Dimension Z labeldimensionМітка виміру Z
+ Dimension W labeldimensionМітка виміру W
+ Turn pointТочка повороту
@@ -12832,37 +12837,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ FabricТканина
+ LiningПідклада
+ InterfacingДублерин
+ InterliningФлізелін
+ CutВирізати
+ on foldна згин
@@ -12998,7 +13003,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Piece label language:
+ Мова мітки деталі:
@@ -13262,63 +13267,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Шрифт мітки:
+ Size:
+ Розмір:
+ Seam allowanceПрибавка на шви
+ Default value:Значення за замовчуванням:
+ Label data/time formatФормат даних/часу мітки
+ Date:Дата:
+ Edit formatsРедагувати формати
+ Time:Час:
+ MaterialsМатеріали
+ Known materials:Відомі матеріали:
+ Manage list of known materialsКерувати списком відомих матеріалів
+ ManageКерувати
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials listКоли керуєте матеріалами викрійки, збережіть їх у списку відомих матеріалів
+ Remeber pattern materialsЗапам’ятати матеріали викрійки
@@ -13343,12 +13353,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Ширина лінії:
+ MillimitersМіліметри
+ InchesДюйми
@@ -13365,27 +13375,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Використовувати рендеринг OpenGL
+ antialiasingзгладжування
+ scene renderрендеринг сцени
+ Background imageФонове зображення
+ Opacity:Непрозорість:
+ Opacity value by defaultЗначення непрозорості за замовчуванням
@@ -13916,22 +13926,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Помилка сумісності VLayoutPiecePathData: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Помилка невідповідності префікса TextLine: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Помилка сумісності TextLine: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2Помилка невідповідності префікса VTextManager: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2Помилка сумісності VTextManager: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -14029,14 +14039,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Зміни застосовано.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameterНе можу конвертувати toUInt параметр
+ Can't convert toBool parameterНе вдається перетворити параметр toBool
@@ -14047,7 +14057,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Отримано порожній параметр
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -14150,8 +14160,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Деталь '%1' має неправильний припуск на розкладку. Будь ласка, перевірте припуски на шви, щоб дізнатися, як поводяться припуски на шви.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.Деталь '%1'. Припуск на шви недійсний.
@@ -14194,7 +14204,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.Надсічка '%1' не є частиною деталі '%2'.
@@ -14216,7 +14226,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Недійсна формула "%1" для інструмента з ідентифікатором "%2". %3.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -14258,7 +14268,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Неможливо підготувати вбудовану надсічку "%1" для деталі "%2". Надсічка порожня.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.Неможливо підготувати вбудовану надсічку "%1" для деталі "%2". Базова лінія надсічки порожня.
@@ -14278,50 +14288,50 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Не вдається отримати токени з формули '%1'. Помилка формули: %2.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач фінальної мірки. Помилка синтаксичного аналізатора в рядку %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
- Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач повної площі деталі. %2. {1.?}
+ Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач усієї площі деталі. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
- Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач площі лінії шва. %2. {1.?}
+ Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач площі лінії шва. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.Немає даних для виміру зросту.
+ No data for the size dimension.Немає даних для виміру розміру.
+ No data for the hip dimension.Немає даних для виміру стегон.
+ No data for the waist dimension.Немає даних для виміру талії.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
@@ -14330,7 +14340,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.Деталь "%1". Нитка основи недійсна.
@@ -14423,26 +14433,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
Ви дійсно хочете видалити?
+ No data for the X dimension.Немає даних для виміру X.
+ No data for the Y dimension.Немає даних для виміру Y.
+ No data for the Z dimension.Немає даних для виміру Z.
+ No data for the W dimension.Немає даних для виміру W.
@@ -14504,14 +14514,6 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
piece areaНевідома
- Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %2.
- Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач повної площі деталі. %2.
- Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %2.
- Не вдалося підготувати заповнювач площі лінії шва. %2.
- QSaveFile
@@ -16242,83 +16244,83 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Width:Ширина:
+ Formula wizardМастер формул
+ ValueЗначення
+ CalculationРозрахунок
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Показати повний розрахунок у вікні повідомлення</p></body</html>
+ Height:Висота:
+ Center pin:Центральна шпилька:
+ Top left pin:Верхня ліва шпилька:
+ Bottom right pin:Нижня права шпилька:
+ Angle:Кут:
+ Pattern label visibleМітка лекала видима
@@ -16391,7 +16393,13 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Опції керування розташуванням мітки деталі. <b>Недоступні, якщо шаблон мітки деталі порожні</b>.
+ Font size:
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.Опції керування розташуванням мітки викрійки. <b>Недоступні, якщо шаблон мітки викрійки порожні</b>.
