diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index bff2fac12..31b28a627 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,72 +1,99 @@
language: cpp
- - os: linux
- dist: trusty
- sudo: required
- compiler: clang
- - os: osx
- compiler: clang
+ - os: linux
+ dist: trusty
+ sudo: required
+ compiler: clang
+ env: DEPLOY=false
+ cache:
+ - ccache
+ directories:
+ - '$HOME/.sonar/cache'
+ - os: osx
+ compiler: clang
+ env: DEPLOY=true
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
- sudo apt-get -qq update;
- sudo apt-get install -y qtbase5-dev;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5svg5-dev;
- sudo apt-get install -y qt5-default;
- sudo apt-get install -y qttools5-dev-tools;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5core5a;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5gui5;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5printsupport5;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5svg5;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5widgets5;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5xml5;
- sudo apt-get install -y libqt5xmlpatterns5;
- sudo apt-get install -y xpdf;
- sudo apt-get install -y xvfb;
- else
- brew update > /dev/null;
- brew install qt5;
- chmod -R 755 /usr/local/opt/qt5/*
- fi
+- |
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ sudo apt-get -qq update;
+ sudo apt-get install -y qtbase5-dev;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5svg5-dev;
+ sudo apt-get install -y qt5-default;
+ sudo apt-get install -y qttools5-dev-tools;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5core5a;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5gui5;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5printsupport5;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5svg5;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5widgets5;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5xml5;
+ sudo apt-get install -y libqt5xmlpatterns5;
+ sudo apt-get install -y xpdf;
+ sudo apt-get install -y xvfb;
+ else
+ brew update > /dev/null;
+ brew install qt5;
+ chmod -R 755 /usr/local/opt/qt5/*
+ fi
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
- uname -a;
- which qmake;
- else
- QTDIR="/usr/local/opt/qt5";
- PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH";
- CPPFLAGS=-I$QTDIR/include;
- PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/pkgconfig;
- fi
- - mkdir build
- - cd build
- - pwd
- - qmake --version
- - qmake ../Valentina.pro -r CONFIG+=noDebugSymbols CONFIG+=no_ccache CONFIG+=checkWarnings
+- |
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ uname -a;
+ which qmake;
+ else
+ QTDIR="/usr/local/opt/qt5";
+ PATH="$QTDIR/bin:$PATH";
+ CPPFLAGS=-I$QTDIR/include;
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/pkgconfig;
+ fi
+- mkdir build
+- cd build
+- pwd
+- qmake --version
+- |
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ qmake ../Valentina.pro -r CONFIG+=noDebugSymbols CONFIG+=checkWarnings;
+ else
+ qmake ../Valentina.pro -r CONFIG+=noDebugSymbols CONFIG+=no_ccache CONFIG+=checkWarnings CONFIG+=noTests;
+ fi
- - $CXX --version
- - |
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
- make -j$(nproc)
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"/home/travis/build/dismine/Valentina/build/src/libs/vpropertyexplorer/bin:/home/travis/build/dismine/Valentina/build/src/libs/qmuparser/bin";
- xvfb-run -a make --silent check TESTARGS="-silent";
- else
- make -j1
- fi
+- $CXX --version
+- |
+ if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then
+ build-wrapper-linux-x86-64 --out-dir ../bw-outputs make -j$(nproc);
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/src/libs/vpropertyexplorer/bin:$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/src/libs/qmuparser/bin";
+ xvfb-run -a make --silent check TESTARGS="-silent";
+ cd ..;
+ sonar-scanner;
+ else
+ make -j1;
+ fi
- email:
- recipients:
- - dismine@gmail.com
- - susan.spencer@gmail.com
- on_success: change
- on_failure: always
+ email:
+ recipients:
+ - dismine@gmail.com
+ - susan.spencer@gmail.com
+ on_success: change
+ on_failure: always
+- |
+ if [[ "$DEPLOY" == "true" ]]; then
+ zip -r valentina-osx-${TRAVIS_COMMIT}.zip $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/build/src/app/valentina/bin/Valentina.app/ -x "*.DS_Store";
+ fi
+ provider: bintray
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ file: ../share/bintray.json
+ user: dismine
+ key:
+ secure: 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
+ dry-run: false
+ on:
+ all_branches: true
+ condition: $DEPLOY = true
+ sonarqube:
+ token:
+ secure: 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
diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml
index 6aad953df..78a85a76f 100644
--- a/appveyor.yml
+++ b/appveyor.yml
@@ -43,78 +43,97 @@ environment:
MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw530_32\bin
+ DEPLOY: true
- QT5: Qt\5.7\msvc2015_64
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.7\msvc2015
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.7\msvc2013_64
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.7\msvc2013
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.6\mingw49_32
MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\bin
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.6\msvc2015_64
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.6\msvc2015
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.6\msvc2013_64
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.6\msvc2013
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.5\mingw492_32
MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\bin
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.5\msvc2013_64
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.5\msvc2013
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.4\mingw491_32
MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw491_32\bin
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.4\msvc2013_64_opengl
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.4\msvc2013_opengl
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.3\mingw482_32
MINGW_PATH: C:\Qt\Tools\mingw482_32\bin
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.3\msvc2013_64_opengl
+ DEPLOY: false
- QT5: Qt\5.3\msvc2013_opengl
+ DEPLOY: false
# scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning
@@ -122,10 +141,6 @@ init:
- path
- set QTDIR=C:\%QT5%
- set PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%QTDIR%\include;C:\Tools\PsTools;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Mercurial\
- # Installing various utilities
- #- if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" choco install -y InnoSetup
- #- if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" if "%PLATFORM%" == "x86" set PATH="C:\Program Files\Inno Setup 5";%PATH%
- #- if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" if "%PLATFORM%" == "x64" set PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5";%PATH%
- ps: $env:VSCOMNTOOLS=(Get-Content ("env:VS" + "$env:VSVER" + "0COMNTOOLS"))
- if NOT "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" echo "Using Visual Studio %VSVER%.0 at %VSCOMNTOOLS%"
- if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" echo "Using MinGW"
@@ -156,10 +171,6 @@ build_script:
- qmake ..\Valentina.pro -r CONFIG+=noDebugSymbols CONFIG+=no_ccache CONFIG+=checkWarnings
- if not "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" (nmake -s) else (mingw32-make -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%)
-# scripts to run after build
- #- if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" mingw32-make install
# to run your custom scripts instead of automatic tests
- if "%QMAKE_GENERATOR%" == "MinGW Makefiles" (mingw32-make -s check TESTARGS="-silent")
@@ -184,3 +195,30 @@ notifications:
on_build_success: false
on_build_failure: true
on_build_status_changed: true
+# deployment #
+# prepare to deploy
+ - if "%DEPLOY%" == "true" (mingw32-make install)
+ - path: build/package/valentina
+ name: valentina-win-$(APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT)
+- provider: BinTray
+ username: dismine
+ api_key:
+ secure: dTA+b2ZVGYA7RY4ZNZwOrApyKSej12fVgRTIw557yn0gVmCSukMxjMFLCIq7Qvyq
+ subject: dismine
+ repo: Valentina
+ package: valentina-win_auto-upload
+ publish: true
+ override: true
+ version: 0.5
+ on:
+ DEPLOY: true
+ artifact: valentina-win-$(APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT)
diff --git a/scripts/make_install.bat b/scripts/make_install.bat
index 153208615..af74aa1cb 100644
--- a/scripts/make_install.bat
+++ b/scripts/make_install.bat
@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ if %ARCHITECTURE%==32BIT set nsis_path="C:/Program Files/Inno Setup 5/iscc.exe"
if %ARCHITECTURE%==64BIT set nsis_path="C:/Program Files (x86)/Inno Setup 5/iscc.exe"
if not exist %nsis_path% (
- SET package_error="Package was not created!"
- SET /P promt="Coudn't find Inno Setup. Do you want to continue?[Y\N]"
- IF "%promt%" == "Y" GOTO CONTINUE
- IF "%promt%" == "y" GOTO CONTINUE
+ echo Coudn't find Inno Setup. Package will not be created.
@@ -74,7 +70,6 @@ echo Failed to make the first run qmake!
exit /b 1
-echo Done! %package_error%
+echo Done!
diff --git a/share/bintray.json b/share/bintray.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5130bf5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/bintray.json
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ "package": {
+ "name": "valentina-osx_auto-upload",
+ "repo": "Valentina",
+ "subject": "dismine",
+ "desc": "Was pushed completely automatically",
+ "website_url": "http://valentina-project.org/",
+ "issue_tracker_url": "https://bitbucket.org/dismine/valentina/issues?status=new&status=open",
+ "vcs_url": "https://bitbucket.org/dismine/valentina",
+ "github_use_tag_release_notes": false,
+ "licenses": ["GPL-3.0"],
+ "labels": ["patternmaking"],
+ "public_download_numbers": false,
+ "public_stats": false
+ },
+ "version": {
+ "name": "0.5",
+ "desc": "Fake release",
+ "released": "2016-01-04",
+ "vcs_tag": "0.5",
+ "gpgSign": false
+ },
+ "files":
+ [
+ {"includePattern": "./(valentina-osx-.*\\.zip)", "uploadPattern": "$1",
+ "matrixParams": {
+ "override": 1 }
+ }
+ ],
+ "publish": true
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p0_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p0_es_ES.ts
index 0310d4c59..e9cb4c076 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p0_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p0_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pecho.shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p0_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p0_fr_FR.ts
index cd5096c2a..37604988c 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p0_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p0_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p0_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p0_ru_RU.ts
index 7c2e9774a..2a021a1f4 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p0_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p0_ru_RU.ts
@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@
height_highhipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ высота_ВысотаБедерHeight: HighhipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: ВысотаБедер
@@ -349,13 +349,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p10_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p10_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p10_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p10_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p10_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p10_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p10_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p10_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p10_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p10_ru_RU.ts
index c7a026530..eed4c83cc 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p10_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p10_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p11_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p11_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p11_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p11_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p11_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p11_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p11_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p11_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p11_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p11_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p11_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p11_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p12_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p12_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p12_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p12_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p12_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p12_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p12_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p12_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p12_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p12_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p12_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p12_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p13_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p13_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p13_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p13_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p13_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p13_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p13_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p13_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p13_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p13_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p13_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p13_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p14_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p14_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p14_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p14_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p14_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p14_fr_FR.ts
index fa8237466..aadb94a7f 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p14_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p14_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Circonférence Milieu de la CuisseThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p14_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p14_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p14_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p14_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p15_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p15_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p15_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p15_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p15_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p15_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p15_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p15_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p15_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p15_ru_RU.ts
index e429caaf2..9f7722b2f 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p15_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p15_ru_RU.ts
@@ -349,13 +349,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p16_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p16_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p16_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p16_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p16_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p16_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p16_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p16_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p16_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p16_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p16_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p16_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p17_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p17_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p17_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p17_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p17_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p17_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p17_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p17_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p17_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p17_ru_RU.ts
index e429caaf2..9f7722b2f 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p17_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p17_ru_RU.ts
@@ -349,13 +349,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p18_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p18_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p18_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p18_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p18_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p18_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p18_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p18_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p18_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p18_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p18_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p18_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p19_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p19_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p19_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p19_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p19_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p19_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p19_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p19_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p19_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p19_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p19_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p19_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p1_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p1_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p1_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p1_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p1_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p1_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p1_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p1_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p1_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p1_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p1_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p1_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p20_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p20_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p20_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p20_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p20_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p20_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p20_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p20_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p20_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p20_ru_RU.ts
index 70cdcb59f..b477fcce2 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p20_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p20_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p21_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p21_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p21_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p21_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p21_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p21_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p21_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p21_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p21_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p21_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p21_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p21_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p22_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p22_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p22_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p22_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p22_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p22_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p22_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p22_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p22_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p22_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p22_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p22_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p23_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p23_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p23_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p23_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p23_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p23_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p23_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p23_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p23_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p23_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p23_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p23_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p24_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p24_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p24_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p24_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p24_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p24_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p24_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p24_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p24_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p24_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p24_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p24_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p25_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p25_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p25_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p25_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p25_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p25_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p25_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p25_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p25_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p25_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p25_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p25_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p26_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p26_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p26_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p26_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p26_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p26_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p26_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p26_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p26_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p26_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p26_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p26_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p27_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p27_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p27_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p27_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p27_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p27_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p27_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p27_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p27_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p27_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p27_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p27_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p28_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p28_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p28_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p28_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p28_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p28_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p28_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p28_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p28_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p28_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p28_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p28_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p29_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p29_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p29_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p29_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p29_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p29_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p29_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p29_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p29_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p29_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p29_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p29_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p2_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p2_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p2_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p2_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p2_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p2_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p2_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p2_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p2_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p2_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p2_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p2_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p30_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p30_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p30_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p30_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p30_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p30_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p30_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p30_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p30_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p30_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p30_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p30_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p31_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p31_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p31_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p31_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p31_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p31_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p31_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p31_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p31_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p31_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p31_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p31_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p32_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p32_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p32_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p32_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p32_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p32_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p32_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p32_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p32_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p32_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p32_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p32_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p33_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p33_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p33_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p33_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p33_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p33_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p33_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p33_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p33_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p33_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p33_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p33_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p34_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p34_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p34_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p34_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p34_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p34_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p34_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p34_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p34_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p34_ru_RU.ts
index 522944e12..2be33db8f 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p34_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p34_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p35_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p35_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p35_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p35_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p35_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p35_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p35_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p35_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p35_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p35_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p35_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p35_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p36_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p36_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p36_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p36_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p36_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p36_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p36_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p36_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p36_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p36_ru_RU.ts
index 522944e12..2be33db8f 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p36_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p36_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p37_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p37_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p37_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p37_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p37_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p37_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p37_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p37_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p37_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p37_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p37_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p37_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p38_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p38_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p38_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p38_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p38_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p38_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p38_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p38_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p38_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p38_ru_RU.ts
index cdfc9d919..1be137ec9 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p38_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p38_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p39_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p39_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p39_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p39_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p39_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p39_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p39_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p39_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p39_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p39_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p39_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p39_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p3_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p3_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p3_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p3_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p3_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p3_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p3_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p3_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p3_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p3_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p3_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p3_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p40_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p40_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p40_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p40_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p40_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p40_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p40_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p40_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p40_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p40_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p40_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p40_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p41_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p41_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p41_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p41_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p41_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p41_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p41_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p41_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p41_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p41_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p41_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p41_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p42_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p42_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p42_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p42_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p42_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p42_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p42_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p42_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p42_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p42_ru_RU.ts
index d5a5a8619..589a0cf44 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p42_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p42_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p43_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p43_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p43_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p43_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p43_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p43_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p43_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p43_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p43_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p43_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p43_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p43_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p44_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p44_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p44_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p44_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p44_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p44_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p44_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p44_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p44_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p44_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p44_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p44_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p45_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p45_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p45_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p45_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p45_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p45_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p45_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p45_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p45_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p45_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p45_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p45_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p46_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p46_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p46_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p46_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p46_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p46_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p46_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p46_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p46_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p46_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p46_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p46_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p47_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p47_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p47_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p47_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p47_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p47_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p47_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p47_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p47_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p47_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p47_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p47_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p48_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p48_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p48_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p48_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p48_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p48_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p48_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p48_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p48_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p48_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p48_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p48_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p49_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p49_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p49_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p49_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p49_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p49_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p49_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p49_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p49_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p49_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p49_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p49_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p4_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p4_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p4_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p4_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p4_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p4_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p4_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p4_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p4_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p4_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p4_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p4_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p50_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p50_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p50_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p50_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p50_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p50_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p50_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p50_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p50_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p50_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p50_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p50_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p51_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p51_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p51_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p51_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p51_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p51_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p51_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p51_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p51_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p51_ru_RU.ts
index 8178759f9..b90aa2f9d 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p51_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p51_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p52_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p52_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p52_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p52_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p52_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p52_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p52_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p52_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p52_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p52_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p52_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p52_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p53_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p53_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p53_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p53_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p53_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p53_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p53_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p53_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p53_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p53_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p53_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p53_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p54_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p54_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p54_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p54_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p54_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p54_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p54_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p54_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p54_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p54_ru_RU.ts
index 87e0b8fcc..da2bb4698 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p54_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p54_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p5_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p5_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p5_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p5_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p5_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p5_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p5_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p5_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p5_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p5_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p5_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p5_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p6_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p6_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p6_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p6_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p6_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p6_fr_FR.ts
index a3e243f15..3e72bd42d 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p6_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p6_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p6_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p6_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p6_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p6_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p7_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p7_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p7_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p7_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p7_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p7_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p7_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p7_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p7_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p7_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p7_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p7_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p8_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p8_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p8_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p8_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p8_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p8_fr_FR.ts
index e1c97d43f..dda05ac31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p8_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p8_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p8_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p8_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p8_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p8_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p998_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p998_es_ES.ts
index d90199a5f..6af11fb31 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p998_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p998_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p998_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p998_fr_FR.ts
index 56506e406..8e61c0ee7 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p998_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p998_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3499,145 +3499,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p998_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p998_ru_RU.ts
index a1205cd86..548a34ecd 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p998_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p998_ru_RU.ts
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p9_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p9_es_ES.ts
index eadcda6b9..0f952dd58 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p9_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p9_es_ES.ts
@@ -1939,181 +1939,181 @@
Shoulder center to Highbust level, frontFull measurement name.
