#include <inttypes.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #define __DELAY_BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE__ #include <util/delay.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "main.h" #define ever (;;) /* awesomnes++ */ #include "lib/usart.h" #include "lib/bughal.h" #include "lib/util.h" #include "lib/music.h" #include "lib/apps.h" mode_fun mode_funs[MAX_FUNS] = { NULL }; uint8_t mode_num = 0; /*specialmodes, not in normal mode loop*/ #define MODE_PWDN mode_num //go to sleep uint8_t OpMode = 0; uint8_t NextMode = 0; uint8_t mode_uninitialized = true; uint8_t mode_last_tick = false; /*check if mode should be changed (one of the buttons long pressed)*/ void modeswitch_poll(void) { if (btn_state(BTNST_LUP, BTN_LEFT)) { //opmode -- NextMode = OpMode <= 0 ? mode_num - 1 : OpMode - 1; button_clear(BTN_LEFT); } if (btn_state(BTNST_LUP, BTN_RIGHT)) { //opmode ++ NextMode = (OpMode +1) % mode_num; button_clear(BTN_RIGHT); } if ( btn_state(BTNST_LDN, BTN_RIGHT) && btn_state(BTNST_LDN, BTN_LEFT) ) { NextMode = MODE_PWDN; } return; } void do_powerDown(void) { static timer_t mytimer; static uint8_t pwdn_state; static bool ledRon; uint8_t oldreg; if (mode_uninitialized) { mode_uninitialized = false; pwdn_state = 0; timer_set(&mytimer, 5); set_motor(MOTOR_OFF); ledRon = true; }; if (timer_expired(&mytimer)) { switch (pwdn_state) { case 0: if (ledRon) { led_on(LED_L); led_off(LED_R); } else { led_off(LED_L); led_on(LED_R); }; ledRon = !ledRon; timer_set(&mytimer, 6); if ((btn_state(BTNST_SUP, BTN_RIGHT) || btn_state(BTNST_LUP, BTN_RIGHT)) && (btn_state(BTNST_SUP, BTN_LEFT) || btn_state(BTNST_LUP, BTN_LEFT))) { //both buttons released led_off(LED_L | LED_R); pwdn_state = 1; timer_set(&mytimer, 10); } break; case 1: music_setNote(NOTE_A, 4); timer_set(&mytimer, 10); pwdn_state++; break; case 2: music_setNote(NOTE_F, 4); timer_set(&mytimer, 5); pwdn_state++; break; case 3: music_setNote(NOTE_D, 3); timer_set(&mytimer, 15); pwdn_state++; break; case 4: music_setNote(NOTE_PAUSE, 4); timer_set(&mytimer, 1); pwdn_state++; break; case 5: //now we can really power down // lets switch everything off oldreg = PCMSK2; PCIFR = 0; PCICR |= (1<<PCIE2); PCMSK2 |= 3; //PCINT16 PCINT17 set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); sleep_enable(); sei(); sleep_cpu(); PCICR &= ~(1<<PCIE2); sleep_disable(); PCMSK2 = oldreg; NextMode = 0; break; default: break; } //end switch } //end timer expired } // end do_powerDown ISR(PCINT2_vect){ ; } void __attribute__ ((noreturn)) main(void) { /* hardware initialisation: */ init_leds(); init_buzzr(); init_switch(); USART0_Init(); init_motor(); /* software initialisation */ timer_init(); music_init(); /* here the show begins: */ sei(); for ever { //main polling loop; button_poll(); if(OpMode < mode_num) { modeswitch_poll(); } if (OpMode != NextMode){ mode_last_tick = true; } if(OpMode < mode_num) { mode_funs[OpMode](); } else { do_powerDown(); } if (OpMode != NextMode){ mode_last_tick = false; mode_uninitialized = true; OpMode = NextMode; } } }