LaymansHex ========== LaymansHex takes a (partial) file description and allows tinkering with the values in a binary file. It thus serves as a sort of layman's hex editor. File description format ----------------------- In EBNF: ``` description = { comment } endianness definition { definition } . comment = '#' { LETTER | DIGIT } '\n'. endianness = ("little endian" | "big endian") '\n'. definition = name ':' type '\n'. name = { LETTER | DIGIT }. type = ( "byte[" INTEGER "]" ) | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | float32 | float64 ``` The name of a definition line can be left empty to ignore that particular value. Portions of the binary file not covered be the file description are ignored. Usage ----- To get values: laymanshex FORMATFILE BINARY To set values: laymanshex -set "key1=value1,key2=value2" FORMATFILE BINARY TODO ---- There is no way to express offset values inside a file yet. Since this is relatively common, I will add it at some point. Also: Repeated data limited by marker or size field.