+ Desde el centro del hombro hasta el nivel del busto alto, parte frontalFrom mid-Shoulder down front to Highbust level, aimed at Bustpoint.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la mitad del hombro por delante hasta el nivel del busto alto, dirigido a la cima del pechoshoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_waist_side_bShoulder Tip to Waist Side, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro hasta el ladode la cintura, parte traseraFrom Shoulder Tip, curving around Armscye Back, then down to Waist Side.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el extremo del hombro, curvando alrededor de la parte trasera de la axila, después bajar hasta el lado de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_bNeck Side to Waist level, backFull measurement name.
+ Desde el ladodel cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, parte traseraFrom Neck Side straight down back to Waist level.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello recto hasta el nivel de la cinturaneck_back_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_waist_bNeck Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Neck Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_side_to_waist_scapula_bNeck Side to Waist level, through ScapulaFull measurement name.
+ Desde el lado del cuello hasta el nivel de la cintura, a través del omóplatoFrom Neck Side across Scapula down to Waist level, forming a straight line.Full measurement description.
+ Desde el lado del cuello a través del omóplato hasta el nivel de la cintura, formando una línea recta.neck_back_to_highbust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_highbust_bNeck Back to Highbust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto altoFrom Neck Back down to Highbust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto.highbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ highbust_to_waist_bHighbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Highbust Back down to Waist Back. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Highbust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto alto hasta la parte trasera de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto alto').neck_back_to_bust_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ neck_back_to_bust_bNeck Back to Bust BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del bustoFrom Neck Back down to Bust Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto.bust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ bust_to_waist_bBust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Bust Back down to Waist level. ('Neck Back to Waist Back' - 'Neck Back to Bust Back').Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto hasta el nivel de la cintura. ('Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera de la cintura' - 'Desde la parte trasera del cuello hasta la parte trasera del busto').lowbust_to_waist_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ lowbust_to_waist_bLowbust Back to Waist BackFull measurement name.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cinturaFrom Lowbust Back down to Waist Back.Full measurement description.
+ Desde la parte trasera del busto bajo hasta la parte trasera de la cintura.shoulder_tip_to_armfold_bName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ shoulder_tip_to_armfold_b
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p9_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p9_fr_FR.ts
index 81a694699..e1a91636a 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p9_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p9_fr_FR.ts
@@ -3529,145 +3529,145 @@
leg_waist_side_to_floorName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ taille_jambe_cote_au_solLeg: Waist Side to floorFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: du Côté de la Taille au solFrom Waist Side along curve to Hip level then straight down to floor.Full measurement description.
+ Partir du Côté de la Taille en passant par la courbe de la Hanche et finir droit jusqu'au sol.leg_thigh_upper_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_haut_circLeg: Thigh Upper circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence Haut de CuisseThigh circumference at the fullest part of the upper Thigh near the Crotch.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse au plus haut de la cuisse proche de la Fourche.leg_thigh_mid_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cuisse_milieu_circLeg: Thigh Middle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ JThigh circumference about halfway between Crotch and Knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cuisse à mi-distance entre la Fourche et le Genou.leg_knee_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_circLeg: Knee circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence GenouKnee circumference with straight leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du genou avec la jambe droite.leg_knee_small_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_genou_petit_circLeg: Knee Small circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: Petite circonférence du GenouLeg circumference just below the knee.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Jambe juste en dessous du Genou.leg_calf_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_mollet_circLeg: Calf circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence MolletCalf circumference at the largest part of lower leg.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence du mollet au plus large.leg_ankle_high_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_haut_circLeg: Ankle High circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence du Haut de la ChevilleAnkle circumference where the indentation at the back of the ankle is the deepest.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence de la Cheville où cette dernière est au plus creux sur l'arrière.leg_ankle_circName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ jambe_cheville_circLeg: Ankle circumferenceFull measurement name.
+ Jambe: circonférence ChevilleAnkle circumference where front of leg meets the top of the foot.Full measurement description.
+ Circonférence Cheville à l'endroit où la jambe rencontre le haut du pied.
diff --git a/share/translations/measurements_p9_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/measurements_p9_ru_RU.ts
index 04ade1109..c3cb5fcec 100644
--- a/share/translations/measurements_p9_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/measurements_p9_ru_RU.ts
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@
height_waist_side_to_hipName in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!
+ Высота_боковая_талия_бедраHeight: Waist Side to HipFull measurement name.
+ Высота: боковая от талии до бедер
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina.ts b/share/translations/valentina.ts
index 4120ac7d9..e377dee32 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina.ts
@@ -1690,6 +1690,97 @@
Filter list by keyword
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2162,6 +2253,10 @@
curve pathcurve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6064,6 +6159,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been syncedMeasurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8279,6 +8386,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8658,6 +8773,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis typeAxis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts b/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts
index ef2a635b0..d67e919c6 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_cs_CZ.ts
@@ -1619,6 +1619,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Hodnota
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Ukázat celý výpočet v okně se zprávami</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Chyba
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Poloměr nemůže být záporný
+ Angles equal
+ Úhly jsou si rovny
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2087,6 +2178,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5763,6 +5858,18 @@ Chcete uložit své změny?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7807,6 +7914,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8170,6 +8285,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts b/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts
index ced20c66b..c7ea4042f 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_de_DE.ts
@@ -1674,6 +1674,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Wert
+ Calulation
+ Berechnung
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Erster Winkel:
+ Calculation
+ Berechnung
+ Second angle:
+ Zweiter Winkel:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Mittelpunkt:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Mittelpunkt des Bogens auswählen
+ Color:
+ Farbe:
+ Error
+ Fehler
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Radius kann nicht negativ sein
+ Angles equal
+ Beide Winkel sind identisch
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Ersten Winkel bearbeiten
+ Edit second angle
+ Zweiten Winkel bearbeiten
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2146,6 +2237,10 @@
curve pathKurvenpfad
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6039,6 +6134,18 @@ Sollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8237,6 +8344,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8600,6 +8715,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts b/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts
index 19a1c33c4..7e7f83762 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_el_GR.ts
@@ -1666,6 +1666,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Διάλογος
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Βοηθός φόρμουλας
+ Value
+ Τιμή
+ Calulation
+ Υπολογισμός
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Πρώτη γωνία:
+ Calculation
+ Υπολογισμός
+ Second angle:
+ Δεύτερη γωνία:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Κεντρικό σημείο:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Επιλέξτε το κεντρικό σημείο του τόξου
+ Color:
+ Χρώμα:
+ Error
+ Σφάλμα
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Η τιμή της ακτίνας δε μπορεί να είναι αρνητική
+ Angles equal
+ Ίσες γωνίες
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Επεξεργασία πρώτης γωνίας
+ Edit second angle
+ Επεξεργασία δεύτερης γωνίας
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2130,6 +2221,10 @@
curve pathμονοπάτι καμπύλης
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5939,6 +6034,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been syncedΟι μετρήσεις συγχρονίστηκαν
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8029,6 +8136,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8396,6 +8511,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis typeΤύπος άξονα
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts b/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts
index 551516716..88c0f464c 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_en_CA.ts
@@ -1690,6 +1690,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2162,6 +2253,10 @@
curve pathcurve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6064,6 +6159,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8275,6 +8382,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8654,6 +8769,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts b/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts
index cd28a0270..4c19c86b9 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_en_IN.ts
@@ -1690,6 +1690,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2162,6 +2253,10 @@
curve pathcurve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6064,6 +6159,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8275,6 +8382,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8654,6 +8769,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts b/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts
index fc6a7efc6..c5562ffdb 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_en_US.ts
@@ -1690,6 +1690,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2162,6 +2253,10 @@
curve pathcurve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6064,6 +6159,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8275,6 +8382,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8654,6 +8769,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts b/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts
index 5bdacdefa..5150bc88a 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_es_ES.ts
@@ -1691,6 +1691,97 @@
Lista de filtros por palabra clave
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Diálogo
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ Cálculo
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Primer ángulo:
+ Calculation
+ Cálculo
+ Second angle:
+ Segundo ángulo:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Punto central:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Seleccionar punto central del arco
+ Color:
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Radio no puede ser negativo
+ Angles equal
+ Ángulos iguales
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Editar primer ángulo
+ Edit second angle
+ Editar segundo ángulo
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2163,6 +2254,10 @@
curve pathtrazado curvo
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6064,6 +6159,18 @@ Quiere guardar los cambios?
Measurements have been syncedLas medidas han sido sincronizadas
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8278,6 +8385,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersectionError al crear o actualizar intersección de punto de línea
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8657,6 +8772,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis typeTipo de eje
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts b/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts
index 25af9f7e9..3306348b3 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_fi_FI.ts
@@ -1619,6 +1619,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Arvo
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Näytä koko laskenta ikkunassa</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Virhe
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Säde ei voi olla negatiivinen
+ Angles equal
+ Yhtäsuuret kulmat
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2087,6 +2178,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5755,6 +5850,18 @@ Haluatko tallentaa muutokset?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7799,6 +7906,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8162,6 +8277,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts b/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts
index 1337515b0..6a8ce9724 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_fr_FR.ts
@@ -1690,6 +1690,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialogue
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Assistant Formule
+ Value
+ Valeur
+ Calulation
+ Calcul
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Premier angle:
+ Calculation
+ Calcul
+ Second angle:
+ Deuxième angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Point central:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Choisir le point central de l'arc
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Erreur
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Les angles valent
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Editer le premier angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Editer le deuxième angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2162,6 +2253,10 @@
curve pathTrajectoire de courbe
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6061,6 +6156,18 @@ Voulez-vous sauvegarder les changements?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8247,6 +8354,14 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8626,6 +8741,14 @@ Voulez-vous enregistrer les changements?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts b/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts
index 4b4153077..17201823b 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_he_IL.ts
@@ -1391,6 +1391,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -1799,6 +1890,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5190,6 +5285,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7188,6 +7295,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -7539,6 +7654,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts b/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts
index 72e3aa83a..53d9d27f3 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_id_ID.ts
@@ -1547,6 +1547,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -1967,6 +2058,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5427,6 +5522,18 @@ Apakah anda ingin menyimpan perubahan anda?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7433,6 +7540,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -7784,6 +7899,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts b/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts
index 8732716ea..5b1f445e8 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_it_IT.ts
@@ -1686,6 +1686,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Finestra
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Formula magica
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ Calcolo
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Primo angolo:
+ Calculation
+ Second angle:
+ Secondo angolo:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Punto centrale:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Seleziona il punto al centro dell'arco
+ Color:
+ Colore:
+ Error
+ Errore
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Il raggio non può essere negativo
+ Angles equal
+ Angoli uguali
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Modifica primo angolo
+ Edit second angle
+ Modifica secondo angolo
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2158,6 +2249,10 @@
curve pathandamento curva
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6056,6 +6151,18 @@ Vuoi salvare i cambiamenti?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8249,6 +8356,14 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8616,6 +8731,14 @@ Vuoi salvare le tue modifiche?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts b/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts
index 344bd012f..2537b015a 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_nl_NL.ts
@@ -1690,6 +1690,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialoog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Formule wizard
+ Value
+ Waarde
+ Calulation
+ Berekening
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Eerste hoek:
+ Calculation
+ Berekening
+ Second angle:
+ Tweede hoek:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Selecteer het middelste punt van boog
+ Color:
+ Kleur:
+ Error
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Straal kan niet negatief zijn
+ Angles equal
+ Gelijke zijden
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Verander eerste hoek
+ Edit second angle
+ Verander tweede hoek
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2162,6 +2253,10 @@
curve pathkrommingspad
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6063,6 +6158,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8274,6 +8381,14 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8649,6 +8764,14 @@ Wil je deze veranderingen opslaan?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts b/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts
index 56bf27b96..785a2c29c 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_pt_BR.ts
@@ -1646,6 +1646,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Auxiliar de fórmula
+ Value
+ Valor
+ Calulation
+ Cálculo
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Primeiro ângulo:
+ Calculation
+ Cálculo
+ Second angle:
+ Segundo ângulo:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Ponto central:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Selecione o ponto central do arco
+ Color:
+ Cor:
+ Error
+ Erro
+ Radius can't be negative
+ O raio não pode ser negativo
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Editar primeiro ângulo
+ Edit second angle
+ Editar segundo ângulo
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2078,6 +2169,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5577,6 +5672,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7591,6 +7698,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -7946,6 +8061,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts b/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts
index 820a9d033..74c3256ed 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_ro_RO.ts
@@ -1654,6 +1654,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Asistent Formulă
+ Value
+ Valoare
+ Calulation
+ Calcul
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p> Arată calcul complet în message box </p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Primul unghi:
+ Calculation
+ Calcul
+ Second angle:
+ Al doilea unghi:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Punct central:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Selectează punctul de centru pentru curbură
+ Color:
+ Culoare:
+ Error
+ Eroare
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Raza nu poate fii negativă
+ Angles equal
+ Unghiuri egale
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Editează primul unghi
+ Edit second angle
+ Editează al doilea unghi
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2122,6 +2213,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5769,6 +5864,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7783,6 +7890,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8134,6 +8249,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_ru_RU.ts b/share/translations/valentina_ru_RU.ts
index c2235fbea..3da7d4dec 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_ru_RU.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_ru_RU.ts
@@ -1662,6 +1662,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Диалог
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Мастер формул
+ Value
+ Значение
+ Calulation
+ Расчёт
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Первый угол:
+ Calculation
+ Расчёт
+ Second angle:
+ Второй угол:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Центральная точка:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Выберите точку центра дуги
+ Color:
+ Цвет:
+ Error
+ Ошибка
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Углы равны
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Редактировать первый угол
+ Edit second angle
+ Редактировать второй угол
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2134,6 +2225,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5890,7 +5985,7 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Close pattern
+ Закрыть чертежSelect one or more objects, <b>Enter</b> - confirm selection
@@ -5972,6 +6067,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -6053,11 +6160,11 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Pages will be cropped because they do not fit printer paper size.
+ Страницы будут обрезаны, они не соответствуют формату бумаги принтера.Can't create path
+ Невозможно создать контурCannot set printer margins
@@ -8172,6 +8279,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8535,6 +8650,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts b/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts
index dc212a039..e3507dbcd 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_uk_UA.ts
@@ -1682,6 +1682,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Діалог
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Значення
+ Calulation
+ Розрахунок
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><р>Показати повний розрахунок у вікні повідомлення</p></body</html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Перший кут:
+ Calculation
+ Розрахунок
+ Second angle:
+ Другий кут:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ Точка центру:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Виберіть центральну точку дуги
+ Color:
+ Колір:
+ Error
+ Помилка
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Радіус не може мати від'ємне значення
+ Angles equal
+ Кути однакові
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Редагувати перший кут
+ Edit second angle
+ Редагувати другий кут
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -2154,6 +2245,10 @@
curve pathскладна крива
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -6039,6 +6134,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -8245,6 +8352,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -8608,6 +8723,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts b/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts
index a43bafec0..7aa705a0c 100644
--- a/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/share/translations/valentina_zh_CN.ts
@@ -1367,6 +1367,97 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ Dialog
+ Radius1:
+ Formula wizard
+ Value
+ Calulation
+ 打算
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ Radius2:
+ First angle:
+ Calculation
+ 打算
+ Second angle:
+ Rotation angle:
+ Center point:
+ 中点:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ 颜色:
+ Error
+ 错误
+ Radius can't be negative
+ Angles equal
+ Edit radius1
+ Edit radius2
+ Edit first angle
+ Edit second angle
+ Edit rotation angle
@@ -1759,6 +1850,10 @@
curve path
+ Elliptical arc
+ DialogIncrements
@@ -5098,6 +5193,18 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Measurements have been synced
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ Elliptical Arc
+ Select point of center of elliptical arc
+ MainWindowsNoGUI
@@ -7104,6 +7211,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Error creating or updating point of line intersection
+ Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc
+ Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.
+ VPatternConverter
@@ -7455,6 +7570,14 @@ Do you want to save your changes?
Axis type
+ Elliptical arc
+ Rotation angle
+ VToolUnionDetails
diff --git a/sonar-project.properties b/sonar-project.properties
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24e58fcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sonar-project.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# must be unique in a given SonarQube instance
+# this is the name and version displayed in the SonarQube UI. Was mandatory prior to SonarQube 6.1.
+Valentina is a cross-platform patternmaking program which allows designers
+to create and model patterns of clothing. This software allows pattern
+creation, using either standard sizing tables or an individual’s set of
+measurements. It blends new technologies with traditional methods to create
+a unique pattern making tool.
