Nigel Tao 98f3e4e74d vector: make args float32 pairs instead of f32.Vec2.
The f32.Vec2 type doesn't seem worth it.

Change-Id: I021c7e13d7e2dd261334f4aa7e867df4fd8f1c3e
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/32772
Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <crawshaw@golang.org>
2016-11-15 00:52:01 +00:00

209 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vector
// This file contains a floating point math implementation of the vector
// graphics rasterizer.
import (
func floatingMax(x, y float32) float32 {
if x > y {
return x
return y
func floatingMin(x, y float32) float32 {
if x < y {
return x
return y
func floatingFloor(x float32) int32 { return int32(math.Floor(float64(x))) }
func floatingCeil(x float32) int32 { return int32(math.Ceil(float64(x))) }
func (z *Rasterizer) floatingLineTo(bx, by float32) {
ax, ay := z.penX, z.penY
z.penX, z.penY = bx, by
dir := float32(1)
if ay > by {
dir, ax, ay, bx, by = -1, bx, by, ax, ay
// Horizontal line segments yield no change in coverage. Almost horizontal
// segments would yield some change, in ideal math, but the computation
// further below, involving 1 / (by - ay), is unstable in floating point
// math, so we treat the segment as if it was perfectly horizontal.
if by-ay <= 0.000001 {
dxdy := (bx - ax) / (by - ay)
x := ax
y := floatingFloor(ay)
yMax := floatingCeil(by)
if yMax > int32(z.size.Y) {
yMax = int32(z.size.Y)
width := int32(z.size.X)
for ; y < yMax; y++ {
dy := floatingMin(float32(y+1), by) - floatingMax(float32(y), ay)
xNext := x + dy*dxdy
if y < 0 {
x = xNext
buf := z.bufF32[y*width:]
d := dy * dir
x0, x1 := x, xNext
if x > xNext {
x0, x1 = x1, x0
x0i := floatingFloor(x0)
x0Floor := float32(x0i)
x1i := floatingCeil(x1)
x1Ceil := float32(x1i)
if x1i <= x0i+1 {
xmf := 0.5*(x+xNext) - x0Floor
if i := clamp(x0i+0, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d - d*xmf
if i := clamp(x0i+1, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d * xmf
} else {
s := 1 / (x1 - x0)
x0f := x0 - x0Floor
oneMinusX0f := 1 - x0f
a0 := 0.5 * s * oneMinusX0f * oneMinusX0f
x1f := x1 - x1Ceil + 1
am := 0.5 * s * x1f * x1f
if i := clamp(x0i, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d * a0
if x1i == x0i+2 {
if i := clamp(x0i+1, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d * (1 - a0 - am)
} else {
a1 := s * (1.5 - x0f)
if i := clamp(x0i+1, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d * (a1 - a0)
dTimesS := d * s
for xi := x0i + 2; xi < x1i-1; xi++ {
if i := clamp(xi, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += dTimesS
a2 := a1 + s*float32(x1i-x0i-3)
if i := clamp(x1i-1, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d * (1 - a2 - am)
if i := clamp(x1i, width); i < uint(len(buf)) {
buf[i] += d * am
x = xNext
const (
// almost256 scales a floating point value in the range [0, 1] to a uint8
// value in the range [0x00, 0xff].
// 255 is too small. Floating point math accumulates rounding errors, so a
// fully covered src value that would in ideal math be float32(1) might be
// float32(1-ε), and uint8(255 * (1-ε)) would be 0xfe instead of 0xff. The
// uint8 conversion rounds to zero, not to nearest.
// 256 is too big. If we multiplied by 256, below, then a fully covered src
// value of float32(1) would translate to uint8(256 * 1), which can be 0x00
// instead of the maximal value 0xff.
// math.Float32bits(almost256) is 0x437fffff.
almost256 = 255.99998
// almost65536 scales a floating point value in the range [0, 1] to a
// uint16 value in the range [0x0000, 0xffff].
// math.Float32bits(almost65536) is 0x477fffff.
almost65536 = almost256 * 256
func floatingAccumulateOpOver(dst []uint8, src []float32) {
// Sanity check that len(dst) >= len(src).
if len(dst) < len(src) {
acc := float32(0)
for i, v := range src {
acc += v
a := acc
if a < 0 {
a = -a
if a > 1 {
a = 1
// This algorithm comes from the standard library's image/draw package.
dstA := uint32(dst[i]) * 0x101
maskA := uint32(almost65536 * a)
outA := dstA*(0xffff-maskA)/0xffff + maskA
dst[i] = uint8(outA >> 8)
func floatingAccumulateOpSrc(dst []uint8, src []float32) {
// Sanity check that len(dst) >= len(src).
if len(dst) < len(src) {
acc := float32(0)
for i, v := range src {
acc += v
a := acc
if a < 0 {
a = -a
if a > 1 {
a = 1
dst[i] = uint8(almost256 * a)
func floatingAccumulateMask(dst []uint32, src []float32) {
// Sanity check that len(dst) >= len(src).
if len(dst) < len(src) {
acc := float32(0)
for i, v := range src {
acc += v
a := acc
if a < 0 {
a = -a
if a > 1 {
a = 1
dst[i] = uint32(almost65536 * a)