Updated group H.
--HG-- branch : develop
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ const QString armfoldToArmfoldF_M = QStringLiteral("armfold_to_a
const QString shoulderWidthB_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_width_b"); // F05
const QString acrossBackB_M = QStringLiteral("across_back_b"); // F06
const QString armfoldToArmfoldB_M = QStringLiteral("armfold_to_armfold_b"); // F07
const QString shoulderTipToShoulderTipHalfF_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_half_f"); // F08
const QString acrossChestHalfF_M = QStringLiteral("across_chest_half_f"); // F09
const QString shoulderTipToShoulderTipHalfB_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_half_b"); // F10
const QString acrossBackHalfB_M = QStringLiteral("across_back_half_b"); // F11
const QString shoulderTipToShoulderTipHalfF_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_half_f"); // F08
const QString acrossChestHalfF_M = QStringLiteral("across_chest_half_f"); // F09
const QString shoulderTipToShoulderTipHalfB_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_shoulder_tip_half_b"); // F10
const QString acrossBackHalfB_M = QStringLiteral("across_back_half_b"); // F11
const QString neckFrontToShoulderTipF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_front_to_shoulder_tip_f"); // F12
const QString neckBackToShoulderTipB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_back_to_shoulder_tip_b"); // F13
const QString neckWidth_M = QStringLiteral("neck_width"); // F14
@ -178,18 +178,19 @@ const QString bustpointToBustpointHalter_M = QStringLiteral("bustpoint_to_bustpo
const QString bustpointToShoulderTip_M = QStringLiteral("bustpoint_to_shoulder_tip"); // G07
const QString bustpointToWaistFront_M = QStringLiteral("bustpoint_to_waist_front"); // G08
// H
const QString shoulderTipToWaistFront_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_waist_front"); // H01
const QString neckFrontToWaistSide_M = QStringLiteral("neck_front_to_waist_side"); // H02
const QString neckSideToWaistSideF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_waist_side_f"); // H03
const QString neckSideToArmfoldF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armfold_f"); // H04
const QString neckSideToArmpitF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armpit_f"); // H05
const QString neckSideToBustSideF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_bust_side_f"); // H06
const QString shoulderTipToWaistBack_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_waist_back"); // H07
const QString neckBackToWaistSide_M = QStringLiteral("neck_back_to_waist_side"); // H08
const QString neckSideToWaistSideB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_waist_side_b"); // H09
const QString neckSideToArmfoldB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armfold_b"); // H10
const QString neckSideToArmpitB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armpit_b"); // H11
const QString neckSideToBustSideB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_bust_side_b"); // H12
const QString shoulderTipToWaistFront_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_waist_front"); // H01
const QString neckFrontToWaistSide_M = QStringLiteral("neck_front_to_waist_side"); // H02
const QString neckSideToWaistSideF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_waist_side_f"); // H03
const QString neckSideToArmfoldF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armfold_f"); // H04
const QString neckSideToArmpitF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armpit_f"); // H05
const QString neckSideToBustSideF_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_bust_side_f"); // H06
const QString shoulderTipToWaistBack_M = QStringLiteral("shoulder_tip_to_waist_back"); // H07
const QString neckBackToWaistSide_M = QStringLiteral("neck_back_to_waist_side"); // H08
const QString neckSideToWaistSideB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_waist_side_b"); // H09
const QString neckSideToArmfoldB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armfold_b"); // H10
const QString neckSideToArmpitB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_armpit_b"); // H11
const QString neckSideToBustSideB_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_bust_side_b"); // H12
const QString shoulderTipToWaistB_1inOffset_M = QStringLiteral("neck_side_to_bust_side_b"); // H13
// I
const QString armShoulderTipToWristBent_M = QStringLiteral("arm_shoulder_tip_to_wrist_bent"); // I01
const QString armShoulderTipToElbowBent_M = QStringLiteral(" arm_shoulder_tip_to_elbow_bent"); // I02
@ -351,18 +351,19 @@ extern const QString bustpointToBustpointHalter_M; // G06
extern const QString bustpointToShoulderTip_M; // G07
extern const QString bustpointToWaistFront_M; // G08
// H
extern const QString shoulderTipToWaistFront_M; // H01
extern const QString neckFrontToWaistSide_M; // H02
extern const QString neckSideToWaistSideF_M; // H03
extern const QString neckSideToArmfoldF_M; // H04
extern const QString neckSideToArmpitF_M; // H05
extern const QString neckSideToBustSideF_M; // H06
extern const QString shoulderTipToWaistBack_M; // H07
extern const QString neckBackToWaistSide_M; // H08
extern const QString neckSideToWaistSideB_M; // H09
extern const QString neckSideToArmfoldB_M; // H10
extern const QString neckSideToArmpitB_M; // H11
extern const QString neckSideToBustSideB_M; // H12
extern const QString shoulderTipToWaistFront_M; // H01
extern const QString neckFrontToWaistSide_M; // H02
extern const QString neckSideToWaistSideF_M; // H03
extern const QString neckSideToArmfoldF_M; // H04
extern const QString neckSideToArmpitF_M; // H05
extern const QString neckSideToBustSideF_M; // H06
extern const QString shoulderTipToWaistBack_M; // H07