+# Encoding of the source code. Default is default system encoding
+# exclude qt created files
+# The build-wrapper output dir
+# List of the module identifiers
+module1.sonar.projectName=Valentina app
+module2.sonar.projectName=Tape app
+module3.sonar.projectName=Fervor static library
+module4.sonar.projectName=QMuparser - math parser library
+module5.sonar.projectName=VDXF static library
+module6.sonar.projectName=VFormat static library
+module7.sonar.projectName=VGeometry static library
+module8.sonar.projectName=VLayout static library
+module9.sonar.projectName=VMisc static library
+module10.sonar.projectName=VObj static library
+module11.sonar.projectName=VPatternDB static library
+module12.sonar.projectName=VPropertyExplorer - property explorer library
+module13.sonar.projectName=VTools static library
+module14.sonar.projectName=VWidgets static library
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.cpp b/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.cpp
index 7c5dc3dcc..072cb8ddb 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.cpp
+++ b/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.cpp
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::ClearPropertyBrowser()
void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::ShowItemOptions(QGraphicsItem *item)
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools were used in switch.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were used in switch.");
switch (item->type())
@@ -196,6 +196,9 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::ShowItemOptions(QGraphicsItem *item)
case VToolMove::Type:
+ case VToolEllipticalArc::Type:
+ ShowOptionsToolEllipticalArc(item);
+ break;
@@ -210,7 +213,7 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::UpdateOptions()
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools were used in switch.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were used in switch.");
switch (currentItem->type())
@@ -319,6 +322,9 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::UpdateOptions()
case VToolMove::Type:
+ case VToolEllipticalArc::Type:
+ UpdateOptionsToolEllipticalArc();
+ break;
@@ -354,7 +360,7 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::userChangedData(VProperty *property)
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools were used in switch.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were used in switch.");
switch (currentItem->type())
@@ -457,6 +463,9 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::userChangedData(VProperty *property)
case VToolMove::Type:
+ case VToolEllipticalArc::Type:
+ ChangeDataToolEllipticalArc(prop);
+ break;
@@ -1725,6 +1734,42 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::ChangeDataToolFlippingByAxis(VProperty *proper
+void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::ChangeDataToolEllipticalArc(VProperty *property)
+ SCASSERT(property != nullptr)
+ QVariant value = property->data(VProperty::DPC_Data, Qt::DisplayRole);
+ const QString id = propertyToId[property];
+ VToolEllipticalArc *i = qgraphicsitem_cast(currentItem);
+ SCASSERT(i != nullptr);
+ switch (PropertiesList().indexOf(id))
+ {
+ case 40://AttrRadius1
+ i->SetFormulaRadius1(value.value());
+ break;
+ case 41://AttrRadius2
+ i->SetFormulaRadius2(value.value());
+ break;
+ case 9://AttrAngle1
+ i->SetFormulaF1(value.value());
+ break;
+ case 10://AttrAngle2
+ i->SetFormulaF2(value.value());
+ break;
+ case 42://AttrRotationAngle
+ i->SetFormulaRotationAngle(value.value());
+ break;
+ case 27://AttrColor
+ i->SetLineColor(value.toString());
+ break;
+ default:
+ qWarning()<<"Unknown property type. id = "<(item);
+ i->ShowVisualization(true);
+ formView->setTitle(tr("Elliptical arc"));
+ AddPropertyFormula(tr("Radius"), i->GetFormulaRadius1(), AttrRadius1);
+ AddPropertyFormula(tr("Radius"), i->GetFormulaRadius2(), AttrRadius2);
+ AddPropertyFormula(tr("First angle"), i->GetFormulaF1(), AttrAngle1);
+ AddPropertyFormula(tr("Second angle"), i->GetFormulaF2(), AttrAngle2);
+ AddPropertyFormula(tr("Rotation angle"), i->GetFormulaRotationAngle(), AttrRotationAngle);
+ AddPropertyLineColor(i, tr("Color"), VAbstractTool::ColorsList(), AttrColor);
void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::UpdateOptionsToolSinglePoint()
@@ -2638,6 +2698,35 @@ void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::UpdateOptionsToolFlippingByAxis()
+void VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::UpdateOptionsToolEllipticalArc()
+ VToolEllipticalArc *i = qgraphicsitem_cast(currentItem);
+ QVariant valueFormulaRadius1;
+ valueFormulaRadius1.setValue(i->GetFormulaRadius1());
+ idToProperty[AttrRadius1]->setValue(valueFormulaRadius1);
+ QVariant valueFormulaRadius2;
+ valueFormulaRadius2.setValue(i->GetFormulaRadius2());
+ idToProperty[AttrRadius2]->setValue(valueFormulaRadius2);
+ QVariant valueFormulaF1;
+ valueFormulaF1.setValue(i->GetFormulaF1());
+ idToProperty[AttrAngle1]->setValue(valueFormulaF1);
+ QVariant valueFormulaF2;
+ valueFormulaF2.setValue(i->GetFormulaF2());
+ idToProperty[AttrAngle2]->setValue(valueFormulaF2);
+ QVariant valueFormulaRotationAngle;
+ valueFormulaRotationAngle.setValue(i->GetFormulaRotationAngle());
+ idToProperty[AttrRotationAngle]->setValue(valueFormulaRotationAngle);
+ const qint32 index = VLineColorProperty::IndexOfColor(VAbstractTool::ColorsList(), i->GetLineColor());
+ idToProperty[AttrColor]->setValue(index);
QStringList VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::PropertiesList() const
@@ -2680,6 +2769,9 @@ QStringList VToolOptionsPropertyBrowser::PropertiesList() const
<< AttrLength1 /* 36 */
<< AttrLength2 /* 37 */
<< AttrSuffix /* 38 */
- << AttrAxisType; /* 39 */
+ << AttrAxisType /* 39 */
+ << AttrRadius1 /* 40 */
+ << AttrRadius2 /* 41 */
+ << AttrRotationAngle; /* 42 */
return attr;
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.h b/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.h
index 59f59a200..117fd3618 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.h
+++ b/src/app/valentina/core/vtooloptionspropertybrowser.h
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ private:
void ChangeDataToolMove(VPE::VProperty *property);
void ChangeDataToolFlippingByLine(VPE::VProperty *property);
void ChangeDataToolFlippingByAxis(VPE::VProperty *property);
+ void ChangeDataToolEllipticalArc(VPE::VProperty *property);
void ShowOptionsToolSinglePoint(QGraphicsItem *item);
void ShowOptionsToolEndLine(QGraphicsItem *item);
@@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ private:
void ShowOptionsToolMove(QGraphicsItem *item);
void ShowOptionsToolFlippingByLine(QGraphicsItem *item);
void ShowOptionsToolFlippingByAxis(QGraphicsItem *item);
+ void ShowOptionsToolEllipticalArc(QGraphicsItem *item);
void UpdateOptionsToolSinglePoint();
void UpdateOptionsToolEndLine();
@@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ private:
void UpdateOptionsToolMove();
void UpdateOptionsToolFlippingByLine();
void UpdateOptionsToolFlippingByAxis();
+ void UpdateOptionsToolEllipticalArc();
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/dialogs/dialoghistory.cpp b/src/app/valentina/dialogs/dialoghistory.cpp
index e394b31b3..c5a6e8014 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/dialogs/dialoghistory.cpp
+++ b/src/app/valentina/dialogs/dialoghistory.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "dialoghistory.h"
#include "ui_dialoghistory.h"
#include "../vgeometry/varc.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezier.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vsplinepath.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezierpath.h"
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools was used in history.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools was used in history.");
const QDomElement domElem = doc->elementById(tool.getId());
if (domElem.isElement() == false)
@@ -269,25 +270,25 @@ QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
case Tool::Spline:
const QSharedPointer spl = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
- SCASSERT(spl != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not spl.isNull());
return spl->NameForHistory(tr("Curve"));
case Tool::CubicBezier:
const QSharedPointer spl = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
- SCASSERT(spl != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not spl.isNull());
return spl->NameForHistory(tr("Cubic bezier curve"));
case Tool::Arc:
const QSharedPointer arc = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
- SCASSERT(arc != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not arc.isNull());
return arc->NameForHistory(tr("Arc"));
case Tool::ArcWithLength:
const QSharedPointer arc = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
- SCASSERT(arc != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not arc.isNull());
return tr("%1 with length %2")
@@ -295,13 +296,13 @@ QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
case Tool::SplinePath:
const QSharedPointer splPath = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
- SCASSERT(splPath != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not splPath.isNull());
return splPath->NameForHistory(tr("Spline path"));
case Tool::CubicBezierPath:
const QSharedPointer splPath = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
- SCASSERT(splPath != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not splPath.isNull());
return splPath->NameForHistory(tr("Cubic bezier curve path"));
case Tool::PointOfContact:
@@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
case Tool::CutArc:
const QSharedPointer arc = data->GeometricObject(AttrUInt(domElem, AttrArc));
- SCASSERT(arc != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not arc.isNull());
return tr("%1 - cut %2")
@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
const quint32 splineId = AttrUInt(domElem, VToolCutSpline::AttrSpline);
const QSharedPointer spl = data->GeometricObject(splineId);
- SCASSERT(spl != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not spl.isNull());
return tr("%1 - cut %2")
@@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
const quint32 splinePathId = AttrUInt(domElem, VToolCutSplinePath::AttrSplinePath);
const QSharedPointer splPath =
- SCASSERT(splPath != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(not splPath.isNull());
return tr("%1 - cut %2")
.arg(splPath->NameForHistory(tr("curve path")));
@@ -378,6 +379,14 @@ QString DialogHistory::Record(const VToolRecord &tool)
.arg(PointName(AttrUInt(domElem, AttrDartP1)))
.arg(PointName(AttrUInt(domElem, AttrDartP2)))
.arg(PointName(AttrUInt(domElem, AttrDartP2)));
+ case Tool::EllipticalArc:
+ {
+ const QSharedPointer elArc = data->GeometricObject(tool.getId());
+ SCASSERT(not elArc.isNull());
+ return tr("%1 with length %2")
+ .arg(elArc->NameForHistory(tr("Elliptical arc")))
+ .arg(elArc->GetLength());
+ }
//Because "history" not only show history of pattern, but help restore current data for each pattern's
//piece, we need add record about details and nodes, but don't show them.
case Tool::Detail:
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.cpp b/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.cpp
index 0610ca39e..f995b073b 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ void MainWindow::InitScenes()
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnablePointSelection, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::TogglePointSelection);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableLineSelection, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleLineSelection);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableArcSelection, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleArcSelection);
+ connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableElArcSelection, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleElArcSelection);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableSplineSelection, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleSplineSelection);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableSplinePathSelection, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleSplinePathSelection);
@@ -326,6 +327,7 @@ void MainWindow::InitScenes()
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnablePointHover, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::TogglePointHover);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableLineHover, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleLineHover);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableArcHover, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleArcHover);
+ connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableElArcHover, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleElArcHover);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableSplineHover, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleSplineHover);
connect(this, &MainWindow::EnableSplinePathHover, sceneDraw, &VMainGraphicsScene::ToggleSplinePathHover);
@@ -890,10 +892,25 @@ void MainWindow::ToolArc(bool checked)
SetToolButtonWithApply(checked, Tool::Arc, ":/cursor/arc_cursor.png",
- tr("Select point of center of arc"), &MainWindow::ClosedDrawDialogWithApply,
+ tr("Select point of center of arc"),
+ &MainWindow::ClosedDrawDialogWithApply,
+ * @brief ToolEllipticalArc handler tool arc.
+ * @param checked true - button checked.
+ */
+void MainWindow::ToolEllipticalArc(bool checked)
+ ToolSelectPointByRelease();
+ SetToolButtonWithApply(checked, Tool::EllipticalArc, ":/cursor/el_arc_cursor.png",
+ tr("Select point of center of elliptical arc"),
+ &MainWindow::ClosedDrawDialogWithApply,
+ &MainWindow::ApplyDrawDialog);
* @brief ToolSplinePath handler tool splinePath.
@@ -1744,6 +1761,7 @@ void MainWindow::InitToolButtons()
+ toolButtonPointerList.append(ui->toolButtonPointerEllipticalArc);
for (auto pointer : toolButtonPointerList)
@@ -1751,7 +1769,7 @@ void MainWindow::InitToolButtons()
// This check helps to find missed tools
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Check if all tools were connected.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Check if all tools were connected.");
connect(ui->toolButtonEndLine, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::ToolEndLine);
connect(ui->toolButtonLine, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::ToolLine);
@@ -1796,6 +1814,7 @@ void MainWindow::InitToolButtons()
connect(ui->toolButtonMove, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::ToolMove);
connect(ui->toolButtonMidpoint, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::ToolMidpoint);
connect(ui->toolButtonLayoutExportAs, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::ExportLayoutAs);
+ connect(ui->toolButtonEllipticalArc, &QToolButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::ToolEllipticalArc);
@@ -1823,7 +1842,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
void MainWindow::CancelTool()
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools was handled.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were handled.");
qCDebug(vMainWindow, "Canceling tool.");
delete dialogTool;
@@ -1978,6 +1997,9 @@ void MainWindow::CancelTool()
case Tool::Move:
+ case Tool::EllipticalArc:
+ ui->toolButtonEllipticalArc->setChecked(false);
+ break;
// Crash: using CRTL+Z while using line tool.
@@ -2010,6 +2032,7 @@ void MainWindow::ArrowTool()
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
emit EnableNodeLabelSelection(true);
@@ -2021,6 +2044,7 @@ void MainWindow::ArrowTool()
emit EnablePointHover(true);
emit EnableLineHover(true);
emit EnableArcHover(true);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(true);
emit EnableSplineHover(true);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(true);
emit EnableNodeLabelHover(true);
@@ -3028,7 +3052,7 @@ void MainWindow::SetEnableTool(bool enable)
// This check helps to find missed tools
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools were handled.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were handled.");
//Drawing Tools
@@ -3068,6 +3092,7 @@ void MainWindow::SetEnableTool(bool enable)
+ ui->toolButtonEllipticalArc->setEnabled(drawTools);
@@ -3349,7 +3374,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
void MainWindow::LastUsedTool()
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools were handled.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were handled.");
if (currentTool == lastUsedTool)
@@ -3535,6 +3560,10 @@ void MainWindow::LastUsedTool()
+ case Tool::EllipticalArc:
+ ui->toolButtonEllipticalArc->setChecked(true);
+ ToolEllipticalArc(true);
+ break;
@@ -4751,6 +4780,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectPoint() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4759,6 +4789,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectPoint() const
emit EnablePointHover(true);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(false);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(false);
emit EnableSplineHover(false);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(false);
@@ -4787,6 +4818,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectSpline() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4795,6 +4827,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectSpline() const
emit EnablePointHover(false);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(false);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(false);
emit EnableSplineHover(true);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(false);
@@ -4811,6 +4844,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectSplinePath() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4819,6 +4853,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectSplinePath() const
emit EnablePointHover(false);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(false);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(false);
emit EnableSplineHover(false);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(true);
@@ -4835,6 +4870,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectArc() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4843,6 +4879,33 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectArc() const
emit EnablePointHover(false);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(true);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(false);
+ emit EnableSplineHover(false);
+ emit EnableSplinePathHover(false);
+ emit ItemsSelection(SelectionType::ByMouseRelease);
+ ui->view->AllowRubberBand(false);
+void MainWindow::ToolSelectElArc() const
+ // Only true for rubber band selection
+ emit EnableLabelSelection(false);
+ emit EnablePointSelection(false);
+ emit EnableLineSelection(false);
+ emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
+ emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
+ // Hovering
+ emit EnableLabelHover(false);
+ emit EnablePointHover(false);
+ emit EnableLineHover(false);
+ emit EnableArcHover(false);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(true);
emit EnableSplineHover(false);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(false);
@@ -4859,6 +4922,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectPointArc() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4867,6 +4931,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectPointArc() const
emit EnablePointHover(true);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(true);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(false);
emit EnableSplineHover(false);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(false);
@@ -4883,6 +4948,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectCurve() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4891,6 +4957,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectCurve() const
emit EnablePointHover(false);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(true);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(true);
emit EnableSplineHover(true);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(true);
@@ -4907,6 +4974,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectAllDrawObjects() const
emit EnablePointSelection(false);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(false);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(false);
emit EnableSplineSelection(false);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(false);
@@ -4915,6 +4983,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectAllDrawObjects() const
emit EnablePointHover(true);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(true);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(true);
emit EnableSplineHover(true);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(true);
@@ -4931,6 +5000,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectOperationObjects() const
emit EnablePointSelection(true);
emit EnableLineSelection(false);
emit EnableArcSelection(true);
+ emit EnableElArcSelection(true);
emit EnableSplineSelection(true);
emit EnableSplinePathSelection(true);
@@ -4939,6 +5009,7 @@ void MainWindow::ToolSelectOperationObjects() const
emit EnablePointHover(true);
emit EnableLineHover(false);
emit EnableArcHover(true);
+ emit EnableElArcHover(true);
emit EnableSplineHover(true);
emit EnableSplinePathHover(true);
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.h b/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.h
index aed7a8993..fed8ae7e0 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.h
+++ b/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.h
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ signals:
void EnablePointSelection(bool enable) const;
void EnableLineSelection(bool enable) const;
void EnableArcSelection(bool enable) const;
+ void EnableElArcSelection(bool enable) const;
void EnableSplineSelection(bool enable) const;
void EnableSplinePathSelection(bool enable) const;
void EnableNodeLabelSelection(bool enable) const;
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ signals:
void EnablePointHover(bool enable) const;
void EnableLineHover(bool enable) const;
void EnableArcHover(bool enable) const;
+ void EnableElArcHover(bool enable) const;
void EnableSplineHover(bool enable) const;
void EnableSplinePathHover(bool enable) const;
void EnableNodeLabelHover(bool enable) const;
@@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ private slots:
void ToolCubicBezier(bool checked);
void ToolCutSpline(bool checked);
void ToolArc(bool checked);
+ void ToolEllipticalArc(bool checked);
void ToolSplinePath(bool checked);
void ToolCubicBezierPath(bool checked);
void ToolCutSplinePath(bool checked);
@@ -357,6 +360,7 @@ private:
void ToolSelectSpline() const;
void ToolSelectSplinePath() const;
void ToolSelectArc() const;
+ void ToolSelectElArc() const;
void ToolSelectPointArc() const;
void ToolSelectCurve() const;
void ToolSelectAllDrawObjects() const;
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.ui b/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.ui
index cfad62823..433a2aec9 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.ui
+++ b/src/app/valentina/mainwindow.ui
@@ -1058,6 +1058,86 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 130
+ 58
+ 0
+ 0
+ Tools for creating elliptical arcs.
