swill ======== swill is a Mastodon command line interface. You can find releases on [releases.gutmet.org](https://releases.gutmet.org) or build it yourself. build ----- Check out the repository and compile with ``` go build -o swill ``` usage ----- To update your status with text of any length and any number of JPGs, PNGs, GIFs, MP4s: ``` swill status STATUS [FILE1 FILE2 ...] ``` To get the timeline of a specific user: ``` swill timeline USERNAME ``` On first use, swill will ask you to register a new app and create an access token. Those values will be stored in HOME/.swill/ for later use. swill will automatically split large status messages and multiple files into separate statuses belonging to the same thread. Each command can use a go text template to format the printed results - pass a file name to '--template'. The template is executed with a slice of []*mastodon.Status. See go-mastodon for available data fields. final note ---------- swill does not sanitize/validate user input for now. final final note ---------------- If you want to buy me a beer, just send inconspicuous envelopes.