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** @file vcontainer.h
** @author Roman Telezhinsky <>
** @date November 15, 2013
** @brief
** @copyright
** This source code is part of the Valentine project, a pattern making
** program, whose allow create and modeling patterns of clothing.
** Copyright (C) 2013 Valentina project
** <> All Rights Reserved.
** Valentina is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Valentina is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with Valentina. If not, see <>.
2013-07-13 12:51:31 +02:00
#include "vstandardtablerow.h"
2013-07-17 13:38:11 +02:00
#include "vincrementtablerow.h"
#include "../geometry/varc.h"
#include "../geometry/vsplinepath.h"
#include "../geometry/vdetail.h"
#include "../widgets/vitem.h"
#include "../geometry/vgobject.h"
#include "../exception/vexceptionbadid.h"
2013-07-13 12:51:31 +02:00
2013-08-05 10:37:56 +02:00
* @brief The VContainer class container of all variables.
2013-08-05 10:37:56 +02:00
class VContainer
2013-07-13 12:51:31 +02:00
* @brief VContainer create empty container
* @brief operator = copy constructor
* @param data container
* @return copy container
VContainer &operator=(const VContainer &data);
* @brief VContainer create container from another container
* @param data container
VContainer(const VContainer &data);
template <typename T>
void CopyGObject(const VContainer &data, const quint32 &id)
T *obj = new T(*data.GeometricObject<const T *>(id));
UpdateGObject(id, obj);
* @brief setData copy data from container
* @param data container
void setData(const VContainer &data);
template <typename T>
const T GeometricObject(const quint32 &id) const
VGObject *gObj = nullptr;
if (gObjects.contains(id))
gObj = gObjects.value(id);
throw VExceptionBadId(tr("Can't find object"), id);
return nullptr;
T obj = dynamic_cast<T>(gObj);
return obj;
catch(const std::bad_alloc &)
throw VExceptionBadId(tr("Can't cast object"), id);
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
2013-08-05 10:37:56 +02:00
* @brief GetGObject returns a point by id
* @param id id of point
* @return point
const VGObject *GetGObject(quint32 id) const;
* @brief GetStandardTableCell return standard table row by name
* @param name name of standard table row
* @return row of standard table
2013-08-05 10:37:56 +02:00
const VStandardTableRow GetStandardTableCell(const QString& name) const;
* @brief GetIncrementTableRow return increment table row by name
* @param name name of increment table row
* @return row of increment table
const VIncrementTableRow GetIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const;
* @brief GetLine return length of line by name
* @param name name of line
* @return length of line in mm
qreal GetLine(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetLengthArc return length of arc by name
* @param name name of arc
* @return length of arc in mm
qreal GetLengthArc(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetLengthSpline return length of spline by name
* @param name name of spline
* @return length of spline in mm
qreal GetLengthSpline(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetLineAngle return angle of line
* @param name name of line angle
* @return angle in degree
qreal GetLineAngle(const QString &name) const;
* @brief GetDetail return detail by id
* @param id id of detail
* @return detail
const VDetail GetDetail(quint32 id) const;
* @brief getId return current id
* @return current id
static quint32 getId() {return _id;}
* @brief AddPoint add new point to container
* @param point new point
* @return return id of new point in container
quint32 AddGObject(VGObject *obj);
* @brief AddDetail add new detail to container
* @param detail new detail
* @return return id of new detail in container
quint32 AddDetail(VDetail detail);
* @brief AddStandardTableCell add new row of standard table
* @param name name of row of standard table
* @param cell row of standard table
void AddStandardTableCell(const QString& name, const VStandardTableRow &cell);
* @brief AddIncrementTableRow add new row of increment table
* @param name name of new row of increment table
* @param row new row of increment table
void AddIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, VIncrementTableRow row);
* @brief AddLengthLine add length of line to container
* @param name name of line
* @param value length of line
void AddLengthLine(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLengthSpline add length of spline to container
* @param name name of spline
* @param value length of spline
void AddLengthSpline(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLengthArc add length of arc to container
* @param id id of arc
void AddLengthArc(const quint32 &id);
* @brief AddLineAngle add angle of line to container
* @param name name of line angle
* @param value angle in degree
void AddLineAngle(const QString &name, const qreal &value);
* @brief AddLine add line to container
* @param firstPointId id of first point of line
* @param secondPointId id of second point of line
* @param mode mode of line