@@ -18788,38 +18796,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurementsмірки
+ individualіндивідуальні
+ multisizeстандартні
+ templatesшаблони
+ label templatesШаблони мітки
+ patternsлекала
+ manual layoutsручні розкладки
@@ -19204,7 +19212,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.Деталь %1 не має форми.
@@ -19611,12 +19619,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move toПеремістити до
+ Remove from SheetВидалити з аркуша
@@ -19632,37 +19640,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ PieceДеталь
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.Помилка в рядку %1. Рядок нитки основи порожній.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'Отримано порожній атрибут "%1"
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.Помилка в рядку %1. Припуск на шви порожній.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.Помилка в рядку %1. Внутрішній контур порожній.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2Неочікуваний тег %1 у рядку %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2Деталь %1 недійсна. %2
@@ -20614,74 +20622,74 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Помилка не унікальний id.
+ Error parsing file.Помилка парсингу файла.
+ Error can't convert value.Помилка, не можу конвертувати значення.
+ Error empty parameter.Помилка, порожній параметр.
+ Error wrong id.Помикла, неправильний id.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).Помилка парсингу файлу (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detailПомилка створення чи оновлення деталі
+ Error creating or updating single pointПомилка створення чи оновлення простої точки
+ Error creating or updating point of end lineПомилка створення чи оновлення точки кінця відрізку
+ Error creating or updating point along lineПомилка створення чи оновлення точки вздовж лінії
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulderПомилка створення чи оновлення точки плеча
+ Error creating or updating point of normalПомилка створення чи оновлення точки нормалі
+ Error creating or updating point of bisectorПомилка створення чи оновлення точки бісектриси
@@ -20690,128 +20698,128 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Помилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину ліній
+ Error creating or updating point of contactПомилка створення чи оновлення точки дотику
+ Error creating or updating modeling pointПомилка створення чи оновлення модельної точки
+ Error creating or updating heightПомилка створення чи оновлення висоти
+ Error creating or updating triangleПомилка створення чи оновлення трикутника
+ Error creating or updating point of intersectionПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину
+ Error creating or updating cut spline pointПомилка створення чи оновлення точки розрізання кривої
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path pointПомилка створення чи оновлення точки розрізаня складної кривої
+ Error creating or updating cut arc pointПомилка створення чи оновлення точки розрізання дуги
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axisПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину лінії і осі
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axisПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину кривої і осі
+ Error creating or updating lineПомилка створення чи оновлення лінії
+ Error creating or updating simple curveПомилка створення чи оновлення кривої
+ Error creating or updating curve pathПомилка створення чи оновлення шляху кривих
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curveПомилка створення чи оновлення модельної кривої
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve pathПомилка створення чи оновлення модельного шляху кривих
+ Error creating or updating simple arcПомилка створення чи оновлення дуги
+ Error creating or updating modeling arcПомилка створення чи оновлення модельної дуги
+ Error creating or updating union detailsПомилка створення чи оновлення об'єднання деталей
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcsПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину дуг
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circlesПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину кіл
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangentПомилка створення чи оновлення точки кола та дотичної
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangentПомилка створення чи оновлення точки дуги та дотичної
+ Error creating or updating true dartsПомилка створення чи оновлення виточок
@@ -20823,100 +20831,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Неправильна назва тегу '%1'.
+ Unknown point type '%1'.Невідомий тип точки '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.Невідомий тип сплайна '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.Невідомий тип дуги '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.Невідомий тип інструмента '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.Помилка, не унікальний id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curvesПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину кривих
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive splineПомилка створення чи оновлення кривої
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline pathПомилка створення чи оновлення складної кривої
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curveПомилка створення чи оновлення кубічної кривої Безьє
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curveПомилка створення чи оновлення складної кубічної кривої Безьє
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotationПомилка створення чи оновлення повороту
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.Невідома операція '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by lineПомилка створення чи оновлення операції відзеркалення по лінії
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axisПомилка створення чи оновлення операції віддзеркалення за віссю
+ Error creating or updating operation of movingПомилка створення чи оновлення операції переміщення
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersectionПомилка створення чи оновлення точки перетину ліній
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arcПомилка створення чи оновлення простої еліптичної дуги
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.Невідомий тип еліптичної дуги '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arcПомилка створення чи оновлення модельної еліптичної дуги
@@ -20926,34 +20934,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed pathКонтур без назви
+ Error creating or updating a piece pathПомилка створення чи оновлення контуру деталі
+ Error creating or updating pin pointПомилка створення чи оновлення точки шпильки
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodesКонтур деталі не містить вузлів
+ Error creating or updating place labelПомилка створення або оновлення мітки місця
+ Can't find increment '%1'Не вдалося знайти прибавку '%1'
@@ -21256,6 +21264,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -22675,97 +22701,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
Поточний припуск на шви
+ move pattern piece labelперемістити мітку деталі
+ resize pattern piece labelзмінити розмір мітки деталі
+ rotate pattern piece labelповернути мітку деталі
+ move pattern info labelперемістити мітку деталі
+ resize pattern info labelзмінити розмір мітки деталі
+ rotate pattern info labelповернути мітку деталі
+ move grainlineперемістити нитку основи
+ resize grainlineзмінити розмір нитки основи
+ rotate grainlineобернути нитку основи
+ OptionsПараметри
+ In layoutВ розкладку
+ Reset piece label templateСкинути шаблон мітки деталі
+ DeleteВидалити
+ apply save detail optionsзастосувати зберегти параметри деталі
+ multi deletionгрупове видалення
+ Forbid flippingЗаборонити відзеркалення
+ Force flippingПримусове перевертання
+ This id (%1) is not unique.Цей id (%1) не унікальний.
