360 lines
8.5 KiB
360 lines
8.5 KiB
package main
import (
util "git.gutmet.org/go-chart.git/util"
const (
initflag = ".hdiet"
logfile = "weight.txt"
dietfile = "diet.txt"
dateLayout = "2006-01-02"
imgfile = "weightplot.png"
width = 1600
height = 900
type DateFlag struct {
date *time.Time
func (d DateFlag) String() string {
if d.date == nil {
return ""
} else {
return time.Time(*d.date).Format(dateLayout)
func (d *DateFlag) Set(s string) error {
if d == nil {
return errors.New("func (d *DateFlag) Set(s string): d is nil")
val, err := time.Parse(dateLayout, s)
if err == nil {
d.date = &val
return err
func isInitialized() bool {
return goutil.PathExists(initflag)
func errNotInitialized() error {
dir, err := os.Getwd()
if err == nil {
err = errors.New(dir + ": " + "is not an initialized hdiet directory")
return err
func initHdiet(args []string) error {
if !isInitialized() {
return goutil.WriteFile(initflag, "")
return nil
func log(args []string) error {
if !isInitialized() {
return errNotInitialized()
if len(args) != 1 {
return errors.New("log: Please provide weight as argument (floating point number)")
weight, err := strconv.ParseFloat(args[0], 64)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("log: " + err.Error())
date := time.Now().Format(dateLayout)
err = goutil.AppendToFile(logfile, fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%.1f\n", date, weight))
if err != nil {
return err
return show(showFlags{})
type point struct {
date time.Time
weight float64
trend float64
type dateInterval struct {
min time.Time
max time.Time
type yRange struct {
min float64
max float64
func process(file string) ([]point, error) {
weights, err := goutil.ReadFile(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lines := strings.Split(weights, "\n")
trend := 0.0
s := []point{}
for _, line := range lines {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if len(line) == 0 {
splitline := strings.Split(line, "\t")
if len(splitline) < 2 {
return nil, errors.New("process - invalid line in weight file: " + line)
date, _ := time.Parse(dateLayout, splitline[0])
weight, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(splitline[1], 64)
if trend == 0.0 {
trend = weight
} else {
trend = math.Floor((trend+0.1*(weight-trend))*100) / 100
s = append(s, point{date, weight, trend})
return s, nil
type showFlags struct {
from DateFlag
to DateFlag
nodisplay bool
func show(args showFlags) error {
points, err := process(logfile)
if err != nil {
return err
dietpoints, _ := process(dietfile)
var to time.Time
var from time.Time
if args.to.date != nil {
to = *args.to.date
} else {
to = time.Now()
if args.from.date != nil {
from = *args.from.date
} else {
from = to.AddDate(0, 0, -31)
fromTo := dateInterval{from, to}
s1 := timeSeries("weight", chart.ColorCyan)
xRange, yRange1 := addPointsGetRange(&s1, points, fromTo, func(p point) float64 { return p.weight })
s2 := timeSeries("trend", drawing.Color{R: 255, A: 255})
_, yRange2 := addPointsGetRange(&s2, points, xRange, func(p point) float64 { return p.trend })
s3 := timeSeries("diet", drawing.Color{R: 255, G: 211, A: 255})
yRange3 := yRange2
if dietpoints != nil {
_, yRange3 = addPointsGetRange(&s3, dietpoints, xRange, func(p point) float64 { return p.weight })
YRange := yRange{math.Min(math.Min(yRange1.min, yRange2.min), yRange3.min), math.Max(math.Max(yRange1.max, yRange2.max), yRange3.max)}
YRange.min = math.Floor(YRange.min) - 1.0
YRange.max = math.Ceil(YRange.max) + 1.0
graph := graph(xticks(xRange), s1, s2, s3, YRange)
err = writeGraphToFile(graph)
if err != nil {
return err
if args.nodisplay {
return nil
} else {
return openGraphFile()
func showCommand() (goutil.CommandFlagsInit, goutil.CommandFunc) {
sf := showFlags{}
flagsInit := func(s *flag.FlagSet) {
s.Var(&sf.from, "from", "YYYY-MM-DD (optional)")
s.Var(&sf.to, "to", "YYYY-MM-DD (optional)")
s.BoolVar(&sf.nodisplay, "nodisplay", false, "don't display graph image")
return flagsInit, func([]string) error { return show(sf) }
func writeDietFile(from time.Time, initial float64, goal float64, change float64) error {
date := from
weight := initial
s := "#Date\tTarget\n"
s += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%.1f\n", date.Format(dateLayout), weight)
for weight > goal {
date = date.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
weight += change / 7.0
s += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%.3f\n", date.Format(dateLayout), weight)
err := goutil.WriteFile(dietfile, s)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("Wrote to " + dietfile)
return err
func diet([]string) error {
if !isInitialized() {
return errNotInitialized()
fromStr, err := goutil.AskFor("From? (YYYY-MM-DD) [today]")
var from time.Time
if fromStr == "" {
from = time.Now()
} else {
from, err = time.Parse(dateLayout, fromStr)
initial, err := parseFloat(askFor(err, "Initial weight?"))