+ :/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png:/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png
+ Elliptical Arc
+ false
+ Tool pointer
+ ...
+ :/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png:/icon/32x32/arrow_cursor.png
+ 32
+ 32
+ true
+ false
+ Elliptical Arc
+ ...
+ :/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png:/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png
+ 32
+ 32
+ true
@@ -2506,8 +2586,8 @@
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor.qrc b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor.qrc
index 56f67ddd5..44323cc41 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor.qrc
+++ b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor.qrc
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
+ cursor/el_arc_cursor.png
+ cursor/el_arc_cursor@2x.pngcursor/path_cursor.pngcursor/path_cursor@2x.png
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor/el_arc_cursor.png b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor/el_arc_cursor.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03b9d0ef5
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor/el_arc_cursor.png differ
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor/el_arc_cursor@2x.png b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor/el_arc_cursor@2x.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32949c8e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/cursor/el_arc_cursor@2x.png differ
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon.qrc b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon.qrc
index e93851223..528ab18c2 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon.qrc
+++ b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon.qrc
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
+ toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png
+ toolicon/32x32/el_arc@2x.pngtoolicon/32x32/path.pngtoolicon/32x32/path@2x.png
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2af0b2c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon/32x32/el_arc.png differ
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon/32x32/el_arc@2x.png b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon/32x32/el_arc@2x.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5c97ba7b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/app/valentina/share/resources/toolicon/32x32/el_arc@2x.png differ
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.cpp b/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.cpp
index c4ec79478..27a417254 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.cpp
+++ b/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.cpp
@@ -672,6 +672,7 @@ void VPattern::ParseDrawMode(const QDomNode &node, const Document &parse, const
<< TagArc
<< TagTools
<< TagOperation
+ << TagElArc
<< TagPath;
const QDomNodeList nodeList = node.childNodes();
const qint32 num = nodeList.size();
@@ -706,7 +707,10 @@ void VPattern::ParseDrawMode(const QDomNode &node, const Document &parse, const
qCDebug(vXML, "Tag operation.");
ParseOperationElement(scene, domElement, parse, domElement.attribute(AttrType, ""));
- case 6: // TagPath
+ case 6: // TagElArc
+ qCDebug(vXML, "Tag elliptical arc.");
+ ParseEllipticalArcElement(scene, domElement, parse, domElement.attribute(AttrType, ""));
+ case 7: // TagPath
qCDebug(vXML, "Tag path.");
ParsePathElement(scene, domElement, parse);
@@ -2638,6 +2642,58 @@ void VPattern::ParseToolArc(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement,
+void VPattern::ParseToolEllipticalArc(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse)
+ SCASSERT(scene != nullptr);
+ Q_ASSERT_X(domElement.isNull() == false, Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null");
+ try
+ {
+ quint32 id = 0;
+ ToolsCommonAttributes(domElement, id);
+ const quint32 center = GetParametrUInt(domElement, AttrCenter, NULL_ID_STR);
+ const QString radius1 = GetParametrString(domElement, AttrRadius1, "10");
+ const QString radius2 = GetParametrString(domElement, AttrRadius2, "10");
+ QString r1 = radius1;//need for saving fixed formula;
+ QString r2 = radius2;//need for saving fixed formula;
+ const QString f1 = GetParametrString(domElement, AttrAngle1, "180");
+ QString f1Fix = f1;//need for saving fixed formula;
+ const QString f2 = GetParametrString(domElement, AttrAngle2, "270");
+ QString f2Fix = f2;//need for saving fixed formula;
+ const QString frotation = GetParametrString(domElement, AttrRotationAngle, "0");
+ QString frotationFix = frotation;//need for saving fixed formula;
+ const QString color = GetParametrString(domElement, AttrColor, ColorBlack);
+ VToolEllipticalArc::Create(id, center, r1, r2, f1Fix, f2Fix, frotationFix, color, scene, this, data, parse,
+ Source::FromFile);
+ //Rewrite attribute formula. Need for situation when we have wrong formula.
+ if (r1 != radius1 || r2 != radius2 || f1Fix != f1 || f2Fix != f2 || frotationFix != frotation)
+ {
+ SetAttribute(domElement, AttrRadius1, r1);
+ SetAttribute(domElement, AttrRadius2, r2);
+ SetAttribute(domElement, AttrAngle1, f1Fix);
+ SetAttribute(domElement, AttrAngle2, f2Fix);
+ SetAttribute(domElement, AttrRotationAngle, frotationFix);
+ modified = true;
+ haveLiteChange();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const VExceptionBadId &e)
+ {
+ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc"), domElement);
+ excep.AddMoreInformation(e.ErrorMessage());
+ throw excep;
+ }
+ catch (qmu::QmuParserError &e)
+ {
+ VExceptionObjectError excep(tr("Error creating or updating simple elliptical arc"), domElement);
+ excep.AddMoreInformation(QString("Message: " + e.GetMsg() + "\n"+ "Expression: " + e.GetExpr()));
+ throw excep;
+ }
void VPattern::ParseNodeArc(const QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse)
@@ -3065,6 +3121,34 @@ void VPattern::ParseArcElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElemen
+ * @brief ParseEllipticalArcElement parse elliptical arc tag.
+ * @param scene scene.
+ * @param domElement tag in xml tree.
+ * @param parse parser file mode.
+ * @param type type of spline.
+ */
+void VPattern::ParseEllipticalArcElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse,
+ const QString &type)
+ SCASSERT(scene != nullptr);
+ Q_ASSERT_X(not domElement.isNull(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "domElement is null");
+ Q_ASSERT_X(not type.isEmpty(), Q_FUNC_INFO, "type of elliptical arc is empty");
+ QStringList arcs = QStringList() << VToolEllipticalArc::ToolType; /*0*/
+ switch (arcs.indexOf(type))
+ {
+ case 0: //VToolArc::ToolType
+ ParseToolEllipticalArc(scene, domElement, parse);
+ break;
+ default:
+ VException e(tr("Unknown elliptical arc type '%1'.").arg(type));
+ throw e;
+ }
* @brief ParseToolsElement parse tools tag.
@@ -3692,7 +3776,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
QRectF VPattern::ActiveDrawBoundingRect() const
// This check helps to find missed tools in the switch
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50, "Not all tools were used.");
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51, "Not all tools were used.");
QRectF rec;
@@ -3813,6 +3897,9 @@ QRectF VPattern::ActiveDrawBoundingRect() const
case Tool::Move:
rec = ToolBoundingRect(rec, tool.getId());
+ case Tool::EllipticalArc:
+ rec = ToolBoundingRect(rec, tool.getId());
+ break;
//These tools are not accesseble in Draw mode, but still 'history' contains them.
case Tool::Detail:
case Tool::Piece:
diff --git a/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.h b/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.h
index 25d0f6ec6..8570b15d8 100644
--- a/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.h
+++ b/src/app/valentina/xml/vpattern.h
@@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ private:
const Document &parse, const QString& type);
void ParseArcElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement,
const Document &parse, const QString& type);
+ void ParseEllipticalArcElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse,
+ const QString &type);
void ParseToolsElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, const QDomElement& domElement,
const Document &parse, const QString& type);
void ParseOperationElement(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse,
@@ -206,6 +208,8 @@ private:
void ParseNodeArc(const QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse);
void ParseToolArcWithLength(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse);
+ void ParseToolEllipticalArc(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse);
void ParseToolRotation(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse);
void ParseToolFlippingByLine(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse);
void ParseToolFlippingByAxis(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, QDomElement &domElement, const Document &parse);
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.cpp b/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.cpp
index bfb584913..99a936f47 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ const QString AttrSecondPoint = QStringLiteral("secondPoint");
const QString AttrThirdPoint = QStringLiteral("thirdPoint");
const QString AttrCenter = QStringLiteral("center");
const QString AttrRadius = QStringLiteral("radius");
+const QString AttrRadius1 = QStringLiteral("radius1");
+const QString AttrRadius2 = QStringLiteral("radius2");
const QString AttrAngle = QStringLiteral("angle");
const QString AttrAngle1 = QStringLiteral("angle1");
const QString AttrAngle2 = QStringLiteral("angle2");
@@ -136,6 +138,7 @@ const QString AttrArc = QStringLiteral("arc");
const QString AttrSuffix = QStringLiteral("suffix");
const QString AttrIdObject = QStringLiteral("idObject");
const QString AttrInLayout = QStringLiteral("inLayout");
+const QString AttrRotationAngle = QStringLiteral("rotationAngle");
const QString AttrClosed = QStringLiteral("closed");
const QString TypeLineNone = QStringLiteral("none");
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.h b/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.h
index 0b87156f2..eddb84df5 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.h
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/ifcdef.h
@@ -91,9 +91,12 @@ extern const QString AttrSecondPoint;
extern const QString AttrThirdPoint;
extern const QString AttrCenter;
extern const QString AttrRadius;
+extern const QString AttrRadius1;
+extern const QString AttrRadius2;
extern const QString AttrAngle;
extern const QString AttrAngle1;
extern const QString AttrAngle2;
+extern const QString AttrRotationAngle;
extern const QString AttrLength1;
extern const QString AttrLength2;
extern const QString AttrP1Line;
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/schema.qrc b/src/libs/ifc/schema.qrc
index 3e40a2a66..aa5a46d40 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/schema.qrc
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/schema.qrc
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ schema/pattern/v0.3.9.xsdschema/pattern/v0.4.0.xsdschema/standard_measurements/v0.3.0.xsdschema/standard_measurements/v0.4.0.xsd
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.3.9.xsd b/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.3.9.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcdb4702c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.3.9.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.4.0.xsd b/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.4.0.xsd
index af5e2e278..56e821feb 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.4.0.xsd
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/schema/pattern/v0.4.0.xsd
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
@@ -234,6 +235,20 @@
@@ -295,6 +310,15 @@
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.cpp b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.cpp
index b814b0292..33cb16d1d 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.cpp
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ const QString VAbstractPattern::TagPoint = QStringLiteral("point");
const QString VAbstractPattern::TagLine = QStringLiteral("line");
const QString VAbstractPattern::TagSpline = QStringLiteral("spline");
const QString VAbstractPattern::TagArc = QStringLiteral("arc");
+const QString VAbstractPattern::TagElArc = QStringLiteral("elArc");
const QString VAbstractPattern::TagTools = QStringLiteral("tools");
const QString VAbstractPattern::TagOperation = QStringLiteral("operation");
const QString VAbstractPattern::TagGradation = QStringLiteral("gradation");
@@ -1426,8 +1427,10 @@ QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListExpressions() const
QStringList list;
+ // If new tool bring absolutely new type and has formula(s) create new method to cover it.
list << ListPointExpressions();
list << ListArcExpressions();
+ list << ListElArcExpressions();
list << ListSplineExpressions();
list << ListIncrementExpressions();
list << ListOperationExpressions();
@@ -1439,8 +1442,9 @@ QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListExpressions() const
QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListPointExpressions() const
// Check if new tool doesn't bring new attribute with a formula.
- // If no just increment number
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50);
+ // If no just increment a number.
+ // If new tool bring absolutely new type and has formula(s) create new method to cover it.
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51);
QStringList expressions;
const QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName(TagPoint);
@@ -1510,8 +1514,9 @@ QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListPointExpressions() const
QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListArcExpressions() const
// Check if new tool doesn't bring new attribute with a formula.
- // If no just increment number
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50);
+ // If no just increment number.
+ // If new tool bring absolutely new type and has formula(s) create new method to cover it.
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51);
QStringList expressions;
const QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName(TagArc);
@@ -1559,6 +1564,69 @@ QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListArcExpressions() const
return expressions;
+QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListElArcExpressions() const
+ // Check if new tool doesn't bring new attribute with a formula.
+ // If no just increment number.
+ // If new tool bring absolutely new type and has formula(s) create new method to cover it.
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51);
+ QStringList expressions;
+ const QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName(TagElArc);
+ for (int i=0; i < list.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const QDomElement dom = list.at(i).toElement();
+ try
+ {
+ expressions.append(GetParametrString(dom, AttrRadius1));
+ }
+ catch (VExceptionEmptyParameter &e)
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ expressions.append(GetParametrString(dom, AttrRadius2));
+ }
+ catch (VExceptionEmptyParameter &e)
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ expressions.append(GetParametrString(dom, AttrAngle1));
+ }
+ catch (VExceptionEmptyParameter &e)
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ expressions.append(GetParametrString(dom, AttrAngle2));
+ }
+ catch (VExceptionEmptyParameter &e)
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ expressions.append(GetParametrString(dom, AttrRotationAngle));
+ }
+ catch (VExceptionEmptyParameter &e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return expressions;
QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListSplineExpressions() const
@@ -1571,8 +1639,9 @@ QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListSplineExpressions() const
QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListPathPointExpressions() const
// Check if new tool doesn't bring new attribute with a formula.
- // If no just increment number
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50);
+ // If no just increment number.
+ // If new tool bring absolutely new type and has formula(s) create new method to cover it.
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51);
QStringList expressions;
const QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName(AttrPathPoint);
@@ -1637,8 +1706,9 @@ QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListIncrementExpressions() const
QStringList VAbstractPattern::ListOperationExpressions() const
// Check if new tool doesn't bring new attribute with a formula.
- // If no just increment number
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 50);
+ // If no just increment number.
+ // If new tool bring absolutely new type and has formula(s) create new method to cover it.