extern const QString neckBackToWaistSide_M; // H08
extern const QString neckSideToWaistSideB_M; // H09
extern const QString neckSideToArmfoldB_M; // H10
extern const QString neckSideToArmpitB_M; // H11
extern const QString neckSideToBustSideB_M; // H12
extern const QString shoulderTipToWaistB_1inOffset_M; // H13
// I
extern const QString armShoulderTipToWristBent_M; // I01
extern const QString armShoulderTipToElbowBent_M; // I02
@ -1200,74 +1200,92 @@ void VTranslateMeasurements::InitGroupH()
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "shoulder_tip_to_waist_front",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Shoulder Tip to Waist Front", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Shoulder Tip to Waist Front", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Shoulder Tip to Waist Front", "Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(shoulderTipToWaistFront_M, m, g, d, "H01");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_front_to_waist_side",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Front to Waist Side", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Front to Waist Side", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Front to Waist Side, across front",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckFrontToWaistSide_M, m, g, d, "H02");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_waist_side_f",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Waist Side (front)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Waist Side (front)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Side to Waist Side, across front",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToWaistSideF_M, m, g, d, "H03");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_armfold_f",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armfold (front)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armfold (front)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Side to Armfold front", "Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToArmfoldF_M, m, g, d, "H04");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_armpit_f",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armpit (front)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armpit (front)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Side to Highbust Side (Armpit), across front",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToArmpitF_M, m, g, d, "H05");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_bust_side_f",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Bust Side (front)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Bust Side (front)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Bust Side, across front",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToBustSideF_M, m, g, d, "H06");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "shoulder_tip_to_waist_back",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Shoulder Tip to Waist Back", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Shoulder Tip to Waist Back", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Shoulder Tip to Waist Back, across back",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(shoulderTipToWaistBack_M, m, g, d, "H07");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_back_to_waist_side",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Back to Waist Side", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Back to Waist Side", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Back to Waist Side, across back",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckBackToWaistSide_M, m, g, d, "H08");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_waist_side_b",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Waist Side (back)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Waist Side (back)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Side to Waist Side, across back",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToWaistSideB_M, m, g, d, "H09");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_armfold_b",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armfold (back)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armfold (back)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "From Neck Side to Armfold back", "Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToArmfoldB_M, m, g, d, "H10");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_armpit_b",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armpit (back)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Armpit (back)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Highbust Side (Armpit), across back",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToArmpitB_M, m, g, d, "H11");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "neck_side_to_bust_side_b",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Bust Side (back)", "Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Bust Side (back)", "Full measurement description.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Neck Side to Bust Side, across back",
"Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(neckSideToBustSideB_M, m, g, d, "H12");
m = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "shoulder_tip_to_waist_b_1in_offset",
"Name in a formula. Don't use math symbols and space in name!!!!");
g = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Shoulder Tip to Waist Back, with 1in (2.54cm) offset",
"Full measurement name.");
d = QmuTranslation::translate("Measurements", "Mark 1in (2.54cm) from Waist Back along waistline. Measure "
"from Shoulder Tip to mark.", "Full measurement description.");
InitMeasurement(shoulderTipToWaistB_1inOffset_M, m, g, d, "H13");
Reference in New Issue
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