The path to output destination folder. By default the directory at which the application was started. The path must exists and be reachable for the program.
.RB"<Time> in minutes given for the algorithm to find best layout (""export mode""). Time must be in range from 1 minute to 60 minutes. Default value 1 minute."
.RB"Set layout efficiency coefficient (""export mode""). Layout efficiency coefficient is the ratio of the area occupied by the pieces to the bounding rect of all pieces. If nesting reaches required level the process stops. If value is 0 no check will be made. Coefficient must be in range from 0 to 100. Default value 0."
.RB"Use this option to override user material defined in pattern. The value must be in form <number>@<user matrial name>. The number should be in range from 1 to 20. For example, 1@Fabric2. The key can be used multiple times. Has no effect in GUI mode."
.RB"Page left margin in current units like 3.0 (""export mode""). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found."
.RB"Page right margin in current units like 3.0 (""export mode""). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found."
.RB"Page bottom margin in current units like 3.0 (""export mode""). If not set will be used value from default printer. Or 0 if none printers was found."
.RB"Save length of the sheet if set (""export mode""). The option tells the program to use as much as possible width of sheet. Quality of a layout can be worse when this option was used."
.IP"-l, --layounits <The unit>"
.RB"Layout units (as paper's one except px, ""export mode"")."
.IP"-G, --gapwidth <The gap width>"
.RB"The layout gap width x2, measured in layout units (""export mode""). Set distance between details and a detail and a sheet."
.RB"Run the program in a test mode. The program in this mode loads a single pattern file and silently quit without showing the main window. The key have priority before key \*(lqbasename\*(rq."
.RB"Make all parsing warnings into errors. Have effect only in console mode. Use to force Valentina to immediately terminate if a pattern contains a parsing warning."
.RB"Disable high dpi scaling. Call this option if has problem with scaling (by default scaling enabled). Alternatively you can use the QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 environment variable."
.RB"Export to csv with header. By default disabled."
.IP"--csvCodec <Codec name>"
.RB"Specify codec that will be used to save data. List of supported codecs provided by Qt. Default value depend from system. On Windows, the codec will be based on a system locale. On Unix systems, the codec will might fall back to using the iconv library if no builtin codec for the locale can be found. Valid values usually these:"
.BR"*"" US-ASCII,"
.BR"*"" US-ASCII,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-1,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-2,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-3,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-4,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-5,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-6,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-7,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-8,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-9,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-10,"
.BR"*"" ISO-2022-JP-1,"
.BR"*"" Shift_JIS,"
.BR"*"" EUC-JP,"
.BR"*"" US-ASCII,"
.BR"*"" windows-949,"
.BR"*"" ISO-2022-KR,"
.BR"*"" windows-949,"
.BR"*"" ISO-2022-JP,"
.BR"*"" ISO-2022-JP-2,"
.BR"*"" GBK,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-6,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-6,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-8,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-8,"
.BR"*"" ISO-2022-CN,"
.BR"*"" ISO-2022-CN-EXT,"
.BR"*"" UTF-8,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-13,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-14,"
.BR"*"" ISO-8859-15,"
.BR"*"" GBK,"
.BR"*"" GB18030,"
.BR"*"" UTF-16,"
.BR"*"" UTF-32,"
.BR"*"" SCSU,"
.BR"*"" UTF-7,"
.BR"*"" UTF-16BE,"
.BR"*"" UTF-16LE,"
.BR"*"" UTF-16,"
.BR"*"" CESU-8,"
.BR"*"" UTF-32,"
.BR"*"" UTF-32BE,"
.BR"*"" UTF-32LE,"
.BR"*"" BOCU-1,"
.BR"*"" hp-roman8,"
.BR"*"" Adobe-Standard-Encoding,"
.BR"*"" IBM850,"
.BR"*"" IBM862,"
.BR"*"" IBM-Thai,"
.BR"*"" Shift_JIS,"
.BR"*"" GBK,"
.BR"*"" Big5,"
.BR"*"" macintosh,"
.BR"*"" IBM037,"
.BR"*"" IBM273,"
.BR"*"" IBM277,"
.BR"*"" IBM278,"
.BR"*"" IBM280,"
.BR"*"" IBM284,"
.BR"*"" IBM285,"
.BR"*"" IBM290,"
.BR"*"" IBM297,"
.BR"*"" IBM420,"
.BR"*"" IBM424,"
.BR"*"" IBM437,"
.BR"*"" IBM500,"
.BR"*"" cp851,"
.BR"*"" IBM852,"
.BR"*"" IBM855,"
.BR"*"" IBM857,"
.BR"*"" IBM860,"
.BR"*"" IBM861,"
.BR"*"" IBM863,"
.BR"*"" IBM864,"
.BR"*"" IBM865,"
.BR"*"" IBM868,"
.BR"*"" IBM869,"
.BR"*"" IBM870,"
.BR"*"" IBM871,"
.BR"*"" IBM918,"
.BR"*"" IBM1026,"
.BR"*"" KOI8-R,"
.BR"*"" HZ-GB-2312,"
.BR"*"" IBM866,"
.BR"*"" IBM775,"
.BR"*"" KOI8-U,"
.BR"*"" IBM00858,"
.BR"*"" IBM01140,"
.BR"*"" IBM01141,"
.BR"*"" IBM01142,"
.BR"*"" IBM01143,"
.BR"*"" IBM01144,"
.BR"*"" IBM01145,"
.BR"*"" IBM01146,"
.BR"*"" IBM01147,"
.BR"*"" IBM01148,"
.BR"*"" IBM01149,"
.BR"*"" Big5-HKSCS,"
.BR"*"" IBM1047,"
.BR"*"" windows-1250,"
.BR"*"" windows-1251,"
.BR"*"" windows-1252,"
.BR"*"" windows-1253,"
.BR"*"" windows-1254,"
.BR"*"" windows-1255,"
.BR"*"" windows-1256,"
.BR"*"" windows-1257,"
.BR"*"" windows-1258,"
.BR"*"" TIS-620,"
.BR"*"" TSCII."
.IP"--csvSeparator <Separator character>"
.RB"Specify csv separator character. Default value is ','. Valid characters:"
.BR"*"" 'Tab',"
.BR"*"" ';',"
.BR"*"" 'Space',"
.BR"*"" ','."
.IP"--csvExportFM <Path to csv file>"
.RB"Calling this command enable exporting final measurements. Specify path to csv file with final measurements. The path must contain path to directory and name of file. It can be absolute or relatetive. In case of relative path will be used current working directory to calc a destination path."