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast(Tool::LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE) == 51);
QStringList expressions;
const QDomNodeList list = elementsByTagName(TagOperation);
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h
index cc9f21899..1adf77f14 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vabstractpattern.h
@@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ public:
static const QString TagLine;
static const QString TagSpline;
static const QString TagArc;
+ static const QString TagElArc;
static const QString TagTools;
static const QString TagOperation;
static const QString TagGradation;
@@ -360,6 +361,7 @@ private:
QStringList ListExpressions() const;
QStringList ListPointExpressions() const;
QStringList ListArcExpressions() const;
+ QStringList ListElArcExpressions() const;
QStringList ListSplineExpressions() const;
QStringList ListPathPointExpressions() const;
QStringList ListIncrementExpressions() const;
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.cpp b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.cpp
index 145c0fddb..35c36460b 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.cpp
@@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ QString VPatternConverter::XSDSchema(int ver) const
return QStringLiteral("://schema/pattern/v0.3.7.xsd");
case (0x000308):
return QStringLiteral("://schema/pattern/v0.3.8.xsd");
+ case (0x000309):
+ return QStringLiteral("://schema/pattern/v0.3.9.xsd");
case (0x000400):
return CurrentSchema;
@@ -292,9 +294,12 @@ void VPatternConverter::ApplyPatches()
ValidateXML(XSDSchema(0x000308), fileName);
case (0x000308):
+ ToV0_3_9();
+ ValidateXML(XSDSchema(0x000309), fileName);
+ case (0x000309):
ValidateXML(XSDSchema(0x000400), fileName);
case (0x000400):
@@ -568,6 +573,13 @@ void VPatternConverter::ToV0_3_8()
+void VPatternConverter::ToV0_3_9()
+ SetVersion(QStringLiteral("0.3.9"));
+ Save();
void VPatternConverter::ToV0_4_0()
diff --git a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.h b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.h
index 95a979451..8b51c0d4a 100644
--- a/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.h
+++ b/src/libs/ifc/xml/vpatternconverter.h
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ private:
void ToV0_3_6();
void ToV0_3_7();
void ToV0_3_8();
+ void ToV0_3_9();
void ToV0_4_0();
void TagUnitToV0_2_0();
diff --git a/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.cpp b/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.cpp
index 09b5d790f..ad8186dd9 100644
--- a/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.cpp
@@ -58,9 +58,10 @@ VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc()
VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc (const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1,
const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1, qreal f2,
- const QString &formulaF2, qreal rotationAngle, quint32 idObject, Draw mode)
+ const QString &formulaF2, qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle,
+ quint32 idObject, Draw mode)
: VAbstractArc(GOType::EllipticalArc, center, f1, formulaF1, f2, formulaF2, idObject, mode),
- d (new VEllipticalArcData(radius1, radius2, formulaRadius1, formulaRadius2, rotationAngle))
+ d (new VEllipticalArcData(radius1, radius2, formulaRadius1, formulaRadius2, rotationAngle, formulaRotationAngle))
@@ -77,9 +78,10 @@ VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc(const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1, qreal radiu
VEllipticalArc::VEllipticalArc(qreal length, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1,
qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1, const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal f1,
- const QString &formulaF1, qreal rotationAngle, quint32 idObject, Draw mode)
+ const QString &formulaF1, qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle,
+ quint32 idObject, Draw mode)
: VAbstractArc(GOType::EllipticalArc, formulaLength, center, f1, formulaF1, idObject, mode),
- d (new VEllipticalArcData(radius1, radius2, formulaRadius1, formulaRadius2, rotationAngle))
+ d (new VEllipticalArcData(radius1, radius2, formulaRadius1, formulaRadius2, rotationAngle, formulaRotationAngle))
@@ -445,12 +447,12 @@ QPointF VEllipticalArc::CutArc(const qreal &length, VEllipticalArc &arc1, VEllip
// the first arc has given length and startAngle just like in the origin arc
arc1 = VEllipticalArc (len, QString().setNum(length), GetCenter(), d->radius1, d->radius2,
d->formulaRadius1, d->formulaRadius2, GetStartAngle(), GetFormulaF1(), d->rotationAngle,
- getIdObject(), getMode());
+ GetFormulaRotationAngle(), getIdObject(), getMode());
// the second arc has startAngle just like endAngle of the first arc
// and it has endAngle just like endAngle of the origin arc
arc2 = VEllipticalArc (GetCenter(), d->radius1, d->radius2, d->formulaRadius1, d->formulaRadius2,
arc1.GetEndAngle(), arc1.GetFormulaF2(), GetEndAngle(), GetFormulaF2(), d->rotationAngle,
- getIdObject(), getMode());
+ GetFormulaRotationAngle(), getIdObject(), getMode());
return arc1.GetP1();
@@ -540,7 +542,7 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::MaxLength() const
- * @brief GetRadius return arc major radius.
+ * @brief GetFormulaRadius1 return formula for major radius.
* @return radius.
QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius1() const
@@ -550,7 +552,7 @@ QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius1() const
- * @brief GetRadius return arc minor radius.
+ * @brief GetFormulaRadius2 return formula for minor radius.
* @return radius.
QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius2() const
@@ -560,12 +562,12 @@ QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius2() const
- * @brief GetRotationAngle return rotation angle.
+ * @brief GetFormulaRotationAngle return formula for rotation angle.
* @return rotationAngle.
-qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRotationAngle() const
+QString VEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRotationAngle() const
- return d->rotationAngle;
+ return d->formulaRotationAngle;
@@ -582,9 +584,16 @@ void VEllipticalArc::SetFormulaRadius2(const QString &formula, qreal value)
d->radius2 = value;
+void VEllipticalArc::SetFormulaRotationAngle(const QString &formula, qreal value)
+ d->formulaRotationAngle = formula;
+ d->rotationAngle = value;
- * @brief GetRadius return formula for major radius.
+ * @brief GetRadius1 return elliptical arc major radius.
* @return string with formula.
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius1() const
@@ -594,10 +603,20 @@ qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius1() const
- * @brief GetRadius return formula for minor radius.
+ * @brief GetRadius2 return elliptical arc minor radius.
* @return string with formula.
qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRadius2() const
return d->radius2;
+ * @brief GetRotationAngle return rotation angle.
+ * @return rotationAngle.
+ */
+qreal VEllipticalArc::GetRotationAngle() const
+ return d->rotationAngle;
diff --git a/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h b/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h
index 1f15025e4..8527f3498 100644
--- a/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h
+++ b/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h
@@ -52,11 +52,12 @@ public:
VEllipticalArc (const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1,
const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1, qreal f2,
- const QString &formulaF2, qreal rotationAngle, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
+ const QString &formulaF2, qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle,
+ quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VEllipticalArc (const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal f1, qreal f2, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArc (qreal length, const QString &formulaLength, const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1, qreal radius2,
const QString &formulaRadius1, const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal f1, const QString &formulaF1,
- qreal rotationAngle, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
+ qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle, quint32 idObject = 0, Draw mode = Draw::Calculation);
VEllipticalArc (qreal length, const VPointF ¢er, qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal f1, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArc(const VEllipticalArc &arc);
@@ -68,7 +69,9 @@ public:
virtual ~VEllipticalArc() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
- qreal GetRotationAngle() const;
+ QString GetFormulaRotationAngle () const;
+ void SetFormulaRotationAngle (const QString &formula, qreal value);
+ qreal GetRotationAngle() const;
QString GetFormulaRadius1 () const;
void SetFormulaRadius1 (const QString &formula, qreal value);
diff --git a/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc_p.h b/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc_p.h
index ed8ec938e..e829153c3 100644
--- a/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc_p.h
+++ b/src/libs/vgeometry/vellipticalarc_p.h
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class VEllipticalArcData : public QSharedData
VEllipticalArcData ();
VEllipticalArcData (qreal radius1, qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1, const QString &formulaRadius2,
- qreal rotationAngle);
+ qreal rotationAngle, const QString &formulaRotationAngle);
VEllipticalArcData(qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal rotationAngle);
VEllipticalArcData(const VEllipticalArcData &arc);
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ public:
QString formulaRadius2;
/** @brief rotationAngle in degree. */
qreal rotationAngle;
+ /** @brief formulaRotationAngle formula for rotationAngle. */
+ QString formulaRotationAngle;
VEllipticalArcData &operator=(const VEllipticalArcData &) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE;
@@ -41,17 +43,20 @@ VEllipticalArcData::VEllipticalArcData()
- rotationAngle(0)
+ rotationAngle(0),
+ formulaRotationAngle()
VEllipticalArcData::VEllipticalArcData(qreal radius1, qreal radius2, const QString &formulaRadius1,
- const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal rotationAngle)
+ const QString &formulaRadius2, qreal rotationAngle,
+ const QString &formulaRotationAngle)
: radius1(radius1),
- rotationAngle(rotationAngle)
+ rotationAngle(rotationAngle),
+ formulaRotationAngle(formulaRotationAngle)
@@ -60,7 +65,8 @@ VEllipticalArcData::VEllipticalArcData(qreal radius1, qreal radius2, qreal rotat
- rotationAngle(rotationAngle)
+ rotationAngle(rotationAngle),
+ formulaRotationAngle(QString().number(qApp->fromPixel(rotationAngle)))
@@ -70,7 +76,8 @@ VEllipticalArcData::VEllipticalArcData(const VEllipticalArcData &arc)
- rotationAngle(arc.rotationAngle)
+ rotationAngle(arc.rotationAngle),
+ formulaRotationAngle(arc.formulaRotationAngle)
diff --git a/src/libs/vmisc/def.h b/src/libs/vmisc/def.h
index 94ecaefe3..308655d71 100644
--- a/src/libs/vmisc/def.h
+++ b/src/libs/vmisc/def.h
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ enum class Tool : ToolVisHolderType
+ EllipticalArc,
LAST_ONE_DO_NOT_USE //add new stuffs above this, this constant must be last and never used
@@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ enum class Vis : ToolVisHolderType
+ ToolEllipticalArc,
diff --git a/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon.qrc b/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon.qrc
index ee4e61b21..012520e8b 100644
--- a/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon.qrc
+++ b/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon.qrc
@@ -64,5 +64,7 @@
+ icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png
+ icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc@2x.png
diff --git a/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png b/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2178c0aab
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc.png differ
diff --git a/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc@2x.png b/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc@2x.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f66ae8b3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/libs/vmisc/share/resources/icon/16x16/toolsectionelarc@2x.png differ
diff --git a/src/libs/vpatterndb/variables/vellipticalarcradius.cpp b/src/libs/vpatterndb/variables/vellipticalarcradius.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa900362f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vpatterndb/variables/vellipticalarcradius.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ **
+ ** @file vellipticalarcradius.cpp
+ ** @author Valentina Zhuravska
+ ** @date 16 12, 2016
+ **
+ ** @brief
+ ** @copyright
+ ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
+ ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
+ ** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
+ ** All Rights Reserved.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ ** (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ **
+ ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ** along with Valentina. If not, see .
+ **
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "vellipticalarcradius.h"
+#include "../ifc/ifcdef.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
+#include "vcurvevariable.h"
+ :VCurveVariable()
+ SetType(VarType::ArcRadius);
+VEllipticalArcRadius::VEllipticalArcRadius(const quint32 &id, const quint32 &parentId, const VEllipticalArc *elArc,
+ const int numberRadius, Unit patternUnit) : VCurveVariable(id, parentId)
+ SCASSERT(elArc != nullptr);
+ SetType(VarType::ArcRadius);
+ SetName(QString(radius_V+"%1"+"%2").arg(numberRadius).arg(elArc->name()));
+ if (numberRadius == 1)
+ {
+ SetValue(FromPixel(elArc->GetRadius1(), patternUnit));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetValue(FromPixel(elArc->GetRadius2(), patternUnit));
+ }
+VEllipticalArcRadius::VEllipticalArcRadius(const VEllipticalArcRadius &var)
+ :VCurveVariable(var)
+VEllipticalArcRadius &VEllipticalArcRadius::operator=(const VEllipticalArcRadius &var)
+ if ( &var == this )
+ {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ VCurveVariable::operator=(var);
+ return *this;
diff --git a/src/libs/vpatterndb/variables/vellipticalarcradius.h b/src/libs/vpatterndb/variables/vellipticalarcradius.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ce41edf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vpatterndb/variables/vellipticalarcradius.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ **
+ ** @file vellipticalarcradius.h
+ ** @author Valentina Zhuravska
+ ** @date 16 12, 2016
+ **
+ ** @brief
+ ** @copyright
+ ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
+ ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
+ ** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
+ ** All Rights Reserved.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ ** (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ **
+ ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ** along with Valentina. If not, see .
+ **
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "../vmisc/def.h"
+#include "../ifc/ifcdef.h"
+#include "vcurvevariable.h"
+class VEllipticalArc;
+class VEllipticalArcRadius :public VCurveVariable
+ VEllipticalArcRadius();
+ VEllipticalArcRadius(const quint32 &id, const quint32 &parentId, const VEllipticalArc *elArc,
+ const int numberRadius, Unit patternUnit);
+ VEllipticalArcRadius(const VEllipticalArcRadius &var);
+ VEllipticalArcRadius &operator=(const VEllipticalArcRadius &var);
+ virtual ~VEllipticalArcRadius() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
diff --git a/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.cpp b/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.cpp
index d93c043ee..cbb57ca26 100644
--- a/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.cpp
@@ -40,10 +40,12 @@
#include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vspline.h"
#include "../vgeometry/varc.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
#include "../vmisc/diagnostic.h"
#include "../vmisc/logging.h"
#include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h"
#include "variables/varcradius.h"
+#include "variables/vellipticalarcradius.h"
#include "variables/vcurveangle.h"
#include "variables/vcurvelength.h"
#include "variables/vcurveclength.h"
@@ -424,12 +426,27 @@ void VContainer::AddLine(const quint32 &firstPointId, const quint32 &secondPoint
-void VContainer::AddArc(const QSharedPointer &arc, const quint32 &id, const quint32 &parentId)
+void VContainer::AddArc(const QSharedPointer &arc, const quint32 &id, const quint32 &parentId)
AddCurve(arc, id, parentId);
- VArcRadius *radius = new VArcRadius(id, parentId, arc.data(), *GetPatternUnit());
- AddVariable(radius->GetName(), radius);
+ if (arc->getType() == GOType::Arc)
+ {
+ const QSharedPointer casted = arc.staticCast();
+ VArcRadius *radius = new VArcRadius(id, parentId, casted.data(), *GetPatternUnit());
+ AddVariable(radius->GetName(), radius);
+ }
+ else if (arc->getType() == GOType::EllipticalArc)
+ {
+ const QSharedPointer casted = arc.staticCast();
+ VEllipticalArcRadius *radius1 = new VEllipticalArcRadius(id, parentId, casted.data(), 1, *GetPatternUnit());
+ AddVariable(radius1->GetName(), radius1);
+ VEllipticalArcRadius *radius2 = new VEllipticalArcRadius(id, parentId, casted.data(), 2, *GetPatternUnit());
+ AddVariable(radius2->GetName(), radius2);
+ }
@@ -438,7 +455,7 @@ void VContainer::AddCurve(const QSharedPointer &curve, const qui
const GOType curveType = curve->getType();
if (curveType != GOType::Spline && curveType != GOType::SplinePath &&
curveType != GOType::CubicBezier && curveType != GOType::CubicBezierPath &&
- curveType != GOType::Arc)
+ curveType != GOType::Arc && curveType != GOType::EllipticalArc)
throw VException(tr("Can't create a curve with type '%1'").arg(static_cast(curveType)));
diff --git a/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.h b/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.h
index 592b7c530..3631e2543 100644
--- a/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.h
+++ b/src/libs/vpatterndb/vcontainer.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
class VAbstractCubicBezierPath;
class VAbstractCurve;
class VArc;
+class VEllipticalArc;
class VArcRadius;
class VCurveAngle;
class VCurveLength;
@@ -158,7 +159,8 @@ public:
quint32 AddPiece(const VPiece &detail);
quint32 AddPiecePath(const VPiecePath &path);
void AddLine(const quint32 &firstPointId, const quint32 &secondPointId);
- void AddArc(const QSharedPointer &arc, const quint32 &arcId, const quint32 &parentId = NULL_ID);
+ void AddArc(const QSharedPointer &arc, const quint32 &arcId,
+ const quint32 &parentId = NULL_ID);
void AddSpline(const QSharedPointer &curve, quint32 id, quint32 parentId = NULL_ID);
void AddCurveWithSegments(const QSharedPointer &curve, const quint32 &id,
quint32 parentId = NULL_ID);
diff --git a/src/libs/vpatterndb/vpatterndb.pri b/src/libs/vpatterndb/vpatterndb.pri
index b0d026efe..b35c843ba 100644
--- a/src/libs/vpatterndb/vpatterndb.pri
+++ b/src/libs/vpatterndb/vpatterndb.pri
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ SOURCES += \
$$PWD/vpatterninfogeometry.cpp \
$$PWD/vgrainlinegeometry.cpp \
$$PWD/variables/vcurveclength.cpp \
+ $$PWD/variables/vellipticalarcradius.cpp \
$$PWD/vpiece.cpp \
$$PWD/vpiecenode.cpp \
@@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ HEADERS += \
$$PWD/vpatterninfogeometry.h \
$$PWD/vgrainlinegeometry.h \
$$PWD/variables/vcurveclength.h \
+ $$PWD/variables/vellipticalarcradius.h \
$$PWD/vpiece.h \
$$PWD/vpiece_p.h \
$$PWD/vpiecenode.h \
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/dialogs.pri b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/dialogs.pri
index 9767ea030..9073adfcb 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/dialogs.pri
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/dialogs.pri
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ HEADERS += \
$$PWD/tools/dialogflippingbyline.h \
$$PWD/tools/dialogflippingbyaxis.h \
$$PWD/tools/dialogmove.h \
+ $$PWD/tools/dialogellipticalarc.h \
$$PWD/tools/dialogseamallowance.h \
@@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ SOURCES += \
$$PWD/tools/dialogflippingbyline.cpp \
$$PWD/tools/dialogflippingbyaxis.cpp \
$$PWD/tools/dialogmove.cpp \
+ $$PWD/tools/dialogellipticalarc.cpp \
$$PWD/tools/dialogseamallowance.cpp \
@@ -127,5 +129,6 @@ FORMS += \
$$PWD/tools/dialogflippingbyline.ui \
$$PWD/tools/dialogflippingbyaxis.ui \
$$PWD/tools/dialogmove.ui \
+ $$PWD/tools/dialogellipticalarc.ui \
$$PWD/tools/dialogseamallowance.ui \
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tooldialogs.h b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tooldialogs.h
index 07259d6fc..42a2a50c7 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tooldialogs.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tooldialogs.h
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
#include "tools/dialogflippingbyline.h"
#include "tools/dialogflippingbyaxis.h"
#include "tools/dialogmove.h"
+#include "tools/dialogellipticalarc.h"
#include "tools/dialogpiecepath.h"
#include "support/dialogeditwrongformula.h"
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..841768ca2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+ **
+ ** @file dialogellipticalarc.cpp
+ ** @author Valentina Zhuravska
+ ** @date 15 9, 2016
+ **
+ ** @brief
+ ** @copyright
+ ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
+ ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
+ ** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
+ ** All Rights Reserved.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ ** (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ **
+ ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ** along with Valentina. If not, see .