+ Tool was used after deleting.Інструмент був використаний після видалення.
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts b/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts
index 34b8e6516..485f9bac5 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts
@@ -7077,227 +7077,227 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Ready!
+ Value
+ Detail
+ Grainline
+ Reverse
+ Delete删除
+ Options
+ Error. Can't save piece path.
+ Infinite/undefined result
+ Length should be positive
+ Parser error: %1
+ Current seam allowance
+ Edit seam allowance width
+ Edit seam allowance width before
+ Edit seam allowance width after
+ Edit passmark width
+ Edit passmark angle
+ You need more points!
+ You have to choose points in a clockwise direction!
+ First point cannot be equal to the last point!
+ You have double points!
+ Empty
+ main path
+ custom seam allowance
+ Pins
+ no pin
+ Labels
+ Error错误
+ Edit length修长度
+ Edit angle
+ Edit height
+ Edit width
+ Paths路径
+ Excluded
+ Passmark
+ Each point in the path must be unique!
+ Passmarks
@@ -7307,299 +7307,304 @@ Apply settings anyway?
+ Segment
+ Rectangle
+ Cross
+ T-shaped
+ Doubletree
+ Corner
+ Triangle
+ H-shaped
+ Button
+ Place label
+ Check uniqueness
+ To open all detail's features complete creating the main path. Please, press OK.
+ The same curve repeats twice!
+ <Empty>
+ Select main path objects clockwise, <b>%1</b> - reverse direction curve, <b>%2</b> - finish creation
+ Circle
+ Edit passmark length
+ The customer name from individual measurements
+ The customer email from individual measurements
+ The customer birth date from individual measurements
+ Two ways (Up/Down)grainline direction
+ One way (Up)grainline direction
+ One way (Down)grainline direction
+ Four waysgrainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Up/Right)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Two ways (Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Left)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Down/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Up/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Three ways (Down/Left/Right)grainline direction
+ Default
+ Save label data.
+ Label data were changed. Do you want to save them before editing label template?
+ Heightdimension高度
+ Sizedimension尺码
+ Hipdimension
+ Waistdimension
+ Height labeldimension
+ Size labeldimension
+ Hip labeldimension
+ Waist labeldimension
+ Measurement: %1
+ Invalid segment!
+ Dimension Xdimension
+ Dimension Ydimension
+ Dimension Zdimension
+ Dimension Wdimension
+ Dimension X labeldimension
+ Dimension Y labeldimension
+ Dimension Z labeldimension
+ Dimension W labeldimension
+ Turn point
@@ -10776,37 +10781,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Fabric
+ Lining
+ Interfacing
+ Interlining
+ Cut
+ on fold
@@ -11206,63 +11211,68 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Size:
+ Seam allowance
+ Default value:
+ Label data/time format
+ Date:
+ Edit formats
+ Time:
+ Materials
+ Known materials:
+ Manage list of known materials
+ Manage
+ When manage pattern materials save them to known materials list
+ Remeber pattern materials
@@ -11287,12 +11297,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Millimiters毫米
+ Inches英寸
@@ -11308,27 +11318,27 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ antialiasing
+ scene render
+ Background image
+ Opacity:
+ Opacity value by default
@@ -11804,22 +11814,22 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ TextLine prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ TextLine compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
+ VTextManager prefix mismatch error: actualStreamHeader = 0x%1 and streamHeader = 0x%2
+ VTextManager compatibility error: actualClassVersion = %1 and classVersion = %2
@@ -11905,14 +11915,14 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toUInt parameter
+ Can't convert toBool parameter
@@ -11923,7 +11933,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toDouble parameter
@@ -12026,8 +12036,8 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Piece '%1'. Seam allowance is not valid.
