// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package sfnt_test import ( "image" "image/draw" "log" "os" "git.fireandbrimst.one/aw/golang-image/font/gofont/goregular" "git.fireandbrimst.one/aw/golang-image/font/sfnt" "git.fireandbrimst.one/aw/golang-image/math/fixed" "git.fireandbrimst.one/aw/golang-image/vector" ) func Example_rasterizeGlyph() { const ( ppem = 32 width = 24 height = 36 originX = 0 originY = 32 ) f, err := sfnt.Parse(goregular.TTF) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Parse: %v", err) } var b sfnt.Buffer x, err := f.GlyphIndex(&b, 'Ġ') if err != nil { log.Fatalf("GlyphIndex: %v", err) } if x == 0 { log.Fatalf("GlyphIndex: no glyph index found for the rune 'Ġ'") } segments, err := f.LoadGlyph(&b, x, fixed.I(ppem), nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("LoadGlyph: %v", err) } r := vector.NewRasterizer(width, height) r.DrawOp = draw.Src for _, seg := range segments { // The divisions by 64 below is because the seg.Args values have type // fixed.Int26_6, a 26.6 fixed point number, and 1<<6 == 64. switch seg.Op { case sfnt.SegmentOpMoveTo: r.MoveTo( originX+float32(seg.Args[0].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[0].Y)/64, ) case sfnt.SegmentOpLineTo: r.LineTo( originX+float32(seg.Args[0].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[0].Y)/64, ) case sfnt.SegmentOpQuadTo: r.QuadTo( originX+float32(seg.Args[0].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[0].Y)/64, originX+float32(seg.Args[1].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[1].Y)/64, ) case sfnt.SegmentOpCubeTo: r.CubeTo( originX+float32(seg.Args[0].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[0].Y)/64, originX+float32(seg.Args[1].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[1].Y)/64, originX+float32(seg.Args[2].X)/64, originY+float32(seg.Args[2].Y)/64, ) } } dst := image.NewAlpha(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height)) r.Draw(dst, dst.Bounds(), image.Opaque, image.Point{}) const asciiArt = ".++8" buf := make([]byte, 0, height*(width+1)) for y := 0; y < height; y++ { for x := 0; x < width; x++ { a := dst.AlphaAt(x, y).A buf = append(buf, asciiArt[a>>6]) } buf = append(buf, '\n') } os.Stdout.Write(buf) // Output: // ........................ // ........................ // ........................ // ............888......... // ............888......... // ............888......... // ............+++......... // ........................ // ..........+++++++++..... // .......+8888888888888+.. // ......8888888888888888.. // ....+8888+........++88.. // ....8888................ // ...8888................. // ..+888+................. // ..+888.................. // ..888+.................. // .+888+.................. // .+888................... // .+888................... // .+888................... // .+888..........+++++++.. // .+888..........8888888.. // .+888+.........+++8888.. // ..888+............+888.. // ..8888............+888.. // ..+888+...........+888.. // ...8888+..........+888.. // ...+8888+.........+888.. // ....+88888+.......+888.. // .....+8888888888888888.. // .......+888888888888++.. // ..........++++++++...... // ........................ // ........................ // ........................ }