void AddLine(const quint32 &firstPointId, const quint32 &secondPointId);
* @brief GetNameLine return name of line
* @param firstPoint id of first point of line
* @param secondPoint id of second point of line
* @return name of line
// cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
QString GetNameLine(const quint32 &firstPoint, const quint32 &secondPoint) const;
* @brief GetNameLineAngle return name of line angle
* @param firstPoint id of first point of line
* @param secondPoint id of second point of line
* @return name of angle of line
// cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
QString GetNameLineAngle(const quint32 &firstPoint, const quint32 &secondPoint) const;
* @brief UpdatePoint update point by id
* @param id id of existing point
* @param point point
void UpdateGObject(quint32 id, VGObject* obj);
* @brief UpdateDetail update detail by id
* @param id id of existing detail
* @param detail detail
void UpdateDetail(quint32 id, const VDetail &detail);
* @brief UpdateStandardTableCell update standard table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @param cell row of standard table
void UpdateStandardTableCell(const QString& name, VStandardTableRow cell);
* @brief UpdateIncrementTableRow update increment table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @param row row
void UpdateIncrementTableRow(const QString& name, VIncrementTableRow row);
* @brief GetValueStandardTableCell return value of standard table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @return value in mm
qreal GetValueStandardTableCell(const QString& name) const;
* @brief GetValueIncrementTableRow return value of increment table row by name
* @param name name of row
* @return value of row in mm
qreal GetValueIncrementTableRow(const QString& name) const;
* @brief Clear clear data in container. Id will be 0.
void Clear();
* @brief ClearObject points, splines, arcs, spline paths will be cleared.
void ClearGObjects();
void ClearCalculationGObjects();
* @brief ClearIncrementTable clear increment table
void ClearIncrementTable();
* @brief ClearLengthLines clear length lines
void ClearLengthLines();
* @brief ClearLengthSplines clear length splines
void ClearLengthSplines();
* @brief ClearLengthArcs clear length arcs
void ClearLengthArcs();
* @brief ClearLineAngles clear angles of lines
void ClearLineAngles();
void ClearDetails();
* @brief SetSize set value of size
* @param size value of size in mm
void SetSize(qint32 size);
* @brief SetGrowth set value of growth
* @param growth value of growth in mm
void SetGrowth(qint32 growth);
* @brief size return size
* @return size in mm
qint32 size() const;
* @brief growth return growth
* @return growth in mm
qint32 growth() const;
* @brief FindVar return value of variable by name
* @param name name of variable
* @param ok false if can't find variable
* @return value of variable
qreal FindVar(const QString& name, bool *ok)const;
* @brief IncrementTableContains check if increment table contains name
* @param name name of row
* @return true if contains
bool IncrementTableContains(const QString& name);
* @brief getNextId generate next unique id
* @return next unique id
static quint32 getNextId();
* @brief RemoveIncrementTableRow remove row by name from increment table
* @param name name of existing row
void RemoveIncrementTableRow(const QString& name);
* @brief data container with datagObjects return container of gObjects
* @return pointer on container of gObjects
const QHash<quint32, VGObject*> *DataGObjects() const;
* @brief data container with dataBase return container of data
* @return pointer on container of base data
const QHash<QString, qint32> *DataBase() const;
* @brief data container with dataStandardTable return container of standard table
* @return pointer on container of standard table
const QHash<QString, VStandardTableRow> *DataStandardTable() const;
* @brief data container with dataIncrementTable return container of increment table
* @return pointer on container of increment table
const QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> *DataIncrementTable() const;
* @brief data container with dataLengthLines return container of lines lengths
* @return pointer on container of lines lengths
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthLines() const;
* @brief data container with dataLengthSplines return container of splines lengths
* @return pointer on container of splines lengths
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthSplines() const;
* @brief data container with dataLengthArcs return container of arcs length
* @return pointer on container of arcs length
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLengthArcs() const;
* @brief data container with dataLineAngles return container of angles of line
* @return pointer on container of angles of line
const QHash<QString, qreal> *DataLineAngles() const;
* @brief data container with dataDetails return container of details
* @return pointer on container of details
const QHash<quint32, VDetail> *DataDetails() const;
* @brief UpdateId update id. If new id bigger when current save new like current.