+ **
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "dialogellipticalarc.h"
+#include "../ifc/xml/vdomdocument.h"
+#include "../vpatterndb/vtranslatevars.h"
+#include "../../visualization/path/vistoolellipticalarc.h"
+#include "../../visualization/visualization.h"
+#include "../support/dialogeditwrongformula.h"
+#include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h"
+#include "../vmisc/vcommonsettings.h"
+#include "ui_dialogellipticalarc.h"
+class QCloseEvent;
+class QWidget;
+class VContainer;
+ * @brief DialogEllipticalArc create dialog
+ * @param data container with data
+ * @param parent parent widget
+ */
+DialogEllipticalArc::DialogEllipticalArc(const VContainer *data, const quint32 &toolId, QWidget *parent)
+ : DialogTool(data, toolId, parent),
+ ui(new Ui::DialogEllipticalArc),
+ flagRadius1(false),
+ flagRadius2(false),
+ flagF1(false),
+ flagF2(false),
+ flagRotationAngle(false),
+ timerRadius1(nullptr),
+ timerRadius2(nullptr),
+ timerF1(nullptr),
+ timerF2(nullptr),
+ timerRotationAngle(nullptr),
+ radius1(),
+ radius2(),
+ f1(),
+ f2(),
+ rotationAngle(),
+ formulaBaseHeightRadius1(0),
+ formulaBaseHeightRadius2(0),
+ formulaBaseHeightF1(0),
+ formulaBaseHeightF2(0),
+ formulaBaseHeightRotationAngle(0),
+ angleF1(INT_MIN),
+ angleF2(INT_MIN),
+ angleRotation(INT_MIN)
+ ui->setupUi(this);
+ this->formulaBaseHeightRadius1 = ui->plainTextEditRadius1->height();
+ this->formulaBaseHeightRadius2 = ui->plainTextEditRadius2->height();
+ this->formulaBaseHeightF1 = ui->plainTextEditF1->height();
+ this->formulaBaseHeightF2 = ui->plainTextEditF2->height();
+ this->formulaBaseHeightRotationAngle = ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle->height();
+ ui->plainTextEditRadius1->installEventFilter(this);
+ ui->plainTextEditRadius2->installEventFilter(this);
+ ui->plainTextEditF1->installEventFilter(this);
+ ui->plainTextEditF2->installEventFilter(this);
+ ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle->installEventFilter(this);
+ timerRadius1 = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(timerRadius1, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::EvalRadiuses);
+ timerRadius2 = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(timerRadius2, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::EvalRadiuses);
+ timerF1 = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(timerF1, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::EvalAngles);
+ timerF2 = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(timerF2, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::EvalAngles);
+ timerRotationAngle = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(timerRotationAngle, &QTimer::timeout, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::EvalAngles);
+ InitOkCancelApply(ui);
+ FillComboBoxPoints(ui->comboBoxBasePoint);
+ FillComboBoxLineColors(ui->comboBoxColor);
+ CheckState();
+ connect(ui->toolButtonExprRadius1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::FXRadius1);
+ connect(ui->toolButtonExprRadius2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::FXRadius2);
+ connect(ui->toolButtonExprF1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::FXF1);
+ connect(ui->toolButtonExprF2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::FXF2);
+ connect(ui->toolButtonExprRotationAngle, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::FXRotationAngle);
+ connect(ui->plainTextEditRadius1, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::Radius1Changed);
+ connect(ui->plainTextEditRadius2, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::Radius2Changed);
+ connect(ui->plainTextEditF1, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::F1Changed);
+ connect(ui->plainTextEditF2, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::F2Changed);
+ connect(ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle, &QPlainTextEdit::textChanged,
+ this, &DialogEllipticalArc::RotationAngleChanged);
+ connect(ui->pushButtonGrowLengthRadius1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::DeployRadius1TextEdit);
+ connect(ui->pushButtonGrowLengthRadius2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::DeployRadius2TextEdit);
+ connect(ui->pushButtonGrowLengthF1, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::DeployF1TextEdit);
+ connect(ui->pushButtonGrowLengthF2, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &DialogEllipticalArc::DeployF2TextEdit);
+ connect(ui->pushButtonGrowLengthRotationAngle, &QPushButton::clicked,
+ this, &DialogEllipticalArc::DeployRotationAngleTextEdit);
+ vis = new VisToolEllipticalArc(data);
+ delete ui;
+ * @brief GetCenter return id of center point
+ * @return id id
+ */
+quint32 DialogEllipticalArc::GetCenter() const
+ return getCurrentObjectId(ui->comboBoxBasePoint);
+ * @brief SetCenter set id of center point
+ * @param value id
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetCenter(const quint32 &value)
+ ChangeCurrentData(ui->comboBoxBasePoint, value);
+ vis->setObject1Id(value);
+ * @brief GetRadius1 return formula of radius1
+ * @return formula
+ */
+QString DialogEllipticalArc::GetRadius1() const
+ return qApp->TrVars()->TryFormulaFromUser(radius1, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ * @brief SetRadius1 set formula of radius1
+ * @param value formula
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetRadius1(const QString &value)
+ radius1 = qApp->TrVars()->FormulaToUser(value, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ // increase height if needed.
+ if (radius1.length() > 80)
+ {
+ this->DeployRadius1TextEdit();
+ }
+ ui->plainTextEditRadius1->setPlainText(radius1);
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *path = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(path != nullptr);
+ path->setRadius1(radius1);
+ MoveCursorToEnd(ui->plainTextEditRadius1);
+ * @brief GetRadius2 return formula of radius2
+ * @return formula
+ */
+QString DialogEllipticalArc::GetRadius2() const
+ return qApp->TrVars()->TryFormulaFromUser(radius2, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ * @brief SetRadius2 set formula of radius2
+ * @param value formula
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetRadius2(const QString &value)
+ radius2 = qApp->TrVars()->FormulaToUser(value, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ // increase height if needed.
+ if (radius2.length() > 80)
+ {
+ this->DeployRadius2TextEdit();
+ }
+ ui->plainTextEditRadius2->setPlainText(radius2);
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *path = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(path != nullptr);
+ path->setRadius2(radius2);
+ MoveCursorToEnd(ui->plainTextEditRadius2);
+ * @brief GetF1 return formula first angle of elliptical arc
+ * @return formula
+ */
+QString DialogEllipticalArc::GetF1() const
+ return qApp->TrVars()->TryFormulaFromUser(f1, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ * @brief SetF1 set formula first angle of elliptical arc
+ * @param value formula
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetF1(const QString &value)
+ f1 = qApp->TrVars()->FormulaToUser(value, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ // increase height if needed.
+ if (f1.length() > 80)
+ {
+ this->DeployF1TextEdit();
+ }
+ ui->plainTextEditF1->setPlainText(f1);
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *path = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(path != nullptr);
+ path->setF1(f1);
+ MoveCursorToEnd(ui->plainTextEditF1);
+ * @brief GetF2 return formula second angle of elliptical arc
+ * @return formula
+ */
+QString DialogEllipticalArc::GetF2() const
+ return qApp->TrVars()->TryFormulaFromUser(f2, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ * @brief SetF2 set formula second angle of elliptical arc
+ * @param value formula
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetF2(const QString &value)
+ f2 = qApp->TrVars()->FormulaToUser(value, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ // increase height if needed.
+ if (f2.length() > 80)
+ {
+ this->DeployF2TextEdit();
+ }
+ ui->plainTextEditF2->setPlainText(f2);
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *path = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(path != nullptr);
+ path->setF2(f2);
+ MoveCursorToEnd(ui->plainTextEditF2);
+ * @brief GetRotationAngle return formula rotation angle of elliptical arc
+ * @return formula
+ */
+QString DialogEllipticalArc::GetRotationAngle() const
+ return qApp->TrVars()->TryFormulaFromUser(rotationAngle, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ * @brief SetRotationAngle set formula rotation angle of elliptical arc
+ * @param value formula
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetRotationAngle(const QString &value)
+ rotationAngle = qApp->TrVars()->FormulaToUser(value, qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator());
+ // increase height if needed.
+ if (rotationAngle.length() > 80)
+ {
+ this->DeployRotationAngleTextEdit();
+ }
+ ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle->setPlainText(rotationAngle);
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *path = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(path != nullptr);
+ path->setRotationAngle(rotationAngle);
+ MoveCursorToEnd(ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle);
+ * @brief GetColor return color of elliptical arc
+ * @return formula
+ */
+QString DialogEllipticalArc::GetColor() const
+ return GetComboBoxCurrentData(ui->comboBoxColor, ColorBlack);
+ * @brief SetColor set color of elliptical arc
+ * @param value formula
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SetColor(const QString &value)
+ ChangeCurrentData(ui->comboBoxColor, value);
+ * @brief EvalRadiuses calculate value of radiuses
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::EvalRadiuses()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditRadius1;
+ const QString postfix = VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit(), true);
+ const qreal radius_1 = Eval(ui->plainTextEditRadius1->toPlainText(), flagRadius1, ui->labelResultRadius1, postfix);
+ if (radius_1 < 0)
+ {
+ flagRadius1 = false;
+ ChangeColor(labelEditFormula, Qt::red);
+ ui->labelResultRadius1->setText(tr("Error"));
+ ui->labelResultRadius1->setToolTip(tr("Radius can't be negative"));
+ DialogEllipticalArc::CheckState();
+ }
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditRadius2;
+ const qreal radius_2 = Eval(ui->plainTextEditRadius2->toPlainText(), flagRadius2, ui->labelResultRadius2, postfix);
+ if (radius_2 < 0)
+ {
+ flagRadius2 = false;
+ ChangeColor(labelEditFormula, Qt::red);
+ ui->labelResultRadius2->setText(tr("Error"));
+ ui->labelResultRadius2->setToolTip(tr("Radius can't be negative"));
+ DialogEllipticalArc::CheckState();
+ }
+ * @brief EvalAngles calculate value of angles
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::EvalAngles()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditF1;
+ angleF1 = Eval(ui->plainTextEditF1->toPlainText(), flagF1, ui->labelResultF1, degreeSymbol, false);
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditF2;
+ angleF2 = Eval(ui->plainTextEditF2->toPlainText(), flagF2, ui->labelResultF2, degreeSymbol, false);
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditRotationAngle;
+ angleRotation = Eval(ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle->toPlainText(), flagRotationAngle,
+ ui->labelResultRotationAngle, degreeSymbol, false);
+ CheckAngles();
+void DialogEllipticalArc::CheckAngles()
+ if (static_cast(angleF1) == INT_MIN || static_cast(angleF2) == INT_MIN)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(angleF1, angleF2))
+ {
+ flagF1 = false;
+ ChangeColor(ui->labelEditF1, Qt::red);
+ ui->labelResultF1->setText(tr("Error"));
+ ui->labelResultF1->setToolTip(tr("Angles equal"));
+ flagF2 = false;
+ ChangeColor(ui->labelEditF2, Qt::red);
+ ui->labelResultF2->setText(tr("Error"));
+ ui->labelResultF2->setToolTip(tr("Angles equal"));
+ }
+ DialogEllipticalArc::CheckState();
+void DialogEllipticalArc::FXRadius1()
+ DialogEditWrongFormula *dialog = new DialogEditWrongFormula(data, toolId, this);
+ dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit radius1"));
+ dialog->SetFormula(GetRadius1());
+ dialog->setPostfix(VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit(), true));
+ if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ SetRadius1(dialog->GetFormula());
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+void DialogEllipticalArc::FXRadius2()
+ DialogEditWrongFormula *dialog = new DialogEditWrongFormula(data, toolId, this);
+ dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit radius2"));
+ dialog->SetFormula(GetRadius2());
+ dialog->setPostfix(VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit(), true));
+ if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ SetRadius2(dialog->GetFormula());
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+void DialogEllipticalArc::FXF1()
+ DialogEditWrongFormula *dialog = new DialogEditWrongFormula(data, toolId, this);
+ dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit first angle"));
+ dialog->SetFormula(GetF1());
+ dialog->setPostfix(degreeSymbol);
+ if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ SetF1(dialog->GetFormula());
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+void DialogEllipticalArc::FXF2()
+ DialogEditWrongFormula *dialog = new DialogEditWrongFormula(data, toolId, this);
+ dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit second angle"));
+ dialog->SetFormula(GetF2());
+ dialog->setPostfix(degreeSymbol);
+ if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ SetF2(dialog->GetFormula());
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+void DialogEllipticalArc::FXRotationAngle()
+ DialogEditWrongFormula *dialog = new DialogEditWrongFormula(data, toolId, this);
+ dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit rotation angle"));
+ dialog->SetFormula(GetRotationAngle());
+ dialog->setPostfix(degreeSymbol);
+ if (dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ SetRotationAngle(dialog->GetFormula());
+ }
+ delete dialog;
+ * @brief Radius1Changed after change formula of radius1 calculate value and show result
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::Radius1Changed()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditRadius1;
+ labelResultCalculation = ui->labelResultRadius1;
+ const QString postfix = VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit(), true);
+ ValFormulaChanged(flagRadius1, ui->plainTextEditRadius1, timerRadius1, postfix);
+ * @brief Radius2Changed after change formula of radius2 calculate value and show result
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::Radius2Changed()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditRadius2;
+ labelResultCalculation = ui->labelResultRadius2;
+ const QString postfix = VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit(), true);
+ ValFormulaChanged(flagRadius2, ui->plainTextEditRadius2, timerRadius2, postfix);
+ * @brief F1Changed after change formula of first angle calculate value and show result
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::F1Changed()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditF1;
+ labelResultCalculation = ui->labelResultF1;
+ ValFormulaChanged(flagF1, ui->plainTextEditF1, timerF1, degreeSymbol);
+ * @brief F2Changed after change formula of second angle calculate value and show result
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::F2Changed()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditF2;
+ labelResultCalculation = ui->labelResultF2;
+ ValFormulaChanged(flagF2, ui->plainTextEditF2, timerF2, degreeSymbol);
+ * @brief RotationAngleChanged after change formula of rotation angle calculate value and show result
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::RotationAngleChanged()
+ labelEditFormula = ui->labelEditRotationAngle;
+ labelResultCalculation = ui->labelResultF2;
+ ValFormulaChanged(flagRotationAngle, ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle, timerRotationAngle, degreeSymbol);
+void DialogEllipticalArc::DeployRadius1TextEdit()
+ DeployFormula(ui->plainTextEditRadius1, ui->pushButtonGrowLengthRadius1, formulaBaseHeightRadius1);
+void DialogEllipticalArc::DeployRadius2TextEdit()
+ DeployFormula(ui->plainTextEditRadius2, ui->pushButtonGrowLengthRadius2, formulaBaseHeightRadius2);
+void DialogEllipticalArc::DeployF1TextEdit()
+ DeployFormula(ui->plainTextEditF1, ui->pushButtonGrowLengthF1, formulaBaseHeightF1);
+void DialogEllipticalArc::DeployF2TextEdit()
+ DeployFormula(ui->plainTextEditF2, ui->pushButtonGrowLengthF2, formulaBaseHeightF2);
+void DialogEllipticalArc::DeployRotationAngleTextEdit()
+ DeployFormula(ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle, ui->pushButtonGrowLengthRotationAngle,formulaBaseHeightRotationAngle);
+ * @brief ChoosedObject gets id and type of selected object. Save right data and ignore wrong.