@@ -12070,7 +12080,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Passmark '%1' is not part of piece '%2'.
@@ -12092,7 +12102,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Can't convert toInt parameter
@@ -12134,7 +12144,7 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Cannot prepare builtin passmark '%1' for piece '%2'. Passmark base line is empty.
@@ -12154,57 +12164,57 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ Failed to prepare final measurement placeholder. Parser error at line %1: %2.
+ Failed to prepare full piece area placeholder. %1.
+ Failed to prepare piece seam line area placeholder. %1.
+ No data for the height dimension.
+ No data for the size dimension.
+ No data for the hip dimension.
+ No data for the waist dimension.
+ Piece '%1'. Unable to load default piece label template.
+ Piece '%1'. Grainline is not valid.
@@ -12297,26 +12307,26 @@ This option will take an affect after restart.
+ No data for the X dimension.
+ No data for the Y dimension.
+ No data for the Z dimension.
+ No data for the W dimension.
@@ -13850,83 +13860,89 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Font size:
+ Width:宽度:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Calculation打算
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Height:
+ Center pin:
+ Top left pin:
+ Bottom right pin:
+ Angle:
+ Pattern label visible
@@ -13999,7 +14015,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Options to control position a pattern label. <b>Not available if a pattern label template is empty</b>.
@@ -16140,38 +16156,38 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ measurements
+ individual
+ multisize
+ templates
+ label templates
+ patterns
+ manual layouts
@@ -16497,7 +16513,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece %1 doesn't have shape.
@@ -16893,12 +16909,12 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Move to
+ Remove from Sheet
@@ -16914,37 +16930,37 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Piece
+ Error in line %1. Grainline main line is empty.
+ Got empty attribute '%1'
+ Error in line %1. Seam allowance is empty.
+ Error in line %1. Internal path shape is empty.
+ Unexpected tag %1 in line %2
+ Piece %1 invalid. %2
@@ -17906,200 +17922,200 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Error parsing file.
+ Error can't convert value.
+ Error empty parameter.
+ Error wrong id.错误:编码错误.
+ Error parsing file (std::bad_alloc).
+ Error creating or updating detail
+ Error creating or updating single point
+ Error creating or updating point of end line
+ Error creating or updating point along line
+ Error creating or updating point of shoulder
+ Error creating or updating point of normal
+ Error creating or updating point of bisector
+ Error creating or updating point of contact
+ Error creating or updating modeling point
+ Error creating or updating height
+ Error creating or updating triangle
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection
+ Error creating or updating cut spline point
+ Error creating or updating cut spline path point
+ Error creating or updating cut arc point
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection line and axis
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curve and axis
+ Error creating or updating line
+ Error creating or updating simple curve
+ Error creating or updating curve path
+ Error creating or updating modeling simple curve
+ Error creating or updating modeling curve path
+ Error creating or updating simple arc
+ Error creating or updating modeling arc
+ Error creating or updating union details
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection arcs
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection circles
+ Error creating or updating point from circle and tangent
+ Error creating or updating point from arc and tangent
+ Error creating or updating true darts
@@ -18111,100 +18127,100 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unknown point type '%1'.
+ Unknown spline type '%1'.
+ Unknown arc type '%1'.
+ Unknown tools type '%1'.
+ Error not unique id.
+ Error creating or updating point of intersection curves
+ Error creating or updating simple interactive spline
+ Error creating or updating interactive spline path
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier curve
+ Error creating or updating cubic bezier path curve
+ Error creating or updating operation of rotation
+ Unknown operation type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by line
+ Error creating or updating operation of flipping by axis
+ Error creating or updating operation of moving
+ Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ Error creating or updating modeling elliptical arc
@@ -18214,34 +18230,34 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
+ Unnamed path
+ Error creating or updating a piece path
+ Error creating or updating pin point
+ Piece path doesn't contain nodes
+ Error creating or updating place label
+ Can't find increment '%1'
@@ -18527,6 +18543,24 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ VTextGraphicsItem
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for pattern info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for piece info label.
+ Piece '%1'. Not enough space for label.
@@ -19775,97 +19809,97 @@ Raw layout format compatibility error: actualFileVersion = %1 and fileVersion =
+ move pattern piece label
+ resize pattern piece label
+ rotate pattern piece label
+ move pattern info label
+ resize pattern info label
+ rotate pattern info label
+ move grainline
+ resize grainline
+ rotate grainline
+ Options
+ In layout
+ Reset piece label template
+ Delete删除
+ apply save detail options
+ multi deletion
+ Forbid flipping
+ Force flipping
+ This id (%1) is not unique.
+ Tool was used after deleting.