Now we can only append Surf version to the default WebKit user agent instead of setting the whole string (while this remains possible to do).
144 lines
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144 lines
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/* modifier 0 means no modifier */
static int surfuseragent = 1; /* Append Surf version to default WebKit user agent */
static char *fulluseragent = ""; /* Or override the whole user agent string */
static char *scriptfile = "~/.surf/script.js";
static char *styledir = "~/.surf/styles/";
static char *cachedir = "~/.surf/cache/";
static Bool kioskmode = FALSE; /* Ignore shortcuts */
static Bool showindicators = TRUE; /* Show indicators in window title */
static Bool runinfullscreen = FALSE; /* Run in fullscreen mode by default */
static guint defaultfontsize = 12; /* Default font size */
static gfloat zoomlevel = 1.0; /* Default zoom level */
/* Soup default features */
static char *cookiefile = "~/.surf/cookies.txt";
static char *cookiepolicies = "Aa@"; /* A: accept all; a: accept nothing,
* @: accept no third party */
static Bool strictssl = FALSE; /* Refuse untrusted SSL connections */
/* Webkit default features */
static Bool enablescrollbars = TRUE;
static Bool enablecaretbrowsing = TRUE;
static Bool enablecache = TRUE;
static Bool enableplugins = TRUE;
static Bool enablescripts = TRUE;
static Bool enableinspector = TRUE;
static Bool enablestyle = TRUE;
static Bool loadimages = TRUE;
static Bool hidebackground = FALSE;
static Bool allowgeolocation = TRUE;
static Bool enablednsprefetching = FALSE;
static Bool enableframeflattening = FALSE;
static WebKitFindOptions findopts = WEBKIT_FIND_OPTIONS_CASE_INSENSITIVE |
#define SETPROP(p, q) { \
.v = (const char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \
"prop=\"`xprop -id $2 $0 " \
"| sed \"s/^$0(STRING) = \\(\\\\\"\\?\\)\\(.*\\)\\1$/\\2/\" " \
"| xargs -0 printf %b | dmenu`\" &&" \
"xprop -id $2 -f $1 8s -set $1 \"$prop\"", \
p, q, winid, NULL \
} \
/* DOWNLOAD(URI, referer) */
#define DOWNLOAD(d, r) { \
.v = (const char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \
"st -e /bin/sh -c \"curl -L -J -O --user-agent '$1'" \
" --referer '$2' -b $3 -c $3 '$0';" \
" sleep 5;\"", \
d, useragent, r, cookiefile, NULL \
} \
/* PLUMB(URI) */
/* This called when some URI which does not begin with "about:",
* "http://" or "https://" should be opened.
#define PLUMB(u) {\
.v = (const char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \
"xdg-open \"$0\"", u, NULL \
} \
/* styles */
* The iteration will stop at the first match, beginning at the beginning of
* the list.
static SiteStyle styles[] = {
/* regexp file in $styledir */
{ ".*", "default.css" },
/* hotkeys */
* If you use anything else but MODKEY and GDK_SHIFT_MASK, don't forget to
* edit the CLEANMASK() macro.
static Key keys[] = {
/* modifier keyval function arg */
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_r, reload, { .b = TRUE } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_r, reload, { .b = FALSE } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_p, print, { 0 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_p, clipboard, { .b = TRUE } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_y, clipboard, { .b = FALSE } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_j, zoom, { .i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_k, zoom, { .i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_q, zoom, { .i = 0 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_minus, zoom, { .i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_plus, zoom, { .i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_l, navigate, { .i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_h, navigate, { .i = -1 } },
/* in page % */
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_j, scroll_v, { .i = +10 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_k, scroll_v, { .i = -10 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_b, scroll_v, { .i = -50 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_space, scroll_v, { .i = +50 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_i, scroll_h, { .i = +10 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_u, scroll_h, { .i = -10 } },
{ 0, GDK_KEY_F11, togglefullscreen, { 0 } },
{ 0, GDK_KEY_Escape, stop, { 0 } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_o, toggleinspector, { 0 } },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_slash, spawn, SETPROP("_SURF_FIND", "_SURF_FIND") },
{ MODKEY, GDK_KEY_n, find, { .i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_n, find, { .i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_c, toggle, { .i = CaretBrowsing } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_f, toggle, { .i = FrameFlattening } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_g, toggle, { .i = Geolocation } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_s, toggle, { .i = JavaScript } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_i, toggle, { .i = LoadImages } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_v, toggle, { .i = Plugins } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_b, toggle, { .i = ScrollBars } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_a, togglecookiepolicy, { 0 } },
{ MODKEY|GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_m, togglestyle, { 0 } },
/* button definitions */
/* target can be OnDoc, OnLink, OnImg, OnMedia, OnEdit, OnBar, OnSel, OnAny */
static Button buttons[] = {
/* target event mask button function argument stop event */
{ OnLink, 0, 2, clicknewwindow, { .b = 0 }, 1 },
{ OnLink, MODKEY, 2, clicknewwindow, { .b = 1 }, 1 },
{ OnLink, MODKEY, 1, clicknewwindow, { .b = 1 }, 1 },
{ OnAny, 0, 8, clicknavigate, { .i = -1 }, 1 },
{ OnAny, 0, 9, clicknavigate, { .i = +1 }, 1 },