+ * @param id id of point or detail
+ * @param type type of object
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::ChosenObject(quint32 id, const SceneObject &type)
+ if (prepare == false)// After first choose we ignore all objects
+ {
+ if (type == SceneObject::Point)
+ {
+ if (SetObject(id, ui->comboBoxBasePoint, ""))
+ {
+ vis->VisualMode(id);
+ prepare = true;
+ this->setModal(true);
+ this->show();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * @brief CheckState if all is right enable button ok
+ */
+void DialogEllipticalArc::CheckState()
+ SCASSERT(bOk != nullptr);
+ bOk->setEnabled(flagRadius1 && flagRadius2 && flagF1 && flagF2 && flagRotationAngle);
+ SCASSERT(bApply != nullptr);
+ bApply->setEnabled(flagRadius1 && flagRadius2 && flagF1 && flagF2 && flagRotationAngle);
+void DialogEllipticalArc::ShowVisualization()
+ AddVisualization();
+void DialogEllipticalArc::SaveData()
+ radius1 = ui->plainTextEditRadius1->toPlainText();
+ radius1.replace("\n", " ");
+ radius2 = ui->plainTextEditRadius2->toPlainText();
+ radius2.replace("\n", " ");
+ f1 = ui->plainTextEditF1->toPlainText();
+ f1.replace("\n", " ");
+ f2 = ui->plainTextEditF2->toPlainText();
+ f2.replace("\n", " ");
+ rotationAngle = ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle->toPlainText();
+ rotationAngle.replace("\n", " ");
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *path = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(path != nullptr);
+ path->setObject1Id(GetCenter());
+ path->setRadius1(radius1);
+ path->setRadius2(radius2);
+ path->setF1(f1);
+ path->setF2(f2);
+ path->setRotationAngle(rotationAngle);
+ path->RefreshGeometry();
+void DialogEllipticalArc::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
+ ui->plainTextEditRadius1->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->plainTextEditRadius2->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->plainTextEditF1->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->plainTextEditF2->blockSignals(true);
+ ui->plainTextEditRotationAngle->blockSignals(true);
+ DialogTool::closeEvent(event);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.h b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff03b3ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ **
+ ** @file dialogellipticalarc.h
+ ** @author Valentina Zhuravska
+ ** @date 15 9, 2016
+ **
+ ** @brief
+ ** @copyright
+ ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
+ ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
+ ** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
+ ** All Rights Reserved.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ ** (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ **
+ ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ** along with Valentina. If not, see .
+ **
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "../vmisc/def.h"
+#include "dialogtool.h"
+class QCloseEvent;
+class QTimer;
+class QWidget;
+class VContainer;
+namespace Ui
+ class DialogEllipticalArc;
+class DialogEllipticalArc : public DialogTool
+ DialogEllipticalArc(const VContainer *data, const quint32 &toolId, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
+ virtual ~DialogEllipticalArc() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ quint32 GetCenter() const;
+ void SetCenter(const quint32 &value);
+ QString GetRadius1() const;
+ void SetRadius1(const QString &value);
+ QString GetRadius2() const;
+ void SetRadius2(const QString &value);
+ QString GetF1() const;
+ void SetF1(const QString &value);
+ QString GetF2() const;
+ void SetF2(const QString &value);
+ QString GetRotationAngle() const;
+ void SetRotationAngle(const QString &value);
+ QString GetColor() const;
+ void SetColor(const QString &value);
+public slots:
+ virtual void ChosenObject(quint32 id, const SceneObject &type) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ /**
+ * @brief DeployFormulaTextEdit grow or shrink formula input
+ */
+ void DeployRadius1TextEdit();
+ void DeployRadius2TextEdit();
+ void DeployF1TextEdit();
+ void DeployF2TextEdit();
+ void DeployRotationAngleTextEdit();
+ void Radius1Changed();
+ void Radius2Changed();
+ void F1Changed();
+ void F2Changed();
+ void RotationAngleChanged();
+ void FXRadius1();
+ void FXRadius2();
+ void FXF1();
+ void FXF2();
+ void FXRotationAngle();
+ virtual void CheckState() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void ShowVisualization() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ /**
+ * @brief SaveData Put dialog data in local variables
+ */
+ virtual void SaveData() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
+ Q_DISABLE_COPY(DialogEllipticalArc)
+ /** @brief ui keeps information about user interface */
+ Ui::DialogEllipticalArc *ui;
+ /** @brief flagRadius1 true if value of radius1 is correct */
+ bool flagRadius1;
+ /** @brief flagRadius2 true if value of radius2 is correct */
+ bool flagRadius2;
+ /** @brief flagF1 true if value of first angle is correct */
+ bool flagF1;
+ /** @brief flagF2 true if value of second angle is correct */
+ bool flagF2;
+ /** @brief flagRotationAngle true if value of rotation angle is correct */
+ bool flagRotationAngle;
+ /** @brief timerRadius1 timer of check formula of radius1 */
+ QTimer *timerRadius1;
+ /** @brief timerRadius2 timer of check formula of radius2 */
+ QTimer *timerRadius2;
+ /** @brief timerF1 timer of check formula of first angle */
+ QTimer *timerF1;
+ /** @brief timerF2 timer of check formula of second angle */
+ QTimer *timerF2;
+ /** @brief timerRotationAngle timer of check formula of rotation angle */
+ QTimer *timerRotationAngle;
+ /** @brief radius1 formula of radius1 */
+ QString radius1;
+ /** @brief radius2 formula of radius2 */
+ QString radius2;
+ /** @brief f1 formula of first angle */
+ QString f1;
+ /** @brief f2 formula of second angle */
+ QString f2;
+ /** @brief rotationAngle formula of rotation angle */
+ QString rotationAngle;
+ /** @brief formulaBaseHeight base height defined by dialogui */
+ int formulaBaseHeightRadius1;
+ int formulaBaseHeightRadius2;
+ int formulaBaseHeightF1;
+ int formulaBaseHeightF2;
+ int formulaBaseHeightRotationAngle;
+ qreal angleF1;
+ qreal angleF2;
+ qreal angleRotation;
+ void EvalRadiuses();
+ void EvalAngles();
+ void CheckAngles();
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.ui b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.ui
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea551e763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+ DialogEllipticalArc
+ 0
+ 0
+ 425
+ 523
+ Dialog
+ 10
+ 10
+ 401
+ 501
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 159
+ 158
+ 158
+ Radius1:
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ Formula wizard
+ ...
+ :/icon/24x24/fx.png:/icon/24x24/fx.png
+ 24
+ 24
+ :/icon/24x24/equal.png
+ 0
+ 0
+ 87
+ 0
+ Value
+ _
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 16777215
+ 28
+ Calulation
+ true
+ 18
+ 18
+ 0
+ 0
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ ..
+ 16
+ 16
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 159
+ 158
+ 158
+ Radius2:
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ Formula wizard
+ ...
+ :/icon/24x24/fx.png:/icon/24x24/fx.png
+ 24
+ 24
+ :/icon/24x24/equal.png
+ 0
+ 0
+ 87
+ 0
+ Value
+ _
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 16777215
+ 28
+ Calulation
+ true
+ 18
+ 18
+ 0
+ 0
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ ..
+ 16
+ 16
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 159
+ 158
+ 158
+ First angle:
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ Formula wizard
+ ...
+ :/icon/24x24/fx.png:/icon/24x24/fx.png
+ 24
+ 24
+ :/icon/24x24/equal.png
+ 0
+ 0
+ 87
+ 0
+ Value
+ _
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 16777215
+ 28
+ Calculation
+ true
+ 18
+ 18
+ 0
+ 0
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ ..
+ 16
+ 16
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 159
+ 158
+ 158
+ Second angle:
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ Formula wizard
+ ...
+ :/icon/24x24/fx.png:/icon/24x24/fx.png
+ 24
+ 24
+ :/icon/24x24/equal.png
+ 0
+ 0
+ 87
+ 0
+ Value
+ _
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 16777215
+ 28
+ Calculation
+ true
+ 18
+ 18
+ 0
+ 0
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ ..
+ 16
+ 16
+ true
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 255
+ 0
+ 0
+ 159
+ 158
+ 158
+ Rotation angle:
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ 40
+ 20
+ Formula wizard
+ ...
+ :/icon/24x24/fx.png:/icon/24x24/fx.png
+ 24
+ 24
+ :/icon/24x24/equal.png
+ 0
+ 0
+ 87
+ 0
+ Value
+ _
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 16777215
+ 28
+ Calculation
+ true
+ 18
+ 18
+ 0
+ 0
+ <html><head/><body><p>Show full calculation in message box</p></body></html>
+ ..
+ 16
+ 16
+ true
+ QFormLayout::ExpandingFieldsGrow
+ 0
+ 0
+ Center point:
+ Select center point of the arc
+ Color:
+ Qt::Horizontal
+ QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogtool.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogtool.cpp
index 611218f6b..1e982e114 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogtool.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/dialogs/tools/dialogtool.cpp
@@ -224,9 +224,12 @@ void DialogTool::FillComboBoxCurves(QComboBox *box) const
if (i.key() != toolId)
QSharedPointer obj = i.value();
- if ((obj->getType() == GOType::Arc || obj->getType() == GOType::Spline ||
- obj->getType() == GOType::SplinePath || obj->getType() == GOType::CubicBezier ||
- obj->getType() == GOType::CubicBezierPath) && obj->getMode() == Draw::Calculation)
+ if ((obj->getType() == GOType::Arc
+ || obj->getType() == GOType::EllipticalArc
+ || obj->getType() == GOType::Spline
+ || obj->getType() == GOType::SplinePath
+ || obj->getType() == GOType::CubicBezier
+ || obj->getType() == GOType::CubicBezierPath) && obj->getMode() == Draw::Calculation)
PrepareList(list, i.key());
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/drawtools.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/drawtools.h
index 01c9cce94..377f375bf 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/drawtools.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/drawtools.h
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include "toolpoint/toolsinglepoint/toollinepoint/vtoollineintersectaxis.h"
#include "toolpoint/toolsinglepoint/toollinepoint/vtoolcurveintersectaxis.h"
#include "toolcurve/vtoolarc.h"
+#include "toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.h"
#include "toolcurve/vtoolarcwithlength.h"
#include "toolcurve/vtoolspline.h"
#include "toolcurve/vtoolcubicbezier.h"
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.cpp
index 8cbd99b95..a5eb68c7d 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "vabstractflipping.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vabstractcurve.h"
#include "../vgeometry/varc.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezier.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezierpath.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vgobject.h"
@@ -77,10 +78,10 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
dest.append(CreatePoint(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data));
case GOType::Arc:
- dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data));
+ dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data));
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- //dest.append(CreateItem(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix));
+ dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data));
case GOType::Spline:
dest.append(CreateCurve(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data));
@@ -119,10 +120,10 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
case GOType::Arc:
- UpdateArc(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
+ UpdateArc(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- //dest.append(UpdateItem(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data));
+ UpdateArc(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
case GOType::Spline:
UpdateCurve(id, idObject, fPoint, sPoint, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
@@ -165,11 +166,12 @@ DestinationItem VAbstractFlipping::CreatePoint(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, c
DestinationItem VAbstractFlipping::CreateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &firstPoint,
const QPointF &secondPoint, const QString &suffix, VContainer *data)
- const DestinationItem item = CreateItem(idTool, idItem, firstPoint, secondPoint, suffix, data);
- data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(item.id), item.id);
+ const DestinationItem item = CreateItem(idTool, idItem, firstPoint, secondPoint, suffix, data);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(item.id), item.id);
return item;
@@ -187,9 +189,10 @@ void VAbstractFlipping::UpdatePoint(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPoint
void VAbstractFlipping::UpdateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &firstPoint, const QPointF &secondPoint,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data, quint32 id)
- UpdateItem(idTool, idItem, firstPoint, secondPoint, suffix, data, id);
- data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
+ UpdateItem(idTool, idItem, firstPoint, secondPoint, suffix, data, id);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.h
index 72bd275d9..b35e6cd24 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/flipping/vabstractflipping.h
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ protected:
static DestinationItem CreateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &firstPoint,
const QPointF &secondPoint, const QString &suffix, VContainer *data);
+ template
static DestinationItem CreateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &firstPoint,
const QPointF &secondPoint, const QString &suffix, VContainer *data);
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ protected:
static void UpdateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &firstPoint, const QPointF &secondPoint,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data, quint32 id);
+ template
static void UpdateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &firstPoint, const QPointF &secondPoint,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data, quint32 id);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.cpp
index 6396bfe0b..ef1ffedd5 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.cpp
@@ -329,6 +329,18 @@ void VAbstractOperation::AllowArcSelecting(bool enabled)
AllowCurveSelecting(enabled, GOType::Arc);
+void VAbstractOperation::AllowElArcHover(bool enabled)
+ AllowCurveHover(enabled, GOType::EllipticalArc);
+void VAbstractOperation::AllowElArcSelecting(bool enabled)
+ AllowCurveSelecting(enabled, GOType::EllipticalArc);
void VAbstractOperation::Disable(bool disable, const QString &namePP)
@@ -575,7 +587,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
case GOType::Arc:
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- VSimpleCurve *curve = InitCurve(object.id, &(VAbstractTool::data), GOType::Arc);
+ VSimpleCurve *curve = InitCurve(object.id, &(VAbstractTool::data), obj->getType());
connect(curve, &VSimpleCurve::Choosed, [this](quint32 id)
emit ChoosedTool(id, SceneObject::Arc);
@@ -585,7 +597,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
case GOType::Spline:
case GOType::CubicBezier:
- VSimpleCurve *curve = InitCurve(object.id, &(VAbstractTool::data), GOType::Spline);
+ VSimpleCurve *curve = InitCurve(object.id, &(VAbstractTool::data), obj->getType());
connect(curve, &VSimpleCurve::Choosed, [this](quint32 id)
emit ChoosedTool(id, SceneObject::Spline);
@@ -595,7 +607,7 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
case GOType::SplinePath:
case GOType::CubicBezierPath:
- VSimpleCurve *curve = InitCurve(object.id, &(VAbstractTool::data), GOType::SplinePath);
+ VSimpleCurve *curve = InitCurve(object.id, &(VAbstractTool::data), obj->getType());
connect(curve, &VSimpleCurve::Choosed, [this](quint32 id)
emit ChoosedTool(id, SceneObject::SplinePath);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.h
index 7af49a93a..2d525f5cb 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vabstractoperation.h
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ public slots:
void AllowArcHover(bool enabled);
void AllowArcSelecting(bool enabled);
+ void AllowElArcHover(bool enabled);
+ void AllowElArcSelecting(bool enabled);
virtual void Disable(bool disable, const QString &namePP) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
void ObjectSelected(bool selected, quint32 objId);
void DeleteFromLabel();
@@ -197,6 +200,9 @@ void VAbstractOperation::InitOperationToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene,
QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableArcItemHover, tool, &T::AllowArcHover);
QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableArcItemSelection, tool, &T::AllowArcSelecting);
+ QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableElArcItemHover, tool, &T::AllowElArcHover);
+ QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableElArcItemSelection, tool, &T::AllowElArcSelecting);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.cpp
index a95f9472c..16cf893f3 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "../../../visualization/visualization.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vabstractcurve.h"
#include "../vgeometry/varc.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezier.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezierpath.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vgobject.h"
@@ -152,10 +153,10 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
dest.append(CreatePoint(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data));
case GOType::Arc:
- dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data));
+ dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data));
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- //dest.append(CreateItem(id, idObject, angle, suffix));
+ dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data));
case GOType::Spline:
dest.append(CreateCurve(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data));
@@ -196,10 +197,10 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
case GOType::Arc:
- UpdateArc(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
+ UpdateArc(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- //dest.append(UpdateItem(id, idObject, oPoint, angle, suffix, data));
+ UpdateArc(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
case GOType::Spline:
UpdateCurve(id, idObject, calcAngle, calcLength, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
@@ -385,11 +386,12 @@ DestinationItem VToolMove::CreatePoint(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal ang
DestinationItem VToolMove::CreateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal length, const QString &suffix,
VContainer *data)
- const DestinationItem item = CreateItem(idTool, idItem, angle, length, suffix, data);
- data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(item.id), item.id);
+ const DestinationItem item = CreateItem(idTool, idItem, angle, length, suffix, data);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(item.id), item.id);
return item;
@@ -406,11 +408,12 @@ void VToolMove::UpdatePoint(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal l
void VToolMove::UpdateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal length, const QString &suffix,
VContainer *data, quint32 id)
- UpdateItem(idTool, idItem, angle, length, suffix, data, id);
- data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
+ UpdateItem(idTool, idItem, angle, length, suffix, data, id);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.h
index 54397e970..faa36bdcc 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolmove.h
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ private:
static DestinationItem CreateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal length, const QString &suffix,
VContainer *data);
+ template
static DestinationItem CreateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal length, const QString &suffix,
VContainer *data);
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ private:
static void UpdateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal length, const QString &suffix,
VContainer *data, quint32 id);
+ template
static void UpdateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, qreal angle, qreal length, const QString &suffix,
VContainer *data, quint32 id);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.cpp
index 4dd3e640c..010d961d1 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "../../../visualization/visualization.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vabstractcurve.h"
#include "../vgeometry/varc.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezier.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vcubicbezierpath.h"
#include "../vgeometry/vgobject.h"
@@ -165,10 +166,10 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
dest.append(CreatePoint(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data));
case GOType::Arc:
- dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data));
+ dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data));
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- //dest.append(CreateItem(id, idObject, oPoint, angle, suffix));
+ dest.append(CreateArc(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data));
case GOType::Spline:
dest.append(CreateCurve(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data));
@@ -208,10 +209,10 @@ QT_WARNING_DISABLE_GCC("-Wswitch-default")
case GOType::Arc:
- UpdateArc(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
+ UpdateArc(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
case GOType::EllipticalArc:
- //dest.append(UpdateItem(id, idObject, oPoint, angle, suffix, data));
+ UpdateArc(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
case GOType::Spline:
UpdateCurve(id, idObject, oPoint, calcAngle, suffix, data, dest.at(i).id);
@@ -376,11 +377,12 @@ DestinationItem VToolRotation::CreateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const
DestinationItem VToolRotation::CreateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &origin, qreal angle,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data)
- const DestinationItem item = CreateItem(idTool, idItem, origin, angle, suffix, data);
- data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(item.id), item.id);
+ const DestinationItem item = CreateItem(idTool, idItem, origin, angle, suffix, data);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(item.id), item.id);
return item;
@@ -428,11 +430,12 @@ void VToolRotation::UpdateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &or
void VToolRotation::UpdateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &origin, qreal angle,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data, quint32 id)
- UpdateItem(idTool, idItem, origin, angle, suffix, data, id);
- data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
+ UpdateItem(idTool, idItem, origin, angle, suffix, data, id);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.h
index 0920158db..f46cbee00 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/operation/vtoolrotation.h
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ private:
static DestinationItem CreateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &origin, qreal formulaAngle,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data);
+ template
static DestinationItem CreateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &origin, qreal formulaAngle,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data);
@@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ private:
static void UpdateItem(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &origin, qreal formulaAngle,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data, quint32 id);
+ template
static void UpdateArc(quint32 idTool, quint32 idItem, const QPointF &origin, qreal formulaAngle,
const QString &suffix, VContainer *data, quint32 id);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vabstractspline.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vabstractspline.h
index 342d766fb..b72b55fa8 100644
--- a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vabstractspline.h
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vabstractspline.h
@@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ protected:
static void InitArcToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, T *tool);
+ template
+ static void InitElArcToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, T *tool);
@@ -212,4 +215,16 @@ void VAbstractSpline::InitArcToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, T *tool)
QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableArcItemSelection, tool, &T::AllowSelecting);
+void VAbstractSpline::InitElArcToolConnections(VMainGraphicsScene *scene, T *tool)
+ SCASSERT(scene != nullptr);
+ SCASSERT(tool != nullptr);
+ InitDrawToolConnections(scene, tool);
+ QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableElArcItemHover, tool, &T::AllowHover);
+ QObject::connect(scene, &VMainGraphicsScene::EnableElArcItemSelection, tool, &T::AllowSelecting);
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.cpp b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a03cac98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+ **
+ ** @file vtoolellipticalarc.cpp
+ ** @author Valentina Zhuravska
+ ** @date 20 10, 2016
+ **
+ ** @brief
+ ** @copyright
+ ** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
+ ** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
+ ** Copyright (C) 2016 Valentina project
+ ** All Rights Reserved.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ ** (at your option) any later version.
