#include #include #include #define __DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__ #include #include #include "main.h" #include "lib/usart.h" #include "lib/bughal.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/music.h" //operartion modes #define MODE0 0 #define MODE1 1 #define MODE2 2 #define MODE3 3 #define NUM_MODES 4 uint8_t OpMode = 0; //Operation mode bool ModeChanged = true; void modeswitch_poll(void){ if (btn_state(BTNST_LUP,BTN_LEFT)){ //opmode - OpMode = (0 == OpMode) ? (NUM_MODES-1) : (OpMode-1); ModeChanged = true; button_clear(BTN_LEFT); }; if (btn_state(BTNST_LUP,BTN_RIGHT)){ //opmode + ModeChanged = true; OpMode = ((NUM_MODES-1) == OpMode) ? 0 : (OpMode+1); button_clear(BTN_RIGHT); }; return; }; void do_mode0(void){ uint8_t max = 255; uint8_t min = 10; static timer_t mytimer; static bool blink; if (ModeChanged){ music_setNote(NOTE_PAUSE,0); ModeChanged = false; timer_set(&mytimer, 10); blink = false; }; if(timer_expired(&mytimer)){ if (!blink) { //lets blink int i = (rand() % 3); switch(i) { case 0 : led_on(LED_L); break; case 1 : led_on(LED_R); break; default : led_on(LED_L|LED_R); }; music_setNote(NOTE_C,5); timer_set(&mytimer, 2); blink=true; } else { //stop blink led_off(LED_L|LED_R); music_setNote(NOTE_PAUSE,0); timer_set(&mytimer, (rand() % (max-min)) + min); blink=false; } } //end if timer_expired }; void do_mode1(void){ static uint16_t tone; if (ModeChanged){ ModeChanged = false; tone = 1000; music_setNote(tone,0); led_off(LED_L|LED_R); }; if (btn_state(BTNST_SUP,BTN_LEFT)) { button_clear(BTN_LEFT); tone += 10; music_setNote(tone,0); }; if (btn_state(BTNST_SUP,BTN_RIGHT)) { button_clear(BTN_RIGHT); tone -= 10; music_setNote(tone,0); }; }; void do_mode2(void){ if (ModeChanged){ ModeChanged = false; music_setNote(NOTE_C,3); //mute led_off(LED_L); led_on(LED_R); }; }; void do_mode3(void){ if (ModeChanged){ ModeChanged = false; music_setNote(NOTE_C,4); //mute led_on(LED_L|LED_R); }; }; void __attribute__((noreturn)) main(void) { /* hardware initialisation: */ init_leds(); init_buzzr(); init_switch(); USART0_Init(); init_motor(); /* software initialisation */ timer_init(); music_init(); /* here the show begins:*/ sei(); timer_t t; uint8_t ledstate_l =0; uint8_t ledstate_r =0; uint8_t motorstate =0; timer_set(&t, 100); for(;;) /* ever */ { //do something //main polling loop; button_poll(); modeswitch_poll(); switch(OpMode){ case MODE1 : do_mode1(); break; case MODE2 : do_mode2(); break; case MODE3 : do_mode3(); break; default : do_mode0(); } /* if (timer_expired(&t)){ //while left button is pressed switch left led on if (btn_state(BTNST_SDN,BTN_LEFT)|btn_state(BTNST_LDN,BTN_LEFT)){ led_on(LED_L); } else { led_off(LED_L); }; if (btn_state(BTNST_SUP,BTN_LEFT)){ music_setNote(NOTE_PAUSE,0); //mute button_clear(BTN_LEFT); }; //when right button has been pressed short, toggle right led if (btn_state(BTNST_SUP,BTN_RIGHT)){ if (ledstate_r ==0){ ledstate_r = 1; led_on(LED_R); } else { ledstate_r = 0; led_off(LED_R); }; music_setNote(500,0); //50Hz sound button_clear(BTN_RIGHT); //this is important, to show the event has been processed }; //when right button has been pressed long, toggle motor if (btn_state(BTNST_LUP,BTN_RIGHT)){ if (motorstate ==0){ motorstate = 1; set_motor(MOTOR_ON); } else { motorstate = 0; set_motor(MOTOR_OFF); }; music_setNote(NOTE_B,5); //1000Hz sound button_clear(BTN_RIGHT); //this is important, to show the event has been processed }; timer_set(&t, 5); }; //end if timer expired //USART0_put_uint16(0xA09F); //USART0_crlf(); */ } /* never return 0; */ }