* @param newId id
static void UpdateId(quint32 newId);
* @brief CreateManTableIGroup generate man standard table of measurements
void CreateManTableIGroup ();
2013-07-13 12:51:31 +02:00
* @brief _id current id. New object will have value +1. For empty class equal 0.
static quint32 _id;
* @brief base container of base data (size and growth)
QHash<QString, qint32> base;
* @brief gObjects graphicals objects of pattern.
QHash<quint32, VGObject*> gObjects;
* @brief standardTable container of standard table rows
QHash<QString, VStandardTableRow> standardTable;
* @brief incrementTable
QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> incrementTable;
* @brief lengthLines container of lines lengths
2013-10-27 11:22:44 +01:00
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthLines;
* @brief lineAngles container of angles of lines
2013-10-27 11:22:44 +01:00
QHash<QString, qreal> lineAngles;
* @brief lengthSplines container of splines length
2013-10-27 11:22:44 +01:00
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthSplines;
* @brief lengthArcs container of arcs length
2013-10-27 11:22:44 +01:00
QHash<QString, qreal> lengthArcs;
* @brief details container of details
QHash<quint32, VDetail> details;
template <typename key, typename val>
* @brief GetObject return object from container
* @param obj container
* @param id id of object
* @return Object
// cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
const val GetObject(const QHash<key, val> &obj, key id) const;
template <typename key, typename val>
* @brief GetObject return object from container
* @param obj container
* @param id id of object
* @return Object
// cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
val GetVariable(const QHash<key, val> &obj, key id) const;
template <typename val>
* @brief UpdateObject update object in container
* @param obj container
* @param id id of existing object
* @param point object
void UpdateObject(QHash<quint32, val > &obj, const quint32 &id, val point);
template <typename key, typename val>
* @brief AddObject add object to container
* @param obj container
* @param value object
* @return id of object in container
static quint32 AddObject(QHash<key, val> &obj, val value);
2013-07-13 12:51:31 +02:00
inline void VContainer::AddStandardTableCell(const QString &name, const VStandardTableRow &cell)
standardTable[name] = cell;
inline void VContainer::UpdateStandardTableCell(const QString &name, VStandardTableRow cell)
standardTable[name] = cell;
inline void VContainer::UpdateIncrementTableRow(const QString &name, VIncrementTableRow row)
incrementTable[name] = row;
inline void VContainer::ClearIncrementTable()
inline void VContainer::ClearLengthLines()
inline void VContainer::ClearLengthSplines()
inline void VContainer::ClearLengthArcs()
inline void VContainer::ClearLineAngles()
inline void VContainer::ClearDetails()
inline void VContainer::SetSize(qint32 size)
base["Сг"] = size;
inline void VContainer::SetGrowth(qint32 growth)
base["Р"] = growth;
inline qint32 VContainer::size() const
return base.value("Сг");
inline qint32 VContainer::growth() const
return base.value("Р");
inline bool VContainer::IncrementTableContains(const QString &name)
return incrementTable.contains(name);
inline void VContainer::RemoveIncrementTableRow(const QString &name)
inline const QHash<quint32, VGObject *> *VContainer::DataGObjects() const
return &gObjects;
inline const QHash<QString, qint32> *VContainer::DataBase() const
return &base;
inline const QHash<QString, VStandardTableRow> *VContainer::DataStandardTable() const
return &standardTable;
inline const QHash<QString, VIncrementTableRow> *VContainer::DataIncrementTable() const
return &incrementTable;
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *VContainer::DataLengthLines() const
return &lengthLines;
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *VContainer::DataLengthSplines() const
return &lengthSplines;
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *VContainer::DataLengthArcs() const
return &lengthArcs;
inline const QHash<QString, qreal> *VContainer::DataLineAngles() const
return &lineAngles;
inline const QHash<quint32, VDetail> *VContainer::DataDetails() const
return &details;
2013-07-13 12:51:31 +02:00
#endif // VCONTAINER_H