+ **
+ ** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ** GNU General Public License for more details.
+ **
+ ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ ** along with Valentina. If not, see .
+ **
+ *************************************************************************/
+#include "vtoolellipticalarc.h"
+#include "../../../dialogs/tools/dialogtool.h"
+#include "../../../dialogs/tools/dialogellipticalarc.h"
+#include "../../../visualization/path/vistoolellipticalarc.h"
+#include "../../../visualization/visualization.h"
+#include "../ifc/exception/vexception.h"
+#include "../ifc/xml/vdomdocument.h"
+#include "../ifc/ifcdef.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vellipticalarc.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vgobject.h"
+#include "../vgeometry/vpointf.h"
+#include "../vmisc/vabstractapplication.h"
+#include "../vmisc/vcommonsettings.h"
+#include "../vpatterndb/vcontainer.h"
+#include "../vpatterndb/vformula.h"
+#include "../vpatterndb/vtranslatevars.h"
+#include "../vwidgets/vmaingraphicsscene.h"
+#include "../../vabstracttool.h"
+#include "../vdrawtool.h"
+#include "vabstractspline.h"
+class QDomElement;
+class QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent;
+const QString VToolEllipticalArc::ToolType = QStringLiteral("simple");
+ * @brief VToolEllipticalArc constuctor.
+ * @param doc dom document container
+ * @param data container with variables
+ * @param id object id in container
+ * @param typeCreation way we create this tool.
+ * @param parent parent object
+ */
+VToolEllipticalArc::VToolEllipticalArc(VAbstractPattern *doc, VContainer *data, quint32 id, const Source &typeCreation,
+ QGraphicsItem *parent)
+ :VAbstractSpline(doc, data, id, parent)
+ sceneType = SceneObject::Arc;
+ this->setPath(ToolPath());
+ this->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, qApp->toPixel(WidthHairLine(*VAbstractTool::data.GetPatternUnit()))/factor));
+ this->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable, true);// For keyboard input focus
+ ToolCreation(typeCreation);
+ * @brief setDialog set dialog when user want change tool option.
+ */
+void VToolEllipticalArc::setDialog()
+ SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr);
+ DialogEllipticalArc *dialogTool = qobject_cast(dialog);
+ SCASSERT(dialogTool != nullptr);
+ const QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ dialogTool->SetCenter(elArc->GetCenter().id());
+ dialogTool->SetF1(elArc->GetFormulaF1());
+ dialogTool->SetF2(elArc->GetFormulaF2());
+ dialogTool->SetRadius1(elArc->GetFormulaRadius1());
+ dialogTool->SetRadius2(elArc->GetFormulaRadius2());
+ dialogTool->SetRotationAngle(elArc->GetFormulaRotationAngle());
+ dialogTool->SetColor(elArc->GetColor());
+ * @brief Create help create tool
+ * @param dialog dialog options.
+ * @param scene pointer to scene.
+ * @param doc dom document container
+ * @param data container with variables
+ */
+VToolEllipticalArc* VToolEllipticalArc::Create(DialogTool *dialog, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VAbstractPattern *doc,
+ VContainer *data)
+ SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr);
+ DialogEllipticalArc *dialogTool = qobject_cast(dialog);
+ SCASSERT(dialogTool != nullptr);
+ const quint32 center = dialogTool->GetCenter();
+ QString radius1 = dialogTool->GetRadius1();
+ QString radius2 = dialogTool->GetRadius2();
+ QString f1 = dialogTool->GetF1();
+ QString f2 = dialogTool->GetF2();
+ QString rotationAngle = dialogTool->GetRotationAngle();
+ const QString color = dialogTool->GetColor();
+ VToolEllipticalArc* point = Create(0, center, radius1, radius2, f1, f2, rotationAngle, color, scene, doc, data,
+ Document::FullParse, Source::FromGui);
+ if (point != nullptr)
+ {
+ point->dialog=dialogTool;
+ }
+ return point;
+ * @brief Create help create tool form GUI.
+ * @param _id tool id, 0 if tool doesn't exist yet.
+ * @param center id elliptical arc center point.
+ * @param radius1 elliptical arc radius1.
+ * @param radius2 elliptical arc radius2.
+ * @param f1 start angle of elliptical arc.
+ * @param f2 end angle of elliptical arc.
+ * @param rotationAngle rotation angle of elliptical arc.
+ * @param scene pointer to scene.
+ * @param doc dom document container.
+ * @param data container with variables.
+ * @param parse parser file mode.
+ * @param typeCreation way we create this tool.
+ */
+VToolEllipticalArc* VToolEllipticalArc::Create(const quint32 _id, const quint32 ¢er, QString &radius1,
+ QString &radius2, QString &f1, QString &f2, QString &rotationAngle,
+ const QString &color, VMainGraphicsScene *scene, VAbstractPattern *doc,
+ VContainer *data, const Document &parse, const Source &typeCreation)
+ qreal calcRadius1 = 0, calcRadius2 = 0, calcF1 = 0, calcF2 = 0, calcRotationAngle = 0;
+ calcRadius1 = qApp->toPixel(CheckFormula(_id, radius1, data));
+ calcRadius2 = qApp->toPixel(CheckFormula(_id, radius2, data));
+ calcF1 = CheckFormula(_id, f1, data);
+ calcF2 = CheckFormula(_id, f2, data);
+ calcRotationAngle = CheckFormula(_id, rotationAngle, data);
+ const VPointF c = *data->GeometricObject(center);
+ VEllipticalArc *elArc = new VEllipticalArc(c, calcRadius1, calcRadius2, radius1, radius2, calcF1, f1, calcF2, f2,
+ calcRotationAngle, rotationAngle);
+ elArc->SetColor(color);
+ quint32 id = _id;
+ if (typeCreation == Source::FromGui)
+ {
+ id = data->AddGObject(elArc);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ data->UpdateGObject(id, elArc);
+ data->AddArc(data->GeometricObject(id), id);
+ if (parse != Document::FullParse)
+ {
+ doc->UpdateToolData(id, data);
+ }
+ }
+ VDrawTool::AddRecord(id, Tool::EllipticalArc, doc);
+ if (parse == Document::FullParse)
+ {
+ VToolEllipticalArc *toolEllipticalArc = new VToolEllipticalArc(doc, data, id, typeCreation);
+ scene->addItem(toolEllipticalArc);
+ InitElArcToolConnections(scene, toolEllipticalArc);
+ doc->AddTool(id, toolEllipticalArc);
+ doc->IncrementReferens(c.getIdTool());
+ return toolEllipticalArc;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+QString VToolEllipticalArc::getTagName() const
+ return VAbstractPattern::TagElArc;
+quint32 VToolEllipticalArc::getCenter() const
+ QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ return elArc->GetCenter().id();
+void VToolEllipticalArc::setCenter(const quint32 &value)
+ if (value != NULL_ID)
+ {
+ QSharedPointer obj = VAbstractTool::data.GetGObject(id);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ QSharedPointer point = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(value);
+ elArc->SetCenter(*point.data());
+ SaveOption(obj);
+ }
+VFormula VToolEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius1() const
+ QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ VFormula radius1(elArc->GetFormulaRadius1(), getData());
+ radius1.setCheckZero(true);
+ radius1.setToolId(id);
+ radius1.setPostfix(VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit()));
+ return radius1;
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SetFormulaRadius1(const VFormula &value)
+ if (value.error() == false)
+ {
+ if (value.getDoubleValue() > 0)// Formula don't check this, but radius1 can't be 0 or negative
+ {
+ QSharedPointer obj = VAbstractTool::data.GetGObject(id);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ elArc->SetFormulaRadius1(value.GetFormula(FormulaType::FromUser), value.getDoubleValue());
+ SaveOption(obj);
+ }
+ }
+VFormula VToolEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRadius2() const
+ QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ VFormula radius2(elArc->GetFormulaRadius2(), getData());
+ radius2.setCheckZero(true);
+ radius2.setToolId(id);
+ radius2.setPostfix(VDomDocument::UnitsToStr(qApp->patternUnit()));
+ return radius2;
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SetFormulaRadius2(const VFormula &value)
+ if (value.error() == false)
+ {
+ if (value.getDoubleValue() > 0)// Formula don't check this, but radius2 can't be 0 or negative
+ {
+ QSharedPointer obj = VAbstractTool::data.GetGObject(id);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ elArc->SetFormulaRadius2(value.GetFormula(FormulaType::FromUser), value.getDoubleValue());
+ SaveOption(obj);
+ }
+ }
+VFormula VToolEllipticalArc::GetFormulaF1() const
+ QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ VFormula f1(elArc->GetFormulaF1(), getData());
+ f1.setCheckZero(false);
+ f1.setToolId(id);
+ f1.setPostfix(degreeSymbol);
+ return f1;
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SetFormulaF1(const VFormula &value)
+ if (value.error() == false)
+ {
+ QSharedPointer obj = VAbstractTool::data.GetGObject(id);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ if (not VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(value.getDoubleValue(), elArc->GetEndAngle()))// Angles can't be equal
+ {
+ elArc->SetFormulaF1(value.GetFormula(FormulaType::FromUser), value.getDoubleValue());
+ SaveOption(obj);
+ }
+ }
+VFormula VToolEllipticalArc::GetFormulaF2() const
+ QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ VFormula f2(elArc->GetFormulaF2(), getData());
+ f2.setCheckZero(false);
+ f2.setToolId(id);
+ f2.setPostfix(degreeSymbol);
+ return f2;
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SetFormulaF2(const VFormula &value)
+ if (value.error() == false)
+ {
+ QSharedPointer obj = VAbstractTool::data.GetGObject(id);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ if (not VFuzzyComparePossibleNulls(value.getDoubleValue(), elArc->GetStartAngle()))// Angles can't be equal
+ {
+ elArc->SetFormulaF2(value.GetFormula(FormulaType::FromUser), value.getDoubleValue());
+ SaveOption(obj);
+ }
+ }
+VFormula VToolEllipticalArc::GetFormulaRotationAngle() const
+ QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ VFormula rotationAngle(elArc->GetFormulaRotationAngle(), getData());
+ rotationAngle.setCheckZero(false);
+ rotationAngle.setToolId(id);
+ rotationAngle.setPostfix(degreeSymbol);
+ return rotationAngle;
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SetFormulaRotationAngle(const VFormula &value)
+ if (value.error() == false)
+ {
+ QSharedPointer obj = VAbstractTool::data.GetGObject(id);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ elArc->SetFormulaRotationAngle(value.GetFormula(FormulaType::FromUser), value.getDoubleValue());
+ SaveOption(obj);
+ }
+void VToolEllipticalArc::ShowVisualization(bool show)
+ ShowToolVisualization(show);
+ * @brief contextMenuEvent handle context menu events.
+ * @param event context menu event.
+ */
+void VToolEllipticalArc::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent *event)
+ try
+ {
+ ContextMenu(this, event);
+ }
+ catch(const VExceptionToolWasDeleted &e)
+ {
+ Q_UNUSED(e);
+ return;//Leave this method immediately!!!
+ }
+ * @brief RemoveReferens decrement value of reference.
+ */
+void VToolEllipticalArc::RemoveReferens()
+ const auto elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ doc->DecrementReferens(elArc->GetCenter().getIdTool());
+ * @brief SaveDialog save options into file after change in dialog.
+ */
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SaveDialog(QDomElement &domElement)
+ SCASSERT(dialog != nullptr);
+ DialogEllipticalArc *dialogTool = qobject_cast(dialog);
+ SCASSERT(dialogTool != nullptr);
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrCenter, QString().setNum(dialogTool->GetCenter()));
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrRadius1, dialogTool->GetRadius1());
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrRadius2, dialogTool->GetRadius2());
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrAngle1, dialogTool->GetF1());
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrAngle2, dialogTool->GetF2());
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrRotationAngle, dialogTool->GetRotationAngle());
+ doc->SetAttribute(domElement, AttrColor, dialogTool->GetColor());
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SaveOptions(QDomElement &tag, QSharedPointer &obj)
+ VAbstractSpline::SaveOptions(tag, obj);
+ QSharedPointer elArc = qSharedPointerDynamicCast(obj);
+ SCASSERT(elArc.isNull() == false);
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrType, ToolType);
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrCenter, elArc->GetCenter().id());
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrRadius1, elArc->GetFormulaRadius1());
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrRadius2, elArc->GetFormulaRadius2());
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrAngle1, elArc->GetFormulaF1());
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrAngle2, elArc->GetFormulaF2());
+ doc->SetAttribute(tag, AttrRotationAngle, elArc->GetFormulaRotationAngle());
+void VToolEllipticalArc::SetVisualization()
+ if (not vis.isNull())
+ {
+ const QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ VisToolEllipticalArc *visual = qobject_cast(vis);
+ SCASSERT(visual != nullptr);
+ const VTranslateVars *trVars = qApp->TrVars();
+ visual->setObject1Id(elArc->GetCenter().id());
+ visual->setRadius1(trVars->FormulaToUser(elArc->GetFormulaRadius1(), qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()));
+ visual->setRadius2(trVars->FormulaToUser(elArc->GetFormulaRadius2(), qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()));
+ visual->setF1(trVars->FormulaToUser(elArc->GetFormulaF1(), qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()));
+ visual->setF2(trVars->FormulaToUser(elArc->GetFormulaF2(), qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()));
+ visual->setRotationAngle(trVars->FormulaToUser(elArc->GetFormulaRotationAngle(),
+ qApp->Settings()->GetOsSeparator()));
+ visual->RefreshGeometry();
+ }
+ * @brief RefreshGeometry refresh item on scene.
+ */
+void VToolEllipticalArc::RefreshGeometry()
+ const QSharedPointer elArc = VAbstractTool::data.GeometricObject(id);
+ this->setPen(QPen(CorrectColor(elArc->GetColor()),
+ qApp->toPixel(WidthHairLine(*VAbstractTool::data.GetPatternUnit()))/factor));
+ this->setPath(ToolPath());
+ SetVisualization();
diff --git a/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.h b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8956ed341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/vtools/tools/drawTools/toolcurve/vtoolellipticalarc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ **
+ ** @file vtoolellipticalarc.h
+ ** @author Valentina Zhuravska