goal, err := parseFloat(askFor(err, "Goal weight?"))
change, err := parseFloat(askFor(err, "Change per week?"))
if err != nil {
return err
if change == 0 {
return errors.New("change is zero")
if (initial >= goal && change > 0) || (initial <= goal && change < 0) {
change *= -1
return writeDietFile(from, initial, goal, change)
func main() {
commands := []goutil.Command{
goutil.NewCommand("init", initHdiet, "init an hdiet folder"),
goutil.NewCommand("log", log, "log today's weight (given as argument)"),
goutil.NewCommandWithFlags("show", showCommand, "show the trend curve (today's or [from] [to])"),
goutil.NewCommand("calcdiet", diet, "calculate a diet curve"),
err := goutil.Execute(commands)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
func xticks(d dateInterval) []chart.Tick {
ticks := []chart.Tick{}
start := d.min
end := d.max
stepDays := int(end.Sub(start).Hours() / 24 / 10)
if stepDays < 1 {
stepDays = 1
for i := 0; start.AddDate(0, 0, i).Before(end.AddDate(0, 0, stepDays)); i += stepDays {
val := start.AddDate(0, 0, i)
label := val.Format(dateLayout)
ticks = append(ticks, chart.Tick{util.Time.ToFloat64(val), label})
return ticks
func addPointsGetRange(s *chart.TimeSeries, points []point, di dateInterval, project func(point) float64) (dateInterval, yRange) {
XRange := dateInterval{time.Now().AddDate(10000, 0, 0), time.Now().AddDate(-10000, 0, 0)}
YRange := yRange{math.MaxFloat64, -math.MaxFloat64}
for _, p := range points {
if (p.date.After(di.min) || p.date.Equal(di.min)) && (p.date.Before(di.max) || p.date.Equal(di.max)) && !math.IsNaN(project(p)) {
xVal := p.date
s.XValues = append(s.XValues, xVal)
if xVal.Before(XRange.min) {
XRange.min = xVal
if xVal.After(XRange.max) {
XRange.max = xVal
yVal := project(p)
s.YValues = append(s.YValues, yVal)
if yVal < YRange.min {
YRange.min = yVal
if yVal > YRange.max {
YRange.max = yVal
return XRange, YRange
func timeSeries(name string, color drawing.Color) chart.TimeSeries {
return chart.TimeSeries{Name: name, Style: chart.Style{Show: true, StrokeColor: color}}
func graph(xticks []chart.Tick, s1 chart.TimeSeries, s2 chart.TimeSeries, s3 chart.TimeSeries, YRange yRange) chart.Chart {
graph := chart.Chart{
Width: width,
Height: height,
XAxis: chart.XAxis{
Name: "date",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
ValueFormatter: chart.TimeDateValueFormatter,
Ticks: xticks,
YAxis: chart.YAxis{
Name: "kg",
NameStyle: chart.StyleShow(),
Style: chart.StyleShow(),
Range: &chart.ContinuousRange{
Min: YRange.min,
Max: YRange.max,
Background: chart.Style{
Padding: chart.Box{
Top: 20,
Left: 80,
Series: []chart.Series{s1, s2, s3},
graph.Elements = []chart.Renderable{chart.LegendLeft(&graph)}
return graph
func writeGraphToFile(graph chart.Chart) error {
f, err := os.OpenFile(imgfile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
err = graph.Render(chart.PNG, f)
return err
func openGraphFile() error {
return goutil.OpenInDefaultApp(imgfile, false)
func askFor(err error, q string) (string, error) {
if err == nil {
return goutil.AskFor(q)
} else {
return "", err
func parseFloat(s string, err error) (float64, error) {
if err == nil {
return strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
} else